Where is the mullet found? Full description of the sea fish mullet photo video What is the other name for mullet

What kind of fish is mullet? Many people ask the question: “What kind of fish is mullet?” Indeed, not many people have heard this name, which is undeserved, because it is an important commercial species that lives in many parts of the planet. Mostly sea ​​creature, although there are some subspecies found only in fresh waters.

Its distribution area is extensive, but most often you can find this representative in the subtropical and tropical regions of the ocean, as well as in the waters of Russia (Black, Japanese and other seas). Mullet description It has an oblong silver-gray body and the same fins. The sides are decorated with dark small stripes that disappear in the abdominal area. Life expectancy is 12-15 years. There are several types of this underwater inhabitant:

  • Striped mullet: the largest fish of the mullet family. Distributed throughout to the globe. It can reach 50 cm in length and weigh up to 5 kg;
  • Sharpnose: the smallest representative, whose length does not exceed 20 cm and weight 0.5 kg;
  • Singil: found exclusively in the Black Sea basin, where fishing for this fish has long flourished. It differs from previous representatives only in size. Maximum length-35 cm, and weight -1 kg;
  • Pelengas: an analogue of the singil, but lives in the waters of the oceans. Although the family is divided into several species, they are all very similar in both appearance, and by habits.

Spawning time

The sea fish mullet reaches puberty at 8-9 years old if it is a female, and at 6-7 years old if it is male. During the spawning period, individuals move to coastal areas of the sea, where egg laying occurs. Typically, a female produces no more than 7 thousand eggs at a time, which is very small compared to other species. Spawning lasts from June to September. Also, do not forget that catching during this period is strictly prohibited in order to prevent population decline.

Beneficial features:

  1. The meat of this sea creature not only has a pleasant taste, but is also rich in phosphorus, zinc, calcium, vitamin B1 and PP, so if possible, you should add this underwater creature to your menu at least once a week;
  2. Regular consumption of this fish will help the body normalize arterial pressure, and also prevent the risk of heart disease and stroke;
  3. If you want to lose a couple of extra pounds, then you can eat the meat of this representative without harming your figure, since it is dietary.

Mullet fishing

Mullet is a tasty fish, as a result of which it is harvested on a large scale everywhere. But it is also popular among ordinary amateur fishermen who are chasing not only tasty meat, but also an interesting pastime. Catching her is not difficult.

Fishing is usually done from a pier, where the water depth is no more than 3-5 m, or from the shore. For fishing, they use a feeder or a match float rod, as well as earthworms as bait. If you go hunting in the summer, it is recommended to get to the estuary areas of the river, where fish are abundant at this time of year.

Fishing does not stop in winter. But at this time of year you will have to fish not from the shore, but from a boat or boat, as schools of mullet swim deep into the sea waters. The main difference between winter hunting and summer hunting is the bait. From December to February this underwater inhabitant bites only on Nereis sea worms.

It’s better not to go out to sea with another bait, as you still won’t have a catch. Fortunately, at this time you can find this worm in almost any specialty store. Everything else - from fishing rods to feeding - remains unchanged and is equally suitable for any season.

Video of sea fish mullet:

Remember in the film “Two Fighters” the popular song “scows full of mullets” was performed by Mark Bernes; at that time it was very popular, but it was not published anywhere, and it was considered a little criminal. There was mention of mullet, what kind of fish is so interesting? Let's look into this issue.

The name “mullet” is of Greek origin, and the Greeks were the first to call it that, which means “head”. Mullet fish is common in the Azov, Black and Caspian Seas. It spawns in the sea, and goes to estuaries or bays to feed. Due to this property, such fish are used for growing in estuaries with salt water.

Depending on the species, one individual has a length from 40 to 75 cm, weighs from half a kilogram to three and a half. In general, the mullet is of great industrial importance. Unfortunately, the majority of the industrial catch is made up of individuals weighing up to 400 g. Small fish are prepared into canned food; large fish are especially valued for the presence of caviar in them.

Mullet meat is white, fatty, but not bony. It is mainly sold in the form of a chilled or frozen carcass. Sometimes in stores you can find dried, salted or cold smoked fish.

This is a very active species, they stay in schools (they are able to jump out of the water and even jump over fishing nets). It reaches maturity only in the eighth year of life. By this time, its length varies between 30-40 cm.

The skin is covered with scales, the body of the individual is distinguished by a rectangular shape and a dark blue tint in the upper part of the carcass. Externally, the mullet can be distinguished from other species thanks to two black stripes. They run parallel to the sides of the fish, are black in color and thanks to them it is easy to distinguish mullet from other species.

The most diverse representatives of this species are in the Black and Azov Seas. The mullet has become widespread in the Caspian Sea, where it was brought centuries ago.

This species has an elongated body with a flattened back. The color is gray, but the abdomen may have a silver tint. She still has the same two distinctive black stripes, although the sides may be lighter than the back.

The scales of the Black Sea mullet are large. She has a small head, which has a pointed nose (which is in the same plane as dorsal fin). A distinctive feature is large eyes and a small mouth. An adult is considered an individual that has reached a length of at least 40 cm. Average duration her life, if she was not caught for industrial purposes earlier, ranges from 12 to 15 years.

It is larger than the Black Sea one. In the Caspian Sea this type appeared only in the thirties of the last century. Then 3,000,000 fry were brought to this sea from the Black Sea. Every year hundreds of thousands of centners of such fish are caught in the Caspian Sea.

The breeding time of the Caspian mullet differs from the Black Sea mullet. Mullet in the Caspian Sea spawns in the open sea, and its eggs are found on the surface of the water along with plankton. This is one of the main differences between the Caspian species and the Black Sea one, because in the Black Sea it goes to estuaries to spawn.

On the coast of the Azov Sea it is called “crane”. On average, the length of one individual is about 25-30 cm. Despite its small size, the Azov mullet is distinguished by its high fat content. It is sold mainly fresh or frozen.

The Black and Azov Seas are considered the birthplace of the mullet. These same seas contain the greatest diversity of species of this fish. However, it also lives in other seas, and not only in the Caspian.

At the end of the 20th century, this species was introduced into the Sea of ​​Japan. Now it is found on the coasts of America, New Zealand and Australia, Southeast Asia, lives in the Pacific and Indian Oceans, and can be found in coastal waters. Found in all warm seas tropical zone. Some species of this fish can even live in fresh waters.

The calorie content of an individual is 121 calories per 100 g of product. Mullet does not contain carbohydrates, but has a lot of proteins, they make up 20% of the carcass weight. There is much less fat in fish - about 10 times less than protein.

The vitamin composition of the product is presented in the table below.

Below is a table with the amount of macro- and microelements:

Water makes up about 70% of the carcass weight.

  1. This type contains a lot of vitamin A. As is known, this vitamin is useful for improving the condition of the mucous membranes and skin person. At the same time, vitamin A is essential for maintaining vision and eye health. Vitamin A obtained from animal sources cannot be replaced by plant foods.
  2. Contains a lot of vitamin B4. This vitamin helps reduce cholesterol levels in the blood, also helps the liver function, and is involved in of cardio-vascular system. Helps remove harmful substances from the body, thereby purifying the blood, regulates the amount of insulin contained in the blood.
  3. Quite rarely contained in food products Vitamin Choline, recommended in large doses if available excess weight or obesity, promotes weight loss. It is also present in some quantities in mullet.
  4. Like many other species, mullet contains some amount of phosphorus. This substance has a beneficial effect on the human musculoskeletal system, in particular on the condition of the bones. Phosphorus is also an indispensable participant in metabolic processes, has a beneficial effect on kidney function, and stimulates cell growth. In addition, the microelement affects the central nervous system, heart muscle, as well as the sweat glands, which regulate sweating.
  5. This fish contains a considerable amount of fatty acids. Thanks to them, it is possible to improve brain function. Regular consumption of sufficient amounts of these substances reduces the risk of vascular and heart diseases. Thus, regularly eating mullet helps reduce the risk of diseases such as stroke or heart attack.
  6. Protein, which makes up about 20% of the weight of fish, contains essential amino acids.
  7. According to studies, regular consumption of this fish helps restore nerve cells. The substances it contains help combat certain mental disorders, for example, with depression, they also help overcome Bad mood. It should be noted that this property of mullet appears only when taken regularly, for example, two to three times a week.
  8. This type is allowed and recommended for use for intestinal diseases, including chronic ones, and is also recommended in the diet menu. Eat it in medicinal purposes preferably with vegetables or cereal side dishes. And it is also advised to include mullet in the diet of older people, since regular consumption prevents atherosclerosis.
  9. Fortunately, there are no special contraindications for use. Basically, those who have acute food intolerance to it or allergic reaction. Harm from mullet can occur if the product was chosen of poor quality or poorly prepared.
  10. To avoid this, you should pay special attention to choosing a fresh carcass, and, if you have a choice, buy only freshly caught ones. Unfortunately, this opportunity is available only to residents of coastal areas. Otherwise, you should choose fresh frozen. Frozen fish should be labeled with the date it was caught and when it was frozen.
  11. Largest quantity useful properties in fish that was caught no later than 48 hours ago. This means that in order to benefit from frozen mullet, it must be frozen immediately after being caught.
  12. When preparing such a product at home, you can defrost it only in air, but not in water. After defrosting, the fish must be cooked immediately.

No, mullet is not a bony fish. There are no small bones in it, and those in it can be easily removed with a kitchen knife. In addition, the meat of a cooked carcass easily separates from the bones.

Pelengas and mullet are two completely different fish. Externally, they can be distinguished by several characteristics that are clearly expressed.

Pelengas is a larger fish than mullet. In addition, the pelengas has large scales and orange eyes. Mullet has eyes blue color and dense small scales.

The main differences between these two species are the feeding method and, accordingly, the fishing method. Pelengas feed from the bottom, but mullet do not, so the methods of catching these two species are different. Look what the pelengas looks like, photo of the fish:

As can be seen from the above information, mullet is a useful fish, but its value is largely determined by the time of catch and the method of freezing. Despite the many beneficial properties, we should not forget that this is a very fatty type.

In addition, you should carefully pay attention to the label of the frozen fish you buy, and do not be lazy to read the information written on it. Otherwise, there is a danger of buying a product that does not have all the beneficial properties described in this article.

Mullet is fried, baked or steamed. The method of preparation largely depends on personal taste preferences and dietary features.

Look, mullet, what kind of fish, video:

1. What kind of fish is this

Mullet (common name, uniting 95 species of fish), lives in coastal strip, covers tropical, subtropical and temperate warm waters all oceans. Length: up to 50 cm; weight: up to 3 kg. There are especially many genera and species off the coast of Indonesia, New Guinea, and Sri Lanka. It is considered a tasty food fish with fairly dense meat.

2. Culinary properties

This fish has a very good taste with its tender, fairly fatty meat and the absence of small bones. Fish caught in the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea is especially tasty. in early spring or in the late months of autumn. By taste qualities Dried and smoked mullet are hard to beat.

3. Brief history

The name of the fish goes back to Greece, mullet translates as head. The fish lives in the coastal waters of almost all warm and tropical seas. Some of its species are found in fresh waters near America, Southeast Asia, New Zealand, Australia and Madagascar. The coasts of Florida are the main habitat for mullet in the United States. In addition, this is the most famous fish of the Black Sea region, where it is presented in 4 types: sharpnose, singil, mullet and pelengas. The latter species is an alien from Japan, and it appeared in the Black Sea only at the end of the last century.

In the 30s of the 20th century, the Black Sea mullet was introduced into the Caspian Sea. The Black Sea mullet is found along its entire coast.

4. Positive and negative qualities

Mullet is a healthy fish and can only be a contraindication due to individual intolerance.

5. How it is prepared

It is recommended to fry the mullet in the usual way: The fish is salted, rolled in flour and fried, or together with vegetables: Pieces of fish are salted, peppered, rolled in flour and fried. Lay out, sprinkle with herbs, fried tomatoes are laid out on top, marinated on the grill: The fish is gutted, marinated, salted and grilled.

It is best to bake mullet in foil. A simple way to bake fish: the fish is cleaned, rubbed with pepper and salt and baked in foil. You can also bake mullet with vegetables: The fish is laid out on vegetables, poured with mayonnaise and baked in foil.

Dried mullet is very tasty: The washed fish is salted for 5-12 hours. After this, the fish is laid out on the grill for 12 hours. The fish is dried in a well-ventilated area.

It is recommended to smoke mullet in smokehouses - fresh fish filleted and salted in brine. It is dried and smoked on alder sawdust. You can smoke mullet at home: cook the marinade and cool it. After marinating, the fish is baked in the oven.

Mullet can be boiled, prepared fish soup, grilled, stewed, salted, pickled, steamed. Boiled mullet is very suitable for a jellied dish: pour a layer of broth (with dissolved gelatin) onto the dish and add boiled fish, add broth and place in the refrigerator to harden. You can also boil the mullet with the addition of wine: pre-washed fish, cut into portions, is boiled in boiling water with white wine, or boiled in a sauce: the fish is boiled, a sauce is prepared from corn starch, vinegar, sugar and Not large quantity water. The fish is poured with sauce. When the sauce thickens, remove the pan from the heat. The dish is served hot.

The fish soup made from mullet meat is popular: a spicy broth is cooked with roots and onions, seasoned with vegetable oil. Flour diluted with cold water is added to the broth, portioned pieces of fish and fish soup are cooked until tender. You can also prepare soup: fish tripe, vegetables and spices are boiled, the broth is strained, pieces of fish, mussels and shrimp are boiled in it with lemon juice. Served with croutons.

Grilled mullet is prepared as follows: the fish is gutted, marinated, salted and grilled. Steamed mullet is cooked in spices with different sauces. A simple recipe for steaming mullet: salt and pepper the fish. Then rubbed with chopped ginger and garlic. Drizzle with vegetable oil and soy sauce. Steam for 30 minutes.

You can stew mullet with vegetables and sour cream. To do this, pieces of mullet are breaded and fried in vegetable oil. Fried fish is laid out on fried onions with tomatoes, poured sour cream sauce and simmer until done.

There are two ways to salt mullet - dry salting and brine. Dry-salted mullet is prepared as follows: the mullet carcass is rubbed with salt inside and out and wrapped in cloth. Keep for a day in a cool place. Before serving, rinse off salt. In brine, mullet is prepared as follows: The gills of the fish are removed, it is gutted through them, placed belly up in a bowl, sprinkled with salt inside and outside. Cover with oppression in a cool place. The brine is changed on the 2nd, 4th, 6th day. Aged for 7-10 days. Before use, soak for 2-3 hours in cold water and hang dry for a day.

Mullet is usually marinated for grilling, grilling and aspic.

Scows full of mullet,

Kostya brought Kostya to Odessa... (from a song by M. Bernes)

Mullet is a marine, predominantly herbivorous fish belonging to the order Mullet-like. Found off the coast of the USA, New Zealand, Australia, Madagascar, Russia (Black, Caspian and Azov seas), Ukraine and Southeast Asia.

In Black and Seas of Azov There are 4 species of mullet: singil (serendaka, sarianak), sharpnose (chularka, larisch), mullet (black mullet) (in the first third of the twentieth century, this fish was also artificially introduced into the Caspian Sea, where it successfully took root), pelengas (also spelled "pilengas", otherwise called belingas or maenads, is a Pacific species of mullet that comes to the Black Sea from the Japanese Sea and settled in the Sea of ​​Azov in the 60s of the last century). Besides listed types In the Black Sea, the bighead mullet (ramada, magnet mullet) and the wrasse mullet, or thick-lipped mullet, are still preserved.

Despite the fact that outwardly mullets are not fundamentally different from each other - they all have a torpedo-shaped body, large scales and a flattened head - nevertheless, we can say with confidence that average weight The body and fat content of each type of mullet is different, and therefore different methods of culinary processing are applied to them.

The largest fish among mullets is the pelengas. The length of its body can be more than 1 m, and its weight ranges from 2 to 10 kg! (True, most often pelengas weigh 5-6 kg.) Next comes the mullet, growing to 55-75 cm in length and weighing about 2.5 - 3.5 kg, then the bighead mullet with a body size of 60 cm and a weight of 2.9 kg, then - mullet wrasse - 75 cm in length with a weight of 4-5 kg, singil - 35 cm in length with 1 kg of live weight, and finally the sharpnose - 25 cm in length with a weight of 0.5 kg.

The largest mullet, pelengas, is usually stuffed and baked. Lobana can also be baked, for example, in sour cream, but not stuffed. In addition, it is important to take into account that the mullet sometimes contains poison in its head, so before heat treatment its head must be cut off!

The remaining mullets are suitable for stewing, baking, boiling (regular, steam, over a fire), poaching, drying, smoking, frying and salting. IN Food Industry All mullets are used to make canned food.

It should be noted that in general mullets have an amazing taste. This characteristic is especially applicable to the Black Sea and Azov mullets, caught in autumn and spring. Separately, it is worth considering the mullet, which gives very delicious caviar and having a kind of tasty “fat” in the abdominal cavity.

Caspian mullet has less fatty meat than its “brothers” from other seas. However, it is also in high demand among fish lovers.

Mullet meat is white and tender. It does not contain small bones and is therefore easy to eat. When baked, fried or boiled, it goes well with pasta, boiled rice, potatoes, onions and let's fry. Fennel, celery greens, black pepper, mustard and garlic are suitable as spices. Some also serve mullet sweet and sour sauce, obtained from citrus fruits.

Mullet (gray mullet) (lat. Mugil) is a fairly large (17 species) genus of marine ray-finned fish belonging to the corresponding family - Mullet. The most famous is the mullet (lat. Mugil cephalus), which is of great commercial importance and is an object of sport and recreational fishing. This is what we will mainly be talking about in the future.

Most species of mullet live in the seas of the subtropical and tropical zones. Only a few species of mullet are freshwater, which live in the tropical zone of America, Southeast Asia, Madagascar, Australia and New Zealand.

The mullet lives in the Black, Azov and Japanese seas. This is the only species of mullet that lives in Russia.

Description of mullet

The body of the mullet is elongated, sometimes even spindle-shaped, slightly flattened in front. The scales are large. The back is blue-gray, the belly is silver. Along the sides there are longitudinal stripes of a brownish color. The mullet has no lateral line.

A characteristic feature mullet is the presence of wide fatty eyelids on the eyes that reach the pupils.

The mouth is small, the lower lip has a pointed edge.

One more characteristic feature mullet is the presence of elongated scales (lobes) above the base of the pectoral fins.

Mullet is a medium-sized fish. Its length is 40-50 cm (sometimes up to 90 cm), weight - up to 7 kg.

Mullet lifestyle

Mullet live in schools and lead a very active lifestyle. If startled, it will jump out of the water and can jump over fishing nets.

The mullet reaches sexual maturity at 6-8 years of life, while it reaches a length of 30-40 cm. Spawning occurs in May-September, both in coastal and open waters. At one time, a female mullet sweeps up to 7 thousand sparks or even more.

The mullet's diet is very varied. In summer, the main part of the diet consists of detritus (decomposing plant and animal remains) and plant fouling of underwater substrates, sometimes feeding on small mollusks, crustaceans and worms. The mullet moves near the very bottom at an angle of 45° to the bottom, while scraping from the bottom upper layer silt deposits.

Cooking mullet

Mullet is highly valued in cooking. In many southern states of the United States, mullet is a very common breakfast item. What people love most about the mullet is its almost complete absence bones: removed the spine - and what was left was clean meat.

You can buy it both fresh and frozen, smoked, salted and canned. Fresh mullet is quite difficult to clean, but the process can be simplified; to do this, just pour boiling water over it or dip it in it for 30 seconds (but in no case more, otherwise the fish will simply cook).

Dishes made from this fish are found in the cuisines of many countries around the world. Mullet is especially good when stewed. The best sauce considered a sauce based on white wine and fish broth with mashed onions.

The best side dish for mullet would be vegetables (potatoes, peppers, cabbage), as well as cereals (rice or buckwheat).

Mullet goes well with porcini mushrooms. To do this, they are baked together.

Another common way to prepare mullet is to fry it in oil until it turns golden and crispy. To prevent the fish from falling apart, it should first be dipped in breading.

It is best to fry mullet in odorless oil (refined sunflower, olive, cottonseed).

Nutritional value of mullet (per 100 g)


Mullet - what kind of fish is it?

These incredibly active aquatic inhabitants are found in bodies of water in almost every corner of the earth and prefer to live in a school. The weight of the average representative reaches 7 kg, the size ranges from 40 to 90 cm in length. Tender mullet meat has a rich chemical composition, which includes vitamins, minerals, proteins and essential fats.

Useful properties of mullet:

  • strengthening the walls of blood vessels;
  • prevention of the development of diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • cleaning arteries from blood clots;
  • normalization of blood pressure;
  • saturation of cells with useful substances;
  • improving the functioning of the digestive tract;
  • gaining and maintaining muscle mass, etc.

This fish can be used to cook delicious breakfasts for children. It is incredibly useful for the growing body and helps improve brain activity. Mullet is included in various diet menus. Despite the fact that fish meat is quite filling, it does not contain many calories - only 88.

Mullet fish soup recipe

Mullet soup is a tasty and very healthy first course that will undoubtedly appeal to both adults and children.

In addition to the actual half kilo of fish, you will need:

  • potatoes - approximately 200 g;
  • large carrot;
  • bulb;
  • celery root (optional, you don’t have to add it);
  • flour.

Take parsley from the greens. You will also need 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil and, of course, salt and pepper. So, let's start cooking.

  1. Clean and cut the fish.
  2. Place a pot of water on the stove to boil. For this set of ingredients, 3 liters is enough.
  3. Now let's peel and cut the vegetables: potatoes - large, carrots - into circles, celery root - into small cubes, onions can be rings, or finely.
  4. As soon as the water boils, salt it and pour in vegetable oil and place the prepared vegetables into the pan.
  5. In glass cold water dilute 50 g of flour and also pour the resulting mixture into the pan.
  6. After 10-15 minutes, when the vegetables are almost ready, add pieces of fish to them and leave the pan on the stove for another quarter of an hour.
  7. At the very end, add chopped parsley and cover the finished dish with a lid.

That's all, the soup is ready. If you are planning to feed it to your child, you are probably wondering how many bones there are in such fish. So, there are almost no small bones in it, so mullet fish soup can be given to children without fear.

Bake in foil in the oven

The dish turns out incredibly tasty, tender and aromatic. Believe me, your loved ones and guests will love baked mullet. And it is prepared very simply from ingredients that you probably have at home. All that remains is to buy the fish and cheerfully start baking.

  1. Clean and rinse 1 kg of mullet (this is approximately 4 - 5 fish).
  2. In a separate container, mix salt, pepper and, if desired, spices for fish dishes. You can add a couple of drops of lemon juice to this mixture. Rub the carcasses with this mixture and place them in a cool place for 20 minutes. Now you have time to prepare other ingredients.
  3. Peel and wash 1 kg of potatoes; if the tubers are large, cut them in half or quarters. Bunch green onions and chop the parsley, cut the carrots into rings.
  4. Place the potatoes and salt on foil greased with vegetable oil, then distribute the fish and carrots, sprinkle it all with herbs and garlic, and sprinkle with lemon juice.
  5. We cover the resulting culinary “construction” with a second sheet of foil and send all this delight to the preheated oven. 40 minutes will be enough. Take it out and serve it to the table.

Attention! Lemon juice makes mullet meat even more tender and gives ready-made dish interesting flavors. Lemon juice can be squeezed out simply by hand, using a juicer, or with a fork.

Delicious homemade pickling

Tired of herring and mackerel? Surprise your guests (and yourself) with salted mullet. The recipes for this dish are varied. Here's the simplest one for you.

  1. Gut the carcasses, preferably through the gills, so as not to cut them. Rinse the fish thoroughly in salted water and leave to drain.
  2. Now fill the belly of each piece with coarse salt.
  3. Place the mullet in a glass bowl, cover with brine (water, salt, Bay leaf), place a wooden board on top and something heavy on it.
  4. We send the dish to the basement or refrigerator. Salting is prepared within 10 days. The brine needs to be changed daily.

Fish fried in a frying pan

Fried fish is a universal dish that can be prepared for breakfast, lunch, and festive table. Have you tried frying mullet? Try it, you will be pleasantly surprised by its taste.


  • medium-sized mullet – 2 pcs.;
  • vegetable oil – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • seasoning for fish dishes – 1 tsp;
  • flour – 3 tbsp. l.;
  • salt pepper.

We clean, wash, dry the fish, salt it, pepper it and sprinkle with spices. Dip the carcasses in flour. Place the mullet in a frying pan in heated oil and fry until golden brown crust on both sides. To remove excess fat, place the fish on paper napkin. All is ready! It will take no more than 15 minutes to prepare this tender, tasty dish.

Stuffed mullet in the oven

Mullet can also be stuffed. For 4 fish, take 1 ripe tomato, a bunch of parsley, 50 g of olive oil, salt, pepper, lemon juice.

  1. We clean the fish (through the gills), wash it. While it is draining, prepare the filling.
  2. It is advisable to peel the tomato, then finely chop it and add chopped parsley, oil, spices and the juice of half a lemon. Mix.
  3. We put the filling inside each carcass, tie the pieces with thread and put them in the refrigerator for 20 minutes.
  4. Now grease the mullet with the remaining olive oil and bake in the oven at 200 degrees for 30 minutes. Serve, garnished with parsley branches.

Steaming in a slow cooker

What could it be healthier than fish for a couple? Having a multicooker simplifies the cooking process as much as possible - steamed mullet is very easy to prepare.

For 1 kg of fish you will need the following ingredients:

  • 2 small carrots;
  • bell pepper;
  • zucchini;
  • lemon;
  • salt pepper.

The process is extremely simple:

  1. Clean the mullet and cut into pieces. Peel the vegetables too and chop them into cubes.
  2. Place vegetables at the bottom of the container for steaming dishes, and distribute the fish on top.
  3. Salt and pepper the carcass and sprinkle with the juice of half a lemon.
  4. Pour water into the multicooker bowl, filling it one-third full, place the container with our future dish, close the lid and set the “Steam” program. Time – 15 minutes. After completing the process, take out the mullet and serve with vegetables and lemon slices.

Fish fillet in batter

If you don't know how to cook mullet, start with the safe option of frying in batter. It is no more difficult to do this with such fish than with any other.

  1. For the batter, beat 2 eggs until foamy, add 5 tbsp. l. flour and 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil. Leave to swell. This composition is enough for 4 medium-sized fish fillets.
  2. Cut the fish, salt and pepper, add lemon juice and leave to marinate for 20 - 30 minutes.
  3. After this time has elapsed, dip each piece of mullet into the batter and then place it in hot oil in a hot frying pan. Fry the fish on both sides until golden brown.

Mullet in batter is ready. Bon appetit!


Types of mullet

Different types mullets have an external similarity:

  1. The largest species is considered to be the mullet, reaching a length of 75 cm. It has 12 brownish stripes on the sides. The striped mullet or mullet is found in the seas all over the world.
  2. The sharpnose is a small mullet species, its length is about 25 cm, and its weight is 0.5 kg.
  3. Often very close to the shore there are beautiful singilis that look like a torpedo, which are distinguished by a bright yellow-orange spot on their cheek. They have a strong and flexible body, as if compressed from the sides. They are considered the original Black Sea mullet, their length is about 35 cm, their weight reaches 1 kg.
  4. Juvenile mullet live in shallow waters– The locals call it chularka.
  5. There is another type of mullet - this is pelengas whose homeland is Far East. It was brought from there to the Russian seas and has taken root in them well. Mullet feeds on the bottom closer to the shore on vegetation and animal fouling of underwater objects; it loves crustaceans, worms and small mollusks. All mullets eat soil. Having opened their small mouth slightly, they rush at an angle to the bottom, then scoop up silt or sand with their lower jaw, and then pass it all through themselves. The edibles are digested and the sand is thrown away.


The mullet is a synanthropic creature, it looking for a habitat near a person. This fish settles near pontoons, bridges and sheet piling walls, as well as closer to locks and jetties.

This graceful and beautiful fish loves bright sun and warmth. It can be found in shallow waters, where during low tides the muddy bottom is exposed. Under the warm southern sun, the silt warms up, and from it the tidal water becomes warm. In summer, mullet can be found in the warm sand flats.

The presence of a school of mullet can be seen closer to the surface of the water, where traces in the mud are visible from the lips of aquatic plants, which are their favorite food.

Mullet in fresh river water is found in bays, quiet channels and creeks wild rivers flowing into the sea.

When the water temperature at the mouth of rivers rises to +10°C in spring, it rises as it approaches the shore. The summer months are the most good months to hunt this fish. She actively bites until the end of September, then the bite begins to weaken.

A good mullet bite occurs in calm, warm and sunny weather during a low tide, since then there is slow current, and the water becomes clear.

They catch mullet from natural banks using a float rod. When hunting for it in river mouths, fishermen consider earthworms and dungworms to be the best bait.

Mullet feeds on algae and also loves small animals that live in the mud. She feeds on everything she can find.

The bait may well be:

  • sandworm and maggot;
  • corn and small pieces of lard;
  • pieces of raw fish and shrimp.

Many experienced fishermen successfully catch mullet and for bread crumb. To do this, remove the crust from the bread, then, using a rolling pin instead of a press, press the pieces of bread into small cubes that swell well in water. Bread can also be used for bait.

When fishing from a jetty, a white loaf the bread is cut into pieces and placed in a mesh bag about 30 cm into water. Place it there to make it heavier. pebbles. Pieces of bread are washed out of the bag by currents and waves, and the resulting trail of this food attracts fish. At this time, the nozzle with the hook should be kept at a distance of no more than 1 meter from the bag.

When fishing from a gently sloping shore, you can organize bait using white soaked bread. When the sea water recedes, the bottom dries out, pieces of bread are scattered over the silt and underwater plants.

The best bait for mullet is considered Nereis sea worms. Worms attached to a hook - sandworms and mussel meat - are popular. Some fishermen like to fish using French bread crumbs flavored with anise oil.


You can hope for a good catch of mullet by baiting in certain areas along the shore. Local fishermen have developed a complementary feeding mixture.

It is made from bread, usually from a loaf, wheat flour, minced fish from anchovy is added and processed cheese"Amber". The effectiveness of this mixture has been tested in practice by fishermen, who consider it universal, providing an excellent trophy large fish.

Tackle for mullet

They catch mullet in different ways: they use both a spinning rod and a float rod. The most popular and favorite tackle of mullet fishermen is the float rod. If you have a pre-fed place, you can hope for a fairly decent catch.

  1. Rod you need to take a length from 3.5 m to 4.5 m, with a small spinning reel.
  2. Monofilament fishing line works well, thin, with a diameter of up to 0.20 mm, fluorocarbon fishing lines can be a little harsh and can scare away fish.
  3. Selection of hooks depends on the type of fish, they should be made of thin wire and sharp.
  4. Leash 25 cm connects with the help of a micro-camouflage to the main fishing line.
  5. Floats with a carrying capacity of 1-2 g pear-shaped fish should be sensitive and resistant to water movement, and they should also be of a green camouflage color, fixed at two points at the top and bottom; they help to quickly make a hook during the bite.

When fishing, you should behave very carefully and silently. The mullet feels and sees very well; if it is frightened, the flock can swim away.

They also fish with bottom tackle made from thin fishing line. But there is a peculiarity - small green floats must be attached to the hooks on monofilament leashes, which allow you to raise the hooks from the bottom by 5-10 cm.

Where is mullet caught in Russia?

In Russia they catch mullet in the Black, Caspian and Azov seas, as well as in the Sea of ​​Japan, where fishing enthusiasts come.

From June to August, mullet spawn. From the shoreline, their flocks move about two kilometers into deeper areas of the sea. Fishing from the shore during this period does not produce results. At this time, you should look for mullet in bays, estuaries and bays.

Methods for catching mullet

The main method of hunting mullet is fishing from the shore. The first rule that anglers must follow is choosing a good fishing spot. A flock of mullet looks for food in strips of shallow water, where the flat bottom is replaced by a deep slope, so bait must be placed on the deep part of the slope to attract it.

Mullet fishing is good nearby:

  • from piers and moorings;
  • in breakwater areas;
  • in estuaries and bays.

The current carries the favorite delicacies of this fish from reservoirs to these places.

Mullet hunting in the Black Sea begins early in spring in March and ends late in autumn. Experienced fishermen know that in the morning and evening hours the silvery beauty swims close to the shore, where the depth is only one meter.

When it sees people, it swims into the depths, so you need to take a float tackle with a long telescopic rod (up to 8 m). Fishing line when fishing in clear water you need to choose a very thin one (up to 0.12 mm), with muddy water slightly thicker fishing lines will do.

A good catch is obtained by bait made from:

  • fish offal;
  • crayfish meat;
  • mussels and shrimp;
  • sea ​​worm.

When choosing bottom tackle, spinning rods with a rod up to 5 m equipped with a spinning reel and 0.25 mm fishing line are used. A floating hook No. 8 is suitable so that the bait does not fall to the bottom. When catching large fish, they resort to small spinners called “fly spinners.”

They should have light colors, the spoon should be buried no more than 1 m. Large mullet bite very actively, when biting it hooks itself.

Fishing with a bombard

When fishing from the pier or shore, they also use a bombard, which comes in the form of a spindle-shaped float equipped with a plastic tube inside. A fishing line is passed through the tube, on which a swivel with a thin leash is attached, at the end of which there is a hook.

The bombard's plastic body weighs about 20-40 grams, it should be colored sea ​​water. A rod with a length of 3 to 4.5 m is suitable. This type of equipment is considered universal among fishermen, as it can replace float and bottom tackle, as well as spinning rods.

When fishing with a bombard, the best bait is to use:

  • sea ​​worm Nereis;
  • fresh meat;
  • shrimp meat;
  • sliced ​​fish;
  • chicken offal;
  • lard, sausages;
  • even cheese.

Fishing for mullet in winter

In winter, in warm days January, in the bays you can observe the accumulation of schools of fish, which mark the beginning winter season hunting for mullet. In the cold season, mullet likes to feast on Nereis sea worms. In winter, it’s good to fish with a float rod, sitting on a boat or any watercraft, you can do it from an inflatable boat.

There is practically no big difference in the choice of summer and winter gear, although when fishing from a boat with a float rod, you can fish without a float.

Mullet searches for food in the morning. At this time, you can catch large specimens while schools of fish are close to the shore. During the day you can achieve a stable good bite, but smaller fish are caught. At night, mullet is hunted from a boat away from the shore.

The results of fishing may also depend on the weather. In rainy, cloudy weather, there are more fishermen on the coast, since on such days one can hope for a significant catch of large fish.

In rainy, windy weather, schools of mullet enter small coves and lagoons. Here's why: it turns out that in such weather, crustaceans and shrimps with small fish, which are the favorite food of mullet, begin to show activity. Fishing can then become especially catchy.

Every fisherman probably dreams of having “a scow full of mullet.” This silvery and graceful fish attracts both experienced fishermen and beginners who experience great pleasure in fishing for mullet.

To remain satisfied with fishing, you need to carefully prepare for it:

  • Study the habits of the fish, know where it lives, what it eats, what bait it takes well.
  • Purchase or make high-quality gear and use it correctly.
  • Do not neglect the advice of experienced fishermen.
  • Don't forget about the active biting time.
  • Weather conditions must be taken into account.


The word "mullet" has Greek roots, which means "head". The main difference natural environment Where the mullet is found is a warm climate. It lives in seas located in tropical and subtropical regions of the world. Mullet is found in the waters of New Zealand and Australia, Southeast Asia and the warm zones of America. Representatives of this family are distributed in the Japanese, Caspian, Azov and Black Seas.


Some types of mullet can live in fresh water: channels, bays and backwaters of rivers flowing into the sea. If you try to determine whether a mullet is a river or sea fish, it is easy to conclude that it is a marine inhabitant. But since flocks of this species constantly migrate, they can also be found in river water. Some few species live entirely in fresh water bodies.

The spread of mullet occurred not only naturally, but also artificially. In the 30s of the last century, this species in the amount of 3 million fry was brought from the Black Sea and released into the Caspian Sea, where it successfully took root. This happened due to fertility and an unpretentious diet.

It should be noted that this species is often grown under artificial conditions. The reason for this is several factors:

  • great taste;
  • high content useful substances;
  • reduction in the volume of marine fish production;
  • steady demand for this variety.

Mullet can be safely called a valuable commercial fish. It is a gregarious species, prone to constant migration. It has a cautious, timid character and is extremely active. When frightened, it can jump out of the water and can easily jump over exposed nets.

The standard length of a specimen is 50 centimeters, the maximum can reach 90 centimeters. The standard weight in an industrial catch is 400 grams, the largest individuals weigh up to 7 kilograms.

The body of the mullet is elongated, shaped like a torpedo. It is covered with round and large scales. The color on the back is gray-blue, and on the lower belly it is silver. Brown stripes are visible on the sides. The dorsal fin and nose are at the same level.

The maximum age of a mullet can reach 15 years, although it should be taken into account that industrial production Rare specimens of this species reach this age. The fish begins to reproduce at 6–8 years of age, when it grows to 30–40 cm in length. From May to September, this species spawns both in the open sea and in coastal waters, swimming into bays and estuaries with salt water. Lays about seven thousand eggs.

Intraspecific differences

Today there are 17 main types of mullet fish. Let's highlight the most famous:

  1. Pelengas. The homeland of this species is the Far East. In 1979 it was released into the Sea of ​​Azov, after which it became widespread in the Black and Mediterranean Seas.
  2. Loban. Lives in the Black, Azov, and Japanese seas. The length can reach up to 75 centimeters, the weight of such fish reaches 3 kilograms. It has twelve brown stripes on the sides.
  3. Sharp Nose. The smallest species, weight is about 500 grams, length is about 25 centimeters.
  4. Singil. Lives in the Black Sea. An ordinary specimen reaches a length of 35 centimeters and weighs about a kilogram. Her characteristic feature is a bright orange-yellow spot on the cheek.
  5. Hoturo. A rare freshwater species.

Mullet is widely distributed in the waters of the Azov, Black and Caspian Seas. Let's look at the characteristics of the fish that live in these waters:

  1. Black Sea mullet. A distinctive feature of this species is its large eyes and small mouth opening. A fish specimen is considered adult if its length reaches 40 centimeters.
  2. Caspian mullet. This variety is larger in size than the Black Sea variety, although it was artificially released from the Black Sea. It differs in that spawning takes place in the open sea, and eggs are deposited on the water surface.
  3. Azov mullet. The length is a maximum of 30 centimeters, and the specimen has a high fat content.

The huge size of commercial production and artificial breeding indicate the great popularity of mullet. This is explained by the content of a large number of elements necessary and useful for the human body. The product contains Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, which reduce the possibility of strokes, heart attacks, and other complications of the cardiovascular system. They have a positive effect on increasing life expectancy and reducing the risk of all kinds of arthritis. Elderly people are recommended to eat mullet; this will become a high-quality prevention of atherosclerosis.

The product contains calcium and phosphorus, which are so necessary for the bones and muscles of the human body. Eating this fish, thanks to vitamin A, will improve the condition of the skin and support the functioning of the visual organs. It is necessary to note the presence of vitamin B4, which stabilizes the nervous system, improves sleep and helps with clinical depression. Vitamin B complex lowers cholesterol and normalizes liver function.

Mullet meat is a low-calorie product: 100 grams contains only 88 calories. But the main advantage is the absence of carbohydrates, which allows the product to be easily digested. A fifth of the weight of fish is protein and only about 2 percent is fat. 70 percent of the product's weight is water.

Composition of vitamins:

  • ascorbic acid (C);
  • cobalamin (B12);
  • niacin (PP);
  • retinol (A);
  • pantothenic acid (B5);
  • pyridoxine (B6);
  • riboflavin (B2);
  • thiamine (B1);
  • folic acid (B9).

The composition of microelements and macroelements includes:

  • iron (Fe);
  • calcium (Ca);
  • magnesium (Mg);
  • manganese (Mg);
  • molybdenum (Mo);
  • nickel (Ni);
  • selenium (Se);
  • phosphorus (P);
  • fluorine (F);
  • zinc (Zn).

When choosing mullet, you need to pay attention to quality control and freshness. You need to follow the basic rules:

Preparing to cook

So, a mullet appeared on the kitchen table. What kind of fish is it, how to cook various and very delicious dishes, we have to figure it out now. First, let's learn the secrets of preparing the product for cooking:

  1. Place the fish for 30 minutes at maximum hot water, but not boiling water. After this, it will become much easier to clean the carcass from scales.
  2. Do not defrost fish using water. It is best to defrost naturally at room temperature.
  3. Before baking fish in the oven, you must first preheat it to 180 degrees. Heat treatment of this type is 20 minutes, unless otherwise specified in the recipe. Do not exceed this time limit, otherwise the product will become dry.
  4. It is better to salt the fish after heat treatment is complete.
  5. You can safely combine mullet with pepper, citrus fruits, parsley, tomatoes, garlic, paprika, and fennel.

I would also like to mention one more undoubted advantage of this variety: there are practically no small bones in it, the presence of which can spoil the impression of the most delicious fish.

An impressive list of nutrients and delicious meat make mullet a popular product in all kinds of recipes. This variety can be prepared using a wide variety of methods: baked in the oven or dried, cooked as first courses or smoked, fried in a pan or salted. Mullet goes well with rice, potatoes, carrots, and bell peppers.

A bunch of variety of recipes impossible to fit into one article. Let's focus on two simple ones, quick and naturally tasty options.

Mullet soup

Real fish soup must be prepared only from fresh fish. Great option There will be cooking over a fire. The recipe is for 4 servings. Cooking time - 30 minutes.

Product composition:


  1. Clean and wash the fish, then cut into small pieces.
  2. Let the water boil.
  3. We clean and wash the carrots and onions. Cut the onion into half rings and the carrots into circles.
  4. Salt boiling water, add vegetable oil, carrots, onions and celery.
  5. Let a third of a glass of boiling water cool and stir in the flour.
  6. Ten minutes after the water with vegetables boils, add the diluted flour.
  7. Place the fish in the pan.
  8. Bring the fish soup to a boil, then reduce the heat to a moderate simmer.
  9. Cook for 15 minutes, then remove the pan from the heat.
  10. Add chopped parsley and pepper to taste.
  11. It is advisable to let it brew for 10-15 minutes.

Mullet baked in foil

Rarely will a person remain indifferent to fish cooked in foil. This option is very easy to prepare. The product is very tender and aromatic due to the fact that the fish is stewed in own juice. Number of servings - 2 . The dish takes 50 minutes to prepare.

Product composition:


  1. We clean the fish, get rid of the head and entrails.
  2. We wash and make cuts on the carcass. Salt and add spices.
  3. Cut the parsley, then the lemon into thin slices. Distribute the chopped ingredients evenly inside each carcass.
  4. Fold the foil in half and line the baking sheet. We wrap each fish separately in foil, after adding a tablespoon of oil, thoroughly coating the fish with oil.
  5. Cover the carcasses tightly with foil to prevent any juice from leaking out. Place the fish on a baking sheet.
  6. Place the pan in the oven, heated to 200 degrees and cook for 30 minutes.

Mullet is a unique product in its composition. Eating this fish 2-3 times a week will allow the body to improve the functioning of most organs. This does not require large financial expenses. The main thing is that the fish is fresh.



The genus includes 17 species of mullet.
Most Popular:

  • The mullet are large individuals. Can reach 55 cm in length. Weight is about 2.4 kg.
  • Sharpnose - individuals are somewhat smaller, reaching a weight of just over 500 g.
  • Singil are popular representatives of the genus. Weigh up to 1 kg.

Mullet meat is white, tender and practically boneless. The largest and most appetizing caviar is that of mullet. Also, the fish is valued by culinary specialists for the “salt” found in the abdominal cavity of the mullet. It has a specific, pleasant taste.

Curious! Mullet fish are very mobile, stay in schools, and when frightened, they resourcefully jump out of the water. They sometimes manage to overcome fishing nets. They reach maturity by the 8th year of existence.


Mullet contains:

  • proteins and many types of fats;
  • compounds of nickel, molybdenum, zinc, phosphorus, fluorine, copper, chlorine, calcium;
  • vitamins A, B1, C, B6, D3, E and PP.


Eating mullet regularly will help:

  1. For atherosclerosis.
  2. Stops the development of heart disease and stroke.
  3. Improves brain activity.
  4. Thanks to the presence of omega-3, it slows down the process of blood clots and clots in the vessels and supports the proper functioning of the arteries.
  5. It will have a positive effect on the beauty of the skin and vision.
  6. Normalizes liver activity.
  7. It has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, helping to cope with insomnia and mild depression.

Important! Older people are advised to consume mullet boiled, steamed or baked.


You should not eat mullet if you are personally intolerant to the product or have allergic reactions.

How to cook mullet

Mullet is most useful and appetizing within 48 hours after catch. Many cuisines around the world include recipes that use mullet as an ingredient. It is susceptible to different thermal effects. But more often, it is baked or fried. And:

  • fry until golden brown;
  • stuffed with porcini mushrooms;
  • stewed in wine with onions;
  • breaded in strips or bread crumbs;
  • smoked and dried;
  • they make wonderful canned food;
  • fish is served with potatoes and other vegetables;
  • it is included in first courses.

To diversify the taste of mullet, it is supplemented with sauces, spices and pickled.

On a note! Before cleaning, it is advisable to immerse the mullet in boiling water for 30 seconds - this will greatly simplify further cleaning, which begins with the tail.

How to choose?

To make a tasty and nutritious mullet dish, you need to choose it correctly. We adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Let's first look at the eyes of the fish. In a fresh specimen they are convex, not cloudy, with black pupils.
  2. Then we examine the scales, which should shine in the sun and fit closely to the carcass. The presence of stains or other damage indicates that the product is not fresh.
  3. Also pay attention to how quickly, after pressing on the carcass, its previous shape is restored. If the process is delayed, this indicates that the mullet is not fresh.


Gutted, cleaned and washed mullet are great for storing in freezer within 2.5 months. To do this, the carcass is placed in a bag and sealed tightly. Without freezing, it can be stored for a day.

Please note! Repeated freezing of mullet is prohibited. After defrosting, the fish meat becomes loose.