Why do you dream of eating in a dream? Interpretation of a dream. Eating in a dream - a competent interpretation of the dream

The meal is interpreted by many dream books as a process of enrichment and development of the sleeper’s horizons. But of no small importance for correct interpretation have details of the vision.

For example, where and with whom you had to eat, what the food tasted like, how richly the table was set. Tasteless food can predict difficulties and adversity for the dreamer. And if he is served delicious pickles prepared by an experienced chef, then life in reality is clearly getting better. So why did you dream that you were eating? Explanations can be found in the dream book.

Meat and fish dishes

In her dream book, the sorceress Medea said that eating meat means being under the influence of others in reality, sometimes forgetting about your own benefit and desires.

Gypsies believe that eating raw meat in a dream can cause a person to suffer losses, but cooked meat promises him profit and gain.

According to Loff's dream book, if a man dreams of lunch with meat dishes, then some easy money awaits him. If in a dream one of his acquaintances was sitting at the table with him, then the reckless, dissolute exploits of this character will soon become known to the general public.

Why did a young lady of marriageable age dream that she was cooking and eating meat? The girl will get rid of chronic illness, will become stronger and freed from previous problems.

By eating lamb kebab in a dream, you can hope for success in business. An interesting prediction is about why a man dreamed of eating chicken. It turns out that this gentleman will live off the lady who is inflamed with passion for him. In a dream, did someone else devoured chicken with appetite? Then the dreamer will receive a good profit in reality or even win a significant amount in the lottery.

But eating lard, according to Ukrainian dream book, a person must remember all his sins. It is possible that after awakening he will have to pay for his mistakes and bad deeds. And this will happen in a very original way - he will become a target for swindlers and swindlers who will make good money at his expense.

Did you dream that you ate dumplings? The dream book warns of the visit of unexpected guests. But a herring in night vision predicts a chance to break the bank in a gambling game or the conclusion of a profitable contract.

By Esoteric dream book, a person who ate food alone will very soon create in reality strong family. If you dreamed of a noisy feast, and you recognized one of the guests, then expect an invitation from him to a wedding banquet in reality.

If in a night phantasmagoria the dreamer got up from the dinner table, having had his fill, then in reality, he wants to possess a certain woman. And he will not be able to overcome this passion.

Was there not enough food? Then, the dream book advises the sleeping person to think about it: why is his partner so cold towards him?

Why did you dream about delicious food? According to Hasse's dream book, this is an omen of a cloudless future for the dreamer.

Eat first courses

  • Soup on meat broth - good sign, the dreamer has no reason to worry about his own future, everything will go according to plan and in an excellent mood.
  • A person who eats borscht in a dream will have good, stable income. In addition, fate prepared him pleasant surprises and meetings with interesting people.
  • Eating fish soup in a dream is also not bad, this is a prediction of good material wealth for the family.

Simple, natural food

A tendency has been noticed: the simpler the food in the dream, the better the prediction for it. Eating eggs, according to the Mayan dream book, means extraordinary attractiveness to people of the opposite sex. The dreamer's charisma and charm are so great that no one can resist him.

By culinary dream book such a plot portends good health. But by feasting on mushrooms in a dream, a person risks in reality not being able to cope with carnal, sinful desires.

Cheese in a dream symbolizes grievances, disappointments, fried potatoes - modest but calm, happy life.

Funny, funny, curious situations await the one who ate porridge in night vision. However, sometimes the same plot foreshadows fun troubles. If you ate rice in a dream, then the dream book predicts good health, buckwheat - you will take good advice, wise man, corn - triumphantly complete an important task.

Fresh vegetables in a dream - good omen. Dreaming of cucumbers suggests that the dreamer himself will be cheerful and handsome, “like a cucumber.” Scarlet tomatoes dream of love, cabbage for money, good luck in business, but onions warn against colds, seasonal infections.

Do we indulge in buns?

Why do you dream about baking and other flour products? Pancakes, for example, especially with fillings, are a warning about the tricks and machinations of enemies. So, cottage cheese in them means deception, and caviar means problems with well-being. But the dream book is encouraging: pancakes generously flavored with sour cream are seen in dreams by people who will have their long-forgotten debt repaid. Have you eaten all the pancakes? Then Fortune is favorable to you.

Pies, kulebyaki in night vision are a prediction of a long, happy, harmonious family life. Snacking on a sandwich (bun with butter) in a dream, a person is most likely languishing from strong sexual desire.

But such confectionery products as pastries and cakes in night visions most often fall out to those who in reality live a completely sad, sad life. If you dreamed of this, listen to the advice of the dream book, organize a holiday on your street, pamper yourself, relax in pleasant company.

Sweet life

In your midnight slumber, did you feast on chocolates and jam? You will have amazing moments alone with the object of your passion. But ice cream predicts the emergence of a “chill” between lovers. Did you see honey? Then you have waited for your happiness. Why does a woman dream that she is gnawing nuts or seeds? These fruits are identified in dream books with the fruits of love. The dreamer will soon feel that she is pregnant.

Berry desserts

Eating raspberries, strawberries, wild strawberries in a dormant state, you are actually languishing with love desire. But, if the berries were crumpled and sour, then, unfortunately, not everything is in order in your body. By the way, dreaming of blueberries is an almost accurate diagnosis - you have vision problems.

Bitter bird cherry berries, this dream falls on the eve of deep disappointment, and blackberries in a dream foreshadow a violation of original plans. According to the dream book, black currants, despite their sourness, are an optimistic forecast of a profitable offer.

Overseas fruits

You are full of strength, energy, inspired and ready for sexual exploits, this is why you dreamed that you were eating exotic fruits. In particular, oranges are a sign of excellent health. Sweet cherries promise celebrations and banquets. Bananas are great, healthy sex.

Eating apricots in a dream means succumbing to temptation in reality. But desserts with peaches and pears are not good. This vision predicts illness in children or problems at work. Pomegranate, oddly enough, is also a negative sign, warning of problems in the body. Did you dream about apples? Then you will be drawn to frivolous entertainment, but if you also ate plums, then the love affair will be short-lived. Sour, hard apples signal quarrels in reality.

Watermelon in a dream is a multi-valued symbol. If he was dreamed of by a sick person, then he will get better, but for those who are healthy, he portends sadness and satiety from carnal pleasures.

A wonderful symbol is grapes. Eating it in a dream means getting rich in reality.

Meal companions from the other world

Many people are frightened by dreams that a dead person asks to feed him. Do you remember what you treated him to? If the food was tasty and satisfying, then you can safely count on the help and support of your friends in difficult times. But if you were greedy and handed the deceased scraps and crusts, then do not expect help when trouble knocks on the door.

Why did you dream that you were sitting at the same table with a dead man? This vision has a good meaning - everything started will be completed successfully. An even stranger nightmare about having to eat earth actually predicts a miserable existence. Did you eat worms in your dream? You will not avoid minor household chores and troubles. Special significance dream books give the plot that in my night dreams I had to eat a snake. They explain it this way: you strive to learn too much, not all knowledge will benefit you.

We were surprised that we “snacked” in a dream broken glass? This is a psychological association of your internal fears that you are trying to fight. Heed the advice: don’t think about past failures and grievances, look into the distance of a wonderful future, everything will be fine!

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/ Dream interpretation is in a dream

Why do you dream about eating in a dream in a dream

What does it mean, according to the dream book, to eat in a dream? When interpreting a dream in which one eats, the main attention should be paid to the food itself and its taste. Eating in a dream is a symbol of certain deeds, worries and successes or failures. If you eat in company, then in real life awaits you successful communication and good luck in business. If you are alone while eating, then soon you will have something to be sad about. Minor losses are also possible. The dream also symbolizes your strength and love, and can indicate a feeling of security. The taste of food is interpreted in direct meaning. For example, if you eat something tasteless, then in reality you will be unhappy with something or get sick. If the dishes in your dream are tasty, then the current period in your life is prosperous. Burnt food means unpleasant news.

When you see someone eating in a dream, an invitation to an event or party awaits you. If you are going to fresh air, you will experience a period of self-doubt and instability in life. If in your dream someone is very greedy, it means that in reality, thanks to someone, you will make a profit. If you eat food greedily, the dream warns that you will not be able to save what you have accumulated for long.

A dream in which someone eats soil promises a trip. Small losses are possible for those who dream that they eat eggs. But eating grapes in a dream means winning both literally and figuratively. Perhaps you will win the heart of your loved one, or maybe you will win the lottery.

Eating food in a dream according to Miller's dream book

When a person dreams that he eats alone, it means that losses await him. Moreover, these losses can be associated not only with money, but also with people. Another thing is to eat in a dream in pleasant company. Soon you will experience success in business.

Eating in a dream according to Freud's dream book

If there are a lot of dishes on the table, then this means your sexual appetite. When there is little food, this is an unfavorable sign associated with weak potency.

Eat - Loff's dream book

According to Loff’s dream book, if in a dream people eat with you, then such a dream indicates that your needs are not met. Gluttony in a dream is associated with prosperity.

When interpreting a dream in which the dreamer eats some food, it is necessary to pay special attention to the food itself and its taste. Food in a dream is a symbol of certain worries, affairs, successes or failures. If you dreamed that a person was eating in a company, this means that in real life the dreamer will experience success in business and successful communication. Eating alone suggests that a person has something to be sad about in real life. There is a possibility of minor losses.

In addition, such a dream can be a symbol of love and strength, and can also indicate a feeling of security. The taste of food must be interpreted in its literal meaning. Therefore, it is necessary to study the interpretation in more detail various dream books and dream plots.

Dream books give a metamorphic interpretation to the process of eating food, considering food primarily as food for the mind, and not for the body. That is why it is necessary to remember as clearly as possible what exactly did you eat in your dream, with which people, in order to determine exactly what this feast or simple modest snack was about. Of course, if the food was tasty, then the interpretations will be favorable in almost all dream books. But if the dreamer swallowed something nasty in a dream, then he needs to prepare for difficulties.

Fish and meat

Here it is necessary to pay attention to the interpretations of several dream books:

If a person eats in a dream lamb shish kebab, then this is a symbol of success. If a man dreamed of how he ate chicken meat with appetite, then in life he can comfortably exist at the expense of the woman he loves. If you dream about how another person ate chicken in a dream, then some kind of big win or profit.

Meat soup also has many interpretations. First of all, they talk about a carefree and joyful existence. Eating rich fish soup means a solid income; eating appetizing borscht means material stability and success, an unexpected meeting and happy events.

If there are dumplings with meat, then this indicates the unexpected arrival of guests and the fulfillment of something planned. The herring symbolizes income from a successful transaction or an unexpected win.

If a man saw a lot of food in a dream, then he will not be able to overcome his attraction to some seductive lady. If there was little food, then this indicates a frigid partner.

Regular village food

The more common the food in the dream, the calmer and kinder the predictions will be.

Here it is also worth considering the interpretation of several dream books:

  • According to the Mayan dream book, eating eggs in a dream suggests that the object of passionate dreams cannot resist the dreamer’s charm.
  • The culinary dream book interprets eggs as excellent health in reality.

If a person dreams of eating a dish with mushrooms, then in reality he will be able to surrender to the power of sinful pleasures. Cheese dreams of disappointment, and fried potatoes symbolizes a modest but happy life ahead.

Eating porridge in a dream will entail absurd funny situations, as well as fun chores. But here it all depends on the specific group:

  • Rice dreams of a healthy life.
  • Buckwheat - for useful and timely advice.
  • Corn indicates the successful completion of an important project.

Eating fresh vegetables in a dream from the garden is a good sign. If a person dreams of crunching a cucumber, then his health will not fail him in reality. In addition, cucumber is a symbol of prosperity. Tomatoes in a dream speak of love victories. Cabbage dreams of good luck. Onions are considered a sign that it is necessary to protect your body from colds.

Flour products

If a person sees himself eating pancakes in a dream, then this is a foretaste of the fulfillment of his hopes. But if the pancakes in the dream had some kind of filling, then get ready for unpleasant surprises from your enemies. Pancakes stuffed with cottage cheese indicate that the dreamer need to beware of deception. If this dish was served with caviar, then illnesses should be avoided. But if the pancakes were generously sprinkled with sour cream, then this dream promises an unexpected return of some forgotten debt. If all the pancakes in a dream were eaten without a trace, then the person will have great luck in reality.

Many dream books also interpret that eating pancakes, large fluffy pies, and pies in a dream speaks of long-term family harmony. Dreaming about eating white bread means prosperity in the house. If a person ate buns with butter in a dream, then all dream books indicate a strong sexual desire.

When the dreamer in a dream showed a strong desire to try a cake, pastry or cookies, this indicates an insufficient amount of joy in life. In this case, you need to treat yourself to some a vivid impression and, of course, a piece of cake.

Various sweets

If we think logically, then eating sweets in a dream is a sign of a lack of small pleasures in reality. But what do dream books also say?

If a person eats chocolate, sweet jam or chocolates, then this suggests that they are waiting for him in real life bright love joys in the near future. But if he eats ice cream, this signals that the relationship with his partner will soon enter a cooling stage. Enjoying fragrant honey in a dream means standing on the threshold of great happiness.

If a girl dreams of gnawing seeds or nuts, then this indicates an imminent pregnancy.

Berries and fruits

Berries, like nuts, are considered a sign of carnal temptations and their consequences.

There is something inedible

If in a dream you dreamed of eating glass, then this indicates a slowdown in some things in real life, various obstacles. Eating husks or peelings in a dream means trouble. If you dreamed that the dreamer was eating hay or straw, then in life you should prepare for illness. Eating plasticine means surprises. You can find the truth in life if in a dream a person ate the following:

  • Small sticks.
  • Bark from a tree.
  • Pencil.

But if in a dream a person ate hail, ice or snow, then in reality one should expect some kind of joyful event. Eating p various types of metal dreams of sad news. Eating feces and manure is a hindrance that will be impossible to overcome. An imminent departure is expected if you dreamed about the dreamer eating earth.

Unusual meal

Sometimes dreams about food can take the most bizarre forms. At the same time, it is worth paying attention to the fact that the more unpleasant the feast in the dream, the more alarming the predictions in dream books will be.

If the dreamer was asked to eat by a dead man in a dream, then the interpretation here will depend on how exactly you treated him:

  • Good and fresh food for the deceased symbolizes that friends will always come to the rescue.
  • If the food was dried out, then in reality everyone will turn away from the dreamer in difficult times.

If you dreamed of having a meal with a deceased person, then this indicates that all of a person’s undertakings will end with great success.

Eating worms in a dream means minor domestic quarrels and troubles. If you happened to eat a snake, then this means that the dreamer wants to know a lot, which will not go in his favor in the future.

If you saw in a dream how you were crushing glass with your teeth, then this is a reflection of the internal struggle with your fears. In such a situation, there is no need to focus on your past grievances, but you need to look forward more boldly.

If a person saw him eating at a funeral or wake, then in real life he made some mistake or lost a case. If you eat at the funeral of a person who has not yet died, this indicates that he will live a relatively calm and long life.

If you dreamed about eating at your own funeral or wake, then there are two interpretations:

  • If those around you were having fun, then the dreamer will receive the necessary help.
  • If those around you were sad at the wake, then you will have to say goodbye to your dreams and plans.

Eating directly in the cemetery is a return to ancient affairs or activities. But it also speaks of a destined and happy old age.

If a person in love ate in a dream at someone's wedding, then in life he will have a successful opponent. A rich wedding feast indicates that a person does not believe that he is worthy of happiness.

If you dreamed of a festive celebration, then in reality it should be repeated with the same accuracy, but the dreamer will get very drunk and disgrace himself. If a person is engaged in some kind of literary or other creative work, then a festive feast is a good symbol. But if a person ate too much in a dream, got drunk, then this speaks of illness.

If you dream that in a dream you eat without stopping, and at the same time you cannot get enough, then in life you feel spiritual hunger and dissatisfaction.

Attention, TODAY only!

As you know, a person cannot live without food, therefore, the process of eating is the most natural and necessary thing for us. What if you dreamed that you were eating something? We invite you to learn about the interpretations of such a dream by seeking help from several of the most detailed and famous dream books modernity.

Dream Interpretation of Miss Hasse: why do you dream about what you eat?

According to this source, if in a dream you ate something very tasty, then prosperity and prosperity await you in life. Tasteless dishes promise illness and lack of pleasure. Spoiled food portends bad news. If you dreamed that someone else was eating, then in the near future expect an invitation to some interesting event.

eat:Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

According to this source, a dream in which you eat something promises a series of minor troubles. However, if you dreamed that you were eating bread, then such a vision is considered a good sign, predicting good luck and gaining wealth. A dream in which you see other people eating is seen as a harbinger of your rise above others. If in a dream you look at a variety of tasty-looking dishes, but do not touch them, then some kind and joyful events await you.

Medieval what to eat

According to the compilers of this collection of dream interpretations, if you dreamed that you were eating some kind of sweets, then in real life you risk encountering violence against you or your loved ones. Be careful! If you dreamed that you were eating dust or earth, then get ready to leave soon.

Meneghetti's Italian dream book: why do you dream about what you eat?

This source views eating food as a symbol of vitality, power, love and procreation. Therefore, if in a dream you eat something, then in real life you crave to find more power, power, love and vitality. Tasty and high-quality food symbolizes satisfaction with the current life situation and your status. If in a dream you constantly chew diligently, then perhaps in reality you experience a lack of love or dissatisfaction in your life. professional activities. Giving food to other people - strives to help those in need, thereby improving your image and increasing your status.

Small Velesov meal

According to the compilers of this dream book, in general, the process of eating promises the dreamer sadness, problems, difficulties or even illness. If you dreamed that you were eating pancakes, then expect important news. sweet? Such a dream promises great joy and the pleasant chores associated with it. Beans dream of unpleasant troubles, rolls - of the possibility of theft, mushrooms - of stomach problems, peas - of tears. meat? Such a dream is considered as a harbinger of a series of troubles and difficulties that will not take long to arrive and will soon appear in abundance on your path in life.

Anchor points:

Dreams in which you ate

If you ate something in a dream, it means in reality you have a lot of work to do. If you ate in company, then such a dream portends success and pleasant events, but if you had to eat alone, then such a dream portends small losses. You were eating alone, but there were a lot of people around - such a dream suggests that you are not happy with your life, you would like to change everything. A dream in which you ate with a deceased person foreshadows troubles and illness. If you tried to feed someone in a dream, then you should moderate your desire to help someone - you are too intrusive. You have been invited to dinner - such a dream promises a successful day. Eating together means you would like to keep your partner next to you forever.

The process of eating took place according to all the rules of etiquette, using the necessary cutlery, with beautiful dishes - this means that you strive to live only by your own rules, focusing on intuition and experience. If you ate without mannerisms, everything was simple and ordinary, then you should be less arrogant and respect the feelings of other people. You saw others eating, but you yourself did not eat - such a dream occurs in cases when you want to cleanse yourself spiritually, to be above earthly problems. Spoiled food that you ate in a dream symbolizes losses. Food that is tasty means you strive for ideality; food that is tasteless serves as a warning of an imminent illness. Bad news promises burnt food. Eating sweets means joyful chores.

If in a dream you ate something inedible

In your dream you ate glass - such a dream signifies a slowdown in your affairs and obstacles. There are peelings, husks - to troubles, straw, hay - to illness. Unexpectedly, you have a dream where you eat plasticine. Eating tree bark, small sticks, perhaps a pencil in a dream - in reality it will turn into the truth that you have been looking for for so long. In your dream, did you eat snow, ice or hail? Such a dream about a joyful event. Various types metal - to sad news. You ate manure, feces, such a dream predicts an obstacle that you cannot overcome. Eating land in a dream means an imminent departure.

Edible food in a dream

Did you eat bread in a dream? Such a dream foreshadows material well-being . Eating eggs in a dream means losing money. A dream in which you ate a lot of different fruits is a bad sign, foreshadowing misfortune; eating vegetables is also a bad sign, promising illness. Separately, eating a watermelon means receiving bad news, grapes promise a win, cherries mean a deterioration in mood, sadness. You ate a pear in a dream, which means your financial condition will worsen. Apricots, peaches, and persimmons dream of parting with a loved one. If in a dream you ate oranges or tangerines, then your health is in danger. Plums are a bad sign; you are facing a showdown.

Eating garlic in a dream - such a dream predicts natural disasters, onions - you need to be more restrained over the next few days - the risk of a fight is too great. Eating eggplant can indicate a new addition to the family.

A dream in which you ate raw meat symbolizes misfortune, and, conversely, cooked meat - good sign, happy. If in your dream you ate pig meat, then you are in danger of illness; chicken or duck is good sleep, foretelling prosperity, a dream with eating goose meat is a bad sign - you may get sick close person. Eating a lamb dish - fortunately, dog meat - means litigation. Eating beef means a quarrel on your initiative; your incontinence will bring trouble. Trying to eat dumplings, manti, khinkali - in the near future you will try to suppress your anger. Pancakes indicate that your dreams are not destined to come true. Eating peas or beans is a waste of effort. In your dream you ate rolls - beware of theft. – to problems with digestion. A woman eating nuts in a dream can expect pregnancy, a man can expect prosperity.

A good dream in which you ate honey, butter And white ricegood luck awaits you in all your endeavors. If you ate porridge, then your plans will soon come true.