Extracurricular activity scenario: The greatness of the genius of the Ukrainian people T. G.

It's like bones

Student. Taras Grigoryevich Shevchenko is an irreconcilable fighter against any oppression of man by man, a humanist poet, a deeply folk poet. He began writing poems even before his liberation from serfdom, because he was a serf until the age of 24. In 1840, Taras Shevchenko’s first poetry collection “Kobzar” was published. By the title itself the author tried to show that he is the singer of the people, their aspirations, hopes, dreams of better fate. “Kobzar” in 1840 was imbued with spontaneous protest against the injustice that existed in Ukraine. WITH great love poet to Ukraine, to his people, the true, unique poetry of “Kobzar” grew

People wander; dried out
And mother's hot tears!

In the symbolic image of Prometheus he showed the indestructibility of peoples Tsarist Russia, and in the image of a predatory eagle - tsarism, which “punishes” people and drinks the blood of Trudoviks.

Student. Shevchenko gave a merciless criticism of the Russian “dark kingdom” in the poem “Caucasus” (in 1845), where he depicted the struggle that Russia waged in 1843-1859. with the Circassians. This struggle with the freedom-loving inhabitants of the Caucasus was long, protracted and with enormous mutual sacrifices. The author shows the enormous suffering, the tragedy of the people, the tragedy of the army sent by tsarism to conquer the Caucasus:

This is the first one
With children and granddaughters, drown

Our soul does not die
All the emperors would be enough
A widow - an orphan.
And they bring their children.

They've sneaked up!

I love her so much, I love her so much

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How long in that world
There are a lot of people being drilled
My poor Ukraine

Ukraine will rise and dispel the darkness of bondage

T.G. Shevchenko saw and understood how hard it was for Ukraine, what injustice Russian tsarism and the Ukrainian gentlemen inflicted on it: Ragged, an orphan Above the Dnieper, It’s hard - hard for an orphan. But no one sees - Only the enemy who laughs...

Little white houses have fallen down
Student. T. Shevchenko saw great national grief, poverty and national injustice when he visited Ukraine after his liberation from serfdom.

I will destroy my soul with her!

Gardens of greenery, rotted

Travel to the station. T.G. Shevchenko

Event script,

dedicated to the 199th anniversary of the birth of T.G. Shevchenko.

Prepared by a teacher of Russian language and literature of MOAU “Lyceum No. 7”

Orenburg Kolbasina Tatyana Nikolaevna.
Goal: To introduce the work of Taras Shevchenko - an outstanding Ukrainian poet, prose writer, playwright, artist, political and public figure.


1.Draw attention to the work of T.G. Shevchenko, whose anniversary is celebrated in 2014.

2. Include students in the “Shevchenko March” events announced in the city of Orenburg.

3. Fostering respect and love for the culture of one of the fraternal Slavic peoples.

Equipment: computer equipped with the POWER POINT program, multimedia projector, screen, presentations, video, songs based on poems by T.G. Shevchenko.

Introduction . Viewing a unique collection of paintings by T. Shevchenko against the background of T. Shevchenko’s poems performed by Nina Matvienko and the Kuban Cossack Choir (video.mail.ru)
I .Mathematical station

Answer questions

  1. In what year was T.G. born? Shevchenko, if he turns 199 years old in 2013? (1814)

  2. Which one did T.G. die in? Shevchenko, if it is known that he lived for 47 years? (1861)

  3. Call T. Shevchenko's birthday according to the old style, if it is known that according to the new style, his birthday is celebrated on March 9. (February 25)

II. Encyclopedic station .
Read the information from the encyclopedia about T.G. Shevchenko.

“Taras Grigorievich Shevchenko (Ukrainian Taras Grigorovich Shevchenko; February 25 (March 9), 1814, village of Morintsy, Kiev province (now Cherkassy region) - February 26 (March 10), 1861, St. Petersburg) - Ukrainian and Russian poet, prose writer, artist, ethnographer.

Academician of the Russian Imperial Academy of Arts (1860).

Shevchenko’s literary heritage, in which poetry plays a central role, in particular the collection “Kobzar”, is considered the basis of modern Ukrainian literature and, in many respects, the literary Ukrainian language.

Most of Shevchenko's prose (stories, diary, many letters), as well as some poems written in Russian , in connection with which many researchers attribute Shevchenko’s work, in addition to Ukrainian, also and to Russian literature."

A song based on the poems of T. Shevchenko “Dumka” is played.

III. Historical station .

"Did you know that..."

Taras Grigorievich Shevchenko was born into the family of a serf peasant. Orphaned early; was a shepherd, a farm laborer for a priest, and from the age of 14 a “Cossack” for his landowner P.V. Engelhardt. He learned to read and write from a village sexton. From 1829 he lived with a landowner in Vilnius, and with his move to St. Petersburg (beginning of 1831) he was sent (in 1833) to study with the “various painting craftsman of the guild master” Shiryaev. In the spring of 1838, with the support of K. Bryullov, V. Zhukovsky, O. Venetsianov, M. Velgorsky, E. Grebenka, I. Soshenko and others, Shevchenko was redeemed from serfdom.

IV .Station “Attention! Attention again!”
1. In what family was Taras Grigorievich Shevchenko born?

2. Continue: “Taras Grigorievich Shevchenko was orphaned early, he was a shepherd, a farm laborer...” Who? (at the priest)

  1. From how many years was he a “Cossack” for his landowner P.V. Engelhardt?

  2. From whom did Taras Shevchenko learn to read and write?

  3. Since when did Taras Shevchenko live in Vilnius?

  4. When did Taras Shevchenko move to St. Petersburg?

  5. In what city and when was Taras Shevchenko apprenticed to the “various painting craftsman” Shiryaev?

  6. In what year was Taras Shevchenko redeemed from serfdom?

V .Station “Believe it or not”
1. Do you believe that T. Shevchenko, a former shepherd and farm laborer, ...

A) could he enter the Academy of Arts?

B) could he graduate from the Academy of Arts? (1844)

Q) T. Shevchenko has been approved for the position of drawing teacher at Kyiv University? (in February 1847)

D) T. Shevchenko was arrested and exiled to the Orsk fortress of the Orenburg separate building? (On March 24, 1847, for participation in the activities of the Cyril and Methodius Society and for anti-autocratic poetry, he was exiled to the Orenburg region with a royal resolution banning writing and drawing.)

VI. Lexical station
1.Who is a kobzar? (Kobzar - Ukrainian folk singer, accompanying himself on the kobza. Kobzars expressed in their works the social aspirations of the working people, primarily the peasantry. They sang in their thoughts and songs the heroes of the people's struggle against foreign invaders. The art of Kazakhstan reached its peak in the 16th and 17th centuries. In the 19th-20th centuries. became famous: Andrei Shut (died 1873), Ostap Veresai (about 1803-90), Ivan Kryukovsky (1820-1885), Fyodor Kholodny (1832-1902), Mikhail Kravchenko (1858-1917) and others.

Great Soviet Encyclopedia. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. 1969-1978. 2.Name synonyms for the word kobzar. (Synonyms: bandura player, musician, singer)

VII. Literary station.
1.Listen to the poem by T.G. Shevchenko. (Against the background of slides with portraits of a kobzar, a video film about T. Shevchenko)

What would you call this poem? (Taras Shevchenko. Testament (1845)

When I die, bury me

In Ukraine, dear,

In the middle of the wide steppe

Dig a grave

So that I can lie on the mound,

Over the mighty river,

To hear how it rages

Old Dnieper under the steep slope.

And when from the fields of Ukraine

The blood of hateful enemies

He will carry... then I will

I will rise from the grave -

I will rise and reach

God's threshold

I’ll pray... Until then

I don't know God.

Bury and get up

Break the chains

Evil enemy blood

Sprinkle the will.

And me in the great family,

In a free, new family,

Don't forget - remember

A kind, quiet word.

If I die, then say hello

At my grave,

Among the wide steppe,

In the Ukraine, dear,

To the wide-field fallow deer,

І Dnieper, і steep

It was visible, it was barely visible,

Yak is a roaring yak.

How I carried it from Ukraine

By the blue sea

I'm seducing blood... I'm leaving

I doe and grief -

I'll leave everything and Polina

All the way to God

Pray... until then

I don't know God.

Say hello and get up

Tear up Kaydani

And the enemy's evil blood

Sprinkle the will.

And I am great in this,

In this free, new,

Don't forget to remember Januti

Unbreakable with a quiet word. (Ukrainian)

VIII .Station “Memory”
(With slide show, background song based on verses by T. Shevchenko "Cherry fish tank"

Named in honor of T. Shevchenko:

National University in Kyiv (opposite the central building of the university - in the park, also named after Taras Shevchenko, there is a monument to the kobzar poet).

Boulevard in Kyiv, which is one of the central avenues of the capital of Ukraine.

Embankment in Moscow.

Lugansk Pedagogical University.

Transnistrian state university in Tiraspol.

State academic theater Opera and Ballet named after. T. G. Shevchenko in Kyiv.

Volyn Regional Ukrainian Music and Drama Theater named after T. G. Shevchenko.

In the USSR, the name was given to the Dnepropetrovsk Regional Ukrainian Musical and Drama Theater.

Streets in many cities of Ukraine, Russia and other countries (for example, Tbilisi, Vilnius) are named after him.

Squares in Kyiv, St. Petersburg, London and New York are also named after him.

Since 1924, the Kazakh city of Fort Alexandrovsky has been called Fort Shevchenko, and from 1964 to 1991 the city of Aktau was called “Shevchenko”.

Among the local residents of the Mangistau region of Kazakhstan, where T. G. Shevchenko was, the name Taras is considered common.

Memorial plaques

Memorial tablet on the house on Zamkova Street (now Piles, 10) in Vilnius, in which Shevchenko lived in 1829-1830

Memorial tablet on the building of the Faculty of History of Vilnius University

Memorial plaque in Sol-Iletsk, Orenburg region

Images on money

On 50 Transnistrian rubles, 2000

On 50 Transnistrian rubles, 2007

For one hundred hryvnia, 1996

For one hundred hryvnia, 2005

Anniversary ruble of the USSR, 1989: 175 years since the birth

Commemorative gold coin of Ukraine

Images in philately

Postage and charity stamp of the Ukrainian SSR (1923): Taras Shevchenko Stamp of the Underground Post of Ukraine, 80th anniversary of the Scientific Society named after Taras Shevchenko, 1953

Postage stamp of Ukraine, 1994

Postage stamp of Ukraine, 1997: 4th National Philatelic Exhibition

Postage stamp of Ukraine, 2001

USSR postage stamp, 1939

USSR postage stamp, 1954: monument in Kharkov

USSR postage stamp, 1954: monument in Kanev

USSR postage stamp, 1957

USSR postage stamp, 1961: monument in Kharkov

Postage stamps of the USSR, 1964, 1989

Monuments to Taras Shevchenko

There are monuments to Shevchenko in many cities around the world, both in most cities in Ukraine and in many cities outside its borders (Russia, France, Canada and other countries).

Film incarnations

Ambrose Buchma - “Taras Shevchenko” (1926)

Nikolai Nademsky - “Prometheus” (1936)

Sergei Bondarchuk - “Taras Shevchenko” (1951)

Ivan Mykolaichuk - “Dream (Ukrainian) Russian.” (1964)

Taras Grigorievich Shevchenko. Self-portrait Outstanding Ukrainian poet and artist T.G. Shevchenko was born on February 25 (March 9), 1814 in the village of Morintsy, Zvenigorod district, Kyiv province (now Cherkasy region) in the family of a serf peasant, landowner P.V. Engelhardt. Two years later, Taras’s parents moved to the village of Kirillovka, where he spent his childhood. Taras's mother died in 1823, and in 1825, when Shevchenko was in his 12th year, his father also died. From this time on, the difficult, nomadic life of a street child begins, first with a teacher-sexman, then with neighboring painters. At school, sexton Shevchenko learned to read and write, and from the painters he learned basic drawing techniques.

Portrait of Pavel Engelhardt, made by T. Shevchenko in watercolor, 1833 In 1828, he became a servant of the landowner Engelhardt in the village of Vilshan, first as a cook, and then as a Cossack. A year later, Taras served in the house of a landowner in Vilna, and with his move to the capital at the beginning of 1831, in St. Petersburg. Having discovered the boy’s ability to draw, Engelhardt decided to make him a home painter and sent him in 1832 to study with “various painting craftsman guild master” V. Shiryaev.

On holidays, the young man visited the Hermitage, sketched statues in Summer Garden, where in 1836 he met his fellow countryman, the Ukrainian artist I.M. Soshenko, who, after consulting with the Ukrainian writer Grebenka, introduced Taras to the conference secretary of the Academy of Arts V. Grigorovich, the artists Venetsianov and K. Bryullov, and the poet V. Zhukovsky. These acquaintances were of great importance in Shevchenko’s life, especially in the matter of freeing him from captivity. In his autobiography, T. Shevchenko wrote: “Then, having previously agreed with my landowner, Zhukovsky asked Bryullov to paint a portrait of him in order to play it in a private lottery. The Great Bryullov immediately agreed, and his portrait was ready. Zhukovsky, with the help of Count Vielgorsky, organized a lottery of 2,500 rubles, and at this price my freedom was purchased on April 22, 1838." As a sign of special respect and deep gratitude to Zhukovsky, Shevchenko dedicated one of his largest works to him: "Katerina."

Katerina year “... There is a share in the world, But who knows it? There is a will in the world, where does it go? There are people in the world - They shine in gold, They seem to be rich, But they don’t know their share - Neither share, nor will! They become related to misfortune - They put on a jacket, But they are ashamed to cry, So take the gold, Become rich, And leave the bitter tears for me. I will flood the bondage with bitter tears. I will trample the bondage with my bare feet! Then I am cheerful, rich and contented, when my heart beats in freedom!” (1938)

In the same year, 1838, Taras Shevchenko entered the Academy of Arts, where he became a student and friend of K.P. Bryullov. Already for the genre compositions of 1840 (“Beggar Boy Giving Bread to a Dog” and “ Gypsy fortune teller") Shevchenko was awarded a silver medal of the second degree. During his years of study at the Academy of Arts, he created a number of his famous works, including “Self-Portrait”, “Katerina”, “Peasant Family”, numerous drawings, as well as auto-illustrations and illustrations for the works of Pushkin, Kvitko-Osnovyanenko, Nadezhdin, Gogol and Shakespeare. Gypsy-witch, 1840

The best years in Shevchenko's life. During this period, his poetic talent also flourished. In 1840, the first collection of Shevchenko’s poems entitled “Kobzar” was published in St. Petersburg, which began a new era in the history of Ukrainian literature. In 1842, “Haydamaki” was published - his largest work. Other significant works of this period are the poems “Katerina” (1838), “Blind” (1842), “Metalless” (1844), “Naimichka” (1845), and the drama “Nazar Stodolya” (1843). Political poems "Dream" (1844), "Caucasus" (1845). At this time, the poet met and communicated with many prominent cultural figures of that time, including our fellow countryman actor M.S. Shchepkin.

Portrait of M.S. Shchepkin by T. Shevchenko, 1857. Shevchenko and Shchepkin knew about each other long before their personal acquaintance, which apparently occurred in 1844 in Moscow. The poem “Bewitch me, sorcerer,” dedicated to Shchepkin, written on December 13, 1844, indicates that even then a closeness of heart had been established between them. For many years, this friendship carried within itself a deep ideological, creative, human closeness between the genius of poetry and the genius of the stage. “Enchant me, wizard, my gray-haired friend! You closed your heart to the world, I’m still afraid, I’m afraid to destroy my burnt house to the ground, I’m afraid to remain without a dream With an empty heart...”

Church in Kyiv year In May 1843, Shevchenko traveled to Ukraine, where he spent about a year. Returning to St. Petersburg and graduating from the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts in the spring of 1845, he received the title of “non-class (free) artist” and returned to Ukraine, intending to settle in Kyiv. At this time, he worked as an artist at the Kyiv Archaeological Commission, traveled a lot around Ukraine, wrote and drew.

In 1846, Shevchenko entered the secret Cyril and Methodius Society, founded at the end of 1845 by teachers and students of Kyiv University, which consisted of young people interested in the development of Slavic peoples, in particular Ukrainian. In April 1847, following a denunciation from a provocateur, the society was discovered by the police. Its participants were arrested and punished, with Shevchenko getting the most for his illegal poems. He was exiled as a private to the Orenburg region. Confirming the sentence of exile and “the strictest supervision so that under no circumstances could he publish outrageous works,” Nicholas I added on his own behalf: “under the strictest supervision with a ban on writing and drawing.” Shevchenko writes a letter to Zhukovsky asking for only one favor - the right to paint. In this sense, Count Gudovich and Count A. Tolstoy worked for Taras, but it turned out to be impossible to help him; the ban on drawing was not lifted until his liberation. Participation in an expedition to study gave him some consolation. Aral Sea in 1848 and 1849. Thanks to the humane attitude towards the exile of General V.A. Obruchev () and especially Lieutenant Butakov, Shevchenko was allowed to copy views of the Aral coast and local folk types. He created 350 watercolor landscapes and portraits, capturing scenes of the life of the Kazakh people and the life of soldiers. But this leniency soon became known in St. Petersburg; following the denunciation of one of the officers, Obruchev and Butakov were reprimanded, and Shevchenko in 1850 was exiled to a new desert slum, the Novopetrovskoe fortification on the island. Mangyshlak, with a repetition of the prohibition to draw.

Fire in the steppe year

Self-portrait “Like the Chumaks, trudging through the steppes, The milestones pass milestones, The years they have lived are passing by. What do I care? On the memorial sheets I scribble - I fill the book with verses. I scatter Kruchina about deaf fate (If these gentlemen find out). Yes, even to the cross, be it their order, But I cannot live without poetry. I’ve been scribbling them in little books for two years. I’ll start in good time for the third.” 1849, Kos-Aral

Shevchenko spent 10 years in exile, from June 1847 to August 1857. His release took place in 1857, under an amnesty, thanks to persistent petitions for him by Count F.P. Tolstoy and his wife Countess A.I. Tolstoy. The return of Taras Grigorievich from exile was long and difficult. On the way, in Nizhny Novgorod, he was detained and banned from entering both capitals. However, his friends obtained permission for him to live in St. Petersburg, where he arrived in the spring of 1858. Here he became close to the circle of Sovremennik authors, became friends with N.G. Chernyshevsky, N.A. Dobrolyubov, N.A. Nekrasov, M.L. Mikhailov, brothers Kurochkin, A.N. Ostrovsky and others. Even harsher and angry notes sounded in his satire. The “third department” again established strict supervision over the poet. The exile did not break the will and revolutionary convictions of the poet. Poems and poems of the “slave muse” (as the poet called his works, created in exile and carefully hidden during searches) are marked by the growth of revolutionary sentiments. In the cycle of poems “Tsars” (1848), there is a condemnation of tyrants and a call for reprisals against them. During the years of exile, realistic stories were written in Russian: “Princess” (1853), “Musician” (), “Unfortunate”, “Captain”, “Twins” (all), “Artist” (1856); all of them are imbued with anti-serfdom sentiments and contain many autobiographical details.

So as not to jinx it, I am not ill, But I notice behind myself that something is wrong with my heart. Like a hungry child, it is waiting for something, crying, don’t sleep. Perhaps he is waiting for the Bad One? Don't expect anything good - We wait in vain for the will: Crushed by Nikolai, She fell asleep. To wake up the poor guy, you need to quickly harden the butt with the whole world, sharpen the ax sharper, and then wake him up. Otherwise, perhaps this will happen - I’ll sleep until the Last Judgment! The lords will help you sleep soundly: Everyone will erect temples And their drunken king And glorify Byzantium, And we won’t wait for another. November 22, 1858 St. Petersburg.

But difficult years exile led to a rapid weakening of health and talent. Attempts to establish a family home were unsuccessful, and he remained alone until the end of his days. After spending a short time in St. Petersburg, Shevchenko again goes to his homeland. Then he had the idea to buy himself an estate above the Dnieper. Has been selected beautiful place near Kanev, on Chernechaya Mountain. Shevchenko worked hard to acquire it, but he did not have to settle here. Once he read his poems in an unfamiliar drunken company, the local mayor immediately filed a report addressed to the governor, Prince Dolgorukov, that “Academician Shevchenko” was agitating the people against the authorities. He was arrested again and ordered to leave Ukraine and return to St. Petersburg under the supervision of Section III. Distracted by numerous literary and artistic acquaintances, Shevchenko recent years wrote little and drew little. Shevchenko devoted almost all his time, free from dinner parties and evenings, to engraving, which he then became very interested in. In the same 1860, he received the title of Academician in copper engraving. The poet met the beginning of 1861 seriously ill. In his letters to Ukraine to his second cousin Bartholomew, he wrote that he would wait until spring, come to Ukraine, and there he would definitely recover. Before his death, as if relief had come, early in the morning of March 10, 1861, Taras Shevchenko got out of bed, asked for help to get dressed and go to the workshop. He began to go down the stairs and fell. The servant assigned to the academician of the Imperial Academy of Arts heard his last will: “Until Kanev...” - and the poet’s heart stopped.

When I die, bury me in my dear Ukraine, in the middle of the wide steppe, dig a grave, so that I can lie on a mound, above the mighty river, so that I can hear how the Old Dnieper rages under the steep. And when from the fields of Ukraine He carries the blood of hateful enemies... then I will rise from the grave - I will rise and reach God's threshold, I will pray... And for now I do not know God. Bury and get up, Break the chains, Sprinkle the will with the evil enemy blood. And me in the great family, in the free, new family, Don’t forget - remember me with a kind, quiet word. 1845, Pereyaslav

Memory The name of Taras Shevchenko is borne by: - ​​Motor ship. - National University in Kyiv (opposite the central building of the university in the park, also named after Taras Shevchenko, there is a monument to the kobzar poet). - Boulevard in Kyiv, which is one of the central avenues of the capital of Ukraine. - Embankment in Moscow. - Lugansk Pedagogical University. - Transnistrian State University in Tiraspol. - State Academic Opera and Ballet Theater named after. T. G. Shevchenko in Kyiv. - Volyn Regional Ukrainian Music and Drama Theater named after T. G. Shevchenko. - In the USSR, the name was given to the Dnepropetrovsk Regional Ukrainian Musical and Drama Theater. - Streets in many cities of Ukraine, Russia and other countries are named after him (for example, Tbilisi, Vilnius, Ashgabat). - Squares in Kyiv, St. Petersburg, London and New York are also named after him. - Since 1924, the Kazakh city of Fort Alexandrovsky has been called Fort Shevchenko, and from 1964 to 1991 the city of Aktau was called “Shevchenko”. - Boulevard in Minsk. In Minsk, next to the Ukrainian embassy, ​​a monument to him was erected. - Park in Odessa, prospect. - Kyiv metro station.

List of used literature and materials 1. Shevchenko T. Collected works in five volumes / T. Shevchenko, ed. ed. A. Deitch, M. Rylsky, N. Ushakov. - M.: Khudozh. lit., Shevchenko T. Collected works in four volumes / T. Shevchenko.- M.: Pravda Publishing House, (Library “Ogonyok”) 3. Shevchenko T. Lyrics. Per. from Ukrainian/T. Shevchenko, preface, comp. and approx. A. Deycha.- M.: Khudozh. lit s. 4. Shevchenko T. Poems. Per. from Ukrainian/T. Shevchenko, comp., entry. article and comments by doctor philologist. Sciences N.S. Nadyarnykh. - M.: Det. lit., p. 5. History of the Orenburg region [Electronic resource]. - Electronic. text. given.- Access mode: 6. Shevchenko Taras Grigorievich [Electronic resource].- Electronic. text. given.- Access mode: 7. Shevchenko Taras Grigorievich [Electronic resource].- Electronic. text. given - Access mode:

The literary evening gives an insight into the personality and work of T.G. Shevchenko, both a writer and an artist, creates an interest in the personality and work of T.G. Shevchenko. Can be used in elective literature classes to conduct cool hours and library events.

Equipment: map of Ukraine, portrait of T.G. Shevchenko; paintings by T.G. Shevchenko; song “The wide Dnieper roars and groans.” Portrait of the artist K. Bryullov, portrait of the poet Zhukovsky /artist K. Bryullov/

“He himself was the immortal song of his talented, freedom-loving people”


/The song “The wide Dnieper roars and groans”/

Librarian: This famous song about the Dnieper was composed by Taras Grigorievich Shevchenko. He was great poet- he composed wonderful poems, in addition, he was also a talented artist - he painted beautiful paintings. It is enough to look at him to remember this high forehead and gray-blue eyes. A man with a simple, kind face looks at us from the portrait. And today we have gathered to talk about this man. 8th grade students will help me.

1 Presenter: Taras Shevchenko was born 190 years ago in 1814, into a poor peasant family. His father's name was Grigory Ivanovich, and his mother's name was Katerina Yakimovna. All relatives were serfs. Taras was born in the village of Morintsy. But soon the master moved the family to the village of Kirilovka - now Shevchenko, in the Chernihiv region. He spent his childhood here in a wretched house. (showing the painting “Hut”).

2 Presenter: The family lived in need: five sisters and two brothers. Father and mother disappeared on the master's field, and Taras did not see them for days. Mother was replaced by sister Katerina. Taras grew up very inquisitive. He loved listening to fairy tales and songs. But most of all he loved grandfather Ivan. He talked about heroes, about uprisings of serfs. His grandfather’s stories awakened Taras’s thoughts about the fate of serfs.

3 Presenter: His relatives told about how Taras went to look for the iron pillars that support the sky. Once he was playing in the kindergarten. The river gurgled quietly. Birds sang on the viburnum bushes. The midday sun rolled slowly across the sky. Katerina was weeding a flower bed and singing a song in a thin voice. She did not see how Taras went down into the valley and wandered out of the village. Grandfather Ivan said: “There the sky is supported by pillars.”

But where are the pillars that support the sky? Maybe where the sky meets the earth?
Far, far away the sun was setting at sunset.
The Chumaks rode towards Taras and brought the boy home. Meanwhile, alarm began in the house. Katerina was knocked off her feet and couldn’t find her pet anywhere. But then a white head appeared.
- I’ve arrived! He's here! After dinner, she put him to bed and called him “tramp” with affectionate reproach.

4 Presenter: I started drawing very early. As soon as he gets his hands on chalk or coal, he will immediately paint a wall or floor in the hut. Mother and sister Katerina drew very well. There are flowers on the walls near the windows, and pigeons and roosters on the stove. They were invited to paint in neighboring huts. In winter, the boy watched what patterns the frost drew on the glass; winter was replaced by spring. Later, Taras Shevchenko writes the poem “Haydamaky” and thus paints spring.

The land sleeping under the snow
Spring has awakened
Covered with grass,
Covered it with flowers.

In the field there is a clear lark,
Nightingale on the willow
The awakened one is met
Earth with the first song.

1 Presenter: When Taras was 8 years old, grandfather Ivan sent him to study with clerk Pavel Ruban. The first year the clerk taught the children Slavic alphabet. In the second year - read and write. That was the whole letter. Taras quickly mastered this literacy. But the girls were not taught at all. The teacher-deacon was very angry. Offending students were often whipped with cherry rods. And on Saturdays he flogged everyone - both the right and the wrong. Taras was an obedient child. However, on Saturday he too was hit.

A piece of paper. And I'll seal it
I'm threading a little book. Crosses
And a thin frame with flowers
I'll circle the pages.
I'll rewrite the frying pan
Or “Three Kings from Dawn”
And away from the road,
So that no one judges me
I sing to myself and cry.

2 Presenter: The most dear people are father and mother. When Taras was 9 years old, his hard-working mother died; she was often sick. In the autumn of the same year, the father brought his stepmother and 3 children from Morinc. Life was hard for orphans. One day my father left home far away with the Chumaks. At this time, an old soldier came into the hut and asked to spend the night. In the morning, the soldier saw that someone had stolen 3 gold pieces from his bag. The stepmother suspected Taras and beat him, he hid in the viburnum bushes. And then it turned out that they beat Taras in vain, because Stepanko, the stepmother’s son, stole the money. My father often traveled on long roads. The winter was fierce, but what clothes did the serf have? A scroll with holes, the wind is blowing on the back. Grigory Ivanovich was ill for a short time, before his death he looked at Taras and said that he had nothing to do on the farm, because he would become a big man.

Librarian: Taras had to endure a lot of hardships, but he constantly studied, only his teachers were not entirely successful. He learned to draw mainly from clerks, who trusted him with the most difficult work. A little time passed - Pan Pavel Vasilyevich Engelhardt, the owner of Taras, arrived from the distant city of Vilnius, who took him to his chambers as a Cossack. Taras Shevchenko saw such big cities as Kyiv for the first time. Now he had to learn Polish.

3 Presenter: Taras was active, used to working, but here he had to sit in the hallway. At night, Taras went to the people's room to sleep, there was his treasured chest with pictures, most often he drew grandfather Ivan. One day the gentleman and his wife went to a ball. The Cossack boy lit the candles and began to sketch a portrait of one of the heroes of the War of 1812 - the Cossack Platonov. He copied it completely, all that remained was to finish drawing the horse’s hooves. Carried away by his work, he did not notice how the gentleman returned and entered the office.

Who allowed you to burn candles? Pan Taras beat him, and even ordered his servant Sidorka to whip him with rods the next day in the stable. And yet, every day there were more and more drawings in the chest. IN free time he painted the garden of the house, the people. Mrs. Sofia once told her husband that Taras draws well, then in holidays, the lord allowed him to draw from life in his garden. One day the master's neighbor came by. It was the famous portrait artist Jan Rustem. He immediately appreciated the drawings of the young serf and advised the master to send him to study. The events of December 14, 1825 broke out. They echoed across Russia. The Tsar - the largest landowner in Russia - executed people because they demanded freedom, land, and human rights. In the fall of 1830, the revolution reached Vilna, and the worried Mr. Taras left his service in Vilna and rushed off to St. Petersburg. So young Taras ended up in a big city, the capital of Russia.

4 Presenter: Pan finally sent Taras to study with the artist V. Shiryaev, who at one time was also a serf. He was given the right to use the artist's library. Shiryaev was painting the ceiling then Bolshoi Theater. He entrusted this work to Taras.

Who painted this? - they asked Shiryaev.
- This is my student, Pan Zngelgardt’s serf, Taras Shevchenko.
- He draws well!
- So he paints portraits and paintings. Talent!
- This is good! We must ensure that such talent does not go to waste. We should send him to a higher art school - to the Academy.
- What are you going to the Academy? Serfs are not allowed there. Only free people have the right to study at the Academy.

1 Presenter: Taras was attracted by the beauty of the Summer Garden, he went to admire and draw marble statues. And one day I met a fellow countryman, the artist Ivan Maksimovich Soshenko, through whom I met the leading people of that time: Venitsianov, Bryullov. Then, in secret from his friends, he began to write poetry, the poems “Spoiled”, “My Thoughts”.

My thoughts, my thoughts
Woe, thoughts are with you!
What did you put on paper
Gloomy rows?
That the wind didn't scatter you away
Dust in the open air?
That you are like a child at night
Has grief gone away?

2 Presenter: Leading people of St. Petersburg - writers, poets, artists - became friends of Taras Shevchenko. They tried to persuade the master to release Taras, but where was he? And I didn’t want to listen. Pan needs money. When, having decided to buy him out of serfdom, they asked how much he would take for Taras, the master asked for 5 thousand. We agreed on 2.5 thousand. It was a lot of money at the time. Friends decided to help with all their hearts. Zhukovsky persuaded Karl Bryullov to paint his portrait and play this portrait in a lottery. The portrait was painted - it is still in Kyiv in the T. G. Shevchenko Museum. They played him in a lottery, collected 2.5 thousand rubles and bought Taras out of captivity. Then he was 24 years old. On April 25, 1838, at the apartment of the artist Bryullov, Taras was given a vacation pay. Taras set to work with great enthusiasm. He painted under the direction of Karl Bryullov. I read a lot and expanded my knowledge. And most importantly, he was now a free man! Taras Grigorievich wrote to his brother Nikita: “I live, I study, I bow to no one and I am not afraid of anyone... It is a great happiness to be a free person.”

3 Presenter: While studying at the Academy of Arts, Taras Grigorievich showed great talent. He received 3 silver medals for his paintings: “Drawing from Life”, “The Little Beggar Gives a Piece of Bread to the Dog”, “The Gypsy Witch”. At the same time, Taras showed talent as an artist and poet. He wrote folk poetry. Having collected them, he published a book, which he called “Kobzar”, the poem “Haydamaky” and many other poems.

In the dark grove the wind howls,
Walking across the field
He flies into a poplar,
Bends to the ground.
The body is tall, the sheet is wide
Why does it turn green?
All around the field is like the sea,
Turns blue widely
Look at the poplar chumak,
The heart will become sad;
Shepherd in the morning with a snorkel
Sits on the mound
He will look and his soul will ache:
Not a blade of grass around!
The poplar is dying, as if in captivity
An orphan dies.

Shevchenko sometimes filled his poetic works with paintings. So he composed the poem “Katerina” and painted a picture on the same topic.

4 Presenter: Taras Grigorievich has long been eager to visit Ukraine. He hasn't been there for 14 years. At home, Taras Grigorievich visited his brothers - Mikita, Osip and sisters - Katerina, Yarina, Marusya. I visited my grandfather Ivan and all my relatives. Taras Grigorievich loved children very much. Driving through Ukraine and looking at the children of serfs, it was as if he saw his childhood.

When else...
I'll meet a boy, I'm lonely
Like a leaf plucked from a branch.
He sits leaning against the tine,
Dressed in torn canvas, -
And it seems to me that it’s me,
What is this my youth!
And it seems to me: in a harsh fate
He will not see free will,
Sacred will. And just like that...
And like this -
In vain - they flew by in dust
All his best years.

Taras Grigorievich visited Ukraine three times during his life.

1 Presenter: In 1846, the intelligentsia of Kyiv organized a circle of people who dreamed of uniting Slavic peoples into one family, they dreamed of destroying serfdom. There was an informer in the circle and on April 5, 1847, Shevchenko was arrested. During the arrest, manuscripts of his poems “Dream” and “Commandment” were found. In his verses he laughs at the royal couple:

The king performs through the halls
Tall, angry.
Walking important
With skinny, thin legs
Like a dried honey mushroom
Poor queen.
And besides, she's a poor thing.
Shakes his head.

Tsar Nicholas read it, he was furious. There was no trial. The king wrote in his own hand: “Under the strictest supervision, with a ban on writing and drawing.” It was the most severe punishment. Shevchenko was taken to Orenburg, then to the fortress-prison Orsk. In Orsk, private Taras Shevchenko was drilled every day until he lost consciousness. He was exhausted and suffered from scurvy. But he did not lose heart, but began to secretly write poems and hide them behind the tops of his boots, in Ukrainian - “freebie”. This little book is now called “Free”. In exile, Taras heard many stories about terrible life serfs of Russia. Taras saw how the local Cossack population endured human oppression.

2 Presenter: Unexpectedly, in the spring of 1848, a young geographer and sailor officer Alexei Butakov arrived in Orenburg. He needed to select people to take with him to the Aral Sea to explore its shores and wealth. Butakov took Shevchenko to sketch the shores of the Aral Sea. Taras was glad to escape from the fortress; he could draw. The detachment walked 700 km. to Fort Raim, preparing for a sea voyage. I sailed on the ship Konstantin for two months and kept drawing and drawing. During this time, he wrote many moving poems about his Motherland, about his beloved Ukraine. Recalling his childhood he wrote:

Cherry orchard near the hut,
Khrushchev scurrying over the cherries
The plowmen go with plows,
They go home, the girls sing,
And their mothers are waiting for them at home.

Everyone is having dinner near the hut.
The evening star rises
And my daughter serves dinner.
Mother would grumble, but that’s the problem,
The nightingale won't let her.

Mother laid me down near the hut
Your little kids
She fell asleep next to them,
Everything is quiet... Only girls
Yes, the nightingale did not calm down.

3 Presenter: The expedition explored the shores of the Aral Sea for almost a year and a half, and arrived again in Orsk for the second winter. At this time, one of the officers reported that Shevchenko had violated the royal will - he was drawing and writing, and his superiors were condoning him. Shevchenko was searched, his papers and books were taken away and he was put in prison. Five months later he was transferred to the Novo-Petrovskaya Fortress.

4 Presenter: When Shevchenko was taken to this “unlocked prison,” he took a fresh willow sprig and brought it with him. The poet planted it and watered it every day, and from the branch a large tree grew. Taras Grigorievich stayed in this fortress for 7 years, he was constantly watched, lest Shevchenko would again have a pencil and paper in his hands. It was agony. There were cases when soldiers were sent money by mail, the officers took it and drank it away; if the soldier was indignant, he was driven through the ranks. 2 thousand soldiers hit the offender with a rod. Taras painted a picture “Kara with spitzruteks”. From clay, Taras Grigorievich sculpted figures of children who posed for him. He loved children very much and subsequently depicted them in the paintings: “Beggar Children”, “Children Beg for Alms”. Shevchenko spent ten years and three months in exile, which undermined his health. On August 1, 1857, the commandant of the fortress gave Shevchenko a ticket to St. Petersburg. But when Taras Grigorievich arrived in Nizhny Novgorod, his documents were taken away and he was forbidden to live in Moscow and St. Petersburg. After much trouble from Shevchenko's friends, entry into St. Petersburg was allowed.

1 Presenter: At the end of May 1859, he received permission to travel to his native Ukraine. Taras Grigorievich left Ukraine, but the thought settled - to live out his life in his homeland.

2 Presenter: After returning from a trip to Ukraine, Shevchenko was ill for a long time, but he worked very hard: he was preparing a new edition of “Kobzar”, he really wanted the common people to study, he compiled an ABC book for this. In 1860, he wrote more than 40 poems for adults and children. In winter, Taras Grigorievich became completely ill and took ill. On March 9, 1861 he turned 47 years old. Congratulatory telegrams arrived, many friends came, but Taras Grigorievich could no longer get up. The next day he felt better. At half past five he got up and went to the studio to finish the portrait. But when he began to go down the stairs, his legs began to tremble, he swayed and fell. On the cold morning of March 10, 1861, he passed away. Friends buried the poet at the Smolensk cemetery in St. Petersburg. But during his lifetime, Shevchenko wrote a “Testament” and asked to be buried in dear Ukraine. Fulfilling his will, friends began to work to transport the ashes to Ukraine. They were transported from Moscow to Kyiv on horseback. The coffin was carried across the Dnieper to Podol, put on a steamer and taken to Kanev. And here, above the Dnieper, on a high steep slope, the poet was buried, as he had bequeathed.

Librarian: The life path of the poet and artist was thorny and difficult, his life was short, but he never betrayed his people. Many years have passed since the death of Taras Grigorievich Shevchenko, but he lives in the memory of the people.

Semenkova Vera Stepanovna, librarian