Frequent attacks of deja vu. Manifestations of the “déjà vu” effect

The question of why the déjà vu effect occurs is being studied by large number specialists. Numerous versions are based on the opinion that this false memory is provoked by problems in the functioning of the brain. Each scientific discipline explains the cause and mechanism of these failures in its own way.

How does this condition manifest?

This term is based on the French expression “déjà vu”, which in translation sounds like “already seen”. This state is manifested by a clear understanding that the surrounding circumstances or ongoing events have already happened before, although you are sure that nothing like this has happened before. You can find out stranger, remember a room you’ve never been to or a book you’ve never read before.

A characteristic feature is the absence exact date events in the past with which memories are associated. That is, you know for sure that it has already happened, but you cannot remember when exactly. This sensation does not last long, usually a few seconds, and sometimes a person only realizes after a few minutes what happened to him.

The first person to wonder why déjà vu occurs was a psychologist from France, Emile Boirac. Subsequently, representatives of such fields of science as psychiatry, biology, physiology, and parapsychology joined the study of this topic. Adherents of occult disciplines were no less interested in this phenomenon.

The main difficulty is that all processes that provoke and control false memories occur in the brain and any intervention can lead to negative changes in the work and structure of this organ.

The opinion of modern physiologists about why deja vu occurs

Researchers from the University of Massachusetts say that the phenomenon of false memories originates in the temporal region of the brain, called the hippocampus.

This assumption is the basis of the main opinion of modern physiologists about why the feeling of déjà vu occurs. The function of the hippocampus is to collate and compare new and existing information in a person’s memory. It is this part of the brain that allows you to distinguish and compare events that happened in the past and in the present time.

For example, a person sees a book in front of him for the first time. The hippocampus analyzes information by comparing it with data that exists in memory. With normal brain functionality, a person understands that he has never come across this book before.

If the hippocampus malfunctions, then the information seen immediately enters the memory center, without being analyzed. After a second or two, the glitch is eliminated and the hippocampus processes the information again. By turning to the memory center, where there is already data about the book, the temporal lobe informs the person that this printed edition they had already encountered before. Thus, false memories arise.

According to scientists, the reasons for such failures may be:

American scientist Burnham refutes this claim. He believes that this condition develops when a person is completely relaxed and free from thoughts, experiences, and anxieties. At such moments, the subconscious begins to work faster and experience moments that will happen in the future in advance.

Why deja vu happens - the opinion of psychologists and psychiatrists

Psychology experts believe that the occurrence of erroneous memories is defense mechanism human body. Finding yourself in an unfamiliar situation, a person experiences stress. To avoid this, he begins to look for some elements or circumstances that are familiar to him. Not found in memory necessary information, the brain invents it.

Some psychiatrists are confident that this condition is a symptom of a mental disorder. In addition to deja vu, such patients also suffer from other memory disorders. If left untreated, false memories develop into dangerous and long-lasting hallucinations, under the influence of which the patient can harm both himself and those around him.

Known for his work in psychiatry, Sigmund Freud believed that déjà vu is a previously experienced real situation, the memories of which were “hidden.” For example, you watched a movie that caused unpleasant or traumatic situations. To protect you, the brain “moved” information about this event into the subconscious. Then, under the influence various factors, the image comes out.

Why does the deja vu effect occur - the answer of metaphysicians

There is another theory from the field of metaphysics. According to this philosophical doctrine, a person simultaneously exists in the past, present and future. These planes never intersect with each other and in a conscious state people perceive only the present time. Memories of what did not happen arise when, due to failures, the intersection of these parallel dimensions occurs.

What people say about why there is a feeling of déjà vu

The simpler and most popular opinion among the people defines this state as a recalled dream that was previously dreamed. A person does not remember that such a dream occurred, but data about it exists in the subconscious. People who believe in the transmigration of the soul believe that they have already experienced this situation in a previous reincarnation.

Most often, doctors of sciences and people with high level intelligence. Other interesting facts and theories are presented in this video:

According to statistics, about 97% of people have encountered this phenomenon. Experts recommend that those who experience this condition for the first time not to give in to anxiety. At the same time, in case of frequently recurring phenomena, it would not hurt to consult with a psychologist or other specialist in this field.

Sometimes it feels like the events taking place have already happened. A person hears the same sounds, inhales smells, and predicts what the interlocutor will say. Consciousness throws up pictures of what is happening, but does not answer the question of when such an event occurred. So this is deja vu phenomenon, and it occurs during life in 97% of the population.

Particularly surprising are situations when, when we see a stranger and when visiting a new room, we can describe in detail facial features or furnishings. It becomes creepy and a little uncomfortable. Don’t even try to remember when familiar events happened, it’s impossible. Why do you feel déjà vu??

Deja vu: what is it?

The state experienced by a person is comparable to watching a movie or reading a book that you have already read or viewed for a long time. Individual pictures and motives appear in the head, but memory does not show how further events will develop. When the situation develops, the person realizes with surprise that this is exactly how everything should have happened. There remains a strange feeling, the understanding that you knew the sequence of development of the situation. The meaning of deja vu in your own words: all this happened once before, I saw it (heard it, felt it) and is repeating it again. Below we will find out how the word déjà vu is translated from French - its content literally reflects the meaning of the phenomenon itself in a nutshell.

A man in a state of déjà vu is confused

Feeling of deja vu - what is it? The word “déjà vu” by definition means that it is “something that has already been seen.” The phenomenon itself is an amazing phenomenon that scientists are still struggling with to this day. The difficulty of research lies in the fact that it is impossible to predict the occurrence of déjà vu. Consequently, it is impossible to prepare a person for studies and observations. Cases of repeated déjà vu several times a week have been recorded in people suffering from epilepsy.

Thanks to Emile Boirac, this term appeared: the psychologist called unusual phenomenon deja vu. Readers found a new designation in the scientist’s works “Psychology of the Future.” Previously, the phenomenon was characterized by the same signs, but was called false recognition or paramnesia. The last term meant impaired consciousness and memory deceptions. Very often, the phenomenon of déjà vu, on the contrary, does not lead to serious psychological problems in normal human life.

Dejavu (déjà vu), which translated from French means “already seen,” naturally came into use in other nations

Russians often have a question: what is the correct spelling: deja vu, déjà vu or déjà vu? Despite the fact that the French version consists of two words (déjà vu), in Russian the analogue written together, in one word: “deja vu”" This is the writing we will adhere to.

How does the reverse déjà vu phenomenon occur, a kind of antonym of déjà vu? This phenomenon is rare, unlike déjà vu, and also has a French designation - jamevu. Accompanied by a sharp loss of memory: a person does not recognize close or familiar people, he perceives familiar things as new. Jamevu occurs unexpectedly, for example, during a conversation with a friend. At one point, all data is erased from memory. Repetition of jamevu indicates the presence of mental disorders.

Deja vu: what does this mean according to scientists?

Researchers have not learned how to artificially cause the phenomenon. Therefore, take the facts presented below as a theory based on a survey of people who experienced déjà vu. Why and what causes déjà vu syndrome according to scientists?

Many scientists believe that déjà vu occurs due to the layering of similar situations

  1. Layering of situations. The theory was put forward by Andrey Kurgan. A modern author in the book “The Deja Vu Phenomenon” argues that the main reason for the phenomenon is the layering of similar situations. Moreover, one of them is recorded in the past, and the other occurs in the present. Deja vu happens under special circumstances. There is a time shift. As a result, a person perceives the future as present events. There is a stretching of the future tense, the inclusion of past and present incidents. On the pages of the book you will find examples from life. Readers claim that the situations described completely coincide with the sensations that a person experiences when faced with déjà vu.
  2. Fast information processing. perceives what is happening better. An unloaded brain quickly processes the pictures it sees, the information it receives, and the words it hears. The theory comes from physiologist William H. Burnham. An American scientist claims that when seeing an unfamiliar object, the brain begins to process information, reading the smallest details. A rested brain center works quickly. A person perceives information processing differently. There is a feeling of repeating incidents.
  3. Recording events in the form of holograms. Herman Sno argued that memory is stored in the human brain in a special way. According to the scientist, events are recorded in the form of a three-dimensional image (hologram). Each piece of the picture includes enough data to reproduce the entire image. Clarity depends on the size of the picture. Déjà vu occurs as a result of an overlapping connection between the present and elements of the recorded past. The hologram evokes the whole picture, leaving a feeling of repeated incidents.
  4. Systematicity of memory. Some of the most recent research, conducted in the 90s, belongs to Pierre Glour. According to the neuropsychiatrist's hypothesis, a person records information through two processes: recognition and recovery. Déjà vu occurs due to a violation of the sequence. In such a situation, when the picture is changed, a person recognizes what is happening, but data recovery does not occur.

The puzzle with such a state as deja vu has not yet been solved

Psychologist Sigmund Freud did not ignore the topic of déjà vu. The Australian is confident that the phenomenon arises due to human consciousness: it throws up subconscious pictures and fantasizes. The hypothesis was picked up by Freud's followers and brought to the theory of the struggle between “I” and “It”.

Why does deja vu happen?

There are various hypotheses put forward by scientists from all over the world. It is interesting that not only psychologists, but also physicists joined the study of the phenomenon. The latter are sure that a person feels déjà vu due to a time delay. In ordinary life, a person’s consciousness perceives only what is happening at the present moment. During a failure, the times are started simultaneously. Therefore, a person gets the impression that events are repeating themselves.

Not only psychologists, but also physicists joined the study of the phenomenon of déjà vu

Psychologists point out that similar situations happen to people every day. As a result, a reaction to events is formed and experience is accumulated.

When similar situations arise, a person uses the developments of the past, and there is a feeling of recognition of the events taking place.

Modern studies of déjà vu

The mystery and enigma of the phenomenon haunts scientists. Research into this interesting feeling continues. In Colorado, scientists conducted a number of experiments. One of them was that a group of people were shown one by one images of famous places and people. First, photographs of celebrities, then personalities from different fields, pictures of historical monuments and attractions.

The mystery and mystery of the phenomenon of déjà vu haunts scientists

When showing photographs, scientists asked those present to describe the image: who or what is on the card. While the subjects were thinking, the respondents recorded brain activity. Despite having the correct answer, the temporal part of the brain became active. Modern research Déjà vu has shown that when a person does not know the answer, he makes associations. They form the feeling of repeating situations.

This mysterious phenomenon is so multifaceted that scientists have created a whole classification and identify the following: types of deja vu:

  • directly deja vu– “already seen”;
  • deja century– “already experienced”;
  • deja visit– “already visited”;
  • deja senti– “already felt”;
  • the opposite state mentioned above - jamevu;
  • presque- obsessive and sometimes painful attempts to remember, for example, a well-known word or the name of an old acquaintance;
  • "ladder mind"- a state when an intelligent decision or a witty remark comes too late, when it is no longer necessary. For a better understanding: the Russian equivalent is “everyone is strong in hindsight.”

Physiological causes of deja vu

Despite the variety of theories, scientists have come to a consensus about what parts of the brain involved when déjà vu occurs. The future is protected by the frontal part, the intermediate zone is responsible for the present, and the past is given to the temporal region. When all parts are working normally, nothing phenomenal happens. But, if a person worries about upcoming events and makes various plans, then déjà vu may occur. Explained by physiological reasons.

When conducting a conversation, a person reacts to the face of the interlocutor. Depending on the facial expression, a reaction occurs and the brain sends a signal. Physiologists claim that the present time is so short that people only have time to remember events, but do not experience them. Some situations fall under short-term memory, which stores memories for no more than 5 minutes, while others fall under long-term memory.

When experiencing deja vu, a person, as a rule, begins to painfully remember when this event happened

There are no clear boundaries between the past, future and present. When, in a certain situation, similarities arise between short and long-term memory, the present is perceived by a person as the past. From this point of view, the reasons for déjà vu are in the unique physiology of man.

Deja vu: is it bad or not?

In rare cases, the phenomenon is considered harmless and does not require the attention of a doctor. Deja vu must be distinguished from false memory. In the latter case, a malfunction of the brain occurs. People perceive unfamiliar events as known facts. False memory is activated during certain periods:

  1. 16–18 years old. The teenage period is accompanied by bright events, emotional reactions and a lack of life experience. Having no similar situations behind him, the teenager turns to fictitious experience or false memory.
  2. 35–40 years. The second stage refers to the turning point when a person experiences. Déjà vu manifests itself in nostalgia. A person calls up pictures from the past. Wants to correct past mistakes or let the situation take a different scenario. Memories from the past are unreal, drawn to the ideal.

The human brain is little studied, as is the phenomenon of déjà vu

Good or bad frequent feeling of deja vu? This means that repeated episodes can be clear symptoms of diseases, including schizophrenia and temporal lobar epilepsy. To know exactly what frequent, even constant feeling Deja vu and what should be the next steps, get examined by a doctor. He will also give recommendations on how to get rid of the symptoms of deja vu, which can be very intrusive and cause some inconvenience.

If déjà vu occurs infrequently, it will not cause trouble; if symptoms of this phenomenon persist, you should consult a psychiatrist


Déjà vu remains a secret phenomenon, which scientists all over the world are struggling to study. It is still unknown why a small percentage of people never experience this phenomenon. Plus, the reason for what is happening is associated with the brain. Interventions in an important organ are fraught with serious consequences: disability, deafness, paralysis. Therefore, guesses and theories are built exclusively on the sensations and feelings of the subject.

And yet it is all an illusion. This psychological phenomenon is called “deja vu” (from the French dejavu - already seen).

Isn’t it a beautiful word, like everything French? This symptom does not carry anything mystical in itself. As you know, the human brain is a strictly organized and disciplined institution. In it, as in a ministry, each department is responsible for its own function, subject only to it. Thus, the frontal lobes of our brain are responsible for the impressions that we receive from the outside. There they are sorted, disposed of or sent for storage either in a distant corner - long-term memory, or nearby, so as to be at hand all the time - in short-term memory.

If a huge flow of information hits the frontal lobes of our brain, which are responsible for processing it, the brain can begin to “freak out.” Such a brain “hysteria” in a person overloaded with information can be recorded on an encephalogram, and it looks almost the same as an epileptic seizure - in the form of a focus of excitation. As a result, a person ceases to distinguish the familiar from the unfamiliar. Very often, deja vu visits people who are accustomed to spending their vacations on endless trips like “galloping across Europe.” The desire to see and remember as much as possible leads to the fact that it simply becomes uninteresting: each subsequent attraction seems similar to the previous one or is perceived as familiar - typical deja vu.

But sometimes deja vu occurs some time after a strong experience emotional shock. Freud believed that déjà vu is a trace of a forgotten experience. Let's say you come to visit new friends for the first time. You enter the room, and a strange anxiety runs through your body: everything here is terribly familiar to you, although you are sure that you have never been here before. Perhaps you're just tired. But if this is the first time this has happened to you, most likely some old experience has stirred within you. There are many versions that can be put forward here. Let's say you may have long ago experienced separation from your loved one or loved one. Then, many years ago, you listened to the words of separation from her (his) lips, staring blankly at the wall. Then your attention did not fixate the wallpaper pattern, but your brain reeled everything into a reel. And now, finding yourself in a room with a similar wallpaper pattern, your brain gave you an unexpected, strange memory.

There is nothing good in deja vu; Aristotle said that it is a malfunction of the brain. But for psychoanalysis, this is a thread that you can cling to in order to heal a person from old mental wounds and complexes.

If you are experiencing deja vu, you should think about:

 that it’s time for you to rest, at least get at least eight hours of sleep. Take a walk in nature, spend a weekend alone or alone with your loved one. Try to maintain silence. Don't fuss or rush. Watching TV at this time is not recommended. Déjà vu associated with overwork is a serious signal that is dangerous to ignore: it may be followed by decreased attention, auditory and visual hallucinations;

 that perhaps there is an unhealed wound in your soul. Unfortunately, the statute of limitations does not apply here. Left alone with yourself after déjà vu, sit comfortably, close your eyes and try to create a stream of visual associations associated with what caused this strange sensation. You will surely find the reason for it. And this means that the time has come to rethink what happened to you in the past, understand yourself and finally stop running away from yourself, trying to forget what cannot be forgotten. Remember again what happened to you then, in all the details (down to the stripes on the wallpaper). Now mentally tear your memory into a hundred particles and scatter them to the wind. And life will be easier, and déjà vu will stop tormenting you.

But in the next second everything passes, the past, present and future fall into their usual places, and only a memory remains of the miracle experienced. And questions that have no answer.

Recently, British scientists conducted a large experiment that made it possible to reproduce the déjà vu effect in laboratory conditions. Volunteers were shown cards with pictures and words, and then, using hypnosis, were forced to forget them, after which they were shown again.

Psi Factor

How dangerous is deja vu and what to do if you see it often

You've most likely heard of such a feeling as Deja Vu, and 90% of people have experienced it at least once in their lives. Meanwhile, there are 2 more concepts that not everyone knows about - these are Jamevu and Presquevue. So what is it and why does it happen to us?

So, you are sitting at a table or standing, waiting for the bus or going somewhere with friends. Suddenly, you realize that you have been in this situation before. You recognize the words your loved ones spoke, remember how they were dressed, and can remember the surroundings with precision. Then this feeling disappears as suddenly as it came, and we continue to be in ordinary reality.

This feeling is called Deja Vu, and is translated from French as “already seen.” Scientists explain it in different ways and there are many reasons for its occurrence.

Memory error

There is an opinion that deja vu occurs when a person is very tired and the brain is overloaded. Then a certain glitch occurs in its work, and the brain begins to mistake the unfamiliar for the known. Most often, the false memory effect occurs or crashes.

Accelerated information processing

According to another version, this is, on the contrary, the effect of a well-rested brain. Those. the brain processes information so quickly that it seems to us as if what happened just a second ago is familiar and happened a long time ago.

Similarities of situations

This or that situation may seem familiar to us only because it strongly resembles some past events located in the depths of our memory. The brain simply matches your memories and recognizes similar pictures.

Confusion with files

This theory suggests that sometimes memory starts to misbehave and confuses short-term memory with long-term memory. Roughly speaking, instead of putting what we just saw into a sort of short-term memory file, the brain tries to encode the new information into long-term memory, making it feel like we saw it a long time ago. Meanwhile, this happened only a second ago.

Hologram theory

According to the theory, our memories are formed in the form of three-dimensional images. And following one element, for example, taste or smell, a chain of memories will stretch - a “hologram”. The moment of déjà vu is the brain’s attempt to restore the “hologram”.

These are just a few hypotheses, but meanwhile, there are more than 40 of them, starting from the theory of parallel reality and ending with reincarnation.

However, the psychophysiological cause of déjà vu is still not completely clear. What is known is that this phenomenon appears more often in melancholic people, impressionable people, adolescence, as well as in cases where a person is too tired or under stress.

Have you experienced Jamevue and Prascevue?


Or never seen. The feeling is the opposite of Deja Vu and more insidious, because... is a sign of some diseases.

Suddenly, a person begins to feel as if familiar and previously known places or people have become unrecognizable and completely unfamiliar. A person may think that he is seeing this or that place for the first time in his life.

Jamevue is a rarer phenomenon, and often indicates a state of mental disorder - paramnesia (memory disturbances and disorders), as well as a symptom of severe brain fatigue.


An obsessive feeling when you can’t remember a familiar word that’s on your tongue for a long time. This phenomenon is translated as “almost seen,” that is, a strong feeling that you are about to remember the word, but this does not happen. More often than not, proper names are forgotten.

It has not yet been clarified whether this phenomenon is a memory or speech disorder. Or information is blocked; if another word comes to mind before the one that should have been said, then it blocks the retrieval of another word from memory. Or such forgetting is associated with the phonological feature of the word.

Manifestations of the “déjà vu” effect

Today, the déjà vu effect is considered one of the most mysterious phenomena of humanity. It occurs unexpectedly and lasts only a few seconds. A person in a state of deja vu perceives what is happening to him in at the moment a situation as previously seen and experienced. This could be, for example, an unfamiliar place that suddenly seems familiar, or a whole chain of events in which a person can already name all his words and actions in advance, as well as feel the way of thinking of another person.

The meaning of the word comes from the French déjà vu, which literally means “already seen.”

This phenomenon has been studied since ancient times. Aristotle was one of the first to attribute the effect of déjà vu to a special mental state that arises during the influence of certain factors on the mental and psychic organization of a person. The most active research into déjà vu began in the 19th century thanks to Emile Boirac's book The Future of Psychology. The researcher touched upon the then phenomenal topic of déjà vu, also identifying several more similar mental states. The antipode of deja vu - the concept of "jame vu" - is considered one of the symptoms of mental disorders. Whereas the effect of “already seen” itself refers exclusively to the game of consciousness. The meaning of the word "jamais vu" is translated as "never seen."

Reasons for the phenomenon

There are many theories and versions of why déjà vu occurs. From a biological point of view, the déjà vu effect occurs in the temporal region of the brain, where the hippocampal gyrus is located. It is she who is responsible for recognizing information and finding differences between different objects and phenomena. At full-time work convolutions, a person is able to distinguish the past from the present and the future, new experiences from those already experienced.

Scientists believe that déjà vu occurs due to a malfunction of the hippocampus, which processes the same memory twice. In this case, a person does not remember what happened to him the first time, but feels only the result of the second, exactly the same event experienced. The functioning of the gyrus can be disrupted due to various diseases, prolonged depression, sudden changes in temperature, etc.

Psychology considers the appearance of déjà vu from the point of view of a certain mental state into which a person enters. Some psychotherapists argue that it is the ability to frequently experience the effect of déjà vu that causes epileptic seizures, schizophrenia and disorders of consciousness, and not vice versa. Finding yourself in an unfamiliar environment that inspires mistrust, the human brain automatically turns on the self-defense function and begins to look for familiar places, people, and objects. Not finding any, he “comes up” with his own analogue, which seems to the person to have already been seen before.

Metaphysical theory gives its own interesting interpretation of why the déjà vu effect occurs. This theory is based on an ecstatic concept based on the four dimensions of our reality. The first three are represented by the past, present and future, respectively, while the fourth dimension is defined by time space. We are at a given moment in time in a certain place and live through our individual events, while at the same time in a neighboring city or country people perform certain actions in the same way. The manifestation of déjà vu lifts the curtain of temporary space before us, showing us those places that we are supposed to see in the future, or events that we should experience. Parapsychology, in turn, considers the phenomenon as a memory from a past life.

There is another version of why this phenomenon occurs. It is connected with information that has long been recognized, but forgotten today. This could be a book you once read with some interesting facts and sights, a movie you watched, a melody you heard, etc. At a certain point in time, the brain revives long-learned information, combining it with elements of what is happening in the present. IN real life There are a huge number of such cases, therefore, our simple curiosity can cause deja vu.

During sleep, the brain simulates various life situations that could happen in reality. Many cases of deja vu are associated precisely with events, places and phenomena previously seen in a dream. During moments of déjà vu, our subconscious awakens, just as when falling asleep, giving us information that is inaccessible to ordinary conscious thinking.

The latest developments by scientists boil down to the fact that the phenomenon of déjà vu occurs due to the holographic theory. Some fragments of the current hologram of memories coincide with elements of another hologram (past time). Their layering on top of each other gives the phenomenon of déjà vu.


A person can experience the effect of déjà vu hundreds of times in his life. Each manifestation of the phenomenon is accompanied by certain symptoms. The person seems to enter an altered state of consciousness; everything around him seems to be happening as if in a dream. The feeling of confidence that he has already been to this place and once experienced this event does not leave him. A person knows in advance the lines that he will say and the further actions of the people around him. The manifestation of déjà vu is somewhat similar to the ability to foresee an event, but it is only subconscious in nature.

Deja vu passes as unexpectedly as it occurs. Most often it lasts no more than a minute. The phenomenon of “already seen” most often does not have any significant effect on the human psyche and consciousness and occurs in 97% of healthy people. However, in medical practice, cases of a relationship between the frequent occurrence of déjà vu and mental disorders have already been identified. Therefore, you should not ignore going to a specialist if you feel that you are often finding yourself in “already experienced” situations.

It happens that the symptoms of déjà vu accompany epileptic seizures, while the person cannot control either the course of the phenomenon or the onset of the seizure itself. Many scientists today are struggling with the question of why déjà vu still occurs and how to get rid of this phenomenon. In the meantime, there is no answer to the question, so people suffering from epilepsy, as well as those prone to mental disorders, are advised not to experience life events too emotionally, to protect themselves from stimulating external factors and unfamiliar environments, so that the feeling of déjà vu occurs as rarely as possible.

One can ponder for a long time about the reasons why the phenomenon of “already seen” occurs. It is impossible to say unequivocally that déjà vu is good or bad. However, until a consensus is found on this phenomenon, déjà vu will remain a mysterious and unknown phenomenon to this day. This game of consciousness is basically safe for the human body. Close attention should be paid to it only if it becomes too frequent.

Deja vu is it. Why does deja vu occur?

Déjà vu is an unusual effect in which the present is perceived as the past. Since ancient times, people have tried to find an explanation for this phenomenon. Forgotten dreams, fantasies, severe fatigue, reincarnation - many ideas and theories are put forward by scientists, psychics, psychologists and parapsychologists.

Origin of the word "déjà vu"

The French word déjà vu sounds like “deja vu” in Russian. This phenomenon conveys a person's feeling that he has already been to this place or knows people whom he has never met before.

The deja vu effect (the translation of the word is “already seen”) also has the opposite phenomenon. Jamais vu – “never seen.” It occurs at a moment when a person does not recognize or remember a familiar situation or place.

The word “déjà vu” itself in Russian is usually written together. This difference from the French version has no serious justification. This spelling is usually used for simplicity and convenience.

Deja vu effect

Déjà vu is a well-known term that is often used in psychology, psychiatry, everyday life. Déjà vu, or false memory, is a mental condition. During it, a person gets the feeling that he has already been in a similar place or situation.

The phenomenon of déjà vu occurs unexpectedly, lasts a few seconds and also suddenly disappears. It cannot be induced artificially. In the book “Psychology of the Future,” Emile Boirac first used a similar term.

In healthy people, the déjà vu effect occurs several times in a lifetime. Patients with epilepsy may experience this sensation several times a day. At the same time, deja vu is often accompanied by hallucinations.

Why does deja vu happen? Early Christians argued that the phenomenon was associated with human reincarnation, his memories of past lives. However, in the 6th century this theory was recognized by the highest church authorities as heretical.

Causes of deja vu

Déjà vu is a mental state in which a distinct feeling is created that the individual has already experienced similar feelings or been in the same situation. Such memories are not associated with specific moments from the past. It refers to the past as a whole; a person cannot identify a similar situation with a similar one in his conscious past.

The phenomenon was studied by psychologists, psychics, doctors, and priests. Why does deja vu happen? What causes it to appear? There are several hypotheses as to why the phenomenon sometimes occurs in healthy people.

  1. Forgotten dreams or fantasies. They manifest themselves when a person finds himself in a place or situation that he has seen in dreams or dreams.
  2. Fatigue or sleepiness also contributes to forgetting. Memories are erased from memory. When a person finds himself in a similar situation again, a déjà vu effect occurs.
  3. An emotional state during puberty or a midlife crisis, when a person tries to anticipate pictures of an ideal future or is nostalgic about a bygone time.
  4. Anomaly of brain development. This hypothesis belongs to American scientists who found that a lack of gray matter in the subcortex can provoke a déjà vu effect.
  5. Serious problems associated with a person’s mental state that need to be eliminated with the help of professional medicine.

Types of deja vu

What does deja vu mean? This is a general term. It includes fleeting memories of sounds, smells, places, situations, feelings and sensations. In fact, the déjà vu effect is delimited by narrower concepts.

Déjà visité (“deja visit”) – I’ve already been here. Being in a new place, a person feels that it is familiar to him. That he was already here once. This term is associated with place and orientation in space.

Presque vu (“Presque vu”) – almost seen. The most popular phenomenon is when a person cannot remember a word, title, name, phrase. This state is very disturbing and distracting. The search for the right word may linger in your thoughts for up to 2–3 days.

Déjà vécu (“deja vécu”) - I have already heard sounds and smells. This vague feeling that a person can predict what will happen next. He remembers familiar smells or hears sounds that give rise to further memories. But the effect is limited only by sensations. No further memories occur.

Déjà senti (“deja senti”) – I already felt it. The feeling that feelings or emotions have already existed. As if the person had already felt the same thing as he was feeling at the moment.

Opposite effect

Jamais vu (“zhamevue”) – translated into Russian as “never seen.” This is a situation when a person is familiar with a place, setting, environment, but he does not recognize it. This phenomenon creates a feeling of another reality. It seems to a person that he is in another time, an unfamiliar place.

This memory distortion is a subtype of cryptomnesia and is correlated with mental disorders. Jamevu is rare and is a sign of schizophrenia, senile psychosis.

Frequent deja vu

Frequent déjà vu is rare in healthy people. This happens when processing of several types of memory is layered. Frequent déjà vu, accompanied by anxiety and smells, is a functional disorder that should be treated by a psychologist or neurologist. Also, frequent déjà vu is a symptom of temporary lobar epilepsy.

The phenomenon is based on an individual neurophysiological abnormality. It can be congenital or acquired (for example, after neurosurgery). Psychiatrists warn that frequent déjà vu may be the initial stage of a mental personality disorder.

Deja vu studies

Déjà vu is an interesting phenomenon, the scientific research of which began to be carried out just over a century ago. German scientists in the 19th century suggested that the phenomenon manifests itself at a moment of extreme fatigue. This is when disruptions occur in the cerebral cortex.

Sigmund Freud believed that déjà vu occurs as a result of the resurrection of subconscious, forgotten fantasies. Arthur Allyn claimed that the phenomenon was a fragment of a forgotten dream.

Herman Sno hypothesized that memories are stored in the form of holograms. Each fragment contains certain information. The smaller the fragment of the hologram, the more vague the memory. When a real situation coincides with any fragment of memory, a déjà vu effect occurs.

According to the theory of Pierre Glur, memory consists of 2 systems - restoration and recognition. When déjà vu occurs, the recognition system is activated, and the recovery system is temporarily disabled.

Scientific substantiation of the phenomenon

Modern scientists believe that the phenomenon of déjà vu is associated with a certain area of ​​the brain. It's called the hippocampus. It is this zone that is responsible for identifying objects. Through experiments, it was revealed that the dentate gyrus of the hippocampus allows one to instantly recognize the slightest differences in similar images.

A person, experiencing something in the present, is able to correlate his feelings with past feelings and try to predict his reaction in the future. At this moment, the necessary areas of the brain are turned on, short-term and long-term memory begins to interact. That is, the past, present and future are present in the human brain. Therefore, events of the present can be perceived as the past - this is why déjà vu occurs.

The hippocampus divides human experience into past and present. Sometimes impressions are too similar; a person experiences identical situations many times. There is a slight disruption in the connections between long-term and short-term memory. The hippocampus compares similar memories, recognizes the mise-en-scene - then déjà vu occurs.

Mystical rationale for the phenomenon

Experts in the field of parapsychology and extrasensory perception suggest that the phenomenon of déjà vu is directly related to reincarnation. Human life is a certain stage of acquiring knowledge and experience. After the end of one stage, a new round of life begins. In the next incarnation, a person will have to go through a different path and gain different experience and knowledge.

Proponents of reincarnation argue that the phenomenon of déjà vu is memories of past lives and past stages. Just as a person is able to recognize a place or situation, he can recognize a person he knows from a past life. This is precisely what explains strong feelings To strangers at first sight. It could be love or hate. Such feelings confirm that people knew each other in past incarnations.

Also, don’t forget to thank your doctors.

psychiatrist9 10:35

Your condition is a consequence of a disruption in the functioning of the central nervous system, i.e. the brain. There can be a lot of reasons, and very diverse.

You should contact a psychiatrist at your place of residence, as well as consult a neurologist and therapist, conduct functional diagnostics and find the cause of the disease.

As a rule, such states are functional in nature, when several types of memory processing are layered on top of each other, but not as often as in your case. Based on this, I dare to assume that your situation is much more complicated, and the disorders are not functional in nature, but affect the cellular level.

Get a quality examination from specialists. There is no need to guess and waste time.

The deja vu effect is mysticism or “mistakes” of the body

Sometimes you get the feeling that you have already been in this particular situation or met a person who seems to be a stranger or visited some place, but you know for sure that you came there for the first time. People are already accustomed to calling this feeling the déjà vu effect, but no one can reliably say why this happens, although there are many different versions and hypotheses on this matter.

Term designation

Déjà vu is also called a false memory, this is a distinct feeling that what is happening is repeating itself, and the situation in which you find yourself has already been experienced before. But usually a person understands that what happened is clearly happening to him for the first time. The word déjà vu itself, translated from French, means “already seen”; this term was first introduced by the French psychologist Emile Boirac. Usually the effect lasts only a few seconds and disappears even before the person has time to clearly understand what is happening to him.

The best specialists from various fields, psychiatrists, physiologists and even metaphysicians, are trying to give a logical justification for this phenomenon, but for several decades there has been no definitive answer. The difficulty is that the cause of this phenomenon is in the work of the brain and it is impossible to cause the effect individually.

Mystical look

Most teachings indicate that the manifestation of this effect is nothing more than memories from past lives already lived. After reincarnation, it sometimes happens that in similar situations, memories of two different lives overlap each other and this phenomenon manifests itself in the form of déjà vu. It is believed that the effect is intended to indicate something in a new life, to influence a certain choice. It is also believed that the effect can simply protect, like a sixth sense.

Different interpretations by scientists

Experts from different fields, studying such a mysterious phenomenon, cannot come to a consensus. Today, there are several interpretations that explain the cause of this phenomenon, but reliable evidence in favor of one or the other has not yet been found.

Accumulated fatigue

German psychologists have put forward a version that the cause of the déjà vu effect is severe fatigue in the body caused by stress and lack of sleep. The phenomenon manifests itself due to the fact that the areas of the brain responsible for consciousness and perception are not coordinated due to a malfunction.

Memory failure

Physiologists say that the déjà vu effect occurs when a malfunction occurs in the temporal part of the brain. The hippocampus is responsible for comparing and contrasting a person's existing memory with new information. Thanks to his work, we can compare and differentiate between events occurring in the present time and those that occurred in the past.

When a person sees a new place or object, or another person, information from the hippocampus is analyzed and compared with previously obtained data that already exists in memory. If this part of the brain functions normally, then the person understands that new information is being received. But, if a failure occurred and what was seen immediately fell into the memory center without preliminary analysis, and after 1-2 seconds the error is eliminated and the hippocampus begins to function normally, it immediately turns to the memory center. It turns out that the data that gets there does not undergo analysis; the brain perceives it as information that is already being repeated, that is, it happened before. This is the reason for the occurrence of false memories.

The work of the subconscious

Some scientists, among whom was Freud, consider the phenomenon of déjà vu to be the normal work of the subconscious, which at a certain moment manifests its characteristic defense mechanism. This means that memories of a situation were “hidden” by the human subconscious because they were unpleasant or even traumatic. But it happens that they “return” under the influence various factors and the situation seems familiar.

Mental disorder

Some experts consider the déjà vu effect to be a manifestation (symptom) of a mental disorder. Doctors are confident that in addition to deja vu, a person also suffers from other mental illnesses, and without proper treatment, false memories will develop into prolonged hallucinations, under the influence of which the patient can harm himself or others.

On average, a normal, non-disordered person experiences the effects once or twice a year.

Why does the deja vu effect occur?

For humanity, the déjà vu effect is a mysterious phenomenon. Appears suddenly and lasts a few seconds. I wonder why the deja vu effect occurs?

Being in a state of déjà vu, a person perceives current events as already experienced or previously seen. This applies to unfamiliar places that seem familiar for a long time or certain events when actions and words are known in advance.

People have been exploring this phenomenon since antiquity. According to Aristotle, the déjà vu effect is a kind of subconscious game that occurs under the influence of a combination of factors on the human psyche.

The phenomenon was actively studied in the nineteenth century. Psychiatrists have discovered a number of mental states similar to déjà vu. Among them, the jamevu effect is a sign of a mental disorder.

People experience déjà vu many times throughout their lives. Each manifestation of a mysterious phenomenon has certain symptoms. The person is sure that he was once in this place and experienced the event. He is well aware of the words he speaks and the actions of the people around him. In general, the manifestation of déjà vu strongly resembles the ability of psychics to foresee an event, but is characterized by a subconscious nature.

Deja vu comes and goes unexpectedly. The duration does not exceed one minute and does not affect consciousness and psyche. However, in medical practice there have been cases where frequent occurrences of déjà vu had a close connection with a mental disorder.

Symptoms of the phenomenon can appear simultaneously with epileptic seizures. In such a situation, a person is unable to take control of the development of the phenomenon and the onset of a seizure. Therefore, individuals suffering from epilepsy or mental problems are advised to react less emotionally to the development of life events. As a result, the feeling of déjà vu will occur much less frequently.

The déjà vu effect is reminiscent of watching a movie. A person has seen a similar plot, but he is unable to remember exactly when and under what conditions. Some try to predict what is happening, but nothing works.

Scientists have divided opinions about the déjà vu effect. Some argue that the human brain is capable of encoding time, others claim that the phenomenon represents a situation where a person saw a sequence of certain events during sleep. When he sees similar circumstances in reality, he has this effect.

You can spend hours looking at the causes of the phenomenon. It cannot be said that a phenomenon is good or bad. Until scientists agree, déjà vu will continue to remain unknown and mysterious.

I'll give useful advice. Usually this game of consciousness is safe for the human body. If relapses become more frequent, she needs to pay more attention and consult a doctor.

Deja vu effect in a dream

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Have you seen a place in a dream that you have already visited, but not in real life? These sensations are a manifestation of the déjà vu effect in a dream, which has been exciting the minds of scientists for one hundred and fifty years. The luminaries of science, explaining the phenomenon, put forward various reasons for its appearance. In this article I will consider three of them.

The first reason: echoes of the past

Dreams reflect a person’s personal experience gained in a previous life. The phenomenon of transmigration of the soul. After such dreams, people remembered things that they could not even guess about. For example, one traveler, who decided to relax in the summer in another country, had no problem finding in an unfamiliar territory the ruins of a castle in which, according to his dream, he worked as a butler.

Some psychiatrists argue that dreams can actually reproduce events that a person experienced in a past life.

Second reason: forgotten memories

Scientists who do not believe in the transmigration of souls explain the phenomenon of déjà vu in dreams by forgotten memories. We are talking about childhood impressions or minor events that were once recorded. During sleep, such “memoirs” rise from the depths of memory and burst into consciousness.

The third reason: the gift of prediction

According to the third reason, deja vu in a dream is a prediction, and not memories stored in the depths of memory that have surfaced. The future is formed in the subconscious, and the finished picture of upcoming events is reflected in dreams.

The theory says that a person can penetrate both the past and the future in his thoughts. When a person sleeps, he sees what his strongest emotions are directed at. This could be career success, vacation sea ​​coast or breaking up with your significant other. Experiences are caused by dreams, which instill confidence that the event seen has already happened. This is a phenomenon prophetic dream, which will help you prepare for the upcoming challenge, joy or success.

It is not uncommon to dream of something familiar - a person, a building or a city, but you do not remember it. It is possible that memories lost in memory were reflected in the dream. If you see such a dream, study the history of your ancestors, find old photographs or collages. This will help you find the answer to night deja vu.

If aspirations and desires are reflected in a dream, most likely, in the near future you will find yourself in a situation reminiscent of the dreamed plot. Some believe that such dreams are the key to managing life and modeling the future.

Do you often experience déjà vu?

It often happens to me that it seems to me that I have already seen this or that situation. Why is this happening? Does this happen to you?

Yes, this happens sometimes. Not often, but it happens. You see something and remember that you have already seen it somewhere. Everything is reproduced in the smallest detail and with the same people. Maybe there is some scientific explanation for this.

Now rarely (once or twice a year). I used to experience it more often. I figured it out on my own first. After another case of “false memory,” I wondered if it was possible to somehow determine whether the situation was actually repeating itself, or whether it just seemed so to me. And this is what I came up with. I started keeping a diary. With "repetition" it would be possible to trace the same situation in the past. In addition, in each such situation, I asked the people nearby if something similar had happened before. After all, if a situation repeats itself, all its participants (or at least some) should remember it just like I do. None of these methods gave a positive result.

Since then I have learned a lot about déjà vu. For example, it is much more common in epileptics. This means we are talking about a mental disorder. In addition, along with “deja vu,” “jama vu” happens to people - when a person sees a familiar, familiar environment as if it were happening for the first time.

The brain can play more than one joke on us. Who among us has not been in a situation where a phone call or the trill of an alarm clock are inscribed in the fabric of sleep and feel like a logical conclusion? long history, which we dreamed about? In fact, at the moment the call begins, the brain creates a picture of the dream, moving from end to beginning, and then plays it back to us in “normal order”, so much so that it seems to us that we have seen a long dream.

In this case, the brain uses its mechanism of “temporal coding” of events. So, in the case of déjà vu, as they say today, there is a failure in the perception of the same real situation; it is coded twice: as the present and as the past. Hence the ambivalent feeling.

What is deja vu?

It's deja vu.

The term “déjà vu” (d?j?vu – already seen) was first used by the French psychologist Emile Boirac () in his book “Psychology of the Future”. Previously, this strange phenomenon was characterized as “false recognition” or “paramnesia” (memory deceptions due to impaired consciousness), or “promnesia” (synonymous with déjà vu).

Exploring Deja Vu

Scientific study of the phenomenon of déjà vu has not been so active. In 1878, a German psychological journal proposed that the sensation of “already seen” occurs when the processes of perception and awareness, which generally occur simultaneously, in one case or another become inconsistent due to, for example, fatigue. This explanation has become one of the sides of the theory, which in turn suggests the reason for the appearance of déjà vu is the workload of the brain. In other words, déjà vu occurs when a person is very tired and peculiar malfunctions appear in the brain.

The surge during the first period is explained by the emotional expressiveness of adolescence, the ability to react too sharply and even dramatically to certain events, due to the lack of life experience. In this case, a person turns to fictitious experience for help, receiving it directly from false memory. As for the second peak itself, it, in turn, also occurs at a turning point, but this is already a midlife crisis.

Physiological explanation

But, despite everything, scientists were still able to figure out which parts of the brain are involved in the process at the time when a person experiences a feeling of déjà vu. It is worth noting the fact that different parts of the brain are directly responsible for different types of memory. The frontal part is responsible for the future, the temporal part is responsible for the past, and the main part, the intermediate part, is responsible for our present. When all these parts of the brain are doing their normal work, when consciousness is in a normal state, then the feeling that something is about to happen can only arise when we are thinking about the future, worrying about it, warning about it, or building plans.

Reincarnation or reboot?

Many people are inclined to believe that deja vu has some mysterious, or even mystical roots. This happens due to the fact that scientists cannot really explain why déjà vu occurs. Parapsychologists explain déjà vu with the theory of reincarnation, in which case if a person lives not one life, but several, then he can remember some episodes of one of them.

Many psychologists believe that this phenomenon may simply be a function of human self-defense. When we are in an awkward situation or in a place unfamiliar to us, we automatically begin to look for some familiar things or objects, this is done in order to somehow support our body at a time of psychological stress.

This amazing phenomenon Even physicists are trying to explain. There is a kind of ecstatic concept according to which the past, present and immediate future happen simultaneously. Our consciousness, in turn, can only perceive what we call “now.” Physicists explain the phenomenon of déjà vu by some disruption in time.

Deja vu: what is it and why does it happen?

Sometimes you get the feeling that the events that are happening have already happened. A person hears the same sounds, inhales smells, and predicts what the interlocutor will say. Consciousness throws up pictures of what is happening, but does not answer the question of when such an event occurred. This means that this is a deja vu phenomenon, and it occurs during life in 97% of the population.

Particularly surprising are situations when, when we see a stranger and when visiting a new room, we can describe in detail facial features or furnishings. It becomes creepy and a little uncomfortable. Don’t even try to remember when familiar events happened, it’s impossible. Why does the feeling of déjà vu occur?

Deja vu: what is it?

The state experienced by a person is comparable to watching a movie or reading a book that you have already read or viewed for a long time. Individual pictures and motives appear in the head, but memory does not show how further events will develop. When the situation develops, the person realizes with surprise that this is exactly how everything should have happened. What remains is a strange feeling, the understanding that you knew the sequence of development of the situation. The meaning of deja vu in your own words: all this happened once before, I saw it (heard it, felt it) and is repeating it again. Below we will find out how the word déjà vu is translated from French - its content literally reflects the meaning of the phenomenon itself in a nutshell.

A man in a state of déjà vu is confused

Feeling of deja vu - what is it? The word “déjà vu” by definition means that it is “something that has already been seen.” The phenomenon itself is an amazing phenomenon that scientists are still struggling with to this day. The difficulty of research lies in the fact that it is impossible to predict the occurrence of déjà vu. Consequently, it is impossible to prepare a person for studies and observations. Cases of repeated déjà vu several times a week have been recorded in people suffering from epilepsy.

Thanks to Emile Boirac, this term appeared: the psychologist called the unusual phenomenon déjà vu. Readers found a new designation in the scientist’s works “Psychology of the Future.” Previously, the phenomenon was characterized by the same signs, but was called false recognition or paramnesia. The latter term meant impaired consciousness and memory deceptions. Very often, the phenomenon of déjà vu, on the contrary, does not lead to serious psychological problems in a person’s normal life.

Dejavu (déjà vu), which translated from French means “already seen,” naturally came into use in other nations

Russians often have a question: what is the correct spelling: deja vu, déjà vu or déjà vu? Despite the fact that the French version consists of two words (déjà vu), in Russian the analogue is written together, in one word: “déjà vu”. This is the writing we will adhere to.

How does the reverse déjà vu phenomenon occur, a kind of antonym of déjà vu? This phenomenon is rare, unlike deja vu, and also has a French designation - jamevu. Accompanied by a sharp loss of memory: a person does not recognize close or familiar people, he perceives familiar things as new. Jamevu occurs unexpectedly, for example, during a conversation with a friend. At one point, all data is erased from memory. Repetition of jamevu indicates the presence of mental disorders.

Deja vu: what does this mean according to scientists?

Researchers have not learned how to artificially cause the phenomenon. Therefore, take the facts presented below as a theory based on a survey of people who experienced déjà vu. Why and what causes déjà vu syndrome according to scientists?

Many scientists believe that déjà vu occurs due to the layering of similar situations

  1. Layering of situations. The theory was put forward by Andrey Kurgan. A modern author in the book “The Deja Vu Phenomenon” argues that the main reason for the phenomenon is the layering of similar situations. Moreover, one of them is recorded in the past, and the other occurs in the present. Deja vu happens under special circumstances. There is a time shift. As a result, a person perceives the future as present events. There is a stretching of the future tense, the inclusion of past and present incidents. On the pages of the book you will find examples from life. Readers claim that the situations described completely coincide with the sensations that a person experiences when faced with déjà vu.
  2. Fast information processing. A rested person perceives what is happening better. An unloaded brain quickly processes the pictures it sees, the information it receives, and the words it hears. The theory comes from physiologist William H. Burnham. An American scientist claims that when seeing an unfamiliar object, the brain begins to process information, reading the smallest details. A rested brain center works quickly. A person perceives information processing differently. There is a feeling of repeating incidents.
  3. Recording events in the form of holograms. Herman Sno argued that memory is stored in the human brain in a special way. According to the scientist, events are recorded in the form of a three-dimensional image (hologram). Each piece of the picture includes enough data to reproduce the entire image. Clarity depends on the size of the picture. Déjà vu occurs as a result of an overlapping connection between the present and elements of the recorded past. The hologram evokes the whole picture, leaving a feeling of repeated incidents.
  4. Systematicity of memory. Some of the most recent research, conducted in the 90s, belongs to Pierre Glour. According to the neuropsychiatrist's hypothesis, a person records information through two processes: recognition and recovery. Déjà vu occurs due to a violation of the sequence. In such a situation, when the picture is changed, a person recognizes what is happening, but data recovery does not occur.

The puzzle with such a state as deja vu has not yet been solved

Psychologist Sigmund Freud did not ignore the topic of déjà vu. The Australian is confident that the phenomenon arises thanks to the human consciousness: it throws up subconscious pictures and fantasizes. The hypothesis was picked up by Freud's followers and brought to the theory of the struggle between “I” and “It”.

Why does deja vu happen?

There are various hypotheses put forward by scientists from all over the world. It is interesting that not only psychologists, but also physicists joined the study of the phenomenon. The latter are sure that a person feels déjà vu due to a disruption in time. In ordinary life, a person’s consciousness perceives only what is happening at the present moment. During a failure, the times are started simultaneously. Therefore, a person gets the impression that events are repeating themselves.

Not only psychologists, but also physicists joined the study of the phenomenon of déjà vu

  1. Why does deja vu occur? Pictures from dreams. During rest, people see colorful dreams and experience events. Sometimes a dream cannot be distinguished from reality, so a person laughs, cries or talks in his sleep. The pictures seen during the holiday echo the real life. The brain analyzes events and selects solutions. Why is there a feeling of déjà vu based on dreams? Perhaps people's experiences are reflected in their dreams in this way. When in life a person encounters an incident that he dreamed about, déjà vu occurs.
  2. Reincarnation. Paropsychologists do not deny theories about parallel worlds and a person living several lives. Incidents from past lives fit into the current situation. Reincarnation was recognized in ancient times, Christians and scientists believed in it. Famous personalities experienced déjà vu when visiting historical places. Singer Tina Turner upon sight Egyptian pyramids, saw a past life. In it, the celebrity was a friend of the eastern queen. Madonna experienced similar feelings when visiting a palace in China.
  3. Disruption of the connection between consciousness and the unconscious. The human subconscious is comparable to a large saucepan in which events, emotions, and ideas are boiled, which end up there as a result of the pushing out of consciousness for various reasons. If reality coincides with unconscious images, then déjà vu will appear.

Some individuals have experienced déjà vu when visiting historical places, explaining this as reincarnation

Psychologists point out that similar situations happen to people every day. As a result, a reaction to events is formed and experience is accumulated.

When similar situations arise, a person uses the developments of the past, and there is a feeling of recognition of the events taking place.

Modern studies of déjà vu

The mystery and enigma of the phenomenon haunts scientists. Research into this interesting feeling continues. In Colorado, scientists conducted a number of experiments. One of them was that a group of people were shown one by one images of famous places and people. First, photographs of celebrities, then personalities from different areas, pictures depicting historical monuments and attractions.

The mystery and mystery of the phenomenon of déjà vu haunts scientists

When showing photographs, scientists asked those present to describe the image: who or what is on the card. While the subjects were thinking, the respondents recorded brain activity. Despite having the correct answer, the temporal part of the brain became active. Modern studies of déjà vu have shown that when a person does not know the answer, he makes associations. They form the feeling of repeating situations.

This mysterious phenomenon is so multifaceted that scientists have created a whole classification and distinguish the following types deja vu:

  • directly deja vu - “already seen”;
  • deja century - “already experienced”;
  • deja visit - “already visited”;
  • deja senti – “already felt”;
  • the opposite state mentioned above is jamevu;
  • presquel - obsessive and sometimes painful attempts to remember, for example, a well-known word or the name of an old acquaintance;
  • “ladder mind” is a state when an intelligent solution or a witty remark comes too late, when it is no longer necessary. For a better understanding: the Russian equivalent is “everyone is strong in hindsight.”

Physiological causes of deja vu

Despite the variety of theories, scientists have come to a consensus which parts of the brain are involved when déjà vu occurs. The future is protected by the frontal part, the intermediate zone is responsible for the present, and the past is given to the temporal region. When all parts are working normally, nothing phenomenal happens. But, if a person is worried about the future, worries about upcoming events, makes various plans, then déjà vu may occur. Explained by physiological reasons.

When conducting a conversation, a person reacts to the face of the interlocutor. Depending on the facial expression, a reaction occurs and the brain sends a signal. Physiologists claim that the present time is so short that people only have time to remember events, but do not experience them. Some situations fall under short-term memory, which stores memories for no more than 5 minutes, while others fall under long-term memory.

When experiencing deja vu, a person, as a rule, begins to painfully remember when this event happened

There are no clear boundaries between the past, future and present. When, in a certain situation, similarities arise between short and long-term memory, the present is perceived by a person as the past. From this point of view, the causes of déjà vu lie in the unique physiology of humans.

Deja vu: is it bad or not?

In rare cases, the phenomenon is considered harmless and does not require the attention of a doctor. Déjà vu must be distinguished from false memory. In the latter case, a malfunction of the brain occurs. People perceive unfamiliar events as known facts. False memory is activated during certain periods:

  1. 16–18 years old. The teenage period is accompanied by bright events, emotional reactions and a lack of life experience. Having no similar situations behind him, the teenager turns to fictitious experience or false memory.
  2. 35–40 years old. The second stage refers to the turning point when a person experiences a midlife crisis. Déjà vu manifests itself in nostalgia. A person calls up pictures from the past. Wants to correct past mistakes or let the situation take a different scenario. Memories from the past are unreal, drawn to the ideal.

The human brain is little studied, as is the phenomenon of déjà vu

Is frequent feeling of déjà vu good or bad? This means that repeated episodes can be clear symptoms of diseases, including schizophrenia and temporal lobar epilepsy. To know exactly what the frequent, even constant feeling of déjà vu leads to and what further actions should be taken, consult a doctor. He will also give recommendations on how to get rid of the symptoms of deja vu, which can be very intrusive and cause some inconvenience.

If déjà vu occurs infrequently, it will not cause trouble; if symptoms of this phenomenon persist, you should consult a psychiatrist


Déjà vu remains a mysterious phenomenon that scientists around the world are trying to study. It is still unknown why a small percentage of people never experience this phenomenon. Plus, the reason for what is happening is associated with the brain. Interventions in an important organ are fraught with serious consequences: disability, deafness, paralysis. Therefore, guesses and theories are based solely on the sensations and feelings of the subject.

Many of us can tell you what déjà vu is in our own words. However, few people know what this phenomenon is associated with and whether it is a separate disease.

What does it mean

Most adult men and women have already encountered circumstances when, upon finding themselves in a new environment, they began to experience a strange feeling that they had already been there before.

Sometimes meeting a stranger makes you think that their face is very familiar. It seems like all this has happened before, but when?

To find out the cause and essence of this phenomenon, it is worth finding out the meaning of the word “ deja vu " The translation from French means “already seen.”

Definition in the Great Modern explanatory dictionary says that this condition is a mental disorder, which consists of the feeling that everything experienced now is exactly repeated and takes place in the past.

  • This phenomenon was first described at the end of the 19th century. Cases of deja vu are found in the works of Jack London and Clifford Simak. Manifestations of recurring circumstances can be observed in the films “Groundhog Day”, “The Adventures of Shurik”.
  • It was found that most often the feeling of a familiar situation occurs in people aged from 15 to 18 years old, and also from 35 to 40 years. This syndrome is not experienced by children under 7-8 years of age due to unformed consciousness. Doctors, psychologists, physicists and parapsychologists are still trying to figure out what this phenomenon means.
  • There is a term called reverse déjà vu - jamevu . It means "never seen." A person, being in a familiar environment with familiar people, can feel newness, as if he had never been here and did not know those around him.

Why does the deja vu effect occur?

Doctors and scientists explain the causes of déjà vu in different ways.

Philosopher Bergson believed that this phenomenon is associated with the bifurcation of reality and the transfer of the present to the future. Freud saw the reason in the person’s memories, which were repressed into the area of ​​the unconscious. Other researchers have associated the phenomenon with random experiences in fantasy or during sleep.

None of the theories answer the question “What is déjà vu and why does it happen?”

Recent studies by American specialists have established that a certain sector of the brain, the hippocampus, is responsible for the development of this condition. It contains proteins that are responsible for pattern recognition. At the same time, brain cells are able to store memories of any place a person has been to.

A group of researchers from the Czech University found that déjà vu syndrome is associated with acquired and congenital brain pathologies. In their opinion, the main organ produces false memories of what is happening due to its easy excitability, in particular in the area hippocampus .

There are other hypotheses that justify the presence of déjà vu:

  1. Esotericists rely on the theory of reincarnation and believe that the sensations of déjà vu are associated with the consciousness of our ancestors.
  2. In the event of a stressful situation, our brain invents new solutions based on its experience. This is due to intuition and the body’s protective reaction.
  3. Some researchers claim that the déjà vu effect is related to time travel.
  4. According to another version, déjà vu is the result of a well-rested brain. The organ processes information too quickly, and it seems to the person that what happened a second ago happened a long time ago.
  5. In reality, the situations may be simply similar. Actions resemble past events because the brain recognizes similar pictures and compares memories.
  6. One theory suggests that the brain is able to confuse short-term memory with long-term memory. In this way, it tries to encode new information into long-term storage, and a feeling of déjà vu is created.

Some manifestations of this phenomenon make one believe in the transmigration of souls. So, Madonna Having visited the Beijing Emperor's Palace for the first time, I felt that I knew absolutely every corner of it. After this, she claimed that in a past life she was a subject of the emperor.

There is a more attractive theory to explain déjà vu. It is believed that each of us has our own path in life and our own destiny. For a particular individual, ideal situations, certain places, meetings and people are destined.

All this is known to our subconscious and can intersect with reality. This means only one thing - the path has been chosen correctly. Today, this phenomenon has been little studied, and not a single scientist can say exactly why déjà vu happens.

Frequent déjà vu = illness?

This phenomenon can be observed not only in healthy people.

Many experts argue that patients who experience a constant feeling of déjà vu are sick or have other mental illnesses.

The pathological effect is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Frequently experiencing the same situation (several times a day);
  • the appearance of déjà vu a few minutes or hours after the incident;
  • a feeling that the event took place in a past life;
  • the feeling that a repeating situation has happened to other people;
  • increased duration of pathological sensation.

If, along with these symptoms, a person develops hallucinations, extreme anxiety and other symptoms , you should consult a psychotherapist to identify the causes of the disease.

It is important to be attentive to incomprehensible situations related to mental life. If there are disturbances in consciousness, you should contact a specialist who will identify the problem using modern methods diagnostics: MRI, encephalography, CT.

In medical practice, there are cases when a person who sought help due to frequent cases of déjà vu was diagnosed with the following pathologies:

  • brain tumor;

Such mental disorders can lead to traumatic brain injury, vascular pathologies of the brain, use narcotic drugs And.

If a healthy person has experienced the effect of déjà vu, then there is no need to worry. This phenomenon is not a mental pathology, it is just one of the functions of the human brain that is not fully understood.

Anyone, regardless of gender or nationality, experiences déjà vu from time to time. It often occurs against the background of emotional distress, depression, and insomnia. Therefore, doctors advise getting more rest, normalizing your sleep and avoiding stressful situations.

Video about this phenomenon: