Good sayings about school. Quotes about school

After bread, the most important thing for the people is school. J.-J. Danton

Every school is famous not for its numbers, but for the glory of its students. N. Pirogov

The goal of the school should always be to educate a harmonious personality, and not a specialist. A. Einstein

School is a workshop where the thoughts of the younger generation are formed; you must hold it tightly in your hands if you do not want to let the future slip away from your hands. A. Barbusse

Some children love school so much that they want to stay there all their lives. This is where scientists come from. H. Steinhaus

To educate a people, three things are needed: schools, schools and schools. L. Tolstoy.

Quotes about studying

I learned a lot from my mentors, even more from my comrades, but most of all from my students. Talmud

September 1 is a personal April 12 for every first-grader, a start into the outer space of knowledge. I. Krasnovsky

There are children who are sharp-minded and inquisitive, but wild and stubborn. They are usually hated in schools and are almost always considered hopeless; meanwhile, they usually turn out to be great people, if only they are raised properly.

A student who studies without desire is a bird without wings. Saadi

Teaching is only light, but folk proverb, - it is also freedom. Nothing liberates a person like knowledge... I. Turgenev.

If you have knowledge, let others light their lamps with it. T. Fuller

No matter how long you live, you should study all your life. Seneca

Whatever you learn, you learn for yourself. Petronius

Aphorisms about school and study

Live forever - learn forever! And you will finally reach the point where, like a sage, you will have the right to say that you know nothing. K. Prutkov

You have to study a lot to know even a little. Montesquieu

Nature has taken care of everything so much that everywhere you find something to learn. L.YesVinci

Learn from everyone, don't imitate anyone. M. Gorky

Some children love school so much that they want to stay there all their lives. It is from them that scientists emerge. G. Steinhauz

Book and school - what is deeper? P. Tychina

The most important phenomenon in school, the most instructive subject, the most living example for the student is the teacher himself. He is the personified method of teaching, the very embodiment of the principle of education. A. Diesterweg

After bread, the most important thing for the people is school. J. Danton

The school gives knowledge only to those who agree to take it . S. Skotnikov

Funny quotes about studying

The house is never as clean as before mom comes home from the parent-teacher meeting.

No one has died from knowledge so far, but it’s not worth the risk.

Smart thoughts haunt me all the time, but I'm faster.

Punishment in elementary school - sit on the last desk, and in the older ones - to the first one.

Are you still young and want changes in your life? Go to school! There are changes every 45 minutes!

Branch of MOBU "Solnechnaya secondary school" - "Ovsishchenskaya secondary school"

A word about school

(from the history of the school)

Completed teacher

primary classes

Panteleeva Svetlana


March 2013

A word about school.

School is a workshop where the thoughts of the younger generation are formed; you must hold it tightly in your hands if you do not want to let the future slip away from your hands.

School... Every person always remembers their school years, teachers, classmates. Briefly speaking, school family, which is always remembered.

Growing up, you remember with a smile various situations, sometimes seemingly both offensive and ingenuous. And how much joy there is from meeting on the Internet on the Odnoklassniki website! Life develops, introducing significant changes, which, naturally, is reflected in school.

A school, in my opinion, is a living organism with its own history and traditions. There are many schools in the Tver region, where I was born, studied and work.

In my life there were two small rural schools: in the village of Kuznetsovo and the village. Dyatlovo, Vyshnevolotsk district. The first one influenced me future profession. My first primary school teacher, Tatyana Alekseevna Smelova, served as an example. More than 20 years have passed, and I still remember a young, modest, kind and at the same time strict, demanding and fair mentor.

Another school, Dyatlovskaya, contributed to my development as a teacher. I studied and did an internship at primary school and I’ve been teaching children here for over 10 years now.

The school, although small and located in the rural outback, is unique in its history.

More than a century ago, it was located in the house of the priest of the Yegoryevsk Church in the village. Voloshnya, the so-called Voloshin school. An interesting fact is that this building previously belonged to the famous composer Anton Rubinstein, who wrote the second part of the opera “The Demon” here. The caretaker of the house, as well as the former director of the school, Leonid Fedorovich Zagorsky, spoke about this at one time. Later, Rubinstein's house was acquired by the landowner Wintergarten, and the last owner was the merchant Fedorov from St. Petersburg.

Voloshinskaya, seven-year, then eight-year school was transferred to a one-story wooden building in the village. Dyatlovo, and from 1979 to the present is located in a typical two-story brick building.

The director of the school from 1974 to 2010 was Nina Sergeevna Grishchenko, an excellent student of education in the USSR, Honorary Citizen of the Vyshnevolotsk region.

Our school, although young, already has more than thirty ninth grade graduates, and over twenty eleventh grade graduates. Among the graduates is the Head of the Dyatlovsky rural settlement, Sergei Vasilievich Ivanov, moreover, 70% of the teachers currently working here: Grishchenko N.S., Lebedeva I.V., Solovyova N.N., Koroleva G.B., Panteleeva S.M. , Bobina M.S. etc. It is gratifying that the school also has graduates who are medalists.

This is the only school in the area where there is a school boarding school, in which children from neighboring rural settlements. Children (25% of the total contingent) from social shelter located next to the school.

You have to work with children from different villages, from prosperous and asocial families, as well as with orphans with living parents. The teaching staff is mostly female, creative, friendly, making their contribution to the education and upbringing of schoolchildren. And our school, I can firmly state, is trying to “keep pace with the times.” It is clear that in the era of intensive introduction of interactive tools into educational educational process, each of us, teachers, masters innovations, without which school life is unthinkable today: computers, the Internet, electronic magazines, laptops...

The school is also rich in its traditions. Spartakiads are held annually in memory of Vladimir Kulikov, a school graduate who died in 1996 in a “hot spot” on Chechen war; day of student self-government (Day of the Understudy), non-standard lessons - reflections and extracurricular hours such as “brain ring”, “kaleidoscope”, quizzes, excursions, the topics of which contribute to the development and education of worthy members of our Fatherland.

Currently, the director of the school, Lyubov Vasilievna Gerasimova, continues the tradition, supporting and encouraging the creative search of each teacher.

Our path is difficult. A teacher not only teaches, but also learns throughout his life. He learns from both his colleagues and the boys.

Having chosen the “profession of continuous youth”, I do not regret it. Years go by, generations change, and the school gets younger. She has her own history, her own handwriting and style. I am glad that school graduates constantly visit the school, considering it their home.

Voloshin school since 1967.

Dyatlov school since 1979

The word school- a capacious, meaningful, sacred concept. It is always closely connected with a person, with his activities.

We can say that school is the beginning of man. Traditional: “Our child went to first grade,” means that this child has already left childhood and at the beginning of adolescence he went to school.

Lessons - changes, changes - lessons... and everywhere it’s the same. And for a long time. Oh, how long ago. Years, decades, and maybe even centuries. Sooner or later, everyone (well, almost everyone) goes through this. Each of us remembers our school, our teachers with warmth and gratitude, and joyfully and reverently walks along the corridors that remember the ringing of voices and the stomping of feet of many generations! The school in Blagoveshchenko is located on the main street in the center of the village. All paths and paths flow here. Evergreen thujas and spruces symbolize the unfading beauty of youth, protect from wind and cold in winter, and provide coolness on hot days.

There is a cozy stadium in the schoolyard. During the summer holidays football field I managed to rest a little, the regrown grass was neatly mowed and the smooth lawn attracts with emerald greenery. Soon the birds, accustomed to silence, will be disturbed by children's voices and, flying up to the pyramidal poplars that stand like guards along the perimeter of the school grounds, will watch from above the uncompromising struggle in school competitions.

It's great to walk along the chestnut alley in September! Autumn, like a very demanding artist, mixes colors on chestnut leaves and, not satisfied with the result, plucks them and throws them at people’s feet. And schoolchildren make bouquets from leaves and decorate school classrooms with the gold of September.

There is a calm on the floors. After renovation, you can smell something new, just like textbooks and notebooks with new covers smell! There are flowers on the walls, new covering on the floor. The offices are in perfect order - declarations of love and drawings of hearts pierced by Cupid's arrows are mercilessly painted over. Everything is ready for the start of the new school year! Soon this silence will be broken by the flood of the first bell, and weeks, months, years, full of tireless work, discoveries and victories, achievements and temporary failures, will quickly fly, replacing each other. Here, bit by bit, through common efforts, we create our own world, our own special atmosphere. First the first day of September! Day of Knowledge!

And then lessons. Long and flying by very quickly. Interesting and not very interesting. Peaceful negotiations at desks, notes, jokes and jokes, and above all this, from somewhere above, the teacher’s voice.

All our bright memories and good hopes are connected with this day. After all, it is on this day that the difficult road to the world of knowledge and new discoveries begins. And the duty of teaching staff is to do everything to ensure that the school year is successful, effective, so that our students receive high-quality, modern vocational education, and after finishing high school entered higher education educational institutions and became highly educated specialists.

Blagoveshchensk school is traditionally strong in its human teachers caring, ready to sacrifice for the sake of the most important things in life - for the sake of children, for the sake of their calling, for the sake of life on earth!

Children are required by law to study. And all law-abiding children, law-abiding citizens, complete at least nine grades. And illegal ones too. And they study in thousands of schools across the country. And everyone (or almost everyone) loves theirs.
And for what? Why do we all have such affection for our schools? Probably for the same reason we love our parents, our village, our country... that is, for no particular reason. Just because we study here. Simply because it's ours!

After the terrible events on our land - the death of schoolchildren in Beslan, the attack of militants on Nalchik, the genocide of the Ossetian people in South Ossetia, it is difficult to understand where and what the people who killed and humiliated their neighbors, their fellow tribesmen learned, who raised them?

Perhaps it would be quite appropriate to quote here Plato’s words about “real education.” “Man is the meekest creature,” writes the philosopher, “and the most divine, if he is tamed by real education; if he is not educated or is given false education, then he will be the most wild animal of all that the earth produces.”

At the Blagoveshchensk school the problem of education is given special attention and school graduates are people who are ready to help each other, who love their relatives, their country and are ready to glorify their small Motherland!

The mission of the school is to effectively implement training that allows, based on the best examples of graduate training, to bring knowledge and experience into the world through the introduction of modern educational technologies, high potential of teaching staff, interaction of public authorities.

The teachers of the Annunciation School remain faithful to their profession, one of the most humane in the world, and are ready to continue their dedicated work in the new academic year and will honestly fulfill their civic duty - the mission of educating people of the 21st century - educated, cultural, healthy

Gimelfarb A.M.

My school

Everything important in a person’s destiny begins with school. What you will be in your school years is what you will become in later life. I study at a wonderful school No. 1 in the city of Abakan. I am sure that this school will be able to educate and teach. My school has the most best teachers. I think that not every person can let a child into his heart, give him love, care and kindness.

The school where I study is seventy years old. But it seems to me that none new school I cannot convey the kindness and warmth that radiate from the walls of my school, which for years has kept the sounds of change, the loud exclamations and laughter of students, the strict but correct instructions of teachers...

I love my school. My older brother also studied there. When I was little, I often went to school with my brother different holidays and with trepidation, entering this temple of science, I looked at its high arches. I knew for sure that I would come here again in a few years, only with a briefcase on my shoulders. That's exactly what happened. Now I have been studying at school for seven years, and I really love it and, of course, the teachers. But school gives not only knowledge. It provides irreplaceable life experience. She prepares us for the new interesting life. Like a caring and kind mother, she gives all the most valuable things she has, without demanding anything in return.

I love my school and am glad that I study there. Here I opened mine inner world, came to know my inner self. School is my second home, and every time I come here with a smile and a good mood.
They take place at school better years my our life - youth. And I give part of it to my school. I’m glad that my youth is spent here!

When on a gloomy autumn day
For the first time I entered school,
Warmth washed over me
Like from a burning fire.

I walked slowly down the hall.
Everything was unfamiliar to me.
Now I know my school
And every corner of it.

And along familiar corridors
I usually head to class
And despite all the talk
I'm glad to go every time.

And even though now everything is familiar to me
But on a gloomy day, like the first time.
School will warm me with warmth...
And I will enter a familiar classroom.

Irina STARIKOVA, 7th grade A

The school you want to study at

For me, school is a second home. Here we communicate, consult and grow up. For many, school is about more than just education. No wonder adults say that school years- This best time their lives.
Even in childhood, a person decides who he should be, what profession to choose. At school, character is formed, our attitude towards the world around us is formed, here we are taught to think logically. How more people learns, the more he understands himself, the environment, and loved ones.

I would compare school to a huge library in which all knowledge is collected, you just need to want it and extend your hand.
What is it like, the school where I want to study? A difficult question that gives you a lot to think about. School is an integral part of life, so children should feel good and comfortable there. It should be light, spacious, and thought-provoking.
It doesn’t matter at all what the school looks like outside and inside, the main thing is that we, the students, like the teachers.
A school is not just a building. This is the world we live in. Every brick of this universe is important. Pull one out and the whole thing falls apart like a house of cards. Therefore, the school must be united and united.

Alena KAPCHEGASHEVA, 8th grade D

My dream school

The most important years a person spends his life in school. It is here that he finds true friends, is determined in the choice of his hobbies, and for the first time encounters life's difficulties and rejoices at his first victories. School remains a bright stage in every person’s life path for a long time.

I am lucky because I study in a wonderful first school. For nine years now, every morning I have been happy to open the school doors and plunge into a colorful, noisy, loud world. This special world students and teachers, in which everyone is in a hurry to get somewhere. I feel like, having crossed the school threshold, I find myself in this stream and float, observing my direction. I can’t help but feel that I am a small part of a large organism called SCHOOL.

I like everything about my school! I like the narrow staircases, the round wooden railings, the bright classrooms, but most of all, the people. We have wonderful teachers! They don’t just teach lessons, they try to make everyone interested in their subject. All together and each teacher individually teaches us not only to compose formulas, prove theorems, write chemical reactions, thanks to our teachers, we comprehend the most important science: to be honest, kind, to communicate skillfully, to truly be friends.
And if someone says that there are more modern, more comfortable schools in the city of Abakan, I will not argue. Eat. But if they ask me: “What is it like, your dream school?” I will proudly answer: "This is my home school No. 1."

Ksenia TIMERKHANOVA, 9th grade D

You have mastered the shock
A hundred rules and sciences,
But there's still a little bit left
There are 1000 pieces at the institute! And that's the end!
And maybe even strange
You will be without teachers, guys...
Don't leave right away - I'll tell you,
What they say to loved ones when they say goodbye:
“I wish you to walk through life boldly,
I wish everyone to find happiness,
Let everyone's wish come true.
On the road, friend! Have a nice trip!”

Create a postcard


Our dear teachers!
On this holiday - Teachers' Day
Forget all your worries
And look at the world more cheerfully.
You are always a source of light for us,
And the guys all, as if by agreement,
They bring you beautiful bouquets.
And for them the shine of your eyes -
The best reward for your efforts,
Better than any of the praise.
And they have one desire:
Just to bring you joy.
For your sincere smile
And the student and every student
He will instantly correct all his mistakes.
And it will not repeat them in the future.
You carry the torch of knowledge for everyone,
The one that will never go out.
May your wishes come true,
May no trouble come to your home!
Your life is lessons, children,
Your life is a patient concern.
We love you like no one else in the world!
And we repeat not for the sake of beautiful words:
"We love you!"

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It used to be in our class
Lots of troubles
There were joys, sorrows,
We mooed under our desks,
But they helped each other out.
And now they have become different:
We are not rushing anywhere in a flock...
The guy walks around half asleep -
Busy with himself.
Without discussions and polemics -
Everyone is almost an academician.
And the girls are getting prettier:
Jewelry on the necks
They have hairpins in their hair,
And the words are quite sharp!
“What can you do - it’s a difficult age!
- We often hear this exclamation.
But we will help each other out
If things get tough for us.

Create a postcard


...And then the call came,
The school house is quickly emptying.
In the ringing silence
Last steps.
But in a quiet class you are still sitting at the table,
And again your students are in front of you.
And in silence you think about them,
Yesterday strangers, now family,
About their question, about your answer,
About something for which there is no answer...
And tomorrow the day will come again,
And the school joyful people
Fill the floors with noise
And he will spin in the whirlwind of life!
Once upon a time I was on the third desk against the wall
I dreamed about the future and was in a hurry to become an adult
Even then you decided to be a teacher,
The path he chose was not easy, but he knew that he was strong enough.
And again there is silence at school,
And the old globe by the window,
In the magazine there is a suffix and case,
And so many destinies and hopes...
The fate of the country, the fate of the earth is in your hands,
Your students' dreams will come true.
They are to sow grain, guide ships on course,
Dedicate your life to children, as you did...
And again there is silence at school,
And the old globe by the window,
In the magazine there is a suffix and case,
And so many destinies and hopes...

Create a postcard


Agnia Barto
I am Volodin's marks
I'll find out without the diary.
If brother comes
With a three
Three bells ring.
If suddenly we
In the apartment
The ringing begins -
So it's five
Or four
He received it today.
If he comes
With a deuce -
I hear from afar:
Two short ones are heard,
Well, what if
He quietly
There's a knock on the door.

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And again in the gilded poplar,
And Skoda is like a ship at the pier,
Where teachers wait for students,
To start a new life.
There is no richer and more generous person in the world,
What are these people, forever young.
We remember all our teachers,
Although they themselves are almost gray.
They are in the destiny of each of us,
They pass through it like a red thread.
We proudly say every time
Three simple words: “This is my teacher.”
We are all in his most reliable hands:
Scientist, doctor, politician and builder...
Always live in your students
And be happy, our captain-teacher!

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School, school, world of science,
A world of dreams, knowledge, light.
The only sad thing is that she
Closed for children in summer.
I'm proud of everything that is in you -
The abode of children's dreams, dreams -
You contain everyone within yourself
From meeting to parting.
There are countless happy school days,
That time will not pass without a trace,
And, taking flattery to heart,
We love school unrequitedly.
Korenev Pavel, 11th grade

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How many springs have already flown by!
We can't stop these years
And for you the main thing was -
Teach children day after day.
Don't let bad weather come into your home
And diseases will not find roads.
We wish you health and happiness!
And thank you for your good work!

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Don't you dare forget your teachers.
They worry about us and remember us,
And in the silence of thoughtful rooms
They are waiting for our returns and news.
They miss these infrequent meetings.
And no matter how many years have passed,
Teacher's happiness is formed
From our student victories.
And sometimes we are so indifferent to them:
Under New Year I don’t send them congratulations,
And in the bustle or simply out of laziness
We don’t write, we don’t visit, we don’t call.
They are waiting for us. They're watching us
And they rejoice every time for those
Who will pass the exam somewhere again?
For courage, for honesty, for success.
Don't you dare forget your teachers.
May life be worthy of their efforts.
Russia is famous for its teachers,
The disciples bring glory to her.
Don't you dare forget your teachers.
A. Dementyev

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