Veronica Belotserkovskaya's husband and children. Veronica Belotserkovskaya: biography, family and personal life

Boris Belotserkovsky is a well-known businessman, and he is known for his business related to the sale of gambling equipment, which had to be taken in a new direction due to the ban on casinos in the country, as well as for his blogger wife, who runs an independent business and enjoys cooking. Of course, reading the biography of oligarchs, laid out in strict and dry numbers and calculations, is quite boring. Yes, we don’t need this. In today's article we will talk about personal life and children of Boris Belotserkovsky.

There was more than one woman in the life of the oligarch and businessman. So now that he's finally on for many years found peace family happiness with Nika Belotserkovskaya (who herself is by no means quiet and calm, but, nevertheless, gets along excellently with her husband and rarely shows her eccentric character), their family was large from the first day. The fact is that Boris Belotserkovsky has two sons from his first marriage. And also the fact that before her marriage to the oligarch, Veronica Belotserkovskaya had already been married four times and also has a son from previous relationships. And so it turned out that as soon as they came together under one roof, the family immediately consisted of five members. And now, when two more sons were born in the marriage, the family became even larger. Despite the fact that Boris Belotserkovsky very often lives away from his family in Moscow, while his wife and children live in France, he delves into all family matters and believes that his marriage is very strong.

In the photo - Boris Belotserkovsky with his sons

The eldest son of Boris Belotserkovsky is already independently engaged in a business related to applications for iPads and iPhones, and a couple of years ago he married a good girl. Two more sons are 15 years old. They study at an English school and are constantly in a state of competition with each other. 10-year-old Gregory also entered a prestigious school, surprising all the teachers with his childlike intelligence. And the youngest is 4 years old. The Belotserkovsky children are raised without excessive severity, allowing them to express themselves.

In the photo - the family of Boris Belotserkovsky

Veronica Belotserkovskaya/ Nika Belotserkovskaya was born in the summer of 1970 in the family of a Russian language teacher and engineer. She spent her childhood in St. Petersburg, and after graduating from the physics and mathematics school she became a student at the Faculty of Rare and Scattered Element Technologies.

The creative path of Nika Belotserkovskaya / Nika Belotserkovskaya

As a freshman, Nika Belotserkovskaya married an artist and lost interest in exact sciences. Soon she entered experimental course in animation in St. Petersburg, which took place as part of the Higher Directing Courses. For three years, Nika Belotserkovskaya studied the specialty of director-animator and production designer and was considered one of the most talented students. However, she never received a diploma because she married a second time.

Nika Belotserkovskaya founded the advertising agency "Trend" in St. Petersburg, and in 2003 began working on a new project - the magazine "" She also bought the publications Time Out, Aeroflot and the website, but recently handed over the reins to a top manager.

In 2009 Nika Belotserkovskaya I started running my own blog on Livejournal. Soon he entered the list of the ten best domestic culinary blogs. She inherited her culinary talent from her grandmother, the chief physician of an Odessa meat-packing plant.

Every summer I was dropped off from cold Leningrad to my rich grandmother. And full happiness came. If you asked me what heaven is, I would answer: a table laden with food, a bunch of children, everyone making noise, plates and spoons clinking. And the smell of vanilla from the oven.

In March 2010, a presentation of Nika Belotserkovskaya’s first book “Recipes” took place in St. Petersburg, which sold out in huge numbers throughout the country. Soon she presented her new job called "Diets". Most of the recipes for the books were published on the blog, and Nika Belotserkovskaya always takes photographs for them herself.

Nika Belotserkovskaya was preparing to publish a book dedicated to Italian cuisine and traveled around Tuscany with her translator and culinary specialist Ella Martino. The result of this collaboration was the book “Taste of Tuscany”, all rights to authorship were transferred to Ella Martino.

Ella became a close person to Borya and me. She often comes to visit and builds up the entire staff. He crawls under the bed and shows the dust. Very emotional. There would be an ideal landowner with the fattest piglets in the area!

In December 2011, a presentation of Nika Belotserkovskaya’s third book, “About Food. About wine. Provence." Soon a scandal broke out between the author of the book “Taste of Tuscany” and Nika. When Ella Martino accused former colleague in plagiarism, the multimillionaire’s wife stated that most of the recipes from the book “Taste of Tuscany” were filmed in Nika Belotserkovskaya’s kitchen, along with family silverware, and made from products paid for by her.

To date Nika Belotserkovskaya lives in the south of France, in a villa previously owned by entrepreneur Marcel Boussac. She delights her readers not only with new recipes, but also with colorful photographs and news from gossip columns: Ksenia Sobchak is considered her best friend.

The most delicious places are when you are driving along a dusty Tuscan road and see a place with trucks parked outside. You park your Porsche, carefully walk past all these Luigi truck drivers, say hello to Mama Rosa, who has been cooking here as a ladle for several decades, order pasta, have an orgasm and pay twelve euros for everything.

Besides everything else, Nika Belotserkovskaya does not hide his negative attitude towards guests chewing salad leaves at a gala dinner, and encourages them to either forget about their diet for a while, or stay at the hotel and enjoy watching Fashion TV with a cucumber.

Nika Belotserkovskaya’s culinary school opened in 2011. Classes take place in a vintage hotel in the town of Egolier.

Personal life of Nika Belotserkovskaya / Nika Belotserkovskaya

Her fifth husband was one of the richest people in St. Petersburg, the owner of a gambling business Boris Belotserkovsky. Their acquaintance took place during a stormy party and grew into a strong and happy union. The couple have five sons between them: two boys from Boris’s previous marriage, Nika Belotserkovskaya’s child and two common son.

Nika Belotserkovskaya She does not hide the fact that she independently upholstered the furniture in the living room of a French villa, and she has a strong immunity to the phrase “latest collection.”

Who needs these fifty carats? Well, you spoiled the mood of your girlfriends, but it is clear that Sveta Metkina, who always has ten carats more, will appear immediately. Earrings stolen by servants, safe deposit boxes in a bank - life is filled with garbage. It's better to learn something with this money - Italian language, shoot a bow, and even fry cutlets.

Exclusive interview ELLE: Nika Belotserkovskaya

Publisher, blogger, writer celebrates her birthday today. We remember the interview in which a few years ago Nika told us why she swears, never posts photos of her children, and what she compares her friends with

PHOTO Anton Zemlyanoy

ELLE You wrote that you feel panic before meeting with readers, where you have to sign books...

Nika Belotserkovskaya Well, I'm not so scared anymore. You can say my social phobia has passed. Let's just say I learned to enjoy it. At first it was truly horror, fear, panic; It seemed to me that everyone was mocking me, that no one would come...

Not long ago...

Well, relatively... About five years ago.

Is it really possible to get rid of this for good during such a period?

In fact, the scariest thing for me is standing in front of a camera. But I still climb there with my athlete’s tenacity - give me a medal! - despite the fact that my diction is terrible, I am very unphotogenic...

In fact, there is no barrier, it only exists within me, because I like to make myself suffer."

Looking at your photos taken for this interview, you wouldn't say that.

This is an accident (laughs). Despite all this, I rush there like a rhinoceros, not understanding anything, even though it’s hell and overcoming for me every time. One day, when we were filming something, I went to the toilet, washed my face and internally realized that this should be treated as simple x*-non. Why do I, as a riding pony, invent all sorts of obstacles for myself, like for a big horse? After all, in reality there is no barrier, it exists only inside me, because I like to make myself suffer. I felt it so well that in the first take, in 15 minutes, we filmed what we had planned to film for three hours. You must be able to press on one hemisphere, like on a sponge, so that everything unnecessary flows out from there...

In your interview with Ksenia Sobchak, you talk about your difficult relationship and breakup with your mother...

By the way, I was amazed that this moment caused such an incredible response. Then they wrote me very strange things: “I cried all night,” “Nika, thank you!” and so on. This once again suggests that we are not unique in our suffering. And this is very sobering.

PHOTO Anton Zemlyanoy

Super successful women almost always have a difficult relationship with their mother. What did your relationship with her give you? Do you think that the internal split that occurs as a result of a conflict with the mother, complexes set by parents, are a kind of engine of progress for a person?

This is such a slippery topic... It's like going to the skating rink in ballet slippers... I would not like to discuss my situation specifically, because I am convinced that some things should be discussed only with the closest people. More broadly speaking, the Russian soul is generally characterized by reflection. I was once amazed, when I first came to Oxford, where I studied English (I studied German at school), by the behavior of my classmates. In my group there was a Japanese woman, a Spanish woman and an Italian woman, and they all kept diaries, the entries in which began something like this: “This morning is wonderful, I feel amazing, this world loves me”...

How old were you?

27–28, probably. This absolutely shocked me, and I even fell into a state of some kind of irritation: how can you treat yourself as the central diamond of the Universe, where all the elements of the universe are created solely to serve you - for example, with good weather? It was a unique experience for me. I don't remember any girl in my class doing something like this. And they are taught this. They develop a bright individuality, independence, self-love...

Doesn’t such “bright individuality” kill creativity?

If a rational person is faced with the opportunity to choose, he will probably make it in favor of self-love. But, of course, its basic absence is a very powerful source for, to put it in pathetic words, creativity, self-realization, the need for continuous search for oneself, so unloved, lost...

So you admit that you have it?

Undoubtedly. By the way, it becomes easier when you are able to diagnose such things in yourself. For example, people with diabetes live...

They inject themselves with insulin every day.

I have my own insulin. At the age of 40, I picked up a camera and started writing books... From a socially phobic creature, I turned into an Internet star, which is completely unusual for me. I didn’t count on this at all, but perhaps this is a story about how my work resonates. People understand what I do. Because I do it honestly. If you can deceive one person and lead even the closest people by the nose for a long time, it is impossible to deceive the collective consciousness. The Internet is a very sensitive, intuitive field where the tools that you can use in everyday life do not work.

At the same time, the Internet is a space where there is a huge amount of negativity...

Naturally. And the first question that arises in your mind is: why?

PHOTO Anton Zemlyanoy

How do you deal with this? Are you a person who clearly needs support and praise?

At first, of course, I reacted to this because I had not learned to separate. At some point I realized that I was talking to my own demons, because you can’t talk to gray spots; You can’t have a dialogue with a person if you don’t see his eyes, his face. You begin to ask yourself questions - why? Why do they hate me? Why are they writing me these hellish things? About me, about my husband, about my children? Then you start parrying...

Do you respond to comments?

Depends on what I want at the moment talk to demons or not (laughs). The main law there is that people do not write to me, people write to themselves about themselves. At a certain moment it dawned on me that this was an absolutely reflexive thing. It is clear that we all create some kind of worlds for ourselves. It is convenient for them that I live inside this world exactly as they need. A woman writes: “Nika, how cool for you! You will never stop being interesting to your husband!” And I immediately understand that this is the main nightmare of her life. It never even occurred to me that I might stop being interesting to someone because I don’t have this option as a basic option. And I understand what hell she lives in. Or they write some nasty things about my children. But now I understand that this supposed hatred of me is actually hatred of myself.

Are you a good psychologist?

Yes, I probably did good psychologist, because I immediately understand the motives of a person’s behavior.

I have several personal crazy people on the Internet whom I have known for many years, I know personally and specially study, because for me this is also a phenomenon - how people become dependent on another person. There is a certain kinship and even some kind of tenderness on my part towards these people. They follow me, collect my photos, count the number of my acne, wrinkles...

The basic law of comments on the Internet is that people write about themselves. This is an absolutely reflexive thing."

Well, fans. Like any star.

But there are also anti-fans. Thank God I was never a professional beauty. I have never had such attitudes, and I generally do not exist in this plane. I am very objective about my shell, which, according to by and large, doesn't matter to me.

None at all?

Well, no, of course, I like it when I look wonderful. But I start to look good when I need to look good and I turn on the “I’m beautiful” mode. This mode is labor-intensive, so when I don’t need it, I turn it off.

In short, you won’t walk around in heels at home in front of your husband.

More likely, someone else will wear heels (laughs).

You are almost not on your Instagram.

Well, there are all sorts of autograph sessions, for example. After my public appearances, the feast begins.

So you don’t work as a face on Instagram?

You have to understand that belonika and Nika Belotserkovskaya are, of course, close relatives, but not that close. I have a lot of taboo things - I never show my family, I don’t post photos of children.

You said in an interview with Ksenia Sobchak: “When I see a photo of a baby in my feed, for me it’s real hell. It’s like pushing your child in a stroller to a metro station during rush hour and leaving him there.”

The Internet is an absolute lack of comfort zone. Especially now, when hellish aggression is spilling out there. I don't need this, because I don't want to breed these devils. Let's just say that things that are truly dear to me never appear on Instagram. It's simple beautiful photos, I am an absolute visual person. This program, by the way, completely killed my blog, because I like communicating with the world with pictures. Sometimes there is a strong visual impact, and I take the camera to share my emotions with the world.

PHOTO Anton Zemlyanoy

Do you need to share? With whom? And really - with the whole world?

Well, again - with your own demons. They can also be good. I don’t know how to describe it... You know, when a person comes home and turns on the TV so there is just sound. You don’t identify this little buzzer, but it absorbs your muffled steps and creates an element of presence. At the same time, you don’t look, you don’t get involved, it goes on in a separate background, which creates the illusion of your not being alone. For me it's about the same.

The fact that you don’t show children gives many people the strong opinion that “Nika doesn’t like children.”

Well what can I say? It's natural, it's logical (laughs). Of course, I adore my children (Nika has three sons - the eldest from her first marriage, the other two from her marriage to businessman Boris Belotserkovsky - ELLE note). They are 18, 12 and six; these are the most precious things I have, and I will never use them to prove anything to anyone. You know, there are photos on Instagram that scream: “I’m fine! I'm a happy mother happy wife! I don’t need this at all, because I know everything about myself. There are absolutely disgusting comments in my feed: “I hid my face in a complex, my husband doesn’t f*ck” and so on. I go to the commentator’s profile, and it says: “Happy mother of identical twins.” This is also a diagnosis. This can be written in one word with a hashtag. This is aggressive rubbish...

You see, you still have a reaction...

It's more of a curiosity. I'm wildly curious. I read all the comments - maybe I wouldn’t want to do this, but this is a huge field for me to explore. I can say for sure: I know people better now than before I came to the Internet. There were cases in LiveJournal when I caught someone’s diary and could read it avidly until the morning, amazed at how beautiful, deep, subtle people can be... Now I understand what an aggressive reaction to me is, what these distraught people are the women for whom I serve as an inspiration are only on the other side. They put me in their crystal hell, which they create for themselves, and made me some kind of dragon that has nothing to do with the real me. It's interesting to watch. I have several letters in my mail that I really cherish, and when I have some general complaints about the universe, I re-read them, because for the sake of each of them, it was probably worth starting all this.

What type of letters are these?

One letter from an anorexic girl, one from a girl who wanted to commit suicide, and one letter from an adult woman who had experienced incredible tragedy in her life. I can't tell you anything more.

Are these letters about the fact that you changed the fate of their authors?

I understand that it wasn’t me who changed their fate - they just needed something to cling to. I came across their path and became a unique instrument that saved their lives. I remember crying over all three of them... It's very cool. This is the feeling of being absolutely used. This is a powerful emotional experience - like love, like first sex...

“Things that are truly dear to me never appear on my Instagram. These are simply beautiful photographs."

Many of your innovative word formations have a negative connotation - take, for example, “recipes” or “dietists”...

Yes, “recipes” is a disgusting word, but I couldn’t resist. Don't forget that I am also a marketer.

Why do you think people eat it so readily?

There is no negative connotation to this. For me, “recipes” might as well be associated with lilies of the valley and babies. And maggots, miscarriages... Everyone chooses the door that is closest to him (laughs). This word is slightly above itself. Of course, I did this deliberately. Of course, I phonetically feel that it is absolutely disgusting (because of it, in particular, Tatyana Tolstaya could not stand me, who believed that I was distorting the Russian language). But there is irony in this word. It's not even irony - it's word over word. When a person realizes that a word is disgusting, it immediately changes its meaning. Moreover, this was not an irony over forums with “sweets”, it was simply an ironic attitude towards what I do. This instantly removes the blockage from people who feel it. “Recipes,” by the way, is still my most popular book. It has an insane circulation because it has been in the top five bestsellers for six years now.

Probably, such a verbal form removes unnecessary pathos and eliminates the barrier between the author and the reader.

Eat magic words, which settle in you like larvae, and you can’t drive them out or pick them out with anything. This is good and doesn't bother me at all. I treat this ironically, and when some philologists in amber beads and long skirts from art shops come out with pitchforks to destroy me for this, it makes me even more delighted.

PHOTO Anton Zemlyanoy

At a time when no one had any idea what Instagram was, you already had your #ladders, doubling words in hashtags, and so on. I’m interested in your opinion about those who are coming and still won’t come to replace us.

Of course, you and I found ourselves in unique time. We are different from the young simply because we find ourselves, like the Strugatskys, in the epicenter of something that changes you forever. If I were 20 years younger now, it’s unlikely that my career and personal things would follow a similar scenario. Previously, you went to any public toilet, and everything is there toilet paper consisted of lottery tickets - tear off and choose whatever you want. Opportunities were lying right on the road, you just had to raise them. Society has changed, the coordinate system has shifted. This infantilism, which is present in the current generation, is due to satiety. We were hungry. It was as if we had been released from prison, and we realized that we could now fuck left and right. I remember very well when I divorced my third husband (I had been married continuously for 17 years), I found myself a free woman for the first time. It was a feeling of some kind of physiological happiness - here it is in front of me, the steppe, and I’m standing on a hill, and it’s all mine, and I can use it all. Our generation experienced approximately the same thing when they escaped from the cage. This uplift, inspiration, feeling of freedom... I can’t explain it to children.

These distraught women settled me in their crystal hell and made me some kind of dragon that has nothing to do with the real me.”

But not everyone made a breakthrough...

But everyone had the same opportunities. When they call me a "gangster chick"...

I’ll definitely ask about the bandits too...

Of course, this was the period of my active youth, happiness, formation... We all idealize such periods.

So what happened with the bandits?

Listen, I worked in the city of St. Petersburg...

...with bandits!

In the city of St. Petersburg at that time it was impossible to do otherwise! For me, this is exactly the same as now you have to pay taxes and give bribes to the sanitary and epidemiological station. These are some basic things that were not perceived as something out of the ordinary. We just didn't know what could be different.

What did communicating with such people give you?

What did it give? When people threaten me now, I remember some stories and think: “Purely children.” Of course, this gave me a feeling of absence of fear and an understanding of what it means to live “like an adult.” You know that it is scarier when you are not threatened, and you understand that when you are threatened, it does not mean anything at all. I remember well when I just started working with ORT, the cops and Tambov police came at me very hard. I had to choose. I didn’t sleep all night and the next day I went and surrendered to a man named Kostya Mogila. There was some kind of romance in it. And this was perceived as absolutely normal - just like today you choose a bank. And today, when they tell me something about the courage to threaten, I have a lot of powerful images that instantly put everything in its place. In this sense, I know a lot about people.

PHOTO Anton Zemlyanoy

Surely you should still have some images in your hands...

I'm good at drawing. My first husband was an artist, and I drew better than him, and everyone understood this objectively.

Have you studied?

Yes, I studied in a private workshop with the wonderful sculptor Nodar from Mukhinsky. He loved me very much because I had such a tough masculine figure, quite rough. But... I was not an artist. My husband was a worse drawer, but he was an artist; I drew better, but I was not an artist.

PHOTO Anton Zemlyanoy

Let's return to the language. What role does swearing play in your life? This is also a very lively topic when it comes to your personality. It is believed that this is the only way you talk. At least there is such an opinion.

Well, an opinion. There is also an opinion that Ulyana Tseytlina is the mother of the child of my husband Boris Belotserkovsky.

Maybe she is the mother of Boris Belotserkovsky himself? Joke. This is wrong?

No, that's not true. It’s just that some happy women want me to be an unhappy woman. This is normal for happy women? Let's get back to the mat. If I'm talking to my child's math teacher, who I don't want to make a special impression on, of course I'll talk to him like a regular mom. I'll tell you a story. Several years ago, an animal, a friend of some friends, came here to visit me. It really was fantastic story because it was an absolute animal with a cross; I knew that he lived nearby in Monte Carlo and that he had a wife and children on one floor, a mistress on the second, and in general he was such a rare bastard. A sleek, vile, rich, licentious, vile creature. Then there was a fast, and he positioned himself as a believer, gobbled up three bottles of my wine and terribly attacked me that I was fucking swearing. I said everything I thought about him and people like him, and he was directly taken out of my house. I can sometimes use mat on purpose. For example, I cannot tell some woman sitting opposite that she is a smug, pompous creature who has no reason for this. And that it causes me exceptional bewilderment. I will just sit with such a special person and talk the way I know how. This is not even a story about shocking. I'm kidding you at this point. Listen, I really love my native language, I read a lot. Denial of swearing is for me a form of hypocrisy. But if I respect a person and understand that swearing is unacceptable for him - just as someone, for example, does not eat sweets - for the sake of this person I will exclude such words from my language. Speech perception is like hearing for music. Someone loves classical music, someone else. Basically, what concerns swearing is an invented story: “I’m not like that, it’s alien to me.” I don't consider this promiscuity.

Infantilism current generation- from satiety. We were hungry, it was as if we had been released from prison."

Let's get back to food. In your LJ, you always answer the question why you started cooking differently.

My mother’s entire family was from Odessa. Odessans are Russian Italians. They are the same gossips, everything revolves around food for them, and, like for all sunny sea inhabitants, for them food is more than food, it is a way of life. Table every weekend, triple covering, blue ones, tulle, abercos... I always helped my grandmother, and I still have a hatred for the pits in cherries, because dumplings with cherries were not so easy to come by. Black fingers, sour cherries... Of course, that's where it comes from. Of course it's love. For me, Odessa after the cold, depressive St. Petersburg was happiness and gave serious internal allusions.

And then what? Marketing thinking turned on e?

You know, girls often come and say: “That’s it, the world has turned upside down, I started cooking, and life has become so amazing.” And they simply began to praise her. Cooking is the easiest way to get recognition, a compliment, a loving look... Food is also a very sensual story. It sometimes gives us more euphoria than sex. You have the most powerful means of manipulation...

Nika, but you don’t look like a cook at all! You are so fragile and thin! As soon as you slip through that crack between the doors to go out for a smoke...

It's just that during pregnancy I gain about 25 kilograms and I have to work on it. I don't eat a lot - I eat everything. I don't get much. Now, for example, I brought an extra two and a half kilograms from Sicily, but it’s enough for me not to eat for five days after six to get rid of it.

Do they bother you, these two and a half kilograms?

Well, I don't like the way my favorite pants fit on me. But... I don't really care. In this sense, I’m just used to discipline - I just understand that I’m afraid of some new mark. I know that for me the ideal weight is 52–53 kilograms, although now, with age, it becomes bad for the face.

PHOTO Anton Zemlyanoy

“Girl in good shape” recently starred in Shnur’s video “Patriot”. What is Russia for you? Is she far from you? And tell me when, in your opinion, it’s worth leaving here, if it’s worth it.

Of course, I worry about this story. And, probably, hysterical patriotism is less disgusting to me than the position “I’m ashamed that I’m Russian.” For this I just want to hit you. First of all, there is disrespect for oneself. Why should I be ashamed of this? I didn't do this! I shouldn’t be ashamed of my country, my culture, or myself. When everyone learns to be responsible for themselves and stops speaking in general terms, something will probably change. Of course, I want the children to feel like Russians, so that they have a serious self-identification, because I understand how important this is.

Is your youngest son bilingual?

It is trilingual: Russian, English, French. I fall into a state of panic when children lose Russian; I force them to talk because it’s important to me.

Where are they now?

The middle one studies in London (yes, by the way, a nice topic for idiots: “Scattered the children to boarding schools”). In fact, every parent faces a choice. It's nice, of course, to constantly cuddle your baby, but when it comes to an excellent education, you face a serious choice. When we sent our middle son to study (he was accidentally accepted into one of the best schools England, because their committee liked him wildly, although we did not plan to send him anywhere at the age of eight), we sat down with Borya, laid out all the pros and cons and understood - this is their future, this is their life. And I will prove to them that I love them endlessly, without pies in bed with warm milk.

And the eldest?

Studying in New York military school. This was his conscious choice. In our family, the most sacred thing is the opportunity to get everyone together. Then there are no friends, just us alone. We are sailing somewhere, going somewhere... And when I am accused of throwing children around boarding schools...

Cooking is the easiest way to get a loving look. Food sometimes causes more euphoria than sex."

And don't love them...

Of course, I must be a monstrous mother and an unhappy wife, dependent on money own husband...Then it will probably be easier to breathe. It’s becoming simpler, and the world is generally brighter (laughs). For some, I am a source of inspiration to take a camera, go traveling, start cooking. And someone puts me in their personal hell, endows me with demonic qualities... Yesterday Ulyana (Tseitlina) was visiting me, and she and I laughed at all these fabrications. They laughed that Ulyana Tseytlina's pubic bone would be nailed to the grave of Boris Belotserkovsky at the Jewish cemetery. Then they will say that no one saw the genetic test... You see, they (some followers - ELLE note) built this basic structure for themselves and cannot refuse it. They chose me as a powerful irritant to drive me into some kind of framework. It's very convenient for them. They use me as a plaster to cover their own wounds. And I use them to understand why they do this. And for God's sake, let them glue it. Interchange.

We talked about Russia. You said that between ultra-patriotism and “I’m embarrassed that I’m Russian,” you would choose the first.

N.B. Both of them cause me monstrous disgust. Both positions are extremely destructive and will not lead to anything good in our country - in fact, we are seeing this. It's scary, it's disgusting, everyone is crazy, and when you understand why everything is happening...


There are double standards everywhere. Vanya goes to my kindergarten with two children of the author of the “Dima Yakovlev Law” Astakhov. And this is in everything. This is total hypocrisy...

Don’t you think that this has always been the case in Russia?

Well... You can, of course, talk about the uniqueness of our long-suffering... But we are not different from anyone. And this is very bad. When I have to choose where my children will study, of course, it will be abroad, because they should not be in such an aggressive environment.

OK, you have options for this. You never denied that you have money. What should the rest of us do?

Listen, no one needs us here and no one needs us there. Anything is possible. Could you ever imagine that Russians would kill Ukrainians and vice versa? There is a moment in Doctor Zhivago when the spiritualized schoolgirls who went to Maeterlinck’s plays, jumped from the Trinity Bridge because their hearts were breaking, just three months later find themselves in a new reality: the bloated corpses of babies, horse meat, sailors, f*cks them from morning to night... And everything is fine! This transition is minimal. It seems to us that there is a huge brick wall between these realities, but in fact it is a film separating heaven and hell.

PHOTO Anton Zemlyanoy

Do you rarely visit Moscow?

I just physically feel bad there. Especially now - there is something disgusting in the air, and I fall into a state of depression. I'm a photographer and I miss the sun. I start to tremble, I imagine all sorts of sh*t and so on.

But there are friends there. By the way, how do you feel about them? Do you need them?

I generally don’t know how to be friends in such a generally accepted sense. I hate talking on the phone. I never discuss my men. In this sense, I am not a girl at all - I have rigid attitudes. Maybe I’ll say something pretentious now, but I really value precious mutual exchange, inspiration, new emotions, impressions... When I have problems, I, on the contrary, withdraw - I don’t need outside help.

Well, is someone helping you?

There are people whom I respect immensely. Among the men, this is Seryozha Adonyev (a famous businessman - ELLE note), among the women, this is Polina Kitsenko, her head is structured very correctly. If you like, I have an internal library of people, where they are classified according to the volumes and qualities that they carry. These volumes do not raise any questions in me and are associated with basic values. Ksenia (Sobchak) is on my separate shelf.

There is also a beauty blogger Krygina, with whom you are especially close...

Here’s what concerns the story about young people: for me, Lena Krygina is a reconciling link with this generation. It’s very funny when they write about her that she is “my project” or my “ illegitimate daughter" Complete nonsense. She is an absolutely fantastic girl. Infinitely gifted and monstrously hardworking.

How long have you known each other?

About two years. But it has already become a thick volume in my internal library...

What about going to restaurants with friends?

This is not my story at all. I'm bored... It's like with TV series - I physically can't watch them because I feel guilty about wasted time. For me there are only two series - Jeeves and Wooster and Poirot, which I only use when I'm sick. Like medicine.

PHOTO Anton Zemlyanoy

Tuscany, Sicily, food, wine... Are you still out of it?

For me this has ceased to be a topic. Let's just say - I don't like the associations. And in general, we all need to hang medals on our chests. Let's do some crap, then get rid of it and be wildly proud of ourselves. Quitting alcohol has also been associated with weight loss. It was very difficult for me to lose weight after my third child, and at some point I began to limit myself very strictly. On the third or fourth try I can become a real samurai. I cut out alcohol, sweets, and anything with junk food from my diet. I really liked the result - miracles began to happen before my eyes. In the puffy, middle-aged, extinct woman, things began to appear that I... am learning to love in myself. It was so great, and I decided that some things would go away from my life forever. But I love alcoholics. They cannot be bastards, and they drink because they are ashamed of themselves, of the whole the world around us. Typically this is very good people. I instantly spot them - those with different addictions and internal fractures - and love them very much. In this regard, I am such a typical tractor driver’s wife. I'm generally interested in broken people. And this may not necessarily be related to alcohol. In short, alcoholics and Jews are my specialty (laughs).

They say that you are a person reserved for joy, is that true?

Yes, as you age you begin to accumulate precious things. If earlier I could charm anyone (I have this option - to envelop, bewitch, fall in love with myself), now I have stopped using this powerful weapon. Rather, I use it for a completely different purpose.

For what reason?

I use it for myself, internally. It’s very cool to realize that you have learned to manipulate not only others, but also yourself. I have a friend, a psychologist, who, as part of an American government program, works with people sentenced to death or who have been diagnosed with a terminal illness. And here’s what’s interesting: regardless of age and social status none of these people ever talk about missed career opportunities or money - everyone talks only about themselves and their unspent love. I don’t have a fear of age, but I’m just starting to understand that this corridor isn’t so long anymore. It’s great to observe new ergonomics in yourself, a new attitude to the colors of life. After all, everyone was given the same money, but everyone spends it differently.

In my opinion, these words come into severe contradiction with your popularity on the Internet.

Well why? As I already said, Belonika, like Zhanna B., have little to do with me. For me, the high artistry of any picture, even the most vulgar, is valuable. And I’m always surprised when political debates start under my posts. It's like going to the circus and demanding a tough civic stance from the clown. Complete surrealism.

According to Tatler, Nika Belotserkovskaya finally broke up with her husband. Since the fall, the owner of the Russian vending operator Uvenco, Boris Belotserkovsky, has been visiting contemporary art galleries in official solitude, the publication competently claims.


Note that so far Nika herself has not commented on the information about the divorce. However, there have long been rumors in the media that not everything is going smoothly in the married life of Nika and Boris. The reason for such conversations was the fact that Belotserkovskaya, who spends most of the year abroad, lately She often travels to Russia, where she actively attends various social events.

Nika Belotserkovskaya, who has recently been called Ksenia Sobchak’s thin friend in defiance of the presenter’s supposedly plump appearance after childbirth, is a rather private person. She rarely gives interviews, so every word she says is worth its weight in gold to journalists. So, a year ago Belotserkovskaya gave a frank interview in which she talked about her childhood.

“I’m a chick from working-class areas,” Nika admitted. “My grandparents lived in beautiful house on the corner of Nekrasov and Mayakovskaya, and after the death of grandfather, grandmother was evicted somewhere between the Proletarskaya and Lomonosovskaya stations. The Bolshevik plant and the Proletarsky plant... My path was thorny, life abandoned me - and I won’t lie that it abandoned me between the Hermitage and the Russian Museum, although I would like to.”

Now Nika has her own house on the shores of the Gulf of Finland. Belotserkovskaya always wanted a wooden house, with the smell of wood, a fireplace, and dogs. " Large family“, everyone is screaming, they love each other terribly - something that practically never happens in life, but what you really want to have and what looks good on TV,” Nika described her dream, which later came true. By the way, the Belotserkovskys have five children between them: one - Niki, two - Boris and two common ones.

Nika Belotserkovskaya is a popular culinary blogger and writer who has won the love of millions of readers with her numerous collections of recipes. original dishes.

Veronica not only writes down and comes up with recipes herself, but also makes videos about cooking and teaches at a culinary school. The author's bestsellers were the books "Recipes" and "Diets".

Childhood and youth

Veronika Borisovna Belotserkovskaya was born in Odessa in June 1970, into a simple family of an engineer and a Russian language teacher. Soon after the birth of their daughter, the parents moved to St. Petersburg, where Nika spent her childhood and early years.

Upon completion of the first year of Leningradsky Institute of Technology Veronica unexpectedly becomes interested in a different direction - the production of cartoons. She becomes a student in the experimental group of the Higher Directing Courses. The girl is going to learn two specialties at once - director-animator and production designer.

In the course taught by production designer Yuri Norshtein, Nika Belotserkovskaya was considered one of the brightest and most talented students for all 3 years of her studies. But even here the girl did not reach the finish line - she dropped out of school without receiving a diploma. She found her calling only a few years later.

Nika Belotserkovskaya’s work biography began in 1993. She becomes the director of a company that sells securities and owns a dozen large stores. Within 2 years, Belotserkovskaya opened an agency specializing in outdoor advertising. A couple of years later, Nika sells the business and works in one of the production centers of regional television.

In 2003, Nika Belotserkovskaya took over the publication of the magazine. Soon she buys 2 more publications and a website, but after the birth of her third child she transfers control to a top manager.


In 2009, Nika Belotserkovskaya embarked on the path leading to her calling - cooking. This year she begins to write a culinary blog on LiveJournal Soon it becomes one of the top ten Russian pages on the platform.

As Belotserkovskaya says, she inherited her culinary talent from her Odessa grandmother, who worked at a meat processing plant all her life. Nika spent her school summer holidays in Odessa. These were the most happy days in the girl’s life, which she compares to heaven and calls “well-fed happiness.” Belotserkovskaya says that her time at her grandmother's had the smell of baking with vanilla.

As Veronica got older, she began writing down her grandmother’s favorite recipes for herself. And they came in handy for her in adulthood. At first, Nika shared some of them on her personal blog, and in March 2010 she presented them in her first cookbook called “Recipes.” Illustrated with bright photographs of delicious dishes, the publication was published in a huge circulation and was instantly sold out.

Inspired by the success, Nika Belotserkovskaya immediately prepared a second book, which she called “Diets.” As the name suggests, this culinary collection includes exclusively dietary and healthy dishes. Interestingly, most of the recipes for his books and the beautiful illustrations for them, made by the author himself, first appeared on Veronica’s blog, which turned out to be a wonderful promotional advertisement and an excellent commercial move.

Nika developed her own diet and quickly got rid of excesses. The photo of the writer before and after losing weight shows a huge difference: Belotserkovskaya lost 25 kg. The blogger’s current weight is 53 kg with a height of 173 cm.

Nika herself laughs when she is asked how she lost weight, and suggests asking how she gained weight. After all, Veronica, whom many remember as a buxom eater, for a long time I was an athlete and always followed a healthy diet.

Belotserkovskaya willingly shares not only the secrets of her diet, which she described in detail in the book, but also honestly tells reporters about her appearance and makeup. According to the writer, a St. Petersburg makeup artist taught her how to apply makeup.

Veronica did not stop at two editions. Seeing the success and demand of the first books, she immediately took on the next ones. Soon a culinary collection of Italian cuisine recipes appeared. In order to find and select the best and most affordable recipes, Nika Belotserkovskaya traveled through Tuscany and other regions of the Apennine Peninsula. Translator and colleague Ella Martino traveled with her.

The joint work was called “Taste of Tuscany”. Following this, another book “About Food” was published. About wine. Provence”, already with recipes French cuisine.

Nika transferred the copyright to “Taste of Tuscany” to Ella Martino. The fact is that soon after the release of the collection, Martino filed claims against Veronica, accusing her of plagiarism. She replied that all the dishes were prepared in her kitchen, the food was paid for with money from the Belotserkovsky family, and even the silverware and dishes were used. The scandal subsided, but the copyright still passed to the Italian chef.

In 2011, Nika Belotserkovskaya opened her culinary school in the French town of Egolier. All classes take place in an old hotel with a vintage interior.

Belotserkovskaya is a frequent guest in France. best friend.

In 2014, Nika released her 6th cookbook “#meat”. It became the first collection of the writer, which was accompanied by video versions of recipes. The filming of the videos was supervised by Elena Spirina, the blogger’s constant collaborator during the creation of Veronica’s video projects.

In 2015, the writer released two works at once - “#pastapasta” and “Everything under the Christmas tree.”

In September 2016, Nika intrigued fans by posting "Instagram" video in which the Channel One presenter slowly takes off his jacket. As the press knows, Andrei and Veronica - good friends, and the seductive post, which Nika even tagged with the hashtag “where Natasha is looking,” was just a joke.

In the same year, Belotserkovskaya published a new masterpiece called “#Not Sticking,” which she dedicated to the preparation of confectionery products and advice on how to implement the ideas of star chefs at home. The collection includes recipes for apple pies, cheesecakes, soufflés, cookies, as well as panna cotta, tiramisu, piparelli and other delicious dishes.

In February 2017, the writer appeared at the opening creative exhibition“Retrospective of brand realism” at the Erarta Museum in St. Petersburg. Nika was friends with the musician’s ex-wife for a long time. To the advice of Belotserkovskaya socialite listened when creating the Kokoko restaurant.

In the same year, another essay by the writer on the topic of food was published. Veronica published the book “Into the Mouth all year round”, which included recipes for canned preparations from European chefs, as well as Nika’s friends and their relatives. Belotserkovskaya clarified that she borrowed the name from her subscriber.

Personal life

Veronica was married 5 times. Little is known about the blogger’s personal life in his youth. The only name heard is the husband of Yan Antonyshev, a musician and singer from the group “ Old town" At one time, Nika bore his last name and gave birth to her first child from Ian.

In his fifth marriage with multimillionaire Boris Belotserkovsky (according to Forbes, one of the richest people in Russia), 2 common sons were born. The husband has two children from a previous marriage. Thus, there were five sons in the Belotserkovsky family.

Nika Belotserkovskaya with her husband Boris Belotserkovsky

This marriage was considered strong and happy for 17 years. Nika recognized her husband’s authoritarianism, but managed to find a way to live comfortably together. Every year the family went to their own villa in the south of France.

As Nika said in an interview, her eldest son studied in New York at a military school. Educational institution he chose according to his will. At the age of 8, the average got into one of the best schools in England, as he made a great impression on the admissions committee. Now the guy, in addition to Russian and English languages, is fluent in French.

Youngest son also receives education in the UK. According to Veronica, the decision to send their children to study abroad was not easy, but good education For her sons, she considers it a guarantee of their stable future.

In 2017, the media reported that Nika was with Boris Belotserkovsky. The couple did not voice the reasons for the divorce, but it soon became known that the entrepreneur married Russian top model Polina Askeri.

Nika didn’t waste any time either. In mid-2018, she went on a trip abroad in the company of Sergei Shnurov, who by that time, Boris Piotrovsky and other friends. The friends visited the Belotserkovsky villa, then went to Tuscany. Rumors began to circulate about a romance between the writer and the musician, but celebrities left these speculations without comment.

Nika Belotserkovskaya now

Today, Nika continues to share recipes on her own blog and participate in various creative events, which she often covers on social networks. In addition to her LiveJournal account, Veronica maintains pages on Instagram and