Dream interpretation of watching from the mountain. "A large universal dream book for the whole family by O. Smurov"

  • This symbol is directly related to many fairy tales and legends. According to the ancestors, the mountains concealed secret powers and served as a haven for their owners. Many believed that the mountains contained treasures that were inaccessible to people and brought misfortune to those who went in search of them. For those who lived near the mountains, there were forbidden places that were not allowed to go, so as not to disturb the spirits.
  • Slavic oral literature interprets mountains as eternal, beyond the control of human forces. The mountain is a large and serious obstacle on the way.
  • Exists famous expression: “A smart person will not go up a mountain, a smart person will go around a mountain” and one more thing: “If the mountain does not go to Mohammed, then Mohammed is coming to the mountain,” which means: don’t wait in vain for the impossible, do as much as possible.
  • If in a dream you climb a mountain, then this means your desire to realize some idea. Reaching the top of the mountain means achieving what you want, making your dreams come true. If, despite all your efforts, you cannot climb to the top of the mountain, then this indicates that external circumstances will interfere with the implementation of your plans; perhaps you should wait for some time and try again to achieve your goal.
  • Seeing a mountain with two peaks - such a dream predicts success in some important matter, because you have the support of an influential person.
  • If a river flows along the slopes of a mountain, it means that many events await you ahead, but they will be small and insignificant, the work will not bring satisfaction, but this period of hectic pursuit of empty affairs will soon end.
  • Seeing a chain of mountains is a warning dream. If a mountain range blocks your path, it means that you will encounter insurmountable obstacles on your way. If a chain of mountains stretches along your path, then this is a sign that you will achieve your goal despite the actions of ill-wishers.
  • If you dreamed of a mountain with settlements on its slopes, then this means that you are surrounded a large number friends and good acquaintances who will help you in difficult times, which will not keep you waiting.
  • To see in a dream how a person moves a mountain from one place to another at will - you are looking for strength to carry out your plans, but do not overestimate your capabilities and do not rely on outside help.
  • To dream that you are going to a mountain and understand that it is approaching you on its own - this dream means that external circumstances will be favorable and you will receive what you have long deserved.
  • To see in a dream a friend who came at night looking for help: you need to dig a mountain, and you immediately go to help him - this dream means that you do not spare yourself for the sake of others, but every day you become more and more disappointed in those who help and for whom you sacrifice yourself.
  • To see in a dream that a mountain begins to move, like the belly of a pregnant woman, and after that many mice appear in the area, you foresee the futility of what you are doing now and what your best energies are being spent on.
  • To dream of a nag that is barely dragging itself up a mountain - endless hard work tires you too much, so you do not see any clearing ahead; you have to work hard to complete something that requires close attention.

Mountains in dreams often represent a mysterious and at the same time beautiful landscape. Beauty, danger, freedom - all this can be felt when looking at the mountains in a dream. Especially if the plot of such a dream is exciting. More often, of course, climbers dream of mountains, because... are the object of their dreams and desires, but often such dreams appear to people who are completely unrelated to mountain tourism. Why such dreams come to us and what they carry in themselves – we will find out below.

Dream Interpretation Eastern

Climbing mountains in a dream promises the dreamer overcoming difficulties in his life and solving problems.

Also, such a dream can threaten the dreamer with some grief and suffering.

Going down the mountains in dreams means that more pleasant times await you in reality, because... black stripe will be left behind. This period in life can be used in a constructive way to solve many problems.

By Maya

The Mayan dream book predicts a favorable period for a sleeping person who dreams of mountains with snow on the tops. Most likely, your efforts were not in vain and they were noticed by people around you. This will lead to your reputation in the team or company increasing. You are doing everything right and are on the right path.

You dream of a mountain with a person standing on top of it - you will probably have a competitor or rival. His goal is to gain your status and position. Don't just look at it - be defensive.

Interpreter Tsvetkova

If in a dream the mountains are densely covered with tree thickets, then in life your significant other may cheat on you. Be careful not to be left with antlers.

Mountains without vegetation are fraught with worries for the dreamer in reality.

Climbing to the top of a mountain range in a dream means success in business. Take advantage of the benefits of the period after such a dream to achieve what you want.

Leaving them means failure.

In the case when you simply see mountains in a dream, but do not interact with them in any way, you can expect difficulties in reality.

Freud's Dream Interpreter

This dream book interprets dreams with mountains as a symbol of the female body. Mountainous terrain indicates the dreamer's preferences. Most likely he prefers women with beautiful shapes. A beautiful figure.

Wandering through the mountains in a dream may mean that the dreamer desires intimacy with a representative of the fairer sex.

Any precipitation in the mountains may indicate that you want to have offspring. You've probably matured to the point where you can confidently tell yourself that you want children. Don't deny yourself this - be happy.

A man is on top of a mountain in a dream - this is a sign that he is proud of himself. A woman in such a dream may dream of a desire to find strong man, in which she will be confident, or simply change her partner.

Transcript according to Miller

If in a dream you see a mountain that is quite far from you, then in reality you quite realistically set goals and objectives that you can handle.

Climbing mountains in a dream is a good sign this dream book, because it means that you will be able to overcome all the difficulties and problems that will come your way in the near future.

In a dream, walking up a mountain through a beautiful green area promises financial benefits to the sleeper. Take the chance to become rich.

If you dream of a crooked mountain that you struggle to climb, then fate will batter you in life. She will not always be fair to you.

Reaching the peak of a mountain in a dream, followed by awakening, is a good sign. It says that you can easily find solutions to all upcoming difficulties in the future.

Dreams come to us for a reason. Each one carries some information, portends something. Many people open a dream book, trying to find out what mountains mean in dreams.

But in order to decipher the meaning as accurately as possible, you need to try to remember in detail what you saw.

The important details are:

The height of the mountains, their characteristics;

The sensations that the dreamer experienced when he saw.

Mountains in Freud's dream book

If in a dream you look at the mountains and it brings you pleasure, this suggests that women with a gorgeous figure, especially naked ones, are your weakness.

If a man climbs a mountain in a dream, everything is fine with his erection, and if he descends, he is a lover of masturbation.

Being at the top - a man is quite satisfied physical fitness of your body.

For a woman similar dreams have a different meaning.

Climbing a mountain - a woman has lesbian tendencies.

Rolling down the mountain means a desire to have sex.

If a snow-covered mountain appears in a dream, a woman wants to have children.

A bad vision is one in which stones fall from a mountain. This is a sign that you will have to deal with a disease of the genital organs, possibly with specific diseases.

The high mountain symbolizes the male genital organ. Such a vision by a woman indicates her desire to have sex.

Mountains in a dream - Aesop's dream book

If the dreamer happens to climb a mountain, such a dream indicates that the person is trying to achieve a certain goal. In this case, it is important to remember whether he managed to reach the top and what happened there.

If you fail to climb to the top, most likely you will not be able to achieve your goal. Perhaps some circumstances will interfere or the path to achieve the goal was initially chosen incorrectly.

If, having climbed to the top, the dreamer discovers two peaks, it will be possible to achieve what he wants with the help of influential patronage.

Residential buildings seen in the mountains in a dream are a harbinger that you will have loyal and reliable friends and companions around you.

If in a dream there are mountains on the way to the top that hinder you, expect to face difficulties.

If in a dream you saw mountains that tremble and at the same time move, it means that the energy that you spend on the way to achieving your goal is all in vain.

Seeing an old horse in a dream that has difficulty moving through mountainous terrain is a hint that you are tired of everyday work and are close. But at the same time, such a dream can be interpreted as a quick achievement of the goal; all that remains is to make the last efforts for this.

Vanga's dream book about seeing a mountain

The mountain is a symbol of obstacle. If someone dreams that he is climbing a mountain along the road, he needs to be patient, because in the future he will have to encounter difficulties that he will still be able to overcome. The longer the path along the mountain, the more time it will take to solve the problem.

If in a dream you fall from a mountain, it means you are haunted by a feeling of guilt that prevents you from self-realization.

It’s a bad sign when, on the way up the mountain, it begins to crumble and parts of it fall out from under your feet. This is a sign that the plans will not come true, the plans will remain unrealized.

Those who see a stream flowing from a mountain in a dream will experience a memorable vision. If you dream of the sea and mountains, then this dream is considered depending on water. Seeing a calm sea means success in business and respect from others. A sea with raging waves that hit the mountains with force - a loss of honor and reputation.

Moving mountains are a harbinger of an earthquake.

Seeing a temple on a mountain is a symbol of faith in God.

Why do you dream of mountains: interpretation in a modern dictionary

If a mountain appears in a dream at a far distance, then the dreamer in reality sets himself only goals that he is actually able to achieve. And if at the same time he admires what he sees, this is a sign that a sober outlook on life will help him get out of any situation.

Climbing a mountain in a dream - such a vision symbolizes overcoming difficulties. It will be a good harbinger for you if you manage to climb a mountain in a dream. But if any obstacles appeared on the way that prevented you from reaching the top, in reality, unforeseen obstacles will arise on the way to achieving your goal.

What Danilova’s erotic dream book says about why mountains are dreamed of

A good sign is for the dreamer to climb a path up a mountain - business will come white stripe. Perhaps a new hobby will soon await you, with which you will feel loved and desired. You will rise in the eyes of your loved one.

Disappointment or major losses await those who dreamed of rolling down a mountain or going down.

Mountains - in the family dream book

Here the mountains are seen as such a serious obstacle that it may be worth giving up on achieving the goal, especially if the mountains are not covered with snow. Similar developments of events are prophesied by dreams in which the dreamer falls off the mountain.

But if the peak you are climbing to is covered with snow, then you need to gain strength and patience and continue what you started. You shouldn’t give up on your goal even when you dream that there isn’t much left to reach the top.

Conquering mountain peaks in a dream is a sign that the dreamer is on the path to success.

Bad sleep is a vision of blood. If the dreamer gets injured on the way to the top, he will have to get into a dead end while solving production problems.

Gemstone, found in the mountains - such a dream prophesies that you will unexpectedly receive a business offer.

If in a dream you manage to go out to mountain river– you need to change your view of the goal.

Interpretation of the meaning of mountains among different nationalities

It is interesting that what different nationalities dream of about mountains is interpreted differently. Although sometimes it coincides.

Why do you dream of mountains according to the interpretation of Russian dream books?

2. Obstacle.

For this reason, in the dream books of the Russian people, the vision of a mountain in a dream is interpreted as a difficult period in life, during which one will have to fight the obstacles that have arisen.

Seeing a mountain covered with forest is a sign of the chosen one’s infidelity. This may be a test to be endured.

Bald Mountain is a harbinger of anxiety. Climbing a mountain during a thunderstorm means you will have to face great need.

For a woman who in a dream climbs a mountain, overcoming ravines and ditches, such a vision promises her an unsuccessful marriage in which misfortunes will haunt her.

To find out what you are dreaming about high mountain, it is necessary to remember all the details as accurately as possible. For a sick person, such a dream promises recovery. If the path to the top is very long, his illness is very serious.

Dig a hole on high mountain- to early death loved one.

If you have a vision in which the mountains are covered with moss, the dream promises a successful marriage.

But if in a dream you have to go down a mountain, most likely profit awaits you, and good luck awaits you in all your endeavors.

Mountain in the Ukrainian dream book

Ukrainian dream book climbing a mountain is interpreted as sadness, and for those walking along a mountain ridge - prosperity and good luck.

If bare slopes appear in a dream, this is a harbinger of sadness and anxiety.

Mountain in the English dream book

In the English dream book, a mountain is a harbinger of hard work, and seeing rocks means the need for patience, as well as a philosophical look at life.

Chinese dream book about the meaning of a mountain

The Chinese dream book claims that seeing mountains made of earth and manure in a dream is a good sign denoting imminent wealth. And if you had a dream - an excursion to the mountains, in the warm season - for happiness and good luck.

Staying in a mountain cave in a dream is a sign of good luck.

Climbing the ridge and experiencing fear at the same time - good sleep, promises career growth.

If you dream that when moving up you have to hold some object in your hands, it means the birth of a son.

Living in the mountains is a sign of a pleasant event.

Plowing the ground in a mountainous area - such a dream promises good level life.

Interpretation of a mountain in a women's eastern dream book

We read that climbing a mountain in a dream is a harbinger of a struggle with difficulties. Much best sign appears when in a dream you have to go down the mountain. This marks the end of a dark streak in life.

A good dream is one in which you own a mountain or live in the mountains. The dream book states that this is good relationship with an influential person.

A difficult climb to the ridge is a sign of failure, an easy climb is a sign of fame and success.

Standing on top of a mountain in a dream is seen as a warning.

It’s just important to remember its color:

Black - the need to be careful;

A mountain of light colors means good luck.

Climbing a mountain in a dream often foreshadows overcoming difficulties, trials, and achieving a goal through obstacles. However, to understand what the plot is about, the dream book also offers other meanings: career growth, fulfillment of desires, luck, profit.

Moving towards the future

Why do you dream of climbing a mountain? The dream book emphasizes: this is a symbol of renewal, movement towards the future. If you didn’t feel tired, you will be able to do the upcoming work well and achieve success. Tired? You want too much, better rest.

Seeing yourself going up in a dream means: having invested enough work, you will reach your goal. By steep mountain- serious difficulties will arise.

New opportunities will open up for you

Did you dream of moving up? The dream book informs: fulfillment of desires, improvement is ahead social status. Climbing upward in a dream foreshadows the sleeping person, if he is sick, healing.

Climbing a sacred mountain means a clearer understanding of cause-and-effect relationships, the discovery of new opportunities, and a renewal of one’s worldview.

Why do you dream of seeing a small hill of sand or earth? In reality you will encounter an easily removable obstacle. Climbing there in a dream means resolving a temporary misunderstanding. Conquering a steep ice slide with an ice ax means overcoming a difficult time in reality, solving your problems with the help of friends.

Completion of a difficult period, resumption of business

Going down from it, according to the dream book, has a double interpretation. On the one hand, this is moving away from the goal, failure in business. But the vision also suggests: the difficult period is ending. And if you descended easily, solve problems that previously seemed difficult. Good luck and profit await you.

To dream of going up on foot means: thanks to your own hard work, you will successfully overcome all troubles and obstacles.

Climbing up a mountain on foot in a dream: after a break, continue an important task again. On a bicycle - the dream book promises meeting a person who is capable of loving truly.

What was the climb like?

The interpretation of the dream depends on how exactly you did it:

  • on foot - determination in achieving your plans;
  • by car - fast career growth ahead;
  • on a bicycle - excellent prospects and new opportunities will open up;
  • skiing - difficulties ahead;
  • with a person - a friend, a relative who will support you in joy and help you overcome difficulties.

A dream of getting up in a car is interpreted as pleasant meetings with friends and colleagues. Driving a car up a hill in a dream promises an unexpected turn of events.

Climbing up a mountain on skis means: although the sleeper has chosen a difficult path for his career, bright self-realization awaits him.

Miller's Dream Book: Challenges Ahead

Why do you dream of climbing a mountain? Serious tests lie ahead. If you can’t get to the top, your hopes will fail.

A difficult path promises great success

Did you dream of climbing to the top? You will successfully take advantage of favorable circumstances or make a decision that is unexpected for others.

  • This symbol is directly related to many fairy tales and legends. According to the ancestors, the mountains concealed secret powers and served as a haven for their owners. Many believed that the mountains contained treasures that were inaccessible to people and brought misfortune to those who went in search of them. For those who lived near the mountains, there were forbidden places that were not allowed to go, so as not to disturb the spirits.
  • Slavic oral literature interprets mountains as eternal, beyond the control of human forces. The mountain is a large and serious obstacle on the way.
  • There is a well-known expression: “A smart person will not go up a mountain, a smart person will go around a mountain” and another one: “If the mountain does not come to Mohammed, then Mohammed goes to the mountain,” which means: do not wait in vain for the impossible, do as you can.
  • If in a dream you climb a mountain, then this means your desire to realize some idea. Reaching the top of the mountain means achieving what you want, making your dreams come true. If, despite all your efforts, you cannot climb to the top of the mountain, then this indicates that external circumstances will interfere with the implementation of your plans; perhaps you should wait for some time and try again to achieve your goal.
  • Seeing a mountain with two peaks - such a dream predicts success in some important matter, because you have the support of an influential person.
  • If a river flows along the slopes of a mountain, it means that many events await you ahead, but they will be small and insignificant, the work will not bring satisfaction, but this period of hectic pursuit of empty affairs will soon end.
  • Seeing a chain of mountains is a warning dream. If a mountain range blocks your path, it means that you will encounter insurmountable obstacles on your way. If a chain of mountains stretches along your path, then this is a sign that you will achieve your goal despite the actions of ill-wishers.
  • If you dreamed of a mountain with settlements on its slopes, then this means that you are surrounded by a large number of friends and good acquaintances who will help you in difficult times, which will not keep you waiting.
  • To see in a dream how a person moves a mountain from one place to another at will - you are looking for strength to carry out your plans, but do not overestimate your capabilities and do not rely on outside help.
  • To dream that you are going to a mountain and understand that it is approaching you on its own - this dream means that external circumstances will be favorable and you will receive what you have long deserved.
  • To see in a dream a friend who came at night looking for help: you need to dig a mountain, and you immediately go to help him - this dream means that you do not spare yourself for the sake of others, but every day you become more and more disappointed in those who help and for whom you sacrifice yourself.
  • To see in a dream that a mountain begins to move, like the belly of a pregnant woman, and after that many mice appear in the area, you foresee the futility of what you are doing now and what your best energies are being spent on.
  • To dream of a nag that is barely dragging itself up a mountain - endless hard work tires you too much, so you do not see any clearing ahead; you have to work hard to complete something that requires close attention.