Methods of fortune telling with playing cards. Simple and interesting fortune telling with playing cards

The name Ksenia appeared in ancient times, but still remains popular and in demand. A girl who receives this name will grow up independent, independent, but capricious and touchy.

Origin of the name

The name Ksenia appeared in Ancient Greece, they called women who appeared in the country against their own will. Translated from ancient Greek, the name means “guest” or “foreigner.” In the 10th century, the name came to Russia, it was given mainly to the children of noble people. For example, this was the name of the daughters of Boris Godunov and Ivan the Terrible. IN XIX century the name became widespread in all segments of the population.

The name Ksenia appeared in Ancient Greece

Some historians claim that the name Xenia was one of the epithets of the goddess Aphrodite.

Name forms

The name Ksenia has several abbreviated versions: Ksyusha, Ksesha, Asya, Senya, Ksena.

Oh, this name is Ksenia –
Singing, spring!


Diminutive variants of the name: Ksyunechka, Ksyushenka, Ksenka, Ksenyusha, Ksenya, Ksyunya, Ksyu, Ksyuta, Ksana, Syunya.

Ksyusha is the most common short version of the name Ksenia

Ksenia's related names are: , Aksinya, Senya, Oksinya.

You are a guest, Ksenia. But you
Came as if from a dream:
So good and so sweet
What beauty drove you crazy.


Church version of the name: Ksenia.

According to the latest transliteration rules, the name Ksenia is written as KSENIIA.

Transliteration of the name: Kseniia

Patronymic names with which the name Ksenia is combined: Sergeevna, Andreevna, Vladimirovna, Viktorovna, Borisovna, Anatolyevna.

Table: name in foreign languages

Name day

All girls bearing the name Xenia are patronized by Saint Xenia of St. Petersburg. She lived in the 18th century, had a rich husband, after whose death she sold all her property and went to travel and help people. The saint had the gift of healing and clairvoyance.

Ksenia of Petersburg had the gift of foresight and knew how to heal people

Ksenia's name day is celebrated on the thirty-first of January, the sixth of February, the twenty-sixth of August and the fifteenth of September. It is on these days that the memory of Xenia of St. Petersburg is revered.

The influence of the name and its characteristics

A girl named Ksenia is self-confident, independent and independent. She always stands her ground and it is almost impossible to argue with her. The woman is straightforward, says what she thinks, which often offends others. However, Ksenia herself is very vulnerable and touchy; you need to communicate with her carefully so as not to accidentally offend her with a word.

Ksenia is self-confident, independent and selfish

It is difficult for him to endure defeats, but he greatly rejoices at successes. She is a fair person who will always stand up for the truth.. Does not tolerate rude manners and violence. Ksenia has a good mind and memory, she remembers easily necessary information. Authorities are unknown to her; she is guided only by her thoughts and desires. Easily loses his temper, but quickly calms down.

At Ksenia's good memory, she remembers easily large number information

Ksyusha, Ksyusha, Ksyusha-
Plush skirt, light brown braid.
Ksyusha, Ksyusha, Ksyusha
Don't listen to anyone and don't go out with anyone today.
And don't go out with anyone today.

Alena Apina

The girl's character is complex and unbalanced. She has almost no friends and is unable to trust people. If a friend ever betrayed her, she immediately cuts him out of her life. She does not like noisy companies; she would rather spend time with relatives or a loved one.

At Ksenia's complex character, practically no friends; she's used to spending time alone

Ksenia is selfish, jealous, accustomed to a person or thing belonging only to her, so it is difficult for a girl to build both friendships and friendships. romantic relationship. You need to look for her special approach, if a person wants to be friends with Ksenia. She exudes self-confidence and has a bright appearance. It is important for her to feel superior to others; the girl is ready to spend hours comparing herself with someone, just to find a fact in which she is superior to her opponent.

Ksenia is jealous not only of her lover, but also of her friends

How does a name affect a child’s character?

Little Ksyusha is an active and energetic child. However, this is not always a good thing. Sometimes a girl directs her energy in the wrong direction, becomes hysterical, capricious, and demands that her desires be fulfilled. But despite all this, she is sympathetic and kind. If parents learn to talk to their daughter, explain to her how to do the right thing, then she will quickly understand everything and stop behaving badly.

Ksyusha is growing up as an active but capricious child

Relationships with other children do not work out, because they do not know how to explain why Ksyusha should not behave selfishly. It’s easier for children to simply not communicate with the girl. In this regard, the child often plays alone, he develops a love for puzzles, construction sets, and jigsaw puzzles. When Ksyusha does have friends, she takes a leading position.

Due to the fact that little Ksyusha has no friends, she often plays alone, and she develops a love for puzzles

The girl doesn't like to swear. She always stands for justice, protects those who are undeservedly offended. Ksyusha loves herself very much, is touchy and suspicious. Mom and dad should teach the child to perceive various kinds of problems more calmly. Ksyusha has no problems with her studies; teachers like her perseverance and attentiveness.

Ksyusha, baby, smile!
Wonderful smile!
For me you are a ray of sunshine,

Ksyusha, my dear!
Dear girl,
For me you are the best
Simply golden!


IN adolescence Ksyusha still has a hard time when her self-esteem is hurt. She doesn't cope well with problems and can flare up or cause a scandal for no reason. The girl has few friends, and those who do have must obey Ksyusha, then she will stand up for them like a mountain. It is easy for her to replace friends with new ones; she does not become attached to them. Sometimes throughout her life Ksyusha does not have a real friend.

Ksyusha is in no hurry to make friends; sometimes throughout her life a girl never makes a real friend

Young Ksenia still does not like quarrels and avoids them in every possible way. She never apologizes or asks for forgiveness, even if she understands that she was wrong. She is cheerful, stands out from her peers, knows how to joke and laugh at herself. He prefers solitude or communication with one or two close people to large noisy companies. Often has beautiful appearance and charm, which contributes to the appearance of fans.

Ksyusha is already in at a young age fans appear

Hobbies and talents

Ksenia is an excellent cook. She enjoys preparing interesting, complex dishes and watching her family eat them with gusto. She is also excellent at sewing, knitting, and embroidery. If a girl happy marriage, then she tries to decorate the family nest with her own hands.

Ksenia has culinary talent, she loves to cook new, interesting dishes

Career and profession

It is important for Ksenia that her profession brings pleasure, she will not be able to for many years go to a job you hate. She has a humanitarian mindset and enjoys being creative. She does a great job that requires perseverance and concentration. Any project is completed on time and with high quality. Ksenia does not like to obey, so she strives to take the role of a leader. It would be ideal for her to run her own small business, in which she is left to her own devices. She will only be able to manage a small staff. Due to his temper and frequent mood swings, he is not always a good boss.

Ksenia is independent and is not used to obeying anyone, so it is better for her to lead her own small business

A woman does not strive for untold riches; it is enough for her to have stable income, which will be enough for a comfortable existence, entertainment, and providing for the family. Areas of activity that are suitable for Ksenia: journalism, pedagogy, creative professions, entrepreneurship, management, jurisprudence.

Creative professions suit Ksenia


Due to her emotional perception of the world, Ksenia experiences mental problems, nervous disorders, stomach diseases, insomnia. Due to severe stress, excess or, conversely, underweight appears. Ksyusha tends to have problems eating or not eat at all due to stressful situations. There may be problems with gynecology, making it difficult for a woman to give birth.

Due to excessive emotionality, Ksenia has mental problems and insomnia

Bad habits quickly undermine Ksenia's health. She needs long rest, solitude, healthy food. As a child, Ksenia gets sick a lot, and in old age, problems with her kidneys, liver and heart appear.


Ksenia does not accept intimate relationships for one night. To trust her partner, she needs to know him well and love him. The girl needs attention and tenderness, she is always ready to experiment, you won’t be bored with her, she knows how to give pleasure to her partner. She will never agree to the role of a mistress. He does not show love relationships in public; he believes that this matter concerns only two people.

Ksenia does not like to expose her relationship to the public; she is more comfortable showing emotions when alone with her loved one

Ksenia, I won’t forget you,
After all, only you know how to love like that.
After all, our happiness is to be together with you,
And believe in endless love.


A woman needs personal freedom, the chosen one must accept this fact, and also be able to protect his partner. For Ksenia, what is important in a person is the internal component, and not the outer shell and wealth. She chooses men based on his attitude towards the girl. For the sake of a loved one, I am ready to become more restrained and gentle.

Marriage and family

Family is important for Ksenia; she takes a responsible approach to choosing a husband. Can't stand being controlled or having their voice raised. If this happens, then most likely the matter will end in divorce, which the girl will experience for a long time and painfully.

Ksenia will experience a long and difficult breakup with a man

Ksenia herself allows herself to be incontinent and raise her voice at her partner; she believes that he should forgive her for these “weaknesses.” For happy life lovers need to learn to compromise and forgive shortcomings. Ksyusha’s relationship with her mother-in-law never works out; the girl does not tolerate interference from strangers in her personal life. She values ​​fidelity and devotion in men. She is independent, but she will never refuse her husband’s help. The woman is a good housewife and mother. The whole house rests on her, Ksenia cooks well. Spends a lot of time with children, is involved in their upbringing, but is sometimes too strict.

Things never work out for Ksyusha friendly relations with my mother-in-law

Table: name compatibility

Male nameCompatibility in loveMarriage CompatibilityNature of the relationship
Alexey70% 90% The couple has a very affectionate attitude towards each other. They do not like to argue and try not to offend each other. They have boundless love and tenderness, which subsequently extends to their own children.
Alexander70% 100% The girl loves to talk, Alexander loves to listen. This is how their attraction to each other will appear, which can develop into a serious relationship.
Andrey100% 60% The couple builds a vibrant, passionate relationship. Both partners are leaders by nature, which can become a tragedy in marriage. After all, lovers will try to subjugate the other. In addition, both are jealous and picky.
Evgeniy100% 60% Partners value personal freedom and do not like to give in or lose. There will be a lot of passion in the relationship, but no more than scandals and quarrels.
Sergey60% 80% The couple has a happy relationship. Young people have many common interests and values, they easily experience conflicts and troubles.
Dmitry40% 50% The relationship of this couple is doomed to break. The partners have absolutely nothing in common that could interest each other for a long time.
Vadim80% 80% Partners love to argue and sort things out, it gives them pleasure. Lovers quickly move away and do not remember the insults. The relationship turns out to be strong and not boring.
Artyom90% 80% The couple is dominated by mutual attraction. Ksenia always dreamed of a man who could protect her, and Artyom is exactly that. The couple has common interests, which brings them closer.
Gleb80% 80% Ksenia and Gleb are always “on the same wavelength”; they simultaneously have the same desires, which they try to realize. They share all their experiences with each other, which unites their union.

Table: values ​​corresponding to name

Interpretation of letters in a name

K - a person tries to get everything from life, has insight, strong spirit, knows how to keep secrets.

C - symbolizes the desire to have stability, material well-being; a person has a sound mind, but is domineering and capricious; it is vital for him to find his purpose.

E - a person needs to express himself, exchange thoughts.

N - characterizes a person as responsible, intelligent, able to analyze and make the right choice.

And - a sensitive and spiritual nature.

I am a person who needs recognition and love, a heightened sense of self-esteem.

Ksenia is a sensitive, narcissistic person who strives for stability and well-being

Characteristics of a name in accordance with the time of year in which a person was born

Winter Ksenia has femininity, a soft character, and often falls in love. Easily falls under the influence of others. The most important thing in life is love and family; the material component does not play a significant role. The girl builds wise and correct relationships with men.

Happy family- the most important acquisition in the life of winter Ksenia

Spring Ksenia does not sit still, she is adventurous and ambitious. He loves himself very much, as a result of which he tries to get the best. I must say that she succeeds in this. Sometimes he behaves strangely. Financial well-being and love is the most valuable thing in life. It will be difficult for spring Ksenia’s partner - the girl has a difficult character, and it is quite difficult to interest her.

It is important for spring Ksenia to find love and financial stability

Summer Ksyusha has a kind, serious, generous character. She takes a responsible approach to any task and is prone to prudence. She cannot tolerate any shortcomings in those around her, although she herself has them.

Summer Ksenia responsibly carries out any assignments

Autumn Ksenia is a born mother and wife. She knows how to run a household, care for loved ones, and maintain comfort in the house. She only needs the warmth of the hearth and a peaceful atmosphere in the family. The girl is smart, calm, but often the chosen one becomes bored with her.

Zodiac signCharacteristic AriesHas great patience and authority. Luck is often on her side. She is hardworking and persistent, which helps her achieve success in any field of activity. Jealous and creepy possessive. She will torment her chosen one with nagging and scenes of jealousy, as a result of which the relationship with her becomes difficult. TaurusThe main value is a calm and stable existence. She does not like conflicts and changes in life. The girl is kind to everyone and knows how to sympathize. He keeps his experiences to himself. He trusts the chosen one and opens up completely, demanding the same from him. If a partner is often not around, he can easily find a replacement for him. TwinsLoves communication and fun, attracting attention. He tries to do everything in time, to go everywhere, so he never finishes what he starts. She has a superficial attitude towards everything: love, business, family. She often falls in love, is unstable in relationships, and does not build serious relationships. CancerShe panics in any situation, it seems to her that everything is against her and life has only a dark shade. She does not believe in good things, likes to be capricious and lazy, but she has a charm that attracts men to her. But on long relationship you can’t count on it: the girl constantly whines, and besides, she is jealous of her chosen one towards everyone, as a result of which the man simply breaks up with such a young lady. LionCannot stand lies and hypocrisy. Supports his friends in sorrow and in joy. I got used to hiding my experiences from everyone. She does not like useless chatter; she would rather get busy with some important matter. She completely surrenders to her loved one, can devote her existence to him, but will never forgive deception and betrayal. VirgoFor her career is more important than family. She has good business acumen and leadership skills, which helps create successful business. He doesn’t waste time on short novels, preferring to do his work. If a man can fall in love with a girl, accepting her unsentimentality and business-like attitude, then she will reciprocate his feelings. ScalesHe has a gentle nature, frivolity and sensitivity. Lives one day at a time, without worrying about the future. She is also short-sighted in love, chooses fly-by-night men, therefore serious relationship it doesn't work. To find happiness in family life, you need to pay attention to a serious, caring, wealthy man. ScorpionA narcissistic, flattery-loving girl. For any action he expects praise and approval. Words mean a lot to her. If a man knows how to speak beautifully and give compliments, she immediately falls in love with him. In family life, she is a good housewife and wife. He also knows how to work. SagittariusNo one will be bored with her, she knows how to surprise and do unexpected things. You definitely can't call her ordinary. A girl always has several interesting ideas which I am ready to implement. The charm and femininity inherent in a woman conquers everyone around her. Before finding her one and only, she breaks the hearts of many men. CapricornRelies only on common sense. He helps everyone around him with advice and doesn’t demand anything in return. The girl is smart and practical, does not like excessive attention to herself. I am quite frank with my loved ones. He rarely falls in love, sometimes only once and for the rest of his life. AquariusLucky, talented, interesting to talk to. Sometimes he can say too much, thereby provoking quarrels and conflicts. She likes to spend time alone; flattery and gossip do not interest her. There are many fans around, but it’s impossible to build a happy relationship. FishLikes to dream, fall into slight melancholy, and has high self-esteem. He is in a fictional world, not noticing reality. She lives for today, adapts to circumstances, and is prone to laziness. She knows how to seduce and flirt, so there are a lot of men around, but they don’t stay for long. For a serious relationship, you need to choose a serious, independent man.

Photo gallery: famous personalities bearing the name Ksenia

Ksenia Sobchak - Russian TV presenter, journalist, actress, member of the Coordination Council of the Russian Opposition Ksenia Rappoport - Russian actress theater and cinema, honored artist Russian Federation
Ksenia Alferova - Russian actress Ksenia Lavrova-Glinka - Russian theater and film actress Ksenia Strizh - Russian actress, radio and television presenter
Ksenia Borodina - reality show host
Ksenia Zadorina - Russian athlete, European champion in the relay race Ksenia Dudkina - Russian gymnast, member of the Russian national team rhythmic gymnastics in group all-around, youth champion Olympic Games, Honored Master of Sports of Russia, Olympic champion in rhythmic gymnastics Ksenia Baskakova - Russian theater and film actress Ksenia Novikova - Russian singer, ex-soloist of the Russian women's group "Brilliant" Ksenia Pervak ​​- Russian tennis player, competing for Kazakhstan since 2011 Ksenia Ustalova - Russian athlete specializing in running at a distance of 400 m

Ksenia has a complex, selfish character. She is categorical, divides the world into black and white. However, she has a kind heart, she supports the innocently offended, and always seeks justice.

Ksyusha is an attractive and sociable person, but you still need to be careful when contacting her. This is explained by the fact that the girl is very touchy and takes everything too close to her heart. This is a very sensitive nature to manifestations of various kinds of injustice, and on occasion she will definitely defend both her rights and the rights of others, even people unfamiliar to her. She is not characterized by laziness, but because of Ksenia’s very touchiness, it is difficult to be friends without quarrels. The problem is complicated by the girl’s inability to be the first to reconcile, which explains the frequent change of girlfriends.

The meaning of the name Ksenia

People often called Ksenia Aksinya or Oksana, or simply Ksenia. According to some hypotheses, it comes from the Greek language and means “stranger, stranger, foreign” or simply “inhospitable.”

In ancient Greece this was called short poems of a caustic nature, with which it was customary from time to time to greet arriving guests. It’s funny that according to another version, which is connected with the same Greek language, “Xenia” comes from “Polyxenia”, which means “very hospitable”, i.e. the exact opposite of the first option.

This name is not the most common, but in lately there is a growing trend.

Character of the name Ksenia

Ksenia is a sensitive, receptive and touchy girl. Ksyusha will always stand out from the general background of the crowd, and no one will be able to say exactly why she attracted attention. It's just something elusive that simply cannot be named, it's a unique charm. But you definitely can’t call her a weak lady. It is better not to be in a large team for Ksenia, because in such companies, as a rule, several people apply for the position of leader at once, and the girl does not intend to give in and can engage in a life-or-death struggle. After this, disappointment sets in and Ksyusha withdraws into herself. But the girl becomes everyone’s favorite in the editorial office of the magazine or in the legal profession. In some way that no one can understand, she manages to neutralize conflicts. A favorable atmosphere reigns in Ksenia’s family. The only reason why there are conflicts and disagreements between her and her husband - this is the question.

While still very small, she does not listen to orders. If you want to give her an assignment, it is better for your parents to explain why it is necessary and what it will lead to, then she will do everything without unnecessary reminders. It’s very good if you manage to instill in little Ksyusha an interest in something, since she has all the inclinations to give and devote herself to something one and specific, for example, a game, creativity, etc. Sometimes it even gets to the point where she gets too fixated on one thing and finds it difficult to switch to another.

The girl has a well-developed sense of self-esteem, which gives her the desire to study well, but she still has problems with the subjects of mathematics and physics. Due to her touchiness, the girl often quarrels with her friends. If there is a person who will not contradict her, then she will calmly be friends with her all her life.

Having matured, Ksenia becomes even more emotional and hot-tempered, experiencing special love to disputes, trying at all costs to prove that he is right. And in this case, he can painfully prick his opponent, offending him greatly. Keeping silent or simply being cunning are not her methods, although later she greatly regrets what she has done when she is left alone with herself.

It cannot be said that in life Ksyusha receives everything on a silver platter; she will have to fight for her happiness and work hard towards her goal. At work, her professionalism, ability to concentrate and ability to bear good fruits of her labors are assessed. It is advisable that the girl not be touched or bothered while she is working; Ksenia considers the ideal process to be “they said what was needed - left alone - got the result.”

This is a very independent and persistent nature. She is in love with winning and hates losing. Doesn't like it when others make mistakes and is intolerant of their weaknesses. But despite this, if it is necessary to judge someone, she will do it impartially. Girls especially dream of becoming a leader, born in summer and her boss is strict and demanding.

She prefers a male team to a female team, but this in no way affects her personal life. Not every man will like self-sufficient and independent woman, albeit beautiful in appearance. Despite the fact that in this girl’s marriage everything is not always quiet and calm, this does not prevent her from being loving wife and a caring mother. Not a single obstacle seems impenetrable to her, not a single difficulty is insurmountable, so the resulting couple will be simply impenetrable.

The fate of the name Ksenia

Spheres of Ksenia's life.

  • Love and marriage . Ksyusha has no shortage of fans, but her excessive pickiness does not allow her to easily start relationships. There are many exaggerated demands placed on men, which is why many ladies with this name are unmarried. A favorable union will be with men named Arkady, Miron, Philip, Pavel. But relations with Daniil, Leonid and Tryphon are not so successful.
  • Health . Ksenias are often born girls who are weak in terms of health. They are characterized by capriciousness and slight excitability. Those born in May are prone to infectious infections, Ksyushas born in December often have problems sleeping, and those born in November have increased emotionality, which does not have the best effect on their health. nervous system. Experts do not recommend naming children with this name in honor of their grandmothers and great-grandmothers, as this may aggravate heredity. If this does happen, then it is still better to change the name, then the girl will quickly recover and her health will become stronger.
  • Profession by name . Ksenia has two main traits that allow her to achieve success in terms of her career. This is consistency and restraint. It is difficult for her to work in a large team, especially when she is in the role of a subordinate, so she always strives to take the position of a manager or at least a leader. But in such statuses she seriously lacks tact. She is more inclined to conduct individual activities that are related to art or commerce.
  • Career and business . These girls really love to live beautifully, on a grand scale, but saving is not their thing. Among the bearers of this name you can find many who live, so to speak, on credit, which inevitably leads to large debts.

The name Xenia presumably comes from a Greek word meaning “stranger, stranger, foreigner.”

Patron planet of Xenia: Saturn.

Favorable colors for the owner of the name Ksenia: silver-gray, blue, yellow, malachite.

Ksenia's favorite color: grey-white.

Stone - Ksenia's talisman: chalcedony.

The meaning of the name Ksenia

Ksenia is very sensitive, acutely perceives all the troubles and joys of life. She has a fickle character. She reacts very quickly to injustice. Ksenia grows up as a sweet, calm and obedient child, does well at school, is not lazy, is neat and efficient, but is very touchy. She often changes her girlfriends, but gets along with those who will not contradict her on anything. Ksenia is usually endowed with an unstable character, embarrassed, emotional, and quick-tempered.

The energy of this name suggests that Ksenia is fickle and often goes to extremes. She lacks balance and stability. Ksenia is a person of very fine spiritual organization. She sees and feels connections between things that are invisible to others. Ksenia is persistent. He loves to win, but takes defeats hard. She is principled the most important thing For Ksenia, setting up a home is a priority. She starts a family early, and usually this woman is happily married. But living next to her is not easy, although she good wife and mother. Ksenia has a knack for the humanities. But no matter what she does, she is most interested in her own world.

The karma of this name is rather heavy, in fact, like Ksenia’s character. She is intolerant of other people's shortcomings. But she is fair and never tolerates final decision until he fully understands any matter.

Ksenia — good friend: reliable and faithful, caring and attentive to family and friends. But God forbid you contradict Ksenia, she may hate you. When communicating with Ksenia, you need to have a special approach so as not to hurt her delicate soul.

Ksenia's name day: February 6 (January 24) - Xenia (in the world Eusebius) of Milas, deaconess, lived in the 5th century.

Famous in the history of Xenia

Eusebia of Milas was the only daughter of a noble Roman senator. Striving for God, in order to avoid the upcoming marriage, she secretly fled from her parents' home on a ship. Finding herself in the city of Milas, she, calling herself Xenia, built a temple and founded convent. The saint provided help to everyone: she was a benefactor for the poor, a comforter for the grieving, and a mentor for sinners. With her pious example, Ksenia attracted many souls to salvation. She died during prayer, and her death was marked by a sign in the sky of a bright crown with a cross shining in the middle. Many Xenias are inclined to perform noble deeds, like Eusevia of Milas.

Sweet, obedient and calm girl. Since childhood, the meaning of the name Ksenia reveals the rather balanced character of the child, whose successes are proud of family and friends. Easy to communicate, conscientious, assiduous, often similar in appearance to her mother, but inherits her father’s character.

She likes to do purely girlish things - play with dolls, sew outfits and decorate a house, tinker with dishes. She is sincere and honest, tries to help everyone who asks for it. She is gullible and easy to deceive.

The girl is a diligent student, easily completes homework, and does not refuse additional training and workload. He loves sports, most often doing dancing or gymnastics. She is efficient and obligatory, she tries to do all her tasks with “A plus”.

She is friendly and welcoming with her peers, tries not to conflict with anyone, preferring equal relationships. There are many girlfriends, however, there are only a few close friends. He prefers to be friends only with those who will not contradict and argue about everything.

In youth, the meaning of the name Ksenia for a child is revealed in new qualities and character traits of the owner. The girl is sensitive and vulnerable, therefore, with insufficient upbringing, she can become an introvert. Easily learns from mistakes, trying not to make previously acceptable mistakes.

Has clearly formed plans for life, therefore future profession chooses thoughtfully and carefully, paying attention to the parents’ opinions. Tries to achieve goals only in an honest way, even if it is almost insurmountable and thorny.

He has excellent taste and has his own style in clothes and makeup. Great value devotes appearance preferring to look perfect. She is prone to narcissism, but clearly understands her shortcomings, which she does not try to “fight”.

Reacts violently to visible injustice, zealously protects the interests of loved ones, paying attention to their feelings and comfort. Strives for balance and stability, both in attitudes and in relationships.

Envy is alien to the girl; she knows how to rejoice in the successes of others and empathize with the grief of others. He attaches great importance to the opportunity to communicate with friends who, with long-term friendships, become close and dear.

He likes to stand out from the crowd, but does not try to take leadership positions in the team. Possessor female name Ksenia is very sensitive and can easily recognize lies that she does not accept.


IN love relationships, the meaning of the name Ksenia for a girl is slightly ambiguous. This means that, on the one hand, the girl wants to completely trust her chosen one, on the other hand, she can arrange countless tests of her man’s fidelity.

As a life partner, the young lady chooses a strong and self-confident young man, next to whom she wants to feel protected and loved. She pays great attention to the opportunity to relax while being next to her chosen one, without resorting to her “defense mechanisms.”


As soon as a woman decides on a life partner, the young lady has a desire to build a cozy nest and arrange it comfortably. He will happily devote himself entirely to his family. The happiness of her loved ones means a lot to her.

Business and career

The interpretation of the name Ksenia reveals the girl as a person who is not inclined to collective work. He copes well with the role of a leader, which means he can occupy such professions as editor-in-chief, lawyer, social activist.

Origin of the name Ksenia

The origin of the name Ksenia comes from the ancient Greek word “xeni”, the etymological translation of which is “stranger, nomad, guest”. According to history, back in the fifth century there lived a woman named Eusebia, who was the only daughter of an influential Roman senator. Fleeing from an unwanted marriage, the girl fled to the city of Milas, where over time she founded a temple and a nunnery, where she provided help to everyone who needed it.

Concealing her real name, the woman called herself Ksenia, whose name seemed to emphasize the fact that she was a foreigner.

Despite where the naming came from, on the territory of Rus', the name was so rooted that it became part of Russian culture. In the process, from this name two, now completely different, with their own secret names were formed - Aksinya and Oksana.

Characteristics of the name Ksenia

Each name has in its arsenal pros and cons of character. The characteristics of the name Ksenia allow future parents to finally decide on the name of their child and, when raising them, to pay attention to weak and strengths character of the girl.

This is a sweet and friendly child who tries his best to do the work assigned to him. The girl is easily hurt and thrown out of balance, but the manifestation of violent emotions and discontent is alien to her. He tries to follow his parents in everything.

He is not afraid to express his thoughts, even when they do not agree with the majority opinion. Treats criticism constructively and perceives it as an opportunity to improve. Emphasizes the opportunity to develop comprehensively.

By nature, a leader, however, does not always strive to dominate the team. The girl is characterized by unusualness and a certain zest that attracts attention to her.

The mystery of the name

  • Talisman stone – chalcedony, onyx, tourmaline, emerald.
  • Name days - January 31, February 6, 7, 8, May 16, August 26, September 15.
  • Horoscope or zodiac sign of the name - Aquarius.
  • Patron planet - Saturn.
  • The treasured plant is cypress, St. John's wort.
  • Color – silver, purple, brown.
  • Animal – Bull.
  • The bird is a swallow.

Famous people

  • Ksenia Sobchak (1981) – TV presenter, actress, socialite, politician. He is one of the founders of the television channel “Silver Rain”, hosts the provocative reality shows “Dom-2”, “Blonde in Chocolate”, “Sobchak Live”, the programs “State Department”, “Barabaka and Gray Wolf" She has published several books dedicated to style and beauty, as well as a “practical guide” on the topic “How to Marry a Millionaire.”
  • Ksenia Borodina (1983) – actress, host of the reality shows “Dom-2” and “Reboot”. She wrote two books: “House-2: Laws of Love”, “Losing Weight with Ksenia Borodina”.
  • Ksenia Rappoport (1974) – theater and film actress, Honored Artist of Russia. One of the roles that elevated the actress to the rank of famous was the character of Ida in the television series “Liquidation.”

In different languages

The sound and translation of the name Ksenia is not too different from its Russian counterpart. On English language the name is translated as Ksenia, Xenia, in French - Xenia, Ksenia, the name will sound and be written similarly in Polish, Czech, Italian and Danish.

In Finnish, the name sounds like Senja (Senya), in Belarusian - Aksinnya, Aksana. On Chinese translated as 克谢尼娅(kèxièníyà - Kasenia), in Japanese - sounds like Horomi (放浪美) - Wanderer, Stranger.

Name forms

  • Full name: Ksenia.
  • Options – Aksinya, Aksenya, Oksinya, Okseinya, Oksana
  • Derivatives (diminutive and abbreviated form) - Ksyusha, Ksyundel, Ksyukha, Ksenya, Ksenya, Senya, Ksyu, Ksyunechka, Ksyushenka, Ksyushechka, Ksyura, Ksyuta, Syunya, Ksyushonok, Ksyunya, Ksyunechka.
  • Declension of the name – Ksenia-Ksenia.
  • Church (Orthodox) name - Ksenia.