When to remove onions from the garden and how to properly store onions. When to remove onions from the garden

About one and a half to two weeks before harvest (that is, in early August), watering onions usually stops. The harvesting time must be chosen correctly - if you do it ahead of time, the covering scales will not have time to form, and the neck will be thick. Late harvesting also negatively affects the preservation of vegetables. So let's figure out when to clean up. onions from the garden.

When to remove onions from the garden?

It’s quite easy to understand that the time has come to remove the fruits and send them to dry - if the onions begin to turn yellow and lie on the ground, it’s time to do it. IN middle lane In Russia, the harvest begins at the end of July and ends in mid-August (in the dry season you can complete it later, but in the rainy season it is better to do it earlier than to lose time, and with it the harvest).

Other principles for determining cleaning time:

  • the average fruit ripening period is 68-83 days
  • in the cold and rainy summer Onion ripening time is longer
  • if the feathers turn yellow and begin to dry out, it’s time to harvest

It is advisable to dig up or pull out onions in sunny, dry weather. When the harvest is completed, the fruits should be placed in the sun and left to dry until evening (you need to turn them over and shake them for better drying). When this is done, take the onions to the shed, attic or balcony. In sunny weather, the fruits can be left outside for one to two weeks, covering them with film at night.

To speed up the ripening process, lift the bulbs and undermine the roots - in this case nutrients Old leaves that have already dried out or are just dying will fall into the bulbs faster. If you do not allow the fruits to dry properly, tight-fitting dry scales will not appear on them. Dried sheets should be cut “to the bottom” with a regular knife.

The collected onions are sorted by size - small onions (sets - fruits no more than 2 cm) are placed in boxes. The layer thickness should not exceed 20 cm, storage temperature - 10-20 degrees. Have you found midges? This is the first sign indicating that the crop is rotting - usually this occurs as a result of high air humidity. Dry the bulbs, remove rotten heads and discard. Medium-sized bulbs (2-4 cm) are stored in the same way as small seed bulbs - in the future they will be used for feathers. Large fruits are used as food first and are usually stored in the refrigerator.

Now you know how to collect (and when to do it) and store onions, which means that your harvest will not be damaged.

14-20 days before harvesting the onions, they are no longer watered. This is done for the purpose better storage bulbs in winter, and also to prevent roots from growing.

Lunar calendar for onion harvesting in 2017

It is not so difficult to determine the time when you need to remove onions from the garden. It is recommended to remove the onion when it lies on the ground and begins to turn yellow. The main signs of ripe onions:

  • The stems gradually fall onto the bed;
  • Feathers dry out and turn yellow.

As a rule, central Russia harvests onions at the end of July from the beginning of the 20th to mid-August (if the weather is good). If in August it's raining, then it is recommended to remove the onions a little earlier.

How to mathematically calculate when to remove onions from the garden?

The ripening period of onions is 60-85 days, so you can subtract this period from the planting date and then you will be able to understand when to harvest the onions. Also remember to take the weather into account. If the summer was sunny, then the ripening period practically does not change. If the summer is rainy and cold, then the ripening time increases by several days. It is important not to forget the main signs of onion ripening; be guided by them.

How to dig up onions correctly

Onions must be pulled out in sunny weather. Experienced gardeners recommend digging up onions from the garden in the morning, and then putting them out to dry in the sun until evening. Additionally, remember to turn and shake the onions to help them dry faster.

Then move it to the balcony, attic, barn for a few days and dry the onions in a ventilated, dry place. Onions can also be dried at the dacha if the weather is warm and sunny. Dry for about 10 days, while at night cover the product with covering material or film.

How long does it take to dry onions? To do this, look at the neck. When enough time has passed for it to dry, then you can put the onions away for storage. It is important to understand that if the onion is well dried, it will be stored better and rot less.

  • This is interesting -

How to properly dry and store onions

Trim the feathers after they dry, leave the top about 8 cm, and the roots no more than 20 cm. After this trimming, the onions are stored in boxes, boxes, baskets or nets. Also, do not forget to stir the onions so that they dry perfectly and can be stored all winter.

Many summer residents also braid braids from onions. To do this, the bulbs are cut long, leaving stems of about 15 cm. Next, the bulbs are intertwined in pairs and wrapped around twine. Should be stored hanging.

Onions are a perennial plant, and it takes at least two years from planting the seeds to harvesting the turnips. However, not many people succeed in growing and preserving seedlings until next summer, and the reason for this is not correct collection and storage of crops. To avoid unpleasant emotions before planting onions on turnips, we will tell you how to remove onion sets from the garden for storage and how to properly store onions so that they do not spoil.


When to dig up onion sets? It depends on a number of reasons that will tell you whether the time has come to send the fruits to the cellar or not. First characteristic feature is yellowing of the feathers, but remember, if the feather began to turn yellow early, then the plant may have become ill with something, so before digging up the onions, carefully inspect the crop to rule out disease.

Usually, in the middle zone, onion harvesting dates fall at the end of July or early-mid August, it all depends on the variety and weather conditions. In hot climates, fruits can be harvested even in mid-July. All this happens taking into account the fact that onions are grown in open ground.

Onion sets ripen 90-100 days after planting. A month before the expected date of onion harvest, it is recommended to stop watering the heads so that they have time to dry and get stronger. If the weather has an unfavorable effect on the bulbs, it is recommended to cover the bed with film to prevent moisture from getting into the soil. During harvesting, it is better to choose a dry, sunny day. This way you will protect the sets from excess moisture, which will have a bad effect on the bulbs.

It is advisable to dig the bulbs with a pitchfork; unlike a shovel, they cause less injury top layer onion peels, thereby prolonging the life of the sets in winter. Many gardeners simply pull the heads out of the ground and beat the remaining soil on a hard surface; under no circumstances should you repeat this. Such bulbs will not retain their properties for long presentation and will soon deteriorate.

We told you when onion sets are harvested from the garden in the middle zone globe. In Siberia, onion harvesting begins in late August - early September. There, onion planting falls in the month of June, so the digging time changes. But when to harvest in Leningrad region and Tyumen, they will tell you precise calculations. Therefore, it is important to remember the planting date of the crop and add the growing season of the variety to this number. After performing a mathematical calculation, you will get exact number and the month in which the harvest is to take place. If for some reason you do not understand the procedures for harvesting fruits, then we recommend watching a video from gardeners who will clearly show the entire process of harvesting onion sets.

How to dry onions

Do not rush to harvest the dug-out crop; leave it in the sun for at least a week so that it dries well. If the weather does not allow the bulbs to ripen to the end, then remove the fruits under a canopy, laying them in one layer, and turn the set over from time to time so that it dries evenly. To avoid this difficult period of turning, gardeners lay out the bulbs on a shell mesh. This way, the fruit will be ventilated from all sides, and the need for turning over will disappear.

Every gardener should know how to trim onions, because without this procedure you can forget about the good preservation of the crop. Of course, it’s easier to start with a pen. By this point it should be completely dry and brittle. Using pruning shears, trim the feather, leaving a neck no less than 10 cm long, then trim the roots, not reaching the fruit 5 cm. Such distances will protect the set from infections. Now you can put the onions away for storage.

How to preserve onions

How to collect onions, and what processing needs to be done before storage - we have already decided, now we are ready to answer you the most important question, how to store onion sets at home. First of all, you need to choose a room that is comfortable for onions with an optimal temperature of no more than 25 degrees. Please note than sharper variety, the cooler the room should be. So, we have decided on the temperature, now we need to choose a container where we will store the sets. Plastic boxes or nylon material are suitable for home use. They take up little space and thanks to ventilation, the bow will have the opportunity to “breathe”. In addition, you can braid beautiful onion braids that will serve as an original decoration for your interior.

The above method works well for those who live in apartment buildings. A cellar or basement is suitable for storing onions in the private sector. After the onions ripen and dry, gardeners sort through the harvest, distributing them into different piles according to variety and size. This procedure allows you to choose correctly temperature regime for storage. Next, it is advisable to sort out the spoiled material and leave only dry heads without visible damage. Then you should think about the choice of packaging. Wooden and plastic boxes, wicker baskets, fabric and gauze bags are suitable for the basement and cellar.

Before transferring the harvest into the selected container, it is recommended to fill the bottom with sawdust, then compact the onion, and sprinkle sawdust on top again. Thus, the storage of onions will be longer, since the sawdust will absorb the moisture that appears, thereby extending the “life” of the onions. In addition to sawdust, you can use chalk or dry onion peels.

Attention! Check onion sets monthly for diseased and rotten bulbs.

How to store onion sets before planting

For gardeners, it is very important to save the seedlings until spring planting. So, let’s say right away that the small and medium fractions have higher yields than large sets. Therefore, put small fruits in a separate container so as not to confuse the planting material in the spring. Many gardeners have already proven that it is better to plant heads with a diameter of more than 3 cm on a feather, because it is the larger fraction that shoots arrows more often, thereby worsening the condition of the onions.

Storing the crop until spring can be done in two ways. Each selected option has its own positive aspects, however, not everyone can take advantage of such types, due to the lack of the proper amount of time. The cold and warm methods of storing bulbs differ only in the room temperature. Let's talk in more detail about each method.

  • Cold

This method is suitable for those who are going to harvest their crops in the cellar. A week before harvesting, the material is kept at a temperature of about 20 degrees, then the thermometer is raised to 30 degrees. Next week the temperature is increased by another 5 degrees. Then the onions are removed. A month before planting, the bulbs are taken out of a cool place and the temperature is set to +35. In such conditions, the onion needs to lie for a month, and then it can be planted in the garden.

  • Warm

You can also use the warm method. It is suitable for those who do not have a basement and will have to store onions at home. Having dug and processed the bulbs, they are placed in cardboard boxes and placed on the mezzanine or in a room where the air temperature does not exceed 13 degrees. Yes, in winter it is difficult to find such a room, so you can use a glass balcony or loggia.

Harvesting and storing onions is a difficult task, but if all procedures are carried out correctly, the process will go wherever faster and easier, especially since our advice will help you save your seedlings until next summer and grow a truly rich harvest. By the way, remember that each region of the country has its own timing for harvesting fruits, so before planting, carefully study the variety you are faced with in order to avoid further unpleasant situations.

Wild oat onion: winter planting

If you want to grow large onion without bolting, then think about winter planting wild oat onions. This onion does not exceed 1 cm in diameter, but is famous for its positive qualities. From such planting, well-ripened, shelf-stable bulbs are collected that will not spoil for a long time.

How to plant wild oats

Small onions begin to be planted at the end of September or beginning of October, before the first frosts begin. For the garden bed, choose the most fertile soil on which legumes or tomato crops grew in the summer. The bed is made about a meter wide and high so that spring floods do not drown the rhizome. Then you need to dig holes at a distance of 3-4 cm from each other. Fertilizer is placed in the dug holes for planting material, and then the onion is inserted. The hole is carefully buried and watered with warm water.

The next stage is mulching. It is thanks to mulch, which can be used as humus, peat or sawdust, that the onions will remain warm for a long time and will not be afraid of frost and cold. The crop is kept under mulch all winter. Lay it in a centimeter layer immediately after planting the sets. By the way, such a “blanket” has a good effect on the fertility of onions in the spring, giving all the nutritional vitamins to the turnips during the growing season.

Attention! If frosts start early, gardeners cover the planting material with film, and early spring they take it off.

Top dressing

Considering that onions planted before winter germinate early, this means they will need fertilizing much earlier than regular onions. Ammonium nitrate can be used as “food”. 10 g of the substance are diluted in a bucket of water and poured over with a mixture of 1 square meter vegetable garden Nitrogen fertilizers will also have a positive effect on the growth of onion heads and help them ripen safely and harvest large fruits.

Garden bed care

Like other vegetable crops, onion beds undergo thorough cleaning. It is recommended to use garden harvesting tools to remove weeds and loosen the soil after each watering and rain. Every two weeks you should carry out preventive watering of the plants. Thanks to such work, you can protect your crops from diseases and ground pests.


You can get turnips as early as the beginning of July. Therefore, you need to stop watering the plant in advance so that the crop has time to dry out in the ground. Then carry out the digging of the bulbs and the processing that you learned at the beginning. You already know how to preserve bulbs, so we won’t go into details again. By the way, I would like to add that the harvest obtained in this way is much larger and larger, so if you have the opportunity, then do not hesitate and plant wild oats next autumn.

If you want to next year To collect a good harvest of onions from the beds, you do not need to neglect the basic principles and rules of cultivation. Of course, not every gardener will be able to grow onion crops, but there is no need to constantly put off this matter, especially since onion sets, or rather their cultivation and harvesting, are less demanding to care for and have lasting immunity to diseases. Consequently, there will be significantly fewer problems with cultivating the vegetable. Therefore, put your doubts aside and feel free to go to the store for onion seeds.

16.07.2017 43 081

When to remove onions from the garden for storage - terms and rules

On current question For summer residents, when to remove onions from the garden to save them in winter, not many will answer. Or rather, they will give the correct answer. How to understand that a vegetable is ripe and can be dug up, what signs indicate this and how to preserve the harvest from winter until spring, read on...

How to determine the ripeness of onions and speed up their ripening

It is very important to catch the moment of full ripeness of onions, because an unripe vegetable is not suitable for long-term storage - its integumentary scales are not fully formed, the neck remains thick and juicy, and quickly begins to rot. If you delay harvesting, the overripe heads crack, their scales fly off, new roots grow, and this also negatively affects storage. In both cases they get worse taste qualities onions, the amount is reduced useful substances and, finally, the presentation leaves much to be desired.

It is not difficult to understand when to remove onions from the garden - its maturity is clearly signaled by the condition of the leaves. If the growth of new feathers has stopped, and about 70% of them have died, turned yellow and began to dry out, then it’s time to start digging out the onions. Do not wait for all the leaves to fall - this means that the vegetable is already overripe.

There are other signs that allow you to know that the onion is ripe - the false stem of a ripe plant becomes soft, loses its elasticity, the neck of the onion dries out, closes, and there should be no succulent leaves on its cut. The integumentary scales also become parchment-dry, and their color is typical for this variety - yellow, brown, purple or white.

If the time for harvesting onions has come, but there are no signs of ripeness, the neck is still juicy, the covering scales do not dry out, then gardeners use various ways to speed up the ripening of vegetables. They are based on limiting the nutrition of the bulb from the roots:

Harvesting onions Centurion

  • About a week before harvesting the onions, rake the soil away from the heads, exposing them slightly so they can get more sun.
  • Using a pitchfork, pry up the layer of soil under the plants and slightly lift the soil, undermining the roots of the bulbs
  • Below the onion bottom, at a depth of approximately 5 cm, trim the roots with a sharp shovel

It is not recommended to cut leaves, although this is the most popular method among summer residents. This method will really speed up ripening, but will also sharply reduce the yield, since the nutrients will go away along with the tops, and we need to ensure that they move from the green part to the turnip.

When to remove onions from the garden - timing

Depending on the variety, weather conditions, growing region and even soil composition, the growing season of onions can last from 68 to 83 days. Early onion varieties normally ripen by mid-July, and late ones are ready for harvest from early August to early September.

In Siberia, the Urals and central Russia, onions are harvested at approximately the same time, with minor fluctuations. Important factor– weather, dry and hot summer accelerates ripening, in rainy and cold weather Plant development is slower.

In the Moscow region, onions are usually collected from the end of July to August 10-15. The varieties Robusta, Volska, Belovezhsky, Spassky, Terekhovsky, Yantarny, Strigunovsky are optimal for growing in this region.

Locals will show you when to harvest onions from the garden in the Urals climatic conditions, in general, as practice shows, than north region, the sooner it is dug up into force climatic features cultivation region. You can harvest onions in early August, but if the summer is warm and the weather is clear, you can wait a couple more weeks. However, it is recommended to empty the beds before August 20, as rain may begin.

In Siberia and North-West Russia, onions are usually hidden in bins no later than mid-August. Varieties recommended for cultivation in Siberia and the Urals are Danilovsky 301, Odinovets, Exhibition, Red Baron, Boterus, Buran, Myachkovsky 300, Siberian annual. Northern varieties have a sharp taste, have increased shelf life and resistance to cold.

Some gardeners, when determining the timing of planting and harvesting various crops, are guided by. In any case, whether you use a calendar or not, you must complete onion harvesting before the rainy season begins. Otherwise, the calendar will not save your crop from rot, and others may affect the plants. As already mentioned, a lot depends on the weather, variety, planting time, but the surest sign is external signs maturity.

How to remove and store onions

Onions are harvested in dry weather, then you can count on them being stored for a long time. Do not pull the heads out of the garden by the feather, especially if the soil is heavy and hard. The surface of the bulbs is easy to damage, and then they will quickly disappear. Carefully dig up the plants with a shovel and remove them from the loosened soil, and then carefully shake them off with your hands. If you encounter unripe specimens with a juicy neck, take them immediately to the kitchen, as they are not suitable for winter storage.

After digging, leave the ripe onions to dry in a dry place, preferably in the sun, for ten days. If it lies on the bed, make sure that night dew does not fall on it, cover it with film at sunset.

When the vegetables are completely dry, cut off the leaves, leaving 5 cm of the neck. Place the heads in cardboard boxes, wooden boxes, bags, baskets, nets. Well-dried onions rustle, slide, and your hand can be easily and effortlessly immersed in a container with onions. But it is not necessary to cut the tops: you can weave braids from them even in a suspended state in the kitchen, especially since they safely tolerate room temperature.

It’s great if you’re lucky with sunny weather, but harvesting onions in a rainy summer is also inevitable. Therefore, do not wait by the sea, or rather by the sky, for weather and quickly dig up a ripe vegetable, otherwise it will begin to rot. Immediately cut off the tops and roots of bulbs dug on a rainy day, completely peel them and place them in a dry room for two to three weeks. During this time, the onion will form a new layer of peel, and it will be stored well.