Analysis according to Nechiporenko on how to properly collect for adults. Correct collection of urine for analysis according to Nechiporenko, technique

Each diagnostic method requires the patient to have certain preparation for taking a particular test. Special meaning is given to the rules of urine collection, because the accuracy of the results obtained directly depends on how the patient reacts to all the necessary recommendations.

Urinalysis according to Nechiporenko refers to a microscopic diagnostic procedure, with the help of which a specialist directly determines the cellular composition of urinary sediment. An accurate quantitative assessment of the content of red blood cells, white blood cells and casts is made.

It is necessary to collect a urine test according to Nechiporenko in situations where, according to the results of a general analysis, there is a pathological increase in one or more components that make up urine. This study has the greatest accuracy and information content, since not one smear, but 1 ml of the obtained biological substrate from the patient is visualized under a microscope.

Before prescribing to a patient this procedure, the doctor or his nurse must explain to him in detail how to properly prepare and take a urine test according to Nechiporenko. There are special instructions that the doctor can give to the patient, because they describe in great detail the algorithm for correct urine collection.

As mentioned above, the accuracy and information content of the test results will directly depend on how accurately the patient follows all the instructions.

Products with dyes can give false color to urinary sediment, which will complicate the process of further diagnosis.

Add to list general requirements includes the following rules that must be followed for two days before the upcoming study:

  • During this period, all types of intense exercise (sports, heavy physical exercise in everyday life, etc.).
  • It is necessary to avoid strong psycho-emotional stress and various types of nervous situations.
  • You should not eat spicy foods, heavily fried and smoked foods, as well as foods that contain artificial and natural dyes in excess (this is especially true for children). Such products include rhubarb, beets, carrots, legumes, blackberries, and carbonated drinks.
  • On the eve of urine collection according to Nechiporenko, it is recommended to drink a sufficient amount of clean drinking water in order to maximize the functioning of the organs of the urinary system.
  • You should not give a urine test to patients who have recently had an invasive procedure that could damage the bladder or urethral wall (for example, cystoscopy or catheterization). In such cases, the procedure is postponed for 5-7 days.
  • Women during menstruation should refuse to undergo the test, and it is also not recommended to take the test a couple of days before and after the end of their period (as blood may leak from the vagina). If the situation requires it, then the test is performed, but only after inserting a hygienic tampon into the vaginal lumen.
  • You should not donate urine according to Nechiporenko if the patient had the following conditions a few days before: repeated bouts of vomiting or diarrhea, high body temperature (the body has not recovered from dehydration, so the results will be false).
  • They begin to collect the analysis after a thorough toilet of the external genitalia, and an absolutely sterile container must be used ( the best option- special containers that can be purchased at any pharmacy).
  • The collected urinary sediment must be delivered to the laboratory within an hour to avoid pathogenic proliferation of microorganisms.
  • You cannot freeze urine and store it in the refrigerator, this leads to disruption of the natural structure of the substrate.

This analysis is given only in the morning, immediately after waking up, when the composition of the urinary sediment is most concentrated

Technique of the procedure

Only urine that is collected early in the morning, before the person has had breakfast and his body has begun its active work, is suitable for analysis. Then the content of substances in the urinary sediment will characterize the true picture of the pathological processes occurring in it.

The basic technique for passing the analysis is as follows.

First of all, you need to make sure you have a sterile container (purchase it in advance at the pharmacy). It is not recommended to use food jars, even if they have been thoroughly washed; in any case, it will be quite difficult to achieve complete sterility.

Only those containers that are purchased at a pharmacy are considered reliably sterile.

A thorough toilet of the genitals is carried out. For women, it is necessary to wash from front to back (from the vaginal area to the anus), the same applies to girls. Men also need to wash the penis to prevent microorganisms from its surface from entering the urine.

As soon as the washing procedure is completed, the actual collection of urine begins. A medium portion of urine is required, so for this purpose the first stream of urine is flushed into the toilet or potty, and then urinated into a specially prepared sterile jar. For the study, 30-50 ml of liquid is enough, so you can finish the urination process in the toilet.

Without touching the top edges of the container, screw it tightly with a lid. It is worth making sure that urine does not leak, because this will violate its sterility.

After this, the patient has breakfast and soon (no later than 1-2 hours from the moment the analysis is collected) goes to the laboratory where the study will be carried out.

Rules for collecting urine analysis according to Nechiporenko in a child

The greatest problem is presented by children who, for one reason or another, have to correctly collect urine for testing using this method. We are talking about babies who cannot yet speak, much less control their desire to urinate (children under one year old).

In this case, devices that come to the aid of parents are urinals, which are glued with special Velcro around the child’s genitals. They are purchased at the pharmacy and are inexpensive, which greatly facilitates the collection process and does not require much hassle in its implementation.

As with adults, before taking a urine test according to Nechiporenko, it is necessary to wash the baby’s genitals. The technique is absolutely the same. It is not recommended to use soap containing chemical components and fragrance.

After all hygienic procedures are completed, the urinal is directly fixed. There are them classic version, which is suitable for both boys and girls, as well as urinals, suitable exclusively for male children (when purchasing, it is better to specify why you are purchasing it). Each device has special instructions on how to use it, as well as how to properly attach and remove it.

The collected urine from the urine bag is poured into a sterile container and tightly closed with a lid, and then transported to the nearest laboratory.

Do not be alarmed if the test is prescribed for a newborn baby, because there are urinals for this purpose

Category of patients who need research

There are certain indications for a doctor to prescribe a patient to collect urine for this study:

  • previously identified pathological abnormalities in a general urine test (leukocytes, red blood cells or casts found in large numbers);
  • suspicion of inflammatory processes in the organs of the urinary system;
  • The analysis is repeated by those patients who need to assess the effectiveness of the treatment and the dynamics of the pathological condition;
  • pregnant women are referred for examination if they have complaints (nurturing pain in the lower back, change in the color of urinary sediment, etc.), even if they do not have any abnormalities in a general urine test;
  • children of different age groups who have suspicions of certain infectious and inflammatory processes in the kidneys or bladder.

Normal values ​​and deviations from the norm

The method allows you to assess the condition of urinary sediment, thanks to the accurate calculation of the content of the following elements in it:

  • red blood cells (their number in 1 ml of test urine should not exceed 1000 units);
  • leukocytes (their number in 1 ml of test urine should not exceed 2000 units);
  • cylinders (their number in 1 ml of test urine should not exceed 20 units, and they should only be of hyaline origin).

In the presence of a stone that has begun its movement from any part of the urethra, two indicators increase in urine tests at once: leukocytes and erythrocytes

If there is an increase in one or several components at once, the doctor can judge the onset of pathological processes, such as:

  • urolithiasis or renal colic;
  • pyelonephritis or glomerulonephritis (acute or chronic form);
  • acute or chronic cystitis;
  • inflammation of the prostate gland;
  • oncological processes in the organs of the urinary system and other diseases.

Diagnosis of any of these conditions is made on the basis of data obtained from a survey of the patient, an objective examination and a number of other instrumental and laboratory studies (urine culture, ultrasound, etc.).


Urinalysis using the Nechiporenko method has a greater advantage than general analysis urine, but only on condition that the material was collected correctly and all rules for its transportation were followed. It is necessary to adhere to all the requirements and recommendations of the doctor, only then the results obtained will reflect the true picture of the functioning of the organs of the urinary system.

During a medical examination, the doctor prescribes a set of tests to the patient, the results of which indicate the nature and severity of the disease. Urine according to Nechiporenko is not included in the list of priority tests, but if the analysis is recommended, you should approach it responsibly. Incorrectly collected urine guarantees distortion of the indicators, so the specialist has to re-order the test.

Characteristics of analysis according to Nechiporenko

Urinalysis according to Nechiporenko is a laboratory research method that determines the microscopic content of formed and inorganic elements in one milliliter of biological fluid.

The research is carried out:

  • if the patient has a history of kidney and urinary tract diseases;
  • when the patient’s complaints directly indicate illnesses of the urinary system;
  • with unsatisfactory performance of a general (clinical) urine test;
  • during pregnancy.

People suffering from chronic urological and nephrological diseases often donate urine according to Nechiporenko. Based on this analysis, the doctor draws conclusions about the stage of the pathology (exacerbation, complete or partial remission).

If the patient’s complaints directly indicate kidney or bladder disease, the doctor may not wait for the results of a general urine test, but immediately prescribe a Nechiporenko test

A clinical urine test is prescribed to everyone who has an appointment with a therapist or is admitted to a hospital. The Nechiporenko test is advisable when a general analysis shows the presence in the urine of:

  • a significant number of leukocytes, erythrocytes;
  • cylinders;
  • inorganic salts (urates, phosphates, oxalates);
  • bacteria.

In many cases it is impossible to limit oneself to only a general urine test, since it focuses on research physical and chemical properties urine (acidity, specific gravity, color, transparency). Using a microscope, a laboratory technician examines the general sediment for the presence of microorganisms, blood cells, protein, and salts. The Nechiporenko study specifically shows the quantitative content of erythrocytes, leukocytes and hyaline casts. The laboratory assistant’s task is to accurately count them in the sediment, which is obtained from one milliliter of urine taken for examination.

During the Nechiporenko test, the laboratory assistant studies not the physical and chemical parameters of urine, but the quantitative content of various elements in it

During pregnancy, a woman’s urinary system becomes vulnerable for many reasons:

  • The kidneys are forced to pass through large quantity liquids because circulatory system the fetus is part of the mother. This leads to functional changes - the renal pelvis expands, the ureters lengthen.
  • As the fetus enlarges, the bladder is pushed upward and compressed. Urination becomes more frequent. In rare cases, urine backflows from the bladder into the kidneys, which leads to inflammation.
  • In the first trimester of pregnancy, immunity decreases, which is necessary for the successful development of the embryo. early. Along with this, the risk of developing inflammatory diseases of the urinary organs is growing.
  • Bakvaginosis (bacterial infection) of the vagina during pregnancy often leads to an ascending infection of the bladder. The infection enters the female urethra, through which it rises higher. Subsequently, infection of the ureters and kidneys is possible.

Once every two weeks, a pregnant woman undergoes a clinical urine test. If there are deviations in it, the doctor prescribes a Nechiporenko test.

At any stage of pregnancy, urine tests are taken in order to promptly recognize pathologies that threaten the health of the woman and the unborn child.

The analysis time is two hours. You can get the result in your hands the next day.

There are no contraindications to the Nechiporenko test. However, it is not advisable for women to donate urine during menstruation. If necessary, you should use a tampon to prevent menstrual blood from getting into the urine.

How to properly collect urine

Prepare in advance for a urine test according to Nechiporenko:

  • For 2-3 days, give up excess protein foods, especially coarse-fiber meat. Do not consume smoked meats, pickles, carbonated and alcoholic drinks, coffee, strong tea, processed foods, and fast food.
  • The day before the test, exclude foods that color the urine (carrots, beets, berries and brightly colored fruits).
  • If you are taking any medications, herbs, or vitamins, consult your doctor in advance about whether you need to stop using them before taking the test.
  • On the day before the test, avoid physical activity, stress, overheating, and hypothermia.
  • In the evening, wash your genitals thoroughly with soap.
  • The night before the test, refrain from intimacy.

Collect urine in the morning, immediately after waking up. Follow these rules:

  1. Wash your hands, wash yourself with warm water without additional hygiene products. If you decide to use soap, you need to rinse it off thoroughly.
  2. Prepare a sterile disposable container.
  3. Start urinating into the toilet (first 2-3 seconds). The first urine is not suitable for research, since it washes the urethra and urethra, in which a certain amount of bacteria accumulates overnight, even in healthy person.
  4. Fill the container with a medium portion of urine (the required volume is from 20 to 100 ml).
  5. Finish peeing in the toilet too. Sediment from the bladder - primary suspension - may enter the final urine. It forms directly in the bladder and is not a consequence of inflammation. If such a sediment gets into the urine for analysis, the Nechiporenko result will be biased.
  6. Close the container tightly with the lid.
  7. Try to deliver the material for research to the laboratory as quickly as possible, but no later than 1.5–2 hours after delivery. If it is winter outside, pack the test jar so that it is not exposed to cold temperatures during transportation.

Urinalysis according to Nechiporenko is effective only if the biomaterial is collected correctly

For urine analysis according to Nechiporenko, use only a sterile container - a special container that is sold in any pharmacy. It is not recommended today to donate urine in a regular jar, since it is difficult to disinfect properly.

Sterile disposable containers for urine collection are inexpensive and practical, they are convenient for transporting collected liquid to the laboratory

Interpretation of results: norms and deviations

The standards of analysis according to Nechiporenko for children and adults do not differ. During pregnancy, indicators that are at the highest limit of normal are considered acceptable.

Table: normal indicators of urine analysis according to Nechiporenko and pathology indicated by deviations

IndexThe norm is 1 mlWhat do deviations indicate?What diseases can be indicated by exceeded values?
Red blood cellsUp to 1000 unitsThe appearance of erythrocyte blood cells in the urine indicates that in one of the parts of the urinary system there is a traumatic factor of a mechanical nature. For example, salt, sand or stones passing through the urinary tract damage their internal liningsUrolithiasis disease
During inflammation of the bladder, its mucous membrane is damaged by bacteria. From the resulting microtraumas, a few red blood cells enter the urine.Cystitis (inflammation of the bladder) or cystopyelitis (purulent inflammation of the inner bladder membrane)
If there are significantly more red blood cells than normal, this indicates that the filtration system of nephrons (the cells that make up the kidney tissue) is globally unable to cope with its function. Blood regularly enters the urine, which indicates kidney disease that is dangerous to human life.Glomerulonephritis (inflammation of the kidney glomeruli with their damage), acute or chronic renal failure
LeukocytesUp to 2000 unitsExceeding the norm always indicates an acute inflammatory process of the urinary systemCystitis, pyelonephritis (inflammation of the kidneys with damage to the parenchyma and pyelocaliceal structures), urolithiasis, urethritis (inflammation of the urethra)
Hyaline cylindersUp to 20 unitsThey are simple protein compounds that small quantity appear even in healthy people due to excessive physical activity or stress. Exceeding the norm speaks not only about diseases of the urinary system, but also about pathologies outside its limitsGlomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis, kidney tumors, urolithiasis, diabetic nephropathy (kidney damage due to diabetes), kidney damage from poisons.
Extrarenal diseases leading to cylindruria include congestive heart failure, malignant hypertension (persistent increase in blood pressure), fever with dehydration, and heat stroke.
In pregnant women, casts in the urine indicate toxicosis.
Other types of cylindersNoneComplex formations, which in addition to protein include renal epithelium, red blood cells or cells of destroyed kidney tubules
BacteriaNoneAppears in urine during inflammatory processes of a bacterial natureCystitis, pyelonephritis, urethritis
EpitheliumNo or only occasionallyAn excessive amount of squamous epithelium indicates inflammation in the lower parts of the urinary systemUrethritis
Transitional epithelium appears in the analysis due to inflammation in the bladder, ureters or renal pelvisCystitis, pyelonephritis
The renal epithelium lines the tubules of the same name, so its appearance in the urine indicates damage to the nephrons. Normally, such epithelial cells do not appear in urineGlomerulonephritis, chronic pyelonephritis, renal failure, multiple cysts and malignant kidney tumors

Typically, a laboratory technician who performs a urine test according to Nechiporenko counts only red blood cells, leukocytes and casts. If he discovers other pathological inclusions, he must indicate them even if there is no special column on the form.

In the standard form for recording urine results according to Nechiporenko, only the most important indicators are indicated, so the laboratory technician does not always consider it necessary to indicate the presence of other pathological inclusions

Features of urine collection in infants

Collecting urine for a child under one year old according to Nechiporenko is not easy. The effectiveness of the analysis depends on the actions of the adults who are nearby. Their task is to collect at least ten milliliters of the child’s urine correctly.

Collecting urine from a baby according to Nechiporenko is a difficult but feasible task

Many parents prefer the use of children's urine bags. But in this way it will not be possible to collect an average portion of urine. The result will be unreliable. The method is more suitable for clinical urine analysis. You also cannot collect urine in a condom or bag, squeeze it out of a diaper, cotton wool or napkin, or drain it from the pot. In pediatric practice, such parental ingenuity is common and always leads to distorted results and re-prescription of the Nechiporenko test.

The most correct way to collect urine from an infant is as follows:

  1. As soon as your baby wakes up, wash him thoroughly.
  2. Place the child on a moisture-absorbent bedding, do not cover the genitals.
  3. Put on sterile gloves yourself and prepare a disposable jar.
  4. If the child is restless and wants to eat, give him clean water, but do not feed him.
  5. When the baby starts to urinate, replace the container after 1-2 seconds.
  6. As soon as the stream begins to dry up, remove the container so that the last drops remain on the litter.
  7. Close the container and deliver the urine to the laboratory as quickly as possible.

This method requires observation and patience from an adult, but it is most suitable for collecting urine according to Nechiporenko. The main thing is that the room is warm and the baby does not catch a cold.

A simple way to speed up urination in a child is to create a realistic sound of water running using an audio or video gadget or by pouring liquid from one container to another.

The sound of flowing water reflexively stimulates urination in a person of any age

In a specialized urological hospital, urine collection for small patients according to Nechiporenko can be performed using a urological catheter. Parents should not worry, since a modern pediatric urinary catheter is a thin and flexible tube that does not cause pain to the baby during insertion. In addition, only disposable catheters are now used, which eliminates the possibility of infection. A qualified healthcare worker inserts a catheter through the urethra into the bladder and independently takes the required portion of urine for analysis, pouring it into a sterile container. If a doctor recommends taking a Nechiporenko test for a child in this way, this indicates that a reliable result is needed.

Urological catheters come in different thicknesses, but the thinnest ones are used for children

If a urine test according to Nechiporenko is prescribed, this indicates that the doctor suspects the patient has serious diseases of the urinary system or wants to make sure that they are absent. The test results will tell the specialist what additional examinations to prescribe to confirm the suspected diagnosis and what therapy is appropriate. Urine donation according to Nechiporenko after a course of treatment will allow you to assess the patient’s condition over time.

Modern laboratory and clinical diagnostics covers many types of urine tests. This is where the examination usually begins. genitourinary system.

Such an analysis will allow us to identify a developing inflammatory or other disease at the earliest possible stages. If abnormalities are detected in the urine analysis, the patient is prescribed additional examinations to clarify the condition of the urinary organs. One of such simple and reliable analyzes is the Nechiporenko analysis.

What can be discovered using Nechiporenko analysis

Using this method of laboratory and clinical research, it is possible to detect sediment from certain cellular and non-cellular elements in urine. Having calculated the ratio of these elements and their level content in biological fluid, we can draw certain conclusions about the functional state of the kidneys and urinary system.

When examining urine according to Nechiporenko basic indicators are the following:

  1. Red blood cells- These are the formed elements of blood. Normally, they should not be present in the urinary sediment, or they may be contained in microscopic quantities. If a significant number of red blood cells are found in the urine, this may be a sign of an existing pathology.
  2. Leukocytes are also formed elements of blood. An increase in the number of leukocytes in the urinary sediment is a sign of an inflammatory process. Thus, the human immune system reacts to the invasion of viral and bacterial agents and foreign bodies.
  3. Cylinders- These are predominantly protein formations. Their shape and appearance can vary significantly. Normally, a healthy person should not have cylinders. The appearance of these elements indicates serious renal pathology.

When is the Nechyporenko test taken?

  1. Suspicion of the presence of occult blood in the urine. If, according to the results of the general analysis, red blood cells and leukocytes were detected, additional examination is necessary. In this case, the number of blood cells contained in the urine is calculated.
  2. During pregnancy. At this time, it is necessary to take a urine test according to Nechiporenko not only when kidney problems are detected, but also for the purpose of prevention. During pregnancy, it is very important to prevent renal dysfunction. After all, at this time they experience increased stress.
  3. People who have undergone treatment for kidney diseases also have to undergo a urine test according to Nechiporenko. This is done to assess the quality and results of the treatment provided.
  4. During treatment inflammatory processes in the kidneys Urinalysis according to Nechiporenko is more effective compared to general clinical analysis.
  5. In addition, a urine test according to Nechiporenko is performed if an inflammatory process in the kidneys is suspected. If, during a general clinical examination, protein, leukocytes or red blood cells are detected in the biological fluid, additional research is carried out.

  1. For patients who the day before underwent surgery on the kidneys or urinary organs. At this time, the content of all formed elements in the urine is usually increased, which will lead to distorted results.
  2. If the patient underwent catheterization or cystoscopy the day before, urine collection for analysis should be postponed for at least 5 days.
  3. Women are not given analysis according to Nechiporenko on days of menstrual bleeding. In this case, red blood cells from menstrual blood may get into the urine and distort the picture. In this case, it is better to wait until the end of menstruation. If you need to take the test urgently, you need to thoroughly clean the external genitalia. You can close the vaginal opening with a cotton swab. In a hospital setting, analysis can be collected using a urinary catheter.
  4. Also not recommended test those patients who had experienced repeated profuse vomiting and high fever the day before. This leads to dehydration of the body and the urine picture will be distorted.

Proper preparation for analysis

Before donating urine according to Nechiporenko, very important to know how to do it correctly. This will allow the study to be conducted as reliably and effectively as possible.

  1. A few days before the upcoming urine collection, you need to exclude from your diet all foods that affect the acidity of the body's biological environment. These dishes include all animal foods. But you can eat as many vegetable dishes as possible. It is also recommended to exclude spicy, salty, smoked and pickled foods. In addition, all alcoholic and highly carbonated drinks are prohibited at this time, as well as products that contain a large amount of pigments and can give urine an unnatural color.
  2. It is recommended to avoid these days excessive loads. This applies to both emotional stress and increased physical activity - hard work or sports training.
  3. It is strictly not recommended to take urine tests while taking diuretic (diuretic) drugs. Frequent urination will lead to the leaching of those formed elements that need to be examined. This will distort the real picture of the disease.
  4. On the days when the analysis is collected, it is recommended to drink a sufficient amount of fresh clean water. This will help activate the urinary system.
  5. Before making a fence, it is necessary to perform a thorough toilet of the external genitalia. If this requirement is not met, elements of vaginal discharge - protein, mucus, white blood cells - may enter the urine. This will distort the analysis result.

We collect urine according to Nechiporenko correctly

It is necessary to collect biological fluid in the morning, during the first visit to the toilet.

  1. To collect the analysis, it is best to purchase a special one from the pharmacy chain. Plastic container. If this is not possible, you can use a glass container, which must be thoroughly rinsed. Do not use containers made from dairy products.
  2. Before collecting urine, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the external genitalia. Women and girls need to wash from front to back, from the vagina to the anus. Men need to wash their penis thoroughly. This will help prevent microorganisms from entering the urine from the surface of the skin and mucous membranes.
  3. Next, they proceed directly to the procedure for collecting biological material. To do this, the first portion of urine is flushed into the toilet or potty. The average portion of urine is collected in a prepared container.
  4. To conduct the study, you will need to collect 30–50 ml of biological fluid.
  5. Screw the lid of the jar tightly, trying not to touch the edges of the container itself.
  6. The last drops of urine can also be poured into the toilet.
  7. The test must be delivered to the clinical laboratory within the next few hours.
  8. It is not recommended to freeze biological material and store it in the refrigerator.

Typically, the turnaround time for this study is one business day. In cases where emergency research is required, the time can be reduced to 7 hours. However, the procedure cannot be carried out for less than this time. This condition is associated with the need to centrifuge the biomaterial, and the duration of this manipulation is from 5 to 6 hours.

How to collect analysis from children

Collecting urine for analysis according to Nechiporenko in children can pose some problem. We are talking about children in the first months of life who cannot yet control their urination and cannot speak.

The modern medical industry has developed special devices to help parents collect tests from children in the first years of life.

You can buy it in the pharmacy chain special urinals. They have special Velcro, that stick to the surface of the skin around the genitals. Such urinals are commercially available, they are very inexpensive and will allow you to avoid a lot of difficulties when conducting a medical examination of a child. These devices can be classic, that is, suitable for children of both sexes, or they can be intended only for boys or only for girls.

Like adult patients, children also need to first thoroughly clean the external genitalia. The washing technique is completely identical to that for adult patients. When washing It is not recommended to use soaps with cosmetic fragrances.

After the hygienic procedure, a urinal bag is fixed to the baby’s skin. Each product contains detailed instructions on how to use it correctly. The urine collected in this way is poured into a special container, tightly closed and sent to a clinical laboratory.


From the video you will learn why a urine test according to Nechiporenko is performed, in what cases it is prescribed, and how to collect urine correctly so as not to take the test again.

Nechiporenko's urine test is used to detect infection if abnormalities were detected in a clinical urine test.

The analysis is carried out for: - latent inflammatory process in the kidneys and urinary tract; - hidden hematuria (blood in the urine); - monitoring the effectiveness of treatment.

What preparation is needed for the study?

The day before, you must refrain from drinking alcohol, emotional and physical stress, not eating vegetables and fruits that can change the color of urine, and not taking diuretics. It is not recommended to take a urine test within 5-7 days after cystoscopy and for women during menstruation.

How to properly collect urine for research?

Before collecting urine, it is necessary to perform a hygienic toilet of the external genitalia, then collect the average portion of morning urine excreted immediately after sleep. To do this, the first amount of urine excreted (15-20 milliliters) is passed, and the middle portion of urine is placed in a prepared, clean and dry container.

The collected urine should be delivered to the laboratory within 1-2 hours.

A urine test takes 1 business day to prepare.

What are the normal indicators of urine analysis according to Nechiporenko?

  • leukocytes – up to 2000 in 1 ml;
  • red blood cells – up to 1000 in 1 ml;
  • cylinders – up to 20 in 1 ml.

Features of urine analysis collection according to Nechiporenko, preparation, results

Analysis of the composition of a patient’s urine is one of the primary diagnostic tools, allowing one to establish not only kidney and bladder diseases, but also the condition of the body as a whole. If the general examination requires clarification, a urine test according to Nechiporenko is additionally prescribed. The author of this method is a famous surgeon, oncourologist, who saved hundreds of lives during the Patriotic War. The method he invented turned out to be more informative than those previously used, but at the same time very simple and fast. Currently, Nechiporenko analysis is one of the most frequently prescribed studies. Let's figure out how to take it correctly and what violations can be learned from its results.

In what cases is it prescribed

You have to take a urine test according to Nechiporenko on the direction of a general practitioner, family doctor, or specialists from the urology or nephrology department. This study is required to identify abnormalities in a general urine test, if there are discrepancies between the patient’s complaints and the data of general tests, to determine the effectiveness of treatment and monitor the course of the disease over time.

The main reasons for prescribing analysis according to Nechiporenko:

  1. Detection of damage to the kidney and ureter due to urolithiasis.
  2. Monitoring the effect of antibiotics in the treatment of bacterial infections.
  3. Determination of the presence of infections in the genitourinary organs, including chronic and indolent ones.
  4. Diagnosis of renal dysfunction due to injuries and diseases - vasculitis, diabetes, glomerulonephritis.
  5. Identifying the causes of painful urination, excessive or insufficient urine output during the day, frequent or too rare urges.

How is it different from other urine tests?

A general urine test is a screening method that can be used to identify various pathologies. First, the entire collected portion of urine is examined to identify its physicochemical characteristics. Secondly, using a microscope, the urine sediment is examined, the presence of bacteria, salts, blood elements and casts in it is calculated - a kind of casts of protein and cells that form in the kidney tubules. The result of the analysis will indicate how many leukocytes and red blood cells are detected in the field of view, i.e. within the microscope's visibility range. Cylinders are indicated less frequently in quantitative terms. The most common result is “no cylinders detected” or “single cylinders”, sometimes with an indication of their type.

Urinalysis according to Nechiporenko is considered a clarifying study. It is used to calculate how many red blood cells, leukocytes and casts are in 1 ml of urine. The cylinders are sorted by composition, and the quantity of each type is indicated, which allows for more accurate diagnosis. This analysis can detect disorders at an early stage, which is especially important for pregnant women and young children. Therefore, they are prescribed analysis of collected urine using the Nechiporenko method at the slightest doubt.

For kidney diseases, a Zimnitsky test is also prescribed. This is a study of the entire volume of urine over 24 hours without isolating its individual elements. Changes in the density and volume of urine after sleep and during wakefulness indicate impaired renal function.

How to properly collect urine for analysis according to Nechiporenko

For analysis, special containers are required, which must indicate their sterility. They can be purchased inexpensively at the pharmacy. Glass and plastic food jars are not recommended, as dirt or traces of detergent on their walls can distort the results. Some laboratories allow urine collection exclusively in their own containers, which are issued on the eve of the analysis for a small deposit.

It is correct to donate urine directly into the container, and not to pour it from other containers. Exceptions are small children and bedridden patients. For them, you can use urinals, which are also purchased at the pharmacy.

The basic rule for collecting urine is that only the middle portion should end up in the jar. This means that for the first 2 seconds the stream is directed into the toilet, and only then the container is filled. The first drops of urine wash away dirt and epithelium from the perineum and urethra.

No matter how ideal hygiene is, it is impossible to avoid urine contamination, so the Nechiporenko analysis may be unreliable. The last portion of urine should not end up in the jar, because it contains sediment from the bladder.

How much urine is needed for analysis depends on the patient’s condition. If you feel normal, you will need 100 ml. If this amount is impossible to collect (for example, with frequent urination due to cystitis), it is enough to submit 20 g of urine for analysis. The analysis can be performed even in the most complex cases. If urine is not excreted, a medical facility may collect it using a catheter, even if only a few milliliters of urine has accumulated in the bladder.

How to take a urine test - algorithm:

  1. Discuss with your doctor which medications you are taking may interfere with the results. Stop these medications 2 days before the test.
  2. On the day before the test, exclude carbonated and alcoholic drinks, as well as food products, the dyes from which can pass into the urine - beets, blueberries, carrots. The rest of the diet should be normal, without sudden changes.
  3. On the eve of urine collection, avoid strenuous physical activity.
  4. The night before the analysis, refrain from sexual relations.
  5. In the evening, wash well with detergent, and in the morning, repeat the toilet with clean water without soap. Women during menstruation need to use tampons and perform toileting even more carefully.
  6. Collect urine during the first urination after a night's sleep.
  7. Immediately deliver the container to the laboratory. Maximum time storage of the test liquid – no more than 1.5 hours. During delivery, avoid hypothermia of urine.

If you accurately follow all the points of this algorithm, the result of the analysis will be as reliable as possible.

Decoding analysis and norms

The indicators given below are considered the norm, both in men, women and children, and regardless of the way of obtaining urine - by ordinary collection in a container or by taking medical manipulations directly from the renal pelvis.

What role do these elements play, and what processes in the body are signaled by their increase in urine:


White cells circulating in blood vessels and, if necessary, penetrating into the intercellular space. Their main function is to protect the body from penetration of foreign bodies. The maximum number of leukocytes accumulates in those places where the immune system is needed. If there are more leukocytes in the analysis than normal, it means they are in the urine excretory system an infection set in and inflammation occurred.

Urinalysis according to Nechiporenko in acute pyelonephritis shows a significant increase in leukocytes. At 30x magnification we're talking about about pyuria - detection of pus in the urine. It consists mainly of dead leukocytes that were unable to cope with their task. This study result indicates a serious pathology that requires urgent treatment in a hospital.

The normal number of leukocytes in children is the same as in adults. Despite this, in children, analysis according to Nechiporenko more often shows their increased level. This is explained by difficulties in maintaining hygiene, especially in the presence of diaper rash or allergic reactions, around which leukocytes accumulate.

Red blood cells

Neighbors of leukocytes in the bloodstream. These are red cells that provide transport services in the body: they carry oxygen to the tissues and return carbon dioxide from them to the lungs. Some red blood cells pass into the urine through the glomerular filters. If kidney function is impaired, the number of red blood cells in the urine increases greatly. Red blood cells can also be detected in cases of injury to the urinary system, inflammation along the path of urine from the kidney to the urethra. Women experience false positive results when taking the Nechiporenko test during menstruation.

During pregnancy, an increase in the number of red blood cells occurs due to a change in the position of the kidneys - the enlarged uterus puts pressure on them. This condition is fraught with stagnation of urine and inflammation, and therefore requires timely treatment.


They are formed in the tubules of the kidneys and can enter the urine in a minimal amount. In a healthy person, they should consist only of hyaline - a transparent dense protein from the blood plasma; normally, only these cylinders are shown by urine analysis according to Nechiporenko. If other types of casts are found in the urine, this indicates kidney damage, which leads to kidney failure. Hyaline casts in increased quantities may indicate proteinuria (the release of protein into the urine) or be the result of severe physical exertion.

What can bad results mean?

So, the numbers on the form are received, one of them exceeds the normal figure. Let's consider how to correctly interpret these data and what diseases the deciphering of a urine test according to Nechiporenko can tell us about.

Element above normal Possible violations
Leukocytes Inflammation in one of the organs along the path of urine: pyelonephritis, cystitis. Urolithiasis with accompanying inflammation. Prostatitis in men, vaginitis or endometritis in women. Slight physiological growth - in adaptation to the resulting pregnancy.
Red blood cells Fresh Inflammation of the urinary tract, injury to the kidneys and urinary tract due to stones formed in them, trauma, neoplasms, hemophilia.
Leached Kidney damage due to high blood pressure, toxic substances, glomerulonephritis.
Cylinders Hyaline Spicy and chronic diseases kidney Within normal limits - in the case of physiological proteinuria caused by prolonged hypothermia and overheating, physical fatigue.
Erythrocyte Kidney injuries, formation of blood clots in them, high pressure in the vessels, leading to damage to the renal tubules.
Grainy Glomerulonephritis in the active phase, severe poisoning and intoxication, autoimmune diseases, extensive kidney infection.
Waxy Severe kidney damage, fraught with organic changes and renal failure.
Epithelial A pathological process in the kidney tubules, most often pyelonephritis or nephrosis.

How long does it take to perform a urine test according to Nechiporenko?

This analysis is technically simple, the equipment for its implementation is available to all laboratories. How much analysis is done depends on the workload of the laboratory. You can usually receive your printout the next business day. Some commercial institutions offer urine testing within 2 hours for an additional fee. For terminally ill patients in a hospital setting, the analysis takes only a few minutes.

Urinalysis according to Nechiporenko

Among urine tests, the most common are: general urine analysis, according to Nechiporenko, according to Zimnitsky, according to Sulkovich, according to Amburge, etc. Each of these analyzes is done for a specific purpose, because the laboratory research methodology is slightly different.

In order to determine the number of red blood cells, casts and leukocytes, a Nechiporenko analysis is performed. Typically, such a need is prompted by deviations from normal indicators in a general urine test, which requires additional research.

In addition, urine analysis indicators according to Nechiporenko can help in diagnosing inflammatory processes of the excretory system (cystitis, pyelonephritis), latent cylindruria and hematuria (when blood appears in the urine), and leukocyturia. The analysis is also done to assess the quality of treatment prescribed after the diagnosis of a particular disease.

In order to do a urine test according to Nechiporenko, an average morning portion is required, which remained in the urinary tract for at least four hours. That is, it is ideal if the patient did not urinate during the night, and after sleep collected urine for examination. In order for the results to be correct, it is necessary to thoroughly wash the genitals before collection, otherwise the cells, which naturally die within a day, may give distorted data. You need to collect urine in three containers, well washed and dried. Very little urine is needed in the first container, most of it should go into the second, and the collection ends in the third jar. The second portion is mixed and taken into a vacuum tube, which you can ask for at the medical institution.

To fill the test tube correctly, the urine is mixed with a special holder and, without removing it from the container, the lid of the vacuum test tube is attached there without removing it from the test tube itself. After applying pressure, the needle pierces the cap and the tube fills itself, then is removed from the holder. Collected urine must be delivered to the laboratory within 24 hours. If the patient has a postoperative drainage, then it is taken through the valve and poured into a test tube.

Typically, a urine test according to Nechiporenko is done within six to eight hours.

After it is carried out, doctors evaluate the results obtained. The number of leukocytes, which primarily fight infection in the body, should not be more than two thousand units per milliliter of urine. If the white blood cell count is much higher, this indicates that the excretory system is infected. Red blood cells in the body are responsible for delivering oxygen to the cells, so if there is an excess amount of them (more than one thousand units per milliliter of urine), this indicates the possible presence of tumors or other pathologies in the excretory system. Urinalysis according to Nechiporenko also evaluates the number of cylinders. Casts are proteins that acquire their shape after passing through the kidney tubules. The urine of a healthy person should contain no more than twenty units per milliliter. Otherwise, there is suspicion of pyelonephritis and a number of other serious diseases.

Urinalysis according to Nechiporenko is an extremely important diagnostic procedure for diseases such as chronic pyelonephritis (leukocytes significantly predominate over red blood cells); acute pyelonephritis(this stage is characterized by a sharp increase in leukocytes, but the rate decreases during the sclerotic stage). If doctors suspect glomerulonephritis, then red blood cells will significantly predominate in the urine. If the patient has abnormalities in the heart (high blood pressure, heart disease, heart failure), then a urine test will show an increased number of cylinders. It is also increased during toxicosis in pregnant women.

Urinalysis according to Nechiporenko: how to collect, what it shows, interpretation, norms

The basis for prescribing a urine test according to Nechiporenko is a suspicion of kidney pathology.

As with any responsible procedure, the collection of source material is carried out according to certain rules.

There are corresponding restrictions for women and children. The obtained indicators serve as the basis for diagnosing various diseases.

The information is deciphered by a specialist and transmitted to the attending physician, who formulates a diagnosis.

Reasons for the study

Pathologies of the kidneys and urinary tract occur for various reasons. Inflammation of the urethra, bladder and ureters can occur as a result of hypothermia or infection.

Urinalysis according to Nechiporenko allows you to identify a number of dangerous diseases.

Pathologies include the following:

  • stones in the kidneys;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • cystitis.

Is not full list diseases that cause serious suffering to the patient. At the first pain that occurs when urinating, you should consult a doctor.

To make a correct diagnosis, you need to collect urine for analysis, observing hygiene requirements.

In adults, men and women, the first signs of kidney disease are swelling of the face and bags under the eyes.

When the temperature rises and the head hurts, the attending physician prescribes a general urine test for the patient.

If the norm for protein content in the urine is exceeded, then it is necessary to perform an additional study according to Nechiporenko.

There are a number of other conditions under which the doctor needs Additional Information. After processing the analytical material, it is deciphered.

When making a diagnosis, a specialist must take into account the patient’s age and his daily work and rest schedule.

What does the analysis show?

When it is impossible to make an accurate diagnosis based on the results of a general urine test, a Nechiporenko test is prescribed.

This research method makes it possible to obtain more in-depth data about the state of the body. The analysis is done at the cellular level.

If the norm of cell content in one milliliter of urine is exceeded, then we can conclude that a certain disease is present.

The analysis determines the concentration of the following cells:

  • leukocytes;
  • cylinders;
  • red blood cells.

Urinalysis according to Nechiporenko during pregnancy allows you to obtain information about how the fetus develops.

Medical practice shows that leukocytes appear in the urine when an inflammatory process occurs. Most often in the kidneys and urinary tract of women and children.

In adult men, a similar pathology can occur on an infectious basis. Leukocytes are living cells that are found in the blood and perform the function of supporting the immune system.

If an infection occurs in the body, the leukocyte cells neutralize damaging factor.

When the results of the Nechiporenko analysis show an excess of leukocytes, this is evidence that inflammation of the kidneys or urinary tract has occurred.

One of the functions of the kidneys in the body is to ensure the removal of waste products. When inflammation occurs in the kidney tissue, so-called cylinders are formed as a result.

In their structure, they are bodies formed from protein and located in the renal tubules.

Urinalysis according to Nechiporenko allows you to determine the excess concentration of these substances.

Protein cylinders have different structures and appearance. Correctly performed decoding makes it possible to make an accurate diagnosis. It is important that urine collection is carried out without disturbances.

The Nechiporenko research method makes it possible to detect red blood cells in the urine. A general analysis does not allow such results to be obtained. Red blood cells are cells found in the blood.

The main function of red blood cells is to carry oxygen from the lungs to the cells of all tissues of the body. With normal metabolism, these cells should not be present in the urine.

Acceptable norm has no more than three to four red blood cells per specific volume.

When the results of the analysis record an excess of the normal concentration of red blood cells in the urine, this means that the glomerular apparatus in the kidneys is damaged or the mucous membrane of the urinary tract is inflamed.

How is urine collected for analysis?

Urinalysis according to Nechiporenko is considered a type of laboratory test in which microscopy of sediment is performed.

Urine collection is done according to a certain rule and requires the patient to be careful. It is important to remember that the results of the study are the basis for making a diagnosis of severe kidney disease.

To perform the simplest operation, strict hygiene rules must be observed, especially for children.

Parents or senior mentors must be sure to monitor how urine collection is performed, and then the patient will be prescribed correct treatment.

Any kidney disease radically changes the quality of life. Urinalysis according to Nechiporenko is performed for an accurate diagnosis.

Preparation for the study begins one day before the scheduled date. During this period of time, it is necessary to exclude physical activity and emotional breakdowns.

You need to take the test in an even frame of mind. To collect urine of the required quality, you have to adjust your diet.

During the preparatory period, it is necessary to avoid fatty foods, juices and brightly colored drinks.

You should not take medications containing diuretics. It is very important to explain all the rules to the child and monitor their implementation.

Practice shows that the collection and delivery of urine for analysis according to Nechiporenko is accompanied by minor but significant violations. It is necessary to prepare a container in advance to collect urine.

It is convenient to use a glass jar with a capacity of one hundred grams. It must be washed properly and thoroughly, without using detergents, and sterilized (it is enough to keep the jar in the oven for 10 minutes).

The pharmacy sells special containers to collect urine and submit it for testing. This jar has a tight lid and is convenient for collecting urine for both a child and a woman.

Before submitting urine for analysis according to Nechiporenko, it is necessary to perform a hygienic procedure. The perineum and genitals are thoroughly washed with warm water and soap.

This is done to prevent squamous epithelial cells from being included in the analysis. It is important to note that morning urine must be submitted for testing.

For children and adults, 20-30 ml of moisture is taken - this volume is quite enough. The collection is performed in the middle of the urination process, the first and final parts are sent to the toilet.

After collection is completed, the jar of urine must be delivered to the laboratory. This should be done no later than two hours from the moment of collection.

Decoding the results

When performing a urine test according to Nechiporenko, it is important not only to prepare appropriately for it, but also to correctly evaluate the results obtained; the accuracy of the diagnosis and the prescription of treatment procedures depend on this.

Decryption is performed by a qualified specialist. When the indicators obtained from the results of the study are higher than the established norm, this fact indicates the presence of pathology in the kidneys and urinary tract.

  1. leukocytes – up to 2000 pieces;
  2. cylinders – up to 20 pieces;
  3. red blood cells – up to 1000 pieces.

Urine may contain bacteria, protein, and epithelial cells.

When, when analyzing urine according to Nechiporenko, at least one indicator exceeds the norm, it is considered that the analysis is bad.

From this definition it follows that it is necessary to conduct research on the subject of a specific pathology.

It should also be taken into account that the results of the analysis may be affected by poor preparation.

When a diagnosis is formulated, many associated factors must be taken into account, including the patient’s well-being and other symptoms.

It must be remembered that the norms for the content of cells in the urine in children are the same as in adults. Sometimes a repeat test is required to confirm the results.

When the transcript of the urine test according to Nechiporenko showed an excess of leukocytes, this indicates that there is acute inflammation in the kidneys.

Depending on how many leukocytes are found in the sample, renal pathology is determined. If the excess is too high, it is recommended to collect urine for analysis again.

A result confirmed in this way indicates the likelihood of the following diseases:

  • kidney abscess;
  • indolent glomerulonephritis;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • cystitis.

Leukocyturia, depending on the amount of excess of the norm, has varying degrees of severity.

The Nechiporenko urine examination method gives good results, sufficient for an accurate diagnosis. Most often, protein casts accumulate in the urine due to slow metabolism.

Protein in the urine can occur due to lead poisoning, due to a viral infection, hypertension.

Competent decoding The results of a urine test according to Nechiporenko make it possible to immediately make the correct diagnosis - by the degree of excess of the norm, kidney pathology can be determined.

When the number of red blood cells in the urine is too high, it changes color. During the study, red blood cells with irregular shape are clearly visible.

They are called leached. The presence of such cells indicates a possible renal infarction or acute glomerulonephritis. There are fresh and destroyed red blood cells.

The approach adopted in medical practice for urine analysis consists of a certain sequence of actions. Often the disease occurs in a latent form.

The Nechiporenko research method is used at the second stage, when a general analysis is made. Based on the results obtained, the attending physician is able to accurately diagnose and prescribe appropriate treatment for the patient.

In case of kidney pathologies, it is very important to identify the cause of inflammatory processes at an early stage of development. As a rule, this allows you to cure the disease.

Not a single visit to the doctor is complete without testing. This is no accident.

Based on their results, the doctor assesses the patient’s condition in order to make a diagnosis as accurately as possible.

When there is a suspicion of pathology, kidney related, there is a need for special diagnostics - urine analysis according to the method of urologist Nechiporenko. It has its own characteristics.

Laboratory examination of urine using this method is an effective way to objectively identify the level of performance of the genitourinary system of the subject. It allows you to determine in what kidney condition, urinary tract.

This is usually done after submitting urine for a general analysis if it shows a deviation from the norm. The method is considered the second most popular. His simplicity and authenticity guarantee timely detection of problems in the functioning of the genitourinary organs. Using this diagnostic method, a specialist determines the concentration of urine components. Next, the urologist evaluates the results and establishes a diagnosis taking into account the symptoms of the disease.

Urine testing using this method is suitable for prescribing to any category of patients - a child, a woman, a man, a pregnant woman or an elderly person.

Standard indicators are the same for everyone, with the exception of pregnant women. In their case, a slight deviation from the upper limit equal to the norm without requiring additional examination and treatment.

In what cases is there a need for diagnosis?

Urine analysis according to Nechiporenko is done when, after delivery overall results indicate some deviations. It may be present in urine large quantity erythrocytes, detection of a focus of the inflammatory process with a characteristic increase in white blood cells. Finding in urine different types cylindrical elements that are normally absent in its sample are also considered an indication for research.

If the patient has complaints about problems with the kidneys, bladder and difficulty urinating, then an analysis is done without fail. This is especially true for cystitis and pyelonephritis. A regular procedure is also prescribed for patients who are concerned about kidney disease in the chronic stage. This makes it possible to monitor the dynamics of the disease and the patient’s condition. Systemic diseases often negatively affect the functioning of the urinary organs, so their course is always accompanied by this diagnosis.

What preparation does the study require?

In order to ensure the reliability of the results, it is necessary careful preparation. Its rules are quite simple. If they are observed, the errors in the indicators are reduced to a minimum, and the specialist has the opportunity to correctly assess the patient’s condition based on the data obtained after diagnosis.

Menu restrictions

24 hours before the procedure is recommended give up alcoholic drinks , hot and spicy spices. It is advisable to exclude from the diet foods that contribute to changes in the color of urine - red beets, rhubarb, sweets with food coloring, black currants. It is necessary to hold off on taking diuretics. If this is not done, the analysis results will be distorted.

Elimination of physical activity

On the eve of the test, you should not be excessively physical activity. Then the body will experience lack of fluid, the blood will become more viscous, and the urine will become concentrated. The data obtained may not correspond to the actual condition of the patient.

Temporary deferment

If a woman is having her period, she must wait until it is completely over, otherwise an increased concentration of red blood cells will be found in the urine. When a patient has been prescribed a cytoscopy or urography, urine can be taken only a week after this. The same applies to inflammatory diseases. reproductive system— we need to at least cure them. It is better to delay the procedure if it requires the use of a catheter. The exception is cases when there are no other options to obtain a sample of biological material.

How to properly collect urine?

The reliability of the results and the truth of the diagnosis actually depend on it. This responsibility rests with the patient; he must follow the established rules. When prescribing tests, the doctor is obliged instruct the patient taking into account all the details. If for some reason this does not happen, you need to study the instructions yourself.

She means complete sterility of the container for collecting urine. It is recommended to purchase a special plastic container for this purpose at the pharmacy kiosk. If you don’t have one, a glass jar with a capacity of up to 100 ml will do. Its neck should be wide enough so that urine can get in unhindered into her. Glass containers are disinfected using a soda solution room temperature or sterilized - placed in the microwave for a few minutes.

Diet restrictions. The day before the procedure, it is not recommended to eat meat so as not to burden the kidneys. It is advisable to exclude products that change the pigmentation of urine - beets, carrot or cranberry juice. You should not drink sparkling water the day before.

Careful hygiene. Before collecting biological material, you must wash well genitals, otherwise dead cells will get into the sample, which will lead to distorted results.

For research it is necessary to collect average urine sample, which is considered the most revealing. You need to start urinating in the toilet and finish it there. In the middle of the process, you should place the container closer to the genitals and urinate into it.

If you need to collect urine from a baby, he needs to urinate on an oilcloth or in a special urinal.

The procedure is mandatory in the morning, then the urine is more concentrated. This is done on an empty stomach. Before collecting it, you should not eat for at least 8 hours.

The sample is delivered to the laboratory as early as possible, but no later than 24 hours from the moment of its collection. It is advisable to do this within 1-2 hours. Data processing and research will be completed in a day or two.

What does the study show?

Based on its results, one can judge the condition of the genitourinary system. In this case, the indicators are leukocytes, erythrocytes and cylindrical cells. When processing urine samples, their quantity per 1 ml of liquid is taken into account. If an excess of red blood cells is detected, this indicates a kidney problem, possibly severe.

If there is an increased number of leukocytes, we are talking about an inflammatory process that affects the kidneys, bladder or urethra. This happens with cystitis and pyelonephritis. When casts are present in the urine, this indicates significant kidney function disorders. This may be a symptom of kidney failure or hypertension. In this case, urgent diagnosis and immediate treatment of the disease will be required.

How to get tested for a woman?

Female representatives have their own specific procedures for submitting urine for laboratory testing. They require more careful genital hygiene before collecting a sample for diagnosis.

The rules for taking the analysis are as follows:
  • For a day, fatty, meat, and spicy foods are excluded from the menu.
  • Stop taking medications, especially antibiotics, hormonal drugs or diuretics.
  • The genitals are washed well with warm water.
  • The procedure is not performed during menstruation. The exception is emergency cases when there is a danger to life and urgent measures are needed. Then a cotton swab is inserted into the vagina.
  • If there are diseases of the genital organs, accompanied by heavy discharge, it is also necessary to use a tampon when collecting urine.
  • Next, the procedure has a standard form - an average portion of urine is taken.

Container with biological material closes tightly cap and delivered to the laboratory. Until this point, it should not be exposed to direct sunlight, overheated or frozen. Next, a specialist will process the results.