Pros and cons of girls in relationships. Open relationships in marriage: pros and cons

Often people strive to build relationships in such a way that both feel comfortable. But not all relationships develop into a family; often relationships collapse and the reason for this is jealousy, unmet expectations and betrayal of a partner.

You can try to maintain the relationship, fight for your happiness, or you can simply leave the chosen one who disappointed you and start looking for a more worthy one. However, after a failed relationship, not everyone strives to build new ones, fearing repeated disappointment.

In such cases, both men and women increasingly begin open relationships.

What are the characteristics of an open relationship? no obligation

If you ask a person what exactly he means by the concept of “open relationship,” then most often in response you will hear that in such relationships the partners are not faithful to each other, in other words, everyone can sleep with whomever they want. However, this statement will be largely incorrect. An open relationship is much more complicated and also has its own rules and prohibitions.

An open relationship is a relationship in which respect for the freedom of the partner is at the forefront. When offering your chosen one this form of relationship, you must understand that you will have to say goodbye to the habit of controlling your man and demanding that he account for his actions. You must remember that there is love between you, and not a desire to sleep with as many people as possible.

Of course, in an open relationship there is no ban on cheating, but do not forget that it is your partner who comes first, and not the mysterious stranger in the club. If your partner needs you, then you should push aside all your lovers and give your attention to your partner.

Also remember that the issue of permitted cheating cuts both ways. Your partner has the same rights to a third-party lover as you do. Are you ready to deal with this?

Pros of an open relationship

Any relationship format has its pros and cons, so before making a final decision, you should seriously weigh the pros and cons.

Open relationships also have their advantages, among which it is recommended to note the following:

Cons of an open relationship

In addition to the obvious advantages, open relationships also have a number of disadvantages that may serve as a reason for abandoning this type of relationship.

  • Feelings or sex? Permissiveness in sexual terms can be not only a plus, but also a clear minus. In addition to physical pleasure, having sex should bring emotional and moral satisfaction. Sex with a partner you don’t know well is rarely able to satisfy you completely. Some couples who have ceased to enjoy classic relationships try to transform them into a free form precisely because they no longer receive physiological pleasure from sex. Unfortunately, most often in such cases the relationship does not become free, but simply collapses, and the reason for this will be jealousy.
  • Stereotypes and judgment. No matter how those around you convince you of their tolerance and loyal attitude towards open relationships, this will not protect you from misunderstanding and condemnation. Even if your friends support you, the prevailing part of society will consider such relationships to be defective. It is very difficult to talk about the need for open relationships in a society that conducts massive propaganda of family values, loyalty and support for traditional families.
  • Fragility. Open relationships most often do not last long. Even if both partners agreed with their form at the very beginning of the relationship, after some time one of the partners will want more stability. It is also possible that, despite some permissiveness in sexual terms, the partner will begin to experience jealousy and begin to demand fidelity from his chosen one or chosen one. If the second partner is not ready to take on such obligations, then the relationship will be doomed to break.

Don't rush headlong into an open relationship unless you're absolutely sure it's right for you.

If you expect that your relationship will eventually become classic or that your chosen one will “come to his senses” and insist on a traditional relationship, then it is better not to hope in vain, but to start looking for a more suitable partner.

It happens like this: one partner leaves for a long time to another city (or even country) to study or work, while the other cannot or does not want to leave. Both find themselves faced with a difficult dilemma: to break up or try to maintain the relationship despite the distance. It happens even more interesting: two people initially live far from each other and still start a relationship. If one of these stories is about you, then you will face a lot of difficulties, but, oddly enough, such a relationship also has a lot of advantages.

First let's talk about the cons.

Minus one: uncertainty

If you perceive such a relationship as a romantic adventure, live for today and do not expect any further development, then problems should not arise. But sooner or later the question still arises: what, exactly, next? Personally, I have not heard of a single couple who maintained a long-distance relationship into old age. For some, this crisis comes in a year, for others - after ten years, but everyone comes to the dilemma of “finally moving in together or breaking up” one way or another. This is where the problems begin. The question of what’s next is not always possible for everyone to ask. And more often than not, women suffer from such uncertainty - if only because in our area, marriage proposals (and at least cohabitation) are traditionally made by a man. And the woman is tormented by thoughts: are his intentions serious or not? Will he ask you to get married or is he fine as is?

Minus two: every man for himself

Partners living together, even if their union is not sealed with a stamp in their passport, most often have a common budget. But those living far from each other do not, even if they are officially married. Not every woman is ready to provide for herself; some are much more happy to take care of the house and children while their husband earns a living. Long-distance relationships usually don't provide this opportunity. There are, of course, exceptions when a man fully provides for his chosen one by sending her money (for example, if he went abroad to work), but more often it’s every man for himself, and a woman can count on good gifts at best.

Minus three: the attitude of others

If a long-distance relationship is your case, get ready for more or less tactless questions and comments. Each of us has at least one such “well-wisher” in our environment.

“Aren’t you tired of visiting him? It’s clear that nothing serious will come of such a relationship!”

“What if he has a mistress there or even a second family?”

“Well, five years have passed and he still hasn’t called you over? Poor thing!”

“How are you going to have children in such conditions? And anyway, is this really a family?”

And even if you withstand each such psychological attack with honor, an unpleasant aftertaste in your soul is still guaranteed. If you do not learn to treat the opinions of your sympathizers with indifference, you will have a hard time.

Minus four: much greater fears about betrayal and fading passion, as well as difficult moments of waiting for a letter or call

True, this point does not apply to all couples. There are, thank God, happy people in the world who manage to build relationships without constant fears and doubts about each other. However, this problem can be relevant even when two people live in neighboring houses. She is tormented while waiting for a call, while he calmly goes about his business - I’m sure many people are familiar with this situation. And living in another city, it is much easier to hide something from the other half. However, people easily cheat on each other, even living in the same apartment, so distance plays a secondary role in this matter. Trust - you either have it or you don’t...

Minus five: trips to each other cost money and take time

Within one country, the problem is not so relevant, but if, for example, you are in Belarus, and he is in Germany? Crossing the border significantly increases the cost of a train ticket, and you don't fly by plane every week.

Living on opposite sides of the same city, even a large one, you can usually still find time for several meetings a week. Even in a tight schedule, there would be a desire. What if the journey to visit each other takes five hours? Or two days? With strong attachment, long-distance relationships can cause great suffering. Fortunately, we live in the age of high-speed unlimited Internet, but we haven’t yet come up with a way to transmit kisses, hugs and touches via Skype. Video dates and real dates are, you see, not the same thing.

However, long-distance relationships have many advantages.

More romance and attention

If you see each other once a month, each of your meetings can be unforgettable, even if you have been together for fifteen years. He will not go into another tank battle and will not go out to drink beer with friends, leaving you sad alone. Even the man who is farthest from romance in the world is able to understand that each of your rare meetings is a special event for which you can put aside all other things.

The opportunity to take a break from each other refreshes the relationship

When two people are next to each other 24 hours a day (and even eight hours is not much difference), sooner or later they begin to tire of each other. If you always eat the most delicious dessert in the world, sooner or later you will start to feel sick from it. Alas, everything is exactly the same in relationships, but temporary separation allows you to correct this.

The love boat will not break in everyday life

Sometimes the purest and brightest love cannot withstand a banal meeting with everyday problems and disagreements. A constant lack of money or time, arguments over whose turn it is to wash the dishes and who should walk the dog, battles for space at the computer or TV... People can adore each other for fifteen years, living separately, and then move in together - and then separate a week later. with a scandal. Because he leaves bags of chips and dirty socks everywhere, and she filled all the shelves with cosmetics and, it turns out, believes that cooking borscht is not a built-in female function.

There are always topics to discuss

Well, almost always. At least if you don't spend an hour or two every day on Skype or talking on the phone with each other. In any case, the less often we communicate, the more news we can discuss. On the other hand, seeing each other once a year, there is a risk of becoming complete strangers to each other...

More free time

And both for him and for you. This is especially true in cases where it is constantly lacking. You can allow yourself to forget about business for a while and rest properly. Or, on the contrary, plunge headlong into these matters without a twinge of conscience.

Only you yourself can answer this question. The most important thing is to clearly understand what you want to achieve in the end and whether this is possible within the framework of your relationship. If he lives in Moscow, you are in Minsk and no one is going to sacrifice their interests for the other, it is absolutely clear that a classic family with children and a dacha will not come out of your couple. If there is a chance that someone will eventually move in with someone else, then perhaps there is a reason to wait for this moment or try to somehow speed up its onset. In fact, almost all problems are solved when two people are ready to dialogue and seek compromises. But if someone in such a relationship is completely unhappy, and the other, even despite this, is not ready to change anything, then it is better to break such a union, because nothing good will come of it. But if both are quite happy and the prospect of enjoying each other’s company once a month suits them well, then you should definitely not give a damn about other people’s forecasts and “weighty opinions” and just enjoy your piece of happiness. After all, if this happiness exists, then the rest is not so important.

Freedom is what every person has strived for since time immemorial. In recent years, you can increasingly meet people who do not want to tie the knot. Times and morals change, and such a union no longer surprises others. Today you will learn all the pros and cons of an open relationship.

Who came up with this?

Women are sure that this type of relationship was invented by men in order to have unlimited freedom and not be afraid that one day his wife would catch him with his mistress. There is a rational grain in this; is it only the strong half of humanity that strives to throw off the shackles of marriage? Modern society has given women all the rights and freedoms, so why not take advantage of this for personal gain? Or is the purpose of women to be a faithful wife and mother of the children of one partner? It is generally accepted that the concept of “open relationships” comes from the days of the hippies. They did not particularly like to commit themselves and take responsibility for another person. But in Russia there were examples of such marriages - just remember Vladimir Mayakovsky and Lilia Brik.

What's the point?

The essence of an open relationship is that two people refuse obligations to each other. They have a pleasant and easy romance, without any pretensions and joint plans for the future. Partners can live together and share all household needs in half, but everyone pays for unexpected expenses out of their own pocket. Or they limit their relationship to regular meetings. A pleasant pastime and the absence of scandals based on jealousy ensures the stability and strength of such an alliance. But is there any prospect for such a relationship or is it just a pleasant self-deception? Let's consider all the positive and negative aspects of such a life.

Pros and cons of open relationships in marriage

As a rule, cohabitation in this style assumes that the spouses have been living together for quite a long time. Routine, everyday life and banal habit have long supplanted all love feelings. In this way, the couple is trying to save the marriage and refresh the relationship a little. This has its advantages - for some time the husband and wife will enjoy freedom and live for their own pleasure. But there is no escape from the heavy burden of past years and attachment - scandals and quarrels will inevitably begin.

There can be a great many reasons - this includes money that flows past the family budget, and trips on vacation with other people, and even gifts. If a man can still come to terms with the fact that his wife is presented with some items, then a woman will not tolerate her husband’s expensive purchases for another lady. In addition, it is also impossible to get rid of common problems - there are too many things that bind. Such a marriage may last for some time, but there is practically no chance that the matter will not end in divorce.

If the partners are not married

This is discussed in detail in the hentai “Friends for Open Relationships”. A rather frank cartoon for those who have already crossed the threshold of adulthood. From the episodes you can learn about all the pitfalls of this lifestyle and learn to avoid the mistakes that the main characters make.

A completely free man and woman decide to try this type of relationship. There is nothing connecting them in the past and there are no plans for a future together. They are completely satisfied with this too. There is an agreement between them - not to drag the other into their problems and to give each other only joy. To some extent, this type of cohabitation can be called a dress rehearsal for a real marriage. In this case, there are much more pros and cons in an open relationship than in the previous case. Let's consider separately for each partner.


The young man does not seek to establish a long-term relationship with one girl and for him this option is ideal. Undoubted advantages for men in open relationships:

  • No obligations or responsibilities. The girl will not force you to wash the dishes, clean the bathroom, collect socks and go to your mother-in-law for dinner on holidays.
  • You don’t have to spend money on expensive gifts and skip the candy-bouquet period.
  • At any time you can refuse a date and go to a meeting with another lady.
  • It is not necessary to look perfect every time and choose clothes for a meeting.
  • You don't have to pretend to be a cultured and well-rounded gentleman. The meetings are of a purely intimate nature and abstruse conversations will not surprise anyone.
  • It is not necessary to introduce the girl to her parents and friends. You don’t have to tell anyone about it at all, because your lifestyle does not involve common affairs.
  • There is every chance of having several partners at once and being afraid of being caught off guard.
  • No one will “make a fuss” over a missed call or a message from another girl on the phone.

Don't forget about the downsides. There are also quite a few of them, but almost all of them are of a purely everyday nature and cannot ruin the life of a young free guy:

  • The girl is not obligated to feed you a delicious dinner or dress up to meet you.
  • She can change her mind and reschedule the meeting at any time.
  • Your partner can freely talk in your presence about other men and their merits. This can hurt pride, because, in fact, any man is an owner.
  • The girl won't wash your clothes and won't run to the store for beer when you want it.
  • She will never say that you are the one and only, and generally the best in her life.


In this case, the picture changes dramatically: there are many more disadvantages to living together than advantages. Especially if the girl is young and does not have much experience in relationships with men. In her heart, she still hopes that the guy will walk up and choose her for his future life. But this is the exception rather than the rule. Most likely, the girl will simply suffer psychological trauma and a painful separation. Despite the fact that such relationships cannot be called ideal from the point of view of women, there are still advantages:

  • Regular sexual partner. It’s not always possible to find and start an affair with a young man, but here you always have the opportunity to satisfy your needs without unnecessary hassles.
  • There is no need to wait for parental approval. It is better for them not to know about this lifestyle of their daughter at all, if they do not have progressive views.
  • You don't have to plan every date in advance. Everything happens spontaneously and thereby introduces an element of surprise into the relationship.
  • There is no fear that the young man will be beaten off by a more successful girl - he is not yours anyway.
  • No one is snoring nearby or watching sports matches, splashing beer and scattering chips around the apartment.

There are more disadvantages and all of them are in one way or another connected with the psychological component of such relationships. Girls are monogamous by nature and not everyone can calmly accept such a lifestyle of a partner, even if they themselves have another love affair on the side:

  • Jealousy. There is no escape from it. You will think about other girls constantly or think that a man is comparing you to them.
  • Lack of control. You don’t know where and with whom the young man is at the moment.
  • Refusal. At any moment he can change his mind and cancel the date.
  • Public opinion. If they find out about this type of relationship at work or in the family, there will be a lot of talk and condemnation.
  • Holidays alone. A man is not obligated to spend the New Year with you or attend corporate events.
  • Present. You may never see them. It simply makes no sense for him to please and surprise you.
  • Expenses. You are not obligated to feed your partner, but almost every woman considers it her duty to treat her dear friend to something.
  • No perspective. There is an agreement between you and there is no point in dreaming about children, a country house and a dog with a bell on its collar.
  • Children. If you get pregnant, you can give up. There will be no more relationships, but you can count on alimony.

This must always be remembered - this is only your decision, and a man should not take responsibility in this case. He is not obliged to marry on demand.

A powerful argument

For women, the pros and cons of open relationships are fraught with another very unpleasant factor. And then, as fate will decide, it’s hit or miss. Love can come suddenly. After a month or a year of such an affair. This will entail a whole bunch of problems - you will no longer be able to calmly watch him leave or talk about other women. There is a chance that by that time the man will become attached and a happy marriage awaits you. But if he breaks off all relationships, then you will be left with a broken heart.

Psychology of open relationships

There are two types of such a romance without obligations - regular meetings on someone else's territory or living together. In the second case, psychologists give more chances for a long-term relationship. This could be a rented apartment where both partners have equal rights. You are spared the need to buy equipment or furniture, and then divide this property when you separate. This is exactly the type of open relationship that psychologists recommend. It will help you avoid a lot of minor problems.


A man should always remember that only a small percentage of women really want an open relationship. Pros, cons and other factors do not bother them - there is a high probability that the lady simply found a good way to entice the man she liked. She will play the role until she feels weak. And then - marriage, children, mother-in-law pancakes and a mortgage.

You can watch movies either alone or with a girl. If you want to watch something interesting, I advise you to choose a movie for your holiday.

Both the presence and absence of a relationship has its pros and cons. Many people think that being in a relationship is better than being single, but this is far from true! If the absence of a relationship, as well as its presence, has a beneficial effect on your life, then you have nothing to worry about. Everyone chooses their own right path. A warm hug after a long day at work and the true sense of independence that comes with being a single adult are equally as good.

If you haven't been in a relationship for a long time or have recently broken up with your girlfriend or boyfriend, don't forget that this has its advantages.

People think that they choose who and when to date. This is wrong. The only thing you control is the quality of the relationships you are in. Many of us are involved in unhealthy relationships, so perhaps you should explore the benefits of being single and realize that you deserve only happiness.

So what are the benefits of not being in a relationship?

1. You are not shy about experimenting with your appearance.

No, this does not mean that you cannot experiment with your appearance or clothing while in a relationship. When you're not in a relationship with someone, it can help shake things up a little. Loneliness is a good time for self-discovery and finding a sense of identity. The way you look is an expression of your self-perception.

2. Spending time with friends

When you are in a relationship, you spend most of your time with your boyfriend or girlfriend. For this reason, after a breakup, you may be in a state of shock for some time. You have a lot of free time, which you will most likely want to spend with old friends, because when you were in a relationship, you probably saw them very rarely.

3. You will learn a lot about yourself

There is no doubt that as you developed relationships, you experienced personal growth. In fact, if you constantly feel that you are developing as a person, then the relationship you are in can be called healthy. The time you have after a breakup can be spent learning to love yourself. When you are in a relationship, it is very easy to lose your identity. However, once you start rebuilding it, you may notice that you have become much stronger than you were.

4. You can focus on your interests.

There is nothing wrong with watching romantic comedies with an original plot while sitting at home with your girlfriend, especially when all your friends are drinking beer and watching sports programs at the same time. But even the most patient young people can quickly get tired of this activity. When you don't have a girlfriend, you can watch whatever you want. This gives a feeling of freedom and independence.

5. You can expand your interests

Many people sacrifice their hobbies and interests for the sake of relationships, especially if they have lasted long enough, because there is not enough time for everything. When you don’t have a girlfriend or boyfriend, you can spend your free time expanding your range of interests. After a breakup, there is nothing worse than sitting at home and doing nothing. You don't have to stand still. Continue to develop as a person.

6. You will understand what you want to see in your future partner.

This advice will be useful for those who have already experienced a breakup. Sooner or later you will come to the moment when you want a new relationship. Each previous one certainly taught you something, and now you know exactly what kind of person you would like to see next to you.

7. You left an unhealthy relationship.

Of course, this does not apply to all people. One of the best feelings can be knowing that you have freed yourself from an unhealthy relationship. Perhaps for the sake of them you had to sacrifice what you were so passionate about. After the breakup, you can return to this. After a breakup, things don't get easier right away. Only after some time will you understand that everything was for the better.

8. You can focus on work and other obligations.

When you are exclusively passionate about your significant other, various areas of your life may begin to slip. If you want to build a career or devote more time to some other time-consuming activity, being out of a relationship can be an excellent opportunity to realize your plans.

9. Opportunity to save money

A romantic dinner at a restaurant is, of course, great, but this fantastic evening can be ruined by the numbers on the bill. Every relationship is different, and you don't have to constantly empty your wallet to have a good time. There is no doubt that dating is not for poor people. If you're having financial problems, you need to hope that your significant other will appreciate all the little things you do to make their life better.

10. You can flirt

Forget about dating! It's too difficult! Sometimes sitting alone with a glass of wine while swiping through Tinder is so much more enjoyable. If you have recently broken up with someone, you will initially feel less confident than you once did. One way to deal with this is light flirting.

Now you will learn about ten benefits of having a healthy relationship that will make you want to fall in love again!

1. He/she is your best friend

We all have friends, but there is no doubt that life seems better when your best friend is your partner. You spend most of your time with him, not noticing how quickly it flies, and not wanting to see anyone else next to you.

2. You sincerely enjoy every meeting

One of the signs of a healthy relationship is that you are always happy to see your partner, especially after a long day at work. If you are afraid of the time you need to spend with your partner, then why do you need this relationship?

3. He (s) is your support and support

Life isn't always easy. Sometimes the people around you need your support. Having wonderful friends and family is great, but your significant other understands you like no one else and knows what steps to take to make you feel better.

4. Great sex

You can have sex even without being in a relationship. However, no one will deny that a night spent with a person you truly love is always much better and more enjoyable than sex with a random girl from a bar. Moreover, with a girl you've been dating for a long time, you can experiment with different sex toys and other things that you can't do with someone you barely know.

5. You can have fun dates.

It's a pity that when people date for a long time, they begin to forget about the importance of romance in life. Dating is one of the best parts of a relationship. If your imagination refuses to work, you can find a lot of ideas for exciting dates on the Internet.

6. Some activities are just meant for dating.

There's an episode of How I Met Your Mother in which the characters discuss something called "brunch," a meal not reserved for single people. This upsets Marshall, who recently broke up with his girlfriend but loves brunch. This humorous episode shows that there are some activities that are just meant for couples. You can go ice skating or go to the cinema alone, but it’s much more pleasant to do it with your significant other.

7. Shared expenses

One of the advantages of a relationship is that your partner will always support you in difficult times, including financially. Are your salaries being delayed? We hope that your partner is able to help you out financially and is sure that you would do the same for him. Nobody wants to borrow money, especially from relatives or friends. At least when you borrow money from your partner, you know that he is doing it out of love for you. This will certainly benefit both of you.

8. You have someone to talk to

9. You should expand your interests

Nobody wants to be in a relationship with a person who is narrow-minded. At one point, you may discover that the longer you date a person, the more hobbies and habits you adopt from him. If your partner, for example, is interested in cooking, then you may also become interested in it.

10. Together until old age

When people are asked what they would like to achieve in this life, they always answer differently, and this is absolutely normal. Some want to grow old with their loved one and, alternatively, give back to society. If you think like this, then there is nothing better than having a healthy relationship, growing, developing together with your partner and living to a ripe old age, together overcoming all the obstacles and hardships along the way and enjoying happy moments.

According to the site

Sometimes it happens that one of the partners is forced to leave for another city or even another country, and a loved one does not have the opportunity or desire to follow. They face the challenge of ending the relationship or trying to maintain love from a distance. Sometimes there are cases when two people initially live far from each other, but still start a relationship. What to do is up to you and your partner to decide, because long-distance love has both pros and cons.


1. It is not clear what will happen next. Yes, you can live one day at a time and be happy that your love and all the obstacles in its path are a romantic adventure. But a feeling of uncertainty will appear sooner or later. Do you know of cases where couples maintained a long-distance relationship until old age? Hardly. Uncertainty leads partners to a dead end when they need to make a final decision: to separate or start life in the same territory. Women experience more stress in such situations than men. “Will he marry?”, “Maybe he’s not serious about me?” - such thoughts often haunt representatives of the opposite sex.
2. There is no general budget. Each partner is for himself. Sometimes men send money to the women they love and support them, but this is rather an exception to the rule. Most often, lovers provide for themselves; long-distance relationships do not allow a man to be a breadwinner and a woman to be a homemaker.
3. Confusion of others. Be prepared for the fact that people will be very interested in prying into your personal life and asking about all the details. Comments and tactless questions will leave an unpleasant aftertaste even if you know how to walk away from such conversations with dignity. Try to be indifferent to such manifestations of human curiosity.

4. Fear of betrayal. Fortunately, there are those who are not afraid of cheating on the part of their partner. But most people constantly doubt their loved one, especially for women: why doesn’t he pick up the phone, why didn’t he call back, what kind of women’s voices are on the other end of the line, why suddenly a week-long business trip again. And the man is actually mired in solving work issues and does not suspect that clouds have already gathered over his head. In some couples, people manage to go left while living in the same apartment. Distance is unlikely to play a major role here. No trust - the relationship is doomed to failure.
5. Traveling to each other requires large material and time costs. It's good if you are in different cities within the same region. What if you live in Minsk, and he went to Seoul? It’s unlikely to be possible to meet often: tickets are very expensive, and it takes a long time to get there. Yes, in the era of modern technology, you can easily log into special programs and be with your loved one online at any time of the day. But will this replace real communication? After all, you cannot hug, kiss, or pat your partner on the head.


1. You can take a break from each other. Temporary separation will help improve relationships if partners are a little fed up with each other. Being nearby all day long is not an easy test.
2. More romance. Each of your meetings is a big holiday. You put off any business and change even the most important plans, just to be together. Your dates become unforgettable.
3. No everyday problems. “Our relationship was killed by everyday life,” almost every person heard these words from friends. Disagreements about household chores and responsibilities are not scary for people living separately. He won't leave his dirty socks everywhere, and you won't leave your long hair on the furniture, plumbing, or in your food.

4. There is something to talk about. Not always, of course. But the less often you see and talk, the more you will want to discuss. The problem is this: once you get used to living separately, you can become very distant from each other and lose common ground.
5. Lots of free time. You can immerse yourself in your own affairs or, conversely, forget about everything and rush off to a date. Both you and your partner are free.

So what should you do?

Solve this issue with your partner. Think about where such a relationship could ultimately lead. If you live quite far from each other and are not ready to make any compromises, then most likely there will be no future together. You can wait for one of you to agree to move after some time. The most important thing is to conduct a dialogue and still make some concessions for the sake of your loved one.
If one of the partners is deeply unhappy, and the other does not want to give in to anything, then it is better to end the relationship. If both are more than satisfied with everything, then why not leave everything as it is and enjoy each other’s company, even once every six months.