Feng Shui directions according to gua number. How to Calculate Your Gua Number

Most people who begin to study Feng Shui, at the first stage of their acquaintance with this wonderful science, encounter the concept and learn that they do not exist on their own, but belong to a huge group Western or Eastern. No, this does not mean that humanity is divided into people with Eastern flavor and Western pragmatism. This is about something else. It is believed that depending on which group a person belongs to, he receives at his disposal four favorable directions according to the Gua number and four unfavorable directions.

But first things first.

Calculated by year of birth. But not just by the number that appears in your passport. We're talking about Chinese solar calendar , in which the year begins in February on February 3, 4, or 5. Therefore, people born from January 1 to February 4 belong to the previous year.
For example. The person was born on January 21, 1966. To calculate the Gua number, he must use the figure 1965 (previous year).

Universal Formula for Gua Number.

If the resulting number consists of two digits, then you need to add these digits together until one remains.
If the result is the number 5, then we replace it for men with the number 2, and for women with 8. Because the Gua number 5 does not exist. But there is a number of the year of birth 5, but this is another topic.

Depending on the Gua number, humanity is divided into two groups:

Western: these are people with numbers Gua 2, 6, 7 and 8
Eastern- numbers Gua 1, 3, 4, and 9 .

For each group there are four favorable directions according to Gua number and four unfavorable directions.

Western group Eastern group
2 6 7 8 1 3 4 9

Favorable directions.

Shen Qi. Success, luck. Gives inspiration, abundance of strength, prosperity (finance, career). Brings good luck.

Tian I. Heavenly doctor. Gives health, brings friends.

Yan Nian. Relationships, love. Creating a family. Birth of children. Improved relationships. Romantic direction.

Fu Wei. Stability. Personal capabilities and abilities. Helps in spiritual development, training, preparation for exams. Develops spirituality and gives clarity of thinking.

Unfavorable directions.

Ho Hai. Small problems, annoying troubles. Minor financial problems.

Wu Gui. Delays in business, losses, waste of time. Scandals in the family.

Liu Sha. Quarreling. Relationship problems, legal troubles.

Jue Ming. Collapse. Believed to bring bad luck on a large scale.

Since husband and wife often have different groups and their favorable directions do not coincide, the Internet is simply filled with questions: what to do, how to set up the bed, whether we should sleep with a “jacket” and the like.

In fact, one should not attach so much importance to Gua number directions. In the list of priorities of various Feng Shui methods, this section is in last place. Because the influence of directions is quite weak. There are much more powerful influences of other energies: Flying Stars, individual sectors of the Noble Man and others. A lot depends on the period of luck, which is calculated according to the Ba Zi map.

This is the rule. If it is possible to place all family members in favorable directions, that’s good. If not, you need to use other Feng Shui methods and ignore the directions according to the Gua number. Believe me, if you sleep in a room with favorable energies, you can use the sector of your Noble Person (a powerful thing), take into account the energies of the coming year, then even if the head of the bed is located in the most unfavorable direction according to the Gua number, nothing bad will happen.

The Gua number is the answer to many questions. Why is a person not given luck in certain areas of life? Why doesn't sleep bring complete rest? What is the reason for your personal life not getting better? All this is within the scope of the “competence” of the Gua number, which is not without reason called the number of fate. It is this that allows you to determine your compatibility with your own home and workplace. And, if you calculate the Gua number and apply it correctly, you can quickly and effectively adjust the overall “picture” of the house in accordance with personal positive and bad directions and places in your personal home or office.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 January February March April May June July August September October November December 1949 1 950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 19 80 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2 005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Male Female

Calculating the Gua number

The day and month of birth are needed in this case in order to clarify whether the moment of birth falls in the period after the beginning of the current lunar year or before it. For example:

The young man was born on January 16, 1982. The lunar year in 1982 lasted from January 25th. 1982 to 12 Feb. 1983. That is, to calculate the Gua number, one should actually take 1981.

The woman was born on May 30, 1977. This date clearly falls after the beginning of the current lunar year, so there is no need to clarify it.

For the first part of the calculation, the last 2 digits of the year are needed. They are added, then, if the sum turns out to be a two-digit number, they are added again and so on until the sum gives a single-digit number (from 1 to 9).

Now the gender of the person “enters” into the calculations. So:

When the Gua number is calculated for a man, the previously obtained number should be subtracted from 10 (or from 9 for those born in 2000 or later. If the result is 0, add 9 to it).

For a woman, you need to add 5 to the number received before this and, if necessary, reduce the sum again to a single-digit number (for a girl or girl born in 2000 or after it, you need to add 6).

The result obtained is the personal Gua number.

Eastern and Western groups

It is into the western and eastern groups that all people are divided depending on the Gua number. If it turns out to be 1, 3, 4 or 9, then you belong to the eastern group. Westerners include everyone whose Gua number is 2, 5, 6, 7 or 8.

These groups are opposite. The opposite is that the same directions in the home (or workplace) are favorable for the Eastern group, but unfavorable for the Western group. And vice versa. And to calculate the Gua number means to clearly define them.

Favorable directions for the eastern group are north, south, east and southeast. For western - western, southwestern, northwestern, northeastern. Accordingly, the northeast, northwest and also the west and southwest are unfavorable for the eastern group, and the south, north, southeast and east for the western group.

Suitable houses for western and eastern groups

It is advisable to choose for yourself a house (or office) that “sits” in a favorable direction, that is, its front (and back) side is directed in a certain direction. At the same time, the front side is not always understood as the façade of a building. The front side is the most active (in terms of movement, noise), spacious and most illuminated side. In Feng Shui, the opposite side is called the back side.

Those who belong to the eastern group should choose a house with the front and back in the direction respectively:

1) North - south. In this case, the house will be subordinate to the element of Fire.

2) South - north. For such houses, their element will be Water.

3) West – East. The element of these houses is Wood.

4) northwest – southeast. In houses located in this direction, the dominant element will be Wood.

It is advisable for representatives of the Western group to live in buildings with a front-to-back direction:

1) Northeast - southwest. The element of such houses is Earth.

2) Southeast – northwest. Such houses “submit” to Metal.

3) Southwest – northeast. The element of houses in this direction is Earth.

4) East - West. The element of these buildings is metal.

How to distribute rooms in the house

It is known that the 8 sectors into which any building is divided are divided into 4 favorable and 4 unfavorable. For each calculated Gua number (1–9, see below), recommendations on the location of various rooms in the home will look like this.

1. For a bedroom, the best place is south, the worst is northeast and southwest. For your personal account, it is advisable to choose the north or southeast, and the most undesirable is the west and southwest. In the east, it is worth allocating a room to that family member who is often sick; The worst place for an unhealthy family member will be in the southwest and northwest. The nursery would be appropriate in the north, and the toilet in the northwest.

2. The optimal location for the bedroom is the northwest, and the undesirable location is the southeast. The workplace is best placed in the southwest or northeast; but in the north and east it is better not to equip your office. If there are those in your family who suffer from poor health, assign him a room in the west, but do not do so in the south and north. In the southwest it is worth placing the nursery. The most suitable place for a toilet, so that all the troubles and problems flow into the sewer, is the south.

3. A suitable place for an office in this case is the east or south, the most inappropriate is the southwest and west; and for the nursery it is best to choose the eastern sector. The bedroom for people whose Gua number is 3 should be in the southeast; the most unsuitable sector for it is the west and north-west. The best place to improve your health is in the north of the house. In this case, the toilet should be in the northeast.

4. For the bedroom, choose the east and under no circumstances choose the southwest and northeast. If you have children, place them in the southeast and avoid the southwest for your nursery. If one of your household members needs to improve their health, allocate a room for them in the south. It is advisable to place the office in the southeast or north; but do not organize a workplace for yourself in the northwest and northeast. And try to place the toilet in the west.

5. In the case of this Gua number, favorable as well as unfavorable directions differ for men and women. Men should place their bedrooms in the northwest, women - in the west. The southeast and north are unfavorable for bedrooms for both men and women. The room for a son whose Gua number is 5 should be placed in the southwest, for a daughter - in the northeast. The best place for an office for men and for a workplace for women is in the southwest and northeast. It is advisable for unhealthy family members to settle in the west (if we are talking about a man) or in the north-west (if a woman is unhealthy). It is advisable for a woman with Gua number 5 to have a toilet in the east, for a man - in the south.

6. A nursery for a child whose Gua number is 6 should be located in the northwest. It is advisable for adults with such a personal number to sleep in the southwest; it is very bad if this person arranges his bedroom in the east or south. Ideal sectors for the office are west and north-west; the most unfavorable are the south and southeast. The place of health for people with Gua number 6 is in the northeast. It is advisable to arrange a room there for an elderly family member or someone who most needs treatment, etc. The toilet will come in handy in the north.

7. If you are experiencing health problems, then allocate a place in your home in the southwest. If you plan to work at home, arrange your workplace in the west or northwest; but do not try to achieve success by placing your office in the east or north. The best place for a person with Gua number 7 to have a bedroom is in the northeast; the worst is in the south and east. It makes sense to arrange a nursery for a child whose Gua number is 7 in the west. And the best place for a toilet is in the southeast.

8. For a study, in this case, the best choice is the southwest or northeast; You should not locate your workplace in the south and southeast. If the child has a Gua number of 8, place him in a room in the northeast. Organize your bedroom in the west (but not in the north or southeast). Feeling bad? Then let your personal living space be located in the northwest. And it’s best for the toilet to be in the east.

9. If your Gua number is 9, then your office should be in the east or south, and for the bedroom it is optimal to choose the north. But under no circumstances sleep in the west and do not try to organize a workplace for yourself in the northeast, and do not use the northwest for such premises. For a son or daughter whose Gua number is 9, the optimal sector for the nursery is the northeast. If you feel unwell and develop diseases, your room should be in the northwest. The toilet in the house, if its owner has a Gua number of 9, should be located in the east.

Personal growth

Those who are making a career or would like intense spiritual growth must certainly intensify the direction of personal growth. These directions are:

  • north – for Gua number 1,
  • southwest - for Gua 2,
  • east – for Gua 3 and 7,
  • southeast - for Gua 4;
  • northeast, southwest - for Gua 5;
  • northwest - for Gua 6;
  • northeast - for Gua 8;
  • south – for Gua 9.

Organize a work office, a corner for meditation in the desired sector, or place an accessory here that symbolizes the area of ​​your personal growth.

The Gua number is a key indicator that characterizes a person in the Ba Zhai technique. It is calculated based on the date of birth. It is very important to take into account the Gua number of a given person when assigning and implementing Feng Shui recommendations. A favorable direction for one person can be disastrous for another.
The Gua number is the basis of the Ba-zhai - Eight Palaces technique, based on the Ba-gua - Eight Trigrams. The Ba-zhai technique takes into account that a person is influenced by the direction of his home, i.e. those energies that penetrate the house from the side of the world to which it is oriented. The basis for this calculation is the back side of the house, i.e. opposite the facade. Accordingly, both dwellings and people are divided into groups - Eastern and Western. In addition to the standard Ba-zhai, dividing space into 8 sectors of 45 degrees, there is also an extended Ba-zhai, dividing space into sectors of 15 degrees, referring to the 24 Mountains technique.

IMPORTANT: Gua number 5 does not exist. Therefore, if the final result is 5 when counting, then the Gua number for men is considered to be 2, and for women - 8.

Equally IMPORTANT: If you were born between January 1 and February 4-5 (New Year's Day according to the Chinese calendar), then you need to carry out calculations as if you were born in the previous year.

For a man- first add up the four digits of the year of birth. If you end up with a two-digit number, then add its digits again until one digit remains. Then subtract the result from 11.
For a woman- add the four digits of the year of birth in the same way, bring the result to one digit and add the number 4.
If a boy was born in 2009, then his Gua number is 9.

Favorable Feng Shui directions for Gua numbers

Each of them has its own type of energy.

Sheng Qi: Success The most favorable direction according to Feng Shui with the best type of energy. It ensures success in absolutely any endeavor, brings money, fame, and a high position in society. It is ideal to rotate the desktop in this direction. If the front door to the apartment and the office “looks” this way, then it will be just wonderful!

Tien-I: Health If the entrance door to the bedroom and the head of the bed are directed in this direction, or when eating food, you will face it, then this will have the most beneficial effect on your health and increase vital activity.

Yan-Nian: Love Helps create harmonious relationships in the family for a long life together. For this purpose, installing the bed with the headboard in the Yan-Nian direction will be especially useful. If you are single and dream of a life partner, then this direction is the best for you.

Fu Wei: Stability Perfect for developing internally, it gives clarity of thinking. This promotes professional development and, as a result, career growth. It would be good to direct your workplace in this direction.

Gua NumberSuccessHealthLoveStability
Eastern group
1 SoutheastEastSouthNorth
3 SouthNorthSoutheastEast
4 NorthSouthEastSoutheast
9 EastSoutheastNorthSouth
Western group
2 NortheastWestNorthwestSouthwest
6 WestNortheastSouthwestNorthwest
7 NorthwestSouthwestNortheastWest
8 SouthwestNorthwestWestNortheast

Unfavorable directions

Using them leads to various problems.

Ho-Hai: Obstacles- unpleasant, but of the bad ones it is the weakest. Means "minor failures" and minor problems. It's not that bad, but it's best to avoid it if possible.

Liu-Sha: Six Assassins. If your desk or bed is facing in this direction, then serious conflicts may arise in the family and at work, and legal problems may suddenly arise in business.

Wu-Gui: Five Ghosts This direction threatens accidents and loss of money. Fires and thefts are possible. If you sleep with your head in this direction, you can become seriously ill or depressed.

Jue-Ming: Complete collapse. This is the most unfortunate and harmful place. Avoid him at all costs, do not sit facing him during work or important meetings. The head of the bed should not be in this part of the house, otherwise you will have bad dreams and you simply will not be able to get enough sleep. This is also an undesirable place for the front door, since every time you leave the apartment, you attract negative energy along with failures.

Gua NumberComplete collapseSix KillersFive GhostsObstacles
Eastern group
1 SouthwestNorthwestNortheastWest
3 WestNortheastNorthwestSouthwest
4 NortheastWestSouthwestNorthwest
9 NorthwestSouthwestWestNortheast
Western group
2 NorthSouthSoutheastEast
6 SouthNorthEastSoutheast
7 EastSoutheastSouthNorth
8 SoutheastEastNorthSouth


Personal favorable and unfavorable directions have a cumulative effect. They gain greater strength only when repeated several times.
Try to sleep with your head in a direction that is favorable to you
Sit at your desk in such a way that you face in a favorable direction.
Try to ensure that your successful directions are repeated as often as possible in the house.

If it so happens that a favorable direction for one of the spouses is unfavorable for the other, then it is better to place the matrimonial bed with the headboard in the favorable direction of the one who needs it more. And so that other factors are favorable.

Each person, depending on the time of his birth, experiences the influence of cosmic energies of different quality or, in other words, Elements.

People born in the same year have the same influence of cosmic energies.

People born in the same year, but in different months, receive support or opposition from both common and different energies.

Accordingly, people born on different days and at different times already have a completely individual pattern of influence of the Elements, which distinguishes each of us from each other in terms of the nature and influence of periods of success or failure in life.

In accordance with this, the influence of the Elements of a certain year for one person can be favorable, as they say, it will “blow in the back”, or, on the contrary, it will force one to “fight windmills”. The art of Feng Shui and Ba Tzu lies in giving a person a series of recommendations taking into account these individual characteristics.

One of the simplest and most effective ways to improve the quality of your life using Yen Shui is to choose directions and sectors of an apartment or house that are favorable for a person. This is easy to do if you know what the orientation and placement of doors or furniture in a particular direction or sector of the house means.

The mechanism is simple:

You determine your GUA number;

Find out which sectors and directions are favorable for you and which are not;

In accordance with this, arrange your bed, table, stove;

Take this into account when choosing or building your new home.

If you always use your favorable sectors and directions, then throughout your life you will receive the support of those Elements and energies that are useful for you.

People whose Gua number 2, 6, 7, 8 belong to the Western group West, South-West, North-West and North-East.

People whose Gua number 1, 3, 4, 9 belong to the Eastern group. Always good for them Southeast, East, South, North.

Now determine for yourself the degree of favorability or unfavorability of a particular direction or sector using the table.

Number of GUA


















The best sector. Success in any endeavor, good luck, prosperity










Healing sector. Ensures good health and quick recovery










Romance. Brings harmony to relationships of any kind










Personal development. Promotes success in work and career










Incidents. May cause minor troubles










May lead to disagreements and monetary loss










Failures. Can lead to serious problems in relationships, business, illness










So, now that you know your best and worst places in the house and directions, analyze which of them are oriented and in which sectors of the house are located:

Your front door (most important!),

Direction of the head of the bed,

Bedroom door

Where do you look when you sit at your dining table or desk?

And in which direction is the front side of the stove in your kitchen oriented if you are preparing food for the family. In this case, the favorable direction will be behind your back.

Using the same principle, it is analyzed whether this or that part of the house or apartment is suitable for you.

It is ideal when the rooms you frequently use are located in favorable sectors, and the entrance and furniture are oriented in the best directions.

If, for example, your number Gua 6, then it is undesirable to make a bedroom a room that is located in the North or South, since these sectors have a negative meaning for you. It is good if the bedroom is located in the western part of the house and the head of the bed is oriented in one of the directions from +1 to +4.

However, to choose the best place in the house for a particular resident, other indicators are also taken into account. In particular, Flying Stars and individual data on the Ba-Tzu map. There are techniques that are more difficult to understand and study, which are transmitted only from Master to Student.

But often it is enough to use favorable directions according to the GUA number to feel positive changes in your life. Sometimes positive changes are felt within a few days, but in some cases it takes at least six months to feel the results.

Important note!!!

Good Feng Shui is not only the “right directions”, it is also a number of other important recommendations based on a personal energy map, the Flying Stars map, color schemes and other nuances.

It is advisable to take into account as many recommendations as possible when arranging your home in order to get tangible results.

Let's talk about what the Gua number is in Feng Shui.

Gua number is a number calculated personally for each person, depending on the year of birth.

Determining your individual Gua number will help you understand the most favorable directions in life for a person. Of the eight existing compass directions, the first four are favorable to a person, and the other four are opposite.

By learning and taking into account the new knowledge acquired, you can significantly improve your life, avoid troubles and direct the course of events and fate for the better. .

The Gua number will help answer many questions: why sleep or rest does not bring complete relaxation, or for what reason your personal life is not going well, or things are not going well at work.

The Gua number is calculated quickly and easily. You just need to know the year of your birth and take into account several features.

  1. Gua numbers are different for men and women, and the numbers are also different for those born before 2000. There are differences for girls and boys who were born after 2000. Everyone is calculated differently.
  2. The Chinese lunar calendar is somewhat different from ours, the one to which we are accustomed. For them, the date of the new year changes periodically and can be dated to days starting from January 21st and ending on February 20th. Thus, those people who were born before February 20th should first check the Chinese calendar. If in China the New Year comes after your date of birth, you need to take the previous year as the reference year, that is, the year before January 1st.

Example: your date of birth is January 30, 1985. It turns out that according to the lunar calendar, Chinese New Year began on February 20, 1985. This means that when calculating Gua, you should take 1984.

We calculate the Gua number for women born before 2000

  1. You need to add the last two digits from the year of birth. As a result, you need to get a single digit number. If the result is a number consisting of 2 digits, use the same principle to add these digits again to bring them to one.

For example: you were born in 1992: 9 + 2 = 11, then 1 + 1 = 2.

  1. Now we add 5 to the resulting number. The final result must again be reduced to one digit if the result is a two-digit number.

Example: year of birth - 1978: 7 + 8 = 15; 1 + 5 = 6; 6 + 5 = 11; 1 + 1 = 2

As a result, the Gua number is 2.

Gua numbers for girls born in 2000 and later

Add the last two digits of the year of birth in the same way, only add not 5, as in the example above, but 6 to the resulting result.

Gua numbers for men born before 2000

Add the last two digits of the year of birth. A number should come out that ultimately consists of the 1st digit.

The result must be subtracted from 10.

Example: born in 1969. 6 + 9 = 15; 1 + 5 = 6; 10 – 6 = 4.

As a result, the Gua number is 4.

We calculate Gua numbers for boys born in 2000 and later

The result obtained from adding the last two numbers of the year of birth, this time subtract not from 10, but from 9.

Important Notes

The Gua number 0 simply does not exist, for this reason a young man born in 2009 will have a Gua of 9.

For women, if the result is ultimately equal to 5, the Gua number is equal to 8, and for men to 2.

There are 2 groups of people depending on their Gua number:

1) If Gua is 9, 4, 3 or 1, then accordingly you are a representative of the eastern group. The directions of the South-East and South, East and North are favorable for such people.

2) If Gua is 8, 7, 6 or 2, then you are a representative of the Western group. Favorable directions of the North-East and West, North-West and South-West.

Favorable directions

Heavenly Doctor responsible for strength, energy and health.

Personal development- a direction that promotes self-improvement, the disclosure of internal reserves, the development of creative and professional abilities

Love and marriage- a direction designed to help harmonious relationships, in love and in family

Success- the most favorable of all directions, promises good luck in all endeavors, wealth and luck. Feng Shui advises to look in this direction as often as possible, for example, at the work or dining table, sit facing in this direction.

Unfavorable directions

Five Spirits can lead to financial difficulties, losses, fires.

Obstacles- this direction promises minor quarrels and troubles.

Six killers threaten serious problems, illnesses, legal and financial difficulties.

Total collapse- the most dangerous of unfavorable directions, serious losses, bankruptcy and even death are possible.

As Feng Shui says, for the desired improvement in any area of ​​your life, you should look, eat, work and sleep facing favorable directions, which one you can choose yourself. And, on the contrary, in order to avoid bad consequences from unfavorable directions, avoid looking in these directions in every possible way, especially during sleep, work, study, eating and other important matters. The same principle should be followed in other aspects of life, for example, a house, study or office should be chosen “facing” in a favorable direction.

Directions for each Gua number

Gua 1

Favorable directions:

  • Success – SE;
  • Love and marriage - Yu;
  • Personal development – ​​C;
  • Heavenly Doctor - V.

Unfavorable directions:

  • Obstacles – W;
  • Six murderers - NW;
  • Five Spirits – NE;
  • Total collapse - South-West.

Gua 2

Favorable directions:

  • Success – NE;
  • Heavenly Doctor - Z;
  • Personal development – ​​S-W;
  • Love and marriage - N-W.

Unfavorable directions:

  • Obstacles – B;
  • Five Spirits - SE;
  • Total collapse – C;
  • Six murderers - Yu.

Gua 3

Favorable directions:

  • Success - Yu;
  • Heavenly Doctor - S;
  • Personal development – ​​B;
  • Love and marriage - SE.

Unfavorable directions:

  • Five Spirits - NW;
  • Six killers - NE;
  • Obstacles – S-W;
  • Total collapse - Z.

Gua 4

Favorable directions:

  • Success – C;
  • Personal Development – ​​SE;
  • Heavenly Doctor - Yu;
  • Love and marriage - V.

Unfavorable directions:

  • Obstacles - NW;
  • Five Spirits - S-W;
  • Six murderers - Z;
  • Total collapse - NW.

Gua 6

Favorable directions:

  • Success – Z;
  • Personal development – ​​N-W;
  • Heavenly Doctor - NE;
  • Love and marriage - South-West.

Unfavorable directions:

  • Obstacles – SE;
  • Five Spirits - B;
  • Six killers - C;
  • Total collapse - Yu.

Gua 7

Favorable directions:

  • Success - NW;
  • Personal development – ​​Z;
  • Heavenly Doctor - South-West;
  • Love and marriage - S-V.

Unfavorable directions:

  • Obstacles – C;
  • Five Spirits - Yu;
  • Six killers - SE;
  • Total collapse - V.

Gua 8

Favorable directions:

  • Success - South-West;
  • Personal development - S-V;
  • Heavenly Doctor - NW;
  • Love and marriage - Z.

Unfavorable directions:

  • Obstacles – Yu;
  • Five Spirits – C;
  • Six killers - B;
  • Total collapse - SE.

Gua 9

Favorable directions:

  • Success – B;
  • Personal development – ​​Yu;
  • Heavenly Doctor - SE;
  • Love and marriage – S.

Unfavorable directions:

  • Obstacles – NE;
  • Five spirits – Z;
  • Six killers - southwest;
  • Total collapse - NW.

Thus, the Feng Shui Gua number will allow you to improve your life simply by changing some rules. Small changes like these will lead you to success and prosperity. Give it a try.