Oksana Samoilova: from Playboy model to businesswoman and mother of three children (Photo). Different facets of a djigan's wife

Russian model and businesswoman Oksana Samoilova probably knows the special secrets of beauty and slimness: looking at her figure, you wouldn’t think that she is the mother of three children.

In fact, the girl really uses some attractiveness techniques, which she talked about in one of her interviews.

Oksana Samoilova: height, weight and figure parameters ^

Oksana Samoilova was born in 1988 in the small Russian town of Ukhta in the republic. Komi. She grew up in ordinary family, from childhood she began to be interested in acting and dancing, but her restless nature prevented her from devoting the necessary time to her studies. She grew quite active child, and spent most of my time outside of school with friends on the street.

After receiving her secondary education, Oksana entered a humanities university, but after studying there for three years, she took her documents from there and went to conquer Moscow. Her parents did not even resist this - they knew that it was useless to argue with their daughter.

Oksana Samoilova: height 177 cm, weight 53 kg

The girl has never experienced a shortage of fans: she has an unusual and attractive appearance, so she does not lack self-confidence. This is what played an important role in the decision to go to the capital, when she set herself the goal of becoming a famous model.

Oksana's plans were successfully implemented. At first, she had to face a lot of difficulties in Moscow, which she successfully dealt with, and after a few months the girl began to be actively invited to shoot in glossy magazines.

Now Samoilova is a popular person on Instagram, and also works own business– designer clothing line MiraSezar, producing elegant dresses. She created this brand together with her friend Miroslava Shvedova, and on this moment it is in demand among many women.

Oksana is known not only as a model, but also as the wife of the famous rapper Dzhigan. The couple met at the SOHO club, and the man was literally amazed by Samoilova’s beauty. After some time, they began to live together, and in 2011 they had a daughter, Ariela.

The official registration of the marriage took place only on December 12, 2012, which did not at all prevent the favorable development of family relations. Two years later, their daughter Leya was born, and after that Oksana began to appear in public less often, because. Children require a lot of time and effort. Dzhigan also tries to pay more attention to his family: he takes him on vacation, makes beautiful gifts and just spends all his free evenings with his girls.

In April 2017, rapper Dzhigan shared good news on Instagram: his third daughter Maya was born. For Oksana it was a kind of double gift, because... they have the same birthday. Now the model is completely absorbed in raising children, and lovingly talks about minor troubles and mischief so that one gets the impression that three little daughters do not cause any difficulties at all.

What diets is Oksana Samoilova on?

Oksana Samoilova’s height and weight are 177 cm and 53 kg. The model claims that she constantly has to take care of herself, but nutrition plays a key role in beauty. It is to him that she devotes greatest attention, because it affects the condition of the skin and appearance in general.

What secrets of slimness and beauty were learned from Oksana Samoilova:

  • Oksana is a follower healthy eating. She is against eating sweets, fried foods, fast food, smoked foods and other foods that negatively affect the body;
  • Four times a week the model goes to Gym. Recently, together with the best trainers, she developed the FitForYou application, with which everyone can get their figure in order. It costs money, but judging by Oksana’s figure, the costs are worth it;

  • The girl regularly visits a cosmetologist and spa treatments to maintain good skin condition, and also uses cosmetical tools trusted brands;
  • The model had plastic surgery to add volume to her lips and enlarge her breasts. There are rumors that she also corrected the shape of her chin, but Oksana does not comment on this.

In general, Oksana Samoilova’s recipe for losing weight comes down to regular physical activity and dieting. The star advises everyone to constantly adhere to this lifestyle, because... The beauty and health of a person depends on it.

How Oksana Samoilova loses weight: diet menu and recipes ^

Rules for losing weight from Oksana Samoilova:

  • You need to sit down at the table 5 times a day, but eat in small portions;
  • The most best products– fruits, vegetables, berries, herbs, low-fat fermented milk drinks, hard cheeses, seafood, durum wheat pasta, whole grain bread, lean fish and meat. They must be in the diet;
  • To reset faster excess weight, you need not only to diet, but also to exercise;
  • To avoid feelings of hunger and to quickly remove excess fluid, it is recommended to drink 1.5 liters of still water per day.

Diet of Oksana Samoilova: menu

How Oksana Samoilova builds her diet:

  • In the morning, eat cereal porridge with berries, drink a cup of green tea or coffee without sugar;
  • For lunch he eats a fruit salad;
  • Dinner with al dente pasta with vegetables;
  • For afternoon snack he eats a piece of cheese;
  • Dinner is baked fish and vegetable salad.

Diet recipes from Oksana Samoilova

Spaghetti recipe

  • Pour water into a saucepan, bring to a boil and add spaghetti;
  • Add salt, cook for no more than 8 minutes, then remove from the stove;
  • Making sauce from olive oil, spices and chopped herbs, pour it over the pasta;
  • Add green pea and pieces of canned tuna.

Baked fish recipe

  • Wash and clean the pollock fillet, rub with pepper and salt;
  • Grind onion, grate the cheese;
  • Place the fish on a baking sheet, add onions, pour everything over lemon juice, sprinkle with chopped bay leaves and cheese;
  • Bake in the oven for about half an hour.

Monomakh salad recipe

  • We peel the white cabbage from the top leaves, chop it, sprinkle with salt;
  • Slice Bell pepper and cucumbers in half rings, chop the greens and mix everything;
  • Pour sauce from small quantity sunflower oil, vinegar and sugar;
  • Mix and place in a salad bowl, garnish with cranberries.

Diet of Oksana Samoilova: opinion of nutritionists and reviews ^

According to nutritionists, proper nutrition- this is the most The best way lose weight without harm to health, so it is suitable for absolutely all people who are not indicated for special treatment tables. Samoilova's diet allows you to safely lose weight overweight, but to maintain the result you must adhere to it constantly.

Reviews from our readers

Tatyana, 28 years old:

“I think Samoilova’s nutrition system is really good, because she herself lost weight on it after giving birth, and quite well. Now I want to try it myself - maybe I’ll be able to put myself in order.”

What Oksana Samoilova looks like now: photo

Anastasia, 23 years old:

“I have always admired Oksana, because she is from a simple family, but, nevertheless, she managed to achieve everything she wanted and, despite her fame, did not lose her human qualities. Just out of personal sympathy, I decided to lose weight on her diet, and it really works: in six months all the excess weight was gone, and that’s almost 25 kg!”

Margarita, 35 years old:

“I didn’t know anything about Oksana until a friend recommended her app and diet. At first it was hard to get used to the new diet and training, but now I am very grateful to her for inspiring me to take such a difficult step.”

Eastern horoscope for February

Oksana Samoilova is a Russian celebrity. In the past, the girl could boast of being successful acting career, however, having found her soulmate, she completely immersed herself in family life and raising two daughters.

The former model has not yet achieved the status of “socialite,” but she is a frequent guest at many prestigious events. Most of all, her popularity was influenced by her relationship with the popular Russian rapper Dzhigan.

Childhood of Oksana Samoilova

The future celebrity was born on April 27, 1988, in the small town of Ukhta in the Komi Republic. Since childhood, Oksana has been a very active, lively and ambitious child. She always had many friends, with whom she, however, like all children of a Soviet upbringing, loved to play in the yard and come up with new entertainment. The girl grew up in a small town in an ordinary average family.

Oksana began to demonstrate her creative abilities since her school days. At one time, she attended an acting studio and went to a dance club. However, she didn’t want to do it professionally, so the clubs remained just a hobby.

Having received secondary education, Samoilova, like all her classmates, decisively began to storm higher education. educational establishments. For her studies, she chose a local university, where she studied the humanities.

However, the girl never managed to graduate from university. After three years of study, the creative nature still overcame the desire to get a higher education. She wanted to realize her potential and become famous throughout the country. With these thoughts, Oksana packed her things and set off to conquer the Russian capital. Even her parents did not try to dissuade her, because from childhood she was persistent and purposeful.

Modeling career of Oksana Samoilova

WITH early age the girl was different from her peers, interesting, and most importantly beautiful appearance. Boys always showed interest in Oksana and often courted her, so she never had problems with self-esteem and self-confidence. And as soon as she moved to the capital, the first thing the Girl decided to do was make money from her external data, that is, build a career as a model.

The fashion industry welcomed Samoilova with “open arms.” And even though she failed to become a global model, she was still able to find her audience and become famous in her country. She was invited to participate in photo shoots by many famous glossies; in addition, the model often decorated catalogs of famous brands with her photos. At the peak of her career, Oksana repeatedly managed to walk in shows of the best fashion designers in Russia and neighboring countries.

Photo session of Oksana Samoilova

Since the model has never been particularly modest, few people were surprised provocative photo on the pages of the famous men's glossy magazine “Maxim”. Oksana herself admits that she feels absolutely comfortable in front of the camera in any atmosphere. Such a candid photo shoot attracted even more attention to the model, made her more popular, and most importantly, revealed a new side.

Own business of Oksana Samoilova

Oksana Samoilova follows fashion and is at the center of all social events. In addition, she always dreamed of having a job that would bring not only profit, but also pleasure. That's why she decided to launch her own brand. The girl chose this particular branch of business because since childhood she loved to dress beautifully and buy luxurious dresses.

Samoilova is the designer and face of the MiraSezar brand, which she created together with her friend Miroslava Shvedova. The main decoration of any girl at all times has been a beautiful dress, which is why Oksana and her friend specialize mainly in this element of a woman’s wardrobe.

Dresses from this brand are created primarily for evening outings, but they do not look too flashy or revealing. When working on outfit models, Oksana tries to make them both sophisticated and sexy, so they will fit better socialites or just a confident lady.

Plastic surgery and tattoos by Oksana Samoilova

Like many stars of not only Russian but also foreign pop music, Oksana decided to slightly adjust her already attractive appearance. The exact number of operations she underwent is not known, but the girl probably went under the surgeon’s knife to plump her lips a little and enlarge her breasts.

In addition, there are many rumors on the Internet that her appearance also involved plastic surgery on her chin and nose. Samoilova herself tries to avoid this topic in interviews and not give any comments.

The girl is more accommodating about her tattoos. It is known that she already has three tattoos on her body. Oksana considers the very first thing to be her mistake, which she made back in at a young age, but he kindly talks about the other two.

She filled herself with phrases in Latin, which are a great inspiration for a girl. The first means “be faithful to those who are faithful to you,” and the second means “he who has power over himself has the greatest power.”

Personal life of Oksana Samoilova

If Oksana Samoilova had remained a model, she most likely would not have become so popular. Many people learned about her when she started dating the famous Russian rap artist Dzhigan. Fate brought the young people together at the SOHO nightclub, where the guy fell under the girl’s spell from the very first seconds.

At the time they met, the rapper already had several hits that captivated listeners throughout Russia and nearby countries, and Dzhigan himself enjoyed unprecedented popularity. Therefore, as soon as he had an attractive long-legged companion, all the media immediately started talking about her.

On July 27, 2011, young celebrities welcomed the charming Ariela. At the time of the birth of their daughter, the couple had not yet officially married, and they were in no hurry to stamp their passports. For their wedding, the young people decided to choose the most popular date - 12/12/12.

The young people invited only their closest people to the ceremony, and also decided not to hold lavish banquets. Instead, they organized a small but very elegant buffet table. Star couple did not hide from her fans about them happy day, so all Dzhigan’s fans were one of the first to know about this by reading the message on his Twitter page.

Oksana Samoilova with Dzhigan and children

Despite the rapper's full workload, he still considers family the most important thing in his life. He regularly takes his girls on vacation to hot countries and does not forget to pamper them expensive gifts. In addition, Dzhigan devotes most of his tracks to Oksana and often invites her to take part in music videos.

At the beginning of 2014, it became known that the family was expecting a second child, and on September 3, the beautiful Leia was born.

Oksana Samoilova today

After the birth of her second girl, Leah, Oksana had even more worries, so now she can rarely be seen at social parties and other events.

However, in order not to just sit at home, the girl decided to earn a little money and created a sports mobile app together with successful trainers. To start using the vaunted FitForYou, users need to pay a hefty sum. But seeing how quickly the young mother got back into shape after giving birth, many girls, without sparing a penny, began to buy the app en masse.

Oksana Samoilova often pampers her fans with photographs in in social networks, laying out best moments. The girl promotes a healthy lifestyle and sports, which is why she has many subscribers and fans on Instagram.

February 26, 2017 no comments yet

Participant's name: Samoilova Oksana Igorevna

Age (birthday): 27.04.1988

City: Ukhta, Komi; Moscow

Family: married to Dzhigan (Denis Weinstein), has children

Height and weight: 178 cm

Instagram page focus: family photos, beauty photos

Number of subscribers: from 4,500,000

Found an inaccuracy? Let's correct the profile

Read with this article:

Russian model Oksana Samoilova, known today as the wife of rapper Dzhigan, was born on April 27, 1988.

The girl spent her childhood and youth in the small town of Ukhta.

From an early age Oksanawas an active, cheerful child. She had many friends and was involved in several classes. Oksana attended an acting and choreography studio, but she didn’t want to become an actress or a dancer then. These hobbies remain in the past.

After graduating from school, Samoilova, like all graduates, thought about future profession. Her final decision became a university associated with the humanities.

However, after barely studying for 3 years, the girl leaves the university. Perseverance and desire to achieve her goals helped the girl become popular. Having collected her things, she set off to conquer the Russian capital.

It started with the move to Moscow creative activity Oksana
. The girl always had an attractive and interesting appearance, so she easily found herself in the fashion industry.

Russian glossy magazines invited her to photo shoots, fashion houses offered cooperation.

Some time later, Oksana Samoilova starred in a provocative photo shoot for Maxim magazine. Samoilova herself has repeatedly admitted that during such photo sessions she feels comfortable and reveals herself “from the other side.”

The girl's next peak of fame came with the opening of her own brand.. Now she produces clothes together with her friend Miroslava, being the representative and main face of the Mira Sezar fashion house. Oksana never tires of repeating that the most romantic and feminine item of clothing is a dress.

That is why in most of her collections you can find this wardrobe detail. While working on outfits, Samoilova said more than once that she was trying to create a “sexy, but modest” outfit.

Some users condemn Oksana Samoilova for being overly enthusiastic about plastic surgery; the before photo can be seen below, the after photo in the gallery.

The model has already undergone several operations, enlarging her lips, breasts, correcting the shape of her nose and doing a facelift, but does not give any comments on this matter.

Oksana Samoilova loves tattoos and has three symbolic pictures on his body. Latin phrases printed on the sides and arm mean her life goals and incentives.

In Moscow, fate brought young model with Dzhigan, a famous rapper (real name Denis Weinstein). They met in an elite nightclub, after which they noticed a “mutual attraction” between each other.

The couple was in no hurry to get married, but soon they had a daughter with unusual name Ariella. The wedding of young people, as often happens with celebrities, was not too luxurious - they invited only relatives and closest friends.

Over time, Oksana became even more popular; This was largely due to Dzhigan, who featured the girl in his videos and dedicated songs to her. In 2014, the couple had a second child- a girl named Leah.

Oksana – supporter healthy image life: on her Instagram profile she promotes proper nutrition and shares interesting physical exercises with subscribers.

She recently released a fitness app called FITFORYOU, which helped her quickly get into shape after giving birth. On the girl’s Instagram you can find beauty photos, as well as lovely photos happy family– Dzhigan, Oksana and their charming daughters.

In 2017, the couple is expecting an addition; Oksana Samoilova is pregnant with her third child.

Photo by Oksana

Pregnant Ksenia looks brilliant and often posts photos with her husband.

Being a rapper's girlfriend is not an easy task. It’s not enough to just love and share your man’s creativity; you also need to comply with the high canons of beauty accepted in this subculture. Long legs, big breasts, perfect smile, luxurious hair, smooth skin - this is not the entire list of charms that a rapper’s chosen one should have. That is why representatives of hip-hop culture most often give preference to girls from the modeling business. Among the most bright examples- Dzhigan’s wife Oksana Samoilova, a model in the past and a successful clothing designer in the present. There are constantly a lot of rumors around the personal life and biography of this girl. Samoilova is either accused of plastic surgery, including nose job and liposuction, or is suspected of being pregnant. Meanwhile, the mother of three children and happy wife designs clothes, produces fitness apps, and runs a successful Instagram page. By the way, Oksana Samoilova’s microblog has almost 3 thousand photos/videos and more than 6 million followers! We’ll talk more about the biography, personal life and relationship of Oksana Samoilova with her husband Dzhigan further.

Who is Oksana Samoilova: biography, family, photo from Instagram of Dzhigan’s wife

Born future wife Dzhigan in the city of Ukhta, Komi Republic. Oksana grew up in a very ordinary family, but from childhood she stood out for her assertive character and openness. The girl was a real leader in the yard, she was friends with everyone, she came up with Interesting games and loved attention. After school, Samoilova entered a local university, but already in her third year she dropped out - Oksana decided to conquer the capital. And although the girl did not have any clear plan of action, this did not stop her. In Moscow, the beautiful Oksana tried her hand at modeling business and quite quickly was able to find its niche in it. After meeting Dzhigan, which occurred in 2010, Samoilova left successful career professional model and became the designer of her own line women's clothing. Today she is also a popular blogger and produces a line decorative cosmetics, participate in the development of fitness applications and lead an active social lifestyle.

A selection of photos from Dzhigan’s wife Oksana Samoilova’s Instagram, including pictures of the family

ABOUT latest news and successes in Samoilova’s career can be followed on her Instagram. Let us remind you that for the Russian-speaking part of insta-bloggers, the number of subscribers of 6 million users is a very cool result. And to attract such a large audience you need to be really interesting to the public. For comparison, Dzhigan himself has only 2 million followers on his Instagram page. Below we offer you a selection of photos of this wonderful couple.

Oksana Samoilova (Dzhigan’s wife): family relationships with the singer, personal life, children

Despite quite successful modeling career, Oksana Samoilova became truly popular after meeting Dzhigan. New girlfriend The rapper attracted the attention of the media not only with her striking appearance, but also with how easily she fit into his crowd. The girl accompanied her popular boyfriend to everyone significant events and was actively interested in his work. Very soon the young people began to live together, and after 2 years they got married. Even before the official wedding, Oksana and Denis (real name Dzhigan) became the parents of a daughter, Ariela, who was born in 2011. Currently, the couple already has three daughters: Ariela, Leah and Maya.

How is the family life of Dzhigan and Oksana Samoilova, their relationship after the birth of children?

After having children, family life and the personal relationship between Oksana Samoilova and Dzhigan is developing as well as possible. The rapper has repeatedly stated that family is the most important thing in his life. Dzhigan idolizes his girls, spoils him with expensive gifts and loves traveling with his children abroad. Despite the fact that the couple already has three girls, Oksana and Denis want another child - a boy. Therefore, it is possible that the Internet will soon be excited by the news of Samoilova’s new pregnancy.

Dzhigan's wife Oksana Samoilova is the designer of her own clothing brand

It would seem that having three children, the youngest of whom is not even a year old, should not leave any time for work. But Samoilova is not one of those women who vegetate on maternity leave. Former model and Dzhigan’s wife Oksana Samoilova started her own business and quickly became a popular designer for the Mirasezar clothing brand. By the way, Samoilova produces women's collections, in which you can find both interesting tracksuits and elegant dresses.

How the wife of rapper Dzhigan Oksana Samoilova became a designer of a clothing brand

Samoilova’s innate sense of style and good taste quickly made her brand popular, especially among Russian celebrities. Thus, Alena Vodonaeva, Ksenia Borodina, Victoria Bonya, Anna Sedakova were repeatedly seen in public wearing dresses from Mirasezar. It is worth mentioning that Oksana opened her own business together with her friend Miroslava Shvedova. In addition to her design functions, Samoilova often acts as a model, demonstrating new collections of her clothes.

Did Oksana Samoilova undergo rhinoplasty and liposuction - photos before and after operations

Dzhigan's fans couldn't help but notice that over time, his wife's appearance changed. Many of them asked whether Oksana Samoilova had undergone surgery, in particular rhinoplasty and liposuction (before and after photos below). The girl’s appearance looks too precise and even doll-like Lately. Oksana herself refutes rumors about plastic surgery in every possible way, claiming that the secret of her ideal forms lies in physical exercise and a strict diet. Even if so, this does not in any way explain the changed shape of Samoilova’s nose. In addition, her lips noticeably enlarged, and the girl’s cheekbones became more expressive.

A selection of photos before and after plastic surgery (rhinoplasty, liposuction) done by Oksana Samoilova

Oksana is also credited with resorting to liposuction. In her own words, just a few days after her third birth, Samoilova lost 10 kilograms and returned to her previous shape. Judge for yourself how true the accusations about rhinoplasty and other operations are - then you will find a whole selection of comparative before and after photos from the star’s Instagram. One thing is certain: Dzhigan’s wife Oksana Samoilova will always attract increased attention. And it doesn’t matter whether she’s pregnant, launching a clothing brand, or just relaxing with her children. And any hype around Oksana always attracts attention to her husband, which also affects Dzhigan’s popularity.

Oksana Samoilova born on April 27, 1988 in Ukhta. IN school years I was fond of dancing and attended a theater studio. Having received her matriculation certificate, Oksana went to higher education to the Faculty of Humanities at the university of his native city. However, after the third year she left her studies and moved to Moscow.

In the capital, the girl actively began to build her career in the fashion industry. At first, she appeared as a model at shows of famous Russian couturiers, starred in catalogs of popular brands, and participated in photo shoots for glossy magazines, including the men's magazine Maxim.

After a spicy photo shoot for Maxim Oksana Samoilova together with his girlfriend Miroslava Shvedova launched her own clothing brand called MiraSezar, specializing in the production of evening and cocktail dresses.

In 2015, model and designer Oksana Samoilova Along with a team of successful sports trainers, she launched another business project - a paid mobile sports application FitForYou.

Oksana Samoilova. Personal life

In 2010, Oksana met the Ukrainian-Russian rap artist Dzhigan ( Denis Ustimenko-Weinstein). Their romance developed very rapidly. On July 27, 2011, Ariela was born to the couple. And on December 12, 2012, the fashionista and the singer got married.

On September 3, 2014, Samoilova and Zhigan had a second daughter, Leya. At the beginning of January 2017, the star couple announced that they were expecting their third child.

The businesswoman has several tattoos, including two Latin phrases that translate as “be faithful to those who are faithful to you” and “he who has power over himself has the greatest power.”