Games and fun for children on Maslenitsa. Maslenitsa competitions for a fun company

Our annual Maslenitsa,
Our Maslyanitsa is riotous.
She is a dear guest,
She is a wide hostel!
She doesn't walk!
She doesn't walk on foot,
Everyone rides around on horseback,
Everyone rides around on horseback.
Horses are black horses,
Servants, servants, all young...
Hello, Maslanitsa!
The lady is cheerful and intricate!

Game "Cow was flying"

For this game you will need at least five participants. Everyone stands in a circle and joins their hands: the palm of each player’s right hand should lie horizontally, on top of the palm of the player standing on the right. On the palm of each player's left hand, the palm of the neighbor on the left should lie on top. Next, the players take turns clapping their neighbor’s hands (with their right hand on the palm of the neighbor on their left) and say a counting rhyme (each word for the next player): “a cow flew, blurted out a word, what word did the cow say?” The player where the counting ended calls any word - for example, “sun”. Then the “clapping” continues, but the letters are called - S-O-L-N-... and so on, until the last one - E. The player calling the last letter must hit the neighbor’s palm when clapping. The neighbor's task is to withdraw his hand before it is hit, but not before the letter is pronounced.

Game "Zarya"

Children stand in a circle, hold their hands behind their backs, and one of the players - Dawn - walks behind with a ribbon and says:

Red maiden,
I walked across the field,
Dropped the keys
Golden keys
Blue ribbons,
Rings entwined -
I went to get water.

With the last words, the driver carefully places the ribbon on the shoulder of one of the players, who, noticing this, quickly takes the ribbon, and they both run different sides in a circle. The one who is left without a place becomes the dawn. The game is repeated.

Game "Masha the Confused"

Children taking part in this game stand in one row, join hands, thereby forming a chain. A leader is appointed on the right side of the chain, who, on command, begins to run with a change of direction, and the entire chain begins to move behind him. However, no one except the leader knows the direction of movement, so it is quite difficult to maintain balance and not break the chain. The further a player is from the leader, the more difficult it is for him to maintain his balance, not fall or break the chain. The one who falls is out of the game. The main thing in this game is to hold out until the end.

Game "Golden Gate"

In the Golden Gate game, two players stand opposite each other and, holding hands, raise their arms up. The result is “collars”. The rest of the children stand one after another and put their hands on the shoulders of the person walking in front or simply join hands. The resulting chain should pass under the gate.

"Vorotiki" pronounce:

Golden Gate
They don't always miss!
Saying goodbye for the first time
The second one is prohibited
And for the third time
We won't miss you!

After these words, the “collars” sharply lower their hands, and those children who were caught also become “collars.” Gradually the number of “gates” increases, and the chain decreases. The game ends when all children become "gates".

Game "Bells"

This is an old Russian game, perfect for Maslenitsa. The players stand in a circle. Two people come out to the center - one with a bell or bell, and the other with a blindfold.

Everyone else sings:

Tryntsy-bryntsy, bells,
The daredevils called:
Guess where the ringing comes from!

After these words, the “blind man’s buff” must guess by the sound of the bell and catch the participant with the bell who is dodging him. When a participant with a bell is caught, he becomes a "blind man's buff", and the previous "blind man's buff" turns into a regular player.

Game "Sun"

(For children 3-4 years old)

For this game you will need two larger sheets of paper (for example, A3 or Whatman paper), on each sheet there is a large circle drawn (the future sun) and a couple of felt-tip pens. Children are divided into two teams. Each team stands in front of their future drawing, a few meters from the sheets, after which each participant in turn runs up and draws a ray of sunshine. The team that completes the sun the fastest wins.

It is impossible to imagine Merry Maslenitsa without interesting folk festivities. We have selected the most exciting competitions and fun that will help you create an original scenario for this holiday. Entertaining competitions and games for Maslenitsa will help you find out which of the participants is more dexterous, stronger and more cunning. And, of course, interesting indoor and outdoor entertainment will give both children and adults a great mood.

Fun outdoor games for Maslenitsa for children - competitions with sledding

Public festivities on Maslenitsa are not complete without sledding. But this kind of fun can be done not only for pleasure, but also to receive various gifts. Below we have told you what outdoor games with sleds can be played for children on Maslenitsa to give them the brightest and kindest memories of this holiday.

Ideas for street sledding competitions and games for Maslenitsa for children

Usually, sledding competitions are just about determining who can go the fastest or farthest. But in fact, you can come up with very, very many competitions using sleds. We recommend using our examples as ideas for such fun:

  • collecting twigs (sticks with flags) placed along the route: the one who collects wins maximum quantity flags;
  • throwing snowballs at a target while sliding down a hill: at the bottom of the track you need to install targets at which all ski participants will take turns throwing snowballs while sliding down;
  • “hunt” for gifts: high sticks are placed on the left and right of the track and threads are stretched between them; toys, candies and souvenirs are attached to the threads themselves (it is better to secure them with weak clothespins - so that they can simply be torn off without damaging the entire structure); sliding down the child must grab the gift.

You can also go down the slide together or with a train. The main task of team and pair competitions should be the mandatory descent of all participants.

Interesting competitions for Maslenitsa on the street for children and adults - examples of games and fun

Street mass celebrations on Maslenitsa should leave a maximum positive emotions both adults and children. To ensure that kids and their parents have a great holiday, we recommend including unusual games for them based on classic games. After reading our examples, you will find out how funny and cool competitions Maslenitsa can be celebrated outdoors for children and adults.

Pancake eating competition on the street for Maslenitsa - folk games for adults

It’s difficult to have an exciting Maslenitsa without a pancake-eating competition. But a regular competition can be supplemented with new conditions to make it more unusual and exciting. For example, eating can be done blindfolded. You can also “feed” pancakes to your teammate.

An example of an interesting game with pancakes for Maslenitsa for children - to be played outdoors

A plate with a pancake and several bowls with different ingredients (both sweet and salty) are placed in front of each participant in the game. Children must do the most delicious filling for a pancake that they can only come up with. Tasters can be parents or separately selected adults and children.

Video examples of folk fun on Maslenitsa on the street for children and adults

Pick up interesting examples You can also find competitions and games for Maslenitsa in our video tips. They will help you get acquainted with both classic and original games.

Folk games for Maslenitsa on the street for all ages - examples of competitions and fun

The celebration of Maslenitsa in cities and villages is always celebrated on a special scale. Therefore, at such events one cannot do without folk games and competitions for participants of all ages. With such fun, each of the holiday guests will be able to show off their talents. Below we have given examples of the most interesting mass games for Maslenitsa on the street for children and adults of all ages.

Mass folk game "Snowballs" on Maslenitsa to be played outdoors - for children and adults

Fabric or wooden targets are hung on trees (on walls or other supports). Participants must throw the snowball as accurately as possible to hit the center. Each player who hits the central mark receives sweet gifts. This game can be played for both individual participants and teams.

Folk street fun "Fishing Rod" on Maslenitsa for participants of all ages

The participants of the game stand in a circle, the leader - the “fisherman” - stands in the center with a club to which a rope and a small bag of sand are tied. The fisherman swings his fishing rod, passing the rope under the participants' feet, trying to hook them. They, in turn, must jump over the rope. If a participant touches the rope, he is eliminated from the game. It is recommended to choose as a fisherman strong man who can easily swing such a fishing rod.

Simple games for Maslenitsa indoors for preschoolers - examples of competitions

Conduct happy holiday Maslenitsa can be celebrated not only outdoors, but also indoors. Therefore, kindergarten teachers should also organize interesting fun for students. These can be competitions, round dances to music, or simply entertaining dancing and drawing. Below we have described what Maslenitsa games can be played for preschoolers indoors (an assembly hall or a kindergarten playroom).

Examples of games and competitions for Maslenitsa for preschoolers

Including a variety of competitions and games in the script will help to please children with unusual competitions in the kindergarten in honor of Maslenitsa. It is recommended to alternate active fun with calm competitions. To create an original program, you can use the following examples of competitions and fun:

  1. Making a Maslenitsa figurine.

Her children can simply draw at speed or sculpt from scrap materials. They can also make Maslenitsa in teams from balloons.

  1. Drawing pancakes.
  1. Game "Gate".

A pair of children stand opposite each other and, raising their hands up, form a gate. The rest of the children should run between them in pairs. Periodically, the “gate” (for example, when the music turns off) will lower its arms and catch children running between them. The caught couple becomes the new gate.

At the end of the holiday dedicated to Maslenitsa, it is definitely worth having a sweet table with pancakes, gingerbread and other sweets. Don’t forget about presenting gifts to the winners and all participants.

Original games for Maslenitsa indoors for schoolchildren - for creating a scenario

Our interesting games will help you please school students and create an exciting winter farewell celebration for them. After reading the examples, you will find out what games children in primary and secondary schools can play on Maslenitsa. high school. If you wish, you can slightly alter our competitions. Such Maslenitsa games for schoolchildren can be held in any room: classroom, assembly hall or sports hall.

Game "Oh, felt boots" for playing indoors among schoolchildren

To play, you will need to prepare real felt boots or similar loose shoes (for example, UGG boots). Children are divided into teams, then a couple of participants from different teams put on felt boots and jump to the marked point and back. They then pass their pair of shoes to other participants. The winner is the team whose members were able to complete the relay faster.

Original children's game "The Tale of Maslenitsa" for the holiday scenario

You need to prepare a text in advance with the words “winter”, “Maslenitsa”, “pancakes”, “sun”, as well as other thematic words. Children take turns naming adjectives that will be written before the indicated words. Then the finished fairy tale with adjectives selected by the schoolchildren is read out.

Funny competitions for Maslenitsa indoors with adults - for the holiday scenario

Maslenitsa can be celebrated both in a friendly company of friends and in the company of colleagues. To compile original script We recommend that you include the most funny games and fun. You can find funny adult competitions on the theme of Maslenitsa, which can be held indoors, in our examples.

Funny competition "Mother-in-law's pancakes" for Maslenitsa for adults - indoor games

3-5 participants are selected for the game. A plate of pancake is placed in front of each of them. The players' task is to bite off as large a piece of pancake as possible and name an adjective that accurately describes the mother-in-law (or mother-in-law, if there are no 5 men in the company). Then chew a piece of pancake. The baton between participants must be passed very quickly. The person who eats the pancake faster than the rest will win.

Adult competition "Dancing with the Bear" for Maslenitsa to be held indoors

The main character is a man dressed in a bear costume (or with appropriate makeup). He selects participants and performs a short dance to the music. Each participant must repeat the dance. The one who will do the most more mistakes in the performance - is removed to the hall. The last participant who can most accurately repeat the movements of the bear will win.

The examples we have selected will help you to spend an exciting, interesting and fun Maslenitsa holiday. folk entertainment for children and adults. Mass Games on the street and fun competitions indoors will allow each of the participants to express themselves and show their talents. The contests and games we have selected for Maslenitsa can be modified or supplemented with your own ideas. So, you can easily create an unusual winter farewell scenario for guests of all ages.


Happy child 16.02.2018

Dear readers, Broad Maslenitsa is a national holiday, which is always accompanied by fun games and amusements. It is distinguished by colorful bright outfits, delicious food, and with music and songs, the festivities are a great success.

According to the beliefs of the ancient Slavs, if you spend Maslenitsa days boringly, then the next year will be unsuccessful. After all, only after having a good rest and having plenty of fun can you work well and fruitfully. And this means that the harvest will be rich, the bins will be full, and the family will be well-fed and healthy.

And that is why there are so many games and competitions for Maslenitsa - so that the holiday is wide and fun.

No matter how angry winter is, the spring sun warms up more and more. And so that the children can also warm themselves up during the festivities on the street, you can arrange Maslenitsa games for them. You can start with an active game with running, and then move on to calmer ones.

"Masha the Confused"

There must be a lot of children. They all join hands and form a long chain. The driver stands on one side; he can be chosen by lot. The driver begins to run around the site, constantly changing directions. And the whole chain of children runs after him, trying not to let go of each other’s hands. But since no one except the driver knows where to run, it is difficult for children to maintain balance and not get unstuck. It is especially difficult for the last ones in the chain. And when someone falls down laughing, they are out of the game. Those guys who last the longest win. If you are not tired, you can choose another driver and continue the game.


This is perhaps the most popular game.

Burn-burn clearly
So that it doesn't go out!
Look at the sky
Birds are flying
The bells are ringing:
- Ding-dong, ding-dong,
Run out quickly!

Everyone stands in pairs. The joined hands are raised up. Ahead, at a distance of 5-6 steps, stands the driver. Children begin to pronounce burner words. Having agreed, children last pair release their hands and run forward along their sides of the column. Ahead, they need to take each other’s hands again, but so that one of them is not caught by the leader. Whoever he insults, he pairs up with. The remaining player becomes the driver.

"Handkerchief of Sympathy"

Only boys play. On the site you need to place a gate in the shape of a P. Multi-colored scarves are hung on strings on the top crossbar. The boys take turns running and, jumping up, try to tear off one of the scarves. If the scarf is torn off, the boy approaches one of the girls and gives her a gift - a scarf.

"Snow Shooting Range"

You need to install square shields meter by meter, draw circles on them, like in a shooting range, with a diameter of 30, 60, 90 cm. Prepare snowballs for throwing in advance. Those guys who hit the target must be treated to sweets. Adults should watch carefully to ensure that no one is standing near the shields.


A group of children and a child dressed up as a goat are playing. The players turn to the “goat”:

Gray goat,
White tail,
We'll give you something to drink
We'll feed you
Don't butt us
And play “Trap.”

At last words children scatter around the playground, and the “goat” tries to catch up with them.

Fun indoor games for Maslenitsa

When the kids have been running and jumping outside, and have eaten sour cream and pancakes, they need to go dry and rest indoors. You can also play in the hall, but more calmly.


Vanya is chosen and stands in the center of the round dance. He holds a toy horse in his hands or sits astride a stick horse. Children holding hands walk in a circle and sing:

Vanya, Vanya-simplicity
I bought a horse without a tail.
He sat backwards
And went to the garden!

After that, everyone runs away, and Vanya catches him. The caught one becomes Vanya.


The game requires a lot of artificial or paper flowers. Any number of children can play. All players walk freely around the hall and sing a spring song:

Spring, spring is red,
Come, spring, with joy,
With great mercy:
With tall flax,
With deep roots,
WITH heavy rains,
With abundant flowers.

While the children are singing, one of the adults scatters flowers on the floor. When the song ends, everyone quickly starts collecting flowers. Whoever has the largest bouquet wins.


Children will draw the rays of the sun, so they will need two sheets of whatman paper with drawn suns, but without the rays. Children are divided into two teams, and each stands in front of their drawing, 5-6 meters away from them. Children are given yellow felt-tip pens or markers. At the signal, children from the teams take turns running to their drawing sheets and drawing rays of the sun (there will be as many of them as there are participants in the team). The first team to finish and be assembled wins.


A large circle is drawn on the floor where the “crow” is located - this is the leader. The “sparrow” children stand behind the circle. At a signal from an adult, the “sparrows” begin to jump in place, flap their wings and jump into a circle. You can also jump in a circle, trying not to get caught by the crow. The leader can only catch in a circle, and then the “sparrow” becomes the leader.


There should be two presenters, one with a ring in his hands. Children sit in a row on a long bench and cup their hands. They begin to pronounce the words:
“Ring-ring, roll onto the porch, across the field, through the meadow, come back after making a circle!” And the leader with the ring comes up to everyone and holds his hands with the ring between their folded palms and quietly places it on someone.

The second must guess who is holding the ring. If he guesses right, he becomes the main presenter, and if he doesn’t guess right, the children say the words: “One, two, three, ring, run!”

The child with the ring runs away, and the second leader tries to catch him. If the child manages to run around the hall and return to his place, then the second leader will guess again. If he doesn’t have time, he becomes a guesser.

“Pancakes – flatbreads”

This fun shouting game. There are no losers or winners here, just a fun and playful game. The children are divided into two halves: one, at the leader’s signal, will shout the word “pancakes,” and the other, “flat cakes.” The text is:

It was a good winter, we are seeing it off
And we joyfully welcome the warmth of spring.
We bake pancakes with seasoning (hand sign in the direction of “pancakes”)!
And delicious (hand sign towards “flatbread”) flatbreads!
We clap our hands cheerfully and together (everyone clap).
The long-awaited oil week has arrived,
And no one will count how much we ate.
We ate and ate (hand sign) pancakes!
And also (hand sign) flatbreads!
Now let’s spin around ourselves a little (everyone is spinning).
There are songs, dances, laughter, noisy parties around,
In every house, the effort and effort was appreciated,
There are (hand sign) pancakes on the table!
And next to it (hand sign) are flatbreads!
To get more into us, we jump on our legs (everyone jumps).
Another circle around you (everyone is spinning),
And we clap our hands (everyone clap).

All children will have a lot of fun shouting in unison.


Children who want to play are put on buffoon hats with bells. “Skomoroshki” perform tasks: show how bears, cockerels, geese walk; how goats butt heads; how the sun rolls across the sky; dance to fun music, etc.

Games and fun on Maslenitsa are very noisy and active, and fast, cheerful melodies greatly contribute to this.


The players stand or sit in a row and pass each other a broom decorated with ribbons and paper flowers. Everything happens to fast music. When the music suddenly stops playing, the broom ends up in someone's hands. This person must or.


Participants stand in a circle holding hands. In the middle there is a circle drawn with paint - a “frying pan”. A slow round dance tune sounds and everyone begins to move in a circle. As soon as fast dance music starts, everyone tries to push their neighbors into the frying pan. You can’t unclasp your arms, you can only lean on your legs. Whoever stepped into the “frying pan” was “baked.” There should be two winners.

"Merry Musicians"

5-6 children play. They are given musical instruments: spoons, pipe, accordion, rattle, rattle, bell. One is left without an instrument and plays the role of conductor. They turn on the music quietly, and the musicians begin to play whatever they want. At the conductor’s signal, they place the instruments on the floor and slowly run in a circle with the conductor. As soon as the music stops, everyone tries to grab any instrument lying on the floor. Whoever doesn't get it starts leading a new orchestra.

Dance “Making Pancakes”

The presenter says the following text: “We played, and now let’s relax and bake delicious pancakes all together together. Our mothers kneaded the dough for us, and we will bake. To make the stove hot, you need to light a fire in it. We will represent this with friendly and loud applause. Light it up, well done!

Now it's time for the frying pan. Our frying pan is round, so let’s join hands and heat it up hotter.”

The square dance sounds, and everyone in the circle dances, and the leader shows the movements.

To the song “Let's go through the raspberries to the garden,” all the players run in a circle, holding hands.

“There are raspberries, pancakes are baking. Oh, go for a walk! We’ll get some caviar for the pancakes, and lots of it!”

Everyone curls up into one big lump.

“Ay, well done! Let’s go eat big and rosy pancakes!”

To the accompaniment of a Russian round dance song, everyone walks in a circle, first in one direction, then in the other.

“These are the wonderful pancakes we baked: beautiful and rosy! Now you can have tea and pancakes.”

Everyone bows to each other and goes to their tables.


The game is more suitable for teenagers. Guys and girls stand in a common circle. The leader throws handkerchiefs upward according to the number of young men, and they must catch them. If at least one falls, all the guys are symbolically “punished”, for example, they have to do 10 push-ups or 20 sit-ups. Then the players approach the girls and put handkerchiefs on their shoulders, inviting them to dance.

All couples begin to dance to a slow melody. The guys try to take the handkerchiefs back, but the girls dodge and don’t let the “gifts” be taken from them. The music continues to play until the guys have all the handkerchiefs. If someone took it first, then they just dance with each other.

The main thing in the game is not to forcefully take the handkerchief, but to deftly and carefully take it from the girl, who must dodge beautifully and gracefully. And this all happens in dance to music.

Folk games for Maslenitsa for older schoolchildren

Teenage boys will be happy to demonstrate their strength and dexterity in games, and girls will show off their beauty, dancing skills, grace and tenderness.


This game is more for teenage boys. It allows you to show your strength and resilience. Although some lively girls also play it.

Players are divided into teams of equal strength. One is “elephants”, the others will jump from above. The strongest of the “elephants” stands facing the wall and, resting his hands on it, leans forward. Everyone else stands behind and, hugging those in front by the waist, bows their heads down. This creates the long back of the “elephant”.

The players of the other team, having run up, must jump on the backs of the players of the first team. Moving along the back of the “elephant”, all participants should sit on it. The task of the “elephant” is not to break, and the top one is not to fall for at least 10 seconds.


This folk game was known to our great-grandmothers, and it has come down to us almost exactly as it was played at that time. Beautiful, smooth, it seems to flow like a stream. There is no need to show your strength and dexterity here. It plays on emotions and creates a pleasant mood.

Everyone stands in pairs, one behind the other, looking in the same direction. The clasped hands are raised high above the head and form an arch. Whoever didn’t get a pair walks along the living corridor from the last pair and looks for a partner. He takes him/her by the hand, and together they walk to the beginning of the corridor. They stand in front and also raise their hands. The one left without a pair does the same as the first player. So gradually the “stream” moves forward.

Young people and girls especially loved this game. After all, it gives you the opportunity to touch your loved one and be close.

"Jump ropes"

This is one of fun games. And although the rules are very simple, not everyone will be able to cope with the task - it requires dexterity and attentiveness, and, of course, a long rope. Two adults take the rope and twirl it like a jump rope, and the teenagers take turns running up and starting to jump. Whoever has the most jumps wins. You can complicate the conditions: jump at once in groups of two or three, or maybe even 5-6 players.

Tug of War

What would Maslenitsa be without a tug of war? This is probably the oldest fun. The presenter says the words:

Men, guys, guys
We call you to the rope.
Ten on the left, ten on the right,
Only the muscles are cracking.

Everyone is divided into teams. A line is drawn on the snow with red paint (you can use a spray can), and the teams stand on one side or the other of the line, holding a rope. At the signal, tug-of-war begins. The first team to cross the line loses.

You can complicate the game: for example, place children with their backs to each other. Or take not a rope, but a smooth rubber hose.

"King of the Hill"

The most famous and gambling game on Maslenitsa. One of the teenagers climbs onto a small snow mountain and with a challenge from there shouts: “I am the king of the mountain! I’m the boss here!” The remaining players rush up the mountain from all sides, trying to overthrow the self-proclaimed king and seize the throne themselves. The goal is to be first, but not to hurt each other. Adults make sure that children do not push each other too roughly.


Two boys or guys play. At a signal, they must knock each other's hats off their heads. An enemy's hat falling to the ground is a sign of victory. You cannot hold the hat with your hand and you cannot adjust it either.

Everyone loves to have fun on Maslenitsa - from young to old! There are ancient Russian amusements for adults too. Especially for strong and dexterous men.

Fist fight

What's Maslenitsa without the brave people? fist fight. In the old days they went wall to wall, street to street, village to village. And everyone was equal: both the common people and the rich merchants. At first, boys under 12 years old usually fought, then young boys stood up, and then adult men measured their strength. If someone fell, it was impossible to hit him. It was forbidden to grab clothes. The task of each “wall” is to put the enemy to flight.

Each side had a so-called leader, headman or chieftain. They distributed the fighters in the “wall”, and at their signal the battle began. There were also fighters who were called “nadezhda”. Their main task was to break the enemy’s formation and let several of their own men into the gap at once.

Try holding such a fight on Maslenitsa among boys or men. Do not fight with fists and do not tear clothes.

"We cut wood"

Nice guests, wonderful people,
Turn your face here.
Let's start sports now
Daredevil competitions.
Strong guys compete
Guys, be healthy.
Called to the center of the square
Original wood cutters.

Two willing men must cut through a very thick log with a regular saw. The cut should be smooth and neat.

Pillar with prizes

This cheerful spectacle on Maslenitsa is familiar to everyone. A long pole is dug into the ground with trophies tied at the top that need to be retrieved. You can pour water on the pillar. It’s 10 times more difficult to climb up an ice pillar like this.

Various competitions are another folk traditions on Maslenitsa. Indoors are less active, and outdoors - with running, jumping, strength and agility.

"Mother-in-law's pancakes"

The easiest and most delicious competition: you need to eat as many pancakes as possible in a minute. You can’t stuff as much into your mouth as possible to avoid choking. The one who chews everything thoroughly wins.

Throwing felt boots

Everyone is welcome to participate. The task is very simple: throw the felt boots as far as possible. The prize is candy poured into a felt boot.

"Russian bath"

For the competition you need bath brooms - several branches each. The players are divided into pairs, and each tries to “steam” the other with a broom. Whoever has the fewest leaves left in a minute wins: that means he “soared” well. The prize, of course, is a birch broom.


For this competition you need to know a lot of ditties about Maslenitsa. Everyone is welcome to participate. The presenter says the following words:

Do you want to beat your girlfriend?
Sing a funny ditty.
We will give a universal prize
Interesting, musical!
Sing, people, Russian ditties,
Have fun, dear people.

Everyone sings ditties in turns. Whoever knows more wins. The prize for the winner is colored scarves.


They give it to the players wooden spoons. Music sounds, and the “spoon players” must beautifully play along with the harmonica. Whoever comes up with the most beautiful result wins. The prize is a baby spoon.


Participants are blindfolded and asked to guess what filling they are eating pancakes with. The prize is already eaten during the competition.


Ancient Russian attributes of any national holiday and especially Maslenitsa - stilts. The presenter invites the participants:

Dancers, are you awake?
Come out, take the stilts.
And in front of everyone from the heart
Dance on stilts.

Those who want to test themselves in this competition need to stand on stilts and, without losing their balance, walk several meters, stepping on circles drawn in the snow with a diameter of 50 cm. The prize is a bag of seeds.

"Russian beauty"

The task is given in advance: to prepare a folk costume. Girls or girls dance in a round dance, showing their grace and tailored costumes. Then they are given rockers with buckets. It is better to fill buckets not with water, but with something else heavy. Participants must also walk with heavy buckets, showing their position. The prize is a scallop.

"Guess the name"

Participants need to know old Russian names. The presenter shows 3-4 dolls and says:

Here are three dolls in sight,
You can see them in any row.
They have a Russian name
Guess as you go.
The name is Russian, simple,
Like a golden egg.

The names written on pieces of paper are in the pockets on each doll's clothes. Whoever guesses correctly receives a doll as a gift. Names you can use, for example, are: Akulina, Stepanida, Zlata, Virineya, Glafira. Everyone who wishes to participate is given one attempt. If they don’t guess correctly, then another try is given.


Goy-esi, weightlifters,
Show strength with your hands.
Who will raise two pounds here,
Let's bring a plate of pancakes.

Participants show their strength by lifting weights. For children - weights 2-3 kg, teenagers - up to 10 kg and adults 15-20 kg. The prize is a plate of pancakes to restore strength.

"Pancake Relay"

We need to prepare pancakes and several frying pans. Participants pick up frying pans with pancakes and, running a certain distance, must toss the pancakes on the frying pans at least three times. The pancake should fall back into the pan. Whoever's pancake falls to the ground is eliminated. The prize is a jar of sour cream.

"Sunny Balls"

Participants are given unsharpened pencils and balloons yellow. The presenter says the words:

We know there will be sunshine
For us all to shine.
It's so good that the sun is
Came back to us again!

Two teams of any number of participants. You need to carry the ball a certain distance, pushing it with the tip of a pencil, and come back. The team that finishes the race first wins. Prize – balloon any color.

Ancient rituals for Maslenitsa week

During the oil week in the old days, many rituals were held for the family, to commemorate ancestors, for agriculture, for wealth and many others. Here are some of them.

Rituals for a happy family life

These rituals were one of the main ones, because family happiness always appreciated. “Viewing parties” were organized for future newlyweds. The guy and the girl were put in front of everyone and asked to kiss many times.

On Friday, the sons-in-law had to go to their mother-in-law's for pancakes. And she tried to feed her son-in-law and butter him up so that he would always treat his wife well and love her deeply.

It was customary to “punish” single guys: they had a log hung around their necks, which symbolized future wife sitting on the neck. The guys had to walk around the village with logs all day, listening to ridicule from people.

Purpose Forgiveness Sunday It was for all relatives to make peace and live for a whole year with goodness and without quarrels. All food prepared on this day must be eaten or distributed to the poor.

Commemoration of ancestors

It was impossible to work in the evenings, especially spinning and weaving. The evenings were considered holy, since it was possible to disturb the souls of the dead, because they were supposed to rest when they came to the homes of the living.

The Maslenitsa bonfire symbolized the invitation of the dead to a hearty, rich dinner. In general, the main purpose of celebrating Maslenitsa in ancient times was to appease the spirits.

Rituals for fertile land

Pancakes were always baked in all houses, and the first one was taken outside and placed on the snow as a gift to spring. He had to warm the earth so that spring would come sooner.

WITH ice mountains ok in the old days everyone had to ride. There was even a belief: the further you roll, the richer the flax harvest will be.

Maslenitsa was considered a holiday of food. The more satisfying the week goes, the richer and more fertile the whole next year will be.

Rituals for a rich life

It was believed that this week it was necessary to get rid of the old so that the new could come into life. They lit fires and burned old things.

These rituals and traditions have long been followed during the celebration of Maslenitsa.

The richest holiday of the Slavs is not forgotten even today. After all, all the games, fun and rituals were associated with the anticipation of spring. And they loved to walk and have fun at all times. Happiness, peace and goodness to you! Celebrate joyfully and live richly!

Tongue twisters for children starting with the letter R

The Orthodox Church, as we know, does not approve of pagan rituals, has repeatedly tried to ban the celebration of Maslenitsa. But her attempts were unsuccessful. Instead, there was a mixture of Orthodox customs and pagan rite celebrating the arrival of spring. This includes burning an effigy of winter at the stake, abundant feasts with pancakes and Maslenitsa games and folk festivities.

Thus, Maslenitsa is one of the few customs that have come down to us since pagan times.

During Maslenitsa week, it is customary to visit a lot and invite guests to your place, have fun and walk. There is such a sign: if a person spends Maslenitsa boringly and does not cook a single pancake, then failure and lack of money will await him all year.

In this article we have collected the best customs and games for Maslenitsa, and large number pancake recipes will allow you to surprise your guests with new Maslenitsa dishes every day.

Now Maslenitsa is celebrated for a whole week. Maslenitsa week starts 8 weeks before, so it doesn't have a specific date. This date moves every year.

When is Maslenitsa in 2015?

In 2015, Maslenitsa falls on the week from February 16 to 22. This week, each day has its own name and talks about what you need to do today. So:

The first day is the meeting of Maslenitsa.
On this day you need to prepare a Maslenitsa scarecrow (below we will write how to make a Maslenitsa doll with your own hands) and bake pancakes. It is also customary to visit people and arrange ice slide rides.

Day two is a flirtation.
On this day you need to slide down the ice slide at least once, otherwise you may offend Maslenitsa. Traditionally unmarried girls they dress as scary as possible and go for a ride on a hill with single guys, and then everyone goes to each other’s houses for pancakes.

Day three - gourmet.
On this day you need to prepare the most delicious pancakes. You’ve also probably heard about the tradition of going to your mother-in-law’s for pancakes. So this needs to be done on Wednesday.

Day four - go wild.
From this day on, general fun and festivities begin.

Day five - mother-in-law's party.
The son-in-law invites his mother-in-law to his home for a return visit.

Day six - sister-in-law's get-togethers
On this day, it is customary to feed the in-laws with pancakes.

Day seven - farewell to Maslenitsa or Forgiveness Sunday.
The last and most fun day of Maslenitsa is celebrated folk festivals, round dances, games and competitions. It is customary to ask each other for forgiveness in order to be cleansed of all sinful things. At the end of the holiday, an effigy of winter is burned.

The best games for Maslenitsa: we rode, fought, competed in the snow

As we found out, Maslenitsa is undoubtedly the most riotous holiday. To this day, culinary abundance and wide celebrations remain an integral part of it. On Maslenitsa days, mass entertainment is traditionally organized. Here are the most common ones:

Snow battles

- “wall to wall.” One of the types of fist fights in Rus'. The fighters of the two teams line up in ranks. Each team selects “hopeful” fighters who are capable of breaking through the enemy’s “wall” and selects a “combat leader”. The headman is responsible for the tactics and strategy of the battle, and also encourages his comrades during the battle. It is forbidden to hit someone who is lying down. The goal of each side is to push the enemy out of its territory and put it to flight.

- “storming the fortress.” An ancient folk game. A snow fort is built in advance and usually consists of two walls with a gate. Participants in the game are divided into defenders and attackers. The attackers storm the walls, climbing on top of each other. The defenders defend themselves with snowballs, branches and brooms. The winner is the first one to penetrate the snowy city. They play until the fortress is completely destroyed.

- "cockfight". Variant of a comic duel. A wide circle is trampled in the snow. Opponents jump on one leg, and bend the other one and hold it with their hand. The winner is the fighter who pushes the opponent out of the circle with his shoulder or chest.

- “horse fight”. Pairs compete. One depicts a horse, the second a rider. A pair in which the rider could not stay on the “horse” is considered a loser. You can arrange a whole “horse battle” by dividing into separate teams.

- “king of the hill.” One of the participants in the game climbs the hill and shouts: “I am the king of the mountain!” Those gathered below are trying to capture the top and also shout out the right words. The task is to defend as long as possible and be the “king of the hill” as often as possible.


- skiing from icy mountains. A favorite fun for both children and adults. The slides are built high, wide and with long tracks at the bottom. For skating, you can use sleds, ice skates, matting, and wooden boards. They ride alone and in pairs, maneuvering along steep slopes. In the old days they believed: whoever slides further down the mountain will have a successful year.

— sleigh rides with horses. An indispensable attribute of Maslenitsa. Sleighs and horses are decorated with colorful ribbons and bells.

- pole skating. Two even poles are laid parallel on the mountainside. The distance between them is no more than a meter. To make such “rails” slippery, they are first doused with water. They stand on poles in pairs, holding each other’s hands. The main thing is to maintain balance and stay on your feet while sliding down.

Competitions for Maslenitsa

— « ice pillar" Traditional Maslenitsa fun. The tall pole is doused with water and prizes are hung at different heights. The strongest, tenacious and persistent one takes out the gift hanging above the others.

- “hit the pancake in the oven.” A stove with a mouth is made from snow (or cardboard). Instead of pancakes, cut out circles from dense material. The task is to throw “pancakes” into the mouth of the “stove” from a certain distance. Instead of a stove, you can put a person with a frying pan. Then pairs will compete for the largest number of “pancakes” caught.

- “goodbye, felt boots.” Two felt boots are thrown one after another. The winner is the one whose felt boots flew farthest from the rest and ended up as close to each other as possible.

- “Russian bathhouse”. An ancient fun game in which opponents hit each other with bath brooms. Whoever hits his broom on his opponent the fastest wins.

- “don’t miss the pot.” A clay pot is hung on a stake. Blindfolded players approach it and, after three attempts, try to break it from top to bottom with a long stick.

- “knock down the potatoes.” A round log is placed on two stumps. The participant sits astride a log and crosses his legs under it. He leans on the ground with a stick. The player’s task is to knock down the potatoes laid out on the stumps with this stick, while maintaining balance and not touching the ground with his feet.

- “Basilio and Alice.” Pairs compete to see who can cover the distance the fastest. The first participant is blindfolded, and the second jumps on one leg. The "cat" supports the lame "fox", and the "fox" shows the way to the blind "cat".

Relay races

- “pancake” relay race. Participants cover the distance holding a frying pan with a pancake in their hands. During the run, without stopping, the pancake is tossed and caught at least three times.

— “obstacle race.” Obstacles on the players' path are: putting on a shirt; gird yourself with a belt; eat a pancake; whistle loudly; kiss the Russian beauty.

- “three legs.” Teams play in pairs. Right leg one partner and left leg the second are connected with each other. Participants run a three-legged race.

- “drink to the bottom.” A table is placed in front of the teams with two bottles of alcohol, glasses and pancakes. The first participant runs up to the table and pours a drink into a glass. Comes back. The second player runs up and drinks alcohol. The next player eats a pancake. And the next one pours, drinks, and snacks. The team that finishes the bottle first wins.

How to make a Maslenitsa doll with your own hands

Butter pancakes, noisy fun and generous hospitality are obligatory attributes of Maslenitsa festivities. And, of course, the main person of the celebration and the symbol of the passing winter is the Maslenitsa doll.

It’s easy to make a homemade Maslenitsa doll with your own hands. They place it in a place of honor in the house or decorate a pancake slide with a doll. To work you will need:

  • two sticks (preferably birch);
  • brooms or twigs;
  • newspaper or rags;
  • white fabric;
  • pieces of multi-colored material, bright ribbons;
  • paints, felt-tip pens;
  • threads and tape for fastening.

1. Using a rope, we make a cross from two sticks. The vertical stick is longer. The head and torso are attached to it. The horizontal stick is the hands.

2. We will make the head of the doll from paper crumpled into a ball. You can make a lump of rags or cotton wool. We wrap the filler in white cloth and tie it with threads to the upper end of a vertical stick. We draw the face with paints or felt-tip pens. You can make button eyes. We make a braid from three ribbons and fasten it on the head. We tie a scarf for the doll.

3. The Maslenitsa figurine should be magnificent. To give volume to the arms, we tie twigs onto a horizontal stick. Additionally, you can wrap your hands in newspaper. We throw white fabric on top and tie it with bright ribbons in place of the tassels.

4. Maslenitsa is a portly pancake-eating woman. Therefore, it would not be superfluous to make her two large breasts (in the image of her head) and secure them on a stick.

5. So that the doll can stand, we tie brooms or brushwood onto the stick-body. We mark the waist with a rope. We attach rolled up pieces of newspaper to the waist along the body with tape. The width of the skirt depends on their number. In a piece of bright fabric folded in half, you need to cut out the neck. We put on the finished dress for Maslenitsa. We make an apron from another bright fabric. We tie it with a wide red ribbon.

6. Maslenitsa can be decorated with homemade necklaces and kitchen utensils, and bracelets made from dryers. Her appearance depends on your imagination.

On Sunday the doll is burned. It is believed that our past grievances and discontents burn out in the fire along with winter. The ritual of burning Maslenitsa can be carried out by wishing on the doll the bad things that you want to leave behind in the outgoing year (unpleasant meetings, failures at work, extra pounds). To do this, before burning, a ribbon with a wish is tied to her hand. But if you have something in mind for the future, the Maslenitsa doll should be kept at the entrance to the house. It will be a talisman and a symbol of prosperity.

15 pancake recipes for Maslenitsa

Whatever pancake recipe you choose, there are several general rules preparations. So, to make them beautiful and tasty you need:

1. Choose the right dishes. The ideal option is a cast iron frying pan. If you still have such a thing in your house, consider yourself lucky and even the first pancake will not be lumpy, your pancakes will never stick to the pan and they will turn out thin and crispy.

If you couldn’t find a cast iron frying pan, it doesn’t matter. You can cook in a regular non-stick frying pan.

2. Preparatory work. Heat the frying pan thoroughly. If cast iron is used, then it must be greased with vegetable oil or lard and sprinkled with salt before the first time. If it’s a regular frying pan, then just grease it with oil.

3. To make the pancakes light and airy, you need to properly prepare the eggs. Separate the whites from the yolks and beat them separately from each other. Then mix again.

4. Experiments are welcome. To get an unusual taste of pancakes, add finely ground flavorings to the dough before frying. They can be: boiled meat, green onions, grated carrots, boiled egg and many other products. Try it and you will be surprised how the taste of pancakes with “fillings” will change.

Pancakes with milk

There is a huge variety of recipes for pancakes with milk: you can make custard pancakes, from sour milk, thick pancakes with milk. We have prepared the best pancake recipes for you

To make the milk pancakes not just golden brown, but also with small holes, add a couple of tablespoons of water to the dough.

1. Grandma's pancakes with milk

Ingredients: warm milk 700 ml, egg 3 pcs., flour 7 tbsp, sugar 1 tbsp, salt 1 tsp, soda 0.5 tsp, vegetable oil 2 tbsp.

Mix milk, eggs, salt, sugar, soda (slaked with vinegar), vegetable oil. Beat everything well with a whisk. Sift the flour and add in a thin stream, while thoroughly mixing the dough so that there are no lumps.

Pancakes are baked in a dry hot frying pan (greased a small amount butter just before the first pancake) until golden brown.

2. Thin pancakes

Ingredients: milk 400 ml., potato starch 200 g., vegetable oil 2 tbsp., salt 1 tsp., sugar 2 tbsp., egg 2 pcs.

Mix eggs, milk and starch until smooth. Add butter, sugar and salt. Grease a frying pan with a thin layer of vegetable oil and heat well. Bake pancakes until golden brown on both sides. The pancakes turn out very thin.

Thin pancakes bake better if you grease the pan with a piece of lard instead of butter.

3. Fluffy pancakes

Ingredients: 3 cups milk, 2 cups flour, 3 eggs, 0.5 tsp. salt, 1 tbsp sugar, vegetable oil 3 tbsp, baking powder 3/4 tsp.

Mix flour, baking powder, salt and sugar. Add eggs and half a glass of milk. Beat the dough with a mixer (or whisk) until smooth. After this, add the remaining milk and butter, constantly stirring the dough. Pour the batter into a well-heated and greased frying pan with a ladle and bake the pancakes on both sides. From time to time the pan needs to be greased with oil.

4. Pancakes in a bottle

Ingredients: 2 eggs, 10 tbsp. flour, 3 tbsp. vegetable oil, 600 gr. milk, 3 tbsp. sugar, 0.5 tsp. salt, 0.5 tsp. soda, 1 tsp. vinegar. Plastic bottle 1.5 liters and funnel.

Insert the funnel into the bottle and pour everything into it: flour, salt, sugar, baking powder, slaked soda with vinegar. Shake the bottle to mix everything. Add eggs, butter and milk. Screw the lid on and shake the bottle until the dough mixes well.

Grease a frying pan with vegetable oil and heat well. Pour the batter into the pan from a bottle and bake the pancakes until golden brown.

5. Pancakes with millet porridge

Ingredients: 200 gr. millet, 400 gr. flour, 6 glasses of milk, 2 tbsp. butter, 50 gr. yeast, 2 tbsp. sugar, 2 eggs.

Millet pancakes are traditional recipe Russian cuisine. Cook thin millet porridge in milk and cool. Add yeast diluted in 0.5 cups of milk, salt, butter, eggs, flour, sugar to the porridge. Mix everything thoroughly and put in warm place so that the dough rises. Then bake like regular pancakes.

6. Quick pancakes

Ingredients: 500 gr. flour, 2 cups water, 1 cup milk, 1 tbsp. sugar, 0.5 tbsp. salt, 3 eggs, 1 tsp. baking powder.

Beat the eggs and mix them with warm water, milk, salt, sugar, baking powder. Add flour in a thin stream with constant stirring so that there are no lumps. Beat the dough with a whisk. Heat a frying pan and grease it with a thin layer of lard. Bake pancakes on both sides until golden brown.

7. Buckwheat

Another recipe for traditional Russian cuisine: buckwheat pancakes with milk. Most often, pancakes were baked according to this recipe for Maslenitsa.

Ingredients: 3 cups ground buckwheat, 2 cups milk, 20 gr. yeast, 2 eggs, butter.

Dissolve the yeast in 3 tbsp. spoons warm water. Mix buckwheat, yeast, milk and egg yolk. Melt the butter and add to the dough. Wait until the dough rises and start baking pancakes. Bake in a well-heated frying pan, greased butter.

We also suggest using a step-by-step master class:

Pancake recipes with kefir

8. Traditional recipe

Ingredients: 1 cup flour, 1 cup kefir, 2 eggs, 1 cup warm water, 0.5 tsp. soda, 1 tbsp. sugar, 2 tbsp. vegetable oil, a pinch of soda.

Beat the eggs until foamy, add water and continue beating, add a glass of kefir and beat again. Mix flour and soda and add in a thin stream to the dough, stirring constantly. Add sugar, salt and vegetable oil. Bake in a very hot frying pan, greased with oil.

9. Spicy

Ingredients: 1 liter of kefir, 3 eggs, 1 tsp. salt, flour, 1 tsp. soda, 3 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, butter, onion.

Mix eggs, salt and kefir and heat this mixture on the stove (so that it is slightly warm). Add flour to form a batter. In a glass hot water Dilute soda and add to the dough. Add vegetable oil and mix everything thoroughly.

Place half an onion in vegetable oil and grease the pan with it when baking pancakes. Bake like regular pancakes until golden brown. Then grease with butter. Onions will give pancakes an unusual piquant taste.

10. Plain pancakes without kefir

Ingredients: 0.5 liters of kefir, 1 tbsp. milk, 2 eggs, 1.5 tbsp. flour, 1 tbsp. sugar, 0.5 tsp. salt, 1 tsp. soda, vegetable oil

Heat the kefir so that it is lukewarm, add eggs, sugar, salt, and soda. Mix everything thoroughly. Add flour in a thin stream and mix so that there are no lumps. Boil the milk and pour into the dough while stirring constantly. At the end add vegetable oil. Bake in a preheated frying pan greased with vegetable oil.

Ingredients: 750 ml. milk, 25 gr. yeast, 3 eggs, 1 tbsp. sugar, 100 gr. butter, 400 gr. flour, 0.5 tsp. salt.

Mix warm milk, yeast, sugar and half the flour. Place the dough in a warm place so that it rises. Grind the yolks with butter, and put the whites in the refrigerator. Add the yolks, salt and remaining flour to the dough and place in a warm place for 1 hour to rise.

The dough must be stirred periodically. When the dough has risen, thoroughly beat the egg whites and add them to it with constant stirring. Fry in a heated frying pan, greased with lard.

Spring rolls

13. With cottage cheese

Ingredients: 400 gr. flour, 1 liter of milk, 2 eggs, 1 tbsp. sugar, 1 tsp. salt. For filling: 500 gr. 5% cottage cheese, 1 egg, 2 tbsp. Sahara.

Mix eggs, sugar, salt and half the milk. Add flour and beat until smooth. Add the rest of the milk in a thin stream. Leave ready dough for 30 minutes in a warm place. Then bake the pancakes in a hot frying pan greased with vegetable oil.

Filling for pancakes with cottage cheese: grind the cottage cheese through a metal sieve or beat in a blender. Add egg and sugar, mix everything thoroughly. Fill the prepared pancakes curd filling and fold into envelopes.

Fry the finished envelopes in vegetable oil until golden brown.

14. With meat

Prepare pancakes as in the recipe for pancakes with cottage cheese.

For filling: 250 gr. minced meat, carrots, onions, salt, pepper to taste.

Lightly fry the minced meat, add grated carrots, salt and pepper. Fry everything together until done.

Cool the filling and stuff it into the finished pancakes, rolling them into envelopes. Then fry the finished envelopes in vegetable oil until golden brown.

15. With cheese

Prepare pancakes according to any recipe.

Grate the cheese on a fine grater, distribute onto pancakes and roll them into envelopes. Pour a little vegetable oil onto a baking sheet, place envelopes on it and place in the oven for 5-10 minutes so that the cheese melts.

Maslenitsa is a good reason to have fun and spend time with health benefits. fresh air. May this holiday be memorable for you.

Pole riding

The oldest game, common in the Mari region of Russia. (Game of the northern peoples of Russia on Maslenitsa).

Long, smoothly planed poles (logs) are laid at a distance of 1 meter parallel to each other and doused with water so that they are covered with ice and are slippery. The length of such “rails” is from 50 to 200 meters. It is better to lay the poles at an angle. If they are laid on too steep a slope, then you don’t have to water them with water, the main thing is that they themselves are smooth.

Both children, youth and adults participate in the game. Of course, you should take care of the safety of children. To do this, it is enough to ensure that there is a distance between the skaters and the possibility of a successful soft fall around the poles (freshly poured snowdrifts, stacks of straw or even mats, no stones or sharp objects).

Participants should be divided into pairs (preferably of the same build: height and weight). Two players stand on slippery poles lying parallel, holding hands (shoulders, waists of each other), and roll downhill along them. The task is to get to the bottom without falling. This requires not only the ability to maintain balance, but also the coordination of the partners’ actions. The most skilled in this game invent new ways to slide down (not only on their feet, somehow supporting each other in a special way, comical poses, and so on). All this makes pole riding fun for participants and spectacular for spectators. Of course, the best receive not only cheers and applause from the audience, but also prizes.

Climbing poles

This version of the previously described game is considered Russian. Only one pole is smooth, and the other is not. And the two do not roll down, but climb up, where a reward awaits them.

Opposite the slippery pole, some prize is fixed at the top ( big toy, something not heavy from household appliances and so on), which is easy to reach if you go upstairs.

The two participants also stand opposite each other, holding each other. One climbs up a slippery pole, trying to get to the prize, and the other not only climbs up his non-slippery and also inclined pole, but also supports the other. The one who moves on the slippery pole must get the prize.

The spectators are intensely cheering. A lot of emotions are caused by the moment when the participants reached the prize, but were unable to take it, having rolled down. At the end of the path, the difficulty lies in the fact that the participant, standing on a slippery pole, must stop holding on to his friend, since hands are needed to take the prize, which is quite large in size (it is difficult to take it with one hand).

Cunning male participants take a fragile girl or even a child as their partner on the slippery pole. In this case, while climbing the pole, the man literally carries his light partner (but with his arms outstretched forward!)


The game has Turkic roots, the name cannot be translated. It can be played equally by both children and teenagers, young people and adults, women and men together or separately.

All participants in the game are divided into two teams. Two are drawn parallel lines at a distance of 4 meters from each other. The players of the two teams face each other, lining up in long ranks along their lines. A player from one of the teams volunteered, shouting “Bilyasha!” runs to the other team, each member of which pulls forward right hand. The person running up, grabbing someone by the hand, tries to pull the opponent across the court and behind his line. If he pulls him over, he makes him his “prisoner”, placing him behind him. If he doesn’t win, but he himself ends up behind the line of the other team, then he becomes (like a “prisoner”) behind the back of his winner. The player is then sent out by the other team. He also grabs the hand of his opponent, whom he hopes to pull over his line. He especially strives to pull over the one who has a “prisoner” in order to free him in case of victory. So the teams take turns sending out their players. The game ends with one team gradually winning over those opponents. During the game, teams cheer on their players by chanting their names.

You can choose any player of the opposing team to tug; no one should pull back their hand extended forward. You can pull only with one hand, without the help of the other. The freed “prisoner” returns to his place on the team.

If both teams have the same number of players, no more than five, you can choose a referee from the audience who will closely monitor compliance with the rules of the game, and not a single player from the team, but all players at the same time, can pull. To prevent the game from dragging on, you can use the sound of a gong both to start and end the tug-of-war. Those who fail to outweigh their opponent return to their place empty-handed. A new blow The gong announces that players of the opposing team will now do the tug-of-war.

How far is it to run?

Children's Slavic game. The game begins with a chanting counting rhyme, for example, “Chinchiki-rubber bands” or “The ram was walking.” The driver is “shin”. He stands with his back to all players and leans forward. Each player holds a small decorated stick in their hands. Previously, in the old days, each child himself cut out a stick for himself and decorated it. Some carved, some used ribbons and beads, some painted, and some even had a stick made of metal or knitted from straw. In short, everyone has their own. All the children unmistakably knew the owner of the wand. Now the sticks for the game can be distributed, but they must be different. Everyone carefully places their chopsticks on the driver’s back. One player raises the sticks one by one and asks the driver: “How far is this gentleman to run?” And the driver answers: “To the store” or “Around the house” and so on. That is, each participant in the game, taking his stick from the back of the “shin”, receives a specific task. Everyone is running at the same time. He ran to the named place, say, to the second bench in the park, hit it with his stick and back. Who will get to run further, who will get closer. Some can run fast, some can’t. The one who runs back first wins. The last one to come running is the one who gets naked. Now they put their sticks on his back and ask him - how far is this gentleman to run?

Children of different ages, boys and girls, can participate in the game. In addition, you can join or leave the game at any time. That is, you can play all day long, constantly changing the composition of the participants, without stopping the game for a minute.

Breaking chains

The game is believed to have Russian roots.

Participants of two teams stand opposite each other at a distance of at least 6 meters so that they can run up. They form two parallel “chains” by holding hands. Members of one team loudly chant: “Is your chain strong?” The other team also answers in unison: “Strong!” The first team again says in unison: “Check the hero’s helmet!” One of the members of the first team runs to the second and tries to break the clasped hands of the players. If he succeeds, then he immediately takes two players from the opposing team, whose hands he managed to tear apart, to his team. Newly arrived players are accepted and placed in a chain at their discretion. If he fails, then he joins the chain of the opposing team. Then the game continues. Now the second team says the words: “Is your chain strong?” And the first team answers: “Strong!” Second command: “Check the hero’s helmet!” Now the player of the second team runs and tries to break the “chain” of the first team. And so on, the game continues until all members of one team join the chain of the other.

Important condition: you cannot break with your elbows, any team member can run and try to break the “chain”, you can try to break the hands of any players, clasped hands must be held tightly, without bending your elbows, players must not get closer to each other after seeing what their hands are want to break, you can be cunning by changing the direction of running (run so that the opponents think that it is in this place that the player will break their chain, and he suddenly runs sharply towards other players).

The game is equally suitable for any age and gender of players. Family teams are possible.


The game involves two teams of players. This is an analogue of the game “Breaking Chains”. Players in two teams hold each other tightly by their outstretched arms - a “chain”. Teams stand opposite each other at a distance of 10-15 m facing each other. The first team says: Tili-ram, tili-ram, who do you want, who do you want? The other team names any player from the first team. The named one runs and tries to break the chain of the second team. Then the teams change roles. If a player breaks the chain, then he returns to his team, taking with him those two players between whom he broke the chain. All three players join the team in the places indicated by the players. Players indicate those places to make the chain stronger. If the called player was unable to break the chain, then he joins the team whose chain he failed to break. Thus, one team becomes longer and the other shorter in terms of the number of players. The team that loses the most players is considered defeated. Another option for ending the game: after 6-8 calls, the teams pull each other over the line. The team that manages to pull the opponent to its side of the line wins.

Toss the ring with a skewer and catch it on the skewer

Children's sports game.

To play, children are divided into units that line up at a distance of 2 m from one another. Each link is given a skewer and 5 rings of different diameters. At a signal from an adult, the guide with a skewer and rings in his hands goes 4 steps forward, turns left (right), puts the ring on the end of the skewer and throws it high up, then trying to catch it on the skewer (5 attempts are allowed). Then the guide leaves the ring and skewer on the floor, hits the next player on the hand and takes his place. The child is allowed to choose a ring of the desired diameter and change it to a more comfortable one. The link that drops fewer rings and completes the task faster wins.

Don't let me hit the hoop

This game is a variant of the game described above. More suitable for children.

Children are divided into four units. The units are lined up opposite each other at a distance of 2 - 2.5 meters. The interval between players is 1 meter, between links is 2 meters. In front of two ranks, at the very feet, there are six hoops (for the guys of the 1st and 3rd links) and rings (for the guys of the 2nd and 4th links) and everyone has skewers in their hands. On command, the children of the 1st and 3rd links alternately throw rings using a skewer towards the playing 2nd and 4th links, trying to get into the hoop. The task is to use a skewer to prevent the ring from getting into the hoop. Then the guys change roles. Each hit of the ring inside the hoop is worth one point, and each catch on a skewer is worth 2 points. The winning link is determined by the highest amount of points scored.

Rotate the ring on the skewer

Another childish and sedentary game using a skewer and rings.

Option 1: Each participant in the game is given a ring and a skewer. At the same time, on command, the children put the ring on the skewer and rotate it, performing circular movements with the skewer. Then the “Stop!” signal sounds. or other. Children stop spinning. Whoever's ring slipped off the skewer before the “Stop!” signal lost. The game can be repeated until one or more “invincible” participants remain.

Option 2: Instead of verbal signals, use the sound of music: when the sound begins, the rotation begins, when it ends, it stops. Anyone whose ring falls off a skewer or slips onto their hand while the music is playing before it stops is out of the game.

Who will get to the prize first?

Sedentary game. For it you will need a three-meter ribbon (cord), at the ends of which 30cm sticks are attached. The sticks can be decorated in some way. A prize is fixed in the middle of the ribbon (a toy, something stationery and so on.) The main thing is that the prize should not be heavy. Two players wrap a ribbon around wooden sticks. The one who gets closest to the prize wins. As a rule, whoever winds the ribbon faster and reaches the prize takes the prize.

This game is equally suitable for players of any age and any size.

Protect the basket from balls

Sedentary game. The players stand in a circle. Everyone has a ball. In the center of the circle is a basket and a driver with a racket. The players take turns throwing the ball, trying to get into the basket, and the driver hits it with a racket. A large number of participants can play at the same time. In this case, they should be divided into 2 or more circles and a competition between the teams should be arranged.

A good defender wins a prize. The game is suitable for players of all ages. You can put a prize in the basket that needs to be protected. He did it and took the prize. You can come up with any other premise for the game (why you need to protect the basket).


Sedentary game.

An inflated paper bag is hung from any support, for example, to a tree branch, to a horizontal bar, to a chandelier, at the level of the child’s shoulders, its edge is tied with a rope.

The player stands at a distance of five steps from him and is blindfolded.

At the “start” signal, the child takes five steps forward, stops and quickly brings his hands together. If the package ends up between the palms, it will slam with a shot.

Rules: You can only take five steps, clap only after stopping and only once.

The game is considered children's, but it can be successfully used among young people. Instead of a paper bag, it can be a balloon that needs to be pierced with a knitting needle. The ball bursts and a prize falls out of it, which the lucky player can take away.

Climb the pole

This game has no restrictions based on gender or age. But young men test their strength more often.

To play you will need a tall smooth pole (at least 3 meters in height). At the very top there is a prize. It could be anything: from a toy to expensive equipment. The task is that everyone must climb the pole and get the prize. The higher the pillar, the more difficult it is for the player to do this.

You can put several pillars different heights. The value of the prize will depend on the height of the pillar. Moreover, in this case the participants of different ages and there will be more different builds.

To make the task more difficult, the pole can be watered in different places, which will make it slippery in these places. The slippery area should not be more than 50 cm wide, otherwise it will be almost impossible for the player to overcome it.


Small sleighs are attached to the large sleigh, which is pulled by horses or some kind of automatic vehicle. The horses gallop (the car drives) without stopping, carrying these sleds behind them. The task is to jump into the sled and ride in it.

Option 1: Travel a certain distance in a sled.

Option 2: To make it even more interesting, you can put a prize in this sleigh. Whoever managed to jump was able to take the prize.

Condition: vehicle drives without stopping at the same speed.


French folk game. Usually played by children, but can also be held for family teams of players.

2-3 teams compete simultaneously with equal number players. Each participant receives a paper (cardboard, plastic) fish (length 25 cm, width 6 - 7 cm). A ribbon (lace) about 1 m long is attached to the tail (for children, for adults, of course, longer). The end of the tape should be tucked into the belt so that the fish freely touches the floor - “floats” when the player walks. The tape should not be tucked tightly, but so that it easily slips out from behind the belt when you step on the fish. Each team has fish of a certain color.

At the leader’s signal, the players begin to move at a pace across the entire court, trying to step on the opponent’s fish and at the same time prevent them from catching their own. The player whose fish was picked leaves the game. After the conditional time has expired, the game stops, the presenter counts the number of eliminated players. The team with the most fish left wins.


Another children's game. To play you need a rope 2-3 m long and a peg or post driven into the ground. One end of the rope is firmly attached to the peg, for example, with a loop. All children line up in a large circle around the peg, without holding hands. They are "fish". The driver is chosen - the “fisherman”. He takes the free end of the rope and pulls the rope. In this case, the hand with which he firmly holds the rope should be lowered down. The driver should be behind the circle of children. He runs with a rope around a circle of children. When the rope approaches, children jump over it. Children hit by a rope leave the game. The game continues until there are 1 - 3 players left in the circle. Then a new fisherman is selected, possibly from among the uncaught fish.

Tug of War

You will need a long and thick rope (rope). Two lines are drawn, behind which players of two teams stand (teams have an equal number of players). Two teams of participants stand opposite each other in columns and take hold of the rope. A line is drawn. The middle of the rope is marked. At the signal, the players pull the rope - each team in its own direction. The winner is the team that was able to pull all the players of the opposing team over their line using a rope.

Moon or sun

The beginning of the game serves as a counting rhyme. Two captains are chosen, who quietly agree among themselves which of them is the moon and which is the sun. The rest of those who want to participate in the game approach them one by one. Quietly, so that others do not hear, everyone says whether he is for the moon or for the sun. They also quietly answer him whose team he should join. So the players form two teams (the number of players is determined by lot), which line up in two columns (players behind their captain). Teams pull each other across the line between them.

Sack fight

Similar games in different interpretations exist in different nations peace.

For this game you will need a horizontally mounted log (thick crossbar) at a height of at least 1 m from the ground (so that your feet do not touch the ground). Two participants sit on the log astride facing each other at arm's length from each other. Each participant picks up a bag filled with down, cotton wool, straw or hay. Players hit each other with these bags. The task is to knock your opponent off the log with a bag, while you remain sitting on the log.

Players of all ages can participate. If the log is long enough, then several pairs of players can compete on it at the same time.

Two Frosts

On opposite sides of the site, the house and kindergarten are marked with lines. All the children are in the house from the beginning. Two drivers - Frosts in the middle of the site. On both sides.

Both Frosts: We are two young brothers,

Two Frosts are daring.

First Frost: I am Frost the Red Nose.

Second Frost: I am Frost the Blue Nose.

Both Frosts: Which one of you will decide -

Set off on a path?

Children: We are not afraid of threats

And we are not afraid of Frost!

After this, the children run from home to kindergarten, and Frosts try to grease them - to “freeze” them. Those children who have been touched by Frosts are considered “frozen.” They remain in place, standing motionless.

The game is repeated. Now the children are running from kindergarten home and so on. Children are allowed to help frozen children by touching them with their hand while running.

After four runs, you can choose new Frosts.

Catching birds on the fly

An ancient Russian folk game. Among other games and competitions, it was an integral part of the Maslenitsa celebration. Children are playing. Spring counting rhyme:


The birds were singing

Soared -

They flew to the forest,

The birds began to build nests,

Who doesn't howl -

drive him!

(Russian folk)

A trap driver is selected. The rest of the children pretend to be birds. Birds can be depicted in a wide variety of ways. It depends on the children's knowledge about birds and their preferences. Someone may imagine themselves as a crane, someone as a duck, someone as a nightingale, and so on. If possible, children can use appropriate mask caps. All the children are birds, trying not to lose characteristic movements selected bird, pronounce teasing words for the trap:

We are small birds,

We love to fly across the sky,

Try to catch up with us!

The trap runs after the children, trying to catch as many as possible. Salinated is eliminated from the game.
