How to save a family? Stories from life and commentary from a psychotherapist. Family stories

1. I am 150 cm tall, my husband is 157 cm tall. And my father is 180 cm tall, and he wears a long beard. When dad comes to visit, he always greets: “Well, hello, hobbits!” - and the husband replies: “Great, Gandalf!”

2. There are four of us in the family: me, my wife and two daughters. Today we couldn't decide who would walk the dog. They started a game: whoever says the first word goes. As soon as the dispute came into force, the daughter went to get dressed with a straight face, collected everything she needed to walk the dog, and put on her shoes.

And now she is already opening front door, the dog is on a leash, the whole family is lined up in the hallway, and we practically chorus: “Well done, Polya!” And Polya, satisfied, begins to take off her jacket and says: “So you’re caught.”

3. Every morning, when I wake up, I prepare breakfast for my niece. To be honest, I got used to it within a year, and it has become even a joy. And yesterday morning (I had a day off, so I set the alarm clock for half an hour later), I woke up as usual to cook scrambled eggs and hot sandwiches. And I had tea on the table, 2 sandwiches and cottage cheese with sour cream and sugar. My nephew (2nd grade, 8 years old), knowing that I had a day off, decided to give me such a gift. Children know how to express gratitude sincerely.

4. Mom, looking into the room, sternly orders:

Go to sleep, you bastard!

I wake up and protest guiltily that it’s too early to sleep. It is immediately explained that the mother was addressing her little dog, which rustles and fusses under the table.

This is how you raise a child, you love him, but he still automatically takes the address “bastard” personally,” sighs the mother.

What a child! - Dad immediately responds from the sofa. - I just breathed out myself.

5. When I was 5-6 years old, my mother, father and I went out into nature in the late afternoon. Dad took a fishing rod and tied a small piece of wood where the float should have been. You will never guess why... We were driving to a large, large field, got out of the car, and walked a little. And dad, raising the fishing rod and waving it, made sounds reminiscent of the squeak of a mouse. After some time, an owl flew in. A real big owl! She tried to take a piece of wood in her beak, but she couldn’t. And I could look at her. Thanks to my dad great love to nature. Love for animals. These were best moments childhood.

6. One day my young man came to my father to ask for my hand, and my father fell at his feet shouting: “You are our Savior!”

Dad said that even when he was a student, after hearing this anecdote, he always dreamed of doing this.

7. We went with my brother and our families (his: wife and daughter, 7 years old; mine: husband and son, 11 years old) to the village to visit my mother. We decided to buy water pistols for the children on the way so that they could have fun in the village. We bought some cool machines. The children had a lot of fun watching their parents stage a Battleship.

8. I wondered why my husband and I never quarrel... I remembered all the stories of my girlfriends about their quarrels, it all started with some everyday little things.

I looked around: socks and T-shirts were scattered on the sofa, crumbs and unwashed mugs and candy wrappers were on the table. There's a lot of cat hair on the carpet, jeans hanging on the chairs. And nothing “infuriates” me, as my girls say.

We sit on a piece of the sofa in an embrace and watch our favorite series.

Yes, we're just two happy pigs.

9. My husband lost his own mother early, my mother replaced his mother. Today he invited us (me, two sons and mother) to a restaurant and in front of everyone told her thank you for loving him like her own son.

10. We’re standing with the little girl at the post office: she’s looking at magazines, I’m waiting in line, there are two girls in front of me. The little one turns to me and says: “Dad, look, there’s a magazine with Winx, there’s Stella on the cover.” I looked and answered her: “It’s not Stella there, but Bloom.” Both girls turned around at the same time with surprised eyes...

And what? — Dad is in the know, dad is raising his daughter.

11. I love mother-in-law and father-in-law. When the father-in-law dented the car door, he hid her glasses so that she would not see and curse.

12. My daughter is 8 years old. Yesterday she came running from the street, she was walking. I watch the emotions on my face and begin to tell:

Dad! There on the street... Wow, we saw such a butterfly! Multicolored!

With his hands he shows approximately a Hudson's hawk.

Everyone there was afraid of her, no one wanted to come near... the boys stood there, trying to kill her. But they were afraid to approach! They even tried to crush it with a stick, but they were afraid!

And only I, dad, was not afraid! I took a stick and...

I, surprised by my daughter’s cruelty, had already opened my mouth to say that butterflies should not be offended and, in general, “why did you kill her,” when my daughter continued:

She took a stick and shooed those boys away so they wouldn’t kill the butterfly! And I scared the butterfly so that it would fly far, far away.

Found a mistake? Select it and press left Ctrl+Enter.

While our daughters were small, we developed a tradition of New Year and for ten days after January 1, put in the shoes of the girls they placed under Christmas tree, small gifts. Usually gifts in new year holidays happens a lot. But if children receive them all on one day, it’s not so interesting; the result is a kind of oversaturation and satiety of gifts. Children stop noticing and appreciating them, and the gifts they receive lie in one (or more than one!) big pile. We started doing things differently. For ten days, every time a small gift mysteriously appeared under the tree. Therefore, when our daughters woke up in the morning, the first thing they did was run to the room with the largest Christmas tree. And each one immediately looked into her shoe. We even have one funny episode associated with this family tradition, which we all remember and laugh about together from time to time.

Once, on another day of the school winter holidays, my husband and I almost overslept that early morning hour when, just big Christmas tree in our house it was necessary to put the next New Year's gifts in the girls' shoes.

Sunday. I jump up, look at the clock and realize with horror that my daughters are about to wake up, and the gifts have not yet been put in their shoes. I tell my husband: “Volodya, quickly, we need to put gifts in the girls’ shoes!” I get up and start rummaging through the closet in search of gifts for this day. The husband, also half asleep, doesn’t really understand what exactly needs to be done, but he obediently takes the gifts and carries them under the tree. Gifts under the tree, my husband returns, I calm down. Just a few minutes later we hear the patter of children's feet. It was our daughters who woke up and rushed headlong to check their shoes. And here, instead of the usual joyful screams and exclamations, we hear dead silence. What happened? Is something wrong? My husband and I go into the living room, where the main Christmas tree of our family is installed. Our girls sit sadly, staring in horror at their empty shoes. There are no gifts under the tree! The shoes are empty! But there must be gifts there. After all, the winter holidays are not over yet, which means that every day is a new small gift in a shoe. This has been the case for several years. It simply cannot be any other way! The children are shocked, I myself am confused, no one understands anything. And then suddenly our dad clarifies the situation. He says: “What if we check another tree?” The fact is that we have always loved to put up a Christmas tree in every room, at least a small, artificial one, but certainly a decorated Christmas tree in every room. So, as it turned out, my husband, in a hurry, put the gifts under the wrong tree. We all go to another room together and see the gifts not under the largest tree, as it should be, but under the middle tree. The children begin to rejoice, and I breathe a sigh of relief.

Then, alone, I ask my husband how this happened. He explains to me that he simply mixed up the trees, because... I was in a hurry.

Later, when our daughters were already grown up, we told them this incident, and we all laughed about it together. Since then, the joke “Put it under the wrong tree” has stuck in our family, which means “to mix something up, do something wrong, mess up, screw up.” Now every time we say this phrase, we all laugh merrily together.

Remember funny incidents and stories about your family and tell them to your children. Or rather, tell it all the time - at a family dinner, or on a day off, or on a holiday, or just like that - on quiet family evenings...

Start a simple and sweet tradition in your family of telling your children funny phrases and stories from their childhood. Children simply love to hear about how little they were. Such stories make everyone feel warm, everyone begins to smile, and a surprisingly touching and sincere atmosphere is established in the house. And it will turn out that from these simple stories you will have family tradition Special Purpose, and the psychological climate in your family home will become very special and special.

Alina Bikeeva book author

Comment on the article " Funny stories about my family. The first story"

Inspired by the bottom theme. 1st story: Things from days gone by... The great-grandmother had two daughters of the same age and a son, Nikolai, much younger than her sisters. We lived together. Even after the death of the great-grandmothers, the families were friends. We celebrated all holidays together. And so we celebrated 50 years...


I still know the story. My mother's best friend had a cousin. His father was a military man, they moved constantly, when his son grew up he also became a military man, but his father wanted it so much and was proud of it. The son really loved the theater and wanted to go to drama school, but he didn’t want to offend his father. By the age of 40, his parents died, he settled in Moscow, and for some business he went to the city where his mother was born and raised. And at the same time some distant relative of his arrived there, they started talking, he told her that he had a career, everything was successful, in the evenings I actually go to an amateur theater studio, I really like it. And aunty, take this and say that it’s great, you’re just like your mother, she was a good actress in her time. He was surprised what actress, mother worked as a geography teacher. No, said aunt, I mean the one who gave birth to you, your parents took you away during your period, and your real mom She was an actress, she worked in the theater, the whole city knew her. He then interviewed all the relatives whether they knew it or not, it turned out that most knew.

According to the first story, it’s terrible, of course, how tactless people can be. Even if a person knows, why present this story like that?! Like, they washed you away from the city in which you were found, and you turned out to be a good person.
And according to the 4th story - anything can happen.) We have adopted a child, in the SoR there is a mark “Repeat”. But all with new data. The date of registration remained the same, but the name and parents were changed.
One “very smart” teacher at school took me and my classmate aside and asked me so insinuatingly why my parents and I had different surnames.)))) She also probably thought that they were adopted ones.))) But it’s simple: The mother got married a second time, and the child is registered under the previous surname. But for some this is not normal and “something is wrong here”)))
I was impressed by the story about the blood brother in the next room. Wow, this is fate!!!
There are such siblings when you think that their parents simply cloned them)))

Divorce. Family relationships. Discussion of family issues: love and jealousy, marriage and infidelity, divorce and alimony, relationships between relatives. Unfortunately this is quite real case from life, with real characters and a real emotional state.


02/07/2017 13:43:50, I sympathize

Of course, she is still a fool, but only in that you consider yourself a fool. You are young, and, as life has shown, strong woman. Study, work, study scientific activities, dragging around the house, husband and child, while receiving only criticism - this is not bullshit for you. Evaluate yourself realistically. Why do you need this particular man? What does he give you? What are you giving him? What are the pros and cons of your life together? Based on the story, nothing, except for finances and the presence of a male person nearby (and this is not a fact yet). Maybe you used to have something that is usually called family. But after his return, it’s just living together and running a household. Don't regret what's gone. It won't come back. You have become different, and so has he. It’s not for nothing that they say that you cannot step into the same river twice. Stop grieving over something that cannot be returned. This is empty and useless. Show it to yourself little man an example of strength and at the same time fragility, and not a weakling. You know, psychologists have good welcome, which has often helped me in my life: if you can’t solve a problem, go beyond the circle of the problem, look at it again and it will cease to be a problem. In this case, look at what happened through the eyes of your son. What could have grown out of him if this man had stayed with you, if he had heard one negative thing from dad about mom. Believe me, nothing good. And so, a person will grow up who has respect for you and the understanding that causing pain, any kind, is bad.
Good luck, strength, patience. Everything will work out if you try hard. Don't oppress yourself, there's no point. What happened, happened. Live this moment and move on boldly.

02/05/2017 13:04:28, Mog

About freeloaders. Psychology. Family relationships. The story amused me. I am copying it here in its entirety, because the design of the original site contains obscenities. Discussion of issues about a woman’s life in the family, at work, relationships with men.


The denouement of one of these dramas now lies in a mental hospital, and even with exhaustion.
and another person I personally know died of hunger in the 90s

It doesn't happen that there is no one to help. There will always be volunteers. And to become an alcoholic, as some say here, you also need money or someone who will treat you

Treason. Family relationships. Everything in life is difficult, and unfortunately, this situation that happened several years ago will repeat itself more than once in other destinies. We remember betrayal with a smile. Because this is just such a stage in the history of the family.


Now here I am, I’m incredibly happy, I have a lover, he showed up some time after my husband’s betrayal... so what, I also have the right to happiness, but now my husband doesn’t go anywhere... and I

29.10.2012 14:25:25, with us now I'm happy

I'll say it as a woman and how female psychologist It’s very difficult to forget betrayal - for her it was not just playing in someone else’s sandbox, but betraying her, her children, their small state. This is pain and resentment that will pass (or not) only with time. There are a lot of options: live together and hate him (despise or be indifferent), live together and hate yourself, don’t live together, change too - like “getting even” (variations here). The main thing is to be honest with yourself - to immediately set the points of permissibility and freedom in relationships. A man is an ideal for a woman, a wall - and meanness and betrayal always destroy this confidence and make the relationship unsteady. It’s still up to you to decide.

The end of the mortgage story... Marriage. Family relationships. Discussion of family issues: love and jealousy, marriage and infidelity, divorce and alimony, relationships between relatives.


By the way, the bank was categorically against the client getting married!! My husband’s agent called and asked for a notary document stating that he was not officially married (they did it for a fee and hastily). Or, after the wedding, I would have to start again collecting certificates with the income of both and expenses for the child (those who went through a mortgage know all the stages....)
And my aunt might have changed her mind about helping for her own personal reasons or because of his marriage....

09/15/2018 08:21:04, Guloy

I don’t believe in boomerangs, at least in the case of my BM. All my life I wanted to live expensively and richly. It will hit one, then another. Fortunately, the language is suspended. Women are delighted with him. I lived with everyone for several years. I registered with some, and not with others. I was the second wife. Since the first there were no children together. She had a son from her first marriage. We have a son. But he did not stop searching there. And in the end, I finally found a wealthy lady with three children. She has everything she needs to be happy, including a car, an apartment, a business, a house, a cottage with bees... they gave birth to another child (she has all 4 daughters). So he’s itching to keep pulling my son over to his side. And where is the retribution for abandoning us? It's all bullshit...

05/29/2018 12:28:28, I don’t believe it

Conference "Family Relations" "Family Relations". Section: Love (stories from the family life of people with age differences). I agree with Elena D. My mother-in-law and father-in-law have such an age difference. He’s retired now, and she’s essentially looking after the family.


I agree with Elena D. My mother-in-law and father-in-law have such an age difference. He’s retired now, and she’s essentially looking after the family. It’s hard for her at work, at her dacha, at home, at her children, and at her grandson. And she’s also not 18 years old anymore. And it seems to me that there is one more disadvantage for children. They need to be put on their feet. And, in general, as children, my dad and I played football until we were blue in the face, went on some hikes, went fishing, blew things up, and all sorts of other “crazy” male ideas. He taught me to swim, play tennis, etc. My husband didn't have this. Mom played with him more, but dad did not. The role of the father was not fully fulfilled. And it seems to me that because of this, the husband at first did not know how to behave with the child, he believed that only I should be involved in raising the child, and he should only provide for the family.

04/21/2001 12:18:49, Olya

y moix roditelei 13 let raznitsi. oni pozhenilis kogda mame bilo 27, a pape 40. 22oi god zhivyt dysha v dyshy. ei tozhe vse govorili, mol, zachem za takogo starogo vixodish. no oni za vse eto vremya dazhe tolkom ne porygalis. s drygoi storoni, 2 mamini sestri vishli zamyzh v priblizitelno takom zhe vozraste (26-28 let) za svoix rovesnikov i razvelis cherez 5 let. tak chto ya "za" raznitsu v vozraste. esli lubite dryg dryga, vozrast znachenie ne imeet:)

04/20/2001 01:18:54, Tatyana

Sometimes, in order to achieve a happy family life, you have to overcome a lot life difficulties. Yes, this path is thorny, but what a reward lies ahead!
Over the years, we begin to idealize the beginning of a relationship with our spouse, telling our children and grandchildren family legends and showing beautiful photos in frames. How was it really?

Power of Habit

Olga shares her story: “I came to the capital and entered the university for preparatory courses. There was almost no money, and then Dima, my friend, showed up just in time younger brother, and kindly invited me to stay in his two-room apartment. We lived in perfect harmony for almost a year. He played the guitar and cooked me great scrambled eggs in the morning, while I dusted off his CDs.

Then I entered the university and moved into a dormitory. We continued to communicate with Dima, but not in the same way as before. He had his own life, I had mine. At some point, I realized that I was increasingly catching myself thinking that I missed Dima. According to his scrambled eggs, songs... And one day, out of the blue, he waylaid me after class and suggested: “Maybe you’ll move in with me for good? I miss you so much...” I agreed. When I graduated from university, we got married and are now raising a wonderful son.”

It is believed that habit destroys love. But it also happens the other way around. It’s not for nothing that in the old days marriages were built on the principle “if you endure it, you fall in love”; there is wisdom in this. Today it is not so difficult to fall in love as to find a person with whom you will feel comfortable falling asleep and waking up every day.

Office romance

Tamara has her own story: “Igor and I worked in the same company, but we rarely saw each other. On corporate parties he asked me to dance a couple of times, but I didn’t attach any importance to it. Then I was dating a young man - athletic, smart, well dressed, and Igor was not my type: thin, tall, wearing the same gray sweater. One day I was walking down the stairs and twisted my ankle. I almost fell - thank you, Igor walked towards me and caught me in time. For almost half an hour I tried to call my fiance. And then he picked up the phone and said that he was busy and couldn’t pick me up from work. Igor helped me again: he took me to the emergency room, and spent the rest of the day in line with me, first to see the surgeon, then for an x-ray. All this time he touchingly held my hand. Fortunately, I didn't have a fracture. Igor took me home, and I suddenly realized that he was the same person I had been looking for all my life.”

Sometimes you don't have to go to the ends of the earth to find your soulmate. She may be nearby, literally at your side, unnoticed and unappreciated. We don’t see it because we are in constant pursuit of external attributes and statuses. But Saint-Exupery was right when he said: “Only the heart is vigilant; you cannot see the most important thing with your eyes.”

From hate to love...

Nadya recalls the story of how she met her husband: “Once I best friend abandoned by lover. They only dated for a couple of months, but he managed to break her heart. I had never seen a woman so upset over a man before, and I hated him with all my soul. Propelled by the best feelings of friendship, I found out his address and decided to tell him everything I thought, and at the same time get to know each other - we had never met before. A handsome young man opened the door and invited me for a cup of coffee. We chatted for three hours, Oleg explained the reason for his leaving (my friend was simultaneously having an affair with another man, which she didn’t tell me about). After the conversation, I was completely on his side. I admit, I went home feeling disheveled. And when the next day he called and asked me out on a date, I couldn’t refuse. Of course, I lost my friend, but I found the most beloved man in the world: Oleg and I have been happily married for eight years.”

Women can sometimes be very impulsive and emotional. They know how to love as passionately as they can hate. That is why the fairer sex needs to calm down before taking important decisions. After all, having come to their senses, they can understand that what seemed like deep hatred is actually strong love.

Everyone judges according to the extent of their depravity

Story one

The husband, after celebrating something in a restaurant with his friends, put on someone else's jacket, belonging to one of his friends. It’s clear why - he was drunk.

In the morning I woke up and saw someone else’s men’s jacket hanging. The thought in my head: “Wow! Not only does she (the wife) bring the men home, but they also leave their jackets as at home.” By the way, my wife doesn’t bring anyone.

Chasing this thought in his head and at the same time making plans for revenge on both of them, he decided to examine the jacket of his, as he was sure, enemy. In order for revenge to be the most destructive, you need to learn more about your opponent. At that moment he remembered that Napoleon defeated his enemies thanks to good information about their plans and actions, and Waterloo lost because he did not have enough information.

In the jacket he found quite a large sum money.

“He’s also rich!” - pulsed in his head. Retaining the remnants of self-control, the husband continued to examine the “enemy” jacket, so frivolously left by the enemy on his (the husband’s) territory. The “deceived” husband found the passport. “Yeah! Now I’ll find out everything!” – a victorious grin appeared on his face. The passport was one of the friends with whom he had been drinking the night before.

An experienced mixture of feelings: relief, disappointment, shame that he stole someone else's jacket, and a sense of responsibility that he needed to inform the owner about his (the jacket's) whereabouts - sent him to the kitchen and forced him to drink something strong to restore his peace of mind.

The most interesting thing is that the thought of calling his wife and asking her where the jacket came from did not occur to him during all the time of his research and torment.

Story two

My husband returned from fishing. My wife washed everything in the washing machine and hung it up to dry. In the morning, my husband saw someone else's men's underpants on the dryer. And he threw a scandal at his wife, although he himself brought them home from fishing in a pile of dirty laundry.

Everyone judges according to the extent of their depravity. And by a person’s reaction to some event, you can understand what he would do himself. Ask a person for advice, and from his advice you will understand him.

You can also understand yourself. The way you see others and how you react to their actions says more about yourself than about the other person. For different people the same people look different. Someone may see people as scoundrels and fools, while others will see the same people as smart and noble. If a person does not have enough intelligence, then he will not understand the actions of the sage; rather, he will criticize them. Often, subordinates consider the boss to be stupid, but at the same time, the “smart guys” themselves are not able to create a business.

In the same way, if you think that your loved one is not calling you because he is probably cheating on you with another woman at that moment. This means that this is exactly what you would do yourself.

This also applies to other “chases” in the head. If you tell someone, “You make me nervous! How can you do this and not call me and not keep me informed?!” This means that you are making yourself nervous. You look at the situation and actions of another person through your corrupted properties. You see your own corrupted qualities, not the corrupted person.

Someone, not seeing something in its usual place, will say (think): “It was stolen!” And someone: “It’s probably somewhere else.”

It’s the same in relationships. By drawing conclusions only based on your experience and evaluating everything through your own properties, you can make a mistake and undeservedly offend a person or destroy a relationship in vain. That's why do not rush to conclusions and evaluate your reactions as a manifestation of your own properties.

-Darling, did you wash my shoes?
- What? Did you wash your shoes? Am I your servant, or what?
“Well, how,” Pavel was embarrassed. - You are the wife.

- That's right, I haven't forgotten that I'm a wife, not a servant. I wash my own shoes.
- Well, that's... Okay. But our mother always washed.
- Mom made soap, you say? So we should have taken her with us, let her live with us.
- Okay, that's enough, don't get started. Now I'll wash it myself. You won't get it.

- That's it. And there is nothing to wait for. Look how interesting he is, wash his shoes. Maybe I should wash your socks too?

Pavel quickly washed his shoes and left the house without saying goodbye. He was offended and angry by the words of his new wife. This is real family life, he thought on the way to work.

They warned me that everything would be different, not the same as when we were just dating. Here are the first skirmishes and scandals. And all he asked was to wash his shoes - it was a big problem, but no, it started up half a turn. I ruined my whole mood early in the morning. Our mother never allowed us to wash our shoes ourselves. I always washed my father’s and Dimka’s and mine myself. I have a strange Aliska, she has her own mind.

At this time, Alice closed the door behind her husband, snorted and, upset by the morning incident, went to drink tea. She was also offended by Pavlik, because she did not expect such impudence from him. “What impudence,” she thought, “to wash his shoes. Now I've run away. His wife is his servant, damn it! It’s not like my mother washed her boots, my dad didn’t even ask her to iron her trousers, he ironed them himself, and even he could wash her boots or cook them for food. But, you know, I’m not used to it. It wasn’t accepted in our family.”

Pavel got to work, turned on the computer and logged on to the Internet. Alice was already surfing the Internet at that time and came across one small note:

“Newlyweds (and spouses in general) can avoid quarrels over the division of household duties by simply sitting down and telling each other how and what was customary to do in their family of origin. Most often people shift to family life behavior and interaction patterns of their parents. If the patterns are similar, then there will be fewer quarrels. This can be observed in families whose parents represent similar types of people in terms of social groups, wealth, culture, etc.

It is advisable to have conversations about the way of interaction in the family regularly, and it is even better to do this before marriage in order to clarify issues in advance and avoid a situation where some things cannot be corrected. You can also discuss issues of raising children, using the family budget, the goals of the family and each spouse, and many others.

People who love each other are different in that they want to understand the other side, accept it, make concessions, come to an agreement, and find a solution acceptable to both sides. They are ready to develop new models of behavior because they understand that there are no ideal patterns of interaction in the family and that they have to build their own new system, which will take something from the parents, and something the young spouses must contribute themselves. Only then will there be peace and quiet and complete mutual understanding in the house.

P.S. Don’t be embarrassed to talk to your spouse about any topic. He/she loves you and will understand. Understanding is the key to a long and happy life.”
Alice read to the end, and it dawned on her. That’s right, Pasha himself said that their mother washed their shoes, which means he expects the same behavior from me. This is his template. I remember once she even washed my shoes. I didn’t yet understand why she did it. I thought: it’s probably some kind of tradition for my daughter-in-law to wash her shoes, but she didn’t ask, she was afraid to make herself look ignorant. They will also say: he knows nothing.

She sent the article to Pasha and wrote at the bottom: “I understand you. I love you. I accept and produce new model behavior. I will wash your shoes."

In response, a message came: “Thank you, my love! Cool article. You’re cool to me - understanding! And I also want to change something in my behavior.”

“Then how about you make the bed in the morning while I make breakfast? That’s what my dad did,” Alice’s offer immediately followed.

"Okay, honey, I agree."

From the book by Vadim KHUZIN “The Hand of Life: Stories that Inspire”