How to be a strong person in 10 minutes. Strength may differ

People's idea of ​​who a strong-willed person is is quite vague. Some understand this as self-confidence, others – determination and readiness to act, and still others – the ability to overcome any difficulties. By by and large a strong person can be called one who knows how to live in real world and at the same time maintain mental balance and calm.

There are many tips on how to become a strong person. It all depends on what exactly you mean by force. Absolutely any advice that makes you persistent, active, relaxed and successful will do. And everything else should be correlated with personal characteristics:

  • Somebody needs to put their fears aside.
  • Some people need to become more active.
  • Someone would be advised to set their own goals and not be afraid to achieve them.

Since each reader may have his own difficulties in developing fortitude, he can seek help from a psychologist on the website. For now we’ll just give general recommendations, which can help everyone become strong.

How to become strong in spirit?

If a person wants to be successful, then he naturally wants to become strong. This may imply the ability to overcome difficulties, gradually move towards a goal, and remain determined and motivated. To be strong, you need to start with a clear understanding of what you mean by that:

  1. A strong person solves all his problems on his own. He is ready to make decisions and be responsible for them. If we talk about a weak person, he usually wants everything to be decided for him. He cannot make decisions or shifts some of the responsibility to others.
  2. A strong person turns problems and difficulties into personal experience that can be used in the future. A weak person usually begins to make a tragedy out of what happened to him.
  3. A strong person is driven by desires and goals, while a weak person is driven by needs and needs.
  4. A strong person has his own opinion and always insists on it. He is able to admit that he doesn’t know something. However, if he is convinced of something, then he does not deviate from his own. A weak person may have his own opinion, but he will be ready to change it under any pressure.
  5. A strong person is able to protect himself. A weak person will always look for help on the side.
  6. A strong person lives according to circumstances, and a weak person lives according to patterns.
  7. A strong person is also brave. He is afraid of what scares him, but he does not let his fears get the better of him. A weak person is not only afraid, but also cultivates his own fears, continues to be afraid and intensifies the fear even more.

Strength of spirit depends on how much negativity a person can experience in his life. The weaker a person is, the faster he gives up in the face of difficulties and troubles, gives up and no longer wants to fight.

A person becomes strong when he sets goals for himself and begins to achieve them. First of all, he relies only on himself. He may resort to outside help. However, it only requires that all actions be completed.

A strong person has his own view of the world. He may be wrong, which he admits. However, having strong evidence of his opinion, he does not deviate from it. He does not allow the people around him to manipulate and influence his opinions, desires and actions. He rather strives for cooperation and agreements than for pressure, manipulation, insults and other methods to force other people to do what he wants.

A strong person is one who simply lives his life. He does not impose himself on anyone, however, he does not allow anyone to interfere in his life or influence it. He maintains harmony within himself, calmness and balance. This is ensured by the fact that a person overcomes all difficulties, solves problems and continues to move forward.

How to become a strong character?

Strength of spirit is not given at birth. It should be developed in oneself, and this should be done constantly. How to become a strong character?

  1. Surround yourself with people who will also be strong, optimistic, purposeful, friendly, etc. It is better to surround yourself with those who know how to achieve goals, do not criticize or blame others, but only look after themselves in order to do better.
  2. Have clear ideas about the world a person lives in. If you don’t have your own opinion, then other people will create it.
  3. Have a clear idea of ​​yourself, and be confident that you know yourself better than other people. Otherwise, those around you will be able to cause doubts, uncertainty, and complexes in you if you think that they are right in their judgments.
  4. Learn from your mistakes. Moreover, perceive failures as an experience that you can use, and not treat them as a reason to reproach yourself for something.
  5. Know how to confront unpleasant situations. This does not mean that you need to fight or argue with someone. This means that you need to be stress-resistant and calmly endure all adversities.
  6. Learn to be afraid, but still act in the right direction. On the way to your goal, situations that frighten you will probably arise. You shouldn't run away from them. It is better to act in the right direction, regardless of internal feelings.
  7. Predict not only good, but also bad outcomes of events. Man cannot foresee everything. Surely some circumstances are not taken into account, so a person may come to some kind of problem. It is better to anticipate what bad things might happen as a result of actions.
  8. Take action. While you are only dreaming and thinking, nothing happens in your life.
  9. Start living in the present time. Everything you can do happens in the present. The past has already passed, it cannot be changed, and the future has not yet arrived, and it completely depends on the actions that were committed in the past and present. You can change the future only in the present tense.
  10. Overcome all difficulties. If they cannot be ignored to achieve your goal, then start eliminating them.
  11. Accept the imperfection of the world. You do not live in a world of utopia, happiness and joy. The world is full of both pleasant and unpleasant colors. You should take everything into account and see everything, treating even the bad things normally.

The world will not exist according to the desires that a person places on it. The world existed, exists and will exist after man. This person is a temporary guest, and the world continues to exist. Therefore, the rules are created by the world, not by man. People can only make up rules in their own, interpersonal world. Here we will have to both accept these rules and change them. Man cannot influence the laws of nature.

How can a man become mentally strong?

Strength of spirit is usually required from the male half. Women can be weak (although they are no less mentally strong), but men should always remain strong in everything. To achieve this, the following recommendations are given:

  • Don't feel sorry for yourself. Why do this? To feel sorry means to blame others for your troubles. But a strong person does not blame anyone, because he is engaged in solving problems.
  • Don't be afraid of change. Change is good because it shows that life is moving on. Change can be both good and bad. But they are all fixable. If you don't like something, start correcting the situation. But moving towards a goal always presupposes changes.
  • Don't focus on what you can't change. Not everything is in your control. You don't have power over all things. Things you have no control over shouldn't take up your time. There is absolutely nothing you can do here, no matter how nervous you are.
  • Don't try to please everyone. You - ordinary person, which someone will definitely not like for some of its qualities. And that's okay. Be calm about the fact that someone doesn't like you.
  • Don't be afraid to take risks. However, this risk must be reasonable. If you see all possible scenarios and are ready to cope with any setback, then take risks.
  • Don't regret the past. Strong people they know how to let go of the past, whatever it may be. It's already gone, you can't change it. Accept it and move on.

How to be a strong person?

Psychologists warn readers in advance that it will be difficult. A strong person faces more troubles and discontent from others than weak people. And this is understandable:

  1. A strong man decides for himself how to live. And others like it when they can influence the decisions of others. Since weak people are more pliable than strong people, some are loved more than others.
  2. A strong person has his own opinion, which he may not change just because someone doesn’t like it. People around them love those who are happy to change their minds if they want to.
  3. A strong person cannot be controlled. He does not give in to manipulation, blackmail and threats. He is not afraid of being alone and not receiving approval from other people.

A strong person often remains alone in his thoughts, desires and in life. Of course, he will have friends, good acquaintances. However, he will understand that, first of all, he must rely on himself, since other people may have their own opinions, desires, or simply things to do.

To be a strong person means to live in accordance with your desires, which cannot be shaken by the opinions of others. And since a person does not listen to anyone, then, most likely, he will achieve his goals himself. And this also shows his strength: he is not afraid that he needs to achieve his goals alone, that no one supports him.

The characteristic of a strong person is that he:

  1. Not afraid.
  2. Doesn't wait and doesn't hope.
  3. Doesn’t demand anything good from people, help or support.

He just lives on his own. And he maintains contacts with other people if they also want it.

How to ultimately become strong in spirit?

note that we're talking about about fortitude. Strength is a quality that should be pumped up just like muscle strength. No one will build muscles for you. Therefore, only you can make yourself spiritually strong.

Spirit is the inner component of a person. No one can feel it, touch it, see it. Only man can feel his spirit.

Thus, fortitude can only be developed independently. How to do this? You need to start living your own life, relying only on yourself, achieving goals on your own, coping with difficulties on your own, taking responsibility and allowing the world to only help you. Don't be afraid, don't give in, don't need or demand. This will save you from dependence on others, who will definitely put forward their own conditions on which they agree to realize your desires. In this case, you can resort to the help of psychologists if you are overcome by internal contradictions.

Save this article for yourself, re-read it periodically, and constantly remember how truly strong-willed men behave.

1. Don't waste time feeling sorry for yourself.

You will never see a strong-willed person regret his sad situation, blame circumstances, or worry about how poorly he was treated. Such a person knows how to take responsibility for his actions and their results. He can come out of the test with honor, having learned a lesson and thanking life for it.

2. Don't use your power

Strong-willed people try not to use their power over other people or make their subordinates feel humiliated or bad. Successful people understand that their strength lies in their ability to control their actions and emotions.


3. Don't be afraid of change

Strong-willed people embrace change and are willing to take risks. Their greatest “fear” (if there is one) is not the unknown, but the possibility of becoming complacent and stagnant. The time of change gives them energy and sharpens their best qualities.

4. Don't waste energy on things you can't control.

Strong-willed people do not complain long and tediously about traffic jams, lost luggage and, especially, about other people. They accept these facts as events beyond their control. IN difficult situation successful people realize that the only thing they have control over is their own reactions and attitude towards the situation.

5. Don't worry about pleasing everyone.

Do you know people who try to please everyone? Or, on the contrary, those who go out of their way to harm others and thus strengthen their image of a strong person? Both of these positions are bad. Strong-willed people try to be kind and fair. And if they please others, then only where it is appropriate. At the same time, they are not afraid to express an opinion that may upset someone.


6. Don’t be afraid of reasonable risks

Strong spirit om person is willing to take reasonable risks. But before that, he will carefully weigh all the risks, the magnitude of the gain and calculate the worst-case scenario even before (and if) events begin to unfold.

7. Don't regret the past

It takes special strength to accept the past and move on. Appreciate the things you have learned in the past, but don't waste your mental and spiritual energy on past disappointments and nostalgia. Mentally strong people invest their energy in creating the best possible present.

Here, for example, Dan Bilzerian. He is a former military man, a rabid extreme sports enthusiast, a current American venture capitalist, and one of the funniest poker players. He was kicked out of the US Navy two days before completing his training course. And what? Dan is not upset at all. This is because he does not look back to the past, but quite the opposite - he looks forward with his head held high, creating his best future. And he does it in the company of auto racing, weapons, and busty beauties.

8. Don't repeat your mistakes

Quite often there are people who perform the same actions over and over again, hoping to get a different or better result than before. It's a pity for those. But the ability for accurate and productive self-analysis is one of the greatest strengths of apparently successful directors and entrepreneurs.

9. Don't be jealous of other people's success

Agree, it takes a special skill to feel sincere joy and admiration for the success of another person. Strong-willed people have this skill. They do not envy or feel unpleasant emotions when others achieve success. Successful people work hard to improve their chances of success and don't rely on clever shortcuts.

People are conventionally divided into strong and weak. Who are strong people? Everyone must first define the concepts before wondering how to become a strong-willed person. If you do not understand what strength of spirit and character is, from your point of view, then you will not be able to develop the necessary qualities in yourself.

The online magazine site says that fortitude should be present in every person. Strength is usually attributed to the male half of humanity, but this is a wrong approach. Women, despite the fact that they should be weak, also have considerable spiritual strength. Since the rigid boundaries of what a woman should be were destroyed, everyone has the choice to decide for themselves what they should be.

Nature doesn't care what gender you are. Both men and women must be strong. If we imagine that humanity continues to live in prehistoric times, then in order to survive, everyone must take care of providing themselves with everything. Modern times also somewhat similar to prehistoric times. Only people are no longer running after mammoths, but after banknotes, which will pave the way for them to those things that they want to possess.

Who is a strong man? How would you characterize this personality? Here is just a small list of qualities that can be considered strong:

  1. A person provides himself with what he needs.
  2. A person has his own point of view and defends it if he considers it correct for himself.
  3. A person may be afraid of something, but he does not allow his own fears to dictate how he behaves in frightening situations. In other words, a person develops courage when he is afraid, but continues to do what needs to be done.
  4. A person is able to help other people because he has the strength and resources necessary for this.
  5. A person does not give up and does not give up after encountering failures. He may be a little despondent, but does not allow him to become completely limp. Continues to act and move towards his goal.

We can say that a strong person is one who tries to live a happy life. He not only dreams about something, but also acts and achieves his goals. He improves his life in a direction that will please him. Here it is not necessary to talk about achieving success in the sense that is presented by society, unless by success we mean that a person sets exactly the goals that he needs and achieves them.

Why do people wonder how to become mentally strong? It turns out that for happy life a person must have certain qualities that allow him not only to achieve his goals, but also to live the desired life and maintain it. Strong people are capable of achieving success, no matter what it takes. Strong people do not lose heart and continue to act, even if many obstacles arise along the way.

It should be said that spiritual strength is not an innate, but an acquired quality. Moreover, this quality is developed personally by the person, and not by strangers. Parents will not be able to develop fortitude in their child, but they can instill in him such a vision of the world and an attitude towards current events that the child will naturally display strong qualities character.

To become a strong-willed person, you need to clearly define what you mean by strength. Psychologists mean by spiritual strength a balance between mental, intellectual and physical resources. In other words, a person knows his own capabilities well and uses them, and, if necessary, develops new skills and qualities if he considers this necessary to achieve his success.

What distinguishes strong and weak people?

  1. A strong person overcomes any difficulties and eliminates problems, while weak individuals need and seek help from others.
  2. A strong person does not give up and does not give up when difficulties arise. A weak individual turns a problem into a tragedy in order to further weaken himself, make him helpless and unhappy.
  3. A strong person has desires and goals, while a weak person has needs and wants.
  4. A strong person has his own opinion, which he is not afraid to defend and follow. A weak person is afraid to express his opinion and often changes it under the influence of the points of view of others.
  5. A strong person does not need help. Of course, he can take advantage of the resources and strength of those around him, especially if his resources and strength are not enough to complete some task, but he is not helpless. He solves all his problems himself, and communicates and cooperates with other people to achieve common benefits. A weak person usually cannot do anything on his own. He is defenseless, constantly in need of protection and support. A weak person does not use his resources, even if he has them. He prefers to use the help of others, who should not only help, but also do his work instead of him.
  6. A strong person goes beyond the generally accepted and stereotyped. He is able to control his emotions and actions. A weak person usually acts within the framework of patterns: he thinks in a pattern, acts in a pattern, does not control his manifestations and constantly finds excuses why he is not to blame.
  7. A strong person is afraid, but does not give in to his own fear. A weak person is not only afraid, but also allows his fear to dictate how he behaves.

A strong person more adequately perceives situations that may be unpleasant for him. All people have negative experiences. However, a strong personality turns his negative experiences into lessons that should teach him something, while weak personality will lament, regret, cry and feel sorry for himself because of what happened.

How to become strong in spirit and character?

Strength of spirit and character is developed by a person personally. It is impossible to be born strong. However, it is quite possible to become a strong person. Moreover, you can develop strength at any age, and not just from childhood. It all depends on the strength of the desire to become strong and the willingness to make efforts to achieve what you want. By the way, this also allows a person to be strong.

So, tips:

  • Surround yourself with people who are also strong and positive. By constantly being in their company, you will be able to develop the desired qualities in yourself.
  • Don't be afraid of failures and problems. Any experience is positive because it enriches your knowledge and allows you to develop new skills. Don't be afraid of new situations, be afraid of not learning from your mistakes.
  • Have a clear picture of yourself. A person who does not know easily succumbs to the opinions of people around him. If you don't know what kind of person you are, it's easy to tell you who you are. Moreover, people will say what is beneficial to them, what they see, often without noticing the true state of affairs. That is, even those around you will make mistakes about you.
  • Create your own value system. Moreover, these values ​​should be much more valuable and important for you than the opinions of other people, their attitude towards you and even the ability to deal with them.
  • Have your opinion on any issue. This shows that you are at least somehow familiar with the world around you and have thought about this or that issue. If you don't know something, admit it, but don't let others dictate your opinion. Take the position: “I didn’t know this before. “I heard your opinion, now I’ll think about it, read information from other sources and make a decision on how to act/think in this situation.”
  • Learn from your mistakes. You do them not to feel sorry for yourself later or to blame yourself for something, but to understand what you should not do, which will allow you to change your behavior.
  • Don't be afraid of failures and troubles. Know how to respond adequately to what is unpleasant to you. Life won't always happen just what you want. Therefore, be able to endure any situation with dignity.
  • Experience your fears, but don't let them control you.
  • Prepare for negative outcomes of events. Of course, you shouldn't just think that something bad will happen. Just know that events may unfold in ways you don't like. Strive to achieve success, but don't get discouraged if you encounter negative consequences.
  • Think about the future, but live more real life. The future is about dreams and expectations. And fate is not obliged to send you what you want. You need to be aware of where and how you live now and what you need to do to achieve your desired future.
  • Take action. Weak people wait and are offended when their hopes are not met. A strong personality acts and creates his own future.
  • Accept the imperfection of the world. You will always encounter both bad events and good ones, both the pleasant qualities of others and the unpleasant ones. You live in a world that already has certain characteristics. And if they don’t adapt to your desires and ideal ideas about the world, then that’s your problem.

Stop feeling sorry for yourself. Weak people always find flaws in themselves and rely on them to tell others about them and encourage them to act in their place. A strong person knows both his shortcomings and his strengths. He uses all his qualities, does not spare himself, but tries to make himself even stronger and more perfect.

Don't get stuck in the past. A person becomes weak when he stops living in the present, and remembers more and more about the past, laments what happened or misses what was pleasant to him. A strong person uses the past only as an experience that shows what not to do and what to achieve. To live happily, it is not necessary to remember a pleasant past. It is possible in the present tense to create circumstances that will please a person. But for this you need to work and make efforts, which weak people do not like so much.

How to ultimately become a strong person?

Strength of spirit is developed by a person if he works on it. Here you can use the following tips on how to ultimately become a strong person:

  1. Set goals and achieve them.
  2. Play sports to achieve certain results.
  3. Love yourself as you are.
  4. Overcome any troubles, do not lose heart.
  5. Have your own opinion on any question.
  6. Learn to lose in order to understand your mistakes and not repeat them again.
  7. Don't compare yourself to anyone and don't blame yourself for anything.
  8. Learn to say “no” to things that really don’t interest you and don’t suit you.
  9. Don't pay attention to the negativity. It should not affect your mood and vitality.
  10. Avoid people whose association does not bring you any benefit.
  11. Act and rely only on yourself.
  12. Know how to forgive other people, this will relieve you of emotions that may weigh on you.
  13. Help others, but only when you yourself consider it necessary. Help not because it is necessary, but because you think it is necessary to do it.

If you do something, don't expect to be praised or thanked for it. Do it because you can and consider it necessary to do it, and not in order to receive praise or the words “thank you.” Other people don't owe you anything just because you helped them. It was your decision to help them.

Hello dear readers. Today we will talk about how to become strong in spirit. You will become aware of valuable recommendations for strengthening your spiritual strength. You will learn how to work on yourself to increase confidence, learn to accept failures and not despair.

What is true strength

Real strength does not lie in living for your own pleasure and indulging your weaknesses. No, it is to benefit people, as many of them as possible. Without caring for your loved ones, without being able to be responsible for their well-being, you cannot know true happiness. A person who has nothing to strive for will never be completely satisfied with himself. Not everything in our lives always goes the way we want; sometimes we have to find ourselves in unusual conditions and act in an unusual way. Accepting these changes is an important condition for creating a strong personality. The strong person is not the one who has never fallen or stumbled, but the one who is aware of his responsibility to society and himself. The willingness to improve, change, and grow is an important key to achieving success.

Confidence and avoiding disappointments

Self-confidence is formed under the influence proper upbringing parents and close circle. A child who has leadership tendencies may not grow up strong if he is not regularly rewarded for achieving his goals. Parents who do not allow the child to be independent, who constantly suppress him, can influence the fact that the little one’s spirit breaks down and he stops believing in himself.

It's important to know how to prevent disappointment. There are moments in every person's life when it is necessary to experience some kind of failure or tragedy. Then the need arises to gather all your will into a fist and stay afloat, continue to live. Sometimes you have to relearn how to do it. One gets the impression that fate is trying to test a person’s strength, points out his shortcomings, and explains how to change. Of course, when faced with some kind of grief, it is very difficult to force yourself not to lose heart and not give up. You need to learn to get rid of self-flagellation, negative emotions, and get over yourself. At such moments it is important to have someone nearby close person who could help cope with a difficult event. Sports or creative activities can also help ease your condition.

Strengthening spiritual strength

You need to know that people’s desire to strengthen themselves not only physically, can be determined by a number of factors.

  1. There is a desire to meet such a person halfway.
  2. He manages his life independently, does not depend on circumstances.
  3. Can cope with any conditions, always comes out of the situation with honor.
  4. He achieves a lot in life because he is not distracted by trifles, does not waste time, and does not suffer for any reason.

To become truly strong, you need to take certain points into account.

  1. The taste of victory. Praise when achieving various goals is of great importance for strengthening the spirit. That’s why it’s so important to constantly improve, test positive emotions When you reach heights, you achieve your goals.
  2. The value of defeat. It is important to learn to accept your mistakes with dignity. Never give up if something doesn't work out. Sometimes you just want to quit what you started and do something else. However, in order to strengthen your spirit, you need to overcome your weaknesses and move towards achieving your goal. In addition, if you have to resolve any problems, then you need to do it immediately, do not run away from them. Women are especially interested in the question of how to become stronger morally and spiritually if circumstances in life do not turn out as they would like. Every girl dreams of having next to her loving man, children and friendly family. But not everyone works out as planned. The value of defeats is that they allow you to look at the situation from a different perspective, draw conclusions and try on the role of a future winner.
  3. Yoga and meditation classes. Allows you to engage in self-knowledge. It is important to mentally prepare yourself for victory and regularly perform exercises to improve your breathing.
  4. A person with a strong spirit does not have unnecessary suffering, unfinished business, or attachments to the past. He knows what he wants from life and always completes what he starts.

How to learn to be strong

There are lucky ones who already had inner strength from the moment they were born. Others have to work hard to get it. Most often, female representatives need this, because they have gentleness and need to take care of others. To achieve spiritual strength you need to do the following.

  1. There is no need to be afraid to take any action in advance. Even if something goes wrong, you can always try to overcome the situation and enrich yourself with inner strength.
  2. There is no need to feel sorry for yourself. It is important to learn to make decisions on your own, to be.
  3. Live for today, do not remember the past, and at the same time do not dream about the future.
  4. You need to act as your heart tells you, and not depend on other people’s opinions.
  5. Enjoy changes and perceive them correctly. Develop and improve yourself.
  6. There is no need to suffer about what you cannot fix. Worry negative emotions means losing your energy.
  7. React correctly to failures, treat them as experience, and learn from your mistakes.

A strong-willed man or woman does not immediately become like this; it takes time, a lot of effort, and you have to go through a lot. However, the result is worth it.

  1. Form your view of things correctly. Never listen to other people's opinions, do not depend on them. It is important that individual thinking is maintained.
  2. Oddly enough, but great value Playing sports helps to develop a strong spirit. Because a person who has become physically strong is able to more easily comprehend spiritual strength. No need to visit gym, you can do morning jogging or do exercises at home.
  3. Set goals for yourself. A person should not live simply, going with the flow, but performing some task necessary for personal growth and self-improvement.
  4. The key to success lies in self-love. A strong-willed woman must love herself for who she is or strive to achieve better results and soon receive them.
  5. You need to read as much as possible and train your brain. This way you can not only gain new knowledge, but also experience in how to behave in certain life situations.
  6. You cannot blame others for your problems and failures. If something doesn't work out, blame yourself. Next time try to improve.
  7. Much attention is paid to self-education. You don’t need to think that after graduating from university, you don’t need to develop further. A person needs to do this constantly as long as he lives.
  8. Don't forget about imagination and good developed imagination. Sometimes she helps to cope with seemingly unsolvable matters.
  9. There must be a hobby in your life, something that will give you pleasure, help you relax, get away from life problems and workdays.
  10. You need to learn not to agree to all people’s requests, not to indulge everyone. Also, you shouldn’t take on several things at once, but choose those that are really important at the moment.
  11. Psychology believes that a person can become strong in spirit if he is surrounded only by the right people. Therefore, it is important to rid yourself of enemies or friends, who, in essence, are... Your social circle should bring only positive emotions.
  12. A strong person should always have a dream to strive for and realize it.
  13. Do not allow pessimistic thoughts to arise, try to be an optimist. Try to see the good even in bad situations.
  14. Do not hesitate to ask for forgiveness if you are really to blame for something. This is not humiliating, this way you will only enrich your spiritual world.
  15. Help people who need it. Don't wait for a response, do everything selflessly.
  16. Never try to take advantage of your position or power, treat people as equals.
  17. Don’t repeat your mistakes, always learn from them, analyze what happened.
  18. Get rid of it in any form. You don’t need to look up to anyone, you need to live your own life.

Now you know what you need to do to become stronger in spirit. We all strive for this, but we are not always able to achieve spiritual harmony. Make every effort, use the recommendations outlined in this article.

This is, first of all, a person who knows how to control his consciousness. And this is a person who reacts to everything that happens to him only positively. When I noticed that negative thoughts also result in negative states in the body, I began to study what leads to negative thoughts and how negative thoughts can be translated into positive ones. I came to the conclusion that negative thoughts are caused by fears, worries about the past, and self-pity. And I began to think about how I could avoid such negative feelings.

From these reflections and self-experiments, the rules of a strong man were born.

One day I heard some rustling in the bushes not far from me. In fear, I ran away from the bushes, but the further I ran, the stronger my fear became. Fear did not let go, he ran after me and caught up with me, and the faster I ran, the faster fear pursued me, the more creepy his approaching steps seemed to me behind my back. And then I realized that you cannot run away from fear. When we run away from fear, we do not escape from it, but only drag it along with us. And then I plucked up my courage and stopped. I turned 180° to come face to face with the fear that seemed to be following me and breathing heavily at the back of my head. But there was no one behind me! The fear disappeared, evaporated. I calmly returned to the bushes that had frightened me, pushed aside the branches and looked into them. I saw a small mouse-like animal flash and rustle its paws on the grass. There was probably a nest there. That’s all my fear, which turned out to be completely illusory.

Very often our fears in life turn out to be fictitious. We are afraid of losing our job when there is no real danger of losing it. We are afraid of getting sick when there is no reason to be afraid. We are afraid of troubles, although they might not happen.

This is where the first rule of a strong man was born: do not run from fear.

Of course, there are real fears. But you can’t run from them, you can’t hide, you can’t hide. You need to honestly face your fear. You have to admit it to yourself. We need to understand it and analyze it. The fear you looked straight into the eyes is no longer scary. The fear that you are afraid to look into the eyes can really kill you. Observe your fears. Determine what you are afraid of in life. Look your fears in the eye and understand that you don’t have to give in to them. What does it mean to look fear openly in the eyes? This means imagining in reality what could happen if what you fear happens in reality. We must imagine the most worst option of what could be. Imagine - and experience in your imagination as fully as possible. This will give you unpleasant moments. But at least you will get rid of fear. After all, what we have already experienced ceases to frighten us. When I realized that I was very afraid of my illnesses, because I should die from them, I thought: but if this is inevitably going to happen anyway, why not imagine how it will all be?

I began to imagine a picture of how I was becoming more and more weak, how I could no longer walk, how terrible pains overcame me, how my relatives were caring for me, weak, how they were crying over me, dying... Pictures appearing before my eyes , were so bright that I could not hold back my tears, I cried, I rolled on the sand from horror and grief, I sobbed and screamed in despair... When I calmed down, I realized that my fear had gone somewhere. I had already “died” in my imagination - and thus freed myself from the fear of death. Freed from the fear of death, I became stronger in spirit. A strong spirit helped me cope with illnesses and prolong my life. This means that by looking fear in the eye, we deprive ourselves of strength and power over ourselves not only from the fear itself, but also from what causes it. By looking the fear of death in the eyes, I deprived death itself of its power over me.

When I was sick, I often felt sorry for myself. And each time, self-pity deprived me of strength, did not bring relief, but made me suffer even more. I realized that self-pity is a waste of strength and energy. But I need strength and energy for something else - for recovery.

This is how the second rule of a strong man was born: do not waste your strength on self-pity.

Self-pity and resentment towards life exhaust and devastate us, and give absolutely nothing in return. They make us move along vicious circle, returning to the same bitter thoughts for years and not allowing one to break out into light, freedom, hope and optimism.

Many grievances and regrets about the past also cause us to waste energy and distance us from healing. When I learned about my illness, I began to remember the blissful days of my early childhood, when I still didn’t know that I was sick and felt happy. I was offended by life and fate and regretted the irretrievably gone childhood until I realized that in this way I was only worsening my condition and bringing my end closer. I stopped regretting the past and directed all my thoughts to the future, trying to shape it the way I wanted it to be, that is, happy and healthy. Thus was born the third rule of a strong man: do not live in the past.

Remember: it's never too late to start over. But in order to begin to change, in order to begin new life, you need to let go of the past, no matter whether it was good or bad. You cannot live with the burden of past losses and failures. You cannot live with regret about past happiness. This takes away strength and deprives hope for the future. It’s all already gone - so let it go in peace, don’t try to return it, you won’t succeed anyway. Live for today.

Consequences follow from these rules. Here they are. Don't dwell on negative thoughts. Create a treasury of good memories in your memory and often return to the good things that happened in your life, but without regrets, but only with joy that it happened, and therefore will remain with you forever. Dream big. Make plans, learn to see the good in the life around you and not focus on the bad.

Learn to forgive. A person who carries a whole mountain of grievances cannot be healthy. Forgiveness is saying goodbye to the bitterness of resentment, to pain, to sad memories, to everything bad and unwanted that happened in your life. Do not hold grudges against offenders and enemies, do not hatch plans for revenge. Remember that the best revenge is neglect. Neglect grievances and offenders, do not carry them within yourself, do not think about them. You will be healthy.

See also:

Consciousness training
Nurturing a strong mind in a strong body comes down not only to the physical improvement of the brain and its blood vessels, but also to training the consciousness. By the way, there are both direct and inverse dependencies: a healthy brain with normal blood circulation has a clear, clean, trained consciousness, and training the consciousness heals the brain and physically...

Learn to be happy
Every day for 10 minutes, close your eyes, inspire yourself with positive, constructive thoughts. Tell yourself: “Every cell of my body is healing, cleansing and regenerating. The blood flows easily and freely, it is clean, fresh, healthy. My blood vessels are elastic, young, clean, healthy. The brain functions perfectly...

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