What does it mean if your right palm itches? Why does your right arm or palm itch?

Of course, you are allowed not to believe in folk signs, but our ancestors noticed that certain actions in life can foreshadow various events. A spoon or fork falling from the table during dinner foretells the arrival of guests. And spilled salt means a quarrel in the house. Why do your palms itch? Many people are sure that it is about money. It would be too easy. Ancestors interpreted this fact differently.

For a long time now, there has been a dispute between representatives of the esoteric teaching about which hand a person should have as receiving and which as giving. Someone really right hand itching to get money,

for others, it is a clear sign of repaying debts. The ancestors believed that:

  • Tingling sensations in the palm indicate the need to release the energy that has accumulated in a person due to prolonged suppression of emotions.
  • Tickling sensations mean that a person will soon have to take important decision, on which future life depends.
  • Itching of the right palm indicates see you soon and handshakes.

Daily signs

It is certain that among our ancestors there were even more meticulous representatives who

tracked that itching in the palms on a certain day indicates various upcoming events.

So, why does your right palm itch in the evening?

  • On Monday - for a date, or rather for a fleeting, insignificant, but pleasant meeting.
  • On Tuesday - to meet an old friend who has long disappeared from sight.
  • Why does it itch? left palm Wednesday evening? You are probably in for a tender, romantic date.
  • An itchy palm on Thursday indicates that a long-awaited meeting with a loved one will happen very soon.
  • If your right palm itches on Friday evening, you are likely to meet one of your former lovers.
  • An itchy palm on Saturday foreshadows meeting an interesting person.
  • On Sunday, your palm itches to meet a high-ranking and rich person.

Signs associated with the left palm

It is believed that the left palm itches to receive monetary profits. Our ancestors compiled a list of predictions for each day of the week.

  • If your palm itches on Monday, the owner of the hand is likely to face large financial expenses, significantly exceeding income.
  • An itchy palm on Tuesday evening promises you the return of an old debt.
  • If your palm itches on Wednesday, this probably indicates an imminent profit. But it is better to give this money to someone who needs financial support more than you.
  • The sign that your left palm itches on Thursday evening indicates that money will soon arrive in your wallet. But, these funds will also bring discord in the family.
  • If your left palm itches on Friday, you will be attentive; fate is preparing a material surprise for you, which you may miss due to inattention.
  • The Saturday itch indicates a salary increase.
  • If the palm of your left hand itches on Sunday, most likely you will soon receive a valuable gift.

Neutralizing a negative prediction

It’s good if your right palm itches on Sunday evening. But what to do if a sign suggests imminent failure? Our ancestors had answers to this case too. If itching in your palms portends negative events, it is recommended to wash your hands cold water and without wiping, wait until they dry.

  • You need to imagine a large denomination bill in your palm.
  • Squeeze your fingers and put an imaginary bill in your pocket.
  • And say loudly and clearly: “To profit!”
  • You can replace an imaginary bill with a real one, and if there are no pockets, then stick your hand under your armpit.

If your palms are itchy and flaky

Of course, this is not the most pleasant omen. In most cases, this condition has nothing to do with signs and predictions. If your palms are itchy and flaky, you should visit a dermatologist. This is probably a skin disease. Although, if the palms are itchy and women are pregnant, our ancestors were able to determine the gender of the unborn baby by this sign. If your palms are soft and smooth, you should expect an heiress. If expectant mother dry, flaky palms, most likely there will be a son.

In conclusion

If the palms of both hands itch in the evenings, first of all, you need to exclude the development of a skin disease. Many diseases of a dermatological nature begin with itching on the palms. If there are no health problems, you can plunge into the world folk signs. By studying folk interpretations of itchy palms by day of the week, you can promise yourself material wealth and success in business. The main thing is that all this turns out to be true.

It is no secret for people that certain spontaneous sensations in the body may not be associated with physical or external phenomena, but hint at more subtle, mystical things, be harbingers various events in the future.

None scientific explanation– it’s just an itching of the nose, the palm, the eye twitching... But there are signs - they point to those events that are worth waiting for in the future if spontaneous sensations occur.

In addition to other parts of the body, it is the hand, or rather the palm, that can portend a lot. Signs associated with sensations in the hands are the most common and effective. What to expect, which signs are true and which are not confirmed, and what do the sensations in your hands portend?

Why would this be?

The most common and familiar spontaneous sensation to everyone is, of course, causeless itching. If your hand itches and there is no answer physical reasons, it is worth turning to superstitions - they can indicate imminent events in real life person.

1. The most common and, admittedly, effective sign is the phenomenon when your left palm itches. It has been proven repeatedly and long ago in practice (although this cannot be explained scientifically) that this means receiving money.

This is indeed a fact - soon the one who itches left hand, will receive the money. The amount may not be significant; it may be an ordinary, usual salary, or perhaps an unexpected prize, bonus or repayment of a debt. One way or another, expect profit - it will come true!

2. When your right palm suddenly itches, you can safely expect to meet someone. This is a pleasant meeting, someone will come to visit or meet unexpectedly, and it can also promise an acquaintance.

This good omen, and you should believe in very joyful communication soon. This superstition usually works during the day.

3. There are also beliefs that touch the fingers separately. In such superstitions, it is not the entire palm, right or left, that is taken into account, but just one finger.

For example, if any finger is accidentally pricked with a needle, no matter which hand it is, left or right, this means that your lover was thinking about you. If you pinch your finger, expect an unpleasant event or bad news.

4. If your palms start to freeze for no reason, they say that this is a sign of unflattering reviews about you. Someone says or thinks bad things about you.

5. And if, on the contrary, you feel an unreasonable heat in your palms, this means heated quarrels and altercations.

Superstitions and actions for luck

A hand can bring happiness if you know some beliefs, ritual actions and what not to do. Our grandparents kept this knowledge, and for good reason - it can help in many ways.

So, what should and should not be done?

  • You can't shake hands across the table - it promises trouble for both people. If you need to say goodbye or hello, shake hands, you should get up and leave the table.
  • If you are walking, say, along the street, or in public place, transport, meet or see a person you don’t like, an unkind look, just a suspicious person - twist a “fig”, holding your palm in your pocket, this will protect you from the evil eye and evil energy. This should preferably be the right hand.
  • Get rid of the habit of pointing your finger at anything, especially at people. There are many beliefs associated with this, all of them are unkind and promise trouble, this cannot be done. By the way, this is extremely impolite.

Hands, as everyone knows, can tell a lot about a person. And if you know the beliefs associated with palms, you can make your life a little happier, avoid troubles and feel like the master of your own destiny.

Believe in all the best, be superstitious in moderation, do not forget about reason and logic. And may only the best signs come true in your reality!
Author: Vasilina Serova

It is believed that the right hand itches before meeting someone - with this hand you will have to greet other people. But this is only one of the signs about itchy palms; there are also ones related to money and shopping.

Itchy - wait for a meeting

  • The most popular sign warns of important meetings. Most likely you may meet someone you haven’t seen for a long time. There will be a chance to renew a relationship with an old friend with whom you quarreled many years ago.
  • May indicate arrival of relatives. The more your palm itches, the further away the relatives who will come live. No one can guarantee that the meeting will go well and that these guests will be welcome.
  • TO business meeting will soon happen to a customer, supplier, client who has been waiting for a long time. No one can guarantee that everything will happen in the best possible way. It will depend on your actions.

When the right one itches for finances

It can not only talk about cash receipts. If your right hand itches constantly and this is not caused by any illness, rejoice, because it’s time to wait for the money to arrive (there will be a small increase in salary, monetary incentives in the form of pocket money, a small win in the lottery).

There is a slightly modified interpretation of the sign - the more the palm itches, the greater the amount received. If not only your palm itches, but also your elbow and forearm, the profit will be simply colossal.

The difference in the signs for different hands is that if the left one itches, you can already start thinking about where you will spend your money. But if the right one is itchy, then you first need to sweat a little, doing Simoron ritual attracting money.

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First, visualize the situation in which the money came. Present several options for receiving cash incentives. Clench your right palm into a fist, kiss it and imagine how happy you are that you now have this money in your hands. Now put your fist in your pocket and straighten your palm there. People who trust Simoron rituals believe that this effective way attract money.

There is another similar ritual. Use your palm to rub the red wooden object vigorously. This will attract positive energy and money.

Interpretation of itchy hands by day of the week

My right hand itches on Monday

An important event will happen, it will be connected with family and relatives. The events will be followed by a ceremonial meal. Therefore, most often this is interpreted as a harbinger of engagement and wedding, wedding, pregnancy, birth of a child, christening. It can also mean a meeting with relatives whom you haven’t seen for a very long time.


Indicates the receipt of money. Funds can come from anywhere (a new source of income, relatives will give, debt will be repaid). It can also indicate the completion of something.

If for a long time you didn’t know how to end a relationship, leave a job you hated, express everything to a person you don’t like communicating with - you can do this, as a result of which you will bring everything to its logical conclusion. It is possible that such behavior will have a positive impact on your financial situation.


  • One of the superstitions promises losses and thoughtless spending, which can hit your wallet hard. At the same time, it is impossible to prevent spending; it will happen, no matter how hard you try to save.
  • There is another interpretation - the money will be spent, but before that it will suddenly, unplannedly fall into your hands. As the saying goes, “easy come, easy go.” The purchases made will not affect the budget as a whole. Perhaps you will simply spend this amount.


If on this day you started sneezing, then your palm itched, and finally bit your tongue, the day promises to be very stressful. Even if at least one of these phenomena happened, there would be no luck in the coming days.

Likewise higher powers warn about problems. Keep your mouth shut. Remember, each person has his own truth and you cannot convince everyone.

An itchy right hand can mean a showdown, even a fight. Therefore, try to avoid communicating with conflicting people and do not raise topics that may offend someone.


  • Itchy right elbow, palm, shoulder - expect guests. Relatives or friends will decide to casually drop in for a visit, and fate provides an opportunity to prepare for the reception.
  • If you have a romantic date scheduled for this day, you can be sure that it will go well.
  • If you are single, on this day it is possible to meet your soulmate who can make you happy.


Promises a trip. Most likely this will be a long business trip or even relocation. While traveling, you may meet a person who will play an important role in your destiny. You should not argue or conflict with someone on the way; this will attract failure for a long time.


Itching in the right hand on the last day of the week is also associated with the trip. This time you will go on vacation, and the journey will be pleasant, the road is fast and easy. If you go on a trip alone, there is a chance to meet your soulmate on vacation. This will not be a short-term romance; passion will develop into a serious relationship.

It turns out that itching in the right hand can warn not only about meetings, but also about travel and material receipts. Do not ignore such signs - forewarned is forearmed.

Why is my right palm itching? Various signs- an insidious thing.

You can get so carried away by observations and interpretations that normal life will cease to be normal and turn into a series of “signature” events and their consequences.

Superstitious people begin their every day with rituals and analysis of what is happening around them.

Stand up exclusively with right leg, put on an exceptionally lucky T-shirt, walk around all the black cats in the area, don’t forget to look in your dream book... And so on, until the evening, until it’s time to go to bed (exclusively on your left side).

Folk signs are, of course, wisdom and the result of centuries-old observations, In no case should they be neglected, since they often give a fairly reliable forecast.

So: why is your right palm itching?

Many of us know that if you itch left palm, then expect profit - planned or unplanned, but definitely profit.

True, not everyone knows that itching right palm hints at receiving income, and sometimes at other equally important events in life.

1. Right palm is itching for money and there is a sure way to increase the likelihood of receiving income: scratch your palm on the edge of the table, holding it open upward, that is, under the tabletop.

2. Also often the palm itches when “getting ready” to say hello. That is, to meet old acquaintances.

These could be relatives who have not been seen for a long time, school friends or business partners.

(Recipe for an “antidote” in case you don’t want to meet anyone: wash your hand under running cold water, don’t wipe it, let it dry with your palm facing up)

3. If the palm reminds you of itself on Sunday– expect to communicate with a respectable person.

4. If it happened on Monday– a party with friends is not excluded.

5. If during Tuesday, then you can’t avoid meeting an old friend.

6. Itchy palm on Wednesday It is especially interesting for girls, as it predicts a romantic date.

7. If your palm is itchy on Thursday, then the separation from your beloved or loved one will end very soon.

8. On Friday the palm itches for an unexpected turn of events, perhaps for an incredible, unforeseen acquaintance.

9. On Saturday, just like on Wednesday, itching in the area of ​​the right palm hints at romance.

10. If your hand starts to itch in the afternoon, this is sure sign an imminent business trip or promotion.

ABOUT bad omens There is no point in writing or thinking. Let any development of events be successful for you!

Our body often sends us signals, but few people notice them and know how to correctly decipher them. About what signals? we're talking about, you ask? Yes about any! Here’s the simplest example: your right arm or palm is itchy, do you think it’s just like that or is there some meaning to this ordinary phenomenon? Science sees only the obvious: if your hand is itchy, it means it’s numb, tired, cold, your skin is irritated from contact with unpleasant fabric or chemicals. But signs tell us about completely different things, deeper and more global. Surely you have encountered an unreasonable itch that appears unexpectedly, does not subside with any action, and then it goes away on its own without a trace.

Just for fun, you can check whether the signs are true or not. As practice shows, there is definitely a grain of wisdom in them.

The first reason that your right arm or palm is itchy may be pent-up anger, rage, or irritation. Remember the expression - your fists itch? It just applies to this case. If you are extremely unpleasant about a certain person, and you hold back your emotions, then inside you accumulates negative energy. When feelings overwhelm you, you “boil”, negative energy rushes out - through your mouth or hands. Often we cannot afford to express our complaints to the offender’s face, and we let the situation go on the brakes by remaining silent during a “hot” moment. The negativity still remains inside, the way out through words and swearing is closed, so your hands begin to itch. Please note that the most notorious fighters in life are silent and not talkative, they do not know how to resolve conflicts verbally, and follow the lead of their itchy hands. To relieve the itch in your hands, you need to let the “genie” out - go to a rock concert, a roller coaster, a club - somewhere where you can have a good scream. The problem will disappear immediately.

Also, the right palm may itch in anticipation of important event in your life, when you need to make a responsible decision. The left hemisphere is responsible for our logic and rational thinking, and it also controls the right hand. If your right palm is itchy, treat the upcoming task extremely carefully, try not to miss a single detail, probably decision made can affect your entire life or career.

We extend our right hand to friends when we meet, therefore, itching in this palm often signals an upcoming meeting with people dear to the heart. Kiss your hand three times, clench your fist tightly and put it in your pocket - then the meeting will definitely happen in the coming days. If, on the contrary, you crave peace of mind, then wash your hand under cold water and keep your palm open as long as possible, this will significantly reduce the likelihood of a friendly meeting.