Fortune telling for the old New Year. The best fortune telling for the old new year

We publish fortune telling information for the Old New Year. On Vasilyev's evening, according to the belief that is so tenacious among the people, witches steal the month from heaven in order to forever restore the kingdom of night on earth. But their plan fails; under the power of the gradually growing day, the darkness dissipates and the sun appears in the sky, shortening the long winter night.

At the height of Christmastide, on the eighth day, Saint Basil is celebrated. People said about this day: “If the red maiden wishes for Vasilya for the Old New Year, everything will come true, and what will come true will not pass!” The expected and favorite entertainment of unmarried virgins near the Old New Year There was always fortune telling for the Old New Year.

To create a mysterious, magical atmosphere, the girls gathered in a dark room, which was illuminated with candles. They used it to tell fortunes using Christmas attributes and for fortune-telling on the occasion of the Old New Year, the Generous Evening of January 13th.

Fortune telling on a ring, bread and hook

Three objects - a hook, a ring and bread - are placed in a bowl with pieces of white bread, coal, stones and other small things on the night of January 13-14, 2018. The bowl is covered with a towel, then the girls take turns pulling out the first thing that fell into their hand from the bowl (each time, before the next girl, the thing returns to the bowl). If you get a piece of bread, your hubby will be rich, if you pull out a ring, you will get a handsome man, but the key is not good: a poor man or a wretched one.

Ancient fortune telling with sticks

Take three sticks - red, white, blue - and put them in the box. Pull the sticks three times. For the first time you can see how rich he will be future husband. A red stick means a rich person, a white stick means a middle peasant, and a blue stick means a poor person. The second time you can look at the appearance: red - handsome, white - handsome, blue - unattractive.

Fortune telling for January 13th by dogs

A dog is allowed into the room where the fortune teller sits alone. The girl’s fate is judged by the dog’s behavior: if the dog immediately runs up to her, the girl will be happy in her marriage; if she starts sniffing the floor first, the husband will be angry and stern, and married life will not work out; but if the dog immediately starts caressing and wagging his tail, the husband will will come across affectionate.

Fortune telling by shoe

Traditional fortune telling, in which girls threw any piece of shoe onto the road. the toe of a shoe that had fallen to the ground showed. Which way will the girl marry? If the shoe turned its toe towards the house, the maiden would not be seen this year.

Fortune telling by conversations

The girls walked around the village, where they could hear a conversation, approached the hut and listened - what they talk about will come true: there is fun in the house - to have a fun life, swearing in the house - means swearing, etc.

Fortune telling: when will you get married?

In the old days, they could easily find out when it was time for a girl to get married. On Christmas Eve it was necessary to pour water into a glass. And near the glass - on both opposite sides, two candles were placed next to the walls. With the help of their mother's or grandmother's wedding ring, which was tied to the girls' hair, they learned the future. It was necessary to lower the ring into the glass so that it did not touch the surface of the water. The ring began to sway little by little, and the girl listened. They said that the ring could sing the name of the future husband and ring out the wedding date. It happened, of course, that they could not guess the name of the betrothed, but then they counted how many times the ring hit the wall of the glass: then the girl would get married.

Fortune telling with a comb

Before going to bed, the girl combs her hair, saying: “Betrothed, mummer, come and comb my hair,” after which she puts the comb under the pillow. The man in the dream will be her betrothed. If he combs her, or combs himself with this comb, she will marry this year.

Other fortune telling for the Old New Year 2018

  • Fortune tellers place each of their onions with the root part in a glass of water and observe which one will germinate faster. She, according to legend, will be the first to get married.
  • Unmarried girls hung their towel out the window if it was wet in the morning. The girl will get married this year.
  • When leaving the house, you were supposed to ask the name of the first person you met. His name will coincide with the name of his future husband.

From January 13 to 14, many girls want to tell fortunes - to find out their fate. The site editors have prepared simple and interesting ways fortune telling.

Rituals and traditions

Generous evening is a holiday celebrated on the eve of the Old New Year (from January 13th to 14th). Many signs and rituals are traditionally associated with it, which allow us to lift the veil of secrets of the future. This is a time of rampant otherworldly forces. That evening, after sunset and until 12 o'clock at night, girls walked around the courtyards and gave generously, driving away unclean spirits with their singing and wishing their owners health, happiness and prosperity in the new year.

The night from January 13 to 14 is time for renewal. You need to burn your worn clothes and immediately put on new ones. This ancient ritual is still preserved in many villages; it symbolizes the beginning of a new life. And how it will turn out, simple and interesting fortune telling will help you find out.

Fortune telling for the Old New Year

A simple version of family fortune telling for the Old New Year. In the evening, you need to go outside during dinner and carefully look at your neighbors’ windows. If you can see the heads of everyone present at the table, then the relatives will be alive and well; if conversations are heard and no one is visible, then trouble will soon happen to one of your loved ones.

To protect your home and family from misfortunes, on January 14 you need to go around all the rooms clockwise with three lit church candles. At the same time, constantly be baptized. There is another way to prevent trouble: early in the morning, lightly knock on the threshold with an ax and say: “Life, health, bread.”

With bread and water

A ritual with bread is a simple way to find out the future of your family for the coming year. It is as follows: . You need to fill the bowl with plain water.

Break a crust of bread into pieces of different sizes according to the number of household members.

For each of them, make a wish for one of your relatives.

Throw the pieces into a bowl.

Look in the morning: if all the pieces come together, then the whole family will be in in full force all year. And if any of them floats separately from the rest, then the mysterious person will face a wedding, departure or death.

Gender of the child

It was possible to find out the gender of the unborn child by fortune telling with a ring. It required:

Dip the ring into a glass of water.

Hang it on a thread or your own hair.

Carefully bring it to the hand of the person being told fortunes. If she begins to move in a circle, then a girl will be born, if she makes pendulum-like movements, then a boy will be born. Well, if it stands still, then there will be no children.


You can find out how the coming year will turn out by listening to other people's conversations. First you need to concentrate, and then listen carefully to what others say. If you hear boisterous laughter, then everything will be fine in the new year, crying or swearing - the year will not be easy, if the conversation is between tipsy people, you should beware of bad habits.

With glasses

An interesting, fun and accurate New Year's fortune telling to find out upcoming events - using glasses. It can be carried out in fun company girlfriends

To do this you should:

Take four glasses;

Fill them halfway with water or melted snow;

Pour a small spoonful of salt and sugar into two of them, put a ring into the third, and leave the fourth glass unchanged;

Then one of the fortune tellers should turn her back;

Her friend needs to point her finger at each of the glasses in turn until the girl who has turned away stops her;

You need to take a sip from the chosen glass: if you feel the taste of salt, then there is sadness and tears ahead, if the water is sweet - fun and joy, if it is ordinary - then the year will be the same, when a ring is found in the glass - the girl will soon get married.

Fortune telling at the festive table

Another name for the Old New Year holiday is the rich holy evening or rich Vasilyev evening, named after St. Basil the Great. On this day, according to the old tradition, it was customary to generously set the table. Pork dishes were considered a special treat, and a whole roasted pig - a symbol of fertility and fertility - was the main decoration festive table, because Saint Basil was considered the patron saint of pig farmers. “A pig and a boletus for Vasily’s evening”, “The pig is an unclean animal, but God has nothing unclean - Vasily will bless the winter! “- our ancestors said in proverbs about this day. Another important dish at the holiday was generous kutia, which was generously seasoned with meat and lard, and then placed in a corner with icons.

Fortune telling

You can use this easy method. Freeze water in a spoon in the evening and look in the morning: if there are bubbles, this promises a long life. happy life. And if a hole forms in the ice, then this is with great sorrow, troubles and death. The following method of fortune telling is suitable for unmarried girls.

It requires:

Pour any cereal or pebbles into a fabric bag.

Place a crust of bread, a hook and a ring in it.

Without looking, get any of the items.

Get a prediction. If a girl came across a loaf of bread, it promised a life of prosperity, a hook foreshadowed hard fate, and the ring means a happy marriage.

No less popular is the method of divination using the shadows of burnt paper.

crumple large leaf papers or newspapers;

Place it on a flat dish;

Set fire;

When it burns down, you need to bring the dish to the wall, lit by candles, and judge the future by the shadows formed.

You can also find out your fate by the wax of a church candle.

Fill any container with water (or melted snow);

Melt the candle;

Carefully pour the melted wax into cold water to the very center of the bowl;

The resulting figure should be used to judge future events.

Who will be the first to get married in the new year?

Unmarried girls or their mothers can also tell fortunes imminent marriage using nut shells. Place two shells in a bowl of water walnut. If they get together, the girl will soon get married, if they separate in different sides- The wedding is still a long way off. Another well-known New Year's ritual for the betrothed is carried out using a towel.

Take a new white towel;

Before going to bed, hang it out the window;

You cannot say the word “thirteen” on a holiday.

During the old New Year they do not lend money, otherwise the whole year can be spent in poverty.

A clear and starry sky predicts a generous harvest of berries.

On January 14, you can shake fruit trees so that St. Basil will protect the gardens from pests. In the morning you need to go around the garden, reading the spell: “As I shake off (name) the white fluffy snow, so Saint Basil will shake off every worm-reptile in the spring.”

The ancestors believed that on the Generous Evening, witches stole the moon from the heavens, but still could not stop the coming of the growing day.

On the holiday, early in the morning, it was customary to cook Vasiliev’s porridge and monitor its preparation. If the porridge “escapes” from the pan or the pot in which it is cooked cracks, there will be trouble. In this case, the porridge along with the vessel was thrown into the hole. If it was cooked as it should be, they would definitely eat it all.

please your family and friends with gifts and drink champagne, sparkling merrily from the many New Year's lights.

This is a fabulous day when you want to believe in miracles and feel like children. Let there be more magic in our lives, and then the world will become kinder, and all our wishes will surely come true!

What is the Old New Year, why does this holiday still exist, in which countries is it still relevant?

January 24, 1918 at Soviet Russia The Council of People's Commissars decided to catch up with the progressive world and move from the archaic Julian calendar in Gregorian. On the same day, a corresponding decree was formulated and adopted. Two days later - January 26 - Lenin signed it.

Go to Gregorian calendar The Bolsheviks had been trying since November 1917, but could not agree on the form of the transition. Discussions boiled down to two projects. According to the first of them, it was supposed to switch to a new calendar within 13 years, discarding 24 hours each year. The second project, which Lenin advocated, assumed a one-time transition, which ultimately happened.

- In order to establish in Russia the same with almost everyone cultural peoples calculation of time, the Council of People's Commissars decides to introduce a new calendar into civil use after the month of January of this year. Because of this, the first day after January 31 of this year should be considered not February 1, but February 14, the second day should be considered the 15th, and so on,” the text of the decree said.

And already on the night of January 13-14, 1919, Soviet citizens had an additional reason to drink, because they had already celebrated the New Year in the new style, and old style was still used by the church and was not completely forgotten.

Thus, the tradition of celebrating the Old New Year is almost 100 years old.

In Ukraine and Belarus, a Generous Evening is celebrated on this day, which includes celebrations, festivities and fortune telling. The generous evening of January 13 is very similar to Christmas Eve before Christmas. However, the dishes are no longer meatless: there should be sausages, meat, lard, pies, dumplings, and pancakes on the table.
The whole family should gather for a festive dinner. Ask each other for forgiveness and wish you happiness and prosperity in the new year.

In addition, the Old New Year is celebrated in the countries that were part of Yugoslavia. This is done especially actively in Serbia, Macedonia, Kosovo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as in Montenegro, where the church uses the Julian calendar.

Finally, they celebrate the Old New Year and North Africa. The Berbers do this. True, for them, unlike Europeans, this is a real New Year, because the Berber calendar, in fact, is a not very literate tracing from the Julian. They celebrate the holiday on January 12th.

Fortune telling for the Old New Year

The Old New Year is a special, mystical time. It is believed that it is on the night of January 13-14 that best time for fortune telling.
Despite the fact that Orthodox Church categorically does not approve of various rituals of guessing the future, which people resort to during Christmas time, nevertheless, fortune telling remains a favorite Russian pastime.

Start for the famous Christmas fortune telling gave the holiday of Christmas, but you can guess until January 19 - Epiphany.
In the period between January 8 and 18, it is customary to ask the names of late passers-by in the hope of finding out the name of the future chosen one, to throw a shoe into the darkness and see who will pick it up, to guess what awaits us by the coffee grounds or by the outlines of burnt paper.
Of course, all this is just entertainment for people gathered in a group to fool around. But few dare to attempt one of the most reliable and mysterious fortune-telling known in Rus' - to try to see the betrothed in the mirror.

By folk beliefs, on the night of January 13-14, all prohibitions are lifted, mysterious forces rush to Earth. Some are to harm people, others are to help.
Vasiliev's evening is recognized as special - January 13, when the result turns out to be highly accurate, even prophetic. No less successful in fortune telling is January 18 - Epiphany Eve.

In the old days, girls, going to tell fortunes, were in a serious mood. They mentally fenced themselves off from real world and turned to supernatural forces.
They placed two mirrors: one large, the other smaller, facing each other with their front sides. Two candles were placed between the mirrors and looked through the top of the smaller mirror. It turned out to be a long corridor, gradually darkening and going into the depths.
You need to look into this deep part, and after a while you begin to see various objects there, by which the future is determined.
By the way, it’s better to guess non-residential premises or in the attic.
At the beginning of fortune telling you need to say: “The betrothed-mummer! Come to me, dressed up!” .
They say that sooner or later a person destined for you appears in the mirror.

By the way, there is a more mystical, in my opinion, version of this fortune telling. You need to sit in absolute darkness in front of a mirror with a candle in the middle of the night.
An important condition is that no one else should be in the room!

You must look carefully at the reflective surface. After about 5 minutes it will fade. Then the betrothed, or rather the devil who has taken his guise, will be reflected behind the glass.
The girl must start shunning him so that he disappears, saying “Forget me!” Otherwise, evil spirits will materialize.

Preparing for fortune telling:

You need to get serious;
- let down your hair;
- untie all the knots that are on the clothes (belts, belts, decorative elements);
- remove bracelets and rings;
- mentally isolate yourself from the real world;
- accurately formulate the question.

On the night from January 13th to 14th, we have another chance to wish for something that we didn’t have time for the New Year, or to say the main words to our near and dear people.
The Old New Year is a day when you need to let go of old thoughts, old moods and open your heart to something new, for something to come and to come!

May the year be easy but bright! Pleasant, but not empty!

Happy holiday!

Well, who doesn’t like to lift the veil of the future? Even those who are skeptical about fortune telling are not averse to having fun with this fun, especially on holidays, in the good company of friends. Of course, the fair half of humanity is more into fortune telling. Almost no bachelorette party is complete without fortune telling for the betrothed, for love, for success, and so on.

And there is a high probability that this is embedded somewhere in the genetic memory, because unlike us, our distant ancestors special attention and they took fortune telling seriously, although for most of us this is just a tribute to tradition.

Fortune telling was done on most Christmas holidays, including the New Year, which in the old days was celebrated on January 14th. And the Orthodox Church celebrates on this day big holiday- Circumcision of the Lord.

According to church canons, fortune telling is a sin. But with the advent of Christianity, pagan and church traditions became closely intertwined, and this is unlikely to be changed, because it has been going on for centuries.

The ancient Slavs believed that fortune telling for the Old New Year 2018 have special accuracy due to the fact that special mystical forces descend to Earth. The girls prepared for this time in a special way. They got serious during the day, giving the impression that they were not of this world. They spoke little that day, trying to prepare themselves for the coming night to get in touch with these powerful forces.

What’s funny is that with the advent of Christianity, girls first went to church, stood at the service, even asked the Saints for help, bought wax candles for his fortune-telling, although the church did not approve of this. That is why, when they began to guess, they covered the icons. It was believed that if they were covered, they would not see that someone was breaking the rules.

It was believed that this day was especially suitable for fortune telling about the groom, wedding, children - in general, for women’s happiness. And there was a belief that it was on this day of all the Christmas “fortune-telling” days that one could get the most accurate answers to these topics, right down to how tall the betrothed would be, what color his eyes and hair would be, and even what day the meeting would take place . So you need to not miss the chance to get in New Year's Eve exact .

How to prepare for a ritual action

In addition to spending the entire day mentally preparing for the upcoming night fortune-telling, they prepared special equipment in advance. These are bowls, rings, combs, candles, mirrors, etc., depending on what type of fortune telling they were going to use.

The mandatory conditions were:

  • be sure to undo the braids and leave your hair loose;
  • clothing had to be loose, without knots, belts, or decorations;
  • I definitely had to take off all my jewelry: earrings, beads, rings;
  • fortune telling had to take place in complete silence and a dark room, even if there was a company gathering. It was impossible to disturb the solemnity and grandeur of the moment with laughter - this could frighten away the mysterious forces and not only not get what you wanted, but even earn punishment;
  • It was equally important to think about the question correctly, otherwise the answer could be unexpected or completely wrong, and the prophecy would not come true.

The best fortune telling

There were a lot of methods of fortune-telling and you could guess all the existing ones or settle on the one you liked best. Of course, if the majority of the answers to different fortune-telling coincided, then it was believed that it would 100% come true. And if not all, but the majority, coincided, then perhaps there would be obstacles before the fortune was fulfilled. Well, if the answers were always different for all the fortune telling, then it was believed that something might come true, but not this year.

The most popular fortune telling that evening were:

Ships of fate

They took walnuts, separated the kernel from the shells and used the latter in fortune telling. Each of those present was given equal-sized pieces of candles, which they placed in shells. Afterwards, they filled a container of water and launched the “ships” into it. In whose boat the candle burned out first, she would be the first to get married among all those present.

Wheat sister, give me the answer - will it come true or not?

For this fortune telling, they took a container with grains of wheat and placed it on it. left hand, made a question or wish to themselves, and then said the words written above: “Wheat-sister...”, scooped up a handful and threw it on the table. Afterwards, the grains were counted: if the number turned out to be even, then it would come true, if not even, alas! Those grains that fell from the table were not counted.

How many children - girls and boys

Arriving at the bachelorette party, the girls poured some water into a small container, put a ring in it and put it outside the window in the cold, and after a few hours they took it back and watched how the ice settled. We ran a finger along the surface, counting the bumps and depressions. The tubercles are boys, the depressions are girls.

Wax cast

In this way they guessed for the future. However, according to legend, girls of those times knew the meaning of each figure from their grandmothers and mothers. Nowadays it is also relevant in general, your subconscious will tell you which figure has poured out and what it means. The main thing is to catch the first thought that comes to mind.

So, for this fortune-telling, they took a ladle of water, melted the wax over a candle and poured it into the water, and from the resulting figure they learned what to expect in the future.

Shoe happiness

Everyone knows fortune telling on shoes that were thrown through left shoulder from the yard to the road and looked at the direction of the toe. Where he pointed, wait for the groom from there. And if you fell head over heels for the hut, then you wouldn’t have to dream of marriage this year.

What I heard - so be it

The girls walked around the village, quietly crept up to the windows of the houses and listened to what they were saying. If they said something good, it means that they should expect good things next year, and if they said something bad, they would expect bad things. Laughed - to joy, cursed - to quarrels, talked about wheat, bread, food - to money and wealth.

Fortune telling about the groom using objects

Sand and pebbles were poured into the container and various objects were placed: a hook, bread, a key, a ring. And then they pulled out the object, and then, before passing the container to the next one, they put it back and mixed it. Hook - the husband will always be on the hook of his wife and will love and listen to her, bread - wait for a wealthy groom, a ring - a handsome one, a key - a poor one.

Three slivers

They took three chips from a log. They put a red mark on one, a blue mark on the other, and left the third as is. After each girl several times eyes closed pulled one of the three slivers. For the first time, the betrothed's wealth was determined: if he drew one with a red mark, he would be rich, with a blue mark, he would be poor, and an uncolored mark would mean that he would be of average income. The second time, pulling the sliver, they determined the appearance: with a red mark - handsome, with a blue mark - not handsome, without marks - ordinary.

Fortune telling alone

By 12 at night, all the girls tried to go home to continue guessing alone. Fortune telling using a mirror was considered the most mysterious, mystical and dangerous. But the spirit of adventure and curiosity was stronger than the danger.

Through the Looking Glass

Exactly at midnight, you need to sit in front of the mirror, concentrate, be sure to be alone, in complete silence and carefully peering into the mirror, say three times: “The betrothed appears!” After some time (10-15 minutes), the mirror began to change color and a demon appeared, which took the guise of the groom. After they saw the face of the betrothed, they immediately had to start driving away the evil one with the words: “Cheers, me! Disappear, unclean one!” Otherwise, he could take on his own form and materialize, taking away the beauty, youth, or even the soul of the girl.


In a sleeping house, in complete silence with a lit candle, put the chain on yourself, rotate it clockwise three times, take it off, shake it in your palms and drop it on the floor. If it falls around - wait " vicious circle"and troubles, with a stripe - a "lucky streak", if a knot is tied - troubles or illness, and if a triangle falls - to success in love and personal life. Well, if it’s a bow or a heart, then it’s definitely for the wedding.


please your family and friends with gifts and drink champagne, sparkling merrily from the many New Year's lights.

This is a fabulous day when you want to believe in miracles and feel like children. Let there be more magic in our lives, and then the world will become kinder, and all our wishes will surely come true!

What is the Old New Year, why does this holiday still exist, in which countries is it still relevant?

On January 24, 1918, in Soviet Russia, the Council of People's Commissars decided to catch up with the progressive world and switch from the archaic Julian calendar to the Gregorian calendar. On the same day, a corresponding decree was formulated and adopted. Two days later - January 26 - Lenin signed it.

The Bolsheviks tried to switch to the Gregorian calendar since November 1917, but could not agree on the form of the transition. Discussions boiled down to two projects. According to the first of them, it was supposed to switch to a new calendar within 13 years, discarding 24 hours each year. The second project, which Lenin advocated, assumed a one-time transition, which ultimately happened.

- In order to establish in Russia the same calculation of time as almost all cultural peoples, the Council of People's Commissars decides to introduce a new calendar into civil use after the month of January of this year. Because of this, the first day after January 31 of this year should be considered not February 1, but February 14, the second day should be considered the 15th, and so on,” the text of the decree said.

And already on the night of January 13-14, 1919, Soviet citizens had an additional reason to drink, because they had already celebrated the New Year in the new style, and the old style was still used by the church and was not completely forgotten.

Thus, the tradition of celebrating the Old New Year is almost 100 years old.

In Ukraine and Belarus, a Generous Evening is celebrated on this day, which includes celebrations, festivities and fortune telling. The generous evening of January 13 is very similar to Christmas Eve before Christmas. However, the dishes are no longer meatless: there should be sausages, meat, lard, pies, dumplings, and pancakes on the table.
The whole family should gather for a festive dinner. Ask each other for forgiveness and wish you happiness and prosperity in the new year.

In addition, the Old New Year is celebrated in the countries that were part of Yugoslavia. This is done especially actively in Serbia, Macedonia, Kosovo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as in Montenegro, where the church uses the Julian calendar.

Finally, the Old New Year is celebrated in North Africa as well. The Berbers do this. True, for them, unlike Europeans, this is a real New Year, because the Berber calendar, in fact, is a not very literate tracing from the Julian. They celebrate the holiday on January 12th.

Fortune telling for the Old New Year

The Old New Year is a special, mystical time. It is believed that the night from January 13 to 14 is the best time for fortune telling.
Despite the fact that the Orthodox Church categorically does not approve of various rituals of guessing the future, which people resort to during Christmas time, fortune-telling nevertheless remains a favorite Russian pastime.

The start for the famous Christmas fortune-telling was given by the Christmas holiday, but fortune-telling can be done until January 19 - Epiphany.
In the period between January 8 and 18, it is customary to ask the names of late passers-by in the hope of finding out the name of the future chosen one, to throw a shoe into the darkness and see who will pick it up, to guess what awaits us by the coffee grounds or by the outlines of burnt paper.
Of course, all this is just entertainment for people gathered in a group to fool around. But few dare to attempt one of the most reliable and mysterious fortune-telling known in Rus' - to try to see the betrothed in the mirror.

According to popular beliefs, on the night of January 13-14, all prohibitions are lifted and mysterious forces rush to Earth. Some are to harm people, others are to help.
Vasiliev's evening is recognized as special - January 13, when the result turns out to be highly accurate, even prophetic. No less successful in fortune telling is January 18 - Epiphany Eve.

In the old days, girls, going to tell fortunes, were in a serious mood. They mentally fenced themselves off from the real world and turned to supernatural forces.
They placed two mirrors: one large, the other smaller, facing each other with their front sides. Two candles were placed between the mirrors and looked through the top of the smaller mirror. It turned out to be a long corridor, gradually darkening and going into the depths.
You need to look into this deep part, and after a while you begin to see various objects there, by which the future is determined.
By the way, it is better to guess in a non-residential building or in the attic.
At the beginning of fortune telling you need to say: “The betrothed-mummer! Come to me, dressed up!” .
They say that sooner or later a person destined for you appears in the mirror.

By the way, there is a more mystical, in my opinion, version of this fortune telling. You need to sit in absolute darkness in front of a mirror with a candle in the middle of the night.
An important condition is that no one else should be in the room!

You must look carefully at the reflective surface. After about 5 minutes it will fade. Then the betrothed, or rather the devil who has taken his guise, will be reflected behind the glass.
The girl must start shunning him so that he disappears, saying “Forget me!” Otherwise, evil spirits will materialize.

Preparing for fortune telling:

You need to get serious;
- let down your hair;
- untie all the knots that are on the clothes (belts, belts, decorative elements);
- remove bracelets and rings;
- mentally isolate yourself from the real world;
- accurately formulate the question.

On the night from January 13th to 14th, we have another chance to wish for something that we didn’t have time for the New Year, or to say the main words to our near and dear people.
The Old New Year is a day when you need to let go of old thoughts, old moods and open your heart to something new, for something to come and to come!

May the year be easy but bright! Pleasant, but not empty!

Happy holiday!