How to become like this to everyone. Tips for how people like it

Hello, dear readers! Communication with people is an integral part of our lives. Even a fleeting acquaintance can bring positive emotions or, conversely, ruin the rest of the day. Today I propose to talk about how people like it, practical techniques and recommendations, what to learn and what to avoid in dialogues.

Nice wrapper

Let's start with the appearance. It’s not for nothing that they say that you meet someone by their clothes. This pure truth. No one will immediately like you with your intelligence, resourcefulness and courtesy. Many people initially look at appearance.

People around you like to be among pleasant, beautiful things and people. When a nice person stands in front of you, it’s much more pleasant for you to communicate with him. Therefore, take time to look at your appearance.

Get into styling. Understand what colors suit you, what style of clothing best emphasizes your figure. You don't have to go into this. It is enough to be neat, tidy, clean. No stains on clothes, holes. Shoes should always be clean; carry a special sponge with you. In addition, it is good to have wet wipes. They can come in handy in the most unexpected situations.

Useful content

But in addition to a pleasant shell, we want to see an interesting and pleasant interlocutor. Everything is banal and simple, but many people forget about it.

Smile. Kindness and friendliness attract people.

Who will you be more pleasant to communicate with, a gloomy and always dissatisfied person or someone who smiles and whose eyes sparkle? I think many will choose the second option.

But here it is important not to go too far. One of my friends was admitted to the hospital and was admitted to a three-bed ward. There was only one neighbor, an incredible grump, who was dissatisfied with everything. After some time, a kind, smiling and chatty person was assigned to them. So, after just a couple of days, both girls were so tired of the chatter that they didn’t know where to go. There should be a borderline of reason in everything.

Sincerity. A very important point in communication. Be sincere, open and honest. You can immediately see the smile, which is stretched only out of politeness. Strong and smart people they know this, so they simply use their sincerity in communication.

Do you feel that your friend is hiding something, does not trust you and does not treat you as well as he tries to show? In the article "" you will find a lot useful tips about how real friends should behave.

What you should definitely learn

In addition to external neatness and friendliness, you can learn things that will certainly help you in communicating with others.

Language of the body. How to understand what a person is thinking if there is no way to ask directly? Look at his posture and track his gestures. Our body can scream very loudly about our thoughts. If you learn to understand facial expressions and gestures, then it will not be difficult for you to understand what is being said. this moment the man thinks.

I bring to your attention an article that will become your guide in this direction: “”.

I want to tell you, no one will tell you what you should be. Be yourself, don't lie or pretend. Develop and don't stand still. Be sincerely interested in people and they will reciprocate your interest.

Read Dale Carnegie's book How to stop worrying and start living" In it you will find a lot of interesting things for yourself.

What does a sociable person look like? What prevents you from communicating with people? How do you deal with this?

Good luck to you in all your endeavors!

In order to strengthen them, you can take certain actions:

  • Decide who you are and what you represent. Preferably in writing; thoughts on paper are usually more structured than in your head. In order to take specific actions, you must clearly understand all your pros and cons. Describe your life philosophy, your attitude towards different things and areas of life, for example, family, friendship, politics, religion, health.
  • Never adapt to others and do not try to specifically stand out from the crowd. Don't forget, we need sincerity and naturalness! Do as you see fit, not as others like.
  • Don't sacrifice what really matters to you. If you lose motivation and joy in life, then all the work on yourself will go down the drain.
  • Trust your instincts and allow yourself to experiment. Learn through experience what things make you happy and pursue them, even if you have to make a few mistakes.
  • Take others as they are. Stop judging and criticizing people. Pay attention to them positive sides, and not for mistakes. Learn to communicate with difficult people calmly, not forcefully.
  • Listen to people. Just listen and try to understand without interrupting or going off topic. Make it clear that the interlocutor is really interesting to you.
  • Don't delay in solving problems. If something negative appears in your life, act quickly, solve it one way or another and put it out of your head. Nothing should disturb you inner peace and balance.
  • If you set out to solve a problem, solve it to the end. Even if you have to make sacrifices, do not delay your decision, be firm and 100% confident.
  • Lead healthy image life. Do exercises, eat healthy foods that will benefit your body. Don't be a slave to your eating habits and you will really respect yourself for it.
  • Be active. Never wait for “sea weather”, act, inspire others, invent, create.
  • Help others. Don’t just listen to their problems, but try to help in some way - with advice or action. Don't be selfish and do things for other people, even if it costs you mentally or physically. But this should not contradict points 2 and 3!
  • Appreciate and support the most best qualities of people. See them not only for who they are, but also for who they could be in a better situation. When a person notices that those around him (you, for example) appreciate what he considers a trifle, he becomes happier.
  • Speak positively and to the point. Encourage, motivate and inspire rather than criticize or dig in.
  • Stop gossiping. Do not talk about others in a critical tone and do not tell secrets that have been entrusted to you.
  • Smile and laugh. A smile is the key to the hearts of other people, so try to be less serious, joke more often, tell jokes and tales, in general, make others laugh.
  • Ask, but don't complain. If you need something, just ask for it, but never try to push for pity. “Attractive” and “pathetic” are antonyms.
  • Don't make the other person feel guilty. Even if you know what he didn't do the best choice, do not try to convince him that now he will have problems and he will feel bad.
  • Don't tolerate it if something causes general indignation. Don’t forget about point 10 - you can’t expect everything to come to its senses, you can’t hide and try to remain silent when injustice happens before your eyes. Take action.
  • In dialogue, do not get personal. If you are running out of sound arguments, it is better to smile and leave, but do not get into a verbal altercation. Perhaps your interlocutor will consider you a coward, but, unlike him, in the eyes of others you will look like a reasonable and calm person.
  • Offer your help only when asked for it. Do not impose yourself and do not try to solve the problems of others just because you consider yourself to be a greater specialist in some area than they are. Be adequate, otherwise instead of help you may get harm.
  • Don't judge people by their appearance. Wealth, fame, appearance may mean nothing when it comes to serious life situations. The real value is those who have a good heart and a pure, sincere soul inside. Unfortunately, this does not manifest itself immediately, so learn to understand people.
  • Don't say yes when you want to say no. It is better to refuse immediately than to agree, and then get out of it and look for excuses. Say “yes” only when you are truly confident in your choice.
  • If you promise something, then do more than you promised. Of course, you shouldn't overdo it either, but try to go a little beyond your promises and people will appreciate you even more.
  • In a relationship, do not try to be in charge or dependent. Imposing your opinion, trying to control others - all this only irritates. Relationships with your loved one, family, friends, or just acquaintances should give you joy and lift your spirits.
  • Be generous. Do not try to rise by belittling or hushing up the merits of others, reward those who deserve it in word or deed.
  • Being a confident person, learn to laugh at yourself and admit your mistakes and shortcomings. You know that's not why people love you.
  • Always be open to new knowledge. Don't flaunt your intelligence and erudition in an attempt to attract attention. Recognize that you are imperfect and you can learn something from anyone.
  • Don't be selfish when communicating. Instead of talking about yourself to your loved one, listen to others. Don’t teach people to live their own way; your opinion is not the only correct one. Remember – less “I”, more often “you” (“you”).
  • Give the gifts you need. Don’t try to give a person something that you think will be useful; it’s better to ask what he really needs. And, of course, don’t give a “pacifier” that a person will accept with a smile, and after you leave, throw it on the mezzanine and forget.
  • Live on the move and strive for the best. If you have achieved a result in something, do not relax or calm down, but move on. The saying “Better a bird in the hand than a pie in the sky” is not true!
  • Avoid risks and stressful situations. Eliminate from your life everything that stresses and distracts you. In order to be able to collect your thoughts and tune into the right mood, find yourself a place where no one will disturb you.
  • Live in the moment. There is nothing more valuable in the world than the current moment. The past cannot be returned, the future is not predetermined, you only have what you have now.
  • Don't try to fight people or situations you can't control. Better put your efforts in some other direction.
  • Develop yourself. Look for any opportunities for self-development. Read, communicate, take courses, learn from those around you.
  • Take for granted the fact that you cannot please everyone without exception. There are a lot of people, and everyone has their own problems, so appreciate those who like you, and just don’t pay attention to others.

According to materials -

We'll tell you what can influence people's attitude towards your personality, and what you need to pay attention to in order to please people.

This article is intended for persons over 18 years of age

Have you already turned 18?

In this article we will in no way talk about methods of manipulation and hypocrisy. Today, more than ever, success is influenced by personal connections, the ability to communicate, and making useful contacts. You can put on a smile according to Carnegie’s advice, or you can choose an environment in which a smile will appear by itself. Do you feel the difference? Therefore, it is very important to maintain a balance between “I want to be liked” and your needs, feelings and thoughts.

Honesty is the trend today. Marketers write that even Instagram is moving toward real photos, and the hashtags #nofilters are gaining popularity. It’s the same in life. Complex phrases, closedness, and inability to look into the eyes repel others.

In this article we will not separate the concepts of personal life and work, business. Because meeting the opposite sex, in fact, is also marketing to some extent. How do you position yourself, what are you really like, what will influence the attitude towards you? And you can also “fall in love” with business partners. This love will consist in the desire to conduct joint projects, in trust and mutual understanding.

So, what influences how other people treat you?


They meet you by their clothes, remember? They escort you according to your mind. So let's start with the appearance. These characteristics will apply to both men and women. Men's search training gurus love to repeat three cherished words: skin, teeth, hair. I agree with them. When a man and a woman have well-groomed hair, clear skin and beautiful teeth, it really has a physiological effect.

Another very important point is a neat appearance. Of course, it doesn't matter what you're wearing. Remember the experiment when fashion connoisseurs were shown clothes from the market and designer models at a distance of several meters. Few people recognize a fake without looking at the item. The most important thing is that the clothes are clean, well ironed, there are no snags on the tights, and no pills on the sweaters. Your appearance should already be conducive to conversation.

It is important to understand that clothing must match the situation. It is ridiculous to show up to an informal meeting in a business suit.

Agree, no one likes to be waited on. Acceptable delay time is 15 minutes. Therefore, it is better to arrive a little in advance, about 5 minutes in advance. This way you will show that the meeting is important to you. If you arrive too early, you seem to be saying that this is very important to you, and this can also have a negative impact. This applies to both business and personal dates. Arrive plus or minus 5 minutes relative to the meeting

If you are a man, you can come to a meeting with a woman 10 minutes in advance, this way you will show your lady that you are interested. It is also better to meet with business partners at an appointed time, so that there is no feeling that one of you is more interested in the meeting.

Negative reputation

People like to gossip and gossip, but, oddly enough, they condemn those who do it. Don't gossip, avoid negative statements about mutual friends and other people. When you bring negativity into communication, it subconsciously pushes you away. See yourself decently. There is no need to pretend to be a monk, but it is better to refuse bad habits and behavior that may compromise you.

Sincerity and Honesty

This is where the main thing is - dose. People who are too sincere and honest are scary. They violate other people's boundaries with their emotionality. But closed and secretive people cause mistrust. Look for balance, a golden mean. When you speak honestly about yourself, it inspires trust and respect, even admiration. When you are sincerely happy (not like a child, but like an adult), you smile, joke, laugh, tell an appropriate anecdote or joke. At the same time, you know how to accept your partner’s sincerity.

And, of course, remember the old saying: everything secret becomes clear. If you cheat, sooner or later it will become known. Remember also that excessive honesty also has a negative effect. You can’t talk openly about the shortcomings of strangers or make jokes that could put you in an awkward position. You yourself know very well how unpleasant it can be to find yourself in such a situation.

This is the ability to put oneself in the place of another person, the ability to empathize. Empathy develops in childhood and throughout life. If for needs and wants small child react, support him, feel sorry for him, understand him, then he will be able to empathize with other people in to a greater extent. When a child's emotional needs are ignored, empathy will be low. In the process of life, you can mentally put yourself in the place of another person, even lose the situation. Ask a friend to help you. Be temporarily the person you want to understand. Spouse, child, boss. Don't act, but try to get into the role, like real actors do. Chat, develop a dialogue. Then you will understand more clearly how the other person feels.

Empathy implies that we feel the situation. This is the ability to anticipate other people's emotions. A person with developed empathy will never put another in an awkward position and may be sad “for the company.” But it is important to remember here that overdeveloped empathy can lead to emotional burnout. Therefore, it is important to find a balance between empathy and understanding that it is impossible to solve every problem in the world.

Mutual assistance

In fact, mutual assistance greatly strengthens relationships. People who help others are obviously in demand. Here again, balance is important. Don’t let them sit on your neck - help where you enjoy it. It doesn't necessarily happen that people help each other. It happens that one person helped another, and that person helped a third. Calculate your strength in this matter. Help where you do not step on your personal interests and needs. Not to the detriment of yourself and your family. Sociable people always have many useful contacts; I can bring people together and recommend someone. Essentially, participate in word of mouth.

Don’t be afraid to ask for help yourself; people love to help and feel needed. And, of course, do not forget that it makes sense to offer help when it is needed and help if asked. Find out from the person exactly how you can help him, otherwise you may end up in an awkward situation.

Self love

Yes, yes, no matter how strange it may sound, but now all psychologists and trainers are talking about self-love. If you don't love yourself, how can others love you? We are not talking about arrogance or excessive selfishness now, we are talking about healthy love to yourself. It is very important that people feel how you feel about yourself. If you respect yourself, take care of yourself, tell and show how you can and cannot be treated, then the other person will either fall off or begin to treat you the same way. People who love themselves are usually confident. And such a person also has important quality: He values ​​other people. Of course, love and self-acceptance are formed in childhood, but at a later age you can change your attitude towards yourself. Through care, attention to your desires, to your feelings, to your condition.

Ability to listen to others

It's great to be relaxed and sociable, but people like to be listened to. You can pretend that you are interested in the person, but usually the dishonesty is immediately obvious. Be interested in people. Show genuine interest. Ask for what really matters to you. Learn about active listening skills and use them when communicating with people. Ask leading and clarifying questions, nod, and share your experience.

Discussion Ability

Not everyone knows how to argue competently. This means listening to your interlocutor and calmly presenting your arguments. Respect other people's points of view and remember that other people may have their own opinions. Our opinion is often born from our experience, and it is completely different for everyone. That's why it's important to remember this. If you feel that the topic is emotionally significant for you, try to avoid discussions, as it will be difficult for you to control yourself emotionally. Don't get personal, don't try to win. It's better to maintain a good relationship. You know that disputes do not lead to truth when people simply debate. If there is a goal to reach a common denominator, two people must reach it.


Psychological boundaries of personality - This is, in essence, our sense of self. Understanding your thoughts, feelings, interests. This is respect for yourself and, of course, respect for the boundaries of your interlocutor. That is why it is important to first find out what a person likes or tell about yourself - this way it will be clearer to your partner what kind of person you are. is a sign of a confident person. Of course, if you don’t forget about “yes”. But you can really communicate in an adequate form about what is unpleasant to you, what you don’t like, what is unacceptable to you. This will have a positive effect on relationships. When we do not take our interests into account, a lot of anger and negativity appears in relationships. Therefore, both with your lover and with any other person, you can agree on the rules of your communications in advance, discuss important points, discuss whether there are any fundamental points.

Avoid sensitive topics; this is also respect for your partner’s boundaries. Usually it's politics, religion and, oddly enough, sex. It is not customary to talk about such topics with unfamiliar people. Unless, of course, the topic of your meeting is one of the listed topics. Watch your interlocutor, how he reacts to what you tell him. And gently hint and talk about yourself. This will just help build respect for you.

Sense of humor

Of course, a sense of humor, like any other quality, can be trained. How? Look humorous programs, listen to others joke. Relaxing is also a way. Know how to laugh at yourself and make a kind joke at the expense of another person. But here it is important to use this skill very subtly, not to overdo it or go too far.

In any case, you won’t be nice by force. Therefore, remain yourself, respect other people and remember that you are greeted by your clothes, but seen off by your mind.

Each of us wants to please the people we come into contact with. Everyday life. We all want our colleagues, clients, friends, relatives, and just casual acquaintances to have a pleasant experience interacting with us, to respect and love us, to speak well of us and to be happy to make contact with us. Sometimes in life we ​​come across people who can be called “the life of the party” or “everyone’s favorites”. They have enormous charm and disarming charisma, they easily win over others, and are always closely surrounded by admirers, admirers and friends. It's about not about famous artists or famous “sex idols”, but about ordinary people, sometimes not distinguished by external data, but having in themselves a “magnet invisible to the eye” for others. I think each of us asked ourselves the question - “what is their charisma, their charm, why are they so adored by others and why is it so pleasant and easy for you to communicate with them?” Want to know their secrets?

So, 8 universal secrets of attractiveness for others:

1. The secret of charm - radiate love!

Perhaps the most main secret charm and “attractiveness” for others is Inner Light love. Radiating love is literally sending the energy of love to other people, filling the space around you with the light of love. Imagine your heart as a fragrant huge rose that brings its amazing aroma of love into this world. Learning to radiate love is easy - this can be done through exercises and meditation on love.

Even if you have subconscious aggression, it will gradually melt away. People will begin to be drawn to you, they will strive to become your friends, they will fall in love with you and crave communication with you. We are all subconsciously looking for love in this world, and any person who openly radiates it inexplicably becomes a magnet for others.

2. The secret of attractiveness - change your inner beliefs

“People won’t give you a penny more than you value yourself.” Remember this Golden Rule: You will make the same impression on others that you create yourself. Sometimes it may seem to you that all attention is directed only to you, everyone notices your imperfections and inability to behave. These thoughts pinch and constrain you. You close yourself off from communication and create a repulsive effect. Relax and accept the idea that you are no worse than those around you.

Beliefs are thoughts that have penetrated deep into the subconscious and taken root there. These thoughts have the most strong impact in creating our reality. The world is a mirror reflecting our thoughts. If your consciousness is full of inferiority complexes, if you are convinced of your worthlessness, if you are often visited by thoughts that you have a repulsive appearance or that people hate you, to your regret, you will see more and more evidence of this. What we think about is what we get.

To become attractive, charming and an open person, you need to carefully analyze your beliefs about your appearance, character, place in this world, relationships with people around you and identify negative beliefs among them that literally poison your life.

Replace these negative thoughts with positive affirmations. For example, if you have a negative belief, “I am surrounded by cruel people who hate me,” write the opposite positive affirmation - “I am a respected and loved person by everyone, people treat me with kindness and care.” Delve into your consciousness and thoughts, you must identify and neutralize all the negative beliefs that you have.

Make a list of positive affirmations and read them out loud in front of the mirror every day. Imagine that this is really happening, that people love you, that you are a charming, sociable person, that you are surrounded by friends. Pleasant changes will come into your life very soon!

3. The way to a person's heart is recognition of his own importance

The most important feature of human nature is that he always craves recognition of his worth.

We all want to receive approval and praise from those with whom we communicate. We all want to feel our own importance and recognition of our merits, but we do not want to listen to cheap insincere flattery, we long to hear from the interlocutor a high assessment of our qualities, which would be objective.

Almost every person, and this is a fact of life, when meeting you, will definitely consider that he is superior to you in some way. And that's why the best way Finding a way to his heart will let him know that you completely sincerely recognize his personal importance, his achievements, and even his superiority over you. Don't be afraid of it. By recognizing the importance of other people, we do not in any way diminish our own merits and our own value, however, only in this case can we quickly win a person’s favor. A sincere compliment we accidentally say can radically change this person’s attitude towards us and change his opinion about us.

Believe me, if you allow a person to feel his own importance, he will never forget it, will always be grateful to you and open to communication with you.

However, if you prove to a person that his importance is insignificant compared to you, you will never be able to make this person your friend; rather, he will become your enemy.

4. To make people like you, show genuine interest in them.

If you show sincere interest in other people, you will have as many friends in six months as you would not have had in many years of trying to make other people interested in you.

If you want others to consider you their friend, be prepared for the fact that you will have to spend your time and energy, become caring and selfless.

If you passionately want to become good conversationalist, become an attentive listener. To interest others, show interest in them first. Ask people questions that they enjoy answering. Encourage them to talk about themselves and their achievements. Remember that your interlocutors are a hundred times more interested in themselves and their concerns than in you and your problems.

The direct path to a person’s affection lies through a conversation about what is especially dear to him, so talk more often about things that interest your interlocutor.

Many people make one big mistake all their lives; they try this way and that to get others to be interested in them. But why should people be interested in you unless you become interested in them first? If we only try to impress people and interest them in us, we will never have many true, sincere friends.

5.The Secret of Favor: Call People by Name

Remember that in any language there is no sound more significant and pleasant for a person than the sound own name. We must never forget the magical essence of the name. A name sets a person apart from others and makes him unique. The information we convey or the question we ask immediately takes on greater importance if it concerns someone's name. The name will invariably have magical meaning, it doesn’t matter whether we are communicating with a waitress or with the big boss.

6.The secret of a friendly person is sincere smile

Understand simple thing: The expression you wear on your face is much more important than the clothes you put on yourself.

Actions speak better than words, and the smile says: “I like you. You cheer me up. I’m glad to see you.”

This is why dogs are so successful with people. They are always so happy to see us that they are literally ready to jump out of their skins. Naturally, and therefore we are glad to see them.

You should enjoy meeting people if you expect them to be happy to meet you.

Your smile is a messenger of goodwill. She illuminates the lives of everyone who sees her. If a person met a dozen frowning passers-by, involuntarily grimacing and turning away, your smile for him will be like the sun breaking through the clouds. In this case, your smile makes him think that everything is not so bad and hopeless, that there is still room for happiness in the world.

7. The secret of a pleasant interlocutor is the correct intonation, facial expressions and gestures

According to various authors, at “ non-verbal communication” accounts for 80 to 90 percent of a person’s perception of a person. This means our body, gestures and facial expressions are five times more important than the words spoken. This is our oldest, first in a row, signaling system, so they react to her signs almost automatically. So if you want to become more attractive, you will have to look at your own habits from the outside.

The most difficult thing is to try to wean yourself from clearly negative facial signals: stop frowning, twisting your mouth angrily, or squinting your eyes when talking with your interlocutor.

You need to forget about the so-called “gestures of suppression” (when you cut space with your palm, slam the air with your hands from top to bottom, or “point with your finger”). Also pay attention to whether you are prone to one of the closed postures that are usually taken due to lack of self-confidence (crossed arms, looking at the floor).

These techniques can be used to please new acquaintances, improve your position in a team, or strengthen existing relationships.

1. Copy the behavior

In 1999, New York University scientists conducted a study proving that the so-called “chameleon effect” really works. 72 people performed the task in pairs with strangers, half of whom, at the request of the researchers, copied the behavior of the subjects, and the other half did not. As a result, the experiment participants whose behavior was “mirrored” reported that they liked their partners and would like to continue communicating with them.

So, by using his “trademark” gestures and facial expressions when communicating with your new boss, as well as repeating the pose, you can quickly gain his favor. The main thing is not to overdo it.

2. Try to get noticed more often

According to a study from the University of Pittsburgh, we are more likely to like people we see often, even if they are unfamiliar to us. As part of the experiment, four girls, unknown to other students, attended classes at the university. Some came often, others rarely. Then the students were shown their photographs and asked to rate them. Those whom subjects met regularly in class scored higher.

3. Give compliments

In her book The Happiness Project, attorney Gretchen Rubin writes, “Everything you say about other people affects how others see you.” This scientifically proven phenomenon is called spontaneous transfer of qualities. People associate the compliments you give to others with your own character. This phenomenon works the other way around: if you constantly speak negatively about others, negative traits begin to attribute to you.

4. Be positive

According to Ohio University research, people unconsciously pick up on the emotions of others. In other words, the mood of the interlocutor is always transmitted to us. Do you want to make a good impression? Show a positive attitude.

5. Be friendly and competent

We like it when professionals are pleasant and open in communication. Harvard psychologist Amy Cuddy argues that in business, it is better to first show friendliness and openness, and then show competence in an important issue. Then people will first trust you and then respect you. According to Amy Cuddy, “This has been ingrained in us since ancient times, when the most important thing for survival was to gain the trust of our relatives.”

6. Don't strive to be perfect

Elliott Aranson from the University of Texas has shown that our mistakes improve the opinion of others about us, and perfect people scare us with their unattainability. During the experiment, students listened to a recording of the quiz. The participant who answered the questions correctly and accidentally spilled his coffee at the end won more sympathy than the one who behaved impeccably and did not make a single mistake.

7. Emphasize common ground

According to classic research by Theodore Newcomb, people find people who are similar to them more attractive. This is called the similarity attraction effect. We are pleased when someone shares our Political Views or musical taste. You are more likely to become friends with a person with whom you support the same football club. However, it is also noteworthy that, according to scientists at the University of Virginia, we like people more who, like us, have a strongly negative attitude towards something.

8. Accidentally touch

With this psychological trick you need to be careful: the touch should be light, unobtrusive and barely noticeable. It has been proven that it affects the interlocutor on a subconscious level and makes him feel warm towards you. Scientists at the University of Mississippi found that waiters who touched restaurant customers during service received more tips.

9. Smile sincerely

Numerous studies have confirmed that a smile has a disarming effect. On dating sites, people more often view profiles with photos of smiling users. In addition, smiling at the first meeting helps a person remember you better.

10. Treat a person the way he wants.

Everyone is pleased when their opinion of themselves coincides with the vision of others. Stanford University specialists conducted a number of experiments on this topic. Participants with adequate and low self-esteem communicated with strangers. The subject of conversation was the personality of the subjects.

As a result, people with positive self-perception expressed a desire to be friends with those who praised them. And participants with low self-esteem preferred critics. Scientists attribute this to the fact that we always want to receive predictable feedback.

11. Share a secret

The self-disclosure strategy is the simplest and most effective technique for building relationships. Of course, you don’t need to open your heart to a stranger right off the bat. First, discuss the news, the latest film releases, then tell something about yourself, and only then tell something personal. This will create a feeling of closeness, and it will be easier for the other person to trust you in the future.

12. Let me tell you about yourself

According to experiments at Harvard University, talking about ourselves and loved ones brings us no less pleasure than food, money and sex. Let your interlocutor tell something about himself and use tactics active listening: nod, assent, clarify details. This way he will have the most pleasant memories of the conversation.

13. Show that you can keep a secret

If you are entrusted with confidential information, keep your mouth shut. This will give you the image of a reliable person. IN modern world people value most those who they can rely on and trust.

14. Show a sense of humor

According to numerous sociological surveys, most people note a sense of humor as a mandatory quality when looking for a partner or spouse. The main thing is to joke appropriately and not vulgarly.

15. Be open to communication

According to psychologist Jim Taylor, emotional openness may explain why a person appears attractive to others. Of course, such behavior can be risky, because it makes you vulnerable: it is never clear whether the interlocutor can be trusted. But sometimes such a risk can be justified.

16. Pretend that you like your interlocutor

When you think that a person is attracted to you, you begin to like him. This is how the phenomenon of mutual sympathy works. Moreover, when we assume that a person should treat us well, we behave more openly towards him in advance. This way we unconsciously increase our chances of making a favorable impression. If you are not sure how the other person feels about you, pretend that you like him. Maybe he will start to like you too.