Compatibility of Scorpio with other zodiac signs in relationships. Complete general summary horoscope for Scorpio

Compatibility horoscope: Scorpio zodiac sign by decade - the most Full description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

Scorpio is the most mystical sign of the zodiac. The Western zodiac and horoscope of Scorpio represents him as the strongest and most resilient, with large energy reserves. Symbolically, this sign is compared to the Phoenix bird, which is reborn from the ashes. Likewise, Scorpio is able to recover even after the most difficult trials.

The Scorpio personality is sometimes a complete bundle of contradictions; often his own passions tear him apart, and he spends a lot of energy fighting with himself. Such drastic changes are possible in the fate of Scorpio that he does not even suspect.

And at any moment he can gain and lose, and find again, perk up and continue moving forward - in the life of Scorpios there can be a series of great victories and bitter disappointments, and each time “this is not the end”...

Scorpio First Decade (October 24 – November 2)

Scorpio in the first decade is the sign of Scorpio in pure form. They are stingy in showing emotions, however, inside they are real boiling water. They know their worth, are resilient, and are capable of hard work. Among them, most often there are true professionals in their field, who are ready to work day and night for the sake of a common cause. Demanding of themselves and others. They strive to bring any task to perfection.

They are independent, do not want to depend on anyone, rather, they would like others to depend on them. They are partial to power, proud, and demand respect from others. Brave, energetic, capable of moving mountains, Scorpios of the first decade always act as they see fit, without being guided by the opinions of others. They believe that there is only one correct opinion - their own. And this can be forgiven for them, because these Scorpios are incredibly gifted creative people. Outwardly they are very attractive, especially women.

In the fight for truth, they often fail, but they fight to the last. If you become this person's enemy, be prepared for brutal, sophisticated revenge. But if Scorpio of the 1st decade is your friend, we can say that you are incredibly lucky, because in friendship they are faithful and caring people. There are always a lot of fans around Scorpio women of this decade, thanks to their extraordinary attractiveness.

If Scorpio turns on romantic relationship, will treat her partner jealously, considering him her property. But on the other hand, these are devoted spouses who do their best to help their other half achieve success in their career. Men of this sign can show themselves as domineering, aggressive lovers, but sometimes they want to be in a subordinate position, but only if there is a strong woman next to them.

Overall this is smart people who always know the right place and time for words and actions. They always think a hundred times first before saying something out loud.

Scorpio Second Decan (November 3 – 12)

Scorpio of the second decade has the traits of the sign of Pisces. Like all Pisces, these Scorpios are passionate about art in all its forms. They have highly developed intellectual abilities, new interests constantly appear. These people often have their head in the clouds and like to imagine their future, new places they will visit, new people they will one day meet.

But Scorpios of the second decade do not just mindlessly indulge in dreams, they also make every effort to achieve what they want. These are the persistent ones, active people. They will do their best to achieve their goal. Scorpios of this decade are well versed in the intricacies of human psychology, and can sometimes use this skill for selfish purposes. People's humor has a somewhat sarcastic tone, and often with a careless joke they can hurt loved ones.

They carefully hide their inner experiences and thoughts, because... they do not want to be dependent on others, either psychologically or physically. Scorpios of the 2nd decade prefer to live by their own rules, not obeying the traditions and norms established in society. If they have to do this, their soul is tormented by disharmony. What these Scorpios fear most is dependence on someone.

They rarely complain, don’t like being pitied, and try to cope with everything on our own. These people are capable of deep feelings, from love to hatred. They act as their heart and intuition tells them. Their actions are often unpredictable. These are femme fatales and don juans. They do not take revenge on their offenders, but if they have offended their relatives and friends, they will take revenge to the last.

Scorpio of the Third Decade (November 13 – 22)

Scorpio of the third decade is Scorpio with an admixture of the sign Cancer. These people are sensitive, but at the same time decisive. They are ready to go far for the sake of their goal. Philosophical mindset, tend to analyze everything, like to think for a long time. Scorpios of this decade are distinguished by their integrity, do not forgive mistakes of others, and try to avoid making them themselves. There are many secrets living in their souls. For other people, they often remain misunderstood, unattainable, and their actions are often incomprehensible to others.

The Scorpio woman of the 3rd decade is not indifferent to issues of relationships with the opposite sex. Sometimes these women can be expressive, overly emotional, to the point of hysteria. Scorpio males of this decade have an independent character, they have abilities in many fields of science and art. These are purposeful people who try to achieve everything their own way. These are risky, adventurous people. They may go all in for a hypothetical gain. But even if they are unlucky, they never give up and are always ready to start from scratch.

These Scorpios are incredibly patient, resilient, brave, and try not to show their fear or pain to anyone. They are talented, successful, and have perfect taste. To avoid envy from those around them, they need to act alone and not brag about their successes. Looking at them, we can say that they are lucky, successful, active people, but the only area of ​​life in which they are unlucky is personal relationships.

Scorpio Compatibility

First, second, third decade and the character of Scorpio

From October 24 to November 3, bright representatives of the predatory sign are born; childhood uncertainty is replaced by aggression, the desire to stand out in the team with the help of force. Parents should make every effort to develop positive qualities: mercy, honesty, justice.

Scorpio in the first decade is fraught with childish touchiness. A woman reacts painfully to the victories of others throughout her life. She prefers friendship with men and does not like to invite guests. A man in his first decade achieves a worthy position in society. Cold calculation combined with rigidity helps to achieve dizzying successes and eliminate competitors.

The first decade distinguishes Scorpio from their peers with wisdom.

He “gets out” of any situation, does not waste time on trifles, and is ready to take risks only for the sake of enrichment. An analytical mind allows you to think through every step. Scorpio in the first decade has a hard time communicating with weak people, reacts painfully to tears and complaints, his environment is dominated by wealthy, influential officials.

For Scorpios, their own well-being is of paramount importance; they are in no hurry to burden themselves with family responsibilities. When choosing the other half, Scorpio focuses on financial situation bride (groom).

The intuition of Scorpio in the first decade for a woman is the strongest weapon that allows her to achieve her goal.

Fearless individuals born November 4 - November 13

Scorpio of the second decade is distinguished by nobility, fearlessness, and strives to fight for justice, especially in his youth. Intellectual abilities allow you to become a favorite of teachers. Such a Scorpio proudly demonstrates knowledge, sometimes goes too far, humiliates classmates, emphasizing his superiority.

Does not tolerate instructions, prefers to learn from his own mistakes.

With age he becomes a real diplomat. An adult Scorpio of the second decade restrains emotions, rarely gets into arguments, and prefers to surprise with the results of his activities.

Scorpio in the second decade attaches special importance to the opinions of relatives. Recognition of abilities and praise stimulate the implementation of grandiose plans of a talented specialist.

In the family, the zodiac sign demonstrates qualities that it skillfully hides in society for the sake of an impeccable reputation: it strives to establish exclusively its own rules. For a Scorpio woman in her second decade, doing household chores is a real test; she cannot imagine life without active work; she earns enough. It is difficult to control emotions towards a Scorpio spouse in the second decade. A man is too jealous and can become a real tyrant if his wife does not demonstrate character from the first days of their marriage.

Talented people born on November 14 - November 22

The creative abilities of Scorpio of the third decade are manifested in early age, the child is looking forward to school plays, in which he traditionally plays the main roles. Scorpio of the third decade is reluctant to perform homework, strives to study exclusively his favorite subjects, parents will eventually understand that it is useless to fight for academic performance, it is better to hire creative personality tutor in your favorite subjects.

Scorpio in the 3rd decade is looking for a source of inspiration in the fair sex. The man is passionate, does not tolerate monotony, and often changes partners.

Original gifts will help to win the favor of Scorpio of the third decade; a spectacular woman feels comfortable in the company of generous, cheerful men.

In general, the third decade - “ great time"for the birth of geniuses.

Ingenuity, original ideas, the absence of complexes allows you to realize your creative abilities and achieve universal recognition.

Representatives of the Scorpio zodiac are united by their sense of purpose. The strong zodiac sign Scorpio, regardless of the decade, values ​​independence and will not give up his place as a leader in the family and team.

Scorpio first decade (October 24 – November 3)

Those born from October 24 to November 3, under the influence of Mars, are frustrated people, usually insecure in youth and energetic in maturity.

The main qualities of Scorpio in the first decade are sharpness and aggressiveness. Under the influence of Mars, a character is formed that is furious, domineering, careless to the point of recklessness. Aggression manifests itself at an early age.

Scorpio in the first decade - the stage of life up to 25 years

A Scorpio child may enjoy inflicting physical pain on others, such as playmates. To get rid of this trait in the baby’s character; his parents need to be patient and persistent.

From infancy, Scorpio in the first decade should be raised in severity and discipline. It is necessary to instill in him a feeling of pity for weaker and defenseless creatures, patience when he loses, respect for the authority of elders and the ability to forgive insults. If parents manage to instill all these qualities in him, then he will become outstanding personality with a brilliant mind and irresistible charm.

The Scorpio child of the first decade has a special tenacity in achieving the goal, whatever it may be. Nature created him as a fighter so that he would emerge victorious from all life’s battles. Parents must monitor what the child wants to achieve.

You cannot put obstacles in his way of achieving his goal; already at the age of 3 to 7 years, little Scorpio, without realizing it, strives to live exactly the way he wants, and not the way his parents suggest.

Born under the auspices of Mars, Scorpio has the whole superman complex: he is characterized by a conscious choice of the most difficult task, complete absence fluctuations in extreme situations, biological courage, generosity and breadth of nature.

However, to this are added rudeness, ruthlessness, insolence and rare cynicism. Aggression manifests itself with particular force in Scorpio between the ages of 7 and 14. If parents do not react to the child’s aggressiveness, then it will only intensify later.

In my youth and mature age Scorpio's desire in the first decade to rely only on his own brute strength in everything can make him impatient and completely unscrupulous in his means. The only method of influencing a Scorpio child is to translate all his problems into the intellectual plane: all Scorpios love to think, translation agency. Their insatiable curiosity should be directed towards science, literature, art and sports.

Scorpios are very intelligent. What a representative of another sign takes years to comprehend, Scorpio understands independently and instantly. Scorpio children grow up very quickly; They are distinguished by rare observation and a penchant for analysis.

Scorpios have supernatural ability analyze everything in the world. Adult Scorpios have a great understanding of people and are able to get to the innermost essence of each person. They will never seek salvation in illusions and quickly find a weak point in a person or situation.

Scorpio in the first decade - stage of life from 25 to 40 years

At the age of 25 to 40 years, Scorpios acquire such a quality as the ability to exert a strong influence on representatives of other signs.

With age, Scorpio in the first decade becomes more and more complacent. By the age of 25, he has already achieved some successes, which inspire him to new exploits. Scorpio will persist in any issue until he finally understands it; he always finishes what he starts.

Mars leaves a very definite imprint on Scorpio’s choice of profession. Those born under the auspices of Mars will only be comfortable there, where they can fully realize their innate talent as a conqueror. This is why people born under the sign of Mars often become career military personnel.

All areas of activity that require physical strength and the ability to concentrate are suitable for Scorpio; They make wonderful athletes, metallurgists, traumatologists and surgeons.

Scorpios are people with a strong will, so strong that aggressiveness can create many obstacles on their path to success. They fight for their place in the sun with much more energy than other zodiac signs.

In the love of Scorpios of the first decade, the natural tendency is to search for a completely opposite character. If a person of this decade is young, shy, fearful, he is looking for a strong cynical character.

Hence the constant disappointments. If he has a domineering character, then he is interested in sensitive, gentle, devoted natures; such a union can bring harmony, provided that Scorpio’s despotic tendencies do not intensify.

Scorpio in the first decade - the stage of life from 40 to 60 years

At the age of 40 to 60 years, Scorpio manifests itself more forcefully positive traits character. Uncontrolled persistence in achieving a variety of goals is replaced by hard work.

During this period, Scorpio achieves a lot, unless, of course, he himself wants to achieve what he wants. The desire to deny opinions that do not coincide with his own is replaced in Scorpio by the desire to defend his point of view in more reasonable ways.

As a child, Scorpio is difficult to cope with; As he grows up, he becomes more and more intolerant of other people's opinions.

He is not particularly interested in the opinions of others - he easily neglects them. People of this type achieve their goal, no matter what the cost, even if they have to sacrifice the love of others.

As a rule, they do not care about their image; the reasons for their attractiveness lie in their inner fire, in their vital energy. In love, Scorpios of the first ten days demand full commitment from their partners.

Scorpios of the first decade are characterized by an internal struggle between flesh and spirit. Scorpio children begin to become interested in issues of sexual life very early.

Scorpio in the first decade - the stage of life after 60 years

In adulthood, powerful sexuality suppresses all other desires, unless ascetic discipline leads to high spirituality.

In adulthood, when Scorpio has children, he becomes an unusually harsh parent. He will not allow children to be lazy and play around, but will teach them to respect themselves and their property. While the children are small, Scorpio is able to fiercely protect them, just as he protects everything that he passionately loves.

From birth, Scorpios are very active. This, of course, has a beneficial effect on their health, but at the same time, due to the activity of Scorpios at an early age, they are especially prone to injuries associated with hot and sharp objects.

And the adult Scorpio is characterized by the same contempt for danger: accidents are possible. Scorpios should be wary of fires, explosions, etc.

Scorpio of the first decade - Most important years life

The most important years for Scorpios in the first decade are: 15, 30, 45, 60.

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Zodiac sign SCORPIO(from approximately October 23 to November 22)

The dates of the Zodiac signs are not a constant value, and they change depending on the year and the distance from the prime meridian. In this horoscope, the dates are close to the current year and take into account the latitude of Moscow, but deviations are possible with previous years and other places of birth. Therefore, if a person was born at the junction of two signs, his belonging to one or another zodiac sign is determined strictly individually, taking into account the time and place of birth. Therefore, in brackets we put approximate date, taking into account all of the above.

Scorpio in the first decade (from approximately October 23 to November 2). Ruler Venus.

Venus gives Scorpio in the first decade moments of acute perception of beauty, which frankly hinders him when he is preparing to sting properly. On the other hand, Venus greatly facilitates Scorpio’s problem of emotional self-expression at a low level - through intense love, at a higher level - through sublimation in art, while simultaneously expanding the possibilities of perception. During this period, people are born with an active, creatively active and hardworking nature, but they are proud and do not tolerate any restrictions well. They desperately try to keep passions in line with the reins of reason, which is why at times they come across as too restrained people. The life of Scorpios in the first decade is rich in impressions, not always positive. The sexiest and most temperamental of all signs, but not everyone can get along with Scorpio. Relationships with the opposite sex are difficult for Scorpios until they understand that they are destined for one absorbing, great love. The planet of love, Venus, especially affects Scorpios in the first decade. They are amorous, artistic, do not like destruction, and especially self-destruction, and are incredibly sexy. They spend their entire lives in pursuit of pleasure, which they understand very broadly. It can be power, and power, and universal worship, and love, and beautiful things. Scorpios of the first decade have a penchant for medicine and journalism, and often have psychic abilities. They are bright individuals, very selfish and often unconsciously ruthless towards others. They quickly get bored with people, and they throw them out of their lives like a squeezed lemon. Both men and women take care of their appearance, but the powerful magnetism emanating from them quickly makes people forget what Scorpios look like. They prefer dark red, crimson, yellow colors.

Scorpio in the second decade (from approximately November 2-11). Rulers Mars and Pluto.

Astrological characteristics of Scorpio:

Scorpios of the second decade, born under the influence of Pluto, are endowed with special mysterious, magical power. It is almost impossible to resist their charms. Scorpios easily comprehend the essence of the most mysterious events and phenomena thanks to their well-developed intuition and cold mind. Scorpios are fearless, resilient and never yield to anyone in anything. Fight is a natural element for Scorpio and the only possible way existence. He is a great master at finding difficulties and brilliantly solving them. Other people's skills and advice are empty words for Scorpio. This is a loner sign that listens only to itself and is endowed with a powerful creative and sexual charge. Scorpios, influenced by Mars, are gloomy, warlike people, surrounded by an aura of mystery. Such Scorpios have a stubborn character and an unbending will; they face the most terrible blows of fate without batting an eyebrow. They are not even afraid of death, which they regard with strange indifference mixed with curiosity. Such Scorpios often become healers. The powerful aura they are endowed with easily copes with other people’s illnesses, especially if they are of an energetic nature. In general, Scorpios of the second decade are strong-willed, passionate, proactive people who do not recognize half-measures and half-tones, clearly manifesting themselves in both good and bad. Not distinguished by a particularly strong physique, they have large resources of vital force and are able to quickly mobilize all the body’s capabilities to fight against life's trials. They rarely get sick, because, thanks to their iron will, they easily manage everyone’s vitals. important processes own body. They survive the most horrendous injuries and operations and quickly recover their strength. But if they get sick, it is almost always in a very severe form. Weak spots: legs, heart, back. Chronic nosebleeds cannot be ruled out. Scorpio women are often “fatal”, passionate, jealous, who are unable to give up sensual pleasures. If you arouse the hatred of a Scorpio woman (and she can only passionately love or passionately hate, not recognizing any golden mean), then she will stop at nothing, including the physical destruction of her opponent. Women of this type in the Middle Ages were often burned at the stake as witches because of their murderous and bewitching gaze. Men are experienced seducers, suspicious, jealous, and often cruel to their partners. They enter into marriage extremely reluctantly. The first half of Scorpio's life is more difficult and dramatic than the second. The tendency to make instant and irrevocable decisions puts this psychotype into a high-risk group (especially in youth), when a tragic end is not excluded. Scorpios of the second decade are characterized by great mental alertness, innovation, interest in history, archeology, geology, and financial acumen. They are strongly attracted to water, and in general everything that is fluid and changing. Among the people of this decade there are many politicians, financiers, and historians. They often choose professions related to water and achieve great success V aquatic species sports. In love, they are destined for disappointment, but Fate constantly opens up new opportunities for them, so they do not have to indulge in suffering and despondency for a long time. The main thing for people of this type is maintaining peace of mind, giving a well-organized personality with high creative activity.

Scorpio in the third decade (from approximately November 12 to 22). Ruler Jupiter.

Astrological characteristics of Scorpio:

Jupiter softens Scorpio's intransigence, gives him a broader view of things and offers many opportunities for work. Scorpio in the third decade has less self-intransigence and senseless self-criticism, although energetic snobbery is possible: he tends to consider people with weak energy inferior to himself. This aspect symbolizes the following cosmic task: the transformation of external and internal reality as a whole, the revision of general views on it. With harmonious Jupiter, a breadth of perception and a kind of nobility comes, combined with the feeling that God’s Judgment will take place on its own and evil will be punished automatically. This decade is represented by purposeful people, endowed with sensitive intuition and developed ambition. Scorpios of the third decade have a passionate, energetic, strong-willed character, are not afraid to take risks, and are often endowed with musical and artistic abilities. The behavior of those born on November 18-20 is most unpredictable. Their life in to a greater extent are at risk than other representatives of this group (for example, Robert Kennedy, Indira Gandhi). The element of all Scorpios is still dark swamp water. Everything that happens deep in the soul of Scorpio never manifests itself on the surface in any way. The meaning of Scorpio's nature is duality: eros and thanatos, love and death, truth and mystery. Scorpios are endowed with truly animal strength and resistance. Rebellious, always ready to rebel if they feel that someone is encroaching on their independence. They are proud, irritable and at the same time very curious. They are easily forced to do good, but they are just as easily inclined to do evil. They have a huge influence on other people and are able to completely take over a weak or indecisive person. They often become clairvoyants, talented doctors, mechanics, surgeons, sailors, and generals. If Scorpio has strong creative abilities and is sufficiently educated, he can make an excellent scientist with a philosophical mindset. A career as a singer or a great artist is not excluded. Scorpios of the third decade are quite irritable and not too flexible in behavior - obstinate, stubborn people, who, however, are not without a peculiar charm and achieve success in life with true grace, elegance and naturalness. They are observant, inventive and have a talent for practical implementation of their achievements (L. Dagger - “father of photography”, R. Fulton - inventor of the steamship, M.I. Chumakov - inventor of polio serum). This psychotype in his work gravitates more towards realism than representatives of the first two decades of Scorpio, they are happy and lucky in love, they easily achieve patronage and fidelity. Using the levers of emotions, they quickly achieve everything they want, not excluding material well-being. For a more harmonious existence, they should smooth out sharp corners your character and dampen the excitement that pushes you to take unnecessary risks.

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Complete general summary horoscope for Scorpio

Strong planets : Mars, Pluto, Uranus

Weak planets: Venus, Chiron, Moon

Symbol: scorpion

Color: yellow, dark red

Metal: iron

Landscape: sources of rivers with whirlpools, waterfalls

Favorable numbers: 10, 8, 21

Unfavorable numbers: 6, 2

Happy Days : Tuesday

Characteristics of Scorpio

Scorpios born in different decades, differ from each other.

Scorpios born in the first decade - from October 24 to November 2, – are under the influence of Mars. They are energetic, self-confident, and have the gift of healing.

Important years: 1, 30, 45, 60.

Scorpios born in the second decade - from 3 to 13 November, – are under the influence of the Sun. They are noble, generous, purposeful, strong. They usually find their place in life.

Important years: 15, 25, 30, 45, 50, 60, 75.

Scorpios born in the third decade - from 14 to 22 November, – are under the influence of Venus. They are emotional, amorous, passionate, sometimes frivolous, and often have pronounced artistic talent.

Important years: 15, 25, 30, 45, 50.

Mars empowers Scorpios physical activity , endurance, independence, willfulness, stubbornness, willpower and readiness for self-sacrifice. Being a warlike planet, Mars always strives to throw out excess energy outward, which is why all Scorpios are so rebellious, so hot-tempered, so contradictory and so unpredictable.

Thanks to Pluto, Scorpios have enormous power to influence others., they know how to organize people into a team and make them work for themselves. They are talented organizers and inspirers of the masses.

They cannot stand loneliness. They survive only in a team, in a society where they are accustomed to playing a leading role.

As a rule, Scorpios achieve their goals not only with their own hard work, but also with the hands of others; they are willingly supported, promoted, and helped to make a career. Some Scorpios, however, refuse the help of others.

Scorpio's appearance

Scorpios are usually beautiful, except for the eyes that express their essence. Scorpio's gaze is heavy, tenacious, sharp, piercing, as if its owner seeks to unconsciously influence those around him.

Many Scorpios are characterized by sunken cheeks and a thin, beautiful profile. The lips are hard and pursed. Big hands. The face is square. The figure is strong.

When communicating with Scorpio, you always feel his inexplicable magical attraction.

Undesirable sign for Scorpios– sunken belly, bald spot, undeveloped weak back of the head.

Scorpio sex horoscope

Scorpio is the sexiest sign of the Zodiac. His passions and emotions are overflowing, he constantly talks about sex. When it comes to sex, Scorpios are experts, they tend to allow everything, and they constantly strive to experiment. Their passion knows no bounds. Sometimes it seems that he always wants sex and in a variety of ways.

A man born under the sign of Scorpio

Most often, this is a temperamental man, capable of the most unexpected actions. An excellent sexual, sensual, passionate partner, he never allows himself to relax and fall under the feminine spell. The greatest value for him is personal freedom. Sex for him is a sport in which he relieves accumulated tension. He is not attracted to the availability of a woman, he wants to win a woman equal to him in intelligence, free and independent, like him. He is interested not so much in the fact of victory as in the process of the game itself. As a reward, women get rich sexual experience gained with this man. You shouldn't count on his loyalty.

Woman born under the sign of Scorpio

Fatal, mysterious, passionate, sensual woman. All her actions are subordinated to one goal - obtaining sexual pleasure. She is energetic, smart, seductive. Men simply go crazy with passion for her. This is the embodiment of the ideal of a sultry hot woman. She has excellent self-control, but in moments of intimacy she throws away all conventions and becomes especially desirable in her passion. Her partners grow in their own eyes, and this makes her even more attractive. She is dangerous for men who, having experienced the heights of intimacy, cannot forget her, and are ready for any feats for her: leaving the family, moving, etc. Because of such women, careers collapse, families break up, but men again and again rush into this pool. However, she often becomes a good assistant to her husband and does everything to help him achieve success in his career.


The sensitive area of ​​Scorpios is their genitals.

Horoscope of fidelity and betrayal of Scorpio

Scorpios are passionate and sensual, have high sexuality. It is unlikely that they can be kept in the same marriage, in the same relationship. These are both Don Juans and Casanovas.

Scorpio's whole life is a series romance novels, secret and obvious. He doesn't really hide them.

Signs of betrayal: sudden revival and increased interest in life, brilliance and wit, constantly disappearing from the house. He may not come to spend the night. He may become rude when questioned.

Scorpio marriage horoscope

Scorpio is powerful, sexy, attracts like a magnet. May have happy family. Scorpios do not like light flirting. They devote themselves to novels with all their hearts, subconsciously feeling people who are sincere and deceitful. They rarely make mistakes about their partner.

Scorpio men usually love family, but can be stubborn and selfish in marriage. He can't stop them from cheating.

Scorpio Women They have strong passion and sensuality, and are ready to make sacrifices. Very jealous, prone to cheating.

The best partners for Scorpios– Sagittarius, Capricorn, Cancer, Virgo.

Unsuccessful marriage– Aquarius, Taurus.

Scorpio health horoscope

All Scorpios, as a rule, have enormous vitality and good supply health (how Aries), therefore they have high resistance to any diseases.

When Scorpios deviate from the line of fate, the genitals and rectum become vulnerable. In women - painful menstruation, cysts. In men - impotence, often imaginary.

Also Scorpios have vulnerable heart, back and legs. Diseases are common circulatory system and varicose veins.

Scorpios rarely get sick and usually difficult. They don't like to be treated.

Scorpios have a desire for risk and extreme situations, so there are many deaths from accidents among Scorpios.

Sports are good for Scorpios, especially its “hard” types: football, hockey, basketball, rugby, boxing, martial arts, etc.

Professions for Scorpio

Suitable professions For Scorpio: psychologist, psychiatrist, hypnotist, surgeon, herbalist, lawyer, intelligence officer, law enforcement officer, chemist, miner, mechanic, researcher, occultist, writer, director.

Western compatibility horoscope for Scorpio

Scorpio – Aries. Aries and Scorpio fall in love easily, both are sexy. But both are confident and both know how to push. The sex is great, but marriage is very difficult.

Scorpio – Taurus. This union is first characterized by mutual attraction, the desire to learn as much as possible about each other. But as the relationship develops, jealousy and excessive suspicion appear. Quarrels are possible.

Scorpio – Gemini. The relationship promises to be bright, but tense. Different temperaments, different depths of feelings, different values. The high sexual energy of Scorpio and the coldness of Gemini are incompatible. Living together can disappoint Scorpio and exhaust Gemini.

Scorpio – Cancer. Ambiguous relationships, unsuccessful marriage. At first there is complete harmony in bed, they understand each other. But in everyday life, problems will begin. Scorpio has very high demands and he stings and destroys the psyche of Cancer, demanding from him home comfort. Cancer doesn't measure up and Scorpio loses interest.

Scorpio – Leo. A wonderful union! Everything is present in these relationships: passion, feelings, mutually beneficial cooperation, the desire to enrich each other’s lives, and mutual interest. Both signs have pronounced magnetism. In pairs it doubles. But some Scorpios can have a negative impact on Leos, suppressing their will.

Scorpio – Virgo. Prosperous union. In it everyone finds what they were looking for. Virgo - a reliable rear, material base. Scorpio – care and order in the house.

Scorpio – Libra. An unfavorable alliance, difficult and destructive for light Libra. Complete dissonance and dissatisfaction with each other. Hence the frequent quarrels, nervous breakdowns, poor health, infidelity.

Scorpio – Scorpio. A difficult alliance. They try to sting each other as hard as possible, skillfully looking for weak spots. But in such a relationship they feel comfortable. Even mutual betrayals do not bother them.

Scorpio – Sagittarius. Union of extraordinary and strong people. A strong mutual attraction may arise between them. But marriage cannot be called easy. They are interested in being around even after many years of living together.

Scorpio – Capricorn. Probable alliance. Capricorns are always seduced by Scorpios and get married. They have little in common; they are united only by sex. But the difficult nature of both makes their life together unbearable. Both are intolerant of each other's habits, petty, irritable, and jealous. It is better if Capricorn becomes the leader in this pair. Scorpio will cheat all the time, Capricorn will endure or cause scandals, or even fights.

Scorpio – Aquarius. Troubled relationships, unlikely marriage. At first they are attracted to each other, like extraordinary personalities, but incompatible elements make themselves felt. It's not easy for them to stay together. Over time, living together begins to burden them. Scorpios begin to cheat. For Aquarius, this is an extremely unsuccessful marriage.

Scorpio – Pisces. Good compatibility two representatives of the water element. They have a lot in common. The marriage of Pisces and Scorpio is not afraid of everyday storms; they are ready to solve problems together.

Born under the sign of Scorpio: M. Lomonosov, Voltaire, A. Kolchak, Paracelsus, N. Paganini, Marie Antoinette, F. Dostoevsky, C. Monet, M. Curie, Rodin, I. Turgenev, A. Alekhin, J. Bizet, A. Borodin, I . Kalman, Vivien Leigh, Picasso, R. Kennedy.

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Oleg and Valentina Svetovid

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Complete general summary horoscope for Scorpio


Sites and blogs have appeared on the Internet that are not our official sites, but use our name. Be careful. Fraudsters use our name, our email addresses for their mailings, information from our books and our websites. Using our name, they lure people to various magical forums and deceive (they give advice and recommendations that can harm, or lure money for conducting magical rituals, making amulets and teaching magic).

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Note! We do not engage in healing or magic, we do not make or sell talismans and amulets. We do not engage in magical and healing practices at all, we have not offered and do not offer such services.

The only direction of our work is correspondence consultations in written form, training through an esoteric club and writing books.

Sometimes people write to us that they saw information on some websites that we allegedly deceived someone - they took money for healing sessions or making amulets. We officially declare that this is slander and not true. In our entire life, we have never deceived anyone. On the pages of our website, in the club materials, we always write that you need to be an honest, decent person. For us, an honest name is not an empty phrase.

People who write slander about us are guided by the basest motives - envy, greed, they have black souls. The times have come when slander pays well. Now many people are ready to sell their homeland for three kopecks, and it is even easier to slander decent people. People who write slander do not understand that they are seriously worsening their karma, worsening their fate and the fate of their loved ones. It is pointless to talk with such people about conscience and faith in God. They do not believe in God, because a believer will never make a deal with his conscience, will never engage in deception, slander, or fraud.

There are a lot of scammers, pseudo-magicians, charlatans, envious people, people without conscience and honor who are hungry for money. The police and other regulatory authorities are not yet able to cope with the growing influx of “Cheating for profit” madness.

Therefore, please be careful!

Sincerely – Oleg and Valentina Svetovid

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Scorpio of the second decade ( from November 3 to November 12) are less aggressive and cruel, but more passionate about art and science. Their hobbies are also supported by curiosity and a lively mind. Always honest with people, but at the same time secretive, rarely sharing their experiences with loved ones.

The worst thing for Scorpios in the second decade is to demonstrate their helplessness in any situation. They can be kind, generous and attentive, but as soon as Scorpio becomes disappointed in a friend or partner, he will immediately cut him out of his life. The generosity and monstrous cruelty of representatives of this sign always go hand in hand.

Neptune, the planet of sensitivity, in combination with Pluto, the patron of Scorpio, accentuates your idealism. In both love and work, you reach out to your partner and give of yourself. You would make an excellent teacher, healer or doctor; you have a talent for inspiring and helping others.

It is important for you to find deep content in relationships. You are romantic and passionate, and love gives you a feeling of satisfaction and completion. When you find peace in love, you realize your true potential in other areas of your life. In general, luck comes to you thanks to other people when you least expect it. You are impatient and find it difficult to wait when things are moving slowly.

Scorpio of the second decade - up to 25 years

The second decade of the sign is under the influence of Pluto. Those born during this period are passionate, strong-willed, noble and generous. The ages from 7 to 14 years are very difficult for a child. With great reluctance, he begins to study at school and exhibit character traits that are unusual for him or unknown to his parents. Scorpio children usually study well. They easily learn school material. They never become crammers due to their increased ability to penetrate into the depths of phenomena.

They easily get to the essence of any subject. Scorpio children are very vain and proud, and the idea that one of their classmates knows the subject better is unacceptable to them. Under the influence of Pluto, Scorpio can do almost anything that he really wants to achieve. The magical and mysterious power of Pluto turns his desires into reality.

In adult life, Scorpio of the second decade will be able to express himself most fully in the area where an understanding of the laws of drama and its theatrical interpretation is necessary, practical use modern inventions, ability to detail, dose (in the field of biochemistry). They like difficult work, which requires a lot of strength and imagination, courage and will, research activities in chemical, technical and physical laboratories, as well as surgery and psychology are suitable for them.

Representatives of the second decade of the sign are characterized by a living understanding of the resurgent past and future, a love of archeology and art history. Scorpio can prove itself in the field of geology. Spiritual balance gives a superbly organized character, conducive to both the use of high intellectual functions and creative activities. Lack of balance sometimes leads to excessive pride, a guilt complex, and sometimes impracticality. In childhood and early adolescence, Scorpios of this type simply adore secrets and have irresistible craving to the creation of all kinds of secret societies among their peers, among whom Scorpio will definitely be the ringleader.

As a result of this tendency, parents are not always privy to the child’s life and interests. No matter how hard the parents try, in their youth, Scorpio in the second decade often turns out to be a real individualist. As a rule, everything that makes up Scorpio’s individualism pushes those around him away. Scorpios of this type are usually too uncompromising, which causes difficulties with communication. This character quality can greatly harm Scorpio.

Especially often, problems with communication arise between the ages of 17 and 25. The peremptory judgments of representatives of the sign often repel others from them, especially since representatives of this sign, as a rule, do not listen at all to the opinions of others, preferring to defend them, no matter how ridiculous it may seem to others. It is for this reason that Scorpios are able to conflict situations. Solving this problem without damaging Scorpio’s pride is very difficult, especially since many of them do not even perceive their uncompromisingness as a problem. Learning to listen to other people's opinions and avoid sharp corners is very difficult for those who are not used to paying the slightest attention to it.

However, if Scorpio recognizes this characteristic as a flaw that leads to numerous problems, he will be able to direct his energy to get rid of it or, at least, remember it when communicating with others, controlling his actions and emotions. If Scorpio himself feels that his relationships with people are not going well the best way, he should show more attention to those around him, and think not about how to get ahead of them in something, but about how to understand them.

Scorpio of the second decade - from 25 to 40 years

IN age period from 25 to 40 years, the number of problems for Scorpios of the second decade, as a rule, decreases. Some problems can arise only in the personal sphere: during this period, Scorpio strives to fulfill his sensual desires. But he concentrates only on his needs, without seeing his partner as an individual, which greatly impoverishes his personal life, so Scorpio may have the problem of spiritual impoverishment. In their youth and middle age, Scorpios are very romantic and sexy, they live the most stormy emotional life.

Men are often possessive and rude tyrants. Insanely jealous. From a woman, they always demand humility, fidelity, and dedication. Most Scorpios of the second decade look for the image of a mother in the woman they love. Scorpio, born in the second decade, may develop with age such traits as commercialism and an insatiable thirst for profit. He will never miss what he has and will strive to benefit at any cost. He will never be visited by a feeling of compassion for others; to achieve his well-being, he is ready to literally walk over corpses.

Scorpio forgives nothing to anyone and enjoys his revenge. If people weaker than him stand in his way, he mercilessly deals with them. When faced with a stronger opponent, Scorpio does not go into open conflict, but prefers to act in roundabout ways, achieving what he wants through intrigue and bribery. A representative of this decade risks harming himself, because in an effort to quench his thirst for profit, he often acts contrary to his other interests.

Scorpio of the second decade - from 40 to 60 years

What cannot be taken away from Scorpios is self-satisfaction, which is expressed with great force among representatives of the second decade and manifests itself in its entirety between the ages of 40 and 60. Of course, any Scorpio with such assertiveness always has something to be proud of, but sometimes complacency becomes too bright, which harms him, since he does not pay attention to other people who are no less interesting than himself. However, this does not always happen, and if in childhood Scorpio’s parents taught him to treat people more simply and tolerantly, this will be very useful to him in life.

Scorpio of the second decade - from 60 years and older

The age after 60 years is very difficult for every person: he feels that he has lived almost his entire life, but has not managed to do everything. For Scorpios of the second decade, with their boundless ambition, it is perhaps more difficult to realize this than for representatives of other signs.

As a rule, Scorpio, who is over 60, continues to do one of his favorite things - influencing others, trying to penetrate their thoughts and expose other people's feelings. This quality can develop into despotism. People around you always don’t like this attitude, especially since Scorpios, as a rule, do not have tact. Scorpios over 60 can be advised to restrain their despotic impulses, but the problem will disappear if representatives of the second decade of the sign themselves realize this.

Scorpio of the second decade - features of the zodiac sign

The second decade of the sign is under the influence of Pluto. Those born during this period are passionate, strong-willed, noble and generous.

The ages from 7 to 14 years are very difficult for a child. With great reluctance, he begins to study at school and exhibit character traits that are unusual for him or unknown to his parents.

Scorpio children usually study well. They easily learn school material. They never become crammers due to their increased ability to penetrate into the depths of phenomena.

They easily get to the essence of any subject. Scorpio children are very vain and proud, and the idea that one of their classmates knows the subject better is unacceptable to them.

Under the influence of Pluto, Scorpio can do almost anything that he really wants to achieve. The magical and mysterious power of Pluto turns his desires into reality.

Scorpio in the second decade - the stage of life up to 25 years

In adult life, Scorpio of the second decade will be able to express himself most fully in the area where an understanding of the laws of drama and its theatrical interpretation, the practical application of modern inventions, and the ability to detail and dose (in the field of biochemistry) are necessary.

They love difficult work that requires a lot of strength and imagination, courage and will; research activities in chemical, technical and physical laboratories, as well as surgery and psychology are suitable for them.

Representatives of the second decade of the sign are characterized by a living understanding of the resurgent past and future, a love of archeology and art history. Scorpio can prove itself in the field of geology.

Spiritual balance gives a superbly organized character, conducive to both the use of high intellectual functions and creative activities. Lack of balance sometimes leads to excessive pride, a guilt complex, and sometimes impracticality.

In childhood and early youth, Scorpios of this type simply adore secrets and have an irresistible urge to create all kinds of secret societies among their peers, among whom Scorpio will definitely be the ringleader.

As a result of this tendency, parents are not always privy to the child’s life and interests. No matter how hard the parents try, in their youth, Scorpio in the second decade often turns out to be a real individualist. As a rule, everything that makes up Scorpio’s individualism pushes those around him away.

Scorpios of this type are usually too uncompromising, which causes difficulties with communication. This character quality can greatly harm Scorpio.

Especially often, problems with communication arise between the ages of 17 and 25. The peremptory judgments of representatives of the sign often repel others from them, especially since representatives of this sign, as a rule, do not listen at all to the opinions of others, preferring to defend them, no matter how ridiculous it may seem to others. It is for this reason that Scorpios may have conflict situations.

Solving this problem without damaging Scorpio’s pride is very difficult, especially since many of them do not even perceive their uncompromisingness as a problem. Learning to listen to other people's opinions and avoid sharp corners is very difficult for those who are not used to paying the slightest attention to it.

However, if Scorpio recognizes this characteristic as a flaw that leads to numerous problems, he will be able to direct his energy to get rid of it or, at least, remember it when communicating with others, controlling his actions and emotions.

If Scorpio himself feels that his relationships with people are not developing in the best way, he should show more attention to those around him, and think not about how to get ahead of them in something, but about how to understand them.

Scorpio second decade - stage of life from 25 to 40 years

In the age period from 25 to 40 years, the number of problems for Scorpios of the second decade, as a rule, decreases. Some problems can arise only in the personal sphere: during this period, Scorpio strives to fulfill his sensual desires.

But he concentrates only on his needs, without seeing his partner as an individual, which greatly impoverishes his personal life, so Scorpio may have the problem of spiritual impoverishment.

In their youth and middle age, Scorpios are very romantic and sexy, they live the most turbulent emotional life.

Men are often possessive and rude tyrants. Insanely jealous. From a woman, they always demand humility, fidelity, and dedication. Most Scorpios of the second decade look for the image of a mother in the woman they love.

Scorpio, born in the second decade, may develop with age such traits as commercialism and an insatiable thirst for profit. He will never miss what he has and will strive to benefit at any cost. He will never be visited by a feeling of compassion for others; to achieve his well-being, he is ready to literally walk over corpses.

Scorpio forgives nothing to anyone and enjoys his revenge. If people weaker than him stand in his way, he mercilessly deals with them. When faced with a stronger opponent, Scorpio does not go into open conflict, but prefers to act in roundabout ways, achieving what he wants through intrigue and bribery.

A representative of this decade risks harming himself, because in an effort to quench his thirst for profit, he often acts contrary to his other interests.

Scorpio of the second decade - stage of life from 40 to 60 years

What cannot be taken away from Scorpios is self-satisfaction, which is expressed with great force among representatives of the second decade and manifests itself in its entirety between the ages of 40 and 60.

Of course, any Scorpio with such assertiveness always has something to be proud of, but sometimes complacency becomes too bright, which harms him, since he does not pay attention to other people who are no less interesting than himself.

However, this does not always happen, and if in childhood Scorpio’s parents taught him to treat people more simply and tolerantly, this will be very useful to him in life.

Scorpio second decade - stage of life from 60 years and older

The age after 60 years is very difficult for every person: he feels that he has lived almost his entire life, but has not managed to do everything. For Scorpios of the second decade, with their boundless ambition, it is perhaps more difficult to realize this than for representatives of other signs.

As a rule, Scorpio, who is over 60, continues to do one of his favorite things - influencing others, trying to penetrate their thoughts and expose other people's feelings. This quality can develop into despotism. People around you always don’t like this attitude, especially since Scorpios, as a rule, do not have tact.

Scorpios over 60 can be advised to restrain their despotic impulses, but the problem will disappear if representatives of the second decade of the sign themselves realize this.

The most important years in the life of Scorpios in the second decade

The most important years of the life of Scorpio in the second decade: 15, 25, 30, 45, 60, 75 years.

© E. Danilova

Decades of the zodiac sign Scorpio

Scorpio is the most mystical sign of the zodiac. The Western zodiac and horoscope of Scorpio represents him as the strongest and most resilient, with large energy reserves. Symbolically, this sign is compared to the Phoenix bird, which is reborn from the ashes. Likewise, Scorpio is able to recover even after the most difficult trials.

The Scorpio personality is sometimes a complete bundle of contradictions; often his own passions tear him apart, and he spends a lot of energy fighting with himself. Such drastic changes are possible in the fate of Scorpio that he does not even suspect.

And at any moment he can gain and lose, and find again, perk up and continue moving forward - in the life of Scorpios there can be a series of great victories and bitter disappointments, and each time “this is not the end”...

Scorpio First Decade (October 24 - November 2)

Scorpio in the first decade is the sign of Scorpio in its purest form. They are stingy in showing emotions, however, inside they are real boiling water. They know their worth, are resilient, and are capable of hard work. Among them, most often there are true professionals in their field, who are ready to work day and night for the sake of a common cause. Demanding of themselves and others. They strive to bring any task to perfection.

They are independent, do not want to depend on anyone, rather, they would like others to depend on them. They are partial to power, proud, and demand respect from others. Brave, energetic, capable of moving mountains, Scorpios of the first decade always act as they see fit, without being guided by the opinions of others. They believe that there is only one correct opinion - their own. And this can be forgiven for them, because these Scorpios are incredibly gifted creative people. Outwardly they are very attractive, especially women.

In the fight for truth, they often fail, but they fight to the last. If you become this person's enemy, be prepared for brutal, sophisticated revenge. But if Scorpio of the 1st decade is your friend, we can say that you are incredibly lucky, because in friendship they are faithful and caring people. There are always a lot of fans around Scorpio women of this decade, thanks to their extraordinary attractiveness.

If Scorpio starts a romantic relationship, he will treat his partner jealously, considering him his property. But on the other hand, these are devoted spouses who do their best to help their other half achieve success in their career. Men of this sign can show themselves as domineering, aggressive lovers, but sometimes they want to be in a subordinate position, but only if there is a strong woman next to them.

In general, these are smart people who always know the right place and time for words and actions. They always think a hundred times first before saying something out loud.

Scorpio Second Decan (November 3 - 12)

Scorpio of the second decade has the traits of the sign Pisces. Like all Pisces, these Scorpios are passionate about art in all its forms. They have highly developed intellectual abilities, and new interests constantly appear. These people often have their head in the clouds and like to imagine their future, new places they will visit, new people they will one day meet.

But Scorpios of the second decade do not just mindlessly indulge in dreams, they also make every effort to achieve what they want. These are persistent, active people. They will do their best to achieve their goal. Scorpios of this decade are well versed in the intricacies of human psychology, and can sometimes use this skill for selfish purposes. People's humor has a somewhat sarcastic tone, and often with a careless joke they can hurt loved ones.

They carefully hide their inner experiences and thoughts, because... they do not want to be dependent on others, either psychologically or physically. Scorpios of the 2nd decade prefer to live by their own rules, not obeying the traditions and norms established in society. If they have to do this, their soul is tormented by disharmony. What these Scorpios fear most is dependence on someone.

They rarely complain, do not like to be pitied, and try to cope with everything on their own. These people are capable of deep feelings, from love to hatred. They act as their heart and intuition tells them. Their actions are often unpredictable. These are femme fatales and don juans. They do not take revenge on their offenders, but if they have offended their relatives and friends, they will take revenge to the last.

Scorpio of the Third Decade (November 13 - 22)

Scorpio of the third decade is Scorpio with an admixture of the sign Cancer. These people are sensitive, but at the same time decisive. They are ready to go far for the sake of their goal. Philosophical mindset, tend to analyze everything, like to think for a long time. Scorpios of this decade are distinguished by their integrity, do not forgive mistakes of others, and try to avoid making them themselves. There are many secrets living in their souls. For other people, they often remain misunderstood, unattainable, and their actions are often incomprehensible to others.

The Scorpio woman of the 3rd decade is not indifferent to issues of relationships with the opposite sex. Sometimes these women can be expressive, overly emotional, to the point of hysteria. Scorpio males of this decade have an independent character, they have abilities in many fields of science and art. These are purposeful people who try to achieve everything their own way. These are risky, adventurous people. They may go all in for a hypothetical gain. But even if they are unlucky, they never give up and are always ready to start from scratch.

These Scorpios are incredibly patient, resilient, brave, and try not to show their fear or pain to anyone. They are talented, successful, and have perfect taste. To avoid envy from those around them, they need to act alone and not brag about their successes. Looking at them, we can say that they are lucky, successful, active people, but the only area of ​​life in which they are unlucky is personal relationships.