How to create catchy headlines. How to Write a Selling Headline That Will Blow the Reader's Mind Best Techniques for Writing Selling Headlines

Selling headlines are text that attracts attention and makes the user make a purchase. next step: read a post, click on an ad, open a letter, etc. Selling headlines are used in e-mail newsletters, landing pages, content marketing, SMM, in advertisements and in other marketing tools.

We have prepared a stunning selection of 100 examples of selling headlines that will help you integrate purchase triggers into your headlines.

100 selling headline templates

For landing pages

Titles with question and benefit:

  • “Do you want to lose weight in 20-25 days? Sign up for training from a leading expert at the Cual fitness club!”
  • “Do you know how to earn from real estate from 100,000 rubles a month without investing a penny?”
  • “Do you want to get even more done in a working day? The Gorty planning app will help you with this.”
  • “Do you dream of traveling around the world? With discount on trip around the world from Fiat it’s possible!”
  • “You still don’t know how to make your hair shiny and bouncy in one application? We’ll tell you for free.”
  • “Do you think it’s too late to start your own business? We’ll teach you how to make a million with an investment of 10,000 rubles.”

Benefit Heading Model- information about the product that is beneficial for the client:

  • “High-quality dental implantation from 20,000 rubles with a 7-year guarantee.”
  • “We will build a turnkey house from 800,000 rubles, we will give a guarantee for a period of 10 years”
  • "Repair household appliances: with free visit of the master, guarantee, low prices from 500 rubles.”
  • “Production equipment with a 15-year manufacturer’s warranty”
  • “Professional photo session for free, at a time convenient for you - portfolio required”
  • “Car repairs while maintaining the dealer warranty are 43% cheaper than from official dealers”
  • “Installation of gas equipment from leading manufacturers: from 20,000 rubles, with documents for the traffic police and a 3-year warranty.”
  • “Installation of video surveillance systems from 3,000 rubles, with certified cameras”
  • “Laptops for your store directly from manufacturers with discounts of up to 40%”

A model with intrigue that arouses interest:

  • “What cosmetics do all the stars of Russian show business use?”
  • “How many days should you do these exercises to lose 15–20 kilograms?”
  • “Who do they order the most design from? famous brands- Coca-Cola, Fanta, Pepsi and others?
  • “Hitinon has been proven to reduce scar formation due to its unique molecular formula.”
  • “Why does our equipment increase workshop productivity by 15–20%?”

Model “What is this and what result will I get?”It is also appropriate to use the benefits that the reader will receive:

  • “Complete the training and increase the company’s net profit by 2.5 times in six months.”
  • “Buy two original iPhone cases and get your choice of three more as a gift.”
  • “Order the construction of a house in our company and receive an individual project as a gift.”
  • “Download the game, build your empire and conquer disputed lands!”
  • “Order cleaning of a private house before 08/04/2018 and receive a 60% discount on the next call.”

Information Headers- suitable for letters with some useful information, cases, tips, selections:

  • "The 28 Best Selling Products on Sirius and How to Make Money Reselling Them."
  • “They showed how to attract subscribers to new group in the car repair niche for 15 rubles per person.”
  • “We tell you how to do complex things cool and quickly: draw a layout, think through a prototype, do corporate design.”
  • “5 good reasons to give up office work in favor of freelancing.”
  • “Rating of the most visited countries and which of them are most profitable for tour operators.”
  • “How to use seaside holidays for business benefit.”
  • “How many goods need to be sold for a turnover of 1 million rubles and a net profit of 214 thousand: the case of our client.”
  • “10 cheap building materials for your home that are not inferior in quality to branded products.”
  • “How to save on trips to service stations: tips for novice drivers.”
  • “The best books of the 21st century: they received more than 100 reviews on Litpres.”
  • “We show you how to make a good bench from the fiftieth board in a day, with the tools at hand.”
  • “We lift the veil of secrecy: we tell you how we solve conflict situations with clients."
  • “The main reason to use our service is that it reduces costs by 1.5 times and speeds up work by 3 times.”

The Promise of Benefit Model:

  • “Find out how to pay 40-50% less in stores for the same products.”
  • “Order a vacuum cleaner and receive a coupon up to 10,000 rubles for your next purchase at Vivat.”
  • “We’ll show you how to save up to 500,000 rubles on building a cottage.”
  • “A month of amazing promotions: we are offering up to 90% discount on skirts, trousers and vests.”
  • “The letter contains coupons with discounts of up to 30,000 rubles on goods in partner stores.”
  • “We are holding a competition. Grand Prize- Renault car. The condition for participation is a repost from the site."

Call to action model:

  • “Open the letter and get a working passive income scheme.”
  • “Make an order in our online store for an amount of 5,000 rubles and more and receive a loyalty card.”
  • “Tell your friends about our service and get a discount of up to 50% on an annual subscription.”
  • "Buy school supplies at the appropriate time on Fiktin."
  • “Open the email - we’ll tell you how to increase your email conversion by 10–15%.”
  • "Tell us about your target audience and get a free site analysis."

For posts

Model " personal experience» . It is good for social networks, because they are primarily created for communication:

  • “I’ll tell you how I created my own marketing agency and what difficulties I had to face.”
  • “I explain from personal experience how to create an individual entrepreneur and not lose a lot of money on taxes.”
  • “We give examples of the most unsuccessful clients - something always went wrong with them.”
  • “I’ll show you the settings advertising campaign, which brought the client 100,000 rubles on the first day.”
  • “How I bought a used car, repaired it and earned 30,000 rubles from the sale.”
  • “I'm tired of repeating the same things in dialogues. Today I’ll tell you what colors I use to paint my pictures.”
  • “I’ll show you step by step how I made a snakeskin belt and tell you what they said at the factory.”

Yellow press type headline. It will attract attention, the main thing is to keep it in the first paragraph. You also need to provide confirmation of your words - a title just for the sake of a title will cause negativity:

  • "The shocking truth about poultry: They don't fly."
  • "Shock content: 29 films with bed scenes, which were not allowed to be shown on big screens.”
  • “We know when the next end of the world will come - experts talked about it.”
  • "CAREFULLY! Never buy goods from a Hiot store - it is life-threatening."
  • "Sensation! British scientists have proven that we descended from fish."
  • "Attention! Last sale of the month - there won't be any more discounts like this."

The Promise of Benefit Model:

  • "Get 26 Working Calming Techniques in the Community."
  • "Tell me how you taught English language, and receive a 20% discount on the consolidation course.”
  • “We invite new customers to use promo code FO48GB and get a discount.”
  • “We are reducing prices for organizers joint purchases until the end of August."
  • “Upload your photo to the competition album for a chance to win the latest iPhone.”
  • “Listen to music for free for the first three months on the Music.Time app.”
  • “We give each registered user 3 books for free.”

Information Headers. Reflect the essence of the post or briefly retell it:

  • "26 photos that will make you smile."
  • "7 Facts You Didn't Know About Pets."
  • “An amazing selection of working techniques for writing selling headlines.”
  • “The number of clients does not matter: what is life cycle client and how it affects revenue.”
  • "The most funny dialogues with our failed clients."

For advertisements

Model “information + benefit”:

  • “Comb for animals starting from 100 rubles.”
  • “Cleaning of premises from 30 rubles per m².”
  • “Used cars with dealer guarantees, installments or credit.”
  • “The best films in HD quality without advertising for 20 rubles.”

Model “question of the target audience”:

  • “Do you want to stay young for another 15 years?”
  • “Do you want to increase your advertising revenue by 150%?”
  • “Do you want to be guaranteed to attract up to 20 buyers per month?”

Emotion based headlines:

  • “High-quality and balanced food for your pet.”
  • “Beautiful, small and cute iPhone cases for true fashionistas.”
  • “Tender care for your beauty: Adelaida cosmetics line.”
  • “Quick savings on buying real estate - how to reduce the price at auction with the seller.”
  • “Original replica watches at prices starting from 2,000 rubles.”
  • “Metropolitan chic - a set of gold jewelry like businesswomen and socialites.”

Product characteristics model:

  • "Motors up to 5 kW."
  • “Construction of a private house with an area of ​​80 m² with turnkey finishing in 45 days.”
  • “New generation of smartphones: 24 MP camera, 128 GB internal memory, price - 20,000 rubles.”
  • “Feeding for day-old ducklings with a survival rate of 99%.”
  • “Fire doors with fire resistance up to 90 minutes, opening cycles up to 200,000 thousand.”
  • "Car tire repair kit for beginners."
  • “3 in 1 transformable baby stroller.”

Call to action model:

  • “Buy a silver bracelet with a discount of up to 45% from the supplier.”
  • “Call and get a free legal consultation on any issue you are interested in.”
  • “Place your order on the website and take part in the prize draw.”
  • “Download the application and earn money from simple actions.”
  • “Listen to the music on the site and get a chance to win a million.”

Attention! All company names are fictitious; any resemblance to real names is purely coincidental.

Look for a suitable title, adapt it to your business and launch effective texts. What techniques do you use to write headlines? Share your opinion in the comments!

The main purpose of any headline is to attract attention. Headlines launch the first stage of the AIDA marketing model. Legendary, spectacular examples of headlines that made projects famous. How does it work and is it possible to learn how to write headlines?

Headings determine the success of any text and are the key factor that determines whether the reader will pay attention to the text or not. It is the headlines that trigger the first stage of the AIDA marketing model, and therefore require special approach from the copywriter side. History is replete with a lot of brilliant examples that have had truly fabulous success.

Today we will look at what techniques are used to create the most effective, most effective and most catchy headlines, and we will also try to explain why they have such an effect on the reader.

Legendary header examples

Effective headlines: how they work

Before we start, a little lyrical digression. For real effective headlines influence the human psychosomatic system through so-called psychohooks.

In other words, such headlines evoke a psychological reaction in a person, which is expressed in increased brain activity and evocation of the emotions desired by the author. If the headline does not catch a person (does not contain psycho-hooks), then no changes in the reader’s state occur and, as a result, the impact is reduced to zero.

Title Techniques

So let's get to the point. Now we will look at several techniques for creating headlines, examining in detail what psychohooks are used in them, and what effect they have on a person.

1 question

The question in the title forces a person to answer it. Subconsciously. The highlight is that in order to answer a question, you need to comprehend it, let it pass through yourself. This means that whether he wants it or not, the reader pays attention to your text.

Questions can be rhetorical, they can be specific, they can be abstract. However, they always have one thing in common: directly or indirectly, they indicate that the answer lies in the text, but for this you need to read the text.

Heading examples:

  • Why are you feeling dizzy?
  • Why can't you afford a holiday in the Maldives?
  • How much time a day do you spend killing yourself?
  • Where is your conscience?
  • Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
  • How much does an hour of your work cost?

Different questions evoke different reactions and focus the reader's attention on different aspects.

2. Solving the problem (answering the question)

People, by nature, are terribly lazy creatures. Of course, I am generalizing and exaggerating, but, in essence, that’s how it is. If it is possible to get a ready-made solution actual problem Instead of looking for the answer yourself, most people will take advantage of this.

The answer to the question is a Klondike for any copywriter in terms of influencing the audience. The trick is simple: choose a problem, give its solution in the text, and in the title let the reader know that the solution is in the text.

Heading examples:

  • How to stop worrying and start living
  • Where to get a lot of money at once
  • How to get rid of back pain
  • How much does freedom cost?

The most popular titles are those that begin with the word “How.” The general stereotype suggests that behind the word “how” there is, by default, practical guide, which is very, very useful, which is why readers have special confidence in this word.

Notice how people enter search queries when they are looking for lessons on something: “How to make a mask”, “How to send a boss”, “How to seduce girls”, etc.

3. Personal experience

People always have more trust in those who have already done something, rather than in those who simply talk about how to do something. Demagoguery and results are completely different things. Compare the two headers:

  • How to earn $1000 in a week
  • How I earned $1000 in a week

Which one do you have more interest and trust in?

Heading examples:

  • How I lost 20 kilos in 2 weeks
  • How I dismantled the toilet in the State Duma
  • How a pack of Marlboro helped me in a fight with 5 hooligans

In addition, the title may include not only the personal experience of the author, but also of a third party. The more authoritative and well-known this person is, the more trust you can inspire in the reader.

Heading examples:

  • How to make your first million
  • What does Schumacher do when he gets a flat tire?
  • How bankers make money on exchange rate dynamics

4. Mystery, secret, intrigue

People simply love secrets and mysteries, especially if these secrets will allow them to gain certain advantages. People also love other people's secrets, even just like that, without advantages. By playing on people's curiosity, you have a very high chance of attracting readers' attention to your text.

Heading examples:

  • Money you walk on without noticing
  • Nero's Secret Secret That Made Him Great
  • The secret of getting double profits as an entrepreneur in Ukraine

5. Numbers

The numbers in the headings act as a conditional quantitative indicator of the saturation or ease of assimilation of the material. In other words, numbers are a measure that allows a person to a priori assess how much benefit he will get from reading a particular text, and how easy it will be for him to perceive the information offered.

The higher the number, the richer the material, and this attracts with its volume, and the lower the number, the simpler and more practical, and attracts with its lightness and transparency. By introducing such certainty, the copywriter can manipulate the audience, for example, by mixing useful information with a commercial layer.

Heading examples:

  • 100 and 1 ways to become the life of the party
  • A book that will make you a superhero in 20 minutes
  • 5 Sure Ways to Find Inspiration
  • 24 vices of beginning programmers

6. Accents

Accents give headlines qualitatively new properties, strengthening them several times. By themselves, accents may be ordinary, inconspicuous words, but when combined with a headline, they increase its effectiveness. Distinctive feature accent is that it always points to something.

Heading examples:

  • THIS rake will make your neighbors envy you
  • NOW…! you will begin to predict the future!
  • Who ELSE wants to earn $1000 a month without any effort?
  • Buy our alarm system, and the thieves of your car will ALWAYS be behind bars
  • You are losing hundreds of dollars a year due to ignorance of THIS nuance

7. Instilling fear

Fear is a very strong motivating factor. If you fill your headlines with fear, they encourage your audience to read the main text. It's simple. A person instinctively tries to protect himself from everyone negative factors. If there is at least some chance that he will find salvation in the article and protect himself, then the person will read it.

Heading examples:

  • You're Losing $3,000 Every Year Without This Skill
  • Mixing these products destroys the stomach within a day
  • Just one word can save your marriage from destruction

8. Warranties

Guarantees, in essence, are a derivative of fear, only served with a different sauce. When a person feels protected, he becomes more loyal to the text he reads.

Heading examples:

  • 24 hours and your skin is glowing! Otherwise we will refund your money!
  • You will forget about your problems forever!
  • You will never lack for anything!

9. Non-standard approach

In most cases, people have a filter on many headlines because people basically know what to expect. Non-standard or controversial solutions attract attention and are able to break through this filter.

Heading examples:

  • I will put you in a trance while you read this text!
  • Take your money!
  • Don't you dare read what is written here!
  • Full house in the face of a severe fiasco

10. “Salt in the wound”

Finally, the most strong headlines- these are headlines that precisely and strongly hit a person’s most painful place: pride, pride, fears, problems, etc., which are relevant for this person. In this case, the success of the headline sharply exceeds the 90% mark.

Heading examples:

  • Forget about losing hair!
  • How long will you continue to work “for your uncle”?
  • Tired of fighting weeds?


People are interested, first of all, in their problems and their needs. If your headline is directly or indirectly related to these needs, then there is a very high probability that a person will start reading the main text.

Of course, in each specific case the title will have its own unique specifics, however general principles The audience impacts outlined in this article can help you increase the impact of your headlines several times over with just one or a few words.

Tips and examples from Azamat Ushanov

Many were shocked by the last title of my letter, which sounded like this...

  • “Fuck you, [NAME]!”

Some people took this headline personally. Someone guessed that this was a typical example of a marketing provocation in the headline. The result was that the blog almost burst with traffic. And the mailbox is from very positive and very negative responses. In a word, it was a hurricane of emotions.

(The most dangerous thing in online business is when they think about you “neutral”). This entire hurricane was caused by one small line of text in the subject line. Well, today we will talk about letter headers...

First of all, I want to warn you. Never use in your practice those crazy headlines that you see in my newsletters.

For my experiments know no boundaries. And I myself am a little bit of that. Crazy in short;)

However, I can teach you 10 “safe” (but also somewhat extreme) email subject line techniques that you can start using today to dramatically increase the response to your emails.

Please keep in mind that in mailbox your subscriber, your letter is by no means the only one. You are competing with at least 10 other emails.

However, while your competitors are constantly sending their subscribers letters with banal headlines in the style of “Vasya, a new issue of our newsletter has been released!”, you can use the following alternative options.

They very quickly stir up the interest of any person. So, let's go...

Lightening Header

You simply communicate in two or three words that one of the very pressing problems that your potential clients are experiencing has finally come to an end.

For example, at one time I received a very big effect on a letter with the heading “The poke method has come to an end,” in which I recommended Evgeniy Popov’s course on technical issues...

Calling title

I once wrote in the title of a letter, “Your idea is bullshit,” and in the letter itself I wrote about how many people constantly disparage their own ideas and don’t believe in them.

The headline provoked many people to tell me to go to hell, but also... to open the letter... in the text of which they saw themselves. The proposed podcast helped them a lot.

Scary title

The most frightening headlines in my practice in my memory are two...

  • "Your account is blocked"
  • "Pair swear words about you…"

Each of them was inextricably linked with the theme of the letter itself. The effect was great. First shock - then relief and clicking on the link.

Compromising header

  • People love to peek...

No matter what online market you serve, this headline will always spark interest. “Shocking photos from a drinking session of Internet entrepreneurs.” Oooh, I remember this letter was read by almost all active subscribers...

Title - result

  • "Newbie makes 154 sales in first month"
  • “An example of lightning-fast website promotion”

Any short headline that states the result that your audience of potential clients wants to achieve will be effective and will bring a large number of clicks

Headline - yellow press

  • “Internet – special forces are taking over the Czech Republic!”
  • “Shocking news from Kyiv!”

These headlines brought a lot of interest to our live seminars in Prague and Kyiv in 2007. Open any tabloid newspaper to easily get a dozen more examples of similar headlines. Yes, it's corny, but it works.

Cheat title

People always want to find the “easy way”. Take a shortcut to the result. Therefore, if you say something like this in the title...

  • "Workaround to [YOUR TOPIC]"
  • “Quick cheat sheet for [YOUR TOPIC]”
  • "My secret way to [YOUR TOPIC]"

You will always attract the attention of your subscriber.

Unfinished title

Typical cutting off the statement at the most interesting point. Such headlines simply force a person to open the letter...

  • “The best way to promote a website is...”
  • “Azamat looks under the tree - and there...”
  • “There is something valuable inside the letter called...”

Let your imagination run wild. You can come up with a lot of interesting ways.

Question title

Nothing supernatural. It's stupid, but it works. Makes the reader nod affirmatively when opening the letter and say “yes, I have this problem, let’s see what solution you can offer.”

Here are a couple of examples that I have used successfully.

  • “Do you want to finally automate [PROBLEM]?”
  • “Need help with copywriting?”

Friendly Heading

Believe it or not, this is one of the most effective headlines in my practice...

  • "From Azamat"

Why? Don't know. But there is a guess. Think about how many times you have written a letter to your friend on the Internet with the title “ Newest formula gaining slim figure in 14 steps in minimal time blah blah blah..."

Most likely you write in the topic simply.

  • "From Volodya"
  • "From Seryoga"
  • "From Lyudmila"

Sometimes you need to do the same with subscribers. By making such a headline from time to time, you will become closer to your subscriber. As if you were writing to your friend or acquaintance. And the subscriber will feel the same.

Well, here are 10 great email subject line hacks you can start using today to increase the readability of your emails.

But remember that in the long run, you need to act and conduct your personal mailings in such a way that people decide whether to read your letter or not to read it based on the left column in the mailing list (the “From:” column), and not on right column with heading.

You can achieve this in three steps...

  1. Stop worrying about what others think of you;
  2. Become a master at creating great content for your readers;
  3. Lead your mailing list balanced, charismatic and not like everyone else.

And if the first step can only be taken independently, by making a decision within yourself. Then for the second and third steps, I can offer you 2 excellent step by step videos– manuals.

25 killer headlines

  • 10 Facts about... which you didn't know!
  • 10 reasons to hate...
  • 10 Best Blogs About...
  • 10 Secrets...
  • How does it work... ?
  • How to be the best in...
  • 10 Worst Mistakes You Can Make in...
  • 10 Shocking Facts About...
  • 10 Questions about...
  • Everything you know about... is wrong!
  • 10 Best videos about...
  • 10 Best quotes about...
  • 10 Experts on... on Twitter
  • 10 Tweets about...
  • 10 Rules... you should know
  • How I increased my ... by 200%
  • 10 Effective techniques in..., which you are not yet using
  • The fastest way...
  • 10 Myths about...
  • 5...for which you wouldn’t mind giving everything!

All that remains is to insert the right words.

For your letters, using which you can increase the open rate of your own letters in your mailings.

1. Question title.

Every question requires an answer. Reading a question title, a person subconsciously has a desire to find out the answer to it. And you can find it, naturally, only by opening the letter.

“Do you want to know how to easily lose 12 kg without dieting or exercise?”
"Need money?"

2. Unfinished title.

The understatement in the title exploits our curiosity. And this is a very powerful thing. When something interests us, and then ends interesting place. This is usually practiced in TV series, but it can also be successfully used in e-mail marketing.

Here are examples of unfinished titles.

"Most effective method dealing with objections is..."
“You will never double your sales if you don’t use...”

3. A scary headline.

Fear is a very powerful feeling. The instinct of self-preservation is stronger than even the instinct of procreation. Therefore, any “message” that carries something intimidating or frightening to a person forces him to immediately react.

"Your email has been deleted"
"Your account is blocked"
"Your data has been destroyed"

4. Delivering title.

This type of headline informs a person about getting rid of some problem that has been bothering him for a long time and has been a pet peeve in business or life.

For example. “Computer viruses have come to an end”, “The problem of finding clients no longer exists”, “Lack of weight has been defeated”, etc.

5. Compromising headline.

People love to dig through dirty laundry and then wash the bones. Any compromising evidence arouses interest, and therefore is so actively used in headlines by various newspapermen.

“The Internet entrepreneur’s shocking confession about his subscribers”
“Scandalous recording from a conference on blog promotion in RuNet”

6. Headline-fact.

The reader is simply told a specific fact. For example, a result that was achieved and which people would also like to repeat.

“217 thousand rubles on the first day of sales”
“Over 1000 visitors to the site per day, in three months”
“An ordinary schoolboy who made a deal worth half a million rubles”

7. Secret title.

You definitely want to know any secret. Therefore, any headlines that reveal any secrets to us have always attracted and will attract attention.

“The strategy of playing on the stock exchange that the bankers hid”
"Secret Method" quick learning foreign languages in the FSB"
“Revealed recipe for the signature pie of the Kremlin cuisine”

8. Friendly title.

Such headlines are usually used when writing to your friends or acquaintances, but in e-mail marketing this is necessary to get closer to the audience. Also, similar headlines can be used when using a personal brand.

"From Alexander"
"Alex Ivanovsky"

9. Permanent header.

This type of header is a permanent name of the same type that never changes. People get used to such constancy and in the future they will no longer confuse you with anyone. The response of such letters is stable, since the reader never knows what awaits him in today's issue, but willingly opens it, because... loves this newsletter.

“New business ideas. Issue 167"
"Magazine newsletter culinary recipes»

10. Intriguing title.

By using intriguing title piques the reader's interest. But unlike other types of headlines, intriguing ones never reveal the essence of the offer. That is, in order for a person to find out what we're talking about, you need to open and read the letter.

“You have to see this!”
“In 8 years of practice, I have never seen anything like this!”

11. Targeting headline.

Targeting means selection, segmentation. This type of headline is aimed at a specific audience from total mass, for example, only for women or motorists, or those who keep animals at home, etc.

"For those who love beer more water»
“If they don’t buy books from you in the online store”

12. News headline.

Everything is very simple here. News headlines carry some kind of news.

"Latest changes in algorithms search engines»
"New rules for delivery tax return»

13. Title-gift.

People love free things, and therefore any mention of gifts, discounts, bonuses and anything that is offered for free always arouses interest. Especially if it costs money.

“Get a video course worth RUB 2,500. absolutely free"
"Let me give you a gift"

14. Title Guarantee.

A guarantee is a protection against risk, so using it in the headline makes any offer safe. That is, with a guarantee, a person gets the opportunity not to fear for the future result and, if something happens, to return everything back.

“This shampoo will get rid of your dandruff, or we’ll give you your money back.”
“A system that 100% guarantees the recruitment of the first 1000 subscribers in three days”

Naturally this is not full list techniques for writing headlines for letters, but even these are quite enough to increase the readability of your newsletter. I have given several examples based on which you can generate your own headings for topics. I am sure that if you try, they will be stronger and even brighter than mine.

“Headlines determine the success of any text and are the key factor that determines whether the reader will pay attention to the text or not. It is the headlines that drive the first stage of the AIDA marketing model, and therefore require a special approach from the copywriter.”

History is replete with a lot of brilliant examples that have had truly fabulous success. Today we will look at what techniques are used to create the most effective, most effective and most catchy headlines, and we will also try to explain why they have such an effect on the reader.

Legendary header examples.

If you want to get acquainted with real examples of headlines that have reliably written themselves into the history of world marketing, then the trilogy will be useful to you.

Effective headlines: principle of operation.

Before we begin, a short lyrical digression. Truly effective headlines affect the human psychosomatic system through so-called psychohooks. In other words, such headlines evoke a psychological reaction in a person, which is expressed in increased brain activity and evocation of the emotions desired by the author. If the headline does not catch a person (does not contain psycho-hooks), then no changes in the reader’s state occur and, as a result, the impact is reduced to zero.

Techniques for creating headings.

List of techniques for creating headings:

  1. Question.
  2. Solving the problem (answering the question).
  3. Personal experience.
  4. Mystery, secret, intrigue.
  5. Numbers.
  6. Accents.
  7. Instilling fear.
  8. Guarantees.
  9. Non-standard approach.
  10. "Salt in the wound."

So let's get to the point. Now we will look at several techniques for creating headlines, examining in detail what psychohooks are used in them, and what effect they have on a person.

1 question.

The question in the title forces a person to answer it. Subconsciously. The highlight is that in order to answer a question, you need to comprehend it, let it pass through yourself. This means that regardless of whether he wants it or not, the reader pays attention to your text.

Questions can be rhetorical, they can be specific, they can be abstract. However, they always have one thing in common: directly or indirectly, they indicate that the answer lies in the text, but for this you need to read the text.

Heading examples:

  • Why are you feeling dizzy?
  • Why can't you afford a holiday in the Maldives?
  • How much time a day do you spend killing yourself?
  • Where is your conscience?
  • Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
  • How much does an hour of your work cost?

Different questions evoke different reactions and focus the reader's attention on different aspects.

2. Solving the problem (answering the question).

People, by nature, are terribly lazy creatures. Of course, I am generalizing and exaggerating, but, in essence, that’s how it is. If there is an opportunity to get a ready-made solution to a pressing problem instead of looking for the answer yourself, then most people will take advantage of it. The answer to the question is a Klondike for any copywriter in terms of influencing the audience. The trick is simple: choose a problem, give its solution in the text, and in the title let the reader know that the solution is in the text.

Heading examples:

  • How to stop worrying and start living.
  • Where can I get a lot of money at once?
  • How to get rid of back pain.
  • How much does freedom cost?

The most popular titles are those that begin with the word “How.” The general stereotype suggests that behind the word “how” there is, by default, a practical guide that is very, very useful, which is why readers have special confidence in this word.

Notice how people enter search queries when they are looking for lessons on something: “How to make a mask”, “How to send a boss”, “How to seduce girls”, etc.

3. Personal experience.

People always have more trust in those who have already done something, rather than in those who simply talk about how to do something. Demagoguery and results are completely different things. Compare the two headers:

  1. How to earn $1000 in a week.
  2. How I earned $1000 in a week.

Which one do you have more interest and trust in?

Heading examples:

  • How I lost 20 kilos in 2 weeks.
  • How I dismantled the toilet in the State Duma.
  • How a pack of Marlboro helped me in a fight with 5 hooligans.

In addition, the title may include not only the personal experience of the author, but also of a third party. The more authoritative and well-known this person is, the more trust you can inspire in the reader.

Heading examples:

  • How Bill Gates made his first million.
  • What does Schumacher do when he gets a flat tire?
  • How bankers make money on exchange rate dynamics.

4. Mystery, secret, intrigue.

People simply love secrets and mysteries, especially if these secrets will allow them to gain certain advantages. People also love other people's secrets, even just like that, without advantages. By playing on human curiosity, you have a very high chance of attracting readers' attention to your text.

Heading examples:

  • Money that you walk on without noticing.
  • Nero's secret secret that made him great.
  • The secret of getting double profits as an entrepreneur in Ukraine.

5. Numbers.

The numbers in the headings act as a conditional quantitative indicator of the saturation or ease of assimilation of the material. In other words, numbers are a measure that allows a person to a priori assess how much benefit he will get from reading a particular text, and how easy it will be for him to perceive the information offered. The higher the number, the richer the material, and this attracts with its volume, and the lower the number, the simpler and more practical, and attracts with its lightness and transparency. By introducing such certainty, the copywriter can manipulate the audience, for example, by mixing useful information with a commercial layer.

Heading examples:

  • 100 and 1 ways to become the life of the party.
  • A book that will make you a superhero in 20 minutes.
  • 5 surefire ways to find inspiration.
  • 24 vices of beginning programmers.

6. Accents.

Accents give headlines qualitatively new properties, strengthening them several times. By themselves, accents may be ordinary, inconspicuous words, but when combined with a headline, they increase its effectiveness. A distinctive feature of an accent is that it always points to something.

Heading examples:

  • THIS rake will make your neighbors jealous.
  • NOW…! You will begin to predict the future!
  • Who ELSE wants to earn $1000 a month without any effort?
  • Buy our alarm system, and the thieves of your car will ALWAYS be behind bars.
  • You are losing hundreds of dollars a year due to ignorance of THIS nuance.

7. Instilling fear

Fear is a very strong motivating factor. If you fill your headlines with fear, they encourage the audience to read the main text. It's simple. A person instinctively tries to protect himself from all negative factors. If there is at least some chance that he will find salvation in the article and protect himself, then the person will read it.

Heading examples:

  • You're losing $3,000 every year without this skill.
  • Mixing these products disables the stomach within a day.
  • Just one word can save your marriage from destruction.

8. Warranties.

Guarantees, in essence, are a derivative of fear, only served with a different sauce. When a person feels protected, he becomes more loyal to the text he reads.

Heading examples:

  • 24 hours and your skin is glowing! Otherwise we will refund your money!
  • You will forget about your problems forever!
  • You will never lack for anything!

9. Non-standard approach

In most cases, people have a filter on many headlines because people basically know what to expect. Non-standard or controversial solutions attract attention and are able to break through this filter.

Heading examples:

  • I will put you in a trance while you read this text!
  • Take your money!
  • Don't you dare read what is written here!
  • A full house in the midst of a severe fiasco.

10. “Salt in the wound”

Finally, the most powerful headlines are those that precisely and strongly hit a person’s most painful place: pride, pride, fears, problems, etc., which are relevant for this person. In this case, the success of the headline sharply exceeds the 90% mark.

Heading examples:

  • Forget about losing hair!
  • How long will you continue to work “for your uncle”?
  • Tired of fighting weeds?


“People are interested, first of all, in their problems and their needs.”

If your headline is directly or indirectly related to these needs, then there is a very high probability that a person will start reading the main text. Of course, in each specific case the headline will have its own unique specifics, but the general principles of influencing the audience given in this article can help you increase the impact of your headlines several times over with just one or a couple of words.

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