The meaning of the name Veronica for a girl born in summer. Romantic and sensual Veronica

The meaning of a name is often associated with its history, and the name Veronica is no exception.

Historians claim that the name Veronica comes from the name Pherenike, the name of the wife of the ruler of Egypt from the Ptolemaic dynasty. Ferenika is a two-part (two-root) name, that is, consisting of two word roots that give it meaning. Φερενικη stands for φερω - to bring and νικη - victory, that is, “bringing victory.”

It turns out that The name Veronica means "bringer of victory". There are several other theories about the origin of the name, but more about them in the article “The Origin of the Name Veronica.”

The meaning of the name Veronica for a girl

The little girl Veronica is a joy for her parents and peers. She is easy to talk to and always has a lot of friends. She is bright and positive, charging those around her with her positivity. He loves to be the center of attention and strives for this in every possible way.

Veronica's studies are not particularly difficult, but these are more likely to be grades "for" beautiful eyes"Parents need to be careful if they want good education for my daughter. She doesn't like to study and she tends to " star fever"Already in my teenage years.

Veronica's health is average. His weak point will be his stomach. She usually does not comply with the regime and this begins to appear already in adolescence. Try to instill in Veronica the habit of eating right in childhood, so that there are no problems in the future.

Short name Veronica

Vera, Vika, Nika, Nikasha, Nikusha, Ronya, Rona, Ronyusha.

Diminutive pet names

Veronica, Verochka, Veronya, Verunya, Verusha.

Name Veronica in English

In English, Veronica is spelled like this - Veronica.

Name Veronica for international passport- VERONIKA.

Translation of the name Veronica into other languages

in Belarusian - Veranika
in Bulgarian - Veronica
in Hungarian - Veronika
in Spanish - Verónica
in Italian - Veronica
in Chinese - 维罗尼卡 (wéiluóníkǎ) – Weiluonika
in Latin - Veronica
in German - Veronika
in Polish - Weronika
in Portuguese - Verónica, Verônica
in Romanian - Veronica
in Serbian - Veronica
in Ukrainian - Veronica
in French - Veronique
in Finnish - Veronica, Veronika
in Czech - Veronika
in Japanese - ヴェロニカ(Veronica)

Church name Veronica V Orthodox faith remains unchanged. The name Veronica is also revered in catholic church, but the name day is on another day.

Characteristics of the name Veronica

It is difficult to give one characteristic to Veronica; she is gentle and light and cheerful at the same time. Veronica is a flighty person and does not like to do anything not related to fun. Her pastime has been aimed since childhood at being the center of attention. If this does not happen, then Veronica's mood deteriorates. She is quite capricious, which causes rejection among others.

Veronica's work is rather related to her favorite thing - to be the center of attention. She can be a journalist or a presenter; positions where you need to communicate a lot and make an impression are well suited. She often has a pretty appearance, which she uses successfully in the right cases.

Family and home for Veronica for a long time remain uninteresting. However, Veronica will also think about starting a family. It will be difficult for her at first, because she will still need to negotiate and adapt, but with enough patience from a man, she will cope.

The secret of the name Veronica

Veronica is calculating and this is one of her secrets. She knows how to use people so beautifully that many never understand that they were used. She understands her perfectly strengths character and uses them at every convenient opportunity. Be careful and don't get hooked.

Another secret of Veronica is often her lack of professionalism. She is usually not inclined to study and analyze deeply. You should not entrust her with tasks related to analysis and painstaking work - this is not her thing. Know Veronica's strengths and weaknesses, then your interaction will be mutually beneficial.

Planet- Sun.

Zodiac sign- Lev.

Totem animal- Tiger.

Name color- Black.

Tree- Cypress.

Plant- Veronica (flower).

Stone- Onyx.

Guardian Angel named Veronica and his patron you can find out if you know Veronica's date of birth. Read the article “Patron of the name Veronica” on our website.

There are many secrets hidden in a person’s name. We cannot unravel all of them, but we can learn the true meaning of a particular name. What does the name Veronica mean? Let's figure it out.

The meaning of the name Veronica

Veronica is a “resident of Verona”. This way you can literally interpret the meaning of the name. Veronica is indecisive in her actions, often too shy and meek. Her disposition reminds those around her of a quiet babbling stream that slowly descends from the mountains.

Bringer of victory - this is how the name Veronica can also be interpreted. You should not rely on activity and initiative from Veronica. She would rather wait out the difficult stage of life quietly and calmly than actively interfere in the course of events.

History and origin of the name Veronica

Veronica - the name has ancient Greek roots, but was very common in the Middle Ages in Europe. Diminutive name is Nick's name. Veronica celebrates Angel Day once a year - on the twenty-fifth of July.

The zodiac sign that protects Veronica is Leo. He gives her a very strict disposition and many opportunities to achieve her goals, but she does not always use them. It happens that she mopes more often and does not want to decide anything. It may fall out of the cycle of events for some time.

The planet that gives her emotional stability is the Sun. Veronica is always filled with the energy of happiness and love. She loves her friends and relatives very much, gives them pleasant positive emotions, never expects anything in return.

The history and origin of the name Veronica determine the color that most appeals to her - black. She feels comfortable in it and does not experience any discomfort. A tree that can become a talisman for her is cypress. The patron saint of the animal world is the tiger. The stone that will become a talisman for her is onyx. He can help her in accepting very important decisions, in achieving goals, in concluding important deals. It is good to make beads from it.

The character and fate of Veronica

Veronicas are quite easy to talk to, they are eager to get to know each other a large number people and make friends with them all. TO positive traits Veronica's character can be attributed to:





Little Veronica is a source of positive emotions and energy. Veronicas often get upset if they are refused communication without giving reasons for the refusal. They are very sorry if someone cannot arrange a meeting with them.

Little Veronicas are always ready to visit. They like the atmosphere at a party, they like that people pay attention to them. In adult life, Veronica themselves are very hospitable and almost never refuse friends’ requests to meet with them.

TO negative traits character should include:

Inability to keep secrets;

Fear of loneliness;

Panic attacks.

Veronica can be overly suspicious and shy. If her parents pay little attention to a girl in childhood, she grows up rather disorganized and absent-minded. Does not find his place among other people and constantly seeks approval from them. This leads to nervousness and absent-mindedness.

She loves large crowds of people and public events. It is very difficult for her to be alone with herself and this causes problems. She can't agree with herself. She wants more and more for someone else to make decisions for her and for her own negative actions she has never had anything to do with it.

Veronica is very talkative and can, behind a stream of extraneous thoughts, move away from thoughts that are correct and necessary only for her. She can talk to anyone, just so as not to deal with her duties.

As a child, her parents are quite strict with Veronica and almost never allow her liberties in behavior. If Veronica is not controlled as a child, then she can go for a walk quite far on her own without reporting this to her parents.

Veronica is pretty creative child, who can attend several sections at once, and express himself in them only with the best side. She directly craves to be the first in many ways, craves attention to herself, but at the same time, she is in no hurry to do anything, waiting for praise simply for who she is.

Veronica also tries to attend various sports clubs throughout her life. She loves to train, she loves it team games. Individual sports are not acceptable for her. She always wants to be different and be among the top ten successful ones.

In adulthood, she will even strive to be friends with her enemies, just so as not to be in a quarrel with someone. Her character and fate are so ambiguous that people close to her sometimes don’t even know what to say to Veronica, what to advise her.

In adulthood, they have a rather strained relationship with their mother. It's hard for them to find common language, it’s difficult to agree. Since her mother teaches Veronica to be tolerant of other people’s shortcomings and not to give in to sudden impulses. Veronica believes that her mother wants to limit her and specifically forbids her something.

The meaning of the name Veronica and her health

Due to her increased emotionality, Veronica often gets sick colds. She practically cannot sit in one place, so she gets a lot of injuries, and her parents constantly look after her.

She is prone to viral diseases, throat diseases. Parents should pay attention not so much to hardening, but to strengthening it emotional state. If Veronica doesn’t feel like a helpless girl and doesn’t worry about what people think about her, everything in her life will immediately improve.

But it is very difficult to explain to little Veronica that there is no need to be nervous. It is important for parents to early age surround the girl with care and love. If Veronica grows up in a single-parent family, or is deprived of her father’s love, it is difficult for her to trust men in adulthood and she suffers from various diseases cardiovascular system.

Veronica may not even attend kindergarten due to frequent illnesses and chronic health problems. At school she feels more confident, therefore, she attends it regularly and with joy, until the first conflict with her classmates occurs.

Those Veronicas who deny their essence, who do not want to see true events and real reasons these events. It is difficult for them to restore their vision because it is difficult to restore psychological balance.

What does the name Veronica mean, her profession and career?

Veronica grows up to be disinterested and rather absent-minded. Therefore, build own business It's very difficult for her. It is easier for her to work subordinately, but in this activity she will not show herself as a leader. She loves to have conversations and attract attention.

The executive Veronica is a rarity. She doesn't shine with intelligence at school either. True, if her parents are closely involved in her education, she can grow up to be quite successful and cheerful, but until such a time as a relationship crisis occurs in her life.

Veronicas tend to fall in love with their bosses. They see them as strong and purposeful men, therefore, they strive to be close, to elevate themselves through such communication, such relationships.

Veronicas often go to work in order not to feel lonely. They love communication, therefore, it is better for them to choose creative professions. It is better to choose the profession of a radio announcer or a journalist. It is these professions that will make Veronica enjoy everything that happens in her life.

Veronicas, who devote their lives to education, choose for themselves a very difficult and thorny path. They will have enough communication, but not enough mutual understanding. And they may become disappointed in life, in own strength.

The meaning of the name Veronica and her personal life

In Veronica's personal life, everything is quite complicated. She is practically not ready to give in to her husband, she cannot remain silent where it is so necessary, she cannot understand the feelings and emotions of her other half, because she is fixated on her emotions and experiences.

The husband often does not understand the mood swings of his beloved, cannot adapt to them, cannot understand what is his fault, why there is an extraordinary scandal in the house, and why the beloved is offended.

Veronica herself doesn’t always understand what made her furious and why she can’t control her emotions. She finds it difficult to build relationships with men early childhood. If Veronica experienced betrayal once, she will suspect all her lovers that they will betray her again.

Jealousy is a frequent guest in Veronica’s house and the woman can’t do anything about it. Often men leave her because they cannot stand the endless checks, questions, and complaints.

Veronica has a huge number of friends who support her in difficult moments of her life, give advice on how to build a family, how to communicate with colleagues. Sometimes it seems that own opinion A woman simply doesn't. That she follows some stereotypes and builds her personal life according to the promptings of others.

There is some truth in this, but when Veronica falls in love, she begins to preserve and protect her life. In her house there is always an atmosphere of fun and anticipation of guests. The husband is not always happy about this, since peace and quiet is out of the question.

Veronica loves children, but cannot bear it if her husband devotes more time to them and not to her. She's watching comprehensive development children, tries to give the maximum possible knowledge, but does not have deep maternal feelings for them. She's more passionate about herself and her life greater value betrays his own development.

Veronica's main traits are sociability and hard work. She is characterized by activity and determination, she is ambitious and proud.

The name Veronica in Greek means “bringer of victory.”

Origin of the name Veronica:

It is believed that this name has biblical roots: according to legend, this was the name of the woman who wiped the sweat from the face of Jesus as he was going to be executed.

Characteristics and interpretation of the name Veronica:

From her earliest years, Veronica was active, choleric, and difficult to communicate with. To teachers, she may seem superficial due to the fact that knowledge is given to her with almost supernatural ease. Veronica is a born analyst and grasps explanations on the fly. They are unstable in the company, their position can fluctuate from class leader to outcast. Even in childhood they are secretive, it is difficult for parents to force them to be frank.

In life, Veronica tries to achieve everything herself. It is difficult for her to ask for help; she does not complain about failures, but withdraws into herself and stubbornly pursues her goal. She is prudent, ambitious, and plans her life and career from a young age. Decent, clearly adheres to her own moral principles. Veronicas are gifted with an intuitive understanding of the essence of things, but prefer analytical calculations and logical planning. Unsatisfied with life, Veronica is stubborn and tyrannical.

The bearers of this name are smart interlocutors. The older they are, the more confident they feel in society, but they are not very well versed in human relationships. Sometimes they experience an increased interest in other people’s personal lives; in old age they can become gossips. If they are hurt, they never show any resentment. They react sharply to injustice. They often enter into conflict out of principle or to spite someone, and are reluctant to give up their positions in a dispute.

Veronica is impressive in appearance and knows how to use it. He prefers elegant, well-tailored clothes, and skillfully selects accessories. She is pleased with other people's admiration; she feels especially relaxed in male company. Very beautiful Veronica prone to selfishness. In relationships, they have practically no empathy, but in love they look for tenderness, and they bestow their chosen one with love and attention. The man with whom Veronica truly fell in love will receive all her unspent inner love. With an affectionate partner, they are sexually relaxed and self-confident. They value diversity and self-respect. Rarely do they pay attention to a man’s intelligence, preferring that the chosen one becomes for her not an interlocutor, but a courageous defender, a reliable fortress and a stone wall.

Veronica does not like everyday life; everyday household chores irritate her. She rarely manages to create comfort in her home, so her marriage to a calm and homely man is especially successful. She treats children evenly, but tenderly, and tries to become a friend to her daughters.

Bearers of the name Veronica, born in the spring, are in poor health and changeable. “Summer” and “autumn” - catchy, bright, spectacular women. “Winter” Veronicas are lucky, successful in business, and often focus first on their career and then on their family.

Veronica's union with men named Alexander, Vladimir, Leonid, Sergei and Stanislav will be strong. Troubles should be expected in a marriage with Vitaly, Nikolai, Eduard and Semyon. Veronica's falling in love and her constant search for new experiences can destroy the strongest marital union.

The name Veronica is of ancient Greek origin, being a derivative of the name Ferenike. The meaning of the latter is translated as “bringing victory” (fero - “to carry”, “bring” and nik - “victory”). True, some scientists believe that the origin of the name Veronica dates back to the times of the Roman Empire, and translated from Latin it means “genuine”, “true”. The name is quite popular in Russia.

Name Astrology

  • Zodiac sign: Leo
  • Patron Planet: Sun
  • Talisman stone: onyx
  • Color: black
  • Tree: cypress
  • Plant: Veronica
  • Animal: tiger
  • Favorable day: Sunday

Character Traits

The beautiful name Veronica brings to its owner a lively, spontaneous character, which contains mainly maternal traits. But her appearance is in many ways reminiscent of her father's. The girl loves to be the center of attention, and has been simply hyperactive since childhood. Her character can be explosive, and she very violently expresses her disagreement to the end.

Veronica does not like loneliness, and being constantly at the epicenter of events, she is never deprived of the attention of men. Possessing a well-developed intuition, she does not try to use it, being to some extent a solid materialist. Such a woman is very easy to communicate with, and her wit allows her to defuse the most tense situations. She loves to dream, but fantasies rarely become reality. She can also be called secretive, but at the same time absolutely not prone to selfishness.

The secret of the name Veronica hides the shortcomings of its owner. So, she is an absolutely disorganized person, without the slightest desire to organize her life, she likes to talk but not do, so many of her projects remain only on paper. Also, the negative character traits of a girl with this name include the desire to manipulate people, especially the male sex. She is well aware of the degree of her charm and attractiveness.

Interests and hobbies

The characterization of the name attributes Veronica's passion for theater, music, and painting. She loves art in all its forms, so in free time often visits theaters and exhibitions, poetry evenings and vernissages, she herself participates in amateur productions, and writes poetry. Having a more “boyish” character, he prefers sports and travel, relaxing, as a rule, in the south, where there is a lot of sun and warmth.

Profession and business

The meaning of the name Veronica predetermines her future in journalism, as people are drawn to her, revealing their deepest secrets. She is capable of becoming a good actress or poetess, fashion model or clothing designer, having achieved enviable success in her chosen field. She can also work as a flight attendant, because her creative streak sometimes replaces her natural flexibility of mind and internal discipline.


Veronica has rather poor health, the reason for which lies in her hypersensitivity and impressionability. She can faint easily, is afraid of medical procedures and does not like doctors. That is why she is recommended to conduct the correct and healthy image life, devoting special attention with his weak points» - skin, lungs and gastrointestinal tract.

Sex and love

Veronica cannot be called a passionate, explosive person, although she has a more than positive attitude towards sex. Unfortunately, the girl never allows herself to be completely carried away by the storm of feelings, and can at any moment be distracted from the process, becoming interested in a television plot. She is extremely amorous, but fickle; she can easily break off a relationship with a person without experiencing a drop of remorse.

Family and marriage

From Veronica it turns out good wife, but for some reason, loving the atmosphere of the “home haven”, she adapts to family life extremely difficult. This is where her artistic nature probably takes over. But over time, she manages to organize her home, as well as her husband, whom she manages to “hew” to suit her. In the family, the husband is the breadwinner, and she happily allows him to pamper herself and provide herself with an interesting, rich life.

Having learned the secret of your name, you will be able to open new horizons and discover your hidden capabilities. Veronica's energy is truly fragile and defenseless, but this name also has many strong qualities.

Meaning and origin of the name

This name is Greek in origin. The Greeks knew and revered the goddess Nike, who was in charge of victories. Translated, the name Veronica means “bringer of victory.” In ancient Greece, the final Russian version of the name Veronica was Beronica or Feronica.

Further, this name greatly spread beyond the borders of Greek culture. IN Western world Veronica is spelled the same way, but the stress is on the second syllable. Veronica means “pure image” in Latin. This name was always very popular among Catholics, and then passed into Russian culture.

The fate and character of Veronica

The character of girls and women named Veronica is very unusual. Very often, Veronica builds her destiny through spontaneous decision-making. This is not always correct, but it often helps overcome indecision and avoid a phase of long, fruitless thinking. Most Veronicas believe in God or higher powers, therefore, in adult life they often rely on their help.

They love everything that is expensive and pleasant in every sense. This applies to all the things they need, from a car to a toothbrush. Veronica values ​​beauty, comfort, convenience, but this does not mean that she is spoiled or does not know how to be content with what she has. If she does not have the opportunity to afford all the best, then this will certainly upset the owner of the name Veronica.

Veronica loves helping people and seeing the results of her work, so she could make an excellent doctor, nurse, educator, philanthropist or teacher. She is a great friend because she makes contact easily and always comes to the rescue in a difficult situation. She may not be able to do something difficult, but she always knows how to support a friend in a difficult situation, just by being nearby. This special aura helps her choose the appropriate job as a teacher or doctor. She knows that people always need her. This is its essence and the task set by nature itself.

She is very amorous, and in marriage she loves to be the family leader. If the man with her is quite soft, affectionate and gentle, and can also earn enough money, then Veronica will allow him to be the head of the family, and she herself will become an excellent mother.

The meaning of the name Veronica for a child: choosing a name for children

As a child, Veronica is often lonely and very shy, but over the years this goes away, giving way to truly masculine fortitude. She does not leave the roads that she creates for herself. The roles change - closer to the age of 30, men begin to find amazing beauty and special charm in Veronica.

When calling a girl Veronica, remember that the owners of this name early years lose their temper very easily; They may find it difficult to cope with everyday problems that require endurance. As a child, Veronica prefers to dream rather than plan, although this is typical for many children. She perceives mastering skills with hostility because she is afraid of failures and uncharted territories. This can be clearly seen before school and before entering university. If this is not overcome, then even in mature age any new beginnings for Veronica will be difficult.

As a child, Veronica is modest and not demanding of people, but for some unknown reason people are very often demanding of her. She is constantly expected to make some incredible breakthroughs in her studies. This puts terrible pressure on the child, so you shouldn’t raise Veronica strictly - it won’t be possible to raise her successfully with constant supervision anyway. This can only be achieved by becoming a child's friend and spiritual mentor, and not a supervisor.

Characteristics of the name Veronica

Name energy: Veronica has a rather strange aura that draws you to her like a magnet. On the other hand, if Veronica is indifferent to you, you will immediately feel it: even if the owner of this name is disingenuous, her mood is easy to feel.

To which patronymic The name Veronica is suitable: Vyacheslavovna, Igorevna, Sergeevna, Vladimirovna, Vadimovna, Evgenievna.

The best compatibility in love: Vladimir, Andrey, Mikhail, Denis.

Patron animal: dove, panther. The dove represents love and peace, and the panther represents passion.

Name element: air. Veronica sparks interest in herself more than serves as a catalyst in the lives of other people.

Zodiac sign: Veronica is a typical Leo

Stone-amulet: black opal and tourmaline. The first saves people from melancholy, and the second helps them survive difficulties and loneliness.

Metal: scandium and silver, related to the energy of Veronica.

Color: black and red. Veronica is a seductress who lives by emotions. These colors are best friends people who love to flirt and are addicted to feelings.

Planet: Mercury, mobile and very inquisitive.

Favorable day of the week: resurrection.

Plant: cypress, which gives Veronica protection from sadness and grief that overtakes her periodically for no reason.

lucky number: 9.

Famous representatives: Veronica Tushnova (poetess), Veronica Lake (American actress), Veronica Dolina (USSR singer).

Our name is all we have at the very beginning of life. It guides our life path in the right direction, gives strength to overcome many obstacles. Veronica is no exception. These ladies know how to take anything life rules and know how to become happier.

Numerology of the female name Veronica

The number of the name Veronica is nine, almost infinity, which at the same time carries thoroughness. She stands firmly on her feet, relying on her strength. Her judgments are somewhat categorical, but always sincere. In general, honesty for her is not an empty phrase, it is life principle, the vector that guides. Veronica expects sincerity from those around her, but she doesn’t always receive it... A more detailed numerological analysis of the name is available.

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