Feng Shui compatibility by date of birth. Feng Shui by date of birth - deciphering the Gua number, determining the elements

One way to determine the compatibility of people is based on the principle of interaction of five elements. We are naturally more drawn to people whose elements in the cycle of generation are located on either side of ours. And, most likely, we will have problems in relationships with those who belong to the elements adjacent to ours in the cycle of destruction.

Compatibility of people according to Feng Shui. The truth about me!

FIRE 1946, 1947, 1956, 1957, 1666, 1967, 1976, 1977, 1986, 1987, 1996, 1997.

TREE 1944, 1945, 1954, 19555, 1964, 1965, 1974, 1975, 1984, 1985, 1994, 1995

WATER 1942, 1943, 1952, 1953, 1962, 1963, 1972, 1973, 1982, 1983, 1992, 1993

METAL 1940, 1941, 1950, 1951, 1960, 1961, 1970, 1971, 1980, 1981, 1990, 1991.

EARTH 1948, 1949, 1958, 1959, 1968, 1969, 1978, 1979, 1988, 1989

Find your year of birth and the year of birth of your loved one. Determine which elements you and he belong to. Below is a description of possible types of relationships for different combinations of elements.


Fire people are full of enthusiasm and optimism. The combination of two Fires can be an extremely powerful combination. Fire people can bring out the best in other representatives of this element, which makes such a union long-lasting, since neither part of it gets tired of the other.

Fire - Earth

In this harmonious combination, the parties stimulate and excite each other. The magnificent imagination of Fire combined with the sensuality of Earth determines relationships that are successful on all levels.


Fire has the ability to melt metal, and this makes the couple's relationship difficult. The metal representative will try to impose his will on his partner, which can lead to catastrophic consequences.

The fire will gradually destroy the Metal. Both of them are prone to fighting and will try to defeat each other. Fortunately, they do not lack a sense of humor, with which they can resolve the most difficult situations.

They should have some item in their home that relates to the earth element in order to somewhat reduce the negative effect of such a combination.

Fire water

This combination is considered unfavorable, since Water extinguishes Fire. However, Water can bring a creative touch to the energy and enterprise of Fire, and Fire natives can inspire Water natives.

Although both parties have excellent communication skills, they will find it difficult to convey their deepest feelings to each other. Such a couple needs to keep some symbol of the wood element in the house in order to neutralize the negative aspects of this combination.


This is a harmonious combination of elements. The Wood person gives stability to the impulsiveness of the Fire. The energy and enthusiasm of Fire can push Wood to greater achievements than those that he would achieve on his own. They are both optimists and like new ideas and concepts.


This is a very good combination because both parties will care about meeting the highest standards and taking care of each other's needs. Such relationships may seem boring on the surface, but in reality they will be deep, strong and passionate.

Problems can arise due to mutual stubbornness. However, if both parties show love and goodwill, there will certainly be a way out of these temporary difficulties.

Earth - Metal

This is an excellent combination, since the parties in this union will support and respect each other, and have admiration for each other. A metal person is by nature patient, which is necessary in relations with the Earth, which requires time to make any decision.

In this pair, Metal will open wider, more exciting prospects to the Earth. The Earth will nurture the financial ambitions of Metal, which will ensure reliable financial position this couple.

Earth - Water

This is a difficult union because the parties can hurt each other emotionally. Earth provides the stability that Water lacks, but Earth's stubbornness will cause constant irritation to the more sensitive Water.

This union can be extremely effective in business terms, since creativity Water combined with the common sense and practical approach of the Earth inevitably brings success. Such a couple needs to keep objects symbolizing metal in the house in order to neutralize possible conflicts.

Earth - Tree

The tree dries up the Earth, and this makes this combination unfavorable. Earth is stable, conservative and cautious while Wood is progressive, sociable and expansive.

Once they decide to help each other instead of arguing and picking, this can be a successful combination, provided that both are willing to openly express their feelings.

Such a couple needs to keep some item of the fire element in the house in order to neutralize the negative aspects of the combination.

Metal - Metal

This union is successful because the parties intuitively understand each other. They will have the usual ups and downs of all couples, but they are always willing to help each other for the common good. From the outside, their relationship may not seem too close.

This is due to the fact that metal people usually prefer to go their own way and do things their own way. However, they get along well with each other and form strong, long-lasting relationships.

Metal - Water

Such an alliance is very successful, since the parties reliably support each other. Both are guided by intuition and feelings and are able to communicate effectively on a subconscious level. Metal teaches Water not to be too influenced by others.

Water helps Metal express their feelings more effectively and go with the flow instead of stubbornly clinging to the past.

Metal - Wood

This couple may experience difficulties because both strive for dominance and will insist that they know best how to act in certain situations.

Wood will strive for company, while Metal feels great alone. This tendency towards solitude will infuriate the naturally sociable, sociable Tree. Both of them have a high sense of responsibility.

Wood is easy to get along with and will likely adapt to Metal's occasional need for solitude.

Metal will often despair of Wood's desire for perfection. If Metal gives in a little and agrees with Wood's ideas, their relationship will improve, but the parties will often have to make compromises.

Water - Water

Water-Water relationships often seem heavenly. Both feel a deep kinship and instinctively guess each other's desires and needs. Such an alliance strengthens the determination of both, their relationship is less susceptible to outside influences. Each side draws strength and self-confidence from the other.

Water - Wood

This is a pretty good combination because water nourishes the tree, helping it grow and bloom. Wood helps Water by giving it stability and a sense of purpose. Water gives the Tree a sense of compassion and helps it express itself.

Wood gives strength to Water, which is prone to frequent changes in mood. Both are honest, tactful and capable of empathy. An intuitive connection is formed between them, which develops and strengthens over time.


This is a very active, harmonious combination. Wood people are usually naturally inclined to all sorts of activities; they like to do everything. When two Trees unite, this quality is enhanced, and they, in addition to their own careers and a lot of hobbies, will each have many common interests.

Such a union may seem exhausting from the outside, but both Trees literally blossom in it. These are patient, trusting, tolerant people, always ready to help each other.

Naturally, the descriptions given cannot give a complete picture of the compatibility of people. For this we need complete horoscopes both sides.

Chinese astrology is a complex art, and what we have covered in this section is similar to determining compatibility of people by zodiac sign in Western astrology.

The Gua number is the answer to many questions. Why is a person not given luck in certain areas of life? Why doesn't sleep bring complete rest? What is the reason for your personal life not getting better? All this is in the area of ​​“competence” Gua numbers, which is not without reason called the number of fate. It is this that allows you to determine your compatibility with your own home and workplace. And, if you calculate the Gua number and apply it correctly, you can quickly and effectively adjust the overall “picture” of the house in accordance with personal positive and bad directions and places in your personal home or office.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 January February March April May June July August September October November December 1949 1 950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 19 80 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2 005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Male Female

Calculating the Gua number

The day and month of birth are needed in this case in order to clarify whether the moment of birth falls in the period after the beginning of the current lunar year or before it. For example:

The young man was born on January 16, 1982. The lunar year in 1982 lasted from January 25th. 1982 to 12 Feb. 1983. That is, to calculate the Gua number, one should actually take 1981.

The woman was born on May 30, 1977. This date clearly falls after the beginning of the current lunar year, so there is no need to clarify it.

For the first part of the calculation, the last 2 digits of the year are needed. They add up, then if the sum turns out to be double digit number, add up again and so on until the sum gives a single-digit number (from 1 to 9).

Now the gender of the person “enters” into the calculations. So:

When the Gua number is calculated for a man, the previously obtained number should be subtracted from 10 (or from 9 for those born in 2000 or later. If the result is 0, add 9 to it).

For a woman, you need to add 5 to the number received before this and, if necessary, reduce the sum again to a single-digit number (for a girl or girl born in 2000 or after it, you need to add 6).

The result obtained is the personal Gua number.

Eastern and Western groups

It is into the western and eastern groups that all people are divided depending on the Gua number. If it turns out to be 1, 3, 4 or 9, then you belong to the eastern group. Westerners include everyone whose Gua number is 2, 5, 6, 7 or 8.

These groups are opposite. The opposite is that the same directions in the home (or workplace) are favorable for the Eastern group, but unfavorable for the Western group. And vice versa. And to calculate the Gua number means to clearly define them.

Favorable directions for the eastern group are north, south, east and southeast. For western - western, southwestern, northwestern, northeastern. Accordingly, the northeast, northwest and also the west and southwest are unfavorable for the eastern group, and the south, north, southeast and east for the western group.

Suitable houses for western and eastern groups

It is advisable to choose for yourself a house (or office) that “sits” in favorable direction, that is, directed in a certain direction with its front (and back) side. At the same time, the front side is not always understood as the façade of a building. The front side is the most active (in terms of movement, noise), spacious and most illuminated side. In Feng Shui, the opposite side is called the back side.

Those who belong to the eastern group should choose a house with the front and back in the direction respectively:

1) North - south. In this case, the house will be subordinate to the element of Fire.

2) South - north. For such houses, their element will be Water.

3) West – East. The element of these houses is Wood.

4) northwest – southeast. In houses located in this direction, the dominant element will be Wood.

It is advisable for representatives of the Western group to live in buildings with a front-to-back direction:

1) Northeast - southwest. The element of such houses is Earth.

2) Southeast – northwest. Such houses “submit” to Metal.

3) Southwest – northeast. The element of houses in this direction is Earth.

4) East - West. The element of these buildings is metal.

How to distribute rooms in the house

It is known that the 8 sectors into which any building is divided are divided into 4 favorable and 4 unfavorable. For each calculated Gua number (1–9, see below), recommendations on the location of various rooms in the home will look like this.

1. For the bedroom the best place south, the worst - northeast and southwest. For personal account It is advisable to choose the north or southeast, and the most undesirable is the west and southwest. In the east, it is worth allocating a room to that family member who is often sick; The worst place for an unhealthy family member will be in the southwest and northwest. The nursery would be appropriate in the north, and the toilet in the northwest.

2. The optimal location for the bedroom is the northwest, and the undesirable location is the southeast. The workplace is best placed in the southwest or northeast; but in the north and east it is better not to equip your office. If there are those in your family who suffer from poor health, assign him a room in the west, but do not do so in the south and north. In the southwest it is worth placing the nursery. The most suitable place for a toilet, so that all the troubles and problems flow into the sewer, is the south.

3. A suitable place for an office in this case is the east or south, the most inappropriate is the southwest and west; and for the nursery it is best to choose the eastern sector. The bedroom for people whose Gua number is 3 should be in the southeast; the most unsuitable sector for it is the west and north-west. The best place to improve your health is in the north of the house. In this case, the toilet should be in the northeast.

4. For the bedroom, choose the east and under no circumstances choose the southwest and northeast. If you have children, place them in the southeast and avoid the southwest for children. If one of your household members needs to improve their health, allocate a room for them in the south. It is advisable to place the office in the southeast or north; but do not organize a workplace for yourself in the northwest and northeast. And try to place the toilet in the west.

5. In the case of this Gua number, favorable as well as unfavorable directions differ for men and women. Men should place their bedrooms in the northwest, women - in the west. The southeast and north are unfavorable for bedrooms for both men and women. The room for a son whose Gua number is 5 should be placed in the southwest, for a daughter - in the northeast. The best place for an office for men and for a workplace for women is in the southwest and northeast. It is advisable for unhealthy family members to settle in the West (if we're talking about about a man) or in the north-west (if a woman is unwell). It is advisable for a woman with Gua number 5 to have a toilet in the east, for a man - in the south.

6. A nursery for a child whose Gua number is 6 should be located in the northwest. Adults sleep with this personal number preferably in the southwest; it is very bad if this person arranges his bedroom in the east or south. Ideal sectors for the office are west and north-west; the most unfavorable are the south and southeast. The place of health for people with Gua number 6 is in the northeast. It is advisable to arrange a room there for an elderly family member or someone who most needs treatment, etc. The toilet will come in handy in the north.

7. If you are experiencing health problems, then allocate a place in your home in the southwest. If you plan to work from home, arrange workplace in the west or northwest; but do not try to achieve success by placing your office in the east or north. The best place for a person with Gua number 7 to have a bedroom is in the northeast; the worst is in the south and east. It makes sense to arrange a nursery for a child whose Gua number is 7 in the west. And the best place for a toilet is in the southeast.

8. For a study, in this case, the best choice is the southwest or northeast; You should not locate your workplace in the south and southeast. If the child has a Gua number of 8, place him in a room in the northeast. Organize a bedroom for yourself in the west (but not in the north or southeast). You feel sick? Then let your personal living space be located in the northwest. And it’s best for the toilet to be in the east.

9. If your Gua number is 9, then your office should be in the east or south, and for the bedroom it is optimal to choose the north. But under no circumstances sleep in the west and do not try to organize a workplace for yourself in the northeast, and do not use the northwest for such premises. For a son or daughter whose Gua number is 9, the optimal sector for the nursery is the northeast. If you feel unwell and develop diseases, your room should be in the northwest. The toilet in the house, if its owner has a Gua number of 9, should be located in the east.

Personal growth

Those who are making a career or would like intensive spiritual growth, must certainly intensify the direction personal growth. These directions are:

  • north – for Gua number 1,
  • southwest - for Gua 2,
  • east – for Gua 3 and 7,
  • southeast - for Gua 4;
  • northeast, southwest - for Gua 5;
  • northwest - for Gua 6;
  • northeast - for Gua 8;
  • south – for Gua 9.

Organize a work office, a corner for meditation in the desired sector, or place an accessory here that symbolizes the area of ​​your personal growth.

Find your year of birth and the year of birth of your loved one. Determine which elements you and he belong to. Below is a description of possible types of relationships for different combinations of elements.


Fire people are full of enthusiasm and optimism. The combination of two Fires can be an extremely powerful combination. Fire people can bring out the best in other representatives of this element, which makes such a union long-lasting, since neither part of it gets tired of the other.

Fire - Earth

In this harmonious combination, the parties stimulate and excite each other. The magnificent imagination of Fire combined with the sensuality of Earth determines relationships that are successful on all levels.


Fire has the ability to melt metal, and this makes the couple's relationship difficult. The metal representative will try to impose his will on his partner, which is fraught with catastrophic consequences. The fire will gradually destroy the Metal. Both of them are prone to fighting and will try to defeat each other. Fortunately, they do not lack a sense of humor, with which they can resolve the most difficult situations. They should have some item in their home that relates to the earth element in order to somewhat reduce the negative effect of such a combination.

Fire water

This combination is considered unfavorable, since Water extinguishes Fire. However, Water can bring a creative touch to the energy and enterprise of Fire, and Fire natives can inspire Water natives. Although both parties have excellent communication skills, they will find it difficult to convey their deepest feelings to each other. Such a couple needs to keep some symbol of the wood element in the house in order to neutralize the negative aspects of this combination.


This is a harmonious combination of elements. The Wood person gives stability to the impulsiveness of the Fire. The energy and enthusiasm of Fire can push Wood to greater achievements than those that he would achieve on his own. They are both optimists and like new ideas and concepts.


This is a very good combination because both parties will care about meeting the highest standards and taking care of each other's needs. Such relationships may seem boring on the surface, but in reality they will be deep, strong and passionate. Problems can arise due to mutual stubbornness. However, if both parties show love and goodwill, there will certainly be a way out of these temporary difficulties.

Earth - Metal

This is an excellent combination, since the parties in this union will support and respect each other, and have admiration for each other. A metal person is by nature patient, which is necessary in relations with the Earth, which requires time to make any decision. In this pair, Metal will open wider, more exciting prospects to the Earth. Earth will nurture Metal's financial ambitions, which will ensure a secure financial position for this couple.

Earth - Water

This is a difficult union because the parties can hurt each other emotionally. Earth provides the stability that Water lacks, but Earth's stubbornness will cause constant irritation to the more sensitive Water. This union can be extremely effective in business terms, as the creativity of Water, combined with the common sense and practical approach of Earth, inevitably brings success. Such a couple needs to keep objects symbolizing metal in the house in order to neutralize possible conflicts.

Earth - Tree

The tree dries up the Earth, and this makes this combination unfavorable. Earth is stable, conservative and cautious while Wood is progressive, sociable and expansive. Once they decide to help each other instead of arguing and picking, this can be a successful combination, provided that both are willing to openly express their feelings. Such a couple needs to keep some item of the fire element in the house in order to neutralize the negative aspects of the combination.

Metal - Metal

This union is successful because the parties intuitively understand each other. They will have the usual ups and downs of all couples, but they are always willing to help each other for the common good. From the outside, their relationship may not seem too close. This is due to the fact that metal people usually prefer to go their own way and do things their own way. However, they get along well with each other and form strong, long-lasting relationships.

Metal - Water

Such an alliance is very successful, since the parties reliably support each other. Both are guided by intuition and feelings and are able to communicate effectively on a subconscious level. Metal teaches Water not to be too influenced by others. Water helps Metal express their feelings more effectively and go with the flow instead of stubbornly clinging to the past.

Metal - Wood

This couple may experience difficulties because both strive for dominance and will insist that they know best how to act in certain situations. Wood will strive for company, while Metal feels great alone. This tendency towards solitude will infuriate the naturally sociable, sociable Tree. Both of them have a high sense of responsibility. Wood is easy to get along with and will likely adapt to Metal's occasional need for solitude. Metal will often despair of Wood's desire for perfection. If Metal gives in a little and agrees with Wood's ideas, their relationship will improve, but the parties will often have to make compromises.

Water - Water

Water-Water relationships often seem heavenly. Both feel a deep kinship and instinctively guess each other's desires and needs. Such an alliance strengthens the determination of both, their relationship is less susceptible to outside influences. Each side draws strength and self-confidence from the other.

Water - Wood

This is a pretty good combination because water nourishes the tree, helping it grow and bloom. Wood helps Water by giving it stability and a sense of purpose. Water gives the Tree a sense of compassion and helps it express itself. Wood gives strength to Water, which is prone to frequent changes in mood. Both are honest, tactful and capable of empathy. An intuitive connection is formed between them, which develops and strengthens over time.


This is a very active, harmonious combination. Wood people are usually naturally inclined to all sorts of activities; they like to do everything. When two Trees unite, this quality is enhanced, and they, in addition to their own careers and a lot of hobbies, will have many common interests. Such a union may seem exhausting from the outside, but both Trees literally blossom in it. These are patient, trusting, tolerant people, always ready to help each other.

Naturally, the descriptions given cannot give a complete picture of the compatibility of people. For this you need complete horoscopes of both parties. Chinese astrology is a complex art, and what we have covered in this section is similar to determining compatibility of people by zodiac sign in Western astrology.

You can determine compatibility in love different ways. One of them is love horoscope compatibility based on Feng Shui. According to the ancient Chinese theory about the energy of the five elements, compatibility in love and marriage can be determined by the year of birth. Every year, according to Feng Shui, one of the elements is under the auspices. In order to find out love compatibility with a partner, you must first know your element.

The earth element includes people born in years whose last digit is 9 or 8. People of the fire element are born in years with the last digit 6 and 7. Those whose birth year ends in 4 or 5 belong to the wood element. The water element includes those born in years ending in 2 or 3. The metal element includes people born in years whose last digit is 1 or 0.

After you have determined your element and the element of your soulmate, you can begin to describe the compatibility of the signs of the elements.

Fire + fire- This is a very strong and strong union. If two fire element people are in a relationship, then together they are able to achieve all their goals. This is an ambitious couple who will support and complement each other.

Fire + earth- this is a relationship in which a fire person will constantly stimulate a person of the earth element to take active action. According to the compatibility horoscope by year of birth, this couple will have passion, love, and mutual support. Such an alliance will be strong in cases where the earth reaches for fire.

Fire + metal– in this pair, fire will suppress the will of the metal. A person of the fire element will constantly strive for leadership in relationships, however, in exactly the same way as a person of the metal element. This is a union of two strong people who want to be in charge in a relationship. In order to make this union successful, representatives of these elements need to use their sense of humor more often when resolving conflicts and problems.

Fire + water– it is believed that in such a relationship a person of the water element will suppress a person of the fire element. However, it's not all bad. A representative of the fire element will constantly direct a water person to the right direction, and he, in turn, will inspire him to accomplish feats.

Fire + wood- this is a harmonious couple in which the fire man will stimulate the representative of the wood element to new achievements. And the tree man will create comfort and take care of financial stability. Both in a pair will complement each other.

Earth + earth- this union is very favorable in all respects. Both will go towards the same goal. At first glance, such a couple may seem boring, since representatives of this element rarely show their emotions. However, in fact, real passion rages in their relationship.

Earth + metal is a strong union based on mutual support and real feelings. The yearly compatibility horoscope says that both will take care of each other. A metal person will make a representative of the earth element successful, and he will take care of comfort and finances.

Earth + water– the relationship in such a couple can be called complex. Both are sensitive and can hurt each other. The earth person will irritate with his stubbornness, but will provide stability. A water person will stimulate his soulmate in personal and career development. This union is more like a relationship between business partners.

Earth + tree- not a very successful union. This is a relationship between two completely different people. The representative of the verses of the earth has a conservative outlook on life, strives for stability and financial independence. And a person of the wood element is more active, progressive and radical in his goals and actions. This union can be successful if both openly express their feelings.

Metal + metal- a successful union. Both in this pair have a strong emotional connection. It is easy for them to understand each other and find a compromise. In addition, this is a couple of like-minded people who are moving towards their goal.

Metal + water– a very good and promising union. According to the free compatibility horoscope, representatives of these elements perfectly understand each other’s desires and strive for common goal. The metal man gives his partner self-confidence, and the water man teaches his soulmate to express his feelings directly.

Metal + wood– the relationship in this couple can be difficult. It all lies in the difference in their characters. A representative of the wood element cannot live without communication, while a metal person strives more for solitude. Relationships can become harmonious only if a person of the metal element listens more often to a representative of the wood element.

Water + water– this is a wonderful union of two people who understand each other. Representatives of these elements are kindred spirits. However, in order to save warm attitude and strengthen their couple, they need to show more confidence and determination in life.

Water + wood– a strong union, the basis of which is mutual support and complementation of each other. Water will give strength to the tree, and it, in turn, will give stability and confidence.

tree + wood- an excellent union of two active and active people. This relationship cannot be called boring. Both will develop, move forward and grow not only in their careers, but also as individuals.

This compatibility horoscope by year makes it possible to find out the prospects for the development of relationships, and it will also help strengthen relationships where they have cracked. You should not assume that incompatible elements have no future in a relationship. Everything is quite real, you just have to work hard on your incompatibility. The most important thing is love and the desire to be together, and everything else will follow.

16.09.2013 12:59

Belonging to one or another Zodiac Sign can tell a lot about a person. And she also...

Wood, water, fire, metal and earth are the five main elements of Feng Shui. The energies of each of these elements should be harmoniously present in your space. There are several ways to bring in the power of the basic elements of Feng Shui. The influence is exerted by color, shapes, symbols, as well as the presence of other elements that influence the basic law of the cycle of “generation-mitigation-destruction”. For example, to enhance the energy of water, in addition to the symbols, color and shape of the water itself, you can add the energy of metal, using the influence of the cycle of generation. Accordingly, water can be neutralized by adding Earth (destruction cycle). You can reduce the influence of water by adding the element of Wood..."

Feng Shui elements: water, fire, metal, wood, earth.

Feng Shui elements: Water element.

Meaning. Emotional sensitivity.
Color. Black, dark blue.
Forms. Wavy and smoothly curving.
Symbol and image. Mirrors, glass, aquariums, fountains, images of fish, waterfalls, seascapes.
Strengthening (generation cycle). Add water or metal.
Weakening (destruction cycle). Add soil.
Softening (softening cycle). Add a tree.

Feng Shui elements: Wood element.

Meaning. Stimulates creativity, growth and development.
Color. Green.
Forms. Tall, oblong and rectangular.
Symbol and image. Wooden objects, plants, bentwood furniture, wicker chairs, reed mats, images of trees and plants.
Strengthening (generation cycle). Add wood or water.
Weakening (destruction cycle). Add metal.
Softening (softening cycle). Add fire.

Feng Shui elements: Fire element.

Meaning. Action, motivation, passion, intelligence.
Color. Red, orange.
Forms. Triangular, pointed.
Symbol and image. Triangular objects and ornaments with a triangular pattern, candles, light bulbs, images of light or fire, sunrises and sunsets.
Strengthening (generation cycle). Add fire or wood.
Weakening (destruction cycle). Add water.
Softening (softening cycle). Add soil.

Feng Shui elements: Earth element.

Meaning. Gives reliability, stability and self-confidence.
Color. Yellow, brown.
Forms. Square.
Symbol and image. Ceramics, stone objects, crystals, images of earthly landscapes.
Strengthening (generation cycle). Add earth or fire.
Weakening (destruction cycle). Add a tree.
Softening (softening cycle). Add metal.

Feng Shui elements: Metal element.

Meaning. Gives strength and brings success in financial matters.
Color. White, gold, silver.
Forms. Round, domed, crescent shaped.
Symbol and image. Metal objects, swords, coins, images of things made of metal.
Strengthening (generation cycle). Add metal or earth.
Weakening (destruction cycle). Add fire.
Softening (softening cycle). Add water.

One way to determine the compatibility of people is based on the principle of interaction of five elements. We are naturally more drawn to people whose elements in the cycle of generation are located on either side of ours. And, most likely, we will have problems in relationships with those who belong to the elements adjacent to ours in the cycle of destruction.

FIRE: 1946, 1947, 1956, 1957, 1666, 1967, 1976, 1977, 1986, 1987, 1996, 1997.

TREE: 1944, 1945, 1954, 1955, 1964, 1965, 1974, 1975, 1984, 1985, 1994, 1995

WATER: 1942, 1943, 1952, 1953, 1962, 1963, 1972, 1973, 1982, 1983, 1992, 1993

METAL: 1940, 1941, 1950, 1951, 1960, 1961, 1970, 1971, 1980, 1981, 1990, 1991.

EARTH: 1948, 1949, 1958, 1959, 1968, 1969, 1978, 1979, 1988, 1989

Find your year of birth and the year of birth of your loved one. Determine which elements you and he belong to. Below is a description of possible types of relationships for different combinations of elements.

Compatibility of Feng Shui elements:

Compatibility of Feng Shui elements: Fire-Fire.

Fire people are full of enthusiasm and optimism. The combination of two Fires can be an extremely powerful combination. Fire people can bring out the best in other representatives of this element, which makes such a union long-lasting, since neither part of it gets tired of the other.

Compatibility of Feng Shui elements: Fire - Earth.

In this harmonious combination, the parties stimulate and excite each other. The magnificent imagination of Fire combined with the sensuality of Earth determines relationships that are successful on all levels.

Compatibility of Feng Shui elements: Fire-Metal.

Fire has the ability to melt metal, and this makes the couple's relationship difficult. The metal representative will try to impose his will on his partner, which is fraught with catastrophic consequences. The fire will gradually destroy the Metal. Both of them are prone to fighting and will try to defeat each other. Fortunately, they do not lack a sense of humor, with which they can resolve the most difficult situations. They should have some item in their home that relates to the earth element in order to somewhat reduce the negative effect of such a combination.

Compatibility of Feng Shui elements: Fire - Water.

This combination is considered unfavorable, since Water extinguishes Fire. However, Water can bring a creative touch to the energy and enterprise of Fire, and Fire natives can inspire Water natives. Although both parties have excellent communication skills, they will find it difficult to convey their deepest feelings to each other. Such a couple needs to keep some symbol of the wood element in the house in order to neutralize the negative aspects of this combination.

Compatibility of Feng Shui elements: Fire-Wood.

This is a harmonious combination of elements. The Wood person gives stability to the impulsiveness of the Fire. The energy and enthusiasm of Fire can push Wood to greater achievements than those that he would achieve on his own. They are both optimists and like new ideas and concepts.

Compatibility of Feng Shui elements: Earth-Earth.

This is a very good combination because both parties will care about meeting the highest standards and taking care of each other's needs. Such relationships may seem boring on the surface, but in reality they will be deep, strong and passionate. Problems can arise due to mutual stubbornness. However, if both parties show love and goodwill, there will certainly be a way out of these temporary difficulties.

Compatibility of Feng Shui elements: Earth - Metal.

This is an excellent combination, since the parties in this union will support and respect each other, and have admiration for each other. A metal person is by nature patient, which is necessary in relations with the Earth, which requires time to make any decision. In this pair, Metal will open wider, more exciting prospects to the Earth. Earth will nurture Metal's financial ambitions, which will ensure a secure financial position for this couple.

Compatibility of Feng Shui elements: Earth - Water.

This is a difficult union because the parties can hurt each other emotionally. Earth provides the stability that Water lacks, but Earth's stubbornness will cause constant irritation to the more sensitive Water. This union can be extremely effective in business terms, as the creativity of Water, combined with the common sense and practical approach of Earth, inevitably brings success. Such a couple needs to keep objects symbolizing metal in the house in order to neutralize possible conflicts.

Compatibility of Feng Shui elements: Earth - Wood.

The tree dries up the Earth, and this makes this combination unfavorable. Earth is stable, conservative and cautious while Wood is progressive, sociable and expansive. Once they decide to help each other instead of arguing and picking, this can be a successful combination, provided that both are willing to openly express their feelings. Such a couple needs to keep some item of the fire element in the house in order to neutralize the negative aspects of the combination.

Compatibility of Feng Shui elements: Metal - Metal.

This union is successful because the parties intuitively understand each other. They will have the usual ups and downs of all couples, but they are always willing to help each other for the common good. From the outside, their relationship may not seem too close. This is due to the fact that metal people usually prefer to go their own way and do things their own way. However, they get along well with each other and form strong, long-lasting relationships.

Compatibility of Feng Shui elements: Metal - Water.

Such an alliance is very successful, since the parties reliably support each other. Both are guided by intuition and feelings and are able to communicate effectively on a subconscious level. Metal teaches Water not to be too influenced by others. Water helps Metal express their feelings more effectively and go with the flow instead of stubbornly clinging to the past.

Compatibility of Feng Shui elements: Metal - Wood.

This couple may experience difficulties because both strive for dominance and will insist that they know best how to act in certain situations. Wood will strive for company, while Metal feels great alone. This tendency towards solitude will infuriate the naturally sociable, sociable Tree. Both of them have a high sense of responsibility. Wood is easy to get along with and will likely adapt to Metal's occasional need for solitude. Metal will often despair of Wood's desire for perfection. If Metal gives in a little and agrees with Wood's ideas, their relationship will improve, but the parties will often have to make compromises.

Compatibility of Feng Shui elements: Water - Water.

Water-Water relationships often seem heavenly. Both feel a deep kinship and instinctively guess each other's desires and needs. Such an alliance strengthens the determination of both, their relationship is less susceptible to outside influences. Each side draws strength and self-confidence from the other.

Compatibility of Feng Shui elements: Water - Wood.

This is a pretty good combination because water nourishes the tree, helping it grow and bloom. Wood helps Water by giving it stability and a sense of purpose. Water gives the Tree a sense of compassion and helps it express itself. Wood gives strength to Water, which is prone to frequent changes in mood. Both are honest, tactful and capable of empathy. An intuitive connection is formed between them, which develops and strengthens over time.

Compatibility of Feng Shui elements: Wood-Tree.

This is a very active, harmonious combination. Wood people are usually naturally inclined to all sorts of activities; they like to do everything. When two Trees unite, this quality is enhanced, and they, in addition to their own careers and a lot of hobbies, will have many common interests. Such a union may seem exhausting from the outside, but both Trees literally blossom in it. These are patient, trusting, tolerant people, always ready to help each other.

Naturally, the descriptions given cannot give a complete picture of the compatibility of people. For this you need complete horoscopes of both parties. Chinese astrology is a complex art, and what we have covered in this section is similar to determining the compatibility of people by their zodiac signs in Western astrology.