Which hand should you use to tell fortunes in palmistry? Palmistry for beginners: meanings of lines on the palm. Preliminary hand analysis

The future has always attracted man. Thousands of systems were created that helped spy on the future. The secret of how to guess by own hand has long occupied the minds of many girls. This is a very popular way in which the future is recognized by the “relief” of the palm, the qualities of the soul, talents, and successes awaiting a person are determined. This system long before today it was called palmistry. What are the signs and what do each line mean?

What is palmistry

Palmistry will help you learn how to read your hand correctly. Previously, it was a science taught in higher education educational institutions. The literal translation of the word “palmistry” from Greek means “fortune telling, prediction by hand.” The first study books appeared in German cities in the mid-15th century. Science does not require special knowledge in the medical field; to practice palmistry, age does not matter.

Fortune telling by hand

Since the face receives a certain expression depending on emotional experiences, such emotions are reflected on the hands. Any manifestation of emotions is accompanied by movements that make you work muscular system, which leads to the formation of folds on the palms. Palmistry is one of the most confusing ways to find out your destiny. Guessing the future is not easy; for this you need specialized knowledge.

How to tell novice palmists from another person’s hand? Character is determined by deduction and careful observation. There is no need at all to go into the depths of palmistry for this. Just look at the person's dominant hand. Some roughness of the skin is a sign of a straightforward character; cool and thin limbs will tell about the sophistication of nature. The shape of the palm adds clarity to the interpretation: a square one means a person is very practical, and an elongated one means he is impressionable and suspicious.

To get some more information, pay attention to the length of all the person’s fingers. Superficial people with enormous amounts of energy generally have short fingers. Those with long hair have a persistent character and are very pedantic. Average length fingers indicates that a person has everything in moderation - perseverance and superficiality. If they are larger than average, then it is better to stay away from this.

How to tell fortunes for a man and a woman

Before you start fortune telling using the lines on your hand, decide on your leading palm. In this science it is believed that left hand- this is the “book” of fate, which is given by nature, but the right one changes throughout life, because it is “built” by the person himself. How to correctly tell a woman's hand? The right one will show what she was born with, and the left one will show what she acquired during her life. The same principle applies to men, only in reverse.

Main lines

After a superficial examination of the palms, figure out how to guess by human hand, its main elements. Each hand has its own picture, each person is the owner of a unique image. There are only 4 main lines:

  1. Life - determines a person’s character and traits that distinguish him from other people;
  2. Fates;
  3. Hearts;
  4. Heads.

The study of palmistry comes down to deciphering various signs, letters on the palm. What does the letter m on the palm or another name for Rune mean? For the owner it is auspicious sign, indicating changes in better side in those spheres from which lines this letter is created. This is the sign of a master who knows exactly what he wants from life. It is found in many people and points to the material world.

Hearts (of love)

What does the line mean? She determines how to tell fortunes about marriage by hand. The heart strip provides information about all human emotions. From it, a palmist or fortune teller will read about the characteristics of character and temperament, determine the ability to sympathize and be compassionate. This element indicates general condition hearts. An unexpressed line characterizes a very sensitive human nature.

Palmists distinguish people according to the lines of their physical and spiritual hearts. The first type is characterized by an ending between the middle and index finger. The spiritual one is located parallel to the line of the base of the fingers. Physical personifies love and the ability to express oneself, resistance to depression. The spiritual line is a symbol of sensitivity.

A heart line that runs too high characterizes a person who is very jealous and demanding of his partner. Well expressed means generosity, the absence of branches indicates dryness and ruthlessness. If the element bifurcates, then the owner will be a very devoted spouse. Intersection with other lines promises deceptive actions in love. With the help of this element, fortune telling by hand for marriage occurs.

Uma (head)

This element is very important, and a person wondering how to tell fortunes by hand must definitely take it into account. It indicates the power of thinking, intellectual development. If this part of the palm pattern is too short, then the person is unable to analyze information; a large length indicates versatility and large-scale thinking.

The ramifications determine a person's creativity. If the line of the mind connects or comes into contact with others, then the owner is careful. An intermittent pattern characterizes underdeveloped intelligence, poor memory, and inattention. A thin, long line indicates frivolity, a wide line indicates carelessness and irascibility. The color of the line has its own meaning: red - cruelty, pink - high level intellectual development.


How to read lines on your hand? The better the life streak is expressed, the more energy and vitality a person has. A small line does not mean that the days are numbered; such people are less physically resilient. Intersection with small lines indicates the presence of stress and anxiety in life. Good sign- a stripe running parallel to the main line; the owner of such a pattern has a guardian angel.

Health is at risk when the lines of the head and heart merge. If the stripes connect only at the very beginning, people with such palm relief are cautious and unsure of themselves. If there are no fusions of these lines, the person develops early and has determination. Such people are gifted and creative.


This is another basic element of the science of palmistry. He is responsible for information about careers and work success. Not everyone has this line, but its presence will allow the owner to accept right decisions. To interpret the line, you first need to find it: above the wrist, tending to the middle finger. Long length speaks of human independence. The trait may be well or weakly expressed. Intermittent denotes frequent changes professional activities, ramification - the ability to enjoy life.


This line will help you find out whether a person will have a child. The line on the hand is small, located between the root of the little finger and the heart stripe. This is where the marriage line begins, from which the lines indicating the number of children are counted. Long and strong lines are deciphered as the expectation of a boy, and short and thin ones - girls.

Video: how to learn to guess

Information about palmistry cannot be contained in a short review. Therefore, we suggest watching several videos that will complement the article with a description of other symbols, different variations of how lines can intersect, etc. By understanding the meanings of the signs inscribed on your hand, you will learn to predict the future without errors better than an experienced fortune teller.

Meaning of lines

Signs on the palm

Marriage line

Palmistry is ancient art reading lines on the palm in order to predict a person’s fate.

Many people can learn this and have a pleasant time in an informal setting, “predicting” the fate of their friends and relatives, but this does not mean they can be called palmists. Not everyone can become a professional palm reader for a number of reasons. For example, it is not enough just to know chirology; you need to understand human psychology.

The palm reader has the greatest power and the greatest responsibility: he sees the future of a person by his hand. Therefore, he must be able to competently, accurately and carefully, based on the client’s personal qualities and his ability to perceive negative information, explain what he saw.

Just as not everyone is able to master any profession, so not everyone can be a good palmist. But you shouldn’t be upset, because no one forbids you to be just an amateur. For the sake of your pleasure, self-education and self-knowledge, palmistry can and should be practiced.

Basics of chirology

At the very beginning, you need to study the person’s hand itself: the skin, the shape of the palm, the length of the fingers, nails.

The appearance of a hand can say a lot about a person, just like the palm: what kind of character he has, his state of health, etc., for example, if his hands are pale with thin skin, you have a sensitive nature, subject to disturbances of the heart.

Then you should feel the bumps on the palm, there are nine of them:

  • Mount of Venus
  • two hillocks of Mars
  • Mount of Jupiter
  • Mount of Saturn
  • Mount of Apollo
  • Mount of Neptune
  • Mount of Mercury
  • Mount of the Moon

The presence or absence of these hills on the palm can tell a lot about a person’s personality. For example, the pronounced upper mount of Mars speaks of will and fighting qualities, but the second opposite mount of Mars indicates a strong level of patience. There are a lot of different subtleties in chirology.

After studying the bumps, you need to look at the lines on the person’s palm:

  1. life
  2. hearts
  3. health
  4. fate
  5. Apollo

Even by reading only the lines of life, heart and mind, you can give a complete picture of life from the palm of your hand.

Life line

There is an opinion that one can determine Its duration by the line of life, which is not entirely true. This line shows life path people, events and changes of views. It can talk about a person’s state of health and his love for life.

Heart line

This line is responsible for a person’s emotional state. Some experts believe that it can also show heart disease as an organ. This line is very easy to find: it is located under the little finger and rises towards the middle and index fingers. Along this line you can determine a person’s ability to love.

Head (mind) line

From this line one can judge mental abilities person, his success in activity and professionalism. This line is located in the middle of the palm, deviating downward from the index finger to the little finger. When considering this line, you need to pay attention to its length and angle of inclination.

Line of fate

Along this line, you can say a lot about a person’s life and his future. This line may not be present in all people. The study of the life line should be done at the end, comparing the data obtained from other palms.

Health line

This line talks about chronic diseases person. Many palmists believe that the absence of this line is an ideal case. Studying this is extremely difficult, since it is subject to serious changes in short terms time

Apollo Line

This line speaks of a person’s self-esteem, achievements and success. How the client perceives himself, his confidence in own strength can be read along this line.

Chirology is a science that requires patience and time, is complex and specific.

This article presented the basic concepts of fortune telling, but this is not enough to become a real professional in this field. However, don’t be upset: you don’t have to be a real palmist to tell fortunes. Any person, after studying palmistry for some time, will be able to tell fortunes by his own hand or the hands of friends. This way we can better understand ourselves and the people around us.

It is worth remembering that life lines can change just like the person himself, the results of fortune telling in different periods lives may vary.

Each of us wants to look at least a little into our future. One of the most reliable methods of fortune telling is fortune telling using coffee grounds. No less widespread is fortune-telling. regular maps-, But in the best possible way fortune telling for the future is —fortune telling with Tarot cards—. If you are more interested in palmistry, then you can read your own palm. With the help of fortune telling you can determine a person’s character and predict certain events. And for this you don’t have to be a professional palmist. We will tell you how to learn to tell fortunes by hand, what lines are located on the palm and what they mean.

Is it possible to learn to tell fortunes by hand?

Many people are interested in which hand palmists use to tell fortunes for women and men. Usually, when reading fate, the lines on both hands are taken into account. Along the lines on both hands you can see upcoming events and warn a person about problems. If you are interested, will you have a husband and children, and also whether you can realize yourself in life, then four lines in the palm of your hand will tell you about this - the line of life, heart, fate and mind or head.

There are additional lines that speak about a person’s health and inclinations. These are the lines of Mars, marriage, intuition and voluptuousness and others.

The fewer kinks there are on the hand, the more prosperous the person’s fate is.

Life line

Starts between the first and second fingers and ends at the wrist. She indicates a person's character and his life expectancy. Often the life line can connect with the line of heart and fate, which indicates the presence of tragic love.

Line of the mind or head

It starts between the first and second fingers and goes towards the edge of the palm. Long line indicates that a person is balanced, practical and inclined to analyze events. Short- what a person can accept quick solutions, has cunning and ingenuity.

Heart line

It is located between the first and second fingers and leads to the edge of the palm under the little finger. She talks about emotional state person. If among all the lines the line of the heart is clearly marked and stronger than the others, this indicates that love and love affections are decisive in a person’s life.

Line of fate

Fate line on a person's palm may be missing. This suggests that a person does not strive to achieve any one goal. If you have a destiny line - and it always goes from the wrist up to the fingers - then you will work towards achieving one goal. If the fate line branches, then a person will be able to achieve success in several areas of life.

How to tell fortunes by hand

Using the lines on your hand you can find out whether you will have a marriage. The marriage line is responsible for this - a short horizontal line located just below the little finger.

She may be alone, which indicates one marriage. The clearer and more direct it is, the stronger the relationship will be. If you have many lines, this speaks of many love affairs. The higher the marriage line is to the little finger, the later you will get married. If it goes down, the person is disappointed in his chosen one. Availability horizontal lines, going down from the marriage line, indicates that there are problems in the relationship. If you have two or three marriage lines, there may be several marriages.

This same line is the line of love. To tell your love fortune by hand and find out how your relationship will turn out, take a closer look at the line. If she inexpressive and short, then most likely ideal relationship will be at the beginning. Subsequent events will lead to you being disappointed in your chosen one. Broken line also indicates difficulties and a possible painful separation.

How to tell by hand how many children there will be

If you are interested in how to tell fortunes by hand and find out how many children you will have, clench your hand into a fist and look at the number of lines under the little finger. The number of folds that form, the number of babies there will be.

If the line is long, you are most likely having a boy. If it's short, it's a girl.

On the left and right hand May be different quantity folds. Focus on your dominant hand.

Some palmists claim that under a man’s little finger one can see not only the number of children he has with him, but also the presence adopted child. The number of lines may change over time, so check the lines every few years.

We guess by hand ourselves

To tell your own fortune by hand, use our recommendations.

  • Pay attention to the heart line.

You will have satisfaction in love if the line starts from the index finger. If it starts from the middle finger, you are most likely selfish in relationships. The heart line, which starts from the middle of the palm, speaks of falling in love.

A straight short line indicates that you are of little interest love relationship. Long line - you are sensual and emotional person. And the wavy one speaks of many love affairs and frivolity. If there is a break in the heart line, emotional trauma is likely.

  • The head or mind line speaks of your intellectual development.

If it's short, you're more likely to be physically developed person. Curved and slanted indicates creative personality. You are adventurous if your head line and life line are separate. If you have a clear mind, the line will be straight and long, and if you have difficulty concentrating, it will be wavy.

  • The life line will tell you about the quality of life.

If it is located close to the big toe, you feel tired. Long and deep line speaks of your vitality. And lush is about energy. If your life line is short and shallow, you are susceptible to manipulation. And when it is straight and crosses the entire palm, it means caution in relationships. A break in the life line may indicate a change in lifestyle.

  • The fate line shows how susceptible a person is to certain events.

A deep line speaks of the strong influence of fate on a person’s life. And with breaks indicates frequent changes in life. If the fate line connects with the life line, then you will sacrifice your interests for the sake of other people's interests. If the line starts from thumb and crosses the life line, you have the support of family and friends.

Which hand should you use to guess?

Palmistry tells how and by which hand you can learn to tell fortunes. If you are right-handed, then your right hand is active and your left hand is passive. If you are left-handed, your left hand will be your dominant hand and your right hand will be your passive hand.

  • Passive hand reflects your past and what is given to a person by fate.
  • Active hand reflects your present and future, shows what was given to you from birth and how you changed your life.

By the lines on the palm you can determine a person’s character, see the most significant events and opportunities for human development. You can also determine how much strong feelings you feel for your partner.

But if you want to know about the prospect of your union with your lover, you need to look not only at your hands, but also at the lines on the palm of your chosen one.

How to tell fortunes by hand along the life line

  • A clear one would be ideal, deep and continuous life line. It indicates your vitality.
  • It is considered favorable when the life line connects to the head line. But a long distance speaks of disappointment and sadness.

  • Promises a happy and prosperous life bifurcated life line. And the intermittent one speaks of illness.
  • Life line can cross short lines, which also indicates poor health.

  • Fork at the bottom of the line life may indicate that you will retain your vitality. But if it is not very pronounced, it means the opposite.

Learning to tell fortunes by hand is easy. Do not forget that the lines on the hand change, so the predictions of one person may differ from the predictions of another. Share with us whether your predictions came true and how you feel about such fortune-telling.

In this article we will talk about how you can decipher the lines on your hand.

Did you know that in ancient times, lines on the hand were considered a divine imprint? There was an opinion that the person who revealed their secret was able to know someone’s soul. Well, let's try to turn to palmistry.

What do the lines on the right hand mean for women, men, children?

There is an opinion that, like the hemispheres of the brain, different palms have their own functions. So, right is responsible for social activities . It also displays specific events that are related to the future - work, marriage.

IMPORTANT: Looking at your right hand, you can not only draw conclusions about the possible future. Upon careful reading, you will understand how the character of the object of fortune-telling has transformed over the course of life.

What do the lines on the left hand mean for women, men, children?

Left hand fully illustrates heredity. For example, you can calculate the degree of a person’s ambition, his aspirations, and fears. In other words, something that often manifests itself from childhood.

There is an opinion that this hand is under the control of the right hemisphere of the brain. That is, the one that controls emotions, images, relationships. It is believed that it is on this palm that one can see a person's true self.

IMPORTANT: However, left palm may also reflect changes if a person is left-handed.

Where and on which hand is the line of intuition: photo, meaning

This line, which occurs infrequently, describes a semicircle mainly on the left edge of the palm. It is believed that in this case the subconscious is especially developed. This means you should listen to your intuition.

It is rare to see such a sign on the right palm. In such a case, he says that the person has excellent rational thinking is developed. It is advisable for him to listen to his sixth sense, but he should not forget about logic.

The owners of the line of intuition often have some kind of talent, are quite capable of making a discovery. They are extremely witty.

Where and on which hand is the line of children: photo, meaning

On the left hand displayed potential number of children. On right same – the real state of affairs. Therefore, you should not be surprised that there may be more marks about heirs on the left palm - not every family will agree to have many children.

IMPORTANT: Most often, it is not easy to see the lines of children, so you can arm yourself with a magnifying glass.

Usually searched next to the marriage line. We wrote about what the latter is and where it is located. Take a closer look: upward lines and will be signs that can tell about children.

Even signs that are difficult to see can be more or less noticeable. In the first case it is worth saying about the boy, in the second – about the girl. However, the length of the lines can also signal the field: a larger one indicates son, small - on daughter.

Where and on which hand is the line of fate, future: photo, meaning

Unusual, but true: many people lack it in principle. But this does not mean at all that their life promises to be boring and meaningless. It’s just that not everyone knows about their purpose from their youth; many can rush from goal to goal.

For the same reason, by the way, the line may appear and disappear. As a rule, these “hide and seek” events occur on the right hand- means the person is in search of myself, reveals something new. On the left the same palm is displayed fate, which is prepared from birth.

IMPORTANT: Drug addicts and criminals often lack this sign.

Clear the ideal line tells that a person is beautiful sees his main life goal. And, importantly, it has the guiding force to achieve it.

Such a line can begin at the wrist, continuing to the middle finger. As for bending, it happens like diagonal, so strictly vertical.

The ideal fate line is a clear continuous stripe heading towards the middle finger

Where and on which hand is the life line: photo, meaning

It is considered the most important. And, unlike many other lines, it always has the same location - goes around the thumb.

As for the hand, if you are interested in the prediction future, Particular attention should be paid to the right. Of course, this advice applies to those who are right-handed.

Ideally this line is clear, bends well around the thumb. A person marked in this way has enough vitality to overcome difficulties, open to the world.

IMPORTANT: Contrary to popular misconception, the length of the life line says absolutely nothing about the duration of this very life.

Where and on which hand is the heart line: photo, meaning

It is impossible to ignore it, because palmists consider it the most fateful. From it you can determine emotional component person, find out about his feelings.

There are also isolated cases when the heart line absent. This occurs in people who unable to deeply feel, respect and appreciate others.

In other cases, the mark begins at the very edge of the palm and goes to the index or middle finger. As you probably already understood, information about emotional inclinations you can find out on the left palm, and do predictions about matters of the heart on the right.

Please note that where the line ends:

  • Between the middle and index fingers- in front of you is a person who is easy to communicate, often shows friendliness, and is ready to compromise.

The heart line ending between the middle and index fingers is an attribute of easy-to-communicate people
  • At the index finger– such a person can be called a maximalist
  • At the middle finger- characteristic of egocentrics

  • On the ring finger or even the little finger– such a sign reveals a closed personality who does not like to show emotions at all

Where and on which hand is the wealth line: photo, meaning

You should not enthusiastically rush to look for any specific line of wealth. It's easy doesn't exist, which is quite symbolic. The fact is that wealth can consist of various things, and not only material ones - for example, health, happiness, intelligence, talents.

IMPORTANT: This is why the so-called wealth line represents only hints, which may indicate a certain source of wealth.

If life line and fate line touch, then the person clearly favors luck. This means that any business he takes on will bring material benefits.

Lines of life and fate coming from one point are a pointer to good luck that will bring money

Take a closer look to the line of the mind. The line emanating from it suggests that the owner of the palm has financial skills. Even risky operations will be completed successfully.

Where and on which hand is the love line: photo, meaning

On which hand should one look for this line, popular among the fair sex? It's also called. Preferably on the right, if the purpose of fortune telling is to lift the veil future.

In order to see the desired stripe, you will need to clench your hand into a fist. She will appear on the edge of the palm between the little finger and the heart line.

IMPORTANT: For greater objectivity, it is advisable to compare the lines of both partners if the person contacted already has an object of adoration.

If this band is expressed clearly This means that relationships play a big role for the owner of the hand and have value.

All kinds ramifications are a signal that you will have to disperse. However, these branches may well merge further.

If the lines of love some, then, accordingly, hobbies will replace each other. By the way, the same applies to marriage.

Where and on which hand is the health line: photo, meaning

This line can be located on the left hand, pointing to predisposition to some diseases since childhood. She may be located on the right palms as an imprint of what acquired over time.

IMPORTANT: Often such a line is absent altogether. And this should not only not upset you, but also cause relief. Absence means that you are not at risk of serious illness.

If there is a line, then it represents a strip starting at the wrist. She reaches out from the life line to the little finger.

If this fickle line has clear outline and is not interrupted, then no need to worry. Such a line does not promise serious problems.

But tortuosity, moles, jerkiness lines are a sign of any problems in the body.

Where and on which hand is the line of luck, success, the Sun: photo, meaning

The line of the Sun is not mandatory, which is why it is not may not appear on the hand. If it exists, then it stretches To ring finger or from the middle of the palm, or from the wrist.

In general, the line of luck shows how a given person can count on success. Perhaps she charming, talented in one area or another, instantly shakes off troubles.

Short the line gives out a subtle nature, loving art. It is more than likely that such a person is well versed in painting and music. Easy to communicate with him, since the owner of a lucky streak always expresses his thoughts clearly.

IMPORTANT: Having a thrifty nature, such a person is used to spending money carefully. It is largely due to this quality that he is successful.

Master wavy line The sun is also art fan. But despite his charm, he is not without pessimism. If this person overcomes anxiety, success will be guaranteed.

This is what the line of the Sun looks like or, as it is also called, the line of luck and success

Where and on which hand is the line of the mind, head: photo, meaning

But it relates to the main ones and shows How intensively a person uses the intelligence given to him.

Respectively, on the left hand can be seen potential from birth, A on the right- how a given personality implements. And if on the right palm the mark of the mind is less pronounced, it means that the person is at the moment I haven't learned to use my mind to the fullest.

The head line usually begins next to the life line, that is, at the index finger. Sometimes in the area between the index and middle fingers. Further this mark goes down.

IMPORTANT: Beginning palmists are often mistaken in believing that a long and clear line indicates a person of extraordinary intelligence. Rather, it indicates a person who is completely devoted to his work, passionate about his activities. We can safely say that this is a professional.

Where and on which hand is the line of the Guardian Angel, Mars

Refers to infrequently encountered lines. Also called the “second line of life” due to its location - it goes parallel to the life line.

Mark of Mars on the left hand talks about favor higher powers from the birth of a person. A right palm points to acquisition of protection thanks to some good deeds.

IMPORTANT: Most people do not have a Mars line, and this is natural. Therefore, if you do not find it in yourself, do not rush to think that something is wrong with you.

The Angel line or Mars line in this picture is No. 2, and the life line is No. 1

What does a split line on a hand mean?

Most often bifurcated life line. In this case, it is worth paying attention to what the main stripe looks like after the bifurcation point:

  • If became less noticeable, it means the person is being threatened diseases. Most often found in older people.

IMPORTANT: Young people especially should take care of themselves. Premature examination is likely to help get rid of many problems.

  • If the line does not lose its clarity, This means that attention should be paid to state of mind. Perhaps there is frequent loss of strength. It’s worth taking vacations more often.

It also happens that it splits into two heart line. This means that a person usually calm and purposeful. However can have many heart attachments, despite his outward equanimity.

If we talk about health, then the splitting of the heart line will show that There should be no problems with the cardiac system. She is quite hardy and prepared for various life situations.

A split heart line indicates that this is a calm person.

What do double lines on your hand mean?

In addition to the Mars line, there are other double lines.

For example, a double line may appear next to the line of fate. A sign of fate is a rare occurrence in itself, let alone its double! But he may well appear, and mainly after 35 years.

The fact is that it is after this age that personality is believed to be more or less fully formed. And it is then that a person can be overtaken crisis, which signifies dissatisfaction with one's life.

IMPORTANT: Double line fate is a sign that a person is ready to radically change a life that has ceased to suit him.

Pay attention to which palm the described sign is located on. If on the left- fate may bring surprise, and if on the rightthe chance for change has already presented itself, you just need to look around.

Double line of fate - a harbinger of change

Short life line on both hands: what does it mean?

On both hands, surprisingly, equally short lines promise easy life. A person will be happy and rich throughout his life or a fairly long stage of it.

However, for this happiness, it is likely that you will have to pay with energy weakening and loneliness. Try to get rid of arrogance, pay more attention to the opinions of others - and then you will be able to avoid troubles.

There is a triangle on the hand line: what does it mean?

Extremely good sign. It says that its owner has enough high level of intelligence. Such a person knows how to persuade effectively those around you.

Surely he is endowed with other talents. In order to understand which ones exactly, it is worth looking at the line on which or next to which the triangle is located. For example:

  • On the line of mind– approaches all problems intelligently, always weighs words and actions. Differs in literacy
  • On the line of the heart- lucky with your soulmate. The owner of the triangle in the palm will value his loved one, and this will be mutual.

No matter how hard a person tries to disguise his “I”, body language will always reveal his true nature or tell about the probable future. This type of body language also includes the lines that decorate the palms like thin cobwebs. Who knows: perhaps their interpretation will allow you to look deeper into yourself and those around you?

Palmistry is an ancient and fascinating science that teaches how to interpret all the lines on the palm. There is an opinion that thanks to it you can find out both the past and the future of a person. In the article we will figure out which hand the life line is on, what it means and what it is needed for. After all, many people are interested in finding out their destiny without visiting fortune tellers and psychics.

What is it and where is it located

Some people believe in fortune telling, but do not understand how it is done. However, as it turned out, everything is not so complicated. First you need to decide on which hand you look at the life line. There is an opinion that prediction depends on this.

Experienced fortune tellers claim that there is an active hand and a passive one. That is, if a person is better at using his right hand, then it is considered active. And it is used to predict a person’s fate.

But the left one is passive. However, if a person is left-handed, then the active hand is the left. Now you know which hand the life line is on. Now we can move on to the definition itself.

Many people think that the life line determines the death of a person. However, this is not true. It can be used to determine happiness or minor failures.

Some people don't know where It starts between the thumb and index finger and goes towards the wrist. For one person it reaches the base of the palm, while for another it only reaches halfway.

Short or long life line

To make palmistry for beginners clear to everyone, we describe the lines point by point. Then it will be simpler and easier for a person to understand.

There is an opinion that with short line a person will not live long in life. However, it has been scientifically proven that this is not true. After all, it can mean illness, disappointment or minor grief.

A long life line indicates a happy future. Most likely, you will be happy in family life and love. If thin, slightly noticeable branches begin to diverge at the base of the line, then you will not only be happy, but also rich.

Sometimes it happens that the life line is long, but not straight, but moves a little to the side. In this case, minor but solvable problems await you. You will overcome them without any problems.

If you see a clear long line without any defects, then you have a happy destiny without problems and financial difficulties. You can be calm, since your fate is almost ideal.


Now that you know where the life line is on your hand, you can predict the fate not only of yourself, but also of your loved ones. After all, everyone is interested in knowing some details of the future. The life line is not only long and short. It can also be thick and narrow. You also need to pay attention to this.

If the line is too thin, like a thread, this indicates poor health. Perhaps you have a nervous condition. However, if you take care of your health, then you can safely declare your longevity.

A thick, long line, which is clearly visible, indicates your high activity, strong energy, and good health. However, if the line has faded and is almost invisible, then you need to save your energy. After all, this indicates a loss of your health.

Sometimes it happens that the line is thick at first, and thin only in the middle or end. Then it is this gap that you need to pay attention to. After all, over the years, the line periodically changes, although it is completely imperceptible to the human eye.

Decoding the life line on the hand is not at all difficult and even interesting. However, it is necessary to examine the palm very carefully so as not to miss a single detail. After all, any bump, cross or other little thing can tell a lot.

Break in the life line

This complex sign, which is interpreted differently. A break in the life line is considered both a positive and a negative phenomenon. First of all, notice where the line breaks. If the gap is in the middle of the palm, then you should expect difficulties that can be resolved, but with time.

Sometimes the line breaks closer to the wrist. This means you are having health or financial problems. Therefore, it is necessary to be extremely attentive and careful.

Very often, a break in the line means a tendency to illnesses that can be avoided. Pay attention to your diet, as you may have problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Island or square on a line

Sometimes there are strange shapes on the palm. There is a slightly noticeable bump on the life line, it is called an “island”.

If you meet such a figure on your life line, then expect there to be stagnation or slowdown in your career or important matters. In such people, vital energy decreases, and negativity increases. In this case, you need to exercise as often as possible to remove your weakness.

A square on the life line protects a person from evil and negative people. Pay attention to your surroundings. Perhaps there is a person near you who feeds on your energy. Try to get rid of such a friend.

Dots, triangles, crosses or asterisks on the life line

Previously, we determined on which hand the life line is viewed. However, in this case it is necessary to pay attention to both hands. Dots, crosses and stars carry different meanings. It all depends on which hand you are predicting.

If you see a cross or an asterisk on your left hand, then you have very weak energy. Reconsider your attitude towards life. Crosses and stars on the right hand mean a strong position in life. If these defects are present on both hands, then this strong man who has a lot weaknesses. These are the ones you need to get rid of.

Very often, crosses and stars are interpreted as big changes in life. They can be both positive and negative. Most often this is due to a change of job, place of residence, etc.

Points on the life line are negative. It could be severe illness or an accident. If the dot is dark, the disease may be incompatible with life.

Triangles on the life line are a very rare occurrence. However, they only carry positive character. Triangles are associated with the intellect and mind of a person. Such people are easy to communicate, smart, and it is easy for them to achieve promotion at work.

The life line connects to the head line

Sometimes this happens. If you notice that the life line is in contact with the head line, then you can be happy for yourself. You are prudent, smart and happy both financially and intellectually.

When the life line touches the head line, then a person can only expect positive attitude to yourself from those around you. He is loved and appreciated not only by his friends, but also by his colleagues.

If the life line does not reach the head line a little, then this indicates instability and temporary difficulties that you can easily overcome. However, do not forget: no matter what the lines on the palm say, much depends on the person himself. People are able to change their destiny and life for the better. It is important to work on yourself and not give up in difficult situations.

Small lines next to the life line

Palmistry is not a complicated science at all for beginners. Especially if you are extremely careful. Pay attention not only to the bumps, stars, squares on the palm, but also to the small lines. After all, they can say a lot about a person’s character and destiny.

Small lines near the life line indicate external factors person and his environment. For example, along such lines they determine who is next to you, how they influence your life and what to expect.

Thanks to small lines, you can determine business partners, what kind of marriage will be, etc. As a rule, if the lines are even and straight, then there will be success in this person’s life, and if they are crooked or rounded, this means some difficulties in communicating with others. Perhaps there will be betrayal, discontent or discord. Therefore, always pay attention to the small lines that come into contact with the life line.


Now you know what the life line means and how to determine a person’s destiny using it. When making a prediction, try to carefully examine every detail in the palm of your hand. Remember that a person’s destiny can only be changed if he himself wants it.

The life line on the right hand is clearer than on the left. However, many fortune tellers claim that fortune telling can be done on any palm. They believe that the lines on the right and left hands are not very different.

Be that as it may, remember that no line will tell you how many years you will live. It all depends on many factors. Therefore, if your line reaches half of your palm, do not worry, but just be determined to overcome some minor difficulties.