The television broadcast with Shepel turned into a scandal. Valya Isaeva and Khabib Potakhonov: the ugly truth about the purest love story Lyuba Bessudnova, Saratov region

There is a constant debate in society about when it is time for a girl to have children. Some people are sure that the optimal age is 25-30 years, and then it’s too late, others argue that with the capabilities of modern medicine, age is no longer so important.

Valya Isaeva

Valya gave birth at the age of 11. The story of this girl thundered throughout the country. Of course: still very young Valya became pregnant by a Tajik guest worker. The country first learned about pregnant third-grader Valya Isaeva in May 2005. At first they wrote that the father of her unborn child was 14 years old and that Valya and her chosen one were just like Romeo and Juliet. Later it turned out that in fact the guy is already 18 and he is seven years older than Vali, who is still playing with dolls. An Uzbek from Tajikistan, Habib Patakhonov, had been living and working in Moscow for three years by that time. I baked pita bread and rented an apartment from Valya’s grandmother. But how did he end up in bed with a schoolgirl?

Later it turned out that the Muscovite’s lover lives in the capital using fake documents. The already pregnant Valya’s grandmother, who is also her guardian (her father died and her mother abandoned her daughter in infancy), says that she did not know about the close relationship until recently, and also believed that the young man was a resident of Astrakhan. Moreover, for Antonina Alexandrovna, according to her, it was incomprehensible how a little granddaughter and a sexually mature young man periodically ended up in the same bed. The lovers themselves said that when it came to intimacy, they could not even imagine that it would end in pregnancy.

The story turned into a real series with the participation of guardianship authorities, the Federal Migration Service, the police... As a result, Patakhonov and his little mother convinced everyone that they were doing this seriously and out of love. In 2005, Valya Isaeva and Khabib Patakhonov had a baby. The girl was named Amina. After the incident, the court found the resident of Tajikistan guilty under Article 134 of the Criminal Code of Russia (“Corruption of a minor”). The court sentenced him to three years in prison, albeit suspended. Valya did not want to part with her child and his father. The young mother's grandmother became the newborn's guardian.

And during pregnancy, Valya did not want to go into confinement, but the doctors and grandmother persuaded her to go under the supervision of specialists, otherwise the baby might simply not have been born. To avoid risk during childbirth, doctors decided to do Vale C-section. A minor Muscovite's contractions began for three weeks ahead of schedule. The 11-year-old girl began to be prepared for surgery. Amina was born 50 centimeters tall and weighing 2900 grams. Later, doctors admitted that the new mother and her baby had escaped from the maternity hospital.

Now the Isaev family still lives in the same small three-room apartment in Kapotnya. Valentina raised her daughter and continued to study at school. At the age of 14, Valya received a passport, which, she admits, she constantly hid from her little daughter. Amina was so quick that she constantly tried to tear her mother’s photograph out of the document. The girl also tried to get to her mother’s school diary.

Valya, as soon as she turned 18, officially married Khabib. In January 2013, she gave birth to her second child - the boy was named Amir. Several years ago, a girl worked as a cashier at Children's world" Her 27-year-old husband worked as a storekeeper in a furniture warehouse. Kapotninskaya school No. 473, where Valya studied, is located a three-minute walk from the Isaevs’ house. Vali's daughter Amina is now studying there. The girl herself went to college after 9th grade.

However, according to friends of the young family, in family life not everything went well. They say that the Tajik “husband” regularly raised his hand to his underage lover and that he is also a womanizer and does not hesitate to flirt with girls on social networks. And in 2015, Valya even ran away from home, allegedly because of her husband’s beatings. In addition, the young father did not work, but lived on Grandma Valya’s pension and children’s money. On the other hand, they say that the publicity of the story helped the family make money - funds flowed through the PR of the minor mother. Allegedly, yellow press journalists paid extra for the girl and her family for spicy stories and pictures from their lives. One way or another, the truth will remain only within the apartment of the already popular couple. And Valya’s grandmother assures that even if her young husband beat her granddaughter, all this happened before she was pregnant. Now Valya and Khabib already have three children.

12 years ago, this story shocked all Russians - an eleven-year-old girl gave birth to an adult man who lived illegally in the country. The whole country followed the development of the plot with bated breath and wondered how the love story of Valya Isaeva and Khabib Potakhonov would end. Many years later, the real truth was revealed, and it was strikingly different from what the young parents told many years ago.

The truth is out there somewhere

Everyone remembers the heartbreaking screams of little Valya, who was taken from the maternity hospital by her grandmother. Such emotions are impossible to play. The whole country sympathized with the unfortunate girl, whose daughter the evil social services intended to take away. But not everyone believed in the beautiful fairy tale about first love between a child and a migrant worker. Years passed, and the whole unpleasant underside of this sensational story appeared before amazed people. It turns out that it is not as beautiful as the participants in this drama painted.

How it was

In May 2005, all public attention was focused on Valya Isaeva and Khabib Potakhonov. A fifth-grader was taken straight from a lesson at school to the hospital with a threat of miscarriage. How could a girl who had just turned 11 be 30 weeks pregnant? The investigation quickly traced the criminal - he turned out to be a 22-year-old native of Tajikistan, who rented a room in his grandmother’s apartment. The girl has no parents, and the old woman was officially Valya’s guardian. At that moment, she swore that she knew nothing about what was happening in her living space, and insisted that Habib was only 14 years old.

Such a story could not be ignored, and programs about and an adult man poured out as if from a cornucopia. But no one in them condemned the foreign pedophile, but, on the contrary, called for all possible assistance to this strange couple. The fact that Valya, due to her age and mental development, was not yet able to judge what was happening did not worry anyone. But her tears and screams cut the hearts of adults and smart people. Lawyers, whose names inspired respect, rushed to help the rapist. Psychologists tried to ring the bell, but their indignation was drowned in the general roar of indignation.

From pedophiles to heroes

Taught by experienced lawyers and other “good” people, Habib came to the police and confessed. He told a touching story that Valya had already been raped by some Azerbaijanis before him and she herself invited him to have sexual relations. He was afraid to offend her and gave his consent. Although I didn’t want to do this myself. The investigation took into account all aspects of this case and handed down the most lenient sentence - 3 years probation. The court did not allow the young parents to live in the same apartment, which was ignored.

Stockholm syndrome

Valya gave birth healthy girl and named her Amina. It is noteworthy that the child should have been taken to orphanage. The young mother, in the presence of social service workers, screamed that she was ready to give up her child if they left her Habib alone and let them be together. At the time it was perceived as postpartum psychosis. No one saw anything strange in the little girl’s behavior, although all the symptoms of Stockholm syndrome were evident. With the help of her grandmother, she managed to escape, and no one dared to take the child away.

How a fairy tale became a nightmare

Several years passed, and soon the wedding of Valya Isaeva and Khabib Potakhonov again made them heroes of several television shows. All the same guests in the studios rejoiced for their happiness and wished many years married. The heroes themselves looked happy and talked about their prosperous lives. And in 2014, the girl gives birth to her second child - a boy. Together with their husband, they become frequent guests on programs where they discuss stories about young mothers and their difficult struggle with the law. By their example, they prove that all ages are submissive to love. The children of Valya Isaeva and Khabib Potakhonov become the best proof of this expression.

But in 2017, after 12 years of marriage, the girl talks about how she actually lived under the same roof with a rapist. The truth, objectionable to all defenders of such love, was revealed - Khabib beat and raped his victim all these years. He refused to work, and they lived on child benefits and grandmother’s earnings. Valya herself worked in a store, but her husband was jealous of everyone and took out all his anger on her body. The girl's patience came to an end, and she left him for another. Scandalous lie detector revelations and DNA paternity tests followed. Now photos of Valya Isaeva and Khabib Potakhonov appear only in connection with another scandal. Thus ended the beautiful fairy tale about a pedophile and his young victim.

The day before, the husband of the youngest mother contacted the police Russian Federation Vali Isaeva Khabib Patakhonov, telling law enforcement officers about the disappearance of his wife. As Patakhonov told investigators, Valentina went to a store in the west of Moscow, but never returned home. However, LifeNews reports, a day later Valya Isaeva came home, but in her hands there was counter statement to the police against her husband - because he brutally beat her.

Journalists managed to talk with Valentina, who told the press that her beautiful oriental tale her underage but boundless love for Khabib collapsed - her husband began to beat her severely, inflicting beatings all over her body. Isaeva believes that the reason for family fights in their family is the excessive jealousy of her husband, who fears that Valentina will one day leave him for someone else. To track Valya’s movements around the city, Habib even installed a special application on her phone that transmits information about Valya’s location upon request.

“I left work to visit my girlfriends, but I didn’t want to return home because my husband was constantly beating me. He kept me locked up at home for two weeks and didn’t let me go anywhere at all, so that I wouldn’t go to the police and record the beatings. I'm not going to divorce him, we're still together. But I also don’t plan to take away the statement from the police that he beats me,” Valya Isaeva, the beaten youngest mother of the Russian Federation, tells reporters.

Representatives of the press also spoke with Isaeva’s friends, who confirmed the words of the 21-year-old girl about the beatings. From their words, it became clear that Valentina regularly comes to work with bruises, and sometimes refuses to start her shift because she has bruises left by her husband “in front of her eyes and on her hands.” To take revenge on her husband for the beatings, Valya regularly does not come home at night, which causes an even greater flurry of jealousy in her ardent husband. Friends repeatedly recommended that Valya contact the police.

Let us remember that the story of Valentina Isaeva thundered throughout Russia in 2005 - then, as a 10-year-old fourth-grader, she was pregnant by 18-year-old Khabib Patakhonov. This scandal was discussed in many publications, but 10-year-old Valya then, among other things, declared her firm intention to marry Khabib and prevent the investigation from accusing Khabib of pedophilia against a schoolgirl. Later, Valya got married to Khabib, and they had a healthy child.

Valentina’s grandmother told the press then that she was raising Valya alone, so the girl often stayed at home alone, playing with 18-year-old Khabib. Then it could not have occurred to the grandmother that because of independent games with an adult guy, her 10-year-old granddaughter would soon become the youngest mother in the Russian Federation.

Not long ago, the story of Valya Isaeva, who gave birth at the age of 11, once again stirred up the public. In the “Actually” program, the young woman admitted that for the past year and a half she has been dating a chosen one who can protect her from her husband. According to Isaeva, her husband Khabib Patakhonov raised his hand against her. The couple has two children - a daughter and a four-year-old son.

Isaeva admitted that after participating in the TV show, Patakhonov took little Amir and did not allow his mother to see him. A 24-year-old woman appeared in the Let Them Talk studio to talk about the deplorable situation in the family.

“I came to the studio today to ask for help getting my son back, I don’t know what’s wrong with him for a whole week, I’m on the phone all day. He says that he will take him to Tajikistan, stole my birth certificate, took all my money, I don’t know where my son is,” Valya said through tears.

She said that she now lives with her sister because, according to her, her husband does not let her go home, although he asks her to return. Valya does not know where her son is, since the grandmother claims that only her daughter is in the apartment.

“I went to visit a friend,” said Khabib. “I didn’t get out of the car for two days, I worked and slept in the car.” It was hard for me, I couldn’t go anywhere.”

Isaeva admitted that scandals in her family began after the birth of her second child. At that time, the man did not work because he did not have documents. The citizen of Tajikistan only has a residence permit - the grandmother registered her granddaughter’s husband in the apartment. When a work colleague called Valya, Khabib heard male voice and hit his wife in the face with his fist, suspecting him of treason. Isaeva admitted that for three and a half hours he beat her with everything he could get his hands on. Now she wants a divorce and to return home.

Khabib Patakhonov appeared in the studio and immediately made claims. “Why are you making me a scapegoat, you should behave normally,” the man said and told where the child was. “I didn’t steal him, he went visiting with me.”

Valya admitted that her husband asked him to do Russian citizenship, then he will give her a divorce. Khabib also doubts paternity. He's worried blonde hair Amira.

I came to protect Valya new lover- Victor Popov. He presented his chosen one with a bouquet, and the woman’s husband hit him from behind. Dmitry Borisov hastened to come to the rescue. The man admitted that he loved Isaeva very much, but did not immediately find out about the two children and the official marriage.

“I want to go to Kabardino-Balkaria. “I work at the Gazprom plant as a mechanic,” the man said.

Valya said that after the divorce she was ready to let her husband see the children. A 13-year-old daughter appeared in the studio, however, the couple did not hesitate to swear in front of the child

“I don’t love him very much, honestly,” the girl said.

September 19 in the program Actually Valentina Isaeva and Khabib continuation of the story 09/19/2017 watch online today a couple known throughout the country, the youngest mother of Russia Valentina Isaeva and her husband Khabib, are undergoing a polygraph test. The whole country remembers Valya and Khabib; an 11-year-old girl gave birth to a 19-year-old boy and became the youngest mother in Russia. Then they argued whether it was a love story of modern Romeo and Juliet or criminal offense? Valya and Khabib begged not to ruin their happiness and not to take their child away, and on numerous talk shows they swore that they had true love to the grave. A miracle saved Khabib from prison, the new dad got off with a suspended sentence in exchange for a promise to marry, and the newborn child was left to his young parents. Romeo and Juliet got married as soon as Valya turned 18, and at 20 she gave birth to her second child, a son, from Khabib. But 12 years passed and the already matured Valya, secretly from her husband, turned to our program and asked to save her. What secret is everyone hiding? last year matured Juliet, what does she want to tell her husband in front of the whole country and why is she afraid for her own life?

A revolutionary talk show that helps people sort out their relationships. He experienced the loss. Survived deception and betrayal. And now he knows for sure - the one who was condemned by the crowd will never judge others. He is ready to help his heroes talk frankly so that the truth becomes inexorably obvious.

I always wanted to host a talk show on Channel One. The time has finally come for it to happen. I'm coming home.

"Actually" is a revolutionary new talk show. A confrontation between people who were once close. The lie broke this relationship, but could not break it completely. And only the truth can change the course of this personal history. It can separate people forever, or it can unite them. Because even the participants in the events sometimes do not fully understand how everything really happened.

Channel One, Dmitry Shepelev, Russia