How to ask for forgiveness on Forgiveness Sunday. Forgiveness Sunday: what not to do, how to ask for forgiveness and how to congratulate you on the holiday

Why is it so important for a person to forgive, even when the offense seems too deep? Who do we help first of all with forgiveness: ourselves or those we have forgiven? Forgiveness Sunday is a special day, not even a holiday, but an event dedicated to every believer. A Christian must know how to ask for forgiveness on Forgiveness Sunday and how to answer, from whom exactly and why it is so important for ordinary people.

The Importance of Forgiveness

Those who have studied the covenants and the Gospel never tire of being amazed at the kindness and warmth of the Savior. How could he forgive the insults inflicted, sometimes even fatal ones, forgave all people, even his own executioners and the one who sentenced Christ to execution. Forgive me sincerely and asked my students to do the same. Why is this so important? Having asked forgiveness from an enemy or an offended relative, colleague, partner or children, people try to convey their feelings in prose, they open up as much as possible, making it clear that they are truly sorry.

Many may disagree with . Like, if you forgive everyone, then nothing good will come of it, because there are grievances that cannot be forgiven. For example, betrayal. Not necessary we're talking about about some crimes. The most difficult thing is to forgive betrayal, to survive betrayal, especially from loved ones, whom people sometimes trust unlimitedly. How to forget the grievances experienced; is the word “forgive” enough? And who will benefit from this?

The Church believes that the burden of grievances torments both sides. And the offended person, who constantly worries about what happened and torments himself, trying to find the reasons for what happened, is angry with the offender, wishes him bad things. And the situation is not forgotten. The offender also suffers. He is worried about his conscience, yes, some people don’t have it, such people can sell their own mothers and pass by. But most still have a feeling of guilt, and then it will not let you sleep. The offender is oppressed by this feeling; he constantly wants to correct the mistake he has made, but how? This applies specifically to serious grievances when the parties for a long time can't make peace.

Forgiveness Sunday, which will take place on February 26, provides a chance for all people, no matter whether they are Christians or Muslims, atheists or those who have not yet decided on their faith, to purify themselves. A load of guilt or a load of resentment prevents people from living in peace and harmony; by forgiving the offender, a person cleanses his own soul and helps another. Therefore, it is important and necessary to forgive, first of all, for yourself.

How to express forgiveness?

Choosing the right words so that a person understands and accepts repentance is also important. You cannot say: “Oh, I’m sorry,” an apology according to the church is not a sincere desire for forgiveness; it can be uttered if you accidentally push a person or make a mistake. To sincerely repent and convey your feelings, you can say: “Please, I beg you, forgive me.” Be sure to speak out loud, in prose, so that the interlocutor sees sincerity and good intentions.

Should I list all my mistakes and sins? No. Everyone remembers what they did wrong and to whom exactly. A request for forgiveness is when the person himself understands that he is to blame and sincerely wants to be forgiven, accepted with his mistakes, perhaps given a chance for correction. And an apology is an admission that what happened was a simple accident, for which the person asking is not to blame. You can come up with beautiful ones.

Who should I contact?

To everyone, because sometimes with a careless word or by action we can offend close friend, or a friend, colleague, relatives. It happens that the person to whom you need to apologize in prose is far away, then call. You can’t just unsubscribe, it’s important that he listens and accepts repentance. Start with your parents, then all your relatives, colleagues, then your acquaintances and friends. You can simply say: “Please forgive me for all the offenses caused to you by me.” Perhaps you yourself don’t remember what happened, but you feel some kind of guilt about yourself. It is important to remain sincere and not rush. You can’t just blurt out “I’m sorry” and run away, leave a note or write a whole letter in prose.

Previously, people came to the cemetery to talk with deceased relatives, friends, acquaintances and loved ones. Ask for forgiveness, sincerely repent. Yes, people have already crossed the line, physically they are already far away, but the soul is immortal in Christianity, and it is ready to listen. Nowadays this is not often practiced, but it is worth remembering the dead. After all, it’s more difficult to apologize to them; they may hear, but how will they respond?

Grievances can be minor, everyday ones, for which it is also easy to ask for forgiveness. There are averages when the offended person himself admits that the situation has happened and now it needs to be corrected. Both are to blame, and if one comes asking for sincere forgiveness, you can forget mutual grievances. There are difficult situations when it is really sometimes impossible to forgive. Perhaps such resentment will resolve, but not immediately. It will play a role here how sincerely the offender repents and how much strength the offended person will need to forgive.

How to forgive?

Yes, this question also torments people. After all, “I forgive” is not enough, it’s just a word. It is important to let go of the situation, to let the offense go, so that later it is possible to improve the relationship or simply remember the former offender calmly. Even if not all of your offenders come or call, you need to forgive them. Which is correct? People respond to requests: “ God will forgive, and I forgive all the more.” Inside, wishing well, let go. This means never remembering what happened, not mentioning somewhere in conversations: “I forgave him, of course, but he’s such a bastard...” this is not considered forgiveness.

Not everyone is ready to sincerely forgive now. Sometimes the offense is so serious that it is impossible to realize, accept, and then let go of the situation right away. It is important here, if the offender does come, to honestly say: “God will forgive, but I will try.” And if you still have a desire in your soul to forgive, pray, ask the priests for advice, ask the Almighty for strength. After all, forgiveness will give you the opportunity to move on.

Also, if they are not ready to forgive you now, and you see this, do not be upset. The main thing is that you have taken steps, perhaps the person will need time, sometimes long and someday the desired forgiveness will come.

What is considered wrong

Forgiveness Sunday cannot be taken lightly. If you don't like the event, it's better to just skip it after listening to everyone who comes to ask for forgiveness. Even the worst enemies should not be insulted with disdain or jokes; people come sincerely and open their souls. And if one does not take their impulse seriously, then this will, first of all, work against the joker.

Lie. Lying is generally considered a sin; it is in one of the commandments. Therefore, when you are not ready to forgive a person now, it is better to honestly admit it. Approach delicately, say first: “God will forgive,” and about yourself you can add: “I’m not ready yet, but I’ll try, thank you for coming.” Don’t falsely say “I forgive” when resentment will live in your soul for a long time. If you lie, you will first of all deceive yourself.

Do not allow rudeness or insults, even if you arrive at the door worst enemy. Situations are really different and sometimes resentment simply does not provide the opportunity for forgiveness. But anyone, even the worst criminal, has the right to be heard. Therefore, greet everyone calmly and be honest.

Age is not important - Forgiveness Sunday applies to everyone, sometimes children, even small ones, sincerely ask for forgiveness. They should be listened to carefully and answered like adults. This will help them realize that they are a full part of what is happening and feel the importance.

Force forgiveness. Sometimes it is very difficult to come for forgiveness and some may not be able to bear the refusal when a person is not ready to say “I forgive”. You can’t force him, beg him, or even more so, threaten him. The step taken is important, the request is important. And it is important that you are listened to. Yes, the offended person may not be able to forgive now, but accept his honesty.

And after a while, come again. You don’t have to wait for the next Forgiveness Sunday, if forgiveness is really important, take steps and make it clear that you care about the person’s opinion. The water is little by little, but it wears away the stone. Take an example.

Poems for Forgiveness Sunday to ask for forgiveness

Forgive me and I forgive you,
I forgive you, I hug you,
Forgive me and I forgive you
I forgive you for everything!
Forgive me and don't be silent
Forget about all the sorrows
I forgive all your sins
And I don’t notice evil!

U higher powers today I forgave forgiveness,
My words are not honey, my actions are not stew,
Let your thoughts be pure and your hearts pure,
Let anger fly away from the heart like a fly, like a wasp,
And the light will illuminate your heart with magical kindness,
May the blessing of love be with you again!

* * *
We give tenderness to each other and forgive words,
May spring once again cover the field with daisies,
May love give joy and peace to the soul,
Happy new spring happiness on any floor
The morning will be joyful and the dawn will be sweet,
Don’t hold evil in your heart - and your success will come,
May your thoughts, dreams and deeds be pure,
Know that we believe and love, we always forgive!

* * *
May the spring be joyful and warm,
Forgiveness swept away boredom with a broom,
May there be a clear dawn and a beautiful sunset,
Snowfall will replace your soul,
I wish you not to hold evil in your heart,
Don't be afraid to ask for forgiveness and forgive,
Start a new day like a clean slate
What a gentle whisper of love and delight!

* * *
Farewell to winter is like a caress promise,
Forgiving others is almost a confession of love,
The beginning of a new life, the light of wisdom, love,
Good luck and patience, warmth and kindness,
Let a kind word be as beautiful as day,
A beautiful lilac blossoms in my heart,
Let a beautiful song flow under the window,
And let a silver stream knock on your house!

* * *
The tenderness of lilac, the fluffiness of mimosa,
Gives forgiveness to you in the cold
Affection, love and peace of mind,
Happiness that is only with you,
Loads of grievances dissolve into the night,
The heart rejoices with joy very much,
Tenderness will give you sweet coffee,
The joy of friends, affection, like a ginger cat!

* * *
The burden of grievances burns away in the night,
In SMS with words of forgiveness,
The dawn of kindness is coming,
Tender, sweet, like a jar of jam,
Let the flowers of kindness and love,
Mimosa will bloom in your heart,
We wish you a sweet dream,
Delighted as the scent of a rose!

* * *
The joy of forgiveness is like a diamond,
Gives love, inspiration and sweetness,
The bitterness of resentment will melt like poison,
As the haze melts, and there is joy in the soul,
Let the light of spring days fill your hearts,
And gives smiles of love and fun,
Let your soul not cry, it’s time to rejoice,
But just don’t cry from the grief of a hangover!

* * *
This is how tenderness comes. The caresses of spring
Let soft silken dreams come,
Let the grievances of the past melt forever,
You will think about all the good things,
Don't be angry with the weak, don't hold a grudge,
Try to believe even sweet lies,
Let tenderness awaken joyfully in the hearts,
Let the image on your lips become beautiful!

* * *
Quickly throw the heavy load of grievances off your shoulders,
Stop laughing at trivial encounters
Let your soul bloom like a beautiful rose,
Let the resentment go away, simply, without a penny,
Rejoice in good luck, give flowers,
To everyone whom only you forgive in your heart,
May luck give you the light of spring,
Let love beckon you into a fairy tale of kindness!

* * *
Angelic tenderness light up your heart!
Let there be no bitterness of resentment in your heart,
Let the flowers give March a bright day,
Let laziness attack evil barbs!
Forgive your insults, everyone will forgive you,
Let a thunderstorm sparkle in the night,
Let the pink dawn give flowers,
The joys of communication and beautiful light!

* * *
Let roses bloom in the soul, tulips bloom in the heart,
Forgive others and they will forgive you everything, even insults, jealousy and deceptions,
Nothing lasts forever in the world on earth and God will answer everyone for their actions,
And may love, the queen on earth, stay in your heart for more than a day!

* * *
Kindness is like May flowers,
Gives tenderness, light, love, patience,
Don’t carry the burden of grievances with you,
Into the world of love, like passion, regret,
Let the ocean give the night,
A lot of happiness, a blank sheet of paper,
Don't believe that malice is a deception,
It will turn out to be a wonderful blessing for them!

* * *
Tenderness is light, a haze of kindness,
Let him erase the grudges in your heart,
I wish fidelity, love,
And overcome grievances with patience,
Let the star of tenderness shine,
Among tears, grievances and sad songs,
Kindness always wins
May peace be eternal in the heart of man!

* * *
Cherry light is beautiful, like magic,
It is pure, like our attitude towards grievances,
He's like a snowflake of light at Christmas,
Forgiveness will give you naively!
Thoughts and deeds are pure, like children,
Let's make peace with our neighbors forever,
May life not give you everything you have,
After all, the life of all people is not eternal!

* * *
A new day gives you joy and happiness,
Let a harsh fast come ahead,
Let purity in the soul, like lilacs in a meadow,
Will cross the border of the hearts of loved ones,
Let there be kindness and purity,
And it feels good in the soul, like in the south,
Let kindness always win,
Appreciate and take care of each other.

* * *
May he give the last resurrection,
Tender forgiveness to you and others,
Lots of happiness, gentle light of spring,
Lots of joy, happiness, kindness,
May you be affectionate again
Start over again, so easy
Say “Sorry” and forgive each other again,
When someone is suddenly unlucky!

Today Orthodox Christians celebrate Forgiveness Sunday. Immediately after it, on Monday, it begins Lent- it, in turn, continues until Easter on April 8.

Forgiveness Sunday means the last day of Maslenitsa. In turn, Maslenitsa week precedes Lent. To get required dates, you need to subtract 48 days of fasting from Easter, and the day before the beginning is Forgiveness Sunday. Easter in 2018 is celebrated on April 8. Thus, Forgiveness Sunday 2018 falls on February 18th.

What kind of holiday is this

Forgiveness Sunday is a day on which you need to let go of all grievances, improve relationships with family, friends and acquaintances, colleagues, neighbors and other people. It is necessary to resolve all conflicts.

This is a day of spiritual cleansing, preparation for Lent. Therefore, on Forgiveness Sunday it is strictly forbidden to:

To refuse forgiveness to anyone who asks for forgiveness is a great sin,
think about bad things
enter into conflicts with someone, get angry, quarrel and be indignant,
engage in physical labor: in particular, cleaning and washing. Exceptions include cooking and caring for pets.
eat meat (basically, from meat products should have been on the first day of Maslenitsa), and also got drunk,
leave food out in the evening
go to bed late, because after midnight Lent begins.

All this is needed in order to prepare for Lent, to cleanse your soul of negative thoughts and emotions.

Forgiveness Sunday: what to do

On this day you need to try to be as sincere as possible. If some words have long been asked to be spoken to your loved ones, then it is on the last day of Maslenitsa that they need to be said.

On Forgiveness Sunday, you should definitely try to go to church services. This is a special day for Orthodox Christians because the Sermon on the Mount is read in churches, and during the service the priest asks for forgiveness from his parishioners.

And, of course, ask for forgiveness from your family and friends yourself. To do this, you don’t need to list your sins and grievances, but just say: “Forgive me!”

At the same time, on Forgiveness Day they ask for forgiveness not only from the living, but also from deceased friends and relatives. It is enough to do this mentally, praying for the repose of their soul. On the evening of Forgiveness Sunday, it was even customary for the Slavs to go to the cemetery to remember the dead and say goodbye to deceased relatives. It was believed that on this day they “feasted” with their loved ones on Maslenitsa.

Also on this day there is a tradition of going to the bathhouse (in the modern version - taking a bath or shower) to wash away all sins, including those accumulated during Maslenitsa festivities, because they are sometimes accompanied by excesses.

Forgiveness Sunday: what you can eat

On the last day of Maslenitsa, it is customary for the whole family to gather at the table. It is worth noting that in the old days they sat down at the table 7 times - according to the number of days of the Maslenitsa week. Moreover, believers have a special menu on this day:

Breakfast - pancakes;
lunch - pancakes and dairy products: cottage cheese, cheese, butter, sour cream, etc. You can serve dishes of fish, vegetables and eggs. But you can no longer eat meat;
dinner: according to tradition, scrambled eggs were served last on the evening of Forgiveness Sunday. Why was this dish served last on the table on Forgiveness Sunday? This is how housewives found a use for the eggs and milk left over from making pancakes.

On Monday, it was no longer possible to eat leftover food, so everything that was left from food on Sunday evening was burned or fed to domestic animals. If you don't have pets, you can feed the homeless.

History of Forgiveness Sunday

It is believed that the origins of Forgiveness Sunday lie in the traditions of Egyptian monks. Every year, one by one, they went into the desert for 40 days to strengthen their faith and stay away from earthly temptations. Before leaving, they asked forgiveness from their loved ones, since they might not return back from the desert due to any dangers.

Forgiveness Sunday is also called the day of Adam's expulsion. It is believed that one of the main reasons for expulsion from Paradise was that Adam refused to admit to committing a sin. The Bible says that a person who does not forgive other people and does not ask for forgiveness himself will not receive God's forgiveness.

Congratulations on Forgiveness Sunday
Today I will ask everyone for forgiveness
For phrases, actions, my behavior.
And if you keep a grudge in your soul,
Please forgive me for this insult!
And may souls be purified on this day,
After all, no one needs litter in this life.
May God forgive us all our sins.
I wish that He saves everyone from troubles!

The bright holiday has arrived!
This Sunday
Before God you have
I'm sorry.
Let's forget all the bad things
And we'll leave behind
Let only bright moments
They are waiting on the path of life!

I'm sorry for everything
How could I offend you?
May God forgive, as they say.
Excuse me now.
I forgive you for all the years,
I don't hold grudges
And if you forgive me,
I’ll say “thank you” to you!

Happy Forgiveness Sunday
All grievances go away.
Forgive me today.
I'll forgive. We'll be even.
May spring warm you
This day is so good
And luck, happiness, joy
They'll come and surprise you in no time!

In a bright moment and hour of forgiveness
With the help of the Lord
I ask you to forget the grievances
Becoming freer from sins.
Let a ray of God's Grace
Will disperse the clouds in the soul
And all of us sinners in the world
It will teach you to love and forgive.

How to ask for forgiveness on Forgiveness Sunday? How to answer? What is Forgiveness Sunday? For what? And many other questions arise for every sane person who thinks about the soul.

Forgiveness Sunday is the moment that precedes... Before the course of the Great Pentecost begins, you need to understand where it starts.

Make peace with everyone!

The fact is that we must, first of all, make peace with everyone, since fasting is not only the fact that a person does not eat a certain type of food, it is also spiritual work. Therefore, first of all, where it would be not only logical to start, but optimally, is to ask everyone for forgiveness. As a matter of fact, start approaching Easter, as they say, from this starting point, exactly as it should.

Only God can forgive sins!

This is not so much a formal side as it has deep meaning. Because, first of all, if we hold grudges against someone, we sin, and only God can forgive sins. Therefore, the first component is - God will forgive.

Asking for forgiveness is an expression of personal humility !

Forgive me is an expression of personal humility. After all, how difficult it can be to simply ask for forgiveness. Take this step, simply step over your, your vanity. Moreover, the understanding that you need to pacify your sins, or better yet, repent of them (read and apply the article “”), is present, but, alas, there is no determination to do this.

And here the church gives such a chance so that we can finally overcome our pride and reconcile. Maybe, in many ways, justifying myself by the fact that everyone does it, well, okay, I’ll do it at the same time. Because it’s impossible to take this step on your own, but in this particular case, I’m like everyone else.

Perhaps there is not enough willpower, perhaps some kind of resentment or rancor is getting in the way: someone did something, but it’s hard to forgive. Or the resentment extends so far that perhaps they have already forgotten the reason, how and where it all began, what it leads to, and have become involved, so to speak, in the process itself. Be that as it may, this message (Forgiveness Sunday) leads to the beginning of Lent in the world.

Those who do not want to ask for forgiveness will always seek out and cling to any word, to the construction of a phrase, just to avoid being in the role of the one asking. Moreover, they themselves understand perfectly well what they are doing, that there is no need to do it this way, but here, as they say, “it’s gone.” And they will turn it around so that others will feel guilty, so that they ask for forgiveness, in order to somehow lift themselves higher again.

You always need to make peace with everyone!

To the question: why? – a person is unlikely to answer himself. It’s just something like this, based on character, on current circumstances, because a person is not yet fully and meaningfully a Christian, well, because that’s how it happened. And the fact that the norm in life is for a believer, this is not only something that must be done on Forgiveness Sunday, one must always make peace with everyone.

For some reason, there is an opinion among our people that it is necessary to ask for forgiveness and forgive a person only before death. However, one should not look at this so narrowly important point. Of course, before death this is important and must be done with all people, this goes without saying, but this is not the only option when this action must be performed.

Peace be with you!

In more than one place in the Gospel, especially in the Sunday Gospel, one phrase appears very often, which Christ says after the Resurrection to his disciples: “Peace be with you!” It is repeated repeatedly, and it is unobtrusive, but this is exactly what is the basis of relationships between people. We need to reconcile.

Of course, it’s easier to move down to the level kindergarten: He was the first to start, let him be the first to ask for forgiveness. The fact is that since we are adults after all, we need to understand that the one who took the first step toward reconciliation is right before God, the one who fulfilled the Lord’s commandment and preserved peace.

As the Chinese say: “The greatest victory is victory over yourself.” So, in this case, it’s the same struggle, you need to defeat yourself, your pride, your vanity, step over it and come, show humility, at least once a year. And it seems that not in a forced manner, but really with the understanding that to live like this is not just inconvenient, not just difficult, even to some extent anti-Christian - not to live in peace. This, in fact, is why Forgiveness Sunday exists.

Both humble themselves: both the one asking and the one who forgives!

There is one more peculiar detail: both humble themselves – the one who asks for forgiveness and the one who forgives. After all, how much strength does it take to even squeeze out of yourself: “Forgive me for Christ’s sake!”, i.e. Do it for God's sake, not for my sake, do it for God's sake. “God forgive me, forgive me!” - reciprocal humility. And how hard it is to humble yourself, but here it’s mutual - both sides humble themselves in front of each other. And at this moment they are Orthodox Christians!

Learn to correctly ask for forgiveness on Forgiveness Sunday and respond correctly, having an internal response to the request for forgiveness and the need to be forgiven! For the sake of God and your soul!

Yulia Sergeevna Vinokurova and Archpriest Vladimir

Forgiveness Day Maslenitsa ends a week of festivities with eating pancakes (the housewives definitely read ours) before the start, which will continue until. So read on important information about Forgiveness Day 2018.

Forgiveness Sunday 2018: number and date

Answering the question from our readers about what year, we inform you: Forgiveness day in 2018 falls on February 18th. An important fact on this day is how to ask for forgiveness. Therefore, we consider it necessary to outline some points.

Forgiveness is asked with the following words: “Please forgive me if I am guilty of anything before you,” the answer should be: “God will forgive.” The main thing is that it be sincere, from the bottom of my heart. In churches during the liturgy the Gospel is read with part of Sermon on the Mount, which talks about forgiveness of insults to neighbors, because this is the only way to receive forgiveness of sins from the Heavenly Father. The church service ends with mutual requests for forgiveness and then you can join. We also need to remember about the cheese week in 2018. This is the name given to the last week before Lent, when they stop consuming dairy products, meat, fish and eggs.

Forgiveness Sunday Forgiveness: what not to do

Forgive us, and God will forgive,
Will cheer you up.
Let's get rid of grudges
On the day of general forgiveness.

Let spring sing in your soul,
And the joy only multiplies.
Let the bells ring
But the heart is not worried.

I'm not shy at all
Ask for forgiveness,
After all, if there is no resentment
It's easier to live in the world.

Everyone this Sunday
The Lord commanded to forgive
Do good and light
To illuminate our life.

And if you suddenly offend
It happened to me you
I will sincerely say:
"Sorry, forgive me"

On the day of forgiveness, on Sunday,
They ask for souls to be cleansed.
I ask you to forgive me
And don’t accumulate resentment.

Congratulations to everyone,
I sincerely forgive everyone.
This day from let's meet with love,
Let it be clean and bright.

I sincerely apologize
For all the grievances that sometimes
In everyday life I applied,
Having no evil in my soul.

I sincerely apologize
For all the intentional evil,
For everything that hurt your heart
And it brought grief.

May our souls not suffer
Under the weight of petty grievances,
Forgive me as I forgive
And may the Lord forgive us all.

Everyone needs to be forgiven today
AND let go of grievances,
So that it’s easy and with a pure heart
We could give love.

If there was anything bad,
We need to forget about everything.
And in harmony and peace
Then we will all live.

Let it be filled with love
Your heart is overflowing,
Your life will be similar
To a wonderful, kind paradise.

I want to apologize to you:
Sorry for the disappointments of the past days.
May the day of Forgiveness bring peace to hearts,
So that our souls become brighter,

So that there is less evil and sadness in the world,
So that we can look forward with ease,
Let's let go of old grievances.
Today God is calling us all to forgiveness.

May God forgive us our sins,
And will save souls from defilement,
From all bad thoughts,
To guide you on the right path!

I ask for forgiveness today
After all, there is repentance in my heart,
I hope this Sunday
Everyone will forgive me for my actions!

After which Lent begins, preceding Easter. Following Orthodox canons, on this day you should visit the church for confession, and also ask for forgiveness from your family, friends, neighbors and colleagues for grievances caused voluntarily or unwittingly. In ancient times, when traditions were sacredly revered among the people, every believer knew how to behave correctly on Forgiveness Sunday, how to respond to “I’m sorry.” Today, in an attempt to return to spiritual origins, we have to rediscover lost knowledge.

How did the tradition of mutual repentance begin?

According to religious scriptures, in ancient times there was a custom, in obedience to which, at the beginning of Lent, monks, one by one, went into the desert for forty long days. At this time, they not only observed food restrictions, but also indulged in prayers, preparing for the Day of the Resurrection of Christ. Not everyone was destined to return to their monastery - some died from cold and hunger, others became victims of wild animals. Realizing this, the holy fathers, before setting off on a journey, asked each other for forgiveness for possible sins.

Their words were quiet and sincere, exactly as if this was the last dying repentance. Over time, a tradition arose in Christianity to celebrate Forgiveness Sunday in a special way. Everyone can decide for themselves how to respond to “I’m sorry.” The main thing is that the words come from the depths of the soul, are pronounced from pure heart. The usual answer, prescribed in church statutes, is: “God will forgive, and you forgive me.”

Maslenitsa festivities - a tribute to pagan customs

When did the merger of pagan Maslenitsa and Christian take place? Cheese week, is not known for certain. But the church disapproves of wide celebrations with songs and dances, burning effigies, jumping over lit fires. Often on the last day of Maslenitsa, oral and poetic wishes for health, prosperity, and a satisfying life are heard. How to respond to congratulations? Forgiveness Sunday, although it coincides with the culminating day of pagan Maslenitsa, has nothing to do with it. Therefore, you can politely wish the person who congratulated you all the best and ask for his forgiveness.

It doesn’t matter how closely you know him or what kind of relationship you have. It is easy to repent before family and friends, as Christian covenants say; to bow one’s head before the enemy is an act of humility pleasing to God.

How Forgiveness Sunday is celebrated by the church

Throughout the Raw Week, Christians must prepare for Lent, gradually renouncing worldly joys and entertainment. During this period, it is recommended to behave with dignity, asking for forgiveness and letting go of grievances to your neighbors. Only after cleansing the soul of passions, thirst for revenge, and anger towards other people can one begin the sacraments of Lent.

On the last day of Cheese Week, special liturgies are celebrated in churches, and then the clergyman comes down from the dais to ask forgiveness from his parishioners. People who come to the service bring repentance to the priest and to each other, with faith in the grace of God and hope for the eradication of all hostility. When someone comes to you asking for forgiveness of grievances, what is the correct response? On Forgiveness Sunday, you are allowed to say any phrases prompted by your heart. The main thing here is sincerity, openness and friendliness.

How the rite of reconciliation was performed in the old days

Obviously, this custom is based on the need for spiritual cleansing prescribed by the church on the eve of Lent. You can often hear the question: on Forgiveness Sunday, how to respond to forgiveness? To give a comprehensive answer, let's turn to ancient sources.

In the literature of the 18th-19th centuries one can find a description of this good Christian tradition. Before the evening dawn faded in Russian villages, people walked from house to house, asking for forgiveness from their enemies or those whom they especially often offended. Entering the upper room, the guest humbly uttered words of repentance to the hosts and with humility in his soul in a quiet voice.

This action took place in the evening on Forgiveness Sunday. The owner decided for himself how to respond to the request, but usually the words were uttered: “God will forgive, and you forgive me.” After this, the reconciled enemies kissed each other on the mouth, bowed and crossed themselves as a sign of mutual forgiveness of grievances.

How to spend the last day before Lent?

The Church does not recommend holding large feasts on Forgiveness Sunday, much less drinking alcoholic beverages. Guests on this day are greeted with pies or pancakes with cottage cheese, honey, jam, and sour cream. Meat dishes already banned, as in all Maslenitsa week. At sunset, everything is cleared from the table, and the so-called conspiracy begins.

Believers usually go to church, where during the evening service chapters of the Gospel are read and the traditional rite of reconciliation and repentance is performed. Getting angry, making a row, behaving rudely and pompously - these actions, of course, are unacceptable on any day, and even more so on Forgiveness Sunday. We already know how to respond to “sorry.” You can also say the words: “God will forgive, and I forgive.”

Cleansing the soul and body

By folk customs On the last Maslenitsa day, it was customary to go to the bathhouse in order to cleanse oneself of moral sins and wash away bodily dirt. Drive away from yourself negative thoughts, bad memories, do not enter into conflicts, forgive all the insults and insults that disturb your soul. These are the basic rules of behavior on Forgiveness Sunday. A kind heart and a bright mind will tell you how to respond to “I’m sorry.” The Gospel of Matthew says: “...if you do not forgive people their sins, then our Heavenly Father will not forgive you your sins.”