Why do you dream about the Matrona icon? Why do you dream about icons of saints - interpretations according to dream books.

Why do you dream about the holy matron?

Spring dream book

Saint Matrona - Seeing the icon of Saint Matrona for a woman bearing this name means a big change in life, for the good. Buying an icon of Saint Matrona means patronage from above.

Why do you dream about the holy matron?

Summer dream book

Matrona - Seeing the image of Saint Matrona on an icon in a dream means ordering a prayer service in honor of your dead.

Why do you dream about the holy matron?

Autumn dream book

Saint Matrona - To see an icon of Saint Matrona in a dream - the saint will patronize you.

The reality and meaning of dreams

Sleep from Wednesday to Thursday

The dream reflects future events of a social and business nature. A vivid dream, which the dreamer remembers in detail, indicates the likelihood of favorable career changes this coming Saturday or Sunday. Unmemorable paintings foreshadow hard, monotonous work.

24 lunar day

The dream directly reflects the sexual energy of the sleeper. It is better not to take into account the details when deciphering it. Pay attention to your impressions: if they are gloomy, you have intimate problems that need to be solved. Pleasant dreams speak of harmony in the sexual sphere.

Waning Moon

A dream on the waning moon belongs to the category of cleansing: it indicates that it will soon lose value in real life. Only dreams with negative content come true: they carry a good meaning.

February 28

A dream is a mirror reflection of events from the past of the sleeper. Often it contains an assessment of his actions, words, important decisions. Such dreams have nothing to do with the future.

I came to the church to see the relics of Matronushka. Approaching them there was a very beautiful cross and something else. I hesitated, but touched. A woman was sitting next to me, she told me that I could take the cross and read what was written behind it. I realized that this was Matronushka’s cross. The inscription was difficult to read as there was poor lighting in the church. But I liked the dream. When I woke up, the thought occurred to me that this was Matronushka herself.

I see a lot of people, it’s twilight. Suddenly a nun comes up to me and places a coffin lid (a gold bar) with the same cross on it on the ground at my feet. I fall to my knees and pray. Suddenly a nun puts her hand on my shoulder, I get up and see Matronushka in front of me with eyes closed. She gently hugged me and pressed me close, I felt warmth. And I tell her: I’m so tired, everything inside me hurts. She answers: “I know.” The grave is free. I woke up from such horror, it became so scary. Why such a dream.

In reality, I am pregnant with 3 children. I dreamed about Matryona, she talked to me, taught me something and advised me. In my dream I had big belly and I didn’t know where to turn. I walked across the railway bridge. I went up the steps to the bridge and then went down. I went somewhere to a lecture, looked for an audience. Some woman in long clothes advised me something. Which hospital should I go to. I didn’t listen to her, she introduced herself with a threatening expression face and said I’m Matryona. But in the end I went to the supermarket. And so I wanted to go listen to lectures on medicine. I myself am a doctor by profession

I dream that I come to church

And quickly woke up

My husband and I were going to visit the matron’s relics on Saturday morning, but in the end we didn’t get there, and on the night from Saturday to Sunday I had a dream:
I dream that I come to church, they brought the relics of the matron
I go in, there are gypsies there as always, and there are a lot of people inside...
It’s like they’re singing, somewhere in the corner someone has a small coffin in their arms and there’s a girl there, it’s clear that she’s sick, her eyes are crowded, her legs are dangling like a doll’s...
And it’s generally unclear what’s going on..
I ran out of there, and I remember that I had a lot of bags of groceries, very heavy...
And some Granny was walking, as I understood from the church, and I went up to her and asked, where is the matronushka?
She begins to give me some advice on how to approach correctly, I just run after her, and there are steps in front of me and it’s really hard for me to climb up with these bags, but this Granny got up very quickly and moved on, she didn’t wait for me, I shout to her then, like, tell me, tell me more, she turns and says, “there’s the matron, she’s going down to the river, catch up with her, she’ll answer everything.”
I turn my head and see a small horse, and a small girl is sitting on it, and she has such a long thick hair. beautiful tail like it shimmers like gold, she had her back to me, and I understand that this is the matron, I felt so warm inside... She was just so pleasant, she was all glowing, I looked and I immediately felt so good.
But I didn’t follow her, I said okay...next time.
And quickly woke up

Saint Matrona is a symbol of help in business.

What if you dream about a matron?

Saint Matrona of Moscow is seen in dreams when a person asks the saint for help. If this option was not available, but you dreamed about the saint of God, then you should reconsider your life. Only the priest in the church can figure out the exact version.

Why does Matrona dream? Of course, the sign was sent from above. The blind old woman herself said that after her death, people should ask her for help, just like she was alive. Therefore, it is worth asking for help in prayer or deciphering the dream. If this was done, then perhaps the article will explain the mystery.

Firstly, it is worth going to the relics of the saint, coming to the church that she patronizes, and venerating the icons. Secondly, it is worth reading prayers to Saint Matrona. There are akathists, prayers dedicated to all the saints and specifically to the old woman.

What does it portend?

Matrona dreamed, which means the most big problems They will be able to decide only by changing their life priorities. All quarrels in the family occur only because of the hero Morpheus.

A woman should be wiser, in conflicts she should be the first to seek reconciliation, humility and ease, which will help preserve family happiness. Only a strong heroine can get out of the crisis. Illness of children, troubles at work, lack of money, troubles occur due to masculinity, rudeness and evil in the heart. It is necessary to stop gossip, evil thoughts, everything affects not only the heroine of the dream, but also her offspring.

For men, a matron in a dream is a harbinger of a strong beginning in life. As the father of a family, he must stand up for his wife, children, and parents. If a needy and disadvantaged person appears on your path soon, give him a helping hand too. Thoughts of adultery, or betrayal of your wife, will be severely punished. If the husband is involved in this, woe to him, he urgently needs to change his life and ask God for forgiveness while there is time.

A complete description of the dream on the topic: “If you dream about the icon of the Matrona of Moscow” with an interpretation from astrologers for people.

The people love and honor the memory of the holy blessed Matrona of Moscow. Many people ask her for intercession. And it is not surprising if the saint appears to them in a dream. Any appearance of it can be a signal or an important sign telling you what to do in a given situation. But why do people who are far from the church and religion dream of her image? We will look for the answer in the dream book, carefully analyzing all the interpretations of such an unusual vision.

Everything will come true!

Every dream in which Matronushka is present is described in the dream book as prophetic. Why might she be dreaming? First of all, this is a sign that the dreamer’s prayers for the saint’s help have been heard, all the worst, most difficult, and terrible things have been left behind.

And if you dreamed of the Blessed One alive, and you even managed to talk to her in a dream, then the dream book prophesies great success in all endeavors, as well as love, happiness, peace and mutual understanding in the family.

In addition, you must definitely try to remember every word that was spoken in the night vision from the lips of Matrona. Everything she said needs to be analyzed and remembered: this is invaluable advice on how to act accurately in a difficult situation.

Holy mood

Did you see in a dream that Matrona smiled at you and was happy? Then the dream book promises good luck in business and a speedy resolution of pressing problems. But if she looked at you reproachfully, then there is a high probability that in reality you are behaving incorrectly and unseemly. It is possible that you, wittingly or unwittingly, offend, humiliate someone, or are overly proud of yourself and your merits.

Isn't a dream about the Holy Intercessor a reason to think about your actions, thoughts, and feelings?

Women's visions

Separately, we should dwell on why a woman might dream about Matrona of Moscow. According to the dream book, this is advice to the dreamer to devote more time to his family, especially his spouse and children. Now, more than ever before, they need care, affection, and warmth.

If the sleeping lady has to important event in life, the appearance of a saint in a dream predicts a successful outcome. As the dream book assures, a woman will be able to endure all the trials sent down with dignity and will strengthen her spirit.

When a young lady sees Matrona in a dream, this is an omen great love and happiness. The girl gains the protection of heaven, as well as hope and confidence, which will help her overcome some obstacles on her life's path.

The best male qualities

For a man, a dream about Matrona of Moscow can predict the immediate need to defend someone. These could be members of the dreamer's family, as well as his colleagues and friends. This dream evokes such masculine qualities as decency, responsibility, honesty, courage. You will have a reason to demonstrate them in reality.

If the dreamer sees that a saint comes to him and seems to want to explain something, then this may be a warning. The dream book explains: this vision warns the sleeper from a rash, frivolous act.

Miller's interpretation

The dream interpreter describes a dream in which not the saint herself was seen, but an icon with her face. This vision, according to Miller, testifies to the dreamer’s high spirituality, his willingness to admit all his mistakes and repent for his sins.

If a girl dreams of such a plot, then she will soon meet a young man who will propose to her and later become a wonderful husband.

Secret patron

In despair, did you cry out to all the saints for help, and a little later in a dream you saw the image of the Matrona of Moscow or her iconographic image? This is a wonderful sign, suggesting that your prayers have been heard and now you have a patron, a Guardian Angel.

Some dream books believe that after such a vision it is necessary to visit the burial place of the saint. And if this is not possible, you can visit the temple, find an icon dedicated to her and pray, thank the intercessor.

Presence effect

Sometimes people wake up and realize that the Saint appeared to them in a dream, but they cannot remember what she looked like or what she did. But Matrona’s words and speech often remain very clearly in the memory of those sleeping. The Dream Interpretation reminds: this is invaluable information, using which a person can dramatically change his destiny for the better. Some dreamers are especially lucky: they can ask Blessed Matrona a question in a dream and hear her answer.

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If in real world If you often pray and ask for intercession from the Matrona of Moscow, then it is not surprising that one day she will come to you in a dream. But what does its appearance mean to a non-believer? The dream book will help you figure out why you are dreaming.

Prophetic dream

In any case, the dream book considers the dream in which you happened to see Matrona of Moscow to be prophetic. It can serve as a warning or a sign that your cries for help have been heard.

If you dreamed that in a dream the blessed one was alive again and you had a conversation with her, then in the future you will have success in business, great happiness, love and in general good life. The dream book advises you to remember everything that the saint says. Her words will become a guide for further actions.

To accurately guess what Matronushka is dreaming about, the dream book recommends remembering what mood she was in. If you dreamed that the saint was happy and smiling, then expect a positive solution to your problems.

If you looked at her reproachfully, it means you are behaving or doing something wrong. In reality, try to reconsider your views and abandon activities that bring negativity to others. But whatever the saint’s attitude towards you in a dream, do not under any circumstances neglect her advice.

For women

If a woman dreams of the blessed one, then she should be wiser, calmer and more tolerant towards others, give in more often and take care of loved ones. The appearance of a saint before a significant event in life will calm the soul and help to endure all the trials of fate.

If a girl dreams of the living Matrona of Moscow, then she will soon be waiting great love and happiness. In any case, the appearance of this image in a dream means hope and the protection of Heaven.

For men

Why does a man dream that in a dream he saw the Matrona of Moscow? Very soon someone will find themselves in a difficult situation and will need your help. You may have to come to the defense of your family. Do your best.

If a living blessed woman came to a man, it means that in his soul he is hiding thoughts of betrayal or betrayal. This dream should be taken as a warning against rash and stupid actions.

According to Miller's dream book

How to decipher a vision in which you dreamed not of Matrona herself, but of her icon? Miller's dream book considers this a sign of high spirituality and repentance. By the way, if a girl dreams of an icon, then she will marry good man and will never regret it.

Personal guardian angel

If not so long ago you turned to heaven for intercession or help in business and in life in general, and you dreamed of the Matrona of Moscow or her icon, then know that now you have a guardian angel and can safely turn to him.

Ideally, the dream book recommends that after such a dream you visit the burial site and venerate the relics. If this is not possible, then you can simply buy the image and put it in a place where you can always pray in peace and quiet.

Confidence in the future

Very often, in night dreams, Matrona of Moscow reveals only her presence. That is, it cannot be seen, but can only be heard or felt. This does not change the meaning of the dream.

In addition, the dream book advises trying to ask a question of interest. In any case, you will receive wise advice and reassurance, and also gain confidence in the future.

Why do you dream about an icon - according to Miller’s dream book

If in a dream you are on your knees in front of the icon of the Mother of God, it means that in reality you do not have enough strength and patience to cope with the problems that have piled up, but pride does not allow you to ask for help from loved ones. Humble your pride, because your loved ones will always come to the rescue. For a young girl the icon prophesies happy marriage. To see the face of a saint come to life on an icon - a dream speaks of faith in supernatural forces, which, in your opinion, protect peace and bring happiness to the family.

Matrona repeated to everyone who came to her: “Surrender yourself into the hands of the Lord and don’t worry about anything, know that He will manage everything as it should. He said: “Be like children.” The child is being carried in a sleigh, but he sits, doesn’t care about anything, and isn’t afraid of anything. Protect yourself with prayer sign of the cross, partake of the Holy Mysteries. Remember that the main thing is He, and not His servants. Do not run after the elders and saints, do not change your spiritual fathers, do not boast of the foresight of your priests. If you go to an elder or priest for advice, pray that the Lord will make you wise to give it good advice" She taught me not to be interested in priests and their private lives.

And Matronushka also said: “The enemy is approaching - you must definitely pray. Sudden death happens if you live without prayer. The enemy sits on our left shoulder, and on the right is an angel, and each has his own book: our sins are written in one, and good deeds in the other. Get baptized often! The cross is the same lock as on the door.”

Miller's Dream Book. What does a dreaming icon mean?

  • If you dreamed about how you were kneeling in front of an icon, then this characterizes you as spiritually weak person. You don't have the patience to finish what you start. Or the zeal to start a new, profitable business in which you could succeed. Try to pull yourself together and start acting more energetically. This will bear fruit.
  • If a young lady dreams of an icon, then this symbolizes her imminent marriage. The marriage will be happy and full of love and harmony.
  • If you dreamed about how an image from an icon stretches out its hands to you, then this means your faith in higher powers and the supernatural. Spirits actually protect you and help you in everything. Don't stray from your chosen path and follow your ideals.

An explanation of why the icon of Jesus Christ is dreamed of is given by Grishina in her interpreter. Grishina's dream book warns that in at the moment all actions, words and even thoughts are endowed with special power. The dream promises that the result of every action will follow immediately. True, you will also have to reap the benefits.

The icon of the Matrona of Moscow in a dream suggests that in reality you recently managed to avoid serious danger. This plot symbolizes gratitude to fate and higher powers.

Prayer and worship

The Dream Book of the Seasons claims that praying in front of an icon is one of the most positive dreams. What you see in your night dreams means that you will soon receive an interesting offer, on which your material well-being directly depends.

name Seeing the icon of St. Olga for a woman wearing this means a big change in life, for the good.

Buying an icon of St. Olga means patronage from above.

oklad To see rich icons in gold or silver in a dream means not to believe in anything.

Seeing the image of Saint Olga on an icon in a dream means ordering a prayer service in honor of your dead.

Looking at icons in a dream means donating to the church.

To see an icon of Saint Olga in a dream - the saint will patronize you.

I dreamed about it antique icon- spirituality rooted in your past.

Any Antique item, Present in a dream, is somehow a reminder from your past. The Ancient Icon is a hint for you. It is necessary to remember spirituality and those values ​​that were relevant to you once upon a time.

I dreamed about it inverted icon- temptation, Temptation; threat of committing a sin.

I dreamed that the icon falls in a dream - you will not be able to resist temptation or sin.

Matrona is dreaming - changes await you in your personal life. In a dream, Matrona means that soon a person will appear in your life, a connection with whom will bring you many happy moments and fill your life with new meaning.

Miller's dream book believes that the icon is one of the most prosperous symbols. This sign means that circumstances will develop exclusively in your favor, so use this favorable moment to realize your plans.

If you dreamed of a golden icon, this is confirmation that you have a high scale of values. Faith and religion play a very important role for you.

Miller claims that the ancient icon is a harbinger of epochal changes that will affect the whole family. Perhaps the start of a chain of events will be the receipt of important news.

If you dreamed of a saint with a stern face, this indicates dissatisfaction with oneself. Miller's dream book recommends looking for the root of evil not in the act itself, but in its motivation.

Dream book "DomSnov"

Indreamsawicon Mother of God, tears (blood) were flowing from my eyes. What could this mean? Angel 2012-01-30 12:30:17. I dreamed of a similar one dream.Tell me what happened to you. To me indream I had panic fear. I dreamed that I was standing in front of icon saint Matrons and I pray, I ask you to help... there is a face Matronushki comes to life and says that she loves me, will help me.. I still can’t understand what it was - a trick of my mind or a sign from above.. maybe you can help me figure it out?? Please!

Dream Interpretation "felomena"

Dream Interpretation Felomena. Why do you dream Matronindream By dream book? If indream You sawmatron- rest assured, you will live to a ripe old age. I dreamed dream, that I was walking with my friends, they asked “what kind of walls are these?” I told him that we were walking along the Intercession Monastery, where the Saint rests Matronushka Moscow. Then I see yourself in front of iconMatronushki and I apologize, she looks at me menacingly, her eyes sparkle and refuses to forgive.

Dream Interpretation "NeoLove"

Seeindreamicon - good sign, dream promises you good health, family well-being, good luck at work. Phenomenon iconsindream- means that providence is watching you and it depends on you which path to follow - goodness and blessings, or vice versa. Seeindream many icons- to fun; crouch indream To icon- to joy; see yourself praying with prostrations to the ground - to possible loss in the house; those praying on their knees - to the fulfillment of desires; if a mother passes it on to her daughter icons- for the wedding.

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The icon symbolizes the spiritual life of a person. Dreams in which religious images are present emphasize the dreamer's faith in the best. Seeing an icon in a dream is a message from above, informing that cherished desires will come true, or warning about a possible illness or mistakes made. To correctly decipher night vision, you need to remember whose icon you dreamed about, what condition it was in, and also restore the events that took place in the kingdom of Morpheus.

Why do you dream about an icon - interpretation according to dream books

Did you know that bowing in front of an icon in night vision means losses.

Who dreamed about the icon: a child, a girl, a woman or a man

If in your night dreams you happened to kneel before a holy image, then your wish will come true.

Why do you dream about the icon of the Mother of God, Nicholas the Wonderworker, Matrona of Moscow, the Mother of God, Jesus Christ, Nicholas the Pleasant, Seraphim of Sarov, Panteleimon the Healer and others

A big role in the interpretation of night vision is played by which saint was depicted on the icon, where exactly it was located, and what it looked like. Therefore, remember all the details of the dream, and then you will easily find its solution.

  1. Why do you dream about an icon? Mother of God with a baby? This symbol serves as parting words or a message from above. Night vision promises women happy marriage and the joy of motherhood.
  2. If a person who recently got married saw a dream, then he will soon have children. According to Medea’s dream book, you succumb to temptation and deviate from the true path.
  3. If you dreamed about the face of the Kazan Mother of God, then you will make peace with your loved one. By Slavic dream book, in relationships with people around you you will find harmony.
  4. The “seven-arrow” icon of the Mother of God is dreamed of by people who have turned away from the righteous path. Anger and envy are the feelings that prevail in the dreamer. You should get rid of bad thoughts, otherwise they will lead you to darkness.
  5. The face of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, seen in night dreams, prophesies prosperity and good luck in any endeavor. By English dream book, fortune will smile on you.
  6. The dreamed face of Matrona of Moscow prophesies happiness in love. Your dreams will come true. According to the dream book of the healer Akulina, great luck awaits you.

    If you dreamed about the icon “Pokrov Holy Mother of God", then in right moment they will help you

  7. Did you dream about the image of the Blessed Virgin Mary? This means you need help from relatives. You do not feel confident in your abilities, you are afraid to take on new things.
  8. The icon of the Mother of God “Sovereign”, seen in the kingdom of Morpheus, suggests that you are hiding something from loved one. Open up and you will immediately feel better.
  9. The face of the Mother of God “Vladimirovskaya” seen in a dream informs that it’s enough to dream and fantasize, and it’s time to start solving practical issues. The time has come to improve relations with household members and put an end to quarrels and disagreements.
  10. A dreamed icon of Jesus Christ notifies you of changes in life. How life will turn out in the future depends on previously committed actions. According to the Vedic dream book, you know that your actions are wrong and you regret them.
  11. The image of Nikolai Ugodnik, seen in a dream, indicates that you need to listen to yourself. Only in this case will you solve the problems that have arisen. According to Danilova’s dream book, accept the trials that befall you calmly and do not lose faith, higher powers will come to the rescue.
  12. The face of Seraphim of Sarov, seen in a dream, informs the dreamer that now there will be no future in his life. better times, but there is no need to give up. Turn to God for help, and not to friends, and then problems will be quickly solved, and a bright streak will come in life. Many icons warn you against rash actions.

    Icon " Unexpected joy"urges you to visit the temple and pray for your loved ones

  13. The icon “Unexpected Joy” that appeared in a night vision suggests that your soul is overwhelmed by despair and sorrow, but you should not lose heart. Go to church and pray, light candles for the health of yourself and your loved ones, seek advice from a relative or friend. Life will definitely get better.
  14. Did you see the image of St. George the Victorious in a dream? This means that the enemies are plotting behind their backs. Try to be as careful as possible, do not be offended.
  15. The face of Panteleimon the Healer, seen in the kingdom of Morpheus, is a good sign. Sick people will soon recover after such a dream.
  16. The image of St. Luke, seen in night dreams, promises good health. It is especially good to see it in a dream for a seriously ill person. This means that his affairs will improve and his illness will recede.
  17. Did you dream about the icon of the Holy Trinity? You need the support of your family. Don’t shut yourself down and don’t try to solve the difficulties that arise on your own. This will only drive you further into a corner. Talk to your loved ones, tell them about the difficult situation you find yourself in, and then they will be able to help you.
  18. The Burning Bush icon, seen in a dream, warns that you need to be careful with fire. There is a possibility of a fire.
  19. Dreaming about the “Unexpected Joy” icon indicates that you are experiencing feelings that negatively affect your internal state. Try to think positively.
  20. If in the night vision the icon was faceless, then you need to refrain from rash actions and not be fooled by provocations. According to esotericist Tsvetkov, you will have problems communicating with other people. Try to be more reserved and think before you say anything.

If in a dream you saw ancient icons, then you need the help of relatives.

Location of the holy face: in a house, including someone else’s, in the sky, in a church, in water, on a grave

  1. I dreamed of an icon in the house - get ready for difficulties. According to the dream book of Catherine the Great, great trials await your family.
  2. Did you see a holy image in someone else's house in a dream? Someone close to you will be in trouble and will need help. According to Miller's dream book, you have to fight your own weaknesses.
  3. Why do you dream about an icon in the sky? Seeing the face of a saint above your head in a dream means turmoil and chaos. Difficult times will come soon in life, and it will take a lot of effort to solve problems.
  4. If in a night vision you saw the face of a saint on a grave, then be prepared for trouble. You or a relative may become seriously ill. According to Solomon’s dream book, disagreements with friends are coming, and in a dispute it will be difficult for you to come to a common denominator.
  5. Did you dream about an icon in a church? Happiness awaits you in your personal life, and you will have the opportunity to realize what you have long planned. According to Vanga, you will achieve success in new projects and undertakings.
  6. Seeing a holy image in water in the kingdom of Morpheus means dramatic changes in life. But if the icon was lying on the ground in a night vision, then you are turning off the right path and taking a slippery path. Come to your senses before it's too late.

If you dreamed of an icon with a cross, then this good omen. You have overcome the trials that befell you and can now enjoy peace of mind.

Dreaming about the icon of the Mother of God “Three Hands” promises good health and prosperity

Appearance: broken, burning, drawn with chalk or pencil, fallen, golden

  1. If in the dream the icon was broken, then you have forgotten about divine laws and are mired in sins. It's time to come to your senses, otherwise you will bring disaster upon yourself.
  2. A broken icon in night dreams is a bad omen. According to the folklore dream book, such a vision promises serious illness and death.
  3. A fallen holy image is usually dreamed of by people who have committed a bad act. By women's dream book, the vision symbolizes grief and sadness.
  4. A burning icon in a dream prophesies adversity and trials. By lunar dream book, the vision foreshadows illness and death. Dream interpreter Grishina is sure that you missed the chance to correct your mistakes.
  5. If the saint in the image smiled, then peace and tranquility will come in life. You can count on success and progress in business.
  6. A golden icon seen in a dream indicates that you are a deeply religious person who adheres to all God’s commandments. By esoteric dream book, you were able to avoid danger.
  7. If in your night dreams the icon was drawn with a simple pencil, then you will soon have new hobbies and interests. If you try, you can achieve success in your endeavors.
  8. Did you dream of an icon drawn with chalk? To achieve what you want, you need to work hard.
  9. A black icon in a dream is a sign that you want to take a slippery slope.

This is interesting! If the icon shone in the dream, then you are a believer and pious person. The Guardian Angel is always next to you. It protects you from serious mistakes and shows you the right path.

If you dreamed of an icon in a car, then the planned trip will be successful

Meaning by action: seeing an icon or procession from the side, kissing, holding in hands, buying, drawing, giving, kissing, accidentally breaking

An icon crying in the kingdom of Morpheus is a bad omen. Losses and frustrations await you.

Did you dream about an icon embroidered with beads? You have to work long and hard to achieve your goal

Interpretation of other dreams about an icon: what does a dream mean in which a demon enters an icon, the dreamer is asked to burn the holy face

  1. If in a dream you were asked to burn the face of a saint, then they want to lead you astray from the righteous path. Do not react to provocations, otherwise you will regret it.
  2. Sometimes in nightmare you can see that the icon has been possessed by a demon. Such a vision warns that something bad may happen to you. Put it aside for a while long trips, try not to walk the streets unnecessarily at night and stop communicating with dubious individuals.
  3. Seeing an icon next to a deceased person in a dream means the illness of a loved one. You will have to put a lot of effort into helping him cope with his illness.
  4. If in your night dreams there was blood on the holy image, then trouble may happen. It’s worth going to church and praying for yourself and your loved ones.
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Why do you dream about an icon - An icon in your dream

Why do you dream about an icon - according to Miller’s dream book

If in a dream you are on your knees in front of the icon of the Mother of God, it means that in reality you do not have enough strength and patience to cope with the problems that have piled up, but pride does not allow you to ask for help from loved ones. Humble your pride, because your loved ones will always come to the rescue. For a young girl, the icon prophesies a happy marriage. To see the face of a saint come to life on an icon - a dream speaks of faith in supernatural forces, which, in your opinion, protect peace and bring happiness to the family.

Matrona repeated to everyone who came to her: “Surrender yourself into the hands of the Lord and don’t worry about anything, know that He will manage everything as it should. He said: “Be like children.” The child is being carried in a sleigh, but he sits, doesn’t care about anything, and isn’t afraid of anything. Protect yourself with prayer, the sign of the cross, and partake of the Holy Mysteries. Remember that the main thing is He, and not His servants. Do not run after the elders and saints, do not change your spiritual fathers, do not boast of the foresight of your priests. If you go to an elder or priest for advice, pray that the Lord will make him wise to give the right advice.” She taught not to be interested in priests and their private lives. And Matronushka also said: “The enemy is approaching - we must definitely pray. Sudden death happens if you live without prayer. The enemy sits on our left shoulder, and on the right is an angel, and each has his own book: our sins are written in one, and good deeds in the other. Get baptized often! The cross is the same lock as on the door.”

Miller's Dream Book. What does a dreaming icon mean?

  • If you dreamed that you were kneeling in front of an icon, then this characterizes you as a spiritually weak person. You don't have the patience to finish what you start. Or the zeal to start a new, profitable business in which you could succeed. Try to pull yourself together and start acting more energetically. This will bear fruit.
  • If a young lady dreams of an icon, then this symbolizes her imminent marriage. The marriage will be happy and full of love and harmony.
  • If you dreamed of an image from an icon stretching out its hands towards you, then this means your belief in higher powers and the supernatural. Spirits actually protect you and help you in everything. Don't stray from your chosen path and follow your ideals.

An explanation of why the icon of Jesus Christ is dreamed of is given by Grishina in her interpreter. Grishina's dream book warns that at the moment all actions, words and even thoughts are endowed with special power. The dream promises that the result of every action will follow immediately. True, you will also have to reap the benefits.

The icon of the Matrona of Moscow in a dream suggests that in reality you recently managed to avoid serious danger. This plot symbolizes gratitude to fate and higher powers.

Prayer and worship

The Dream Book of the Seasons claims that praying in front of an icon is one of the most positive dreams. What you see in your night dreams means that you will soon receive an interesting offer, on which your material well-being directly depends.

name Seeing the icon of St. Olga for a woman wearing this means a big change in life, for the good.

Buying an icon of St. Olga means patronage from above.

oklad To see rich icons in gold or silver in a dream means not to believe in anything.

Seeing the image of Saint Olga on an icon in a dream means ordering a prayer service in honor of your dead.

Looking at icons in a dream means donating to the church.

To see an icon of Saint Olga in a dream - the saint will patronize you.

I dreamed about it antique icon- spirituality rooted in your past.

Any Antique item present in a dream is, in one way or another, a reminder from your past. The Ancient Icon is a hint for you. It is necessary to remember spirituality and those values ​​that were relevant to you once upon a time.

I dreamed about it inverted icon- temptation, Temptation; threat of committing a sin.

I dreamed that the icon falls in a dream - you will not be able to resist temptation or sin.

Matrona is dreaming - changes await you in your personal life. In a dream, Matrona means that soon a person will appear in your life, a connection with whom will bring you many happy moments and fill your life with new meaning.

Miller's dream book believes that the icon is one of the most prosperous symbols. This sign means that circumstances will develop exclusively in your favor, so use this favorable moment to realize your plans.

If you dreamed of a golden icon, this is confirmation that you have a high scale of values. Faith and religion play a very important role for you.

Miller claims that the ancient icon is a harbinger of epochal changes that will affect the whole family. Perhaps the start of a chain of events will be the receipt of important news.

If you dreamed of a saint with a stern face, this indicates dissatisfaction with oneself. Miller's dream book recommends looking for the root of evil not in the act itself, but in its motivation.

Dream book "DomSnov"

Indreamsawicon Mother of God, tears (blood) were flowing from my eyes. What could this mean? Angel 2012-01-30 12:30:17. I dreamed of a similar one dream.Tell me what happened to you. To me indream I had panic fear. I dreamed that I was standing in front of icon saint Matrons and I pray, I ask you to help... there is a face Matronushki comes to life and says that she loves me, will help me.. I still can’t understand what it was - a trick of my mind or a sign from above.. maybe you can help me figure it out?? Please!

Dream Interpretation "felomena"

Dream Interpretation Felomena. Why do you dream Matronindream By dream book? If indream You sawmatron- rest assured, you will live to a ripe old age. I dreamed dream, that I was walking with my friends, they asked “what kind of walls are these?” I told him that we were walking along the Intercession Monastery, where the Saint rests Matronushka Moscow. Then I see yourself in front of iconMatronushki and I apologize, she looks at me menacingly, her eyes sparkle and refuses to forgive.

Dream Interpretation "NeoLove"

Seeindreamicon- a good sign dream promises you good health, family well-being, good luck in work. Phenomenon iconsindream- means that providence is watching you and it depends on you which path to follow - good and good, or vice versa. Seeindream many icons- to fun; crouch indream To icon- to joy; see yourself praying with prostrations to the ground - to possible loss in the house; those praying on their knees - to the fulfillment of desires; if a mother passes it on to her daughter icons- for the wedding.

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