We are celebrating Maslenitsa. Development of the holiday "Broad Maslenitsa"

Topic " Wide Maslenitsa»

Goal: introducing schoolchildren to the customs and traditions of the Russian people.


Instilling interest in studying elements of Russian folk culture;

Development of dexterity and ingenuity;

Promote development creative potential students;

Education in students careful attitude to preserve the traditions and customs of the Russian people;

Student health improvement

Progress of the event

Hello dear guests, nice and welcome guests! Today we celebrate Maslenitsa, say goodbye to winter, and usher in spring!

Rusovoloska Good Maslenitsa
Walks all week with all his heart!
Bakes pancakes, pancakes, crumpets,
Ruddy as the sun. Nice!
The holiday is famous for its merry round dance,
All honest people sing and laugh.
Maslena the beauty welcomes spring.
Goodbye winter, see you in a year

In pagan times, Maslenitsa was associated with seeing off winter and welcoming spring. Spring was perceived as the beginning of a new life. Moreover, it was celebrated on the day of the spring solstice.

After the adoption of Christianity, Maslenitsa began to precede Lent before the celebration of Easter.

Read the proverb: “At least pawn everything from yourself, but celebrate Maslenitsa.” What was this connected with? (Slide 2)

And this was due to the fact that in Rus' Maslenitsa was also a New Year’s Eve, because the year began in March. And we all know how New Year when you meet him, you will see him through. No one wanted to live in boredom and need all year, that’s why Maslenitsa was riotous and fun.

Maslenitsa has many different names. Which ones do you know? (Slide 3)

Maslenitsa, Maslenitsa, Pancake Week, Broad Maslenitsa, Cheese Week, Cheese Maslenitsa, Cheese Week, Ate, Obeduha, Boyarynya - Maslenitsa, Pancake Eater, Ruiner, Broad Maslenitsa, Gluttonous, Revelry, Honest, Merry Maslenitsa.

Maslenitsa was celebrated for a whole week, and every day was celebrated in a special way.

(Slide 4)Monday – meeting . On Monday we celebrated Maslenitsa. On this day, they made a stuffed Winter from straw, put old women's clothes on it and drove it on a sleigh around the village, singing. Then the stuffed animal was placed on snowy mountain, where sledding began. Skiing down the mountains is not just fun, but an ancient ritual, because it was believed that the one who slides down the mountain more times will have higher flax.

Morning... MONDAY... The "MEETING" is coming.
Bright sleds slide down the hills.
All day fun. Evening is coming...
Having skated to their heart's content, they eat all the pancakes.

(Slide 5) Let's celebrate Maslenitsa with a cheerful round dance. (Students dance in a circle while saying sentences)

Dear Maslenitsa is coming,
Our annual guest,
Yes, on painted sleighs,
Yes, on black horses,
Maslenitsa lives for seven days,
Stay for seven years.

(Slide 6) From Monday, rich people started baking pancakes. Poor people started baking only on Thursday or Friday.

Why were pancakes the main dish for Maslenitsa?

For the Slavs, the pancake was a symbol of the sun, which was entering into its possession.

(Slide 7)Tuesday - flirt

“PLAYING” carefree is a joy for TUESDAY.
Everyone went out for a walk and frolic, as one!
Games and fun, and for them - a reward:
A rich and golden Pancake week pancake!

(Slide 8) In the morning, young girls were invited to sled on the mountains, eat pancakes, girls' swings were arranged, horse rides were arranged, and snow towns were erected.

The most favorite thing to do on Maslenitsa is to ride on boards filled with water and frozen in the cold. The roots were replaced by sleds and sleds. For skating, a reel of thick logs and poles was built on a steep bank. Such a reel had a “run” (“run”) of up to three hundred meters, so that the skating experience would take your breath away.

Children and adults rode on regular sleds, on chunks (a sled with a chair), on goats or skates, or trumpets (a sled with a railing and a steering wheel - a skate on a board so that it could be controlled). The kids rode on ice boats (ladeykas) - this is a small board, pointed in front and hollowed out like a trough. Even children rode on sheaves of straw and on old calf skins in whole crews and groups.

Relay race "Skating from the mountain"

Guys, now we're going down the hill. The first team member runs to our “sleigh” (hoop), takes it and runs to the team. The second participant gets into the “sleigh” and together they run down the mountain. The first player gets out of the “sleigh”, and the second runs to the next participant. The team that rolls over all the guys the fastest wins.

Relay "Hoop":

Guys, now we will test your dexterity. On command, the first player runs to the hoop, climbs through and comes back, passing the baton to the next player.

Relay race "Tug of war".

(Slide 9)The third day of Maslenitsa - “gourmet” On this day, people feasted on pancakes and other Maslenitsa dishes. Pancakes were baked in an endless variety: wheat, barley, oat, buckwheat, from unleavened and sour dough.

People used to say: “A pancake is not a wedge, it won’t split your belly.”

Mothers-in-law invited their sons-in-law to pancakes for “gourmet treats,” and invited all their relatives to entertain their beloved son-in-law.

“Guess what the pancake is with” Participants are invited to try the pancakes and guess what they contain.

(Slide 10) The fourth day of Maslenitsa - “Broad Thursday” " - "revelry, fracture"

This day was the middle of the butter feast: three days behind, three days ahead. On this day they walked from morning to evening, danced, danced in circles, sang ditties.

The newlyweds were put in a sleigh and brought down the mountain and forced to kiss in front of everyone. If anyone refused, they pushed them into the snow and covered them up to their necks...

On Thursday, the “narrow” Maslenitsa ended and the “wide” one began. It was from this day that the general celebration of Maslenitsa began.

All residents of villages and villages organized round dances, booths, fun games and feasts. On the same day fist fights. . Sometimes special fur mittens and thick hats were worn for combat to prevent opponents from injuring each other in the heat of battle.

In the old days there were three types of fist fights:

one-on-one combat (or “one-on-one”);

– “wall to wall” (often in such a battle they fought street against street or village against village). According to the old saying, whose village wins, the harvest will be greater;

-“coupling - dumping” (everyone chose an opponent according to their strength and did not retreat until complete victory, after which they “coupled” into battle with the other).

1. Ditties . Each team is given ditties and the students perform them.

I sewed a dress from cabbage,
Finished with cucumber.
Got angry, ate the dress,
What have I done?

I danced with 3 legs
Lost my boots
I looked back
My boots are lying there.

I rode on Maslenka,
Three sleighs were broken.
Crow tortured the horse
And he rolled up the cutie!

The godfather had a sister
She's a master at baking pancakes.

I baked six piles of them
Seven can't eat them.

Four sat down at the table
Give my darling space.
We looked at each other...
And everyone ate pancakes!

My friend and I were walking
They stuck cheese on the mountain
They covered everything with pancakes,
They poured oil on top!

The red sun has set
We return to the village.

2 . "Cockfight" Two students stand in a circle with one leg bent and their hands behind their backs and try to push each other out of the circle.

3. "Crossing" Ice pieces are drawn on the floor, the team must walk on them. Whose team crosses faster wins.

(Slide 11) Fifth day of Maslenitsa - mother-in-law evening - guest day

They used to say: “Even though mother-in-law’s pancakes are sweet, mother-in-law’s sons-in-law treat them to Maslenaya.”

On mother-in-law's evenings, sons-in-law treat their mothers-in-law to pancakes. Invitations can be honorary, with all the relatives for lunch, or just for one dinner. In the old days, the son-in-law was obliged to personally invite his mother-in-law in the evening, and then in the morning he sent elegant invitees. The more people were invited, the more honors the mother-in-law received.

The girls carried out pancakes in a bowl on their heads at noon. They walked towards the slide. The guy who was in love with the girl was in a hurry to taste the blink, to find out: would she make a good mistress? After all, she stood by the stove this morning, making pancakes.


Table. On the table is a samovar, pancakes, cups. Mother-in-law and son-in-law are at the table.


The son-in-law agrees.

Son-in-law: “I will”


“Guys, if the son-in-law can’t find a word to rhyme, we’ll help the mother-in-law!”

The son-in-law decided to throw a ball,

He…(invited) my mother-in-law to visit.

I bought flour, I bought cottage cheese,

I baked a crumbly...(pie).

Mother's son-in-law guests are waiting,

But something mother-in-law... (doesn’t come).

He walked around the table for a long time,

Then a piece... (snipped off).

Then he pulled up a chair and sat down.

And the whole pie in a minute...(ate),

When the mother-in-law approached,

There weren’t even crumbs... (I couldn’t find them).


“Well done, guys! And now, in order to “butter up your mother-in-law,” you must solve riddles.”

Participants must answer in unison.


1. A lonely fiery eye wanders, wherever it goes, it warms with its gaze. (Sun)

2. No one sees him, but everyone hears him. It has no wings but flies, no tongue but speaks. (Echo)

3. The annual piece drives the leaf every day; a year will pass and the entire leaf will fall off. (Calendar)

4. Stronger than the sun, weaker than the wind, no legs, but walking; no eyes, but crying. (Cloud)

5. It’s raining, I’m right there, many are waiting for me here, frogs and guys, pigeons and piglets. I look like a mirror and a little bit like a lake, but you didn’t want to come visit me. (Puddle)

6. They hit Yermilka as hard as they can on the back of the head, he doesn’t cry, he just hides his leg. (Nail)

7. Zarya - a lightning, a red maiden, lets out a path, spreads the dew. He rides sideways, with a plow, a harrow, and spring water. (Spring)

(Slide 12)Sixth day of Maslenitsa - sister-in-law’s gatherings

Maslenitsa is already getting old. Finally, her farewell was celebrated. Sister-in-law is the husband's sister. The young daughter-in-law invited her relatives to her sister-in-law's gatherings. If the sisters-in-law were still girls, then the daughter-in-law called her old girl friends; if they were married, then she invited married relatives and took the guests to their sisters-in-law with the whole train. The newlywed daughter-in-law was obliged to present her sisters-in-law with gifts. Maslenitsa was, as it were, an excuse to get together and gossip about this and that.

And we greeted spring with chants (Slide 13)

Oh, you, Maslenitsa, you are a liar!

Deceived, deceived,

She didn’t let me go for a walk!

Go away, Winter, go to bed,

Send Spring!

Goodbye Maslenitsa!

Goodbye Maslenitsa!

Goodbye Maslenitsa!

Look, people! Spring is coming to us!


I am Spring!

Open the gates!
March came first.
I saw all the children through.
And April will come after him,
Open the window and door.
And when May comes -
Walk as much as you want!


Hello, Red Spring!


Hello you too, good people!

I came to you with joy, with great mercy!
With grainy rye, with golden wheat!
With mustachioed oats, with black currants!
With azure flowers and ant grass!

Winter appears with the sound of a snowstorm.


Why are you having fun, making noise, getting frisky here?


You worked hard. Zimushka-Winter to your heart's content,

It's time and honor to know!


Oh, that's how you are!
Yes, I am white-white winter,
In the field she sowed and sowed with snow.


And I am Spring, red, sunny, clear, clear!


I'll wash you with snow!
I'll kick you out of the gate, I'll kick you out!


And I’ll cover myself with snow, I’ll cover myself with greenery
I will become even more beautiful in our vastness!


Well, spring is red! You are a master at arguing and speaking.

But I won’t give up my place without a fight! (Throws a snowball into spring)

Come on, guys, who loves winter, come to me!


Those who are waiting for Spring to come to me!

Game “Snowballs”.


Yes, you are strong, Spring! I'm retreating!


Goodbye Winter, forgive us
That we are happy about Spring now!
That Spring is dearer to us now,
That we don’t regret you!

The last day of Maslenitsa has arrived - Sunday!

(Slide 14)The seventh day of Maslenitsa - Forgiveness Sunday - farewell, kisser

From morning until lunch, godfathers walk around, visiting each other to give gifts. On this day in Rus', everyone, young and old, asked each other for forgiveness: “Forgive me, take the blame away from me!” or “Forgive me if anything went wrong between us,” “Forgive me, a sinner, for Lent!” For their faults, for their annoyances with each other, our ancestors with open souls asked for forgiveness and prayed to forget the grievances, to establish harmony among themselves and not to keep evil in their minds. The children bowed at the feet of their parents and asked for forgiveness for all the grief caused to them. Farewell consisted of a kiss and a low bow.

After lunch, we gathered in church for Vespers, which opened Great Lent.

(Slide 15) In the evening they burned Maslenitsa. At first, the effigy of Maslenitsa was surrounded with honor, and then taken out of the outskirts and burned.

So from time immemorial, in a cheerful, carnival manner, with imagination, with abundant refreshments and forgiveness, people saw off the winter and welcomed spring, as if they wanted to take a walk and have fun throughout Lent.

Let's now ask for forgiveness from the one who stands to your right, from the one who stands on your left.

(Everyone asks each other for forgiveness).


“So the oil is over,

Maslenitsa is over, over!

What has it brought us to?

To bread, to radishes,

To the steamed turnip,

Until the bitter tail,

Until Lent."

What is Lent?

Great Lent is the oldest, most important, strict and longest among the fasts established by the Orthodox Church. It lasts for 7 weeks from Forgiveness Sunday until Easter. Back in Old Testament The Lord commanded people to give a tithe (that is, a tenth of everything they acquired) every year in order to have blessings in all their deeds.

Taking this into account, as well as in memory of the forty-day fast of Jesus Christ in the desert, the holy Apostles for the benefit of people established approximately a tenth of the year (about 36 days, not counting Sundays), i.e., the time of Great Lent (Holy Pentecost) to be dedicated to God, so that later you can have a blessing in your deeds.

This is a time of prayer and repentance, when everyone must, having renounced worldly goods, entertainment and amusements, devote time to the purification and elevation of the soul: to realize and ask the Lord for forgiveness of their sins (by fasting and confession), so that then, according to the commandment of the Savior, they can worthily receive Holy Communion Christ's Mysteries.

During fasting it is prohibited: arranging and participating in games; singing, dancing, listening to music, laughing and generally intense joy, watching television programs (except informational ones), getting married. You cannot lie, curse, or judge anyone. The first and last weeks of fasting are especially strict.



Maslenitsa is a cycle of holidays preserved since pagan times with the ritual of saying goodbye to winter and welcoming spring. This holiday in Rus' is also called Meat Empty, Meat Empty and Cheese Week, but these names are used only on the Saints, as “church ones”.

This name comes from the fact that in the last week before Lent, believers are allowed to eat dairy products, butter, and fish. Calendar Orthodox Church calls this week Cheese Week, which follows Pestra. The charter prescribes the abstinence of meat. Fasting is not celebrated on Friday and Wednesday during Cheese Week, and liturgy is not celebrated. According to the Orthodox Church, Cheese Week is reconciliation and preparation for Lent.

Every year, Maslenitsa comes on different days. It all depends on what date Lent is scheduled for. The most important attribute of this holiday is pancakes, festivities, fun, and the Scarecrow of Maslenitsa.

Other names for the Masenitsa holiday

Maslenitsa can be called differently: Maslenaya, Maslenaya week, World holiday, Pancake Week, Pancake Week, Pancake Week, Gluttonous Week, Obedukha, Broad Maslenitsa, Kissing Week, Krivosheyka, Boyaryna Maslenitsa, Milk Week, Shrovetide Kolyada, Ukrainian Kolodiy, Cheese Week.

The essence of the rituals of Masenitsa celebration

Maslenitsa rituals are complex and multi-component. Their origin dates back to ancient times. The celebration includes rituals that refer to the beginning of everything new, to the beginning of fertility and are associated with the cult of ancestors.

In the days before Christianity, Maslenitsa was celebrated on the days spring equinox. Many peoples considered these days the beginning of a new year. Such rituals include burning an effigy as a symbol of everything old and unnecessary and making room for everything new. This is the time to see off Winter and welcome Spring. The peak of anticipation for Spring falls on the Annunciation. It was believed that it was then that Spring had already arrived and came into its own.

Maslenitsa, which was embodied in a scarecrow, was the most important attribute of the holiday. She is not a deity, she represents a stage in the development of a dying and resurrecting deity. It was a symbol of fertility and fertility. The ritual of seeing off imparted fertility to the earth. The ashes from the scarecrow scattered across the fields.

For the land to be fertile is very important for the peasant, and so he tried to contribute to this. This becomes especially important in the spring, when it begins to awaken from the winter cold and bear fruit. The ritual of burning the effigy of Maslenitsa is intended to stimulate this fruiting; this was considered the removal and destruction of everything old, death for the sake of a future birth. Many rituals that are held on Maslenitsa (newlyweds’ shows, “kissing party”, visiting, skiing from the mountains, etc.) are associated with unmarried young people and young people in general. Society thus demonstrates the utmost importance of marriage in order to reproduce the new population.

Another (third) side of Maslenitsa is called upon to stimulate fertility - the funeral one. Relatives who were no longer among the living could influence fertility because they were located both in another world and in the earth. It was very important not to anger the ancestors, but to show them attention. For this purpose, during the celebration there are a number of memorial rites. Funeral feasts are held, cemeteries are visited, hearty meals are held, at which pancakes must be present. Pancakes are the most main symbol Maslenitsa. There is a misconception that the ancient Slavs associated pancakes with the sun. Pancakes have always been a funeral dish; this is most suitable for funeral rites on Maslenitsa.

Patriarch Adrian wanted to completely destroy this holiday. He failed, he only shortened it by eight days.

Small Maslenitsa. Before Maslenitsa there is a Motley Week and preparations for Maslenitsa begin on Saturday of this week. For example, the Kaluga province was famous for the fact that children took a pancake and went to celebrate Maslenitsa, jumping on a grip or a poker. The Vladimir province celebrated Maslenitsa from Saturday. Children collected old bast shoes from around the yards, and if adults who were returning from the market, when asked if they were bringing Maslenitsa, answered that they were not, then the children beat them with old bast shoes.

Meat Sunday. This was the name given to Sunday, which was the last one before Maslenitsa. In the villages they went to visit relatives and invited them to Maslenitsa. On the evening before Maslenitsa, it was customary to say that there was a prayer for cheese and butter.

Maslenitsa week. Maslenitsa week is divided into two periods: Narrow Maslenitsa (the first three days) and Broad Maslenitsa (the name of the last four days of the week). For the first three days they were allowed to do housework. All work was to be stopped and completed on Thursday. The celebration of Maslenitsa began. Each day of the holidays has its own name.

Monday - meeting. This is the very beginning of Narrow Maslenitsa. The fathers-in-law sent their daughter-in-law to her parents, and in the evening they came to visit her parents. The celebration and the number of guests are discussed. The construction of snow slides, booths, and swings was completed. On this day they start making pancakes. A scarecrow is constructed in the same way.

Tuesday is a game. This day is the day of brides' viewing. The essence of all Maslenitsa rituals is the matchmaking of brides. This was done so that later, when Lent ended and Red Hill began, the wedding would take place. Relatives and friends gathered, ate pancakes and had fun.

Wednesday - delicacies. In another way, this day is called modest Wednesday. The son-in-law visited his mother-in-law and treated himself to pancakes that she had prepared for this. On this day, the mother-in-law treated her son-in-law with respect.

Thursday is a riot. This day was otherwise called Razgulyay, Wide Rampant, Wide Thursday, Razgulyaya Thursday, Vlas, Polens, Volosy, Kolodka, Kolyada Maslenaya, Kolyadukha Maslenaya. This day is the beginning of Broad Maslenitsa. All chores are completed, wide celebrations, various competitions, and noisy feasts begin. The main meaning of this day is to throw out the negative energy that has accumulated a lot during the winter, to resolve all disputes and conflicts between people.

During the festivities, fires were lit everywhere, and ritual jumping over the fire was carried out. This holiday was distinguished by special Maslenitsa songs.

Carolers walk around the courtyards with tambourines and other instruments and sing special songs. Carolers are given money and treated to wine.

Friday is mother-in-law's evening. The mother-in-law goes on a return visit to her son-in-law. The pancakes are baked by the daughter, that is, the son-in-law's wife, and the mother-in-law takes her friends and relatives with her. A son-in-law should treat his mother-in-law with respect.

Saturday - sister-in-law's get-togethers. The daughter-in-law invites her sister-in-law and all her husband's relatives to visit her. IN church is coming celebration of the Council of All Reverend Fathers.

Sunday - farewell. This day is called differently - Tselovalnik, Forgiveness Day, Forgiven Resurrection, Forest, Oil Zagovinas, Guard Zagovinas, Masnitsa, Chirka.

This is the culmination of the entire Maslenitsa celebration. A conspiracy takes place before Lent. Relatives ask each other for forgiveness for the troubles that occurred during the year. In the evening of this day they remember the dead and go to cemeteries. Also on this day they go to the bathhouse. All that is left from the holiday week of food is burned, the dishes are washed especially carefully. The end of the holiday is the ceremonial burning of the Maslenitsa effigy. Ashes scattered across the fields.

Farewell to Maslenitsa. Traditionally, Maslenitsa was celebrated, an effigy was burned and a symbolic funeral took place. The ritual differed in different provinces in Rus'.

Maslenitsa celebrations

Monday - striped tooth. In another way, this day could be called Clean Monday, Poles, Vstupnik, Duzhik, Starting Monday, Rinse, Stupnik, Fasting, Goat Maslenitsa.

Lent begins - this is the first day. Despite the fact that the fast is very strict, in some places the ritual of “rinsing the mouth” with vodka took place. Afterwards they could go to the bathhouse, then rinse their mouth again. Fist fights took place in some places. Women had to wash and clean the kitchen utensils, clearing them of grease and remnants of the holiday.

Wednesday. The girls went on holidays with their friends and invited them to visit them.

Friday. In churches, the consecration of koliva, that is, kutya, takes place

Saturday. Many places were distinguished by the fact that youth festivities took place, where they were treated to Lenten pancakes

Sunday. The ritual of “goat Maslenitsa” was held, which coincided with the first Sunday of Lent. They walked the streets with a stuffed goat, decorated with a wreath and ribbons.

Popularity of "Maslenitsa" in the Yandex search engine

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Maslenitsa is a daring holiday with a grand scale and a truly Russian soul. Fun celebrations, sleigh rides, fun, meetings with friends and family, a huge amount of pancakes eaten, great mood and most importantly - a premonition of spring, that's what Maslenitsa is!

Maslenitsa appeared during pagan times, that is, before the emergence of Christianity. Initially, Maslenitsa was celebrated for two weeks, before and after the vernal equinox, which for many peoples was the beginning of the New Year. Therefore, Maslenitsa was both a farewell to winter and a welcome to spring (which has survived to this day), as well as New Year’s holidays.

After the adoption of Christianity, the pagan holiday was not cancelled, the celebrations were simply halved and amounted to one week, which is often called Cheese (or meat-eating) week, and the start date of Maslenitsa became “floating”, directly dependent on the date of Easter.

Maslenitsa is celebrated in the last week before Lent, when it is no longer possible to consume meat food, but to go to Lenten table was not so harsh, you were allowed to enjoy pancakes with all kinds of fillings to your heart's content.

Maslenitsa is usually celebrated at the end of February - early March, but, like Easter, it can be early (for example, in 2018 and 2029, Maslenitsa will begin on February 12).

For Orthodox Christians, Maslenitsa is a time for preparation for Lent, reconciliation and forgiveness. During Cheese Week, fasting on Wednesdays and Fridays is canceled, but meat is no longer allowed.

Maslenitsa symbolizes the change of winter in spring, fertility and the beginning of a new life, but never during the days of Maslenitsa did they forget about the dead - after all, pancakes are not only little “suns”, but also a traditional funeral dish.

Fertility - the most important factor for all strata of the population, that’s why the Maslenitsa effigy (the personification of fertility) was made in the form of a portly woman, with curvaceous figures and a bright blush on her cheeks, in multi-layered clothes. The tradition of burning effigy also “worked” for the future harvest - ashes from Maslenitsa were scattered over fields still covered with snow to increase fertility.

By pagan rituals They made and burned an effigy of winter on the last day of Maslenitsa, thereby making it clear that they were saying goodbye to it. But at the beginning of February this is not entirely appropriate, so gradually the scarecrow began to be called Shrovetide or Maslenitsa.

Maslenitsa is celebrated not only in Russia, but in almost all European countries. Eastern and Western Slavs, both Orthodox and Catholics, celebrate Meat-eater- an analogue of Maslenitsa week, during the holiday festivities and fun joint entertainments of young people are organized, especially among unmarried young men and unmarried girls. The purpose of the holiday is to introduce young people and start new relationships, which should end with a wedding in order for children to be born - the fertility of women in the popular understanding is directly related to the fertility of the earth.

Everyone knows Carnival Western Catholics also celebrate it in the last week before Lent to enjoy themselves before the period of abstinence.

Each nation has its own name for Maslenitsa, for example, in Latvia they celebrate Metheny, and in Lithuania - Uzgovenye, Greeks have fun during Apokries, and the Armenians - Bun Barekendan.

Narrow Maslenitsa is the name given to the first three days of Cheese Week, during which they not only celebrated the holiday, but also did things - housework, cleaning and preparing for the 40-day Lent. Wide Maslenitsa was celebrated truly widely and from the heart - from Thursday to Sunday everything was forgotten, even urgent household matters, holidays were completely filled with festivities and fun, each day was given a name and its own customs.

Monday - Meeting, The main preparations for the celebration were completed, in the morning the daughter-in-law was equipped to her parents' house, where the father-in-laws went in the evening to discuss plans for Maslenitsa over a pancake treat. Interesting fact- the saying “The first pancake is lumpy” does not have the same meaning as we are used to. The fact is that in Rus' bears were called koma, which played an important role in the celebration of Maslenitsa - there are customs associated with waking up a bear from its winter sleep. So the first pancake was given to the coms, that is, to the bears, for their peace of mind and a well-fed awakening. In fact, most often the first pancakes baked on Monday were given to the poor so that they would remember the deceased.

Tuesday has a name , is characterized not only by festivities and slides, but also by bridesmaid viewings, where they invited each other for pancakes.

Wednesday - Gourmets, sons-in-law came to their mothers-in-law's for pancakes, where guests gathered after finishing housework.

Thursday- first day of Broad Maslenitsa - Widespread. Fist fights, sleigh rides drawn by threes of brightly dressed horses, practical jokes, slides and swings, mountains of pancakes with the most various fillings, mead flowed like a river, buffoons, jesters and carnival processions - this is exactly how they walked on Maslenitsa.

Friday called herself . The sons-in-law invited the mother-in-law and her relatives and treated them to pancakes with caviar and fish, as well as sweet fillings.

Saturday- This Sister-in-law's get-togethers. The husband's sisters gathered at their daughters-in-law's house, feasted on pancakes and did the most feminine things - washing the bones of their husbands and their mothers. Young wives gave gifts to their sisters-in-law so that they could continue to live in peace and harmony.

Sunday known as Forgiven, when it was mandatory to go to church, where the priests asked for forgiveness from their parishioners, and they, in turn, from each other. This wonderful and bright custom still allows many to ask for forgiveness, which cannot be refused. It’s not for nothing that the answer to “I’m sorry” is always “God will forgive and I forgive.” On the last day of Maslenitsa, an effigy of Maslenitsa was burned, people visited cemeteries and went to the bathhouse to wash away their sins and prepare for Lent.

Pancake recipes for Maslenitsa

At Maslenitsa, every housewife knows what kind of pancakes she will serve - the ones that work best for her! And if you want to go a little off the beaten track of traditions, we offer a few off-the-beaten-track and useful options, for example, buckwheat pancakes.


  • - 1/2 l.
  • - 100 gr.
  • - 150 gr.
  • - 70 gr.
  • - 2 pcs.
  • - 1 tbsp. l.
  • - 1 tsp.

Sift both types of flour into a bowl, add salt and sugar, eggs and mix thoroughly. Add milk in small portions, constantly stirring the dough. At the end, add butter, previously melted and cooled to room temperature. Mix the dough thoroughly, cover with a towel and let rest for 30 minutes. Bake pancakes in a very hot dry frying pan with a thick bottom. Serve with sour cream and any sweet fillings - jam or condensed milk.


  • (10 thin pancakes) - 300 gr.
  • - 700 gr.
  • - 1 pc.
  • - 2 tbsp. l.
  • - 40 gr.
  • (to taste) - 2 gr.

The recipe for thin pancakes can be found in ours, bake thin pancakes, peel and finely chop the onion, sauté in vegetable oil, add champignons, cook for 10-15 minutes, add salt. Place a couple of spoons of filling in the center of each pancake, form a bag by connecting the edges of the pancake and tie with a thin strip of Chechila.

Pancake cake Chocolate

Ingredients for pancakes:

  • - 600 ml.
  • - 100 gr.
  • - 2 pcs.
This holiday is loved and called “Madame Honest Maslenitsa”. People say: “Even if you pawn yourself, you’ll have fun with Maslena!” And she is a “destroyer”, and “revelant”, and “drunk” and “gluttonous”, and all the days of Maslenitsa in the old days passed according to the established order, each had its own name and purpose.

Carnival- honest, broad, cheerful, Semikov’s niece, crazy, wet week. Cope 7 weeks before Easter. Bad weather on Sunday before Maslyana means a mushroom harvest.

Monday - first day, "Meeting". The straw doll Maslenya was dressed up in women's clothing and taken to the very high mountain so as not to overlook where spring will come from. The first pancake of Masleny was given to the poor - to remember the dead.
Tuesday - "Flirting." Guys invited girls to ride from the mountains, went to visit, looked after brides.
Wednesday - "Gourmand." Mothers-in-law treat their sons-in-law.
Thursday was called "Broad". The party grew in strength, they rode in troikas, had fist fights, sang, drank...
Friday - "Mother-in-law's evening." On this day, sons-in-law should treat mothers-in-law with pancakes.
Saturday - "Sister-in-law's gatherings." The young daughter-in-law invited all her relatives to visit, and they looked meticulously: “Come on, show me what kind of housewife you are.” Unmarried boys and girls built snowy cities and conquered them from each other.
Resurrection - “Forgiveness Sunday”, “Confession”, the last day of Maslenitsa. They burned the straw Maslena and scattered the ashes throughout the clearings to give strength to the future harvest. This was the last day when drinking alcohol was allowed. In the evening, with low bows and kisses, they asked each other for forgiveness.

Carnival- a legacy of pagan times, a holiday in honor of the god Volos. Back then they called it not Maslenitsa at all, but meat emptying. They staged fist fights, wrestling, brought out bears to amuse the audience; A wandering puppeteer with Petrushka also appeared in the crowd of people walking. In Moscow, where the Alexander Garden is now, ice slides were erected. Peter I himself opened the festivities, swinging on a swing with the officers.

Traditional Shrovetide food - pancakes - also have their own history, even more ancient than the custom itself. It is believed that the first sour dough flatbreads, something like pancakes, began to be baked in Egypt 4-5 thousand years ago. In Rus', pancakes have been known for a very long time. But at first they were an attribute of a wake; The first pancake was given to the poor so that the dead would be remembered. And after that they began to sing and dance along with pancakes and say goodbye to Maslenitsa. And they saw off so valiantly that after the holiday they said: “Maslenitsa is a blast, save your money!” According to tradition, these days there are rides from ice and snow slides, cheerful round dances, dancing, etc. of course, pancakes!

“Maslenitsa... I still feel this word now, as I felt it in childhood: bright spots, ringing sounds - it evokes in me; flaming ovens, bluish waves of children in the contented roar of the crowded people, a bumpy snowy road, already soaked in the sun with cheerful sleighs diving along it, with cheerful horses in roses, bells and bells, with playful strumming of accordion, or from childhood a wonderful thing remained in me, unlike anything else, in bright colors and gilding, which was cheerfully called “Maslenitsa”. ? She stood on high counters in the baths. On a large round gingerbread, - on a pancake - which smelled of honey - and the smell of glue - with gilded slides along the edge, with a dense forest, where bears, wolves and bunnies stuck out on pegs. wonderful lush flowers, like roses, and all this shone, entwined with gold thread... In this broad word, even now, bright joy is still alive for me..." I. S. Shmelev.

Ride in the mountains, lie in pancakes. Not life, but Maslenitsa. Maslenitsa obnuda, money tidy up.

From Thursday Maslenitsa really became widespread - the festivities on Devichye Pole attracted more and more people, tickets to the theater could only be obtained from horse dealers, there was a pleasant buzz on the streets...

On Friday, offices and shops were already closed, work in workshops stopped, even children were exempted from school. True, these days are neither official nor church holidays didn't count. But who worked at the end of Shrovetide week? Entertainment and fun grew like a snowball, and finally on Saturday the Russian carnival reached its climax. Both during the day and in the evening, all the theaters, circuses, booths, Moscow and country restaurants and taverns were crowded. By family homes guests were called. It’s terrible to imagine how many pancakes were eaten and wine and vodka drunk. This excessive intemperance, this Maslenitsa revelry was explained by the stubbornly held old view that not to have fun during the wide Mastenitsa means “to live in bitter misfortune and end your life badly.” After abundant feasts we went to the Zoological Garden with ice mountains ride, then fight on your fists - “shake out the pancakes.”

Fist fights on Maslenitsa - an echo of ancient military fun - were very common. Men took part in them without distinction of age or rank. And they were usually carried out in three ways: one on one, wall to wall and landfill.

The highlight of Maslenitsa fun was the grandiose troika rides. In Zamoskvorechye, on Rogozhskaya and on Taganka, inhabited mainly by wealthy merchants, and at the Moscow outposts, where mostly coachmen lived, these rides enjoyed particular fame. On thoroughbred trotters and sleighs, decorated with colorful carpets and roses, the Moscow merchants rode out for show. We rushed along the bumpy snowy road cheerful troikas, decked out with colored ribbons and paper flowers, clattered the hooves of horses with bells under painted arches. Laughter, whistling, mischief, daring...

Right there during the ride, a viewing party was held for merchant sons and daughters in order to marry them on Krasnaya Gorka after Easter. And on the Moscow River, right opposite the Kremlin, horse racing took place. A circle surrounded by a fence was built on the ice for horses running for the prize, and the embankments and bridges served as stands for the curious. What a stunning cry erupted from thousands of breasts, what deafening applause the audience exploded when the orderly dashing troika, like a fast-flying bird, was the first to “approach” the post! For, as a contemporary noted, “there is something gambling in the Russian troika, something intoxicating - it seems that it would be torn off the ground and carried away beyond the clouds. Russian people love the troika as something wide, riotous, daring, which captures you like a whirlwind , burns the soul with the fire of youth." The holiday continued to rage for a long time. And only on Sunday, towards evening, the city began to calm down and humble itself. All that remained was to shake off the sinful revelry, ask forgiveness of neighbors for the wrongs caused to them, and say goodbye to friends and acquaintances. To get started and switch from pancakes to horseradish and radishes. There was a long Lent ahead... N. Dorokhova.

But what happened on Maslenitsa in Poland. Maslenitsa, which was called carnival in Poland, was marked by wild fun, festivities, games, and hunting. There were balls, masquerades, weddings, feasts, as well as “kuligs” - sleigh rides. Often this holiday was accompanied by drunkenness and gluttony beyond measure, which caused outrage Catholic priests who called Maslenitsa a “devilish invention.” The gentry especially adored the kuliga. Several nobles from neighboring estates had gathered and rode on sleighs to visit some distant estate. Taken by surprise, the owner was forced to feed the unexpected guests with everything he had in his bins. Having eaten and drunk, the guests, together with the owner, went to the next “victim”. In general, it should be said that the spectacle of the “kulig” was impressive. The men rode on horseback, the women, wrapped in fur coats, rode in sleighs; the sleighs were ridden by their own musicians or musicians selected from somewhere - for what kind of fun would there be without music and dancing? Men fired guns into the air from excess of joy and drink. There were no special Maslenitsa dishes. Naturally, very refined and expensive dishes were served at feasts and balls, including Polish ones. Perhaps, only among the sweets there were Maslenitsa “favorites”, i.e. brushwood and donuts. These donuts, light and fragrant, tender and unusually tasty, enjoyed unusual popularity. There is still the so-called “Fat Thursday” - the last Thursday of Shrovetide, during which Warsaw residents eat more than two million donuts in public pastry shops, in addition to home ones.

Tips for those who love to bake pancakes!

  1. After the dough has risen, before baking, it is good to add a little butter to it for taste (20-25 g per 3 cups of flour).
  2. Yeast for pancakes must be fresh. It is important that there are as many of them as needed, but not in excess.
  3. Pancake dough must be thoroughly kneaded at all stages: lumps in it are completely unacceptable.
  4. Do not scald the dough (if the pancake recipe requires it) with very hot, completely boiled milk. just bring it almost to a boil and cool slightly to 45 degrees.
  5. If you don’t need to scald the dough, before baking the pancakes, carefully add the protein-cream mixture to the dough: beat the cream a little and then add the whipped whites (the other way around!). This mixture will make the pancakes loose, tender, and spongy.
  6. It is best to grease the pan in which pancakes are baked like this: put half an onion or potato on a fork. Dip it in vegetable oil and grease the pan.
  7. Usually the pancake is fried on both sides in 2 minutes.
  8. Be sure to sift the flour before kneading the dough. This way it is purified and enriched with oxygen necessary for fermentation.
  9. Do not overdo it with salt and sugar: add exactly according to the recipe. Over-salted dough does not ferment well, and the pancake turns out pale. Excess sugar makes the dough hard.
  10. Egg whites should not be beaten in an aluminum bowl - they will darken.
  11. To prevent the cream from curdling when whipping, whip it first and then add sugar.
  12. Before whipping the whites, wipe the inner walls of the bowl with lemon - the whites will beat more easily and the mixture will be fluffy. To make the foam stable, you can add a few drops lemon juice.
  13. Egg whites will whip more easily if they are fresh and chilled. Eggs can be placed on ice for a few minutes or in cold water for 1 hour.
  14. Yeast can also be prepared at home. Dilute 1 cup flour with 1 cup warm water. Leave for 5-6 hours. Then pour a glass of beer or mineral water and put it in for a while warm place. The yeast is ready, you can add it to the dough, it will turn out unusually fluffy.
  15. If pancake flour is diluted in salted water, there will be no lumps.
  16. Yeast will last longer if you put it in a glass jar and pour vegetable oil.
  17. Milk easily absorbs odors. Therefore, do not keep it near salted fish, cheese, pickles and other odorous foods.
  18. First sprinkle the pan for frying pancakes with salt, wipe it with a cloth and only then pour in the oil and dough.
  19. If bubbles form in the middle of the pancake, the batter has not been fermented: place it in warm water for a while longer.
  20. If the pancake tears when you flip it, add flour and egg.
  21. It is convenient to fry pancakes in 2 frying pans while the third one is on low heat. Place pancakes in it and brush with hot butter. The stack can be turned over from time to time, then by the time the last pancake is ready, the first one will not have time to cool down.



This year Maslenitsa is early, it will begin on February 12 and last until February 18. Maslenitsa week is the most fun and festive. Maslenitsa used to be celebrated on a grand scale. These were sunny winter days, filled with hubbub and noise, delicious smells of pancakes, the ringing of bells that decorated elegant troikas, copper samovars burning like heat, festivities, booths, winter games, cheerful tea parties with treats and dancing. Today, lost traditions are being revived, and this is not the first year that a festive celebration has been held in Moscow. Maslenitsa week in all areas of the city. What awaits us this year?

Starting from February 9 to February 18, the Moscow Maslenitsa festival will be held in Moscow, where more than 40 venues will be used, including Revolution Square, Manezhnaya Square, New Arbat, Tverskoy Boulevard and others.

Each will have its own theme and design. Over a hundred hand-made art objects will be used here. So, here you can see “Tsar Maslenitsa” made from several tons of pure lake ice, straw Maslenitsa figures, Russian national toys from one and a half to three meters in height and much more.
Muscovites and guests of the capital will enjoy theatrical folklore Maslenitsa performances, traditional folk entertainment and games; Guests will be entertained by buffoons and entertainers.
In addition to the entertainment program, guests and residents of the capital will enjoy delicious treats at the festival venues. Here you will be able to try more than 100 types of pancakes, the preparation of which was entrusted to the best Moscow catering establishments, which submitted applications for participation and passed a strict selection process. In beautiful and cozy stall houses you can buy gourmet products from different regions of the country.
The main treat for Maslenitsa is pancakes. You can taste them to your heart's content. In addition, master classes on preparing Maslenitsa dishes will be organized at the festival. The teachers will be restaurant chefs, food bloggers and just experienced chefs, which will teach children and adults how to cook pancakes and pancakes - fluffy and thin, with kefir and sour cream, with buckwheat and rye flour, with sweet and savory fillings.

Maslenitsa in Kolomenskoye

Festive festivities dedicated to seeing off the passing winter await Muscovites at the Kolomenskoye Museum-Reserve. The theatrical program "Boyaryna Maslenitsa" starts on Saturday, February 17, at 13:00 on the stage near Torgovaya Street.

Guests will get acquainted with the customs, rituals, Maslenitsa games and amusements, and learn how Maslenitsa was celebrated by townspeople and rural residents. In the fair houses you will be able to enjoy pancakes, hot tea, and also buy souvenirs.
On Sunday, February 18, from 12:00 to 17:00, guests of Kolomenskoye will be able to see the theatrical program “Farewell to Maslenitsa” on the stage near Torgovaya Street. Children and adults are invited to take part in traditional Russian outdoor games and sing folk songs, ditties and chants together with folklore groups. Those who wish will also be able to join in the round dances. The culmination of the holiday will be the burning of the Maslenitsa effigy.
On the same day, from 13:00, at the red porch of the palace of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, the performance “Maslenitsa: Traditions of Centuries” will take place. Folk ensembles will present a special program telling about each day of Shrovetide Week.
Lovers active recreation will be able to ride in a sleigh or in a horse-drawn carriage, and the little ones can ride on a pony. For those interested, there will be tubing rental stations and a natural ice skating rink.

Maslenitsa at the Lyublino Museum-Reserve

Muscovites are invited to spend the outgoing winter at the Lyublino Museum-Reserve, where on February 17 street party"Maslenitsa: sister-in-law's gatherings."
Guests will get acquainted with the traditions and rituals of seeing off winter and learn the history of the celebration of Maslenitsa. The hosts will talk about the meaning of each day of Maslenaya Week, and the animators will invite you to join in the fun folk games and amusements. The artists, together with young visitors, will remember the Russians literary works dedicated to Maslenitsa. Animators will bring out a scarecrow of Maslenitsa and play with everyone on the Maslenitsa train.

Maslenitsa in the museum-estate "Kuskovo"

Muscovites are invited to celebrate the passing winter at the estate of Count Pyotr Sheremetev, where the Kuskovo museum-estate is now located. On a tour of the ancient palace, they will tell you about the magnificent festivities of the 18th century, which the owner of Kuskova organized for his eminent guests.
A folklore ensemble will perform for guests, they will be treated to pancakes and tea in the museum cafe, and at master classes they will be taught how to make spinning dolls, traditional products from clay and birch bark.
The program will be held from February 3 to 18 on working days of the museum in sessions - at 10:30, 12:00, 13:30, 15:00. The program includes a tour of the palace and participation in a folklore program. Duration: two hours.

Maslenitsa in the recreation area "Black Lake"

A physical education and sports festival will be held in the Black Lake recreation area in honor of Maslenitsa. Children and teenagers are welcome sports tug of war, adults - armwrestling and kettlebell press competitions. The program also includes pillow fights, wall-to-wall fist fights, performances by musical groups and other entertainment.
Everyone will be able to fulfill the standards of the GTO complex: kettlebell snatch (16 kilograms), hanging pull-ups on a high bar, bending forward, push-ups.

Maslenitsa in Sokolniki

On February 18, 2018, ceremonial events dedicated to the celebration of Shiroka Maslenitsa will be held in the Sokolniki recreation park. Visitors to the park will enjoy traditional festivities symbolizing the farewell to winter, numerous Russian folk games and entertainment, culinary master classes and a concert with the participation of stars. Russian stage. The event will be held with the support of the Department of Culture of the city of Moscow and the State Public Institution "United Directorate "Mosgorpark".
The main events will take place on Fontannaya Square, where a stage will be installed and a master class area will be organized. Animators will entertain visitors throughout the day. Russian folk games will be held for everyone, including “Carousel”, “Bag Jumping”, “Tug of War”, “Stream”, “Boyars, We Came to You”, “Gorodki” and many others. Animators will teach children how to spin hoops, jump rope, and throw rings. Also in entertainment program- dancing, fun, round dances.

From 11.00 to 22.00 on the 4th Luchevoy Prosek near Fontannaya Square there will be a traditional Maslenitsa market of city sweets "VkusnoFest".
Various musical groups will take part in the festive concert on the main stage. At 18.00 there will be a ceremonial burning of the Maslenitsa art effigy in the form of a giant snowflake. The program of events will end with a festive DJ set.

Maslenitsa in Gorky Park

A rubber art object in the form of a huge sun will be placed between the columns of the park’s entrance group. Walking through the park, you can see thematic installations: Flames, Flowers, Tower and Labyrinth.
In order to spend the winter properly, several sites are organized in the park. Take part in tug-of-war, try a sack race or play calm games like scramble, chess and petanque.
The stage on which the artists will perform will be installed on Pushkinskaya Embankment. A solemn ceremony of burning the effigy will also take place there. This year its height will reach eight meters, so the holiday will be visible from afar.

Photo: Depositphotos.com//@ Jim_Filim