Kaia Gerber - biography and personal life. Kaia Gerber: what you need to know about the young model and daughter of Cindy Crawford Her heart is busy

In the same year, the aspiring model appeared in the film “Sister Cities” and, together with her star mother, appeared on the cover of French “Vogue”. And the first “solo” photo of young Gerber graced the cover of Love magazine. By the way, this portrait was taken by Kaia, with whom Kaya will have to cross paths more than once in the future in fashion territory.

Of course, Crawford herself undertook to coordinate her daughter’s career. Cindy skillfully and knowledgeably filtered the stream of proposals that were literally inundated with the rising model. Kaya's first serious work was a collaboration with the luxury brand Marc Jacobs Beauty.

“I was very excited when I found out that I would become the face of Marc Jacobs,” recalls Kaia. - They called me when I just returned from school. I couldn't believe it was true until filming started. This is definitely one of the most pleasant memories!”

Gerber presented the spring-summer 2017 makeup collection and appeared in the image of an 80s star with luxurious colored wings and a bouffant hairstyle. I myself was delighted with Kaya’s work and images. Immediately after this event rising star named "Model of the Year". Despite all her glamorous life, she remained an ordinary teenager, went to school and declared that her studies came first for her.

“I hardly talk to the guys about work,” says the student. “I don’t want to be perceived as a model.”

2017 was the year Gerber made her debut on the professional catwalk at New York Fashion Week. For the first time, the girl demonstrated her luxurious modeling qualities (height 175 cm) in outfits from the Calvin Klein show. Then Alexander Wang opened the show, and it was no less impressive. Before the fashion show, the experienced mother gave her daughter only one piece of advice:

“I don’t want to see a girl with dead eyes and an expressionless face."

From the very beginning, Cindy explained to Kaya that people want to see personality. And, judging by the demand for Gerber’s participation in shows of world brands, the young debutante understood this point. Since 2017, she has taken part in all major international shows in the USA and Europe.

2018 began with great success for the girl. Kaia became the face of the House of Chanel. The model began collaborating with the brand a few months earlier: in December 2017, she participated in the show of the Métiers d'Art collection in Hamburg. And in February 2018, Karl Lagerfeld, fascinated by her, personally photographed Gerber in advertising campaign bags for the spring-summer season. The black and white photographs turned out incredibly expressive and sensual.

Already in the summer of the same year, Lagerfeld and Kaia released a capsule collection, which included items in the style of the young star - teenage sweatshirts, crop tops, miniskirts, etc.

“Working with Karl is a dream come true. I consider Karl Lagerfeld a genius of our time, I’m happy that I was able to work with him,” Gerber commented.

Personal life

With Kaya's popularity growing, interest in her personal life has also grown rapidly. Already from the age of 15, paparazzi periodically “caught” the girl hugging young people - on a walk or on the beach in Malibu.

In 2017, the media wrote that Kaya was having an affair with 19-year-old musician Travis Jackson. But soon other information appeared - the tabloids named 17-year-old Fenton Merkell as the model’s boyfriend. The young man is also a model and is the son of actress Patsy Palmer, who, by the way, is an old friend of Cindy.

Kaya's Instagram is filled with photos of both personal and professional nature. In the comments to the pictures, fans often discuss the model’s figure. So, recently fans were concerned about the girl’s excessive thinness, suspecting incipient anorexia.

Kaia Gerber now

Currently, Kaia is busy in the new Miu Miu Resort 2019 advertising campaign along with models Kendall Jenner and Alexa Chung, actresses and. It was also previously announced that Gerber will become the ambassador of the Yves Saint Laurent Beauté brand from 2019.

The model's biography promises to be rich and successful. Today, Kaya has a team of professional managers and agents working for her. But still her main teacher in the world high fashion Mom remains - the ageless Cindy, who is always there.

Kaia Gerber (Kaia Gerber) – American model, daughter of a famous supermodel Cindy Crawford.

Biography of Kaia Gerber / Kaia Gerber

Kaia Gerber born September 3, 2001. Mother Kayi- famous supermodel Cindy Crawford, And the father Rande Gerber is a former fashion model, restaurateur and nightclub owner in New York and Los Angeles. From early childhood Kaya and her brother Presley were subjects of the paparazzi, but the mother always told her daughter that she did not want her to follow in her footsteps.

Kaya After all, she became a model. But besides modeling, the girl has many other passions. For example, she really likes acting and actively participates in school musicals. The girl also loves to dance and always attends hip-hop classes three times a week. Like most Californians, Kaya enjoys surfing.

In 2006, Kaia took part in a photo shoot for the swimsuit manufacturer Melissa Odabash. This caused a slight response from the audience - some of the photos seemed frank to ordinary people, and traces of transfer tattoos were visible on the girl’s body. After this, Cindy Crawford stated that until Kaia turns 18, she will not work as a model. However, in 2012, Kaia began to conquer the modeling business, becoming the face of Donatella Versace's children's line, Young Versace.

In 2014 Kaya signed a contract with the IMG Models modeling agency and first appeared on the pages of Vogue magazine. Later it became known that the young model received a role in a movie called "Sister Cities"- about four sisters who experience the death of their mother together. Together with Kayei will also star in the film Jacki Weaver, Michelle Trachtenberg, Stana Katic And Troien Bellisario.

Donatella Versace, designer: “Kaya, like her mother, has a special gift. The camera loves her. I still remember with trepidation the times when Cindy and I worked together on film set. Now we are witnessing Kaia following in her mother's footsteps."

Cindy Crawford's 16-year-old daughter, Kaia Gerber, has finally established herself as the main model of the year. At the Chanel show, which took place in Hamburg, Karl Lagerfeld's young muse was the main star. But will Kaya be able to become as much of a legend as Cindy?

Kaia Gerber looks a lot like her mother. Crawford admits that he sees a younger reflection of himself in his daughter:

“You have the same skin that I used to have. You have my legs and hair. I want it all back! Come back!”

To this Kaya grins and says:

"Now it's my turn!"

Which of them is more beautiful? And does Kaya have a chance to outshine her legendary mother?

Height and figure

Cindy Crawford's height is 177 cm. Judging by the joint photographs, Kaia has almost caught up with her (most recently she was noticeably shorter). As for her figure, her mother’s parameters are as follows: chest volume 86 cm, waist – 67 cm, hips – 89 cm. Kaya’s volumes are a little “moderate”: chest – 76 cm, waist – 60, hips – 84.

We don’t know the girl’s exact weight, but visually she looks very thin – Cindy has never been like that. Fans even suspected the young model of anorexia.


The facial features of mother and daughter are incredibly similar. Both are bright Brown eyes, high cheekbones and plump lips. True, Kaya's eyes are set quite close, and many consider this a disadvantage. Although with proper makeup everything can be fixed!


Photogenicity and the ability to behave in front of the lens are one of the most important components of a model’s success. With this, both mother and daughter are all in in perfect order! According to Donatella Versace, the camera simply adores them both.

Path to glory

Cindy Crawford was born into a very simple family and got into the modeling business by accident, after one photographer took several photographs of the girl in the field where she was picking corn and published them in the local newspaper. Modeling agencies drew attention to the photographs, and Cindy began her path to fame. She quickly reached the top of the modeling Olympus and, moreover, became a sex symbol of the era of the 80s and 90s. According to Karl Lagerfeld, the young model combined classical beauty with the American idea of ​​the dream girl. That is why it has become so popular and in demand.

If Cindy's story is similar to the fairy tale of Cinderella, then her daughter was already born a princess. Since childhood, Kaya has been followed by paparazzi, and she quickly got used to everyone's attention. Already in early years the girl decided that she would become a model, like her mother. At the age of 10 she starred in her first advertising company, and two years later signed a contract with the IMG modeling agency. There is no doubt that the famous mother greatly helped her daughter in developing her career, because who, if not Cindy Crawford, knows about modeling business All! Casting director James Scully says:

“Kaya is very beautiful. But our business today does not accept such beauty. If she weren’t Cindy’s daughter, the same Raf Simons wouldn’t even notice her (because Kaia’s beauty is not the Calvin Klein type), and many other designers too... But I believe that she will still have time to shake the earth!”


Cindy Crawford is now more popular than her daughter. Her Instagram following has reached 2.7 million, while Kaia has 2.4 million. However, the young model still has a long way to go.


Cindy's highlight was her famous mole above upper lip. By the way, this mole was inherited by Presley, Crawford’s eldest son, who is also trying his hand at modeling.

As for Kaia, what is most discussed on the networks is her incredibly long legs, which, however, are Lately look very thin.

In general, it is almost impossible to answer which of them is more beautiful and successful! Apparently this is a matter of personal preference.

In his at a young age Kaia Gerber has managed to build a solid portfolio. The daughter of Cindy Crawford burst onto the fashion Olympus at the beginning of 2016, and since then has managed to work with the most famous brands. Versace, Alexander Wang, Miu Miu, Marc Jacobs were the first to recognize the potential of Cindy Crawford's daughter and hastened to offer highly paid contracts.

Family and childhood

Kaia was born in 2001 in the family of supermodel Cindy Crawford and businessman and restaurateur Rande Gerber. The brunette inherited her bright appearance from both parents: Kaya’s father was a fairly successful fashion model in his youth, although Randy’s wife was far from being popular.

In 1999, the couple had their first child, and two years later Kaia Gerber was born. The girl grew up in a luxurious mansion in Malibu, a prestigious area of ​​Los Angeles.

Photo: Randy and Cindy took part in the America: Tribute to Heroes charity event after the 2001 terrorist attack.

With his mother and older brother Presley in 2003.

Despite being very busy, raising children has always been a priority for Cindy Crawford and her husband. Presley and Kaia grew up wealthy and surrounded by celebrities, but their parents managed to raise kind-hearted, polite and purposeful people. Brother and sister are very friendly and often spend time together. Their social media accounts are full of photos and videos of them together.

Neither Kaya nor her parents comment on this issue, and fans ask Cindy to monitor her daughter’s diet.

Personal life

Despite her busy work schedule, Kaya finds time for her friends, family and, of course, social networks. The girl loves to spend time with her parents and brother, and is friends with Bella Hadid and Kendall Jenner.

Fans can follow the model’s life on Instagram – Kaya already has several million subscribers there.

Not long ago, information appeared that Kaia was dating 17-year-old fashion model Fenton Markelle, but the couple has not yet appeared together.

Kaya is active social life, appearing at all significant events in Hollywood and the fashion world:

On September 3, Cindy Crawford's daughter celebrates her birthday. By the age of 15, Kaia Gerber has achieved a lot - she has a contract with a prestigious modeling agency, collaboration with the best brands and even envy famous mom, who considers her daughter’s feet better than her own. ELLE chose the most Interesting Facts from the life and starting career of Kaya.

Kaya's main professional achievement to date is a contract with the IMG Models agency, signed two years ago. Other clients of the agency include Karlie Kloss and Gigi Hadid. Kaya is promoted as the New Cindy Crawford - it is under this “nickname” that publications about the girl appear in the media. Cindy herself is not against such comparisons, especially since the similarities between mother and daughter are striking.

“It’s an amazing experience to see your child working on the set where your life was spent. “I’m so proud of her,” Crawford said recently. The supermodel of the 80-90s began her career at 16, so, the press notes, “Kaya has a three-year head start to beat her famous mother.”

The girl herself says that that shoot for Versace was a turning point for her: “After it was all over, the only thing I could think about was how it all went. I realized that this is what I want to do. And as I got older, I only became convinced of this.”

Kaia is friends with Taylor Swift. Their joint photos Both appeared on Instagram more than once. The girl’s inner circle also includes current stars of the modeling business - Cara Delevingne and her partner at the IMG Models agency, Karlie Kloss. General photos they are also on Gerber's blog. However, most likely all these friends are, first and foremost, friends of Kaya’s mother, Cindy Crawford, who actively maintains relationships with colleagues, new and old.

Kaia is friends with Kendall Jenner. The latter even acted as a photographer fashion photography for one of the magazines, and called Kaia Gerber as a model.

In addition to modeling, Kaya is interested in dancing, especially hip-hop. She attends classes three times a week and prefers to dance to the songs of her favorite artist, Beyoncé.

Kaia Gerber says that her mother was not against her intentions to pursue a career in the modeling business, but insisted that her daughter not forget that there are many other important things in life. “Besides, my mother wanted me to have a normal childhood, without this tinsel. So before signing a contract with IMG, I didn’t do much acting.”

Several years ago, Cindy Crawford, when asked about her daughter’s prospects, replied: “We’ll see. For now, she’s more interested in dancing and Harry Styles.” The One Direction member, by the way, is friends with Kaia’s older brother, Presley.

According to Kaya, her mother gave her several important professional advice, the main one of which is not to look like a “dummy” in the frame. “Mom always tells me that in any picture there should be a thought, meaningfulness on the model’s face. You don’t want to look like a blank face, so it’s worth thinking about something before you’re filmed.”

Kaya's social debut took place in September last year - the girl and her mother sat in the front row at Fashion Week in New York, causing a storm of admiration and inevitable comparisons with Cindy. Kaya herself doesn’t think that she and her mother are that similar, but “if people in the business see this similarity, why not? I believe them."

In the summer of 2015, Kaya became the heroine of the prestigious CR Fashion Book project, prepared by Carine Roitfeld. The photo of the girl was taken by the famous Bruce Weber. Kaia's modeling career also includes collaborations with Alexander Wang and Miu Miu.