2 dice are thrown. Basics of game balance: randomness and the probability of various events occurring

Tasks for probability of dice no less popular than coin toss problems. The condition of such a problem usually sounds like this: when throwing one or more dice (2 or 3), what is the probability that the sum of the points will be equal to 10, or the number of points will be 4, or the product of the number of points, or the product of the number of points divided by 2 so on.

The application of the classical probability formula is the main method for solving problems of this type.

One die, probability.

It's quite simple to deal with one dice. is determined by the formula: P=m/n, where m is the number of outcomes favorable to the event, and n is the number of all elementary ones possible outcomes experiment with tossing a die or dice.

Problem 1. The die is thrown once. What is the probability of getting an even number of points?

Since the die is a cube (or it is also called a regular die, the die will land on all sides with equal probability, since it is balanced), the die has 6 sides (the number of points from 1 to 6, which are usually indicated by dots), this means what's in the problem total number outcomes: n=6. The event is favored only by outcomes in which the side with even points 2,4 and 6 appears; the die has the following sides: m=3. Now we can determine the desired probability of the dice: P=3/6=1/2=0.5.

Task 2. The dice are thrown once. What is the probability that you will get at least 5 points?

This problem is solved by analogy with the example given above. When throwing a dice, the total number of equally possible outcomes is: n=6, and only 2 outcomes satisfy the condition of the problem (at least 5 points rolled up, that is, 5 or 6 points rolled out), which means m=2. Next, we find the required probability: P=2/6=1/3=0.333.

Two dice, probability.

When solving problems involving throwing 2 dice, it is very convenient to use a special scoring table. On it, the number of points that fell on the first dice is displayed horizontally, and the number of points that fell on the second dice is displayed vertically. The workpiece looks like this:

But the question arises, what will be in the empty cells of the table? It depends on the problem that needs to be solved. If in the problem we're talking about about the sum of points, then the sum is written there, and if about the difference, then the difference is written down, and so on.

Problem 3. 2 dice are thrown at the same time. What is the probability of getting less than 5 points?

First, you need to figure out what the total number of outcomes of the experiment will be. Everything was obvious when throwing one die, 6 sides of the die - 6 outcomes of the experiment. But when there are already two dice, the possible outcomes can be represented as ordered pairs of numbers of the form (x, y), where x shows how many points were rolled on the first dice (from 1 to 6), and y - how many points were rolled on the second dice (from 1 up to 6). There will be a total of such number pairs: n=6*6=36 (in the table of outcomes they correspond exactly to 36 cells).

Now you can fill out the table; to do this, the number of points that fell on the first and second dice is entered in each cell. The completed table looks like this:

Using the table, we will determine the number of outcomes that favor the event “a total of less than 5 points will appear.” Let's count the number of cells in which the sum value will be less than the number 5 (these are 2, 3 and 4). For convenience, we paint over such cells; there will be m=6:

Considering the table data, probability of dice equals: P=6/36=1/6.

Problem 4. Two dice were thrown. Determine the probability that the product of the number of points will be divisible by 3.

To solve the problem, let's make a table of the products of the points that fell on the first and second dice. In it, we immediately highlight the numbers that are multiples of 3:

We write down the total number of outcomes of the experiment n=36 (the reasoning is the same as in the previous problem) and the number of favorable outcomes (the number of cells that are shaded in the table) m=20. The probability of the event is: P=20/36=5/9.

Problem 5. The dice are thrown twice. What is the probability that the difference in the number of points on the first and second dice will be from 2 to 5?

To determine probability of dice Let’s write down a table of point differences and select in it those cells whose difference value will be between 2 and 5:

The number of favorable outcomes (the number of cells shaded in the table) is m=10, the total number of equally possible elementary outcomes will be n=36. Determines the probability of the event: P=10/36=5/18.

In the case of a simple event and when throwing 2 dice, you need to build a table, then select the necessary cells in it and divide their number by 36, this will be considered a probability.

In my blog, a translation of the next lecture of the course “Principles of Game Balance” by game designer Jan Schreiber, who worked on such projects as Marvel Trading Card Game and Playboy: the Mansion.

Until now, almost everything we've talked about has been deterministic, and last week We took a close look at transitive mechanics, going into as much detail as I can explain. But until now we haven't paid attention to another aspect of many games, namely the non-deterministic aspects - in other words, randomness.

Understanding the nature of randomness is very important for game designers. We create systems that affect the user's experience in a given game, so we need to know how those systems work. If there is randomness in a system, we need to understand the nature of this randomness and know how to change it in order to get the results we need.


Let's start with something simple - rolling the dice. When most people think of dice, they think of a six-sided die known as a d6. But most gamers have seen many other dice: tetrahedral (d4), octagonal (d8), twelve-sided (d12), twenty-sided (d20). If you're a real geek, you might have 30-sided or 100-sided dice somewhere.

If you're not familiar with the terminology, d stands for die, and the number after it is the number of sides it has. If the number appears before d, then it indicates the number of dice to be rolled. For example, in the game of Monopoly you roll 2d6.

So, in this case, the phrase “dice” is symbol. There are a huge number of other random number generators that do not look like plastic figures, but perform the same function - generating a random number from 1 to n. Regular coin can also be represented as a dihedral die d2.

I saw two designs of seven-sided dice: one of them looked like a dice, and the other looked more like a seven-sided wooden pencil. The tetrahedral dreidel, also known as the titotum, is similar to the tetrahedral bone. The spinning arrow board in Chutes & Ladders, where scores can range from 1 to 6, corresponds to a six-sided die.

A computer's random number generator can create any number from 1 to 19 if the designer specifies it, even though the computer doesn't have a 19-sided die (in general, I'll talk more about the probability of numbers coming up on a computer next week). All of these items look different, but in reality they are equivalent: you have an equal chance of each of several possible outcomes.

The dice have some interesting properties that we need to know about. First, the probability of landing on either face is the same (I'm assuming you're rolling a regular shaped die). If you want to know the average value of a roll (for those who are into probability, this is known as the expected value), add up the values ​​on all the edges and divide that number by the number of edges.

The sum of the values ​​of all the sides for a standard six-sided die is 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 = 21. Divide 21 by the number of sides and get the average value of the roll: 21 / 6 = 3.5. This special case, because we assume that all outcomes are equally likely.

What if you have special dice? For example, I saw a six-sided die game with special stickers on the sides: 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, so it behaves like a weird three-sided die that is more likely to roll a 1 than a 2. and is more likely to roll a 2 than a 3. What is the average roll for this die? So, 1 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 3 = 10, divided by 6 - it turns out 5 / 3, or approximately 1.66. So if you have a special die and the players roll three dice and then add up the results - you know that their roll will add up to about 5, and you can balance the game based on that assumption.

Dice and Independence

As I already said, we proceed from the assumption that each side is equally likely to fall out. It doesn't matter how many dice you roll. Each dice roll is independent, meaning that previous rolls do not affect the results of subsequent ones. Given enough trials, you're bound to notice a pattern of numbers - for example, rolling mostly higher or lower values ​​- or other features, but that doesn't mean the dice are "hot" or "cold". We'll talk about this later.

If you roll a standard six-sided die and the number 6 comes up twice in a row, the probability that the next throw will result in a 6 is exactly 1/6. The probability does not increase because the die has “heated up”. At the same time, the probability does not decrease: it is incorrect to reason that the number 6 has already come up twice in a row, which means that now another side should come up.

Of course, if you roll a die twenty times and get a 6 each time, the chance that the twenty-first time you roll a 6 is pretty high: perhaps you just have the wrong die. But if the die is fair, each side has the same probability of landing, regardless of the results of the other rolls. You can also imagine that we replace the die each time: if the number 6 is rolled twice in a row, remove the “hot” die from the game and replace it with a new one. I apologize if any of you already knew about this, but I needed to clear this up before moving on.

How to make the dice roll more or less random

Let's talk about how to get different results on different dice. Whether you roll a die only once or several times, the game will feel more random when the die has more sides. The more often you have to roll the dice, and the more dice you roll, the more the results approach the average.

For example, in the case of 1d6 + 4 (that is, if you roll a standard six-sided die once and add 4 to the result), the average would be a number between 5 and 10. If you roll 5d2, the average would also be a number between 5 and 10. The results of rolling 5d2 will mainly be the numbers 7 and 8, less often other values. The same series, even the same average value (in both cases 7.5), but the nature of the randomness is different.

Wait a minute. Didn't I just say that dice don't "heat" or "cool"? Now I say: if you throw a lot of dice, the results of the rolls will approach the average. Why?

Let me explain. If you roll one die, each side has the same probability of landing. This means that if you roll a lot of dice over time, each side will come up about the same number of times. The more dice you roll, the more the total result will move closer to the average.

This is not because the number drawn "forces" another number to be drawn that has not yet been drawn. But because a small series of rolling out the number 6 (or 20, or another number) in the end will not affect the result so much if you roll the dice ten thousand more times and mostly the average number will come up. Now you will get several large numbers, and later several small ones - and over time they will approach the average value.

This is not because previous rolls affect the dice (seriously, the dice are made of plastic, it doesn't have the brains to think, "Oh, it's been a while since you rolled a 2"), but because this is what usually happens when you roll a lot of rolls dice

Thus, it is quite easy to make calculations for one random roll of a die - at least to calculate the average value of the roll. There are also ways to calculate "how random" something is and say that the results of rolling 1d6+4 will be "more random" than 5d2. For 5d2, the rolls will be more evenly distributed. To do this, you need to calculate the standard deviation: the larger the value, the more random the results will be. I would not like to give so many calculations today; I will explain this topic later.

The only thing I'll ask you to remember is that, as a general rule, the fewer dice you roll, the greater the randomness. And the more sides a die has, the greater the randomness, since the more possible options meanings.

How to Calculate Probability Using Counting

You may have a question: how can we calculate the exact probability of getting a certain result? In fact, this is quite important for many games: if you initially roll the dice - most likely there is some kind of optimal result. My answer is: we need to calculate two values. Firstly, the total number of outcomes when throwing a die, and secondly, the number of favorable outcomes. Dividing the second value by the first will give you the desired probability. To get the percentage, multiply the result by 100.


Here's a very simple example. You want the number 4 or higher to roll and roll the six-sided die once. The maximum number of outcomes is 6 (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6). Of these, 3 outcomes (4, 5, 6) are favorable. This means that to calculate the probability, we divide 3 by 6 and get 0.5 or 50%.

Here's an example a little more complicated. You want to roll 2d6 even number. The maximum number of outcomes is 36 (6 options for each die, one die does not affect the other, so multiply 6 by 6 and get 36). The difficulty with this type of question is that it is easy to count twice. For example, when rolling 2d6, there are two possible outcomes of 3: 1+2 and 2+1. They look the same, but the difference is which number is displayed on the first die and which number is displayed on the second.

You can also imagine that the dice different colors: So, for example, in this case one dice is red, the other is blue. Then count the number of options for rolling an even number:

  • 2 (1+1);
  • 4 (1+3);
  • 4 (2+2);
  • 4 (3+1);
  • 6 (1+5);
  • 6 (2+4);
  • 6 (3+3);
  • 6 (4+2);
  • 6 (5+1);
  • 8 (2+6);
  • 8 (3+5);
  • 8 (4+4);
  • 8 (5+3);
  • 8 (6+2);
  • 10 (4+6);
  • 10 (5+5);
  • 10 (6+4);
  • 12 (6+6).

It turns out that there are 18 options for a favorable outcome out of 36 - as in the previous case, the probability is 0.5 or 50%. Perhaps unexpected, but quite accurate.

Monte Carlo Simulation

What if you have too many dice for this calculation? For example, you want to know what the probability is of getting a total of 15 or more when rolling 8d6. For eight dice there is a huge variety different results, and counting them manually will take a very long time - even if we find some good decision to group different series of dice rolls.

In this case, the easiest way is not to count manually, but to use a computer. There are two ways to calculate probability on a computer. The first method can give you an accurate answer, but it involves a bit of programming or scripting. The computer will look through each opportunity, evaluate and count total quantity iterations and the number of iterations that match the desired result and then provide the answers. Your code might look something like this:

If you do not understand programming and you need an approximate answer rather than an exact one, you can simulate this situation in Excel, where you roll 8d6 several thousand times and get the answer. To roll 1d6 in Excel, use the formula =FLOOR(RAND()*6)+1.

There is a name for the situation when you don't know the answer and just try over and over again - Monte Carlo simulation. This is a great solution to use when calculating the probability is too difficult. The great thing is that in this case we don't need to understand how the math works, and we know that the answer will be "pretty good" because, as we already know, the more rolls, the closer the result gets to the average.

How to combine independent trials

If you ask about multiple repeated but independent trials, the outcome of one roll does not affect the outcomes of other rolls. There is another simpler explanation for this situation.

How to distinguish between something dependent and independent? Basically, if you can isolate each throw (or series of throws) of a die as a separate event, then it is independent. For example, we roll 8d6 and want a total of 15. This event cannot be divided into several independent dice rolls. To get the result, you calculate the sum of all the values, so the result that comes up on one die affects the results that should come up on the others.

Here's an example of independent rolls: You're playing a dice game, and you're rolling six-sided dice multiple times. The first roll must be a 2 or higher to stay in the game. For the second throw - 3 or higher. The third requires a 4 or higher, the fourth requires a 5 or higher, and the fifth requires a 6. If all five rolls are successful, you win. In this case, all throws are independent. Yes, if one throw is unsuccessful, it will affect the outcome of the entire game, but one throw does not affect the other. For example, if your second roll of the dice is very successful, this does not mean that the next rolls will be as good. Therefore, we can consider the probability of each roll of the dice separately.

If you have independent probabilities and want to know what the probability is that all events will occur, you determine each individual probability and multiply them together. Another way: if you use the conjunction “and” to describe several conditions (for example, what is the probability of the occurrence of some random event and some other independent random event?) - count the individual probabilities and multiply them.

No matter what you think, never add up independent probabilities. This is a common mistake. To understand why this is wrong, imagine a situation where you are tossing a coin and want to know what the probability is of getting heads twice in a row. The probability of each side falling out is 50%. If you add up these two probabilities, you get a 100% chance of getting heads, but we know that's not true because it could have been tails twice in a row. If you instead multiply the two probabilities, you get 50% * 50% = 25% - which is the correct answer for calculating the probability of getting heads twice in a row.


Let's return to the six-sided dice game, where you first need to roll a number greater than 2, then greater than 3 - and so on until 6. What are the chances that in a given series of five rolls all outcomes will be favorable?

As stated above, these are independent trials, so we calculate the probability for each individual roll and then multiply them together. The probability that the outcome of the first roll will be favorable is 5/6. Second - 4/6. Third - 3/6. The fourth - 2/6, the fifth - 1/6. We multiply all the results by each other and get approximately 1.5%. Wins in this game are quite rare, so if you add this element to your game, you will need a fairly large jackpot.


Here's another one useful hint: Sometimes it is difficult to calculate the probability that an event will occur, but it is easier to determine the chances that the event will not occur. For example, let's say we have another game: you roll 6d6 and win if you roll a 6 at least once. What is the probability of winning?

In this case, there are many options to consider. It is possible that one number 6 will be rolled, that is, one of the dice will show the number 6, and the others will show the numbers from 1 to 5, then there are 6 options for which of the dice will show 6. You can get the number 6 on two dice dice, or three, or even more, and each time you will need to do a separate calculation, so it’s easy to get confused here.

But let's look at the problem from the other side. You will lose if none of the dice rolls a 6. In this case we have 6 independent trials. The probability that each dice will roll a number other than 6 is 5/6. Multiply them and you get about 33%. Thus, the probability of losing is one in three. Therefore, the probability of winning is 67% (or two to three).

From this example it is obvious: if you calculate the probability that an event will not occur, you need to subtract the result from 100%. If the probability of winning is 67%, then the probability of losing is 100% minus 67%, or 33%, and vice versa. If it is difficult to calculate one probability but easy to calculate the opposite, calculate the opposite and then subtract that number from 100%.

We combine the conditions for one independent test

I said just above that you should never add probabilities across independent trials. Are there any cases where it is possible to sum up the probabilities? Yes, in one special situation.

If you want to calculate the probability for several unrelated favorable outcomes on a single trial, sum the probabilities of each favorable outcome. For example, the probability of rolling the numbers 4, 5 or 6 on 1d6 is equal to the sum of the probability of rolling the number 4, the probability of the number 5 and the probability of the number 6. This situation can be represented as follows: if you use the conjunction “or” in a question about probability (for example, what is the probability of one or another outcome of one random event?) - calculate the individual probabilities and sum them up.

Please note: when you calculate all possible outcomes of a game, the sum of the probabilities of their occurrence must be equal to 100%, otherwise your calculation was made incorrectly. This good way recheck your calculations. For example, you analyzed the probability of all combinations in poker. If you add up all your results, you should get exactly 100% (or at least something fairly close to 100%: if you use a calculator, there may be a small rounding error, but if you add up exact numbers manually, everything should come together). If the sum does not converge, it means that you most likely did not take into account some combinations or calculated the probabilities of some combinations incorrectly, and the calculations need to be double-checked.

Unequal probabilities

Until now, we have assumed that each side of a die is rolled at the same frequency, because that is how dice seem to work. But sometimes you may encounter a situation where different outcomes are possible and they have different odds of appearing.

For example, in one of the add-ons card game Nuclear War has a playing field with an arrow on which the result of the rocket launch depends. Most often it deals normal damage, stronger or weaker, but sometimes the damage is doubled or tripled, or the rocket explodes on the launch pad and hurts you, or some other event occurs. Unlike playing field with an arrow in Chutes & Ladders or A Game of Life, the game board results in Nuclear War are uneven. Some sections of the playing field are larger and the arrow stops on them much more often, while other sections are very small and the arrow stops on them rarely.

So, at first glance, the die looks something like this: 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3 - we already talked about it, it is something like a weighted 1d3. Therefore, we need to divide all these sections into equal parts, find the smallest unit of measurement, the divisor of which everything is a multiple, and then represent the situation in the form of d522 (or some other) where the set of dice faces will represent the same situation, nose a large number outcomes. This is one way to solve the problem, and it is technically feasible, but there is a simpler option.

Let's go back to our standard six-sided dice. We've said that to calculate the average roll for a normal die you need to add up the values ​​on all the faces and divide by the number of faces, but how exactly does the calculation work? There is another way to express this. For a six-sided die, the probability of each side being rolled is exactly 1/6. Now we multiply the outcome of each edge by the probability of that outcome (in this case, 1/6 for each edge), and then add up the resulting values. Thus, summing (1 * 1/6) + (2 * 1/6) + (3 * 1/6) + (4 * 1/6) + (5 * 1/6) + (6 * 1/6 ), we get the same result (3.5) as in the calculation above. In fact, we count this way every time: we multiply each outcome by the probability of that outcome.

Can we do the same calculation for the arrow on the playing field in Nuclear War? Of course we can. And if we sum up all the results found, we will get the average value. All we need to do is calculate the probability of each outcome for the arrow on the playing field and multiply by the outcome value.

Another example

This method of calculating the average is also suitable if the results are equally likely but have different advantages - for example, if you roll a die and win more on some sides than others. For example, let's take a casino game: you place a bet and roll 2d6. If three numbers are rolled with lowest value(2, 3, 4) or four numbers with high value(9, 10, 11, 12) - you will win an amount equal to your bet. The numbers with the lowest and highest values ​​are special: if you roll a 2 or a 12, you win twice your bet. If any other number is rolled (5, 6, 7, 8), you will lose your bet. This is a pretty simple game. But what is the probability of winning?

Let's start by counting how many times you can win. The maximum number of outcomes when rolling 2d6 is 36. What is the number of favorable outcomes?

  • There is 1 option that a 2 will be rolled, and 1 option that a 12 will be rolled.
  • There are 2 options that 3 will roll and 2 options that 11 will roll.
  • There are 3 options that a 4 will roll, and 3 options that a 10 will roll.
  • There are 4 options for rolling a 9.

Summing up all the options, we get 16 favorable outcomes out of 36. Thus, with normal conditions you will win 16 times out of 36 possible - the probability of winning is slightly less than 50%.

But in two cases out of these sixteen you will win twice as much - it's like winning twice. If you play this game 36 times, betting $1 each time, and each of all possible outcomes comes up once, you will win a total of $18 (you will actually win 16 times, but two of them will count as two wins ). If you play 36 times and win $18, doesn't that mean the odds are equal?

Take your time. If you count the number of times you can lose, you'll end up with 20, not 18. If you play 36 times, betting $1 each time, you'll win a total of $18 if you hit all the winning picks. But you will lose a total of $20 if you get all 20 unfavorable outcomes. As a result, you will fall behind a little: you lose an average of $2 net for every 36 games (you can also say that you lose an average of 1/18 of a dollar per day). Now you see how easy it is to make a mistake in this case and calculate the probability incorrectly.


So far we have assumed that the order of the numbers when throwing dice does not matter. Rolling 2 + 4 is the same as rolling 4 + 2. In most cases, we manually count the number of favorable outcomes, but sometimes this method is impractical and it is better to use a mathematical formula.

An example of this situation is from the Farkle dice game. For each new round, you roll 6d6. If you are lucky and get all possible results 1-2-3-4-5-6 (straight), you will receive a big bonus. What is the likelihood of this happening? In this case, there are many options for getting this combination.

The solution is as follows: one of the dice (and only one) must have the number 1. How many ways can the number 1 appear on one dice? There are 6 options, since there are 6 dice, and any of them can fall on the number 1. Accordingly, take one dice and put it aside. Now one of the remaining dice should roll the number 2. There are 5 options for this. Take another dice and set it aside. Then 4 of the remaining dice may land the number 3, 3 of the remaining dice may land the number 4, and 2 of the remaining dice may land the number 5. As a result, you are left with one die, which should land the number 6 (in the latter case, the dice there is only one bone, and there is no choice).

To calculate the number of favorable outcomes for hitting a straight, we multiply all the different independent options: 6 x 5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1=720 - it looks like there are quite a few large number options for getting this combination.

To calculate the probability of getting a straight, we need to divide 720 by the number of all possible outcomes for rolling 6d6. What is the number of all possible outcomes? Each die can have 6 sides, so we multiply 6 x 6 x 6 x 6 x 6 x 6 = 46656 (a much larger number than the previous one). Divide 720 by 46656 and we get a probability of approximately 1.5%. If you were designing this game, it would be useful for you to know this so you could create a scoring system accordingly. Now we understand why in Farkle you get such a big bonus if you get a straight: this is a fairly rare situation.

The result is also interesting for another reason. The example shows how rarely short period the result corresponding to the probability appears. Of course, if we were tossing several thousand dice, different faces dice would come up quite often. But when we throw only six dice, it almost never happens that every face comes up. It becomes clear that it is stupid to expect that a line will now appear that has not yet happened, because “we have not rolled the number 6 for a long time.” Listen, your random number generator is broken.

This leads us to the common misconception that all outcomes occur at the same frequency over a short period of time. If we throw dice several times, the frequency of each side falling out will not be the same.

If you've ever worked on an online game with some kind of random number generator before, you've most likely encountered a situation where a player writes to technical support complaining that the random number generator is not showing random numbers. He came to this conclusion because he killed 4 monsters in a row and received 4 exactly the same rewards, and these rewards should only appear 10% of the time, so this obviously should almost never happen.

You are doing a mathematical calculation. The probability is 1/10 * 1/10 * 1/10 * 1/10, that is, 1 outcome in 10 thousand is a rather rare case. This is what the player is trying to tell you. Is there a problem in this case?

It all depends on the circumstances. How many players are currently on your server? Let's assume you have enough popular game, and 100 thousand people play it every day. How many players can kill four monsters in a row? Possibly all, several times a day, but let's assume that half of them are simply trading various items in auctions, chatting on RP servers, or performing other in-game activities - so only half of them are hunting monsters. What is the probability that someone will get the same reward? In this situation, you can expect this to happen at least several times a day.

By the way, this is why it seems like every few weeks someone wins the lottery, even if that someone has never been you or anyone you know. If enough people play regularly, chances are there will be at least one lucky player somewhere. But if you play the lottery yourself, then you are unlikely to win, but rather you will be invited to work at Infinity Ward.

Cards and addiction

We've discussed independent events, such as rolling a die, and now know many powerful tools for analyzing randomness in many games. Calculating probability is a little more complicated when it comes to drawing cards from the deck, because each card we draw affects the ones that remain in the deck.

If you have a standard 52-card deck, you remove 10 hearts from it and want to know the probability that the next card will be of the same suit - the probability has changed from the original because you have already removed one card of the suit of hearts from the deck. Each card you remove changes the probability of the next card appearing in the deck. In this case, the previous event affects the next one, so we call this probability dependent.

Please note that when I say "cards" I'm talking about any game mechanic where you have a set of objects and you remove one of the objects without replacing it. A “deck of cards” in this case is analogous to a bag of chips from which you take one chip, or an urn from which colored balls are taken (I have never seen games with an urn from which colored balls are taken, but teachers of probability theory on what -reason why this example is preferred).

Dependency Properties

I'd like to clarify that when it comes to cards, I'm assuming you draw cards, look at them, and remove them from the deck. Each of these actions is an important property. If I had a deck of, say, six cards with the numbers 1 to 6, I would shuffle them and draw one card, then shuffle all six cards again - this would be similar to throwing a six-sided die, because one result has no effect for the next ones. And if I take out cards and don't replace them, then by taking out card 1, I increase the likelihood that the next time I'll draw a card with the number 6. The probability will increase until I eventually remove that card or shuffle the deck.

The fact that we are looking at cards is also important. If I take a card out of the deck and don't look at it, I won't have additional information and in fact the probability will not change. This may sound counterintuitive. How can simply flipping a card magically change the odds? But it is possible because you can calculate the probability for unknown items just from what you know.

For example, if you shuffle a standard deck of cards and reveal 51 cards and none of them are a queen of clubs, then you can be 100% sure that the remaining card is a queen of clubs. If you shuffle a standard deck of cards and take out 51 cards without looking at them, the probability that the remaining card is a queen of clubs is still 1/52. When you open each card, you receive more information.

Calculating the probability for dependent events follows the same principles as for independent events, except that it is a little more complicated because the probabilities change as you reveal cards. So you need to multiply a lot different meanings, instead of multiplying the same value. What this really means is that we need to combine all the calculations we've been doing into one combination.


You shuffle a standard 52-card deck and draw two cards. What is the probability that you will draw a pair? There are several ways to calculate this probability, but perhaps the simplest is this: what is the probability that if you draw one card, you will not be able to draw a pair? This probability is zero, so it doesn't matter which first card you draw, as long as it matches the second. It doesn't matter which card we draw first, we still have a chance to draw a pair. Therefore, the probability of drawing a pair after the first card is drawn is 100%.

What is the probability that the second card matches the first? There are 51 cards left in the deck, and 3 of them match the first card (actually there would be 4 out of 52, but you already removed one of the matching cards when you drew the first card), so the probability is 1/17. So the next time you're playing Texas Hold'em, the guy across the table from you says, “Cool, another pair? I’m feeling lucky today,” you will know that there is a high probability that he is bluffing.

What if we add two jokers so we have 54 cards in the deck and want to know what the probability of drawing a pair is? The first card may be a joker, and then there will only be one card in the deck that matches, and not three. How to find the probability in this case? We will divide the probabilities and multiply each possibility.

Our first card could be a joker or some other card. The probability of drawing a joker is 2/54, the probability of drawing some other card is 52/54. If the first card is a joker (2/54), then the probability that the second card will match the first is 1/53. We multiply the values ​​(we can multiply them because they are separate events and we want both events to happen) and we get 1/1431 - less than one tenth of a percent.

If you draw some other card first (52/54), the probability of matching the second card is 3/53. We multiply the values ​​and get 78/1431 (slightly more than 5.5%). What do we do with these two results? They do not intersect, and we want to know the probability of each of them, so we add the values. We get a final result of 79/1431 (still about 5.5%).

If we wanted to be sure of the accuracy of the answer, we could calculate the probability of all the other possible outcomes: drawing a joker and not matching the second card, or drawing some other card and not matching the second card. By summing up these probabilities and the probability of winning, we would get exactly 100%. I won't give the math here, but you can try the math to double check.

Monty Hall Paradox

This brings us to a rather famous paradox that often confuses many people - the Monty Hall Paradox. The paradox is named after the host of the TV show Let's Make a Deal. For those who have never seen this TV show, it was the opposite of The Price Is Right.

On The Price Is Right, the host (Bob Barker used to be the host; who is now, Drew Carey? Never mind) is your friend. He wants you to win money or cool prizes. It tries to give you every opportunity to win, as long as you can guess how much the items purchased by the sponsors are actually worth.

Monty Hall behaved differently. He was like Bob Barker's evil twin. His goal was to make you look like an idiot on national television. If you were on the show, he was your opponent, you played against him, and the odds were in his favor. Perhaps I'm being too harsh, but looking at a show that you're more likely to get into if you wear a ridiculous costume, that's exactly what I come to.

One of the most famous memes of the show was this: there are three doors in front of you, door number 1, door number 2 and door number 3. You can choose one door for free. Behind one of them is a magnificent prize - for example, a new car. There are no prizes behind the other two doors, both of which are of no value. They are supposed to humiliate you, so behind them is not just nothing, but something stupid, for example, a goat or a huge tube of toothpaste - anything but a new car.

You choose one of the doors, Monty is about to open it to let you know if you won or not... but wait. Before we find out, let's take a look at one of those doors you didn't choose. Monty knows which door the prize is behind, and he can always open the door that doesn't have a prize behind it. “Are you choosing door number 3? Then let's open door number 1 to show that there was no prize behind it." And now, out of generosity, he offers you the opportunity to exchange the selected door number 3 for what is behind door number 2.

At this point, the question of probability arises: does this opportunity increase your probability of winning, or decrease it, or does it remain unchanged? How do you think?

Correct answer: the ability to choose another door increases the probability of winning from 1/3 to 2/3. This is illogical. If you haven't encountered this paradox before, then most likely you are thinking: wait, how is it that by opening one door, we magically changed the probability? As we've already seen with maps, this is exactly what happens when we get more information. Obviously, when you choose for the first time, the probability of winning is 1/3. When one door opens, it does not change the probability of winning for the first choice at all: the probability is still 1/3. But the probability that the other door is correct is now 2/3.

Let's look at this example from a different perspective. You choose a door. The probability of winning is 1/3. I suggest you change the other two doors, which is what Monty Hall does. Sure, he opens one of the doors to reveal there's no prize behind it, but he can always do that, so it doesn't really change anything. Of course, you will want to choose a different door.

If you don't quite understand the question and need a more convincing explanation, click on this link to be taken to a great little Flash application that will allow you to explore this paradox in more detail. You can play starting with about 10 doors and then gradually work your way up to a game with three doors. There's also a simulator where you can play with any number of doors from 3 to 50, or run several thousand simulations and see how many times you would win if you played.

Choose one of three doors - the probability of winning is 1/3. Now you have two strategies: change your choice after opening the wrong door or not. If you do not change your choice, then the probability will remain 1/3, since the choice occurs only at the first stage, and you have to guess right away. If you change, then you can win if you first choose the wrong door (then they open another wrong one, the correct one remains - by changing your decision, you take it). The probability of choosing the wrong door at the beginning is 2/3 - so it turns out that by changing your decision, you double the probability of winning.

A remark from higher mathematics teacher and game balance specialist Maxim Soldatov - of course, Schreiber did not have it, but without it it is quite difficult to understand this magical transformation

And again about the Monty Hall paradox

As for the show itself: even if Monty Hall's opponents weren't good at math, he was good at it. Here's what he did to change the game a little. If you chose a door that had a prize behind it, which had a 1/3 chance of happening, it would always offer you the option of choosing another door. You'll pick a car and then swap it for a goat and you'll look pretty stupid - which is exactly what you want since Hall is kind of an evil guy.

But if you choose a door that doesn't have a prize behind it, he'll only ask you to choose another one half the time, or he'll just show you your new goat and you'll leave the stage. Let's analyze this new game, in which Monty Hall can decide whether to offer you the chance to choose another door or not.

Let's say he follows this algorithm: if you choose a door with a prize, he always offers you the opportunity to choose another door, otherwise he is equally likely to offer you to choose another door or give you a goat. What is your probability of winning?

In one of the three options, you immediately choose the door behind which the prize is located, and the presenter invites you to choose another one.

Of the remaining two options out of three (you initially choose a door without a prize), in half the cases the presenter will offer you to change your decision, and in the other half of the cases - not.

Half of 2/3 is 1/3, that is, in one case out of three you will get a goat, in one case out of three you will choose the wrong door and the host will ask you to choose another, and in one case out of three you will choose the right door, but he again he will offer another one.

If the presenter offers to choose another door, we already know that that one case out of three, when he gives us a goat and we leave, did not happen. This useful information: it means that our chances of winning have changed. Two cases out of three when we have the opportunity to choose: in one case it means that we guessed correctly, and in the other that we guessed wrong, so if we were offered the opportunity to choose at all, then the probability of our winning is 1/2 , and from a mathematical point of view, it doesn’t matter whether you stay with your choice or choose another door.

Like poker, it is a psychological game, not a mathematical one. Why did Monty give you a choice? He thinks that you are a simpleton who does not know that choosing another door is the “right” decision and will stubbornly hold on to his choice (after all, psychologically the situation is more complicated, when you chose a car and then lost it)?

Or does he, deciding that you are smart and will choose another door, offer you this chance because he knows that you guessed correctly in the first place and will get hooked? Or maybe he's being uncharacteristically kind and pushing you to do something that's beneficial to you because he hasn't given away cars in a while and the producers say the audience is getting bored and it would be better to give away a big prize soon to did the ratings drop?

In this way, Monty manages to occasionally offer a choice and still keep the overall probability of winning at 1/3. Remember that the probability that you will lose outright is 1/3. The chance that you will guess correctly right away is 1/3, and 50% of those times you will win (1/3 x 1/2 = 1/6).

The chance of you guessing wrong at first but then having a chance to choose another door is 1/3, and half of those times you will win (also 1/6). Add up two independent winning possibilities and you get a probability of 1/3, so it doesn't matter whether you stick with your choice or choose another door - your overall probability of winning throughout the game is 1/3.

The probability does not become greater than in the situation when you guessed the door and the presenter simply showed you what was behind it, without offering to choose another one. The point of the proposal is not to change the probability, but to make the decision-making process more fun to watch on television.

By the way, this is one of the reasons why poker can be so interesting: in most formats, between rounds when bets are made (for example, the flop, turn and river in Texas Hold'em), the cards are gradually revealed, and if at the beginning of the game you have one chance of winning , then after each round of betting, when more cards are revealed, this probability changes.

Boy and girl paradox

This brings us to another well-known paradox, which, as a rule, puzzles everyone - the paradox of the boy and the girl. The only thing I'm writing about today that is not directly related to games (although I guess I'm just supposed to encourage you to create appropriate game mechanics). This is more of a puzzle, but an interesting one, and in order to solve it, you need to understand conditional probability, which we talked about above.

Problem: I have a friend with two children, at least one of them is a girl. What is the probability that the second child is also a girl? Let's assume that in any family the chances of having a girl and a boy are 50/50, and this is true for each child.

In fact, some men have more sperm with an X chromosome or a Y chromosome in their sperm, so the odds change slightly. If you know that one child is a girl, the likelihood of having a second girl is slightly higher, and there are other conditions, such as hermaphroditism. But to solve this problem, we will not take this into account and assume that the birth of a child is independent event and the birth of a boy and a girl are equally likely.

Since we are talking about a chance of 1/2, intuitively we expect that the answer will most likely be 1/2 or 1/4, or some other number that is a multiple of two in the denominator. But the answer is 1/3. Why?

The difficulty here is that the information we have reduces the number of possibilities. Suppose the parents are fans of Sesame Street and, regardless of the gender of the children, named them A and B. Under normal conditions, there are four equally likely possibilities: A and B are two boys, A and B are two girls, A is a boy and B is a girl, A is a girl and B is a boy. Since we know that at least one child is a girl, we can rule out the possibility that A and B are two boys. This leaves us with three possibilities - still equally probable. If all possibilities are equally probable and there are three of them, then the probability of each of them is 1/3. In only one of these three options are both children girls, so the answer is 1/3.

And again about the paradox of a boy and a girl

The solution to the problem becomes even more illogical. Imagine that my friend has two children and one of them is a girl who was born on Tuesday. Let us assume that under normal conditions a child can be born on each of the seven days of the week with equal probability. What is the probability that the second child is also a girl?

You might think the answer would still be 1/3: what does Tuesday matter? But even in this case, our intuition fails us. The answer is 13/27, which is not only unintuitive, but very strange. What's the matter in this case?

In fact, Tuesday changes the probability because we don't know which child was born on Tuesday, or perhaps both were born on Tuesday. In this case, we use the same logic: we count all possible combinations when at least one child is a girl born on Tuesday. As in the previous example, let's assume that the children are named A and B. The combinations look like this:

  • A is a girl who was born on Tuesday, B is a boy (in this situation there are 7 possibilities, one for each day of the week when a boy could have been born).
  • B is a girl born on Tuesday, A is a boy (also 7 possibilities).
  • A - a girl who was born on Tuesday, B - a girl who was born on another day of the week (6 possibilities).
  • B is a girl who was born on Tuesday, A is a girl who was not born on Tuesday (also 6 probabilities).
  • A and B are two girls who were born on Tuesday (1 possibility, you need to pay attention to this so as not to count twice).

We add up and get 27 different equally possible combinations of births of children and days with at least one possibility of the birth of a girl on Tuesday. Of these, there are 13 possibilities when two girls are born. It also seems completely illogical - it seems like this task was invented just to cause headaches. If you're still puzzled, game theorist Jesper Juhl's website has a good explanation of this issue.

If you are currently working on a game

If there is a randomness in the game you are designing, this is a great time to analyze it. Select some element that you want to analyze. First ask yourself what you expect the probability to be of this element, what it should be in the context of the game.

For example, if you're making an RPG and you're wondering what the probability should be that the player will defeat a monster in battle, ask yourself what win percentage feels right to you. Typically with console RPGs, players get very upset when they lose, so it's best if they lose infrequently - 10% of the time or less. If you're an RPG designer, you probably know better than I do, but you need to have basic idea, what should be the probability.

Then ask yourself whether your probabilities are dependent (like with cards) or independent (like with dice). Analyze all possible outcomes and their probabilities. Make sure that the sum of all probabilities is 100%. And, of course, compare the results obtained with your expectations. Are you able to roll the dice or draw cards the way you intended, or is it clear that the values ​​need to be adjusted. And of course, if you find any shortcomings, you can use the same calculations to determine how much to change the values.

Homework assignment

Yours homework” this week will help you hone your probability skills. Here are two dice games and a card game that you will analyze using probability, as well as a strange game mechanic I once developed that will test the Monte Carlo method.

Game #1 - Dragon Bones

This is a dice game that my colleagues and I once came up with (thanks to Jeb Havens and Jesse King) - it specifically blows people's minds with its probabilities. It's a simple casino game called Dragon Dice, and it's a gambling dice competition between the player and the house.

You are given a normal 1d6 die. The goal of the game is to roll a number higher than the house's. Tom is given a non-standard 1d6 - the same as yours, but on one of its faces instead of a unit there is an image of a dragon (thus, the casino has a dragon cube - 2-3-4-5-6). If the house gets a dragon, it automatically wins and you lose. If both get the same number, it's a draw and you roll the dice again. The one who rolls the highest number wins.

Of course, everything doesn’t work out entirely in the player’s favor, because the casino has an advantage in the form of the dragon’s edge. But is this really true? This is what you have to calculate. But check your intuition first.

Let's say the odds are 2 to 1. So if you win, you keep your bet and get double your bet. For example, if you bet 1 dollar and win, you keep that dollar and get 2 more on top, for a total of 3 dollars. If you lose, you only lose your bet. Would you play? Do you intuitively feel that the probability is greater than 2 to 1, or do you still think that it is less? In other words, on average over 3 games, do you expect to win more than once, or less, or once?

Once you have your intuition figured out, use math. There are only 36 possible positions for both dice, so you can count them all with no problem. If you're not sure about that 2-for-1 offer, consider this: Let's say you played the game 36 times (betting $1 each time). For each win you get 2 dollars, for each loss you lose 1, and a draw changes nothing. Calculate all your likely wins and losses and decide whether you will lose or gain some dollars. Then ask yourself how right your intuition was. And then realize what a villain I am.

And, yes, if you've already thought about this question - I'm deliberately confusing you by misrepresenting the actual mechanics of dice games, but I'm sure you can overcome this obstacle with just a little thought. Try to solve this problem yourself.

Game No. 2 - Throw for luck

It's a dice game of chance called "Roll for Luck" (also called "Birdcage" because sometimes the dice are not thrown, but placed in a large wire cage, reminiscent of the cage from Bingo). The game is simple and basically boils down to this: bet, say, $1 on a number from 1 to 6. Then you roll 3d6. For each die your number lands on, you get $1 (and keep your original bet). If your number doesn't come up on any of the dice, the casino gets your dollar and you get nothing. So if you bet on a 1 and you get a 1 on the sides three times, you get $3.

Intuitively, it seems that this game has equal chances. Each die is an individual 1 in 6 chance of winning, so over the sum of the three rolls, your chance of winning is 3 in 6. However, of course, remember that you are adding three separate dice, and you are only allowed to add if we we are talking about separate winning combinations of the same die. Something you will need to multiply.

Once you calculate all the possible outcomes (probably easier to do in Excel than by hand, since there are 216 of them), the game still looks odd-even at first glance. In fact, the casino still has a better chance of winning - how much more? Specifically, how much money on average do you expect to lose each round of play?

All you have to do is add up the wins and losses of all 216 results and then divide by 216, which should be pretty easy. But, as you can see, there are several pitfalls here, which is why I say: if you think this game has an even chance of winning, you have it all wrong.

Game #3 - 5 Card Stud Poker

If you've already warmed up with previous games, let's check what we know about conditional probability using this card game as an example. Let's imagine a poker game with a 52-card deck. Let's also imagine 5 card stud, where each player only receives 5 cards. You can't discard a card, you can't draw a new one, there's no shared deck - you only get 5 cards.

A Royal Flush is 10-J-Q-K-A in one hand, there are four in total, so there are four possible ways get a royal flush. Calculate the probability that you will get one such combination.

I must warn you of one thing: remember that you can draw these five cards in any order. That is, first you can draw an ace or a ten, it doesn’t matter. So when doing the math, keep in mind that there are actually more than four ways to get a royal flush, assuming the cards were dealt in order.

Game No. 4 - IMF Lottery

The fourth problem cannot be solved so easily using the methods we talked about today, but you can easily simulate the situation using programming or Excel. It is on the example of this problem that you can work out the Monte Carlo method.

I mentioned earlier the game Chron X, which I once worked on, and there was one very interesting map- IMF lottery. Here's how it worked: you used it in the game. After the round ended, the cards were redistributed, and there was a 10% chance that the card would go out of play and that a random player would receive 5 units of each type of resource whose token was present on that card. The card was entered into play without a single chip, but each time it remained in play at the beginning of the next round, it received one chip.

So there was a 10% chance that if you put it into play, the round would end, the card would leave the game, and no one would get anything. If this does not happen (90% chance), there is a 10% chance (actually 9%, since it is 10% of 90%) that in the next round she will leave the game and someone will receive 5 units of resources. If the card leaves the game after one round (10% of the 81% available, so the probability is 8.1%), someone will receive 10 units, another round - 15, another - 20, and so on. Question: What is the general expected value of the number of resources you will get from this card when it finally leaves the game?

Normally we would try to solve this problem by calculating the possibility of each outcome and multiplying by the number of all outcomes. There is a 10% chance that you will get 0 (0.1 * 0 = 0). 9% that you will receive 5 units of resources (9% * 5 = 0.45 resources). 8.1% of what you'll get is 10 (8.1%*10=0.81 resources - overall expected value). And so on. And then we would sum it all up.

And now the problem is obvious to you: there is always a chance that the card will not leave the game, it can remain in the game forever, for an infinite number of rounds, so there is no way to calculate every probability. The methods we have studied today do not allow us to calculate infinite recursion, so we will have to create it artificially.

If you are good enough at programming, write a program that will simulate this map. You should have a time loop that brings the variable to a starting position of zero, shows a random number and with a 10% chance the variable exits the loop. Otherwise, it adds 5 to the variable and the loop repeats. When it finally exits the loop, increase the total number of trial runs by 1 and the total number of resources (by how much depends on where the variable ends up). Then reset the variable and start again.

Run the program several thousand times. In the end, divide the total number of resources by the total number of runs - this will be your expected Monte Carlo value. Run the program several times to make sure that the numbers you get are approximately the same. If the scatter is still large, increase the number of repetitions in the outer loop until you start getting matches. You can be sure that whatever numbers you end up with will be approximately correct.

If you're new to programming (even if you are), here's a quick exercise to test your Excel skills. If you are a game designer, these skills will never be superfluous.

Now the if and rand functions will be very useful to you. Rand doesn't require values, it just produces a random one decimal number from 0 to 1. We usually combine it with floor and pluses and minuses to simulate the dice roll that I mentioned earlier. However, in this case we're just leaving a 10% chance that the card will leave the game, so we can just check to see if the rand value is less than 0.1 and not worry about it any more.

If has three meanings. In order: a condition that is either true or false, then a value that is returned if the condition is true, and a value that is returned if the condition is false. So the following function will return 5% of the time, and 0 the other 90% of the time: =IF(RAND()<0.1,5,0) .

There are many ways to set this command, but I would use this formula for the cell that represents the first round, let's say it's cell A1: =IF(RAND()<0.1,0,-1) .

Here I'm using a negative variable to mean "this card has not left the game and has not given up any resources yet." So if the first round is over and the card leaves play, A1 is 0; otherwise it is –1.

For the next cell representing the second round: =IF(A1>-1, A1, IF(RAND()<0.1,5,-1)) . So if the first round ended and the card immediately left the game, A1 is 0 (the number of resources) and this cell will simply copy that value. Otherwise, A1 is -1 (the card has not yet left the game), and this cell continues to move randomly: 10% of the time it will return 5 units of resources, the rest of the time its value will still be equal to -1. If we apply this formula to additional cells, we get additional rounds, and whichever cell you end up with will give you the final result (or -1 if the card never left the game after all the rounds you played).

Take that row of cells, which represents the only round with that card, and copy and paste several hundred (or thousand) rows. We may not be able to do an infinite test for Excel (there are a limited number of cells in a table), but at least we can cover most cases. Then select one cell in which you will place the average of the results of all rounds - Excel helpfully provides an average() function for this.

On Windows, you can at least press F9 to recalculate all random numbers. As before, do this several times and see if you get the same values. If the spread is too large, double the number of runs and try again.

Unsolved problems

If you happen to have a degree in probability theory and the above problems seem too easy to you, here are two problems I've been scratching my head over for years, but unfortunately I'm not good enough at math to solve them.

Unsolved Problem #1: IMF Lottery

The first unsolved problem is the previous homework assignment. I can easily apply the Monte Carlo method (using C++ or Excel) and be confident in the answer to the question “how many resources will the player receive”, but I don’t know exactly how to provide an exact provable answer mathematically (it’s an infinite series) .

Unsolved problem #2: Sequences of figures

This problem (it also goes far beyond the tasks that are solved in this blog) was given to me by a gamer friend more than ten years ago. While playing blackjack in Vegas, he noticed one interesting thing: when he removed cards from an 8-deck shoe, he saw ten figures in a row (a figure or face card - 10, Joker, King or Queen, so there are 16 in total in a standard 52-deck cards or 128 in a 416 card shoe).

What is the probability that this shoe contains at least one sequence of ten or more figures? Let's assume that they were shuffled fairly, in random order. Or, if you prefer, what is the probability that a sequence of ten or more figures does not occur anywhere?

We can simplify the task. Here is a sequence of 416 parts. Each part is 0 or 1. There are 128 ones and 288 zeros scattered randomly throughout the sequence. How many ways are there to randomly intersperse 128 ones with 288 zeros, and how many times in these ways will at least one group of ten or more ones occur?

Every time I set about solving this problem, it seemed easy and obvious to me, but as soon as I delved into the details, it suddenly fell apart and seemed simply impossible.

So don't rush to blurt out the answer: sit down, think carefully, study the conditions, try to plug in real numbers, because all the people I talked to about this problem (including several graduate students working in this field) reacted about the same: “It’s completely obvious... oh, no, wait, it’s not obvious at all.” This is the case when I do not have a method for calculating all the options. I could, of course, brute force the problem through a computer algorithm, but it would be much more interesting to know the mathematical solution.

Then he conducted the same experiment with three dice. On a piece of paper, I wrote down the numbers from 3 to 18 in a column. These are the amounts that can appear when throwing three dice. I made 400 throws. I calculated the result and entered it into the table. (Appendix 3 and 4) The sums 10 and 11 appear more often.

I conducted another experiment with four dice. The column contained numbers from 4 to 24. These are the amounts that can appear when throwing four dice. I hit 400 shots again. I calculated the result and entered it into the table. (Appendix 5 and 6) The sum 14 is rolled more often.

Then I decided to do the math. I made a table for two dice and filled it out. (Appendix 7) I got the result - the sum of seven comes up more often. (Appendix 8). Six times out of thirty-six cases. I first did the same mathematical calculations for three dice. (Appendix 9) The sums that come up most often are 10 and 11. This is 27 cases out of 216. And the least likely numbers that come up are 3 and 18, only 1 case out of 216. (Appendix 10) And then for four dice. (Appendix 11) There are a total of 1296 cases. The most common sum is 14, which is 146 cases out of 1296. And the least common sum is 4 and 24, only 1 case out of 1296. (Appendix 12)

I found a description of tricks with dice. I was surprised by the simplicity and originality of some of the tricks. The accepted order of markings on the sides of the dice is the basis of many tricks with dice. And I tried to do several tricks. I did it. But to carry them out successfully, you need to count quickly and well.

A trick is a skillful trick based on deceiving the eye with the help of deft and quick techniques. The trick is always half hidden from the audience: they know that there is a secret, but they imagine it as something unreal, incomprehensible. Mathematical tricks are a kind of demonstration of mathematical laws.

The success of each trick depends on good preparation and training, on the ease of performing each number, accurate calculation, and skillful use of the techniques necessary to perform the trick. Such tricks make a great impression on the audience and captivate them.

Focus 1. “Guessing the amount”

The person demonstrating turns his back to the audience, and at this time one of them throws three dice onto the table. The spectator is then asked to add up the three numbers drawn, take any die and add the number on the bottom side to the total just obtained. Then roll the same die again and add the number that appears to the total again. The demonstrator draws the audience's attention to the fact that he can in no way know which of the three dice was thrown twice, then collects the dice, shakes them in his hand and immediately correctly names the final amount.

Explanation. Before collecting the dice, the person showing adds up the numbers facing up. By adding seven to the resulting sum, he finds the final sum.

This trick relies on the property of the sum of numbers on opposite faces - it is always equal to seven.

Chapter 2. The Secret of the Dice

2.1. Calculate the result

In order to find out what amount comes up more often when throwing two, three, four, etc. dice, I conducted several experiments.

Before starting work, I compiled a table to enter data. The column contains numbers from 2 to 12. These are the amounts that can appear when throwing two dice. On the smooth surface of the table, so that there would be no outside interference, he began to throw dice. Each attempt was marked opposite the number of the dropped amount - with a vertical line.

Experiment 1:

1) I take two dice and a glass.

I repeat the experiment 400 times.

The experiment helped to find out which sum comes up more often when throwing two dice. (Appendix 1 and 2)

I conducted Experiment 2 with three dice in order to find out which amount will appear more often now.

Experiment 2:

1) I take three dice and a glass.

2) I shake the glass with the dice.

3) I throw the dice on the table.

4) I calculate the amount and mark it in the table.

I repeat the experiment 400 times.

The experiment helped to find out which sum comes up more often when throwing three dice. (Appendix 3 and 4)

The experiment helped me make sure that when throwing three dice, the amount that came out was different than when throwing two dice.

I conducted Experiment 3 with four dice to see the dynamics of changes.

Before starting work, I again compiled a table to enter data.

Experiment 3:

1) I take four dice and a glass.

2) I shake the glass with the dice.

3) I throw the dice on the table.

4) I calculate the amount and mark it in the table.

I repeat the experiment 400 times.

The experiment helped me make sure that when four dice are thrown, the amount that comes up is again different. (Appendix 5 and 6)

Having examined the results of the experiments, it became clear to me why amounts closer to the middle of the table appear more often. After all, the sum of the numbers on opposite sides is always equal to seven. Therefore, when throwing dice, it is more likely that an amount close to this middle will appear.

2.2. Comparing the results

Having compared the results of experiments with dice (Appendices 1 - 6) and the results of mathematical calculations (Appendices 7 - 12), I noticed that the amount that is closer to the middle falls out more often. Therefore, I found the arithmetic mean of the sum of the numbers on the sides of the dice. (1+2+3+4+5+6) : 6 = 3.5. The result was 3.5. I then multiplied this number by the number of dice. If you take two dice, then the product is 3.5 · 2 = 7. The number seven is the number that comes up more often when throwing two dice. If we take three dice, we get 3.5 · 3 = 10.5. And since the number must be an integer, two adjacent numbers are taken. These numbers are 10 and 11, they appear more often when throwing three dice. For any number of dice, you can calculate the number that appears most often using the formula 3.5 n , (Where n- number of dice). Moreover, if n If the number is odd, then two adjacent numbers are taken to determine the number that appears more often when throwing dice.

I examined the biblical drawing and found a discrepancy. Two dice have incorrect markings. Since the sum of the numbers on opposite sides must be equal to seven. And on one of the dice there is three on the top side, and four on the side, although four should be on the bottom side. On the other dice, on the top side there are five, and on the side there are two. Or perhaps this is because in that area a different marking on the dice was adopted.


In my work I learned the secret of dice. This secret lies on the surface of the dice themselves. The secret is in the layout of the markings. The sum of the numbers on opposite sides is always seven. Through experiments and mathematical calculations, I found the amount that comes up more often when throwing dice, and which depends on the number of dice. This amount can be written as a formula 3,5 · n, Where n number of dice. While researching this topic, I learned that dice originated around 3000 BC. The places where archaeologists found the most ancient game items are Egypt, Iran, Iraq and India. I learned about the variety of shapes and types of dice. And also where dice are used and the properties they have. I haven't considered the topic of problem solving at all. It’s just that the theory of probability is still difficult for me. But I hope to return to it again.

Many great mathematicians at different times solved problems with dice. But I was unable to find the author of the formula for finding the largest sum when throwing dice. Perhaps I didn't search long enough. But I will continue searching. I'm interested to know who first came up with this formula.


1. Azariev encyclopedic dictionary [Electronic resource] http://www. slovarus. ru/?di=72219

2. Suvorov on probability in games. Introduction to probability theory for students in grades 8-11. – Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 2006. –192 p.

3. Fribus problems. – M.: Education, 1994. – 128 p.

4. Wikipedia free encyclopedia [Electronic resource] https://ru. wikipedia. org/wiki/Dice

5. Gambling business. Per. from English and fr. /NEC "Bibliomarket"; Ed.-comp. . - M. 1994. - 208 p.

6. Bones, zary, cubes [Electronic resource] http://www. /ru/articles/igralnye_kosti-34

7. Lyutikas on the theory of probability. – M.: Education, 1983. – 127 p.

8. Nikiforovsky mathematicians Bernoulli. – M.: Nauka, 1984. – 180 p.

9. Behind the pages of an algebra textbook. Book for students 7-9 grades. general education Institutions. – M.: Education, 1999. – 237 p.

10. 100 great scientists. – M.: Veche, 2000. – 592 p.

11. Explanatory dictionary of foreign words [Electronic resource] http:///search

12. Ushakov’s Explanatory Dictionary [Electronic resource] http://www. /3/193/772800.html

13. Shen A. Probability: examples and problems. - M.: Publishing house MTsNMO, 2008. – 64 p.

14. Yakovlev problems with dice in the study of elements of probability theory [Electronic resource] http://festival.1september. ru/articles/517883/

15. Yakovleva and funny tricks with dice [Electronic resource] http://festival.1september. ru/articles/624782/

Appendix 1. Results of throwing 2 dice

Appendix 2. Results of throwing 2 dice

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Educational technologies: Technology of explanatory and illustrated teaching, computer technology, person-centered approach to learning, health-saving technologies.

Lesson type: lesson in acquiring new knowledge.

Duration: 1 lesson.

Grade: 8th grade.

Lesson objectives:


  • repeat the skills of using the formula to find the probability of an event and teach how to use it in problems with dice;
  • conduct demonstrative reasoning when solving problems, evaluate the logical correctness of reasoning, recognize logically incorrect reasoning.


  • develop skills in searching, processing and presenting information;
  • develop the ability to compare, analyze, and draw conclusions;
  • develop observation and communication skills.


  • cultivate attentiveness and perseverance;
  • to form an understanding of the significance of mathematics as a way of understanding the world around us.

Lesson equipment: computer, multimedia, markers, mimio copy device (or interactive whiteboard), envelope (it contains an assignment for practical work, homework, three cards: yellow, green, red), dice models.

Lesson Plan

Organizational moment.

In the previous lesson we learned about the classical probability formula.

The probability P of the occurrence of a random event A is the ratio of m to n, where n is the number of all possible outcomes of the experiment, and m is the number of all favorable outcomes.

The formula is the so-called classical definition of probability according to Laplace, which came from the field of gambling, where probability theory was used to determine the prospect of winning. This formula is used for experiments with a finite number of equally possible outcomes.

Probability of an event = Number of favorable outcomes / number of all equally possible outcomes

So probability is a number between 0 and 1.

The probability is 0 if the event is impossible.

The probability is 1 if the event is certain.

Let's solve the problem orally: There are 20 books on a bookshelf, 3 of which are reference books. What is the probability that a book taken from a shelf will not be a reference book?


The total number of equally possible outcomes is 20

Number of favorable outcomes – 20 – 3 = 17

Answer: 0.85.

2. Gaining new knowledge.

Now let’s return to the topic of our lesson: “Probabilities of events”, let’s sign it in our notebooks.

Purpose of the lesson: learn to solve problems on finding the probability when throwing a dice or 2 dice.

Our topic today is related to the dice or it is also called dice. Dice have been known since ancient times. The game of dice is one of the oldest; the first prototypes of dice were found in Egypt, and they date back to the 20th century BC. e. There are many varieties, from simple ones (the one who throws the most points wins) to complex ones, in which you can use different game tactics.

The oldest bones date back to the 20th century BC. e., discovered in Thebes. Initially, bones served as tools for fortune telling. According to archaeological excavations, dice were played everywhere in all corners of the globe. The name comes from the original material - animal bones.

The ancient Greeks believed that the Lydians invented bones, escaping from hunger, in order to at least occupy their minds with something.

The game of dice was reflected in ancient Egyptian, Greco-Roman, and Vedic mythology. Mentioned in the Bible, “Iliad”, “Odyssey”, “Mahabharata”, the collection of Vedic hymns “Rigveda”. In the pantheons of gods, at least one god was the owner of dice as an integral attribute http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%CA%EE%F1%F2%E8_%28%E8%E3%F0%E0%29 - cite_note-2 .

After the fall of the Roman Empire, the game spread throughout Europe, and was especially popular during the Middle Ages. Since dice were used not only for playing, but also for fortune-telling, the church repeatedly tried to ban the game; the most sophisticated punishments were invented for this purpose, but all attempts ended in failure.

According to archaeological data, dice were also played in pagan Rus'. After baptism, the Orthodox Church tried to eradicate the game, but among the common people it remained popular, unlike in Europe, where the highest nobility and even the clergy were guilty of playing dice.

The war declared by the authorities of different countries on the game of dice gave rise to many different cheating tricks.

In the Age of Enlightenment, the hobby for playing dice gradually began to decline, people developed new hobbies, and became more interested in literature, music and painting. Nowadays, playing dice is not so widespread.

Correct dice provide an equal chance of landing a side. To do this, all edges must be the same: smooth, flat, have the same area, roundings (if any), holes must be drilled to the same depth. The sum of points on opposite sides is 7.

A mathematical die, which is used in probability theory, is a mathematical image of a regular die. Mathematical the bone has no size, no color, no weight, etc.

When throwing playing bones(cube) any of its six faces can fall out, i.e. any of events- loss from 1 to 6 points (points). But none two and more faces cannot appear simultaneously. Such events are called incompatible.

Consider the case when 1 die is thrown. Let's do number 2 in the form of a table.

Now consider the case where 2 dice are rolled.

If the first die rolls one point, then the second die can roll 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. We get the pairs (1;1), (1;2), (1;3), (1;4) , (1;5), (1;6) and so on with each face. All cases can be presented in the form of a table of 6 rows and 6 columns:

Elementary Events Table

There is an envelope on your desk.

Take the sheet with the tasks from the envelope.

Now you will complete a practical task using the table of elementary events.

Show with shading the events that favor the events:

Task 1. “The same number of points fell”;

1; 1 2; 1 3; 1 4; 1 5; 1 6; 1
1; 2 2; 2 3; 2 4; 2 5; 2 6; 2
1; 3 2; 3 3; 3 4; 3 5; 3 6; 3
1; 4 2; 4 3; 4 4; 4 5; 4 6; 4
1; 5 2; 5 3; 5 4; 5 5; 5 6; 5
1; 6 2; 6 3; 6 4; 6 5; 6 6; 6

Task 2. “The sum of points is 7”;

1; 1 2; 1 3; 1 4; 1 5; 1 6; 1
1; 2 2; 2 3; 2 4; 2 5; 2 6; 2
1; 3 2; 3 3; 3 4; 3 5; 3 6; 3
1; 4 2; 4 3; 4 4; 4 5; 4 6; 4
1; 5 2; 5 3; 5 4; 5 5; 5 6; 5
1; 6 2; 6 3; 6 4; 6 5; 6 6; 6

Task 3. “The sum of points is not less than 7.”

What does “no less” mean? (The answer is “greater than or equal to”)

1; 1 2; 1 3; 1 4; 1 5; 1 6; 1
1; 2 2; 2 3; 2 4; 2 5; 2 6; 2
1; 3 2; 3 3; 3 4; 3 5; 3 6; 3
1; 4 2; 4 3; 4 4; 4 5; 4 6; 4
1; 5 2; 5 3; 5 4; 5 5; 5 6; 5
1; 6 2; 6 3; 6 4; 6 5; 6 6; 6

Now let’s find the probabilities of events for which favorable events were shaded in practical work.

Let's write it down in notebooks No. 3

Task 1.

Total number of outcomes - 36

Answer: 1/6.

Task 2.

Total number of outcomes - 36

Number of favorable outcomes - 6

Answer: 1/6.

Task 3.

Total number of outcomes - 36

Number of favorable outcomes - 21

P = 21/36=7/12.

Answer: 7/12.

№4. Sasha and Vlad are playing dice. Everyone rolls the die twice. The one with the highest number of points wins. If the points are equal, the game ends in a draw. Sasha was the first to throw the dice, and he got 5 points and 3 points. Now Vlad throws the dice.

a) In the table of elementary events, indicate (by shading) the elementary events that favor the event “Vlad will win.”

b) Find the probability of the event “Vlad will win”.

3. Physical education minute.

If the event is reliable, we all clap together,

If the event is impossible, we all stomp together,

If the event is random, shake your head / left and right

“There are 3 apples in the basket (2 red, 1 green).

3 red ones were pulled out of the basket - (impossible)

A red apple was pulled out of the basket - (random)

A green apple was pulled out of the basket - (random)

2 red and 1 green were pulled out of the basket - (reliable)

Let's solve the next number.

A fair die is rolled twice. Which event is more likely:

A: “Both times the score was 5”;

Q: “The first time I got 2 points, the second time I got 5 points”;

S: “One time it was 2 points, one time it was 5 points”?

Let's analyze event A: the total number of outcomes is 36, the number of favorable outcomes is 1 (5;5)

Let's analyze event B: the total number of outcomes is 36, the number of favorable outcomes is 1 (2;5)

Let's analyze event C: the total number of outcomes is 36, the number of favorable outcomes is 2 (2;5 and 5;2)

Answer: event C.

4. Setting homework.

1. Cut out the development, glue the cubes. Bring it to your next lesson.

2. Perform 25 throws. Write the results in the table: (in the next lesson you can introduce the concept of frequency)

3. Solve the problem: Two dice are thrown. Calculate the probability:

a) “The sum of points is 6”;

b) “Sum of points not less than 5”;

c) “The first die has more points than the second.”

Another popular problem in probability theory (along with the coin toss problem) is dice tossing problem.

Usually the task sounds like this: one or more dice are thrown (usually 2, less often 3). You need to find the probability that the number of points is 4, or the sum of the points is 10, or the product of the number of points is divisible by 2, or the numbers of points differ by 3, and so on.

The main method for solving such problems is to use the classical probability formula, which we will analyze using examples below.

After familiarizing yourself with the solution methods, you can download a super-useful solution for throwing 2 dice (with tables and examples).

One dice

With one dice the situation is indecently simple. Let me remind you that the probability is found by the formula $P=m/n$, where $n$ is the number of all equally possible elementary outcomes of an experiment with tossing a cube or dice, and $m$ is the number of those outcomes that favor the event.

Example 1. The die is thrown once. What is the probability that an even number of points is rolled?

Since the die is a cube (they also say fair dice, that is, the cube is balanced, so it lands on all sides with the same probability), the cube has 6 sides (with a number of points from 1 to 6, usually designated points), then the total number of outcomes in the problem is $n=6$. The only outcomes that favor the event are when a side with 2, 4 or 6 points (even ones only) falls out; there are $m=3$ of such sides. Then the desired probability is equal to $P=3/6=1/2=0.5$.

Example 2. The dice are thrown. Find the probability of rolling at least 5 points.

We reason the same way as in the previous example. The total number of equally possible outcomes when throwing a die is $n=6$, and the condition “at least 5 points rolled up”, that is, “either 5 or 6 points rolled up” are satisfied by 2 outcomes, $m=2$. The required probability is $P=2/6=1/3=0.333$.

I don’t even see the point in giving more examples, let’s move on to two dice, where everything gets more interesting and complicated.

Two dice

When it comes to problems involving rolling 2 dice, it is very convenient to use points table. Let us plot horizontally the number of points that fell on the first dice, and vertically the number of points that fell on the second dice. Let's get something like this (I usually do it in Excel, you can download the file):

What's in the table cells, you ask? And this depends on what problem we will solve. There will be a task about the sum of points - we will write the sum there, about the difference - we will write the difference and so on. Let's get started?

Example 3. 2 dice are thrown at the same time. Find the probability that the total will be less than 5 points.

First, let's look at the total number of outcomes of the experiment. when we threw one die, everything was obvious, 6 sides - 6 outcomes. There are already two dice here, so the outcomes can be represented as ordered pairs of numbers of the form $(x,y)$, where $x$ is how many points fell on the first dice (from 1 to 6), $y$ is how many points fell on the second dice (from 1 to 6). Obviously, the total number of such pairs of numbers will be $n=6\cdot 6=36$ (and they correspond to exactly 36 cells in the table of outcomes).

Now it's time to fill out the table. In each cell we enter the sum of the number of points rolled on the first and second dice and we get the following picture:

Now this table will help us find the number of outcomes favorable to the event “a total of less than 5 points will appear.” To do this, we count the number of cells in which the sum value is less than 5 (that is, 2, 3 or 4). For clarity, let’s color these cells, there will be $m=6$:

Then the probability is equal to: $P=6/36=1/6$.

Example 4. Two dice are thrown. Find the probability that the product of the number of points is divisible by 3.

We create a table of the products of the points rolled on the first and second dice. We immediately highlight those numbers that are multiples of 3:

All that remains is to write down that the total number of outcomes is $n=36$ (see the previous example, the reasoning is the same), and the number of favorable outcomes (the number of shaded cells in the table above) is $m=20$. Then the probability of the event will be equal to $P=20/36=5/9$.

As you can see, this type of problem, with proper preparation (let’s look at a couple more problems), can be solved quickly and simply. For variety, let’s do one more task with a different table (all tables can be downloaded at the bottom of the page).

Example 5. The dice are thrown twice. Find the probability that the difference in the number of points on the first and second dice will be from 2 to 5.

Let's write down a table of score differences, highlight the cells in it in which the difference value will be between 2 and 5:

So, the total number of equally possible elementary outcomes is $n=36$, and the number of favorable outcomes (the number of shaded cells in the table above) is $m=10$. Then the probability of the event will be equal to $P=10/36=5/18$.

So, in the case when we are talking about throwing 2 dice and a simple event, you need to build a table, select the necessary cells in it and divide their number by 36, this will be the probability. In addition to problems on the sum, product and difference of the number of points, there are also problems on the modulus of the difference, the smallest and largest number of points drawn (you will find suitable tables in).

Other problems about dice and cubes

Of course, the matter is not limited to the two classes of problems about throwing dice discussed above (they are simply the most frequently encountered in problem books and training manuals), there are others. For variety and understanding of the approximate solution method, we will analyze three more typical examples: for throwing 3 dice, for conditional probability and for Bernoulli’s formula.

Example 6. 3 dice are thrown. Find the probability that the total is 15 points.

In the case of 3 dice, tables are drawn up less often, since you will need as many as 6 pieces (and not one, as above), they get by by simply searching through the required combinations.

Let's find the total number of outcomes of the experiment. Outcomes can be represented as ordered triplets of numbers of the form $(x,y,z)$, where $x$ is how many points fell on the first die (from 1 to 6), $y$ is how many points fell on the second die (from 1 to 6), $z$ - how many points were rolled on the third die (from 1 to 6). Obviously, the total number of such triples of numbers will be $n=6\cdot 6\cdot 6=216$ .

Now let’s select outcomes that give a total of 15 points.

$$ (3,6,6), (6,3,6), (6,6,3),\\ (4,5,6), (4,6,5), (5,4,6), (6,5,4), (5,6,4), (6,4,5),\\ (5,5,5). $$

We got $m=3+6+1=10$ outcomes. The desired probability is $P=10/216=0.046$.

Example 7. 2 dice are thrown. Find the probability that the first die rolls no more than 4 points, provided that the total number of points is even.

The easiest way to solve this problem is to use the table again (everything will be clear), as before. We write out a table of the sums of points and select only cells with even values:

We find that according to the experimental conditions, there are not 36, but $n=18$ outcomes (when the sum of points is even).

Now from these cells Let’s select only those that correspond to the event “no more than 4 points rolled on the first die” - that is, in fact, the cells in the first 4 rows of the table (highlighted in orange), there will be $m=12$.

The required probability $P=12/18=2/3.$

The same task can be done decide differently using the conditional probability formula. Let's enter the events:
A = The sum of the number of points is even
B = No more than 4 points rolled on the first die
AB = The sum of the number of points is even and no more than 4 points were rolled on the first die
Then the formula for the desired probability has the form: $$ P(B|A)=\frac(P(AB))(P(A)). $$ Finding probabilities. The total number of outcomes is $n=36$, for event A the number of favorable outcomes (see tables above) is $m(A)=18$, and for event AB - $m(AB)=12$. We get: $$ P(A)=\frac(m(A))(n)=\frac(18)(36)=\frac(1)(2); \quad P(AB)=\frac(m(AB))(n)=\frac(12)(36)=\frac(1)(3);\\ P(B|A)=\frac(P (AB))(P(A))=\frac(1/3)(1/2)=\frac(2)(3). $$ The answers were the same.

Example 8. The dice is thrown 4 times. Find the probability that an even number of points will appear exactly 3 times.

In the case when the dice throws several times, and the event is not about the sum, product, etc. integral characteristics, but only about number of drops of a certain type, you can use it to calculate the probability