Do you need an icon of Peter and Fevronia at home? Saints Peter and Fevronia of Murom - patrons of happy marriages

Saints Peter and Fevronia of Murom are a symbol of sincere and strong love for everyone Orthodox man. Their icon can save your family from quarrels and help you find true happiness.

History of the icon

The holy image of Peter and Fevronia was painted at the beginning of the 16th century, after the canonization of the couple. Peter was younger brother ruler of the city of Murom Pavel. A snake began to fly to Paul's wife at night and instill ungodly thoughts. The woman told her husband about everything, and he and Peter went hunting for the monster.

During the fight with the snake, several drops of his blood fell on Peter. Where the blood touched the skin, terrible ulcers arose, quickly spreading throughout the body and causing unbearable pain.

After a long unsuccessful treatment, desperate Peter found relief from his torment from the daughter of a simple peasant, who knew the power of herbs and roots. Fevronia made an ointment and, with prayers, applied it to Peter’s ulcers. The condition for treatment was the wedding of Peter and Fevronia. Peter kept his promise, and the couple went through a long, difficult path, but remained faithful to each other.

Where is the icon

The relics and icon of Peter and Fevronia of Murom are located in the Trinity Monastery in the city of Murom. To the relics and miraculous icon More than a thousand pilgrims come daily to worship and offer prayers.

Description of the image

The icon depicts Peter and Fevronia of Murom standing opposite each other. The saints are dressed in monastic vestments, and their eyes are raised to heaven. The married couple receives the Lord's blessing to bring their sacred love into the world.

You should know that there are many non-canonical images of Peter and Fevronia. They depict scenes from the lives of saints, but such icons are not recognized by the clergy and can only be used as decorative elements when explaining the lives of the holy spouses.

What does an icon help with?

Peter and Fevronia are an example family life for every believer. That is why holy spouses pray for a righteous marriage, true love and saving the family from divorce.

Priests advise unmarried young people to pray to Peter and Fevronia and unmarried girls who wish to create a strong Orthodox family in the future.

Prayers before the icon of Peter and Fevronia

“Oh, holy rulers of Murom Peter and Fevronia, who with their lives showed the path to true love and Christian mercy, hear us! We pray to you, humbly running and falling at your feet, protect our small Church from strife and worldly troubles, do not allow the devilish temptation to violate the holiness of our family. May we not disgrace the blessing of our Lord and humbly enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Amen".

“Oh, holy and all-merciful Peter and Fevronia! With sincere hope I come running to you and ask: do not abandon my prayer, hear and bow to me. Holy saints, accompany me to life path and allow me to unite my soul and heart with the servant of God, destined for me by the Lord! May my life be full of righteous feeling, and may I not darken the will of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen".

The date of memory of the icon of Peter and Fevronia of Murom is July 8. This day in Russia is recognized as a holiday of Family, Love and Fidelity. At this time, any prayers for family happiness are especially strong. We wish you strong and mutual love. Be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

07.07.2017 07:07

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On July 8, 2019, the Orthodox Church celebrates the Day of Remembrance of Peter and Fevronia of Murom, who are considered patrons of family and marriage. These saints became models of marital fidelity, and their marriage became a symbol of family happiness.

Peter and Fevronia were canonized by the church in 1547, and since then a holiday dedicated to them has been celebrated annually in our churches. In many Russian cities monuments to these saints were erected in Orthodox churches icons of Saints Peter and Fevronia are kept.

According to legend, the peasant woman Fevronia, who had the gift of clairvoyance and healing, cured Prince Peter of a serious illness, after which he married her. They lived long life and, being in old age, took monastic vows.

The spouses, who died on the same day, bequeathed to bury them in the same coffin, but this request was not fulfilled. And yet the next day their bodies were together. Having overcome the difficulties of earthly life, loving spouses were reunited in heaven. With their lives, the faithful showed the believers the path from earthly to heavenly reunion.

Their relics still rest in the Holy Trinity Convent in the city of Murom, Vladimir region. And in the historical museum of this city you can see an icon dedicated to them, painted in 1618.

We will talk about the meaning of the icon of Saints Peter and Fevronia, which many believers turn to, and also what this icon helps with.

Icon of Saints Peter and Fevronia

It depicts saints in full height monastic robes, as well as scenes from their lives. Peter and Fevronia can hold a rosary or a scroll in their hands. The icon also depicts Jesus Christ blessing this married couple.

People who want to find happiness in marriage offer prayers to the icon of Saints Peter and Fevronia. They are also asked for help by those who dream of finding love, getting married, or having children.

Since ancient times, people believed that if you give such an icon to a newlywed for a wedding, the marriage will be happy and strong. This image will help you find peace and harmony in the family, and will protect you from quarrels and misfortunes.

However, the significance of the icon of Saints Peter and Fevronia is not only this. What else does the icon of Peter and Fevronia help with? Believers believe that this image has the power of healing. Exists large number testimonies when, after reading a prayer in front of this icon, people got rid of various diseases.

This image can be stored at home - hung on the wall or placed on a shelf. Keep in mind that there should not be anything unnecessary next to it - for example, posters, photographs, calendars. You should also not place the faces of saints next to books, even church ones.

Icon of the Holy Blessed Peter and Fevronia

The lives of these saints had many difficulties that they had to overcome. In our country, spouses are loved and revered. All Orthodox people come to the church to see the saints to pray for their relatives and ask for their well-being in their personal lives.

The story of Peter and Fevronia of Murom

The story of their acquaintance was quite amazing. When Prince Peter contracted leprosy, not a single doctor could cure him of this insidious disease. However, one day he heard rumors that there was one peasant woman who had magical power. Her ability to work miracles can help the prince get rid of a serious illness.

Ruler Peter immediately sent his servants to the girl and ordered her to be brought to the palace. However, the peasant woman refused and ordered the prince to come to her himself. When Peter arrived to her, she said that she could cure him if the prince took her as his wife. The ruler agreed, but naturally in his heart he knew that he would not take such a step.

The girl smeared the miracle potion on the ulcers on the prince’s body, and left one unsmeared, as she understood Peter’s insidious plan, who decided to fool her. The disease began to recede, and the ruler immediately forgot about his promise. However, he did not enjoy his carefree life for long. After a while, leprosy began to appear on his body again. And then the prince again had to go to Fevronia. However, this time he knew for sure that he would keep his promise. Arriving to her, he sincerely repented and took her with him.

Peter and Fevronia lived in perfect harmony and loved each other very much. However, their happiness was destined to be interrupted. Everyone loved and respected the prince, but the wives of the boyars could not come to terms with the fact that they had to serve a simple peasant woman. They persuaded their husbands, and the boyars went to the prince with a request that the ruler refuse and expel the commoner.

However, the boyars were taken aback by what they heard. The prince said that he had no right to kick his beloved wife out of the house and therefore they would leave together, holding hands. The couple packed up and sailed away from the city.

From the time the prince and princess left, something terrible began to happen in the city. The boyars could not come to general decision which of them will rule the city and it even came to shedding blood. After this incident, the boyars found Peter and Fevronia and sincerely asked them to return home.

Upon returning home, the couple lived in peace and love. Before their deaths, they issued a decree that their bodies should be buried in the same coffin. They went to the next world on the same day. However, for ethnic reasons, the clergy decided not to bury the spouses in the same coffin and therefore they were buried separately. But the morning after the funeral ceremony, by some incomprehensible miracle, their bodies were found in the same coffin. People were in great shock from what they saw. After this incident, the lovers were buried together.

How does the icon of Peter and Fevronia help?

Arriving at the temple of God, you will be able to ask the face of the Immaculate Married Couple for:
about the arrival of a long-awaited baby;
about a good family union;
about mutual understanding in family relationships;
about the health of family and friends;
about the successful completion of childbirth;
about finding your betrothed.
If you pray daily at the image of Saints Peter and Fevronia, then in the end your request will come true and you will find happiness.

Where is the image of the Saints?

Any Christian can come and see the holy relics and icon of the immaculate Peter and Fevronia in the Trinity Church in the city of Murom. Every day, endless queues of people line up around this sacred place to pray and ask for all the blessings from the Holy Spouses.

Memorial Day of the Immaculate Spouses

Every year on the eighth of July it is customary to celebrate the day of remembrance of the image of the Prince and Princess of Murom. A huge number of people go to church to pray, since it is on this day that great miracles happen. Also, every year on July 8, Christians celebrate the holiday of Family, Love and Fidelity.

Prayers read at the icon of the Holy Spouses

Prayer words for family well-being

“Immaculate spouses, Peter and Fevronia, God-fearing, offering prayer for anyone who asks and for the support of the Creator of those in need! Remove misfortune, discord and swearing from my home, preserve my marriage union, permitted by the Almighty, always and at all times. Just as you lived in love and harmony, in the same way my husband and I want to live, to serve the Creator Lord, to fulfill God’s orders, to recognize His Kingdom. I count on your favor with all my soul and on the prayers of the holy spouses for my family to the Heavenly Creator. Don’t leave us (the names of the husband and wife are pronounced) in sadness, don’t forget in a good mood. Give the go-ahead for family life that is good and pleasing to the Almighty Creator. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

Prayer for conceiving children

"O chosen ones of the Lord, Orthodox sovereign Peter and Empress Fevronia, defenders and guardians of the city of Murom, and diligent prayers to God for all of us! We come to you and ascend to you with strong hope: offer up prayers for us, sinners (the names of our parents are pronounced), your immaculate prayers to the Almighty Lord and beg from His kindness for all the well-being required by our souls and bodies: belief in justice, good hope, love not feigned, solid righteousness, in good deeds prosperity, soil fertility, air dissolution, health for bodies and liberation for souls. Ask us from the Sovereign of the Holy Temple of Heaven and the whole country Russian world, peace and order, and for all of us a favorable existence and a good death. Protect your Motherland and all Russian cities from any misfortune; and all pious people who come to you and bow down to your immaculate relics, illuminate your godly prayers with a favorable appearance, and fulfill all their requests. Hey, immaculate miracle workers! Do not ignore our prayers, however, be good intercessors for us before God, and give us your support to acquire eternal liberation and receive the Kingdom of Heaven as an inheritance, so that we glorify the love of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, in the Trinity of the worshiped Lord throughout the centuries. Amen."

Prayer to the princes of Murom for the return of their beloved

“I ask for help from the famous blessed spouses, the immaculate Peter and Fevronia! I bow before you in confession, asking for the love of the slave of the Almighty (the name of the beloved is pronounced). Count on favor and support. O Famous Immaculate Rulers, ask the Almighty to grant permission. I beg you to help my heart calm down and grant the love of the slave of the Lord (the name of my beloved). I believe in your truth and power. Amen."

Prayer for family well-being

“Oh, immaculate leaders of Murom, who with their lives showed the way to devoted love and Christian compassion, hear us! We ask you, we humbly come and pray at your feet, to protect our little Temple from quarrels and worldly tragedies, do not allow the seduction of hell to destroy the sacredness of our family. May we not disgrace the protection of our Almighty and humbly ascend into the Kingdom of Heaven. Amen".

The holy wonderworkers Peter and Fevronia of Murom (David and Euphrosyne in monasticism) showed the world a striking example of a true Christian family with high spiritual values, piety and loyalty, which is rare these days.

According to legend, they even presented themselves before the Lord on one day, having first asked God about it. Thanks to their amazing devotion and sincere love for each other, these pious spouses have long been revered as patrons of the Orthodox family.

The story of the miracle workers Peter and Fevronia tells how a rich prince, contrary to the customs of his family, married a poor girl from the common people.

Due to the boyars' dissatisfaction with the choice of the prince, Peter voluntarily went into exile with his wife. Throughout their lives, the couple experienced many trials, which they successfully coped with. Their faith in God and love for each other did not fade, but became stronger every year.

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Having lived to a ripe old age, the couple took the path of monasticism and devoted the rest of their days to prayer and devoted service to the Lord. They reposed before God in Murom on the same day and even at the same hour, bequeathing that they should be buried in the same coffin. However, the monks considered the request of the blessed couple to be wicked and, despite the will, they wanted to bury each of them in a separate coffin. However, every morning the bodies of the faithful inexplicably ended up together. The monks understood that this was the will of the Lord and fulfilled the will of the spouses.

Holy spouses are never depicted separately on icons; they represent a single image and are inseparable. The meaning of the icon of Peter and Fevronia is the glorification of family, true love, wisdom and fidelity between spouses. This is a symbol of devotion and deep love that will not be destroyed under any circumstances.

The icon of Peter and Fevronia provides assistance in every matter; people turn to them for help in solving problems in family life and marital relationships.

What to ask the pious couple:

  • entering into a Christian marriage;
  • maintaining fidelity and strong love;
  • health of children, parents and loved ones;
  • strengthening relationships between spouses;
  • meeting your soulmate;
  • preventing divorce.

Another thing that helps is the image of faithful spouses. Unfortunately, it remains unknown whether the prince and her pious wife had children. However, people have long prayed to them for the gift of long-awaited children, easy pregnancy, safe birth and good lactation.

To get what you want, you should know how to ask the blessed prince and princess. For example, if you ask to meet your significant other, you should clarify that this is necessary to create happy family, and not to get rid of loneliness or satisfy your selfish needs.

You need to ask for the birth of a child only if the future parents have the opportunity to give their child a good Christian upbringing, to instill in him benevolence and love for God.

Interesting! You can ask the blessed couple not only for your well-being, but also pray for the happiness and health of loved ones.

Many people who turned to the blessed Prince and Princess of Murom say that they met their true love, their relationship with their spouse improved, a healthy child was born. The holy couple should be approached with sincere prayer and unshakable faith, and they will help. The icon of Peter and Fevronia in the temple is always available for veneration.

Photos and images

The image of the pious spouses Peter and Fevronia of Murom is striking in its purity and beauty. The eyes of this blessed couple sparkle with love not only for each other, but also for the Lord. On the Internet you can see many photos of icons of saints, as well as drawings that people create, inspired by ideal love.

It is worth noting that at home you can place not only the icon itself, but also an image of saints made independently. An image that was made with love in the heart will become truly miraculous.

Where is the best place to place the image of the saints:

  1. On a shelf, windowsill or hang on the wall.
  2. There should not be any unnecessary objects next to the image: books (even church books), stationery, toys, figurines.
  3. The image can be decorated a beautiful towel with elegant embroidery. Nearby you can place a vase with fresh flowers.
  4. It is imperative to maintain cleanliness and order in the place where the image of saints is located, wiping off dust and sweeping away cobwebs in a timely manner.

Relics and icons

The relics of Saints Peter and Fevronia are today kept on the territory of Trinity convent, located in the city of Murom (Vladimir region). Every day, a long line of pilgrims lines up in front of the temple, who dream of bowing to the saints and asking them for help or blessings in various godly matters. However, pregnant women, as well as mothers with children, are allowed into the church from another entrance.

The relics of the couple blessed by the Lord were first kept in the Murom Church of the Nativity, and after the plunder and closure of the monastery they were transferred to Museum of Local Lore. They were transported to the Trinity Monastery only in 1992.

Trinity Monastery is active. Divine services are held here every day. Monday to Saturday Divine Liturgy starts in the morning at 06:30, and on Sundays – at 07:00. After the end of the morning service, next to the relics of the blessed Murom couple, the clergy read an akathist.

The day of remembrance of the prince and princess is July 8 (June 22, old style). This day is a holiday that celebrates the day of family, fidelity and love. Many married couples they go to the temple to pray and thank the Lord for giving them the happiness of having a family. If possible, it is best to visit the Trinity Monastery on July 8. It is advisable for believers to stand for the morning service, confess and take communion, and after that approach the relics of the saints and ask them for blessings on happy life.

The icon of Peter and Fevronia of Murom adorns many churches. For example, the consecrated image of Peter and Fevronia in Moscow is kept in the magnificent Church of the Icon of the Sign. Here you can see a very beautiful image of a married couple, which was painted in the 90s of the last century and donated to the church by benefactors Pavel and Tatyana. At the bottom of the icon there is a reliquary with a particle of the relics of the prince and princess. If prayers to the saints helped the spouse achieve what they wanted, as a sign of gratitude it is best to make a pilgrimage to the Holy Trinity Monastery to venerate the relics of the saints.

Pay attention! You can make the pilgrimage at any time of the year. The monastery is located at the address: Murom, pl. Peasant, 3/a.

Prayers and Akathist

There are several prayers to the pious Prince and Princess of Murom, which are equivalent in strength. You can easily find them in prayer books or on Orthodox websites on the Internet. Prayers should be read with faith, hope and sincere gratitude. It is recommended to read before the image of the pious couple.

The akathist to Saints Peter and Fevronia has enormous power. It can be read if long time unable to meet your soulmate or have a child. The akathist should be read daily in front of the icon of the saints and the lit church candle. Before reading, you should cross yourself 3 times, read the “Our Father” prayer and thank the Lord for everything he has sent in life, even for all the trials and difficulties.

It is worth remembering that any sincere prayer to the icon of Peter and Fevronia is effective, even one that was uttered in your own words. It is not necessary to read the text from the prayer book, especially if many of the words in it are incomprehensible. In this case, it is best to compose the text of the prayer yourself. If the spoken words come from the heart, the prayer will certainly reach its goal and be fulfilled. Faith and sincerity can work real miracles.

May the Lord help pious Christian families through the prayers of the prince and princess of Murom miracle workers!

Wedding icon

Today, the consecrated icon of Peter and Fevronia of Murom is a frequent wedding gift to newlyweds.
She helps spouses maintain peace in the family, live a blissful, long and quiet life in love and harmony. An icon of Peter and Fevronia can also be given as a gift for a wedding that was not consecrated in the church. In the image of the holy couple they bless the husband and wife, while wishing them eternal love and loyalty.

The icon of Peter and Fevronia donated for the wedding should be kept in the spouses’ bedroom. It can be placed on a shelf or hung on the wall in a corner. The main thing is that there are no objects around the image: paintings and church calendars. It is advisable to turn to these pious spouses in prayer at least once a week, place fresh flowers in front of the image, light a church candle and ask them for peace in relationships, help in various difficulties and life trials.

Spouses should not only pray in front of the image, but also read together the biography of the prince and princess of Murom. Reading together about a happy married life and overcoming difficulties not only inspires, but also cleanses both soul and body.

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Let's sum it up

The life story of the blessed prince and princess of Murom is a story of love and fidelity not only to each other, but also to the Lord. This is the image of a happy family that people have admired for many centuries. It is generally accepted that a family in whose house there is an icon of Peter and Fevronia is blessed by the holy spouses with a happy life. However, it should be remembered that the image itself without faith is not miraculous.

Orthodox believers are familiar with such a shrine as the icon of Peter and Fevronia of Murom. What is this image and why is it famous? His main distinguishing feature is that it depicts two saints at once - Peter and Fevronia, while most saints Orthodox Church meet alone.

The Saints of Murom are a married couple who were known during their lifetime for their good deeds and that is why the icon painter captured them together. The icon of Peter and Fevronia of Murom is known for its miracles; married couples pray to it for well-being, wives pray for their husbands, parents for their children. The saints are honored on the Day of Family and Love.

Icon of Peter and Fevronia of Murom

History of the image

Saints Peter and Fevronia are known throughout the world from numerous chronicles.

Before becoming a monk, Peter was Prince David Yuryevich and he ruled in the city of Murom in the 13th century. Having become a monk, he took a different name, since this symbolizes complete renunciation of everything that was in his life before the monastery and the Lord.

Despite the fact that the saints are depicted as already elderly people in the image, they met at a time when they were no more than 30 years old, and the history of their acquaintance deserves careful study.

The prince fell ill with leprosy and searched through the villages for a doctor who could heal him, and Fevronia lived in one of the villages and was the daughter of an ordinary kozhemyaki, i.e. an ordinary peasant woman. The girl was fond of herbs and could cure diseases, when the prince came to her and asked her to heal him, she set a condition for him: healing in exchange for marriage.

The young prince eagerly promised to marry, because he wanted to be healthy, but when the girl actually cured him, he left the area and left. He could not marry a commoner. However, the Lord arranged it in such a way that as soon as he left the village, the disease immediately returned.

Read about the saints:

Peter returned to Fevronia and married her. When he brought her to his mansion, his boyars rebelled - after all, they did not want to walk under the arm of some peasant woman. War began to ripen and Peter decided to leave the throne. He and his wife got into a boat and sailed down the Oka River, which carried them away from Murom.

Today there are several icons depicting this moment.

Icon of Peter and Fevronia in a boat

When the prince left the city, a battle for his throne began and people suffered because the boyars could not decide on a ruler. Ordinary people They found Peter and begged him to return. He returned to the city, took the throne and ruled for many more years, doing everything for his subjects.

At the dawn of their lives, at the age of 90, Peter and Fevronia took monastic vows and died some time later on the same day.

The meaning and meaning of the icon

The importance of family today is greatly diminished. Many young people prefer to live in sin, without signing or getting married. The family as an institution has already lost its attractiveness. Society teaches people that you can live with two or more people in your entire life, that you shouldn’t look for one betrothed, but that it’s better to have fun, changing partners like gloves.

All this kills the immortal soul of man, people suffer from loneliness and pain, lack of children, loss of the meaning of life. They see themselves as flawed and empty inside.

Important! Family is not just living together. It personifies the Small Church; it is in it that children are raised and learn to live according to the Word of God. If there is no family, then people lose their roots, they stop learning from the example of their parents, they stop growing spiritually.

The icon of Peter and Fevronia of Murom personifies the marriage union that the Lord Himself blessed. Their hair is already gray, which means their long life and wisdom acquired over many years. Peter holds a scroll in his hands - this is a symbol of the wisdom that the prince conveys to people. And the princess’s hands are open and raised to the sky - this is a symbol of the purity of her thoughts and desires. The saints are depicted holding hands; the icon painter depicted their love in gestures and the look that the young wife gives to her husband.

The Church educates its flock based on the example of these saints - a wife should love her husband, and he should take care of his wife.

The saints honored the marriage union, and believers should take it seriously and take care of their families.

Peter and Fevronia of Murom


There are many miraculous testimonies of how the miraculous board helped to cope with problems and how the Lord answered fervent prayers that were said before it.

Here are some of them.

In one family, the following story happened, which was told by the granddaughter: “The image of the saints was given to her godmother’s grandmother for her wedding. It was a pre-wedding gift for my grandmother as a bride, and she prayed to the saints the night before the wedding. That night she dreamed of Peter Muromsky himself and told her not to rush into marriage, since she had chosen the wrong man to be her husband.

In the morning, the grandmother told everything to her betrothed, who at that time worked as the chairman of the Komsomol cell. His dream angered him so much that he shouted at the girl and began to force her to take off her cross, and also shouted that she should renounce all icons and the church. The grandmother decided that she could not live with such a person and refused to get married. Some time later she met her grandfather, and they lived happily together for more than 60 years.”

Another young man also shared his family history: “His mother couldn’t get pregnant. She and her husband were examined for a long time, and doctors diagnosed them with infertility. The relics of the Murom saints at that time were kept in Moscow, where the parents went. They searched for the relics for a long time, but they didn’t find them that day, and besides, there were problems with housing - the hotels were overcrowded.

Some woman took them to their apartment, and the next morning took them to the museum, where the relics were located at that time. They prayed and went home, and there they found out that my mother had returned pregnant.”

How does an image help?

Lik has its own holiday - the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity. It is then that services are held in churches for Saints Peter and Fevronia, and the Orthodox pray in front of their icon.

It is not at all necessary to wait for a holiday to pray at the image, because it and the relics of the saints are in the Holy Trinity Monastery in the city of Murom, which is in the Vladimir region and not everyone can get there. It is here that on July 8, from 6 am, the liturgy for the saints is served. However, getting inside the temple is not easy - the queue lines up long before the walls and gates.

If there is a need to pray to these saints, you can purchase an image for home iconostasis. Usually they ask the saints for the following:

Video about the meaning of the icon of Saints Peter and Fevronia