Linda Evangelista - biography and personal life. Linda Evangelista: “I want to look not young, but good

45 years

At the age of 15, Naomi had a fateful meeting in her life: in an English park not far from her school, the girl was spotted by Elite agency scout Beth Boldt. Already at the age of 16, Naomi flew to her first filming in Paris. Luck seemed to follow Naomi: in 1986, Campbell had to replace a black model, and her photo appeared on the cover of Elle. Immediately after this, the fashion world paid attention to the black beauty. Proposals came one after another. Naomi became the first black model on the cover of Time magazine, as well as French and English Vogue. In the late 90s, Naomi became one of the most popular models in the world. The legendary model was nicknamed the Black Panther for her extraordinary flexibility and skin color.

Cindy Crawford

49 years old

And Cindy found a lucky break while working in the corn fields during the summer. The famous photographer Viktor Skrebneski saw a random shot for a local newspaper and made a business proposal to the girl. In the 80s and 90s, Cindy was one of the most sought-after supermodels. The contract with Crawford was the key to success. Karl Lagerfeld said: "She combines classic beauty with every American's dream girl." Cindy is now married to fashion model Rand Gerber, with whom she has a son and daughter. The guys also started modeling careers.


Claudia Schiffer

45 years

Claudia was a true miracle child: she studied well at school, studied ballet and music. Schiffer achieved particular success in studying physics and chemistry. At the age of 15, Claudia won the Mathematical Olympiad and was automatically admitted to the University of Munich. Schiffer never even thought about a career as a fashion model. She passionately dreamed of following in her father's footsteps and becoming a first-class lawyer. However, chance intervened. In October 1987, in one of the nightclubs in Dusseldorf, the director of the Metropolitan Models modeling agency, Michel Levaton, noticed the girl, who persuaded her to go to Paris for a test shoot. For about a year, Schiffer was plagued by career setbacks, which, as we all know, the supermodel managed to overcome. Now the blonde is married to film director Matthew Vaughn, with whom she has three children: son Caspar and daughters Clementine and Cosima.

Kate Moss

41 years old

When Kate was 14 years old, she was noticed by agent Sarah Doukas, who invited Moss to try her hand at modeling. Two months later, Kate appeared on the cover of Face magazine, and in 1992, Calvin Klein offered to sign her a $4 million contract. Kate quickly gained popularity, despite her height of 168 cm, which is too short for a model. It was all about her slight physique, which made Kate a half-boy, half-girl, as well as her gaze, which fascinated the designers. Kate Moss changed fashion and removed from the catwalk those models who were considered beautiful before her. After Moss, 16-year-old girls took to the podium, and some models were barely 14.

In 2001, Kate met the publisher of Dazed & Confused magazine Jefferson Hack, with whom she gave birth to a daughter, Lila Grace, in 2002, and 5 years later the model met the British musician The group Kills Jamie Hincham, to whom she is now married.

Laetitia Casta

37 years

Since childhood, Laetitia Casta dreamed of living in the world of show business, and when at the age of 15 she received an offer from photographer Frederic Kreko to try herself at the Madison Models Agency, she was incredibly happy. Having persuaded her father to take her to a test shoot in Paris, Laetitia soon took part in a Guess jeans campaign, and at the age of 18 she became a leading model for Victoria's Secret.

Now Laetitia - mother of many children. The model gave birth to her first daughter, Satine, in 2001 from French photographer Stéphane Sednoui. In 2006, Letizia gave birth to a son from Italian actor Stefano Accorsi, who became the father of Letizia’s third child, daughter Athena.

Tyra Banks

42 years

After school, Tyra, who already had experience shooting for magazines, decided to continue her education, and she was accepted by two prestigious universities in California, but later Banks still refused to study: she was awaiting a trip to Paris for Fashion Week, where the 17-year-old model accepted participation in 25 shows! Tyra became the first black girl on the cover of GQ magazine and the first African-American woman in the Victoria's Secret catalog.

Now Tyra is seriously thinking about family. The 41-year-old model decided to have a baby, but so far she has not been able to get pregnant.

Linda Evangelista

50 years

Linda firmly decided to become a model at the age of 12. Her mother entered her into the Miss Niagara Teen competition, where she was noticed by a scout from the Elite modeling agency. After school graduation, Evangelista went to New York, where she signed her first contract, then she was invited to Paris, where Linda’s career took off sharply.

Once upon a time, Linda recklessly said: “I won’t even get out of bed for less than 10 thousand dollars.” This phrase was quoted by all fashion magazines, and now Linda regrets what she said. “These words follow me everywhere. I said this a long time ago, and I hope I’m a completely different person today.”

In 2006, 41-year-old Linda Evangelista gave birth to a son from entrepreneur Francois Henri-Pinault, who abandoned the pregnant beauty.

Elle Macpherson

51 years old

It’s hard to imagine, but in her youth Elle Macpherson dreamed of becoming... a lawyer! But the world was lucky, and the beautiful blonde became one of the first supermodels. Elle's "official" nickname is "The Body". Why? Just look at the famous five covers of Sports Illustrated: none of the stars appeared there more often than McPherson modeling business. Elle is now married to businessman Jeffrey Soffer, who is helping the beauty raise two sons from a previous relationship.

Christy Turlington

47 years old

Christy Turlington is “top” in everything. Among her achievements are shooting for more than 500 magazine covers, a million-dollar contract with Maybelline and the status of the most successful face of Calvin Klein in the history of the brand. Christie is married to actor and director Edward Burns, with whom she has a son and daughter.

Helena Christensen

47 years old

Since childhood, Christensen knew who she wanted to be and went towards her goal with direction: at the age of 19, Helena won the title “Miss Denmark”, and in the 1990s she became one of the cohort of supermodels and one of Gianni Versace’s muses.

The model has a 17-year-old son, Mingus, whom Helena gave birth to from American actor Norman Reedus.

Eva Herzigova

42 years

The turning point Eva’s career was marked by the Wonderbra advertising campaign: in the photographs Herzigova posed in underwear, and the frame was accompanied by the inscription “Look into my eyes, I said - into my eyes!” The brand was forced to withdraw the campaign from billboards on the roads because it caused a noticeable increase in the number of accidents. Today, Eva actively acts in films and, together with her husband, businessman Gregorio Marciai, is raising three boys.

Nadja Auermann

44 years old

The platinum blonde with endless legs (by the way, these famous legs were even included in the Guinness Book of Records as the longest female models in the world!) visited all possible magazine covers and shows, earning the title of a modern Marlene Dietrich. Now Nadya is an independent mother who is raising a daughter and son from previous romances.


Linda was born in an ordinary working family. The supermodel's dad and both brothers worked at a car factory. Evangelista's parents moved from Italy to Canada and raised their children in Catholic traditions. The whole family gathered at the table together every day, because they considered such meals obligatory. Thanks, in particular, to this, the family remained united throughout their lives. And even now, if Linda is far from home, she calls friends and family via video every day.

Beginning of a modeling career

Linda knew at age 12 that she wanted to be a model. And by this age she had already gained some experience: the girl posed for catalogs of local department stores. But a truly fateful incident came in 1980. Linda Evangelista competed in the Teen Miss Niagara beauty pageant. She didn’t win the competition, but a representative of the Elite modeling agency noticed her and rewarded her with his business card. However, the girl’s mother thought that modeling career her daughter is not ready. The woman allowed her daughter to dial the agency's number only after finishing school.

After that, Linda boldly went to New York and immediately signed a contract with Elite. A little later, the girl went to Paris. However, her career in Europe was not as successful as she dreamed. Decent work the young model was not offered, so Evangelista took on any part-time job. Until 1987, she posed for catalogs. But the young beauty did not give up and continued to work on her appearance and on herself. Linda went to famous photographers and left her portfolio in case they might need her.

It was thanks to perseverance and perseverance that Linda finally received an agreement to collaborate with Peter Lindrebg, who was popular in the fashion world. And a little later, Evangelista already starred for the popular Vogue. Immediately the demand for the model began to grow rapidly. Three years of my life that were wasted have paid off in spades. In addition, Linda's photographs began to appear on the covers of the most popular glossy magazines around the world. They began to invite the beauty to fashion shows brands such as American Express, Alberta Ferretti, Anne Klein, Bloomingdale's, Barney's, Calvin Klein, Chloé, Chanel, Dolce & Gabbana, Gianni Versace, DonnaKaran, PerryEllis, Hermes, RalphLauren, Valentino, JilSander, YvesSaintLaurent, ChristianDior. Well, Linda Evangelista signed a long-term contract with Kenar.

Drugs in the life of a model

Linda Evangelista's wishes came true, but reverse side medals provided severe trials. Namely, with drugs. And this temporarily caused the model to become disillusioned with her work. The girl encountered illegal drugs for the first time in Japan, and a little later in Milan, her colleague died from a cocaine overdose. This incident shocked Linda so much that she promised herself never to touch drugs.

Experiments with appearance

At the end of 1988, photographer Peter Lindbergh and stylist Julien D'Ys suggested that the model cut her hair as short as men wear. Linda agreed and her new image shocked many. Moreover, she was denied access to the podium in Milan because her haircut was not similar to the hairstyles of other slender and bushy-haired girls. But this negativity quickly went away, and the model’s prank began to be actively discussed. And many began to give themselves a haircut “like Evangelista’s.”

And this event was only the first in a further series. Over the course of 4 years, Linda Evangelista dyed her hair 17 times. different colors. Nature blessed the model with black hair, but the girl tried literally everything. That’s why in the fashion world they called her “chameleon”. By the way, it’s not for nothing that the supermodel earned such a nickname; Linda has a unique gift for changing in front of the cameras. The designers say that “it can be played like a Stradivarius violin. She is tense and relaxed at the same time, touching and tough. And this is her secret.”

Linda climbed to the top of her fame in the “era of supermodels,” that is, in the late 80s and early 90s of the last century. Back then everyone knew the names Cindy, Naomi, Claudia, Linda and Christy. The girls were so popular that they didn’t even need to be introduced by their last names.

Linda Evangelista. Interview with Russian subtitles

By the way, it is Linda who owns the phrase that translates as “I don’t get out of bed for less than ten thousand dollars a day.” The model said this in 1990 to a reporter in an interview for Vogue.

End of modeling career

By the way, during her career, Evangelista walked the catwalk for famous fashion houses and participated in a huge number of advertising campaigns. But in reality, it was not as easy for Linda as it seems. The model suffers from seizures panic attacks. She is afraid of flying on airplanes, and this is the most common fear. She is also afraid of people and social communication. Walking down the catwalk, she doesn't pay attention to anyone. A wave of fear rolls over her when she goes backstage into the clutches of photographers, journalists, and stylists. By the way, this feature of Linda is reflected in documentary film"Wide Open" by Isaac Mizrachi.

AND frequent attacks forced Evangelista to abandon her career. In 1998, she began to live a normal, everyday life. For three years, the model left the catwalks and was with her chosen one, French football player Fabien Barthez. However, it is possible that the reason for leaving work was different - Linda was pregnant. But she lost the child.

In 2001, the model returned to business. Moreover, at a rather obscene age - she was then 36 years old. And this time, even her second pregnancy in 2006 did not force her to leave the podium. And already being pretty long term she posed for an issue of Vogue. Nevertheless, the girl reduced the amount of work.

Supermodel Linda Evangelista

Personal life of Linda Evangelista

On October 11, 2006, Linda gave birth to a son and named the boy Augustine James Evangelista. For quite a long time, the model did not name the baby’s father. But in 2011, information appeared that the biological father was the French billionaire Francois-Henri Pinault (now the husband of Salma Hayek). And these data were confirmed when Linda Evangelista went to court demanding monthly alimony payments from Pino in the amount of 46 thousand dollars. Now the lady's heart is free.

It is worth noting that Linda, like many of her colleagues, is involved in charity work. She spends part of her money and time on the fight against AIDS. This disease has a direct bearing on it. The model's first agent died from it.

Linda Evangelista now

Alas, the professional life of a model is fleeting. Age greatly affected Linda’s external appearance: she gained weight and, as stated in the tabloids, “looked ugly.” Because of this former model was forced to refuse the invitation of the Versace fashion house, which invited top models of the 90s to Milan Fashion Week:

Linda Evangelista, a person from the era of legendary supermodels, continues to work today. In an interview with Marie Claire, she talks a lot about her son, the sacred feminine duty to look luxurious and about photographs without retouching.

MS: There is an opinion that it is time to reconsider the theory of age. Have you noticed that in films from the 1950s and even the 1970s, young actors look very... aged. And now everyone is like girls.

Linda Evangelista: Then the light was too harsh - and everything looked unrealistic. This is all he is - Hollywood tungsten light. And the makeup was worse then. And now cosmetics do everything to make the face look as it should.

MS: You can play anything in front of a photographer. Don't want to act in a movie?

L.E.: I won't be able to wear the same dress for three months in a row. This will drive me crazy. There is one more obstacle. When friends turn on the camera on their phone, I am the first to rush to pose - but when I realize that they are filming a video, I behave strangely and look strange. I don't want to be shown on video. And it's not about the operator - good video, as well as good photo, I can only do it and play it myself. Every model knows this. By the way, I have a professional drawback - I need to be commanded. If they give me stupid orders, I obey, and then it turns out to be nonsense. Therefore, if you pose, then only for a great person.

MS: What did Steven Meisel tell you?

L.E.: Oh my God! I gave birth to a child in his presence, and at the same time I did not doubt for a minute that if he was filming, at that moment I looked amazing. I was always safe with him - I could make any faces and still turn out beautiful.

MS: Peter Lindbergh?

L.E.: He made it so that the real me was imprinted on the photograph. I know his wife and children. We traveled together. He understands a lot about women. We have not avoided emotions and hormones in our communication. But I never felt completely comfortable in front of him, because he tried to touch my soul. He does this to everyone. He doesn't do any retouching - and you don't want him to correct anything about you. He told me in French: “Your cernes are absolutely beautiful!” Cernes are circles under the eyes. What kind of compliment is this?! But for him it was a compliment. He loved me as I was, but only when I was myself.

MS: It seems to me that women photographers have always looked at you coldly - unlike men.

L.E.: Yes but not all. Pamela Hanson, with whom we are shooting today for Marie Claire, is a photographer who is very feminine. She will protect you, not humiliate you.

MS: How do you dress in real life?

Linda Evangelista: At home I’m very relaxed, but I don’t leave the threshold unassembled. It makes me physically uncomfortable. And I don't like the way people dress on the plane. There was a time when women wouldn't go in there without a Manolo, but now everyone is wearing sweatpants. Luxury is leaving.

MS: You're just from that era when there was only luxury on the catwalks.

L.E.: And she was not only on the catwalks! While visiting I was somehow flipping through Family album and noticed how people in Canada dressed for church on Sundays in the late 1970s. Each woman wore a well-tailored dress, hat and gloves. There is no need for perfection, it is unnecessary. But a woman, in order not to sink, must constantly make an effort on herself - it is very sad when it is not there. Washing and styling your hair is an effort, but without it you lose self-respect.

MS: Does your son (Augustine was born in 2011, his father is fashion tycoon François-Henri Pinault – MC’s note) understand what it means to “be a beautiful person”?

L.E.: Being athletic is more important to him now, he asked me to cut his hair shorter. I understand that he really wants to express himself. But he doesn't like fashion - and that just kills me. One day on set, Steven (Maisel - MC's note) gave him a microphone to tell me what to do. “Be more beautiful!” I'm starting to get into more challenging poses. “No – I said, even more beautiful!!!” I simply didn’t know how to dodge or what to portray.

MS: Does your son comment on how you look?

L.E.: No. If I come home in full makeup after filming, he says: “Oh, Linda is here,” or: “Linda is home.” If I come without makeup, he says: “Hi, mommy.”

MS: What would you become if you didn't succeed in becoming a supermodel?

L.E.: My best friend and her whole company - school teachers. I would do well too.

MS: What's the sexiest thing about a woman?

L.E.: No vulgarity.

MS: What will you never wear?

L.E.: There's no such thing. Never say never.

“Before, I was just offered a role. Now they want me to be myself, and this is much more difficult."

MS: What do you respect in people?

L.E.: Smiles and peacefulness.

MS: What are you proud of?

L.E.: I think I'm very good mom. You know, at some point the understanding came to me that I myself needed to listen to my mother more. I protested so much, I was so angry at what she was telling me. We moved away, but in vain. I made a lot of mistakes, but she was absolutely right.

MS: You are a model - your face tells the story in every shoot new story. What did large advertising contracts require of you? last period? Dolce&Gabbana, Jeremy Scott collection for MOSCHINO in 2014)?

L.E.: It used to be easier, I was simply offered a role. Now they want me to be myself. I’m not used to it, I need to affirm something: that I am an adult woman, not a girl, that I have Italian roots (this is very important for Domenico and Stefano). This is terrible stress; it’s much more convenient to just be a model.

Linda Evangelista advertising campaign Dolce & Gabbana F/W 1995 / 1996, photographer Steven Meisel

MS: You and them Long story relationships...

L.E.: When I first started working, there was a very clear division. Or are you a fashion model for printed publications, or you walk on the catwalk. We had different agents, it was two parallel industries. I was “for the magazines.” At that moment, Dolce & Gabbana had just appeared, and I believed in them so sincerely that I persuaded other girls to go to their catwalk with me. Carla Bruni then told me: “It looks like we should all start doing shows because of you.” It was like taking a crown off your head! So what - I liked the way these guys saw the woman. By the way, they became successful not because I did anything, but because they were simply magical.

MS: In my memories of the models of the 1960s and 70s, I was shocked that each model had to have a special suitcase in which she constantly carried her own accessories, shoes, makeup and hair extensions. Did you find this time?

L.E.: Let me tell you something. In our city of St. Catharines (this is in Canada, the province of Ontario - approx. MC.) everyone told my mother: “She’s so pretty and tall, she should definitely become a model.” We came for an interview, and they told me: “Yes, we accept you.” However, this did not matter at all - it was a paid modeling school, they took everyone. Mom decided to save money and signed me up only for self-improvement classes. We were taught to put on makeup, walk up the stairs... Then I myself told my mother that I really wanted to be a model. But the only agency in our city was the one that owned this school - we had to deal with full program. That’s when they told me: “You need a bag that should contain shoulder pads, hair, cosmetics, this and that.” Indeed, designer Bill Blass told us before the show: “I want you to look how you like, so do what you want with your faces.”

Linda Evangelista, 2016

MS: Are you comfortable with your appearance now?

L.E.: I'm not trying to be young. I don't even want to be young. My dad died this year. Do you remember Kevin Okon, there was such a makeup stylist? I think about him constantly. He was terrified of wrinkles. Constantly said: “Use sunscreen, don’t do this, don’t do that.” You know, he died at 40 - and yes, he never developed wrinkles. And I want to have time to grow old. I don't argue with the process and accept all the changes that happen to me. But, of course, I want to look good at the same time. That’s right – not young, but GOOD! These are different things.

MS: But something about the way you move makes you feel like you're not 51, but 16.

L.E.: Oh, thank you, let me kiss you for that! All because I know how to choose a pose, emotion, angle. And the things that decorate me. It is very difficult for a model to advertise something that she categorically does not like, no matter what great actress she was not.

Beauty, success, fame and wealth do not always become the key to personal happiness. An example of this is the story of Linda Evangelista, who turned 54 on May 10. Her only marriage lasted only 6 years, her novels with the most famous and wealthy men ended even faster, and the engagements to billionaire François Henri-Pinault, singer George Michael, Hollywood star Kyle MacLachlan and football player Fabien Barthez were called off. Why is one of the most sought-after supermodels of the 1990s. and one of the most beautiful women planet has gained a reputation as a woman from whom men run away?

First serious relationship The model had it at the age of 22. Her chosen one was the director of the famous French modeling agency “Elite” Gerald Marie. They met long before this - at one of the show jumping events in the early 1980s. he gave Linda his business card, But young beauty I only called him back a few years later. At that time, Gerald was having an affair with Australian model Lisa Rutledge, who gave birth to his daughter. However, the child did not keep him in the family, and he began an affair with Evangelista. They married in 1987, and Linda called Gerald's newborn daughter her adopted daughter. The husband became a real guardian angel for the girl, largely thanks to him she became a supermodel with exorbitant fees, but this marriage lasted only 6 years.

After marriage, Linda did not intend to change her lifestyle and behaved as if she was not embarrassed by the status of a married lady - she continued to turn the heads of her many fans and was completely focused on her career, while her husband dreamed of a full-fledged family. In one of her interviews, Linda indignantly told reporters that her husband was expecting her to have children, not caring at all about her modeling future and impeccable figure. Children did not fit into her plans then.

In 1993, the couple divorced, and 6 years later a scandal broke out that forever ruined Gerald’s reputation, which led to his dismissal from the modeling agency: he was accused of sexual harassment towards models, including minors, and inducing them to use drugs. There were rumors that Evangelista herself had problems with drugs at one time, which became her only way to relax during a break between filming. But after her colleague died of an overdose, she vowed to never touch illegal drugs again, and she succeeded.

True, with ex-husband Linda managed to save friendly relations. They continued to communicate, and after the birth of his granddaughter, the supermodel declared herself a grandmother, although she was not related to her by blood. Gerald's daughter Roxanne forever remained dear to the model, so after she gave birth to her daughter, Linda called her her granddaughter. She stated this on social networks: “ I officially declare that I have become a grandmother! Many years ago, in 1987, I took an oath of love, loyalty and friendship, now its fruits have given me blessing and happiness!»

A week after she left her husband, Linda began an affair with Hollywood star Kyle MacLachlan, whose fame was brought to him by the TV series Twin Peaks. They met on the set of a commercial. The model stole the actor from his colleague on the series, actress Lara Flynn Boyle. According to legend, Evangelista met him as a result of an argument with her friends. Their joint photos decorated the pages of all glossy magazines, their couple was called very beautiful and harmonious.

However, the engagement never led to a wedding and was called off after 6 years, despite Kyle's best efforts. The actor practically stopped acting in films and completely immersed himself in Linda’s world, attending fashion shows with her and preparing dinners for her. But the model did not appreciate this sacrifice. She did not watch films with MacLachlan and was not at all interested in his life. One day, a model fell asleep at the premiere of the film adaptation of Kafka’s “The Trial,” where her chosen one played main role. The end to their relationship came after Linda lost her child - she had a miscarriage. After that, she distanced herself from Kyle and began to live her own life.

Kyle learned that it was all over between them from the newspapers when he once saw a photo of a model with a famous football player, the goalkeeper of the national team, under the headline: “Linda Evangelista and Fabien Barthez - the hottest couple of the summer.” This time, the supermodel was ready for a lot - both to renounce her career and to give birth to a child, but in the 6th month of pregnancy she had a miscarriage, and soon after that she and Barthez broke up.

After the supermodel starred in two George Michael videos, rumors arose that they had more than just a professional relationship with the famous singer. The couple did not deny these rumors. They appeared in public together and often found themselves under the guns of cameras. Too often so that journalists do not suspect them of a fictitious affair for the sake of PR. They announced their engagement, but things did not come to a wedding again: before the supposedly set wedding date, George Michael suddenly publicly admitted his gay orientation.

The model no longer hoped that she would ever be able to become a mother, when suddenly, at the age of 41, her dreams came true. A short affair with a billionaire, the son of the owner of the fashion empire, Francois Henri Pinault, led to the birth of a son. But as soon as Evangelista’s chosen one found out about her pregnancy, he immediately disappeared. As it turned out, actress Salma Hayek crossed the path of the model, whom Francois later married. It turned out that the daughter of Salma Hayek and the son of Linda Evangelista are sister and brother on their father’s side. The billionaire did not recognize his paternity and did not provide financial support to his son for 5 years, until the model sued him.

Linda Evangelista more than once sacrificed her personal happiness to her profession. Only she knows whether the model considered such sacrifices justified, but the results of her work were truly impressive. In the 1990s. She became one of the five most sought after and highly paid supermodels, who was called a chameleon model and a phenomenon model because of her ability to transform, which was highly valued in her profession. The designers said: “ She is like an empty canvas, you can draw anything on it, she can embody and play any image».

Her fees reached incredible heights; all publications quoted her phrase: “ For less than $10,000 a day I won't get out of bed" True, she later repented of her arrogance and self-confidence. The model's life is short-lived; over time, her appearance has changed beyond recognition - due to problems with the thyroid gland, Linda has noticeably gained weight. Now, at 54, she has very different priorities at the forefront. Today she says that for the sake of her family she would not hesitate to sacrifice both her career and money. But she raised her son alone, but never built a family with anyone. None of her brilliant companions made her happy. Although, perhaps, she herself prevented them from doing this and chose this fate herself?

IN Lately journalists write not about her novels, but about her changes in appearance: .

90s supermodel Linda Evangelista posted on Instagram a photo of a newborn girl named Raffa Fields, whom, despite the lack of a direct relationship, she declared to be her granddaughter.

It's official. I became a grandmother! In 1987, I took the oath of allegiance to eternal love, and its fruits gave me blessing,

Linda wrote vaguely. Obviously, this baby, born on November 26, was born into the family of Evangelista’s first husband, Gerald Marie, or rather, his daughter Roxanne Marie and her husband Jason.

Newborn Raffa Fields, whom Linda Evangelista considers her granddaughter

The history of Linda and Gerald's relationship is peculiar. For the first time, he, the boss of the famous Parisian agency "Elite", saw the very young Linda in the early 80s, literally lost his head from such beauty and promised himself to conquer young model at any cost. At one of the competitions, Gerald gave Linda his business card, but Evangelista did not even think of using it - she contacted Gerald only a few years later - that’s when their relationship began.

Evangelista married Gerald, who was much older than her, at the age of 22; their marriage lasted from 1987 to 1993. Gerald's daughter was born before his relationship with Evangelista - from the Australian model Lisa Rutledge, with whom he was in a relationship from 1980 to 1985.

Subsequently, Evangelista had many affairs: with actor Kyle MacLachlan, French goalkeeper Fabien Barthez and others. In 2006, Linda began dating Francois-Henri Pinault, heir to the billions of her father, owner of the fashion empire Francois Pinault. Francois-Henri broke up with Linda as soon as he found out about her pregnancy, and later married Salma Hayek. Linda's son Augustine James is now 10 years old.

Linda Evangelista with her son Augustine James, 2014