Timing for harvesting onions for storage. When to remove onions from the garden

The most important and enjoyable mission for gardeners occurs during the harvest period. It is necessary to take into account that each individual crop requires special rules during the harvesting process, and onions are no exception. Therefore it is important to know when to remove onions from the garden for storage. This article describes in detail when and how to collect onions of different varieties, and how to do it correctly in order to preserve the harvest all winter. In this process, it is very important to determine the time of harvest; its safety in the future will depend on this.

How to correctly determine the timing of onion harvesting

Onion need to clean up after it reaches full maturity. Considering climatic conditions, in different regions this does not happen at the same time. For accurate information, it is recommended to use the lunar calendar.

Consequences of untimely harvesting of onions

Harvesting unripe onions can lead to disappointing results. The fact is that his bulb is not yet fully formed. In addition, it is necessary that the neck of the onion dries to the desired degree. Otherwise, it will be difficult to preserve and it will simply rot.

Collection time

Gardeners should know the onion harvest time in their region. If you do not follow the recommendations, you may not have time to harvest the crop before the air temperature begins to drop and the daily rains begin. As a result, the vegetable will spoil and will not be stored for long.

Lunar calendar

Using data from the lunar calendar, you can determine at which moon (full or waning) it is best to collect onions and garlic. So, according to the calendar data on 2018, bulb harvesting must begin on the appointed days.

  • July. 6 – 13 and 27 numbers.
  • August. 4th – 11th, 26th – 30th.
  • September. 3 – 9, 25 – 30 numbers.

Such information is of great benefit to the gardener. However, days should be adjusted if at the appointed time goes strong rain. Then you need to wait until it subsides.

How to tell if an onion is ripe

To know exact date When onions ripen, you need to know the date of planting and growing season. In addition, a ripe crop can be determined by visual data:

  • the feather dried up and fell to the ground,
  • the neck of the bulb is completely dry and no moisture comes out when pressed,
  • the bulb itself is dense and “dressed” in dry husk.

Mathematical method for calculating onion harvest

It is known that this crop finally ripens in a period of 67 to 82 days. By remembering the planting date, you can accurately determine the harvest date.

In this case, some calculation nuances should be taken into account:

  • The minimum number of days for the vegetable to ripen is given if the summer is dry and not rainy.
  • If summer time cool with frequent rains, you need to take advantage of the maximum ripening period.

Watch the video! Harvesting and storing onions

When to remove onions from the garden

When all signs of ripeness of a vegetable appear, it should be harvested immediately.


The false stem of an onion can indicate its degree of ripeness. The turnip stops growing when the green feathers become soft and limp. Now wait for it to dry and start collecting onions for the winter.

Batun and green onions

The onion is ready for cutting when it reaches 25 cm in height. With these parameters it is more healthy and juicy. From July its leaves become coarser; it needs a rest period of 45-60 days.

And in September-October the harvest can be re-harvested.

If you plant trampoline sets in the fall, you can get early greens. The first harvest of this crop is carried out in May, when the leaves reach 30 cm.

Advice! In order to harvest the bush several times, the onion feathers are cut off above the growth point. However, subsequent fees will not be as rich.


It does not have any characteristics by which its maturity can be determined. You just need to remember the planting day and calculate the collection time. Typically, this type of onion begins to be harvested from the beds in late September - early October. The vegetable tolerates cold well, but before the first frost it must be completely collected from the site.


This plant can be described in the same way as onions. Distinctive Features are only that shallots belong to the early variety. Already at the end of July, onion feathers turn yellow and fall off. This becomes the signal for harvest.


To get onion sets In April, black onions are planted. By August it will reach full maturity. The set itself is one of the stages of onion development. All rules for growing and harvesting are similar. Maturation can be determined by yellow and fallen feathers.

Watch the video! Bring the onions to full maturity

Onion harvest time by region

The climate in different regions of Russia is not the same. Weather conditions are always taken into account when growing any crop. Thanks to calculations, in each region with its own special climatic conditions it is determined when possible dig up onions for winter storage.

  • In central Russia. In this part of the country, onions finish growing and are fully ripened in 75 days. At the end of July, you can harvest if the vegetable was planted in mid-May. However, the period may vary depending on weather conditions. So, in hot summers, onions will ripen faster, in cold weather he will slow down his development.
  • For the Moscow region. When growing winter crops, planting begins in the spring. Winter onions start cleaning up Moscow region from late July to early August. In good sunny weather, the vegetable can be dug up at the end of July, since by this time the ripening process is completed.
  • In Siberia. Given the climatic conditions of this region, onions are planted here much later. Therefore, the harvest can begin to be harvested only in last days August or early September. It is important to dig up the vegetable before the rainy season.
  • In the Urals. In this part of Russia, summers are short but can be hot. For sowing this crop, early varieties are preferred here. From May 10, you can start planting onions on the site. After 75 days, the vegetable ripens. The harvest in the Urals is usually harvested at the end of July.

Onion harvesting technology

Best weather for onion harvesting

It is better to collect garden onions on a warm and sunny day. It would be good if there was also a breeze at this time. This will allow the vegetable to dry well right on the site. Well-dried onions will be stored until next season.

How to dig up onions correctly

  • You can remove the vegetable using a gentle method - using a pitchfork. Thus, the bulb remains unharmed. The bulb is dug up with a pitchfork, retreating a short distance from it. The stuck earth is cleaned off by hand. The onions are laid out on beds to dry.
  • When using a shovel, you need to be careful not to cut the onion. To do this, the tool is stuck into the ground at a distance of at least 10 cm from the vegetable.

The feather must be left intact during harvesting.

Advice! If the tops fall off, then such onions are not left for long-term storage. It is sent to the kitchen for quick use, as are specimens whose neck is still juicy and thick.

Soil may stick to the bulbs. In this case, they must be carefully cleaned. It is better to do this with your hands so as not to damage the head and scales.

Important!!! If you remove the soil from the fruit by tapping it on any object, you can damage it and it will quickly deteriorate.

These rules for harvesting onions apply to almost all types. But the shallot variety is capable of quickly producing green shoots, so it is necessary to strictly adhere to the timing of its collection.

The leek good feathers They are left and others are cut off.

Harvesting in rainy weather

It also happens that the time for collecting onions has come, but the rains do not stop and sunny day can't wait. In this case, you will have to start harvesting on a cloudy day and get it out of the wet ground. Such an onion will take a long time to dry, so it is difficult to preserve it for a long time.

If the bulbs are very wet, you can cut off the roots and feathers, and top layer clean the scales. Then, they are laid out in a dry and ventilated area in one layer. In such conditions, within 20 days the onion will be able to dry out and form a new husk.

How to cut and dry

Having dug up a garden crop, it must be dried well for 15-20 days. For high-quality drying necessary favorable conditions: warmth and fresh air.

Drying methods

The most effective method of drying onions is in an area under open air in sunny weather. The bulbs are laid out in a row, and the feathers are directed in one direction. In this position it will be easier to turn them. At night, the crop can be covered with film, or better hidden under a canopy.

If the weather is cloudy and it is drizzling, the dug vegetables are taken to a dry room. It is good if it has a ventilation system. In any case, the room should be well ventilated. It is even recommended to open the windows for a draft. It is important to turn the bulbs more often.

As a last resort, dry in the oven at a temperature of +44°C. This procedure should be done no longer than 8 hours. This method is not ideal, but it can save turnips collected in rainy weather. You can set the temperature to +33°C, then the drying time is extended to 5 days.

Onion seeds are cut off and placed in one layer in a dry place. There, they will ripen for 20 days; they are constantly stirred so that they do not begin to germinate. In addition, stale feathers can become moldy.

Pruning rules

After the onion has dried a little, its roots and feathers are trimmed. If this operation is not performed in a timely manner, the bulbs will not be able to dry properly.

When trimming leaves, do not cut off the neck. If you cut it down to the vegetable itself, it will begin to rot during storage. If onions are to be stored in wreaths, then the leaves are cut off, leaving 4-5 cm for possible weaving. The roots are not cut off completely: there should be 0.5–1 cm left to the bulb. Before storing the leek, wash it well.

How to tell if an onion is dry

Experienced gardeners store onions, focusing not only on the timing of drying the crop. There are some signs that indicate that the bulbs are dry and can be sent for storage.

  • When the heads are stirred, they rustle.
  • The top layer of husk falls off.
  • The husk takes on a golden color.
  • The neck is significantly reduced in size.
  • The hand easily fits under the onion layer.

Important! The bulbs should not be overdried, as the protective scales may crack. As a result, the lower layers of the scales will be exposed, and the onion crop will not be able to survive until the required time.

Storing onions at home

When planning to send the crop for storage, you should carefully examine each specimen.

Onions of questionable quality are set aside for quick use. They can be identified by the following characteristics:

  • were left without scales;
  • fresh shoots are visible;
  • the neck is still wet;
  • do not have elasticity;
  • there is mold;
  • onion without bottom.

Specimens that were damaged during harvesting should not be stored in the refrigerator, as they will quickly begin to rot there. A fresh cut can be coated with fat, sprinkled with salt, placed in water or packed in a food bag. This product can only be stored for up to 5 days.

Storage location

Until severe cold comes, the crop is stored indoors without heating. Most often this is the attic. IN winter time onions are kept in a dry and warm room at a temperature of 0°C +20°C. A cellar, pantry or mezzanine in an apartment is best suited for this. The enemy of turnips is excessive moisture.

Storage methods

The heads are placed in containers in layers 30 cm high. To preserve the onions in winter period Use a container with good ventilation.

  • Baskets. They have excellent ventilation.
  • Boxes. Must have holes.
  • Cardboard containers. Holes are made on four sides.
  • Nylon stockings. They can be hung. They allow air to pass through well.
  • Bags. Enough air is supplied to the bulbs.

Most effective way storing onions - weaving them into braids. In this case, it will not rot, even if it is not completely dry. For this you can use any rope. It is wrapped around the neck, creating a long braid. Hang it in a place where the sun's rays do not penetrate.

To protect the crop from the development of diseases and rot, you can use the following methods:

  • treat the heads with chalk powder, which will require 200 g per 10 kg of onions;
  • coat the bottom with lime solution;
  • Lightly burn the roots of the vegetable.

It is worth noting that such onions are stored well and do not sprout. However, it is not suitable for planting.

  • Storage rules for sets are the same as for turnips. It is not recommended to move the container with it to another place, as the heads will begin to rot.
  • Heirloom onions are stored in whole bunches.
  • It is advisable to braid the shallots and hang them, having previously trimmed the greens.
  • Leek leaves are not trimmed or dried completely. Only the tops are cut off. Leeks are stored in the basement in boxes with sand. You can wrap it in film and store it in the refrigerator, but not for long.

Any type of onion crop must be sorted at least 2 times in winter. Rotten specimens are thrown away so as not to infect the entire crop.

Watch the video! Tips for Harvesting and Storing Onions

In central Russia, many grow in their garden beds onions. For maximum benefit you need to know the time for digging onions. Today we will tell you when to dig up onions so that you get a wonderful harvest.

Before we talk about when to harvest onions, we will outline the main features that every farmer must observe when the harvest time comes. If you do everything correctly, the quality of your harvest will be excellent, and there will be very few spoiled vegetables (or none at all).

  1. Two weeks before harvesting the onions, stop watering them. This way you will give the vegetable time to dry slightly, which will have an extremely positive effect on the quality of the vegetables themselves and increase their shelf life.
  2. It is best to harvest vegetables in the morning, when the sun has just come out (or even a little earlier). In this case, it will be much easier for you to dry the onion, since just when you finish cleaning, you can immediately dry the onion in the sun.
  3. It is not recommended to simply pick up and pull the vegetable out of the ground. The necessary method is not to pull out, but to dig up the onion. You can also dig up the ground slightly first, and then carefully pull out the vegetable. If you dig using a fork (rather than a shovel), this will reduce the risk of possible damage to the vegetable if it were simply pulled out.
  4. Immediately after the onion has been dug up, it is necessary to lay it out on a cloth and let it dry under warm temperatures. sun rays. You can dry vegetables in an electric dryer, as well as on the balcony or loggia. Also take into account the fact that if the weather is rainy, you just need to place the onion under a canopy to dry it properly. For convenience, you can tie vegetables in a pigtail.
  5. It is not at all necessary to harvest the entire crop in one day. Although keep in mind that the harvesting itself should last no more than 10 days so that the crop does not become overripe.

What does it depend on and how to determine the timing

So, you planted onions. When to clean is a natural question. Collection times depend on several factors:

  1. Variety This factor is the most important, since there are varieties that ripen in record short terms, and there are also those that, once planted, have to wait quite a long time for harvest.
  2. Weather conditions. A lot also depends on how hot or cold the summer is in your region and what the humidity level is. For example, if the weather is cold, then you will have to wait longer to pick onions.

You can determine when to harvest onions based on external indicators, using the mathematical method and the lunar calendar. Next we will look at all three methods.

By external signs

You can determine the timing of onion harvesting based on external signs. These include the following:

  1. The stems, which were green and succulent back in the summer, begin to dry out and turn yellow.
  2. The neck of the onion becomes thinner and softens. You may also notice how it is slowly drying out.
  3. Feathers that previously stood upright will fall on the bed. Here it is worth making a reservation and saying that if the summer turned out to be cool, you should not focus on this sign, since it will appear later than the bulb itself has ripened.
  4. You can also try to determine the degree of maturation of the crop based on the condition of the scales. To do this, you need to dig one onion from the ground and remove several scales from it. If they are completely dry and easily removed, this indicates the ripeness of the onion.

Mathematical method

If you are afraid of making a mistake about when to dig up onions, many farmers advise using the so-called mathematical method. It consists of adding 70 to 80 days to the date when the onions were planted.

It is important to consider the weather in your area summer period: If the summer was dry and warm, the onions will ripen a little faster, but if the summer was rainy and damp, they will ripen a little longer. It is also necessary to take into account the ripening characteristics of each variety. For example, if you planted a late-ripening variety, you need to wait a little longer than 80 days.

If you purchased onion seeds, where the bag says that harvesting should be done on days 68–83, then you need to choose the average value (about 70–75 days). And with all this, do not forget to focus on the above external signs of maturity.

According to the lunar calendar

If you rely on lunar calendar, harvesting can be carried out in accordance with it. In this case, collection is carried out from mid-July to the first half of August. The moon must be waning at this time, and if there is a sudden deterioration in the weather, it is recommended not to delay and carry out the harvest.

In fact, the timing of onion harvesting in accordance with the lunar calendar is not much different from the usual harvesting timing. The only feature is that harvesting procedures should be carried out on the waning moon. Also take into account the fact that different years The dates will shift slightly, so to get more accurate data, check out the lunar calendar for the current year.

In general, we can conclude that if you focus either on the lunar calendar or on mathematical method, and at the same time you will closely monitor external signs, the training camp will take place at the right time.

What is the danger of untimely harvesting of onions?

Why is it so important to harvest on time and not miss harvest deadlines? If you rush and harvest too early, it will store very poorly. The shelf life will be noticeably reduced because the vegetables will be unripe.

If you delay harvesting too much, you may encounter such an unpleasant phenomenon as rotting of the bulbs. When you dig the bulbs out of the ground and place them in the cellar, there is a very high probability that the rotting process will continue and the entire crop will deteriorate.

Therefore, do not rush to harvest in advance, but do not wait until the last minute. Collect onions on time, and they will be stored in your cellar for a long time.

When to trim onions for storage

Where to put the onions after harvesting? After the vegetables have been collected, they are sent for storage, but before that it is necessary to trim the onions to protect the crop from diseases and sprouting. This also makes storing onions much more convenient.

Usually this procedure carried out after the onion is completely dry. On average, complete drying takes about two weeks, during which all pathogens are destroyed. You can periodically check whether the onion is dry using this method: you need to put it in one big pile and stick your hand in there, if it goes through, everything is fine.

The pruning method directly depends on what method you will use when storing vegetables during the winter. However, in any case, you need to trim the roots; everything else is removed if necessary. For example, if you plan to store the crop in a box, you will also need to trim the feather when the bulb has only a small tail, about 5 cm long.

Video “How to determine the ripeness of onions”

From this video you will learn when you can start harvesting onions.

Onions are a vegetable without which it is difficult to imagine our lives. In almost every dish, with the exception of dessert, we use this healthy root vegetable: rolls, salads, gravies, soups and borscht. It is not surprising that many gardeners prefer to grow onions themselves in their dachas and garden plots. Although the vegetable cannot be called demanding care, there are still some features. This also applies to the question of when to remove onions from the garden. By the way, this can be a problem for inexperienced gardeners. Our article will help.

When should you harvest onions and why is it important to know?

It is no secret that only truly ripe onions need to be harvested, but it is important not to let the root crop become overripe. These two conditions are the guarantee that your harvest will be stored for a long time. Otherwise, pathogens will easily penetrate early-harvested onions. As a result, the bulbs will begin to rot. Overripe onions also do not store well, as their scales will begin to fall off early. As a result of this, the roots will soon begin to grow, which is not in the best possible way affects storage.

So, to guarantee a long-lasting harvest, you need to know when to harvest onions. Typically, onion beds are harvested at the end of July - August (depending on the climate zone). But, you see, this is a rather long time period. There are several ways to determine the ripening time of a vegetable. Let's take a closer look at them.

When to harvest onions from the garden - a mathematical method

The proposed mathematical method is based on knowledge of the average ripening period. To calculate the time when you need to harvest onions, you need to add from 68 to 83 days to the planting date. By counting on the calendar, you will get the approximate date of ripening of the root crop. However, as you can see, this is not a very accurate method, since climatic conditions, characteristics of the variety, weather and much more must be taken into account. In addition, not every summer resident will be able to remember the planting date.

When is the best time to harvest onions: determined by appearance

This is the most effective way to determine; it is suitable for any climate zone in your region. Firstly, you need to immediately pay attention when you notice that the leaves in the beds begin to turn yellow, the stems have become dry and lay on the ground. This is a kind of signal that the onion is beginning to ripen. Moreover, it is important that tracking occurs for the majority of planted plants. At this time, you can dig up a few bulbs to assess their maturation. Do this carefully so as not to damage the bulbs. It is best to dig with a pitchfork, then there is less chance of hitting the vegetable. Carefully inspect the onion - it should be firm, with a soft and dry neck, dry scales and the same roots.

It happens that a gardener simply needs to speed up the ripening of the crop in the onion bed. In this case, experienced summer residents recommend mowing the tops a week before the intended harvest. There is another option - lift the onion with a shovel or pitchfork to the surface of the ground, which will limit access to moisture.

Almost the same recommendations can be given on the question of when to harvest winter onions. It, however, ripens a little earlier (in mid-late July), because it is planted in late autumn. The main signs of ripening, in addition to lodging and yellowing of the tops, is the appearance of the characteristic color of the outer scales - red, orange or blue.

The tips and tricks described above are suitable for onion turnips. If we talk about when to harvest leeks, or chives, which are less commonly grown here, then mid-to-late August is optimal. This time can be used to cut greens and prepare them for storage.

What vegetable can be found in every garden? Some people love beets, others prefer potatoes, parsley or carrots, but it’s impossible to imagine a single garden plot without onions.

What are the benefits of onions?

This amazing vegetable is simply irreplaceable in the household. In addition to the undoubted culinary value, everyone knows about the miraculous medicinal properties bulbs

  • White, golden and purple fruits are rich in potassium compounds and many other minerals, among which zinc, iron and manganese occupy the first places. They have a beneficial effect on all metabolic processes, healing and even rejuvenating the body.
  • Long recognized official medicine and the ability of onions to destroy pathogenic microorganisms due to the high content of phytoncides. Scientists have found that their maximum concentrations are contained in the bottom of the onion, and the red-violet representatives in this sense are much more useful than their lighter counterparts.
  • Onions are also a rich source of simple organic compounds. It contains especially a lot of vitamins C, A and group B. The above-ground part of the plant is generously endowed with carotene (provitamin A).
  • Among all vegetables, onions rank third in nutritional value after beets and parsley due to their high (almost 20%) dry matter content, the main part of which is sugar.

The healing properties of onions were appreciated in Ancient Egypt, where it was eaten not only by slaves, but also by nobles. IN Ancient Greece onions were considered the food of the poor (due to their pungent odor) and... of the gods, since its high medicinal value was recognized unconditionally and was used to heal a wide variety of ailments. IN medieval Europe onions were even credited with the properties of a talisman and amulet, capable of protecting not only from diseases, but also from enemy attacks. In Rus', there was even a saying about this miraculous vegetable, which is still relevant today: “Onions cause seven ailments.”

The danger of untimely harvesting

The safety and quality of the future harvest directly depends on the correct timing of harvesting, so it is very important that the onions have time to fully ripen, but do not “overstay” in the ground.

  • A harvest harvested ahead of schedule does not have time to form full-fledged covering scales, and the thick juicy neck is an open gate for any viruses and pathogenic microorganisms. Such onions cannot be stored for a long time, so they are only suitable for immediate consumption or canning.
  • Overripe heads begin to lose their protective scales, crack and re-grow roots, losing nutritional value and ability for long-term storage. Very often, an over-sitting crop rots and disappears while still in the garden.

Onion harvest dates depending on region

The most important sign of onion readiness for harvesting is the massive lodging of the aerial parts (feathers). At this point, the false stem softens and withers, and all valuable substances pass into the underground part of the plant. The ripening time depends on several factors:

  • timing of formation of bulbs of a particular variety;
  • weather conditions during the season;
  • soil characteristics (heavy or light);
  • climatic features of the region.

In the regions middle zone In Russia and further south, it is customary to dig up onions in late July or early August. These dates may shift by a week or two depending on weather conditions. In the roast and dry summer the harvest ripens much earlier than the average - by mid-summer, and the cool and rainy season will not allow the bulbs to ripen even by mid-August.

The harvesting time for vitamin crops in the Urals depends on the latitude of the region. North of Chelyabinsk, onions are usually ready for harvesting at the beginning of August, but hot and dry weather can push back the harvest until the middle of the month. In any case, the harvesting campaign must be completed by August 20.

Siberia and the Northwestern regions of our country begin harvesting at approximately the same time, which usually occurs at the end of August and beginning of September. In these regions, cleaning must be completed before the onset of prolonged rainfall. In dry summers they move somewhat. Areas around Chemal begin cleaning up somewhat earlier than their more northern neighbors.

How to speed up the ripening of bulbs?

Sometimes weather conditions folded in such a way that when the time comes for cleaning, the feather doesn’t even think about lying down. Cool weather and regular heavy rains do not allow the heads to ripen properly. In such a situation, experienced summer residents accelerate the ripening process artificially. To do this, resourceful gardeners have invented several methods, some successful and some not so successful, but they are all based on the same principle - to forcibly reduce the supply of nutrients to the bulb.

  • One of the most effective methods– cutting the roots at a depth of 5-6 cm below the bottom. It is done about a month before the intended cleaning using a shovel or other suitable tool.
  • You can carefully lift the bulbs with a pitchfork 2-3 weeks in advance to partially tear off the roots, disrupt the plant’s nutrition and speed up ripening.
  • Some gardeners prefer to half-expose the bulbs from the soil 10 days before harvesting, raking it out with a spatula.
  • The most illiterate gardeners mow down the feather a week before harvest. However, this method leads to significant yield losses, since many microorganisms and viruses enter the bulb through cut but not dried necks. As a result, the heads mostly rot and become completely unsuitable for storage.

Onion harvesting technology

In order for the harvest to be well stored, it is very important to harvest it not only on time, but also correctly.

  • You should start selecting bulbs from the ground at the moment when the volume of the already fallen feather is from 60% to 80%. The process must be completed within 10 days. It is during this time that the rest of the crop will ripen. If you start harvesting when the lodging of the aboveground part becomes complete, then taste qualities the heads will be noticeably worse.
  • On loose soils, simply select the onion with your hands, gently pulling the dried feather. Heavy clay soils require the use of tools. Most often, a shovel is used, with which they lightly dig up the mature heads, helping them to free themselves from the ground. Excess soil from the bulbs is removed only by hand to eliminate the possibility of mechanical damage.
  • The dug up onion must be pre-dried for 1-2 weeks without removing the feather. If the weather is dry, then it is convenient to do this right in the garden. At high humidity soil, it is better to spread the crop in one layer on wooden pallets or wire mesh in a well-ventilated place protected from rain.
  • After drying, the crop should be sorted, cutting off excess feathers and roots, and removing rotten specimens. When pruning, always leave a neck no less than 4 cm long. Shorter pruning often entails the appearance of various diseases. Bulbs with thick and juicy necks should not be selected for storage. They need to be processed immediately. You don’t have to cut a dry feather at all, but use it to braid onions for storage into wreaths or braids.
  • If the weather during the season is unlucky and the bed is too wet, then immediately after harvesting it is recommended to rinse the onions and remove the top scales. Then the bare bulbs are laid out in a dry and warm place with good ventilation. After 2-3 weeks, they again “dress” with outer scales, but only in one layer.

Proper storage of onions

Store the harvest in a cool and well-ventilated place, placing it in wicker baskets, cardboard boxes, perforated plastic or wooden boxes. You can use old stockings or special nets and hang them from the ceiling of the storage room.