What is needed for good communication social studies. Rules for successful communication

Communication is an integral part human life. Every day we come into contact with many people - family, work colleagues, business partners, friends, as well as complete strangers - in a store, subway, or just on the street. It is very important that it is pleasant for both interlocutors, as well as productive. After all, what is his main goal? That's right, mutual exchange of information, thoughts, feelings and emotions. It is worth especially emphasizing the word “mutual”, that is, each of the interlocutors must be understood and heard by the other, otherwise resentments, misunderstandings, and ultimately quarrels may arise in the future. That is why each of us simply needs to know the rules of communicating with people. What they are, what they are like - we will talk about this in this article, so read carefully, the information will certainly be useful to you.

Shall we talk?

Psychologists say that the rules of communication with people are a kind of unwritten code. He helps to become an excellent conversationalist, whose opinion is always listened to and who is always a welcome guest in any home. is also very important during business negotiations with partners. And in ordinary life it won’t hurt. A person who knows the rules of communicating with people and applies them in practice always has many good friends and acquaintances, he is always welcome.

Down with embarrassment!

But what to do if you absolutely do not know how to communicate with others? Whenever you try to talk to a person, you become afraid, you start to stammer, or you completely forget what you wanted to say. Does this happen? Then listen to our simple tips. First of all, remember the first and most important rule: you have absolutely nothing to be ashamed of other people. You can communicate with every person on equal terms. Ask him questions, ask for help, or share information. Communication is a completely natural process for every person, so throw away your complexes and start communicating. You will see that it is easy. And now we will tell you 5 rules for communicating with people. In fact, there are many more, but we will highlight the most basic ones.

Rules of communication between people

So, if you want to become a good conversationalist:

Strangers can become friends

There are also situations when you need to communicate with complete strangers. You came to a party organized by a friend. You're just getting into new team at school or work. There can be many such situations. Therefore, you should remember the rules of communication with strangers:

Remember that the above rules of communication with people are easy, but they will help you in everyday life while talking to everyone. Don't forget to put them into practice!

Krugovykh Svetlana Nikolaevna

MBOU Secondary School No. 33, Belgorod

Social studies lesson topic in 5th grade"Learning to communicate"

Target: introduce students to the laws and features of communication; point to different examples positive and negative situations in communication; develop a system of communication rules.

Planned results :

Subject UUD: students will learn to explain the meaning of the concepts communication, conflict; identify characteristic features communication;

meta-subject UUD: express your thoughts accurately and competently; defend one’s point (rhea during the discussion; determine new level attitude towards oneself as a subject of activity; analyze research results and record them;

personal UUD: developing the ability to analyze one’s own problems and take responsibility for one’s decisions; development of creative abilities through active forms of activity; fostering a kind, respectful attitude towards people.

Equipment: handouts, presentation.

Lesson type: problem-based.

Lesson progress

I. Organizational moment

II. Motivational-target stage

Mr. Oster wrote the book “Bad Advice”, now we will get to know them and find out which of you also acts as Mr. Oster describes.

- Relaxed and listened to advice.

If you are going to a friend

Tell me your troubles

Take a friend by the button

It's useless - he'll run away,

And it will leave you with a souvenir

This button is a friend.

Better give him a kick

Throw on the floor, sit on top

And then in detail

Tell me your trouble.


If you came to see your friends,

Don't say hello to anyone

The words "please", "thank you"

Don't tell anyone.

Turn away and ask questions

Don't answer anyone's questions.

And then no one will say

About you, that you are a talker.


If to dad or mom

Adult aunt came

And someone important leads

And a serious conversation

Need from behind unnoticed

sneak up on her and then

Shout loudly in your ear:

“Stop! Give up! Hands up!"

And when aunty gets off the chair

He'll fall out of fright

And he'll spill it on his dress

Tea, compote or jelly,

It's probably very loud

Mom will laugh

And, proud of my child,

Dad will shake your hand.


Be polite to your friends' mothers.

Say hello as you enter.

Don't say angry words.

Don't argue over trifles.

Stomp your feet and scream

You can't look at other people's mothers,

After all, each of us has

For this purpose its own.


Approaching strange boys

The girl should already

To meet them, make angry faces,

Show stones, sticks, fists

And shout out different threats.

Let them still feel from afar,

That the girl will not let herself be offended.


For example, they want you

Stop grimacing

Shout nonsense loudly,

Whine and spit

Pulling cats' tails

Girls by the braids,

Ask strangers

Wild questions

Kicking everyone

Eating porridge with your hands

And stick out your tongue

Grandma and mom.

It's difficult, but they

It might work out.

Be ready for everything then


- Really “wonderful” advice?

- What do all these tips have in common?

- What do you think they have to do with the topic of our lesson?

(Students' answers.)

Well done! Right! We open our notebooks and write down the topic of our lesson: “Learning to communicate.”

- Try to guess what we will talk about in our lesson.

- What questions do you think we need to answer?

(Students' answers.)

Lesson plan:

    The role and importance of communication in human life.


    Training exercises.

III. Work on the topic of the lesson

Desire for friendly communication - good quality personality. Friendly communication with different people- loved ones and strangers, peers and adults. But the ability to communicate is not given at birth. This needs to be learned, which is what we will do in our lesson.

1. The role and importance of communication in human life

“The only true luxury is the luxury of human communication.” These words belong to the French writer Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. Let's think about their meaning.

- What do you think Exupery wanted to say? (Students' answers.)

A person cannot live without communication, he needs it, it is joy, pleasure, luxury.

- Remember literary hero who lived on desert island. (Robinson Crusoe.)

He was deprived of many things: food, clothing, household items. But most of all, Robinson suffered not from hunger and deprivation, but from loneliness, he had no one to communicate with. Without communication, a person ceases to be human. This happened to Robinson's prototype, Alexander Selkirk.

Depriving a person of communication is a cruel punishment; this is what they do with criminals, placing them in solitary confinement. Living in society, people learn to follow general laws, behave in such a way that everyone feels comfortable. Therefore, the concepts of etiquette appeared - rules of polite behavior and speech etiquette- rules of communication using “magic” words, politeness formulas.

Problematic question. Why do you think a person needs communication?

(Students' answers.)

However, many people do not know how to communicate. It would seem that if communication is quite natural for all people, then each of us should be able to communicate with others. But some people sometimes develop a fear of communicating with people, or, in other words, social phobia. This fear usually occurs when adolescence- the most difficult period in a person’s life. If the first conscious entry into society occurs in a negative way, then in the future the person will have problems communicating with people. Communication skills are acquired with age, and the most important thing is to master this art. Communication rules can help with this.

- Having divided into seven groups of 3-4 people, get acquainted with the rules of communication, answer the questions posed and complete the tasks.

For the first group

Rule #1: Be friendly and polite.

- What polite words do you know?

- Give examples of when these words should be used.

For the second group

Rule No. 2. Try to speak correctly and clearly.

- How have children been taught to speak for a long time, pronouncing all sounds clearly?

- What tongue twisters do you know? Tell me.

For the third group

Rule No. 3. Speak clearly, clearly, without unnecessary words.

- Comment on A. Khait’s poem “Extra Words.”

Somehow a citizen sees

That the barn is on fire.

He calls "01"

Urgently reports:

- I don't know how to start...

But, as they say,

I'm calling you, so to speak,

In general, it means

Here's the thing...

You can hang up:

Everything is already burned!

- Why has everything already burned down?

- How should a fire be reported?

For the fourth group

- Below are proverbs made up of two different parts. You need to combine the halves, get the whole statement, understand its meaning and think about what rule can be formulated. (Rule No. 4. On kind word no need to skimp .)

A kind word will not wither the tongue.

A bad word is also pleasant for a cat.

You can't wash down a kind word with sweet honey.

- Give examples of when to stick of this rule.

For the fifth group

Rule No. 5. Weigh every word, think first, and then speak.

- Why is it necessary to weigh every word, to think first and then speak?

- Give examples when people speak first and think later.

- What are the consequences in this case?

For the sixth group

Rule No. 6. Don’t interrupt your interlocutor, know how to listen.

- Come up with and act out a scene in which one of the interlocutors constantly interrupts the other.

- Will there be full communication in this case? Why?

For the seventh group

Rule No. 7. Communication should be interesting to all interlocutors, do not be intrusive.

- How do you feel if communication with someone irritates you?

- And when are you not interested?

- And when is a partner intrusive?

As a rule, we do not have any problems communicating with people we know. We know well how they react to certain words, remarks, news. But what will the reaction be? strangers, you may not know, so try to always be polite, speak with a smile, and then make sure that your words are appropriate. Look the person in the eye, show sincere interest and attention to the interlocutor. If you cannot overcome yourself and do all of the above for one reason or another, it is better to simply avoid communicating with this person.

2. Workshop

- Take a close look at the drawings by X. Bidstrup on p. 24 textbooks.

- In what case do you think a person shows kindness and patience?

- How does a person behave in another case?

- What feeling does the interlocutor have?

- What rules of communication were violated?

(Students' answers.)

- Working with the textbook text on p. 24, act out the situations described and comment on them.

(Checking the completion of the task.)

3. Training exercises

It is difficult to imagine life without communication; it enters our lives early. If we analyze with whom and how we communicate, then it will probably become clear that communication does not always please us and quite often causes us trouble. Have you ever wondered why this happens? Numerous studies show that quarrels between people most often arise due to a lack of communication culture. People often blame others for quarrels. If we don't know how to communicate, we feel unhappy. You can learn to communicate if you want to. To do this, you need to comprehend the art of communication and work on yourself. Let's learn to communicate together by doing several exercises.

Exercise “I’m glad to communicate with you”

Instructions. Each of you should extend a hand to the other with the words: “I am glad to communicate with you,” and the one to whom the hand was extended extends it to the next student with the same words.

(So ​​along the chain everyone joins hands and forms a circle.)

- How did you feel while doing this exercise?

Exercise “Compliment”

Instructions. Each of you should say something nice to your neighbor. Mandatory conditions: 1) you need to address your partner by name and with a smile; 2) what is said should be pleasant not to the speaker, but to the listener.

(Doing the exercise.)

- Were you pleased to hear kind words addressed to you?

- What about complimenting others?

- How did you feel in both cases?

Exercise “What I love to do”

Instructions. One of you will choose something that he really likes to do and begin to show it to us without words. Everyone else carefully watches what the speaker is doing and tries to guess what he wants to say, but they themselves don’t say anything yet. As soon as the speaker finishes his pantomime, thanking us for our attention, we begin to make guesses. After everyone has spoken, we can ask the speaker if there are those among us who understood him correctly. After the discussion, the next student will speak.

(The teacher shows the pantomime first.)

- Which guy likes to do the same thing as you?

- Who surprised you with their hobbies?

- Was it difficult to explain things to others without words?

- Was it difficult to guess?

Exercise “Through Glass”

The exercise is aimed at developing the ability to convey thoughts and feelings through facial expressions and expressive movements. Students are asked to say something to each other using gestures, imagining that they are separated from each other by glass through which sounds do not penetrate. You can offer them a topic for conversation, for example: “You forgot to put on your hat, and it’s very cold outside” or “Please bring me a glass of water, I’m really thirsty,” etc., or the guys come up with it themselves.

- Was it easy to explain with gestures what you wanted to say?

- Was it easy to understand what the other person was depicting with gestures?

- What was easier?

Exercise "Sitting and standing"

Instructions. One student is sitting, the other is standing. Under these conditions, you should try to carry on a conversation. After a while, you change places so that you can compare the sensations of communicating “from above” and “from below.”

(The activity aims to show students the importance of incorrect ways of communicating.)

- How did you feel when you were talking while sitting in a chair?

- How did you feel while holding a conversation while standing?

- Which position in the conversation did you like and which did you not? Why?

- What do you think causes these feelings? If you and your partner communicated as equals, what would change?

- Have you communicated in a similar way in life - from the position of “above” or “below”? With what people and under what circumstances (in what situation)?

Exercise “Back to each other”

Instructions. Divide into pairs and sit on chairs back to back. In this situation, you need to try to carry on a conversation.

(After a few minutes, students turn around and share their feelings.)

- Is it easy to communicate with a person without seeing him?

- How did you feel communicating in this position?

- Have you ever wanted to turn around ahead of time and talk, seeing your interlocutor?

- Or maybe you didn’t want to continue the conversation in this position?

- Guys, what do you think is needed for communication to take place? (Approximate answer. First of all, you must see and hear your interlocutor. You must be able to use gestures and facial expressions. If at least one of these conditions is not met, then it will be quite difficult to communicate.)

- Let's check the correctness of your conclusions.

Exercise “Mirror and Monkey”

Instructions. Divide into pairs and stand opposite each other. One of the participants is a “monkey” who looks in the mirror, the other is a “mirror” in which all the movements of the “monkey” are reflected.

(After some time, students change roles. This exercise can be done by everyone at the same time, but it is better for pairs to work in turns. This will allow you to discuss its implementation with the rest of the students.)

- Which role was easier for you - monkeys or mirrors?

- Which one did you like better?

- Was it easy or difficult to repeat the movements? How did you feel?

(You can have a short conversation about how important it is to be attentive to your interlocutor, because movements can reflect his internal state and attitude to what is happening around him.)

IV. Summing up the lesson. Reflection

(All students sit down, forming a circle.)

- How did you feel in today's lesson?

- What did you like today and what didn’t you like so much?

- What do you remember most?

- What was the most significant and important for you?

- Which exercise was the most difficult? Which is the easiest?

- Why communication is important for building effective friendly relations?

- What is important for successful communication?

- Why is it important in the process of communication to sincerely share what you feel and what you think?

- Why is it important to unconditionally accept the person you are communicating with in the process of communication?

- Why is it important to be able to sympathize and empathize with another person in the process of communication?

- How does the ability to communicate correctly affect the formation of friendships?


Write an essay on the topic “In my opinion, for successful communication it is necessary...”.

10 rules of communication for those who want to be successful

When talking about the components of success, they usually name the following: optimism, self-confidence, perseverance, hard work, and the ability to learn from mistakes. But they often forget that we live among people, work with them and for them, so the ability to build relationships with others is important. important factor our comfortable state of health and achievements at work.

According to studies conducted in different countries, relationships in a team influence job satisfaction no less than working conditions. True, men and women have different ideas about what a good microclimate is. For men, it is enough for the relationship to be calm and non-conflict. Women need friendly affection, similarity of interests, and spiritual understanding.

But for both of them, success is impossible without interaction with people: employees, colleagues, partners, clients. It has long been noted that the king is played by his retinue. In the same way, we can safely say that the people who surround us can play along, help us, or, conversely, hinder our career advancement.

If you have an unprofessional team, have ill-wishers or partners who do not respect you, then no matter how great a specialist you are, there will be a lot of obstacles on the path to success.

What are the rules for effective communication that ensures success?

  • Be a positive person. Approach people with positive expectations. Do not create negative images in your thoughts (stupid, incompetent, lazy, deceiver, thief) of those with whom you have to work. Negative energy is transferred to the communication partner and, accordingly, sets him in a certain mood.
  • Don't treat people with contempt, take a sincere interest in them. Address people by name. Be aware of the life events of those with whom you often communicate (birthdays, family, hobbies).
  • Don't think of yourself as the center of the universe. Have self-respect, but don't be proud. Its signs: a feeling of infallibility and irreplaceability, boasting, unhealthy competition, refusal to help, the desire to always prove that one is right, excessive touchiness.
  • Don't be too pushy, similar to representatives network marketing or sellers from whom you immediately want to leave. Do not indulge in long monologues about your favorite dog or car, or about your problems, forgetting about the interests of your interlocutor.
  • Learn to control your emotions, do not lose your composure, try to avoid quarrels. Impulsiveness, harshness, anger, and resentment do not contribute to mutual understanding.
  • Influence not only a person’s mind, but also his feelings. Try to satisfy people's needs for recognition and respect. At least sometimes ask for advice. Everyone likes to be competent and helpful.
  • Consider the opinions of others. Know how to listen and understand a person's point of view. Don't interrupt the speaker, even if you don't agree with him.
  • Criticize less, praise more(of course, for real merit). Appreciate other people's virtues, achievements and admit your mistakes. This always disarms even those who are unfriendly.
  • Don't skimp on compliments, but don't confuse them with flattery. A sincere compliment is always pleasant, lifts your spirits and helps to establish contact.
  • Be grateful. The more often you say “thank you,” the more positivity, warmth and participation you receive in return. Express your gratitude to people for their attention, kind words, support, help.

“Good relationships with people are the main ingredient in the recipe for success”(T. Roosevelt). Use these rules in life - and you are guaranteed the desired prospects in your career and business.

Human - social creature. Communication with each other is a normal, natural and necessary process for the individual. Some people literally attract and attract others to themselves, communicating with them is easy and pleasant; this is successful communication. For some people, communication is very difficult. Fortunately, there are special rules that help you establish and maintain successful communication with other people.

This article provides ten rules for successful communication, designed to help everyone become more sociable, successful and popular.

Rule 1. Listen to your interlocutor! Everyone likes to be heard. When you listen to another person, he feels interesting and in demand, of course, this will arouse reciprocal interest in you, which will support successful communication. This rule is important to remember in any conversation.

Rule 2. Be informed! A broad outlook attracts friends and promotes successful communication. Many writers and philosophers have commented on how pleasant it is to have a conversation with someone who can provide at least some support for every topic. Books, intellectual films, and information sites will help you follow this rule.

Rule 3. Be careful with displays of erudition. It may seem that this rule contradicts the previous one. In fact, it is about maintaining balance. Of course, for successful communication it is worth showing erudition and knowledge. At the same time, it is dangerous to suppress your interlocutor. Nobody likes to feel stupider than someone else! Pointing out errors and inaccuracies in reasoning to others should be done as carefully as possible so as not to offend or offend the person.

Rule 4. Positivity is the key to successful communication. Many of us have problems, troubles, offensive situations... In such cases, we want to speak out and express our pain. But you should be more careful when expressing negative feelings: it is better to speak out to your relatives, family members, closest friends - that is, to those people who can understand and support and help. Unnecessary outpourings can scare off people you don’t know. Few people are really interested in hearing about other people's problems and failures. This rule also has reverse side: Excessive talk about your own successes and achievements can also become an obstacle to successful communication. After all, such a direction in a conversation can easily be perceived as boasting, and it interferes with successful communication. It is better to start conversations with unfamiliar people with neutral topics.

Rule 5. Respect your own and other people's boundaries! There are things that are usually discussed only with close people or within the family circle. These are very personal questions regarding e.g. family relations, finance, intimate life etc. An attempt to raise such issues with strangers may be perceived as excessive familiarity, which will interfere with successful communication. Following this rule also involves asserting your own boundaries. There are things you have the right not to talk about. Personal life is personal for that.

Rule 6. Smile! It's hard to find a person who doesn't like talking to a smiling and friendly interlocutor. For successful communication, it is important that the smile be sincere.

Rule 7. Address the person as he introduces himself: by name, first name, patronymic, nickname. If you find it difficult to remember the first time, you can ask again. This is better than calling a person by other names, or not addressing him at all.

Rule 8. Say nice things to others! Be generous with compliments, acknowledge out loud the merits and achievements of your interlocutors. Successful communication is built on mutual respect. Of course, a balance is also needed here; don’t overdo it, otherwise it will look artificial, strange, and can strain your interlocutor.

Rule 9. Show interest in the person you are talking to. Be interested in him, his life (remember the rule about boundaries), discuss topics that are interesting to the person with whom you are talking; ask clarifying questions on topics that interest your interlocutor. Don't forget about sincerity! If the topic that your communication partner has brought up is completely alien to you, you can directly, but gently, state this and delicately move the conversation in a different direction.

Rule 10. Try to understand the person! Mentally put yourself in his place, look at the world through his eyes, imbued with his feelings. Understand that everyone is right in their own way - both you and every other person. But this is a relative truth, not an absolute truth.

I hope these rules will really help you establish successful communication with others. An important secret to applying rules in life: regularity. You need to constantly remember them and practice. Also remember that sociability is a learned, not an innate quality. If for some reason successful communication does not work out for you, the situation can always be changed by better side. The main thing here is to work on yourself and believe in yourself!