Dream interpretation of fire horse. The meaning of a dream about a stallion

His appearance in a dream can predict passion, love, romantic relationships.

However, in some situations this animal symbolizes passion and unbridledness.

In many cases, horses in a dream mean lying. Therefore, the dream book gives different interpretations dream with the appearance of these animals. This is what horses dream about most often.

Male energy and strength

Usually healthy stallions on the grass dream of communicating with healthy and strong young men, full of energy and vitality. For a woman, such a dream predicts love relationship And good health. If she has a son, then seeing a horse in a dream predicts to the mother that the child will grow up very strong and strong, but at the same time will have a rebellious and proud disposition. The dream book writes that you yourself may suffer from his antics, especially in adolescence.

Why do you dream about horses? women's dreams in general, if you see them in the meadow or in the stable? Modern books they write that these animals show the presence of male energy in your life. It’s just that it will be difficult to understand how it will manifest itself. For a girl or woman, a horse in a dream means the presence of a man or masculine qualities that will sooner or later appear in your nature.

If a horse personifies a rebellious and very wayward teenage girl, hot-tempered and domineering, accustomed to living by her own rules and not obeying anyone, then stallions show the same qualities, but in an exaggerated form.

Just seeing horses grazing in a meadow in a dream means you will have a reason to show character or you will meet a very passionate and unbridled person. Water the horses or feed them - good sign. Modern books indicate that horses in this dream mean reciprocity in love or creativity.

Seeing a horse in a dream that paid attention to you and looked attentively is a good sign for a girl.

The dream book writes that very soon a handsome man with pronounced creative abilities and leadership qualities will pay attention to her.

Chess piece

If you dreamed of a horse on the board, this is a difficult sign. Usually such a figure hits through the cells and can strike you unexpectedly. Very often, this dream is a warning about an unpleasant situation, a dirty trick, or even a betrayal that will soon take place in your life. Seeing a black horse in a dream while you are playing with white pieces is a sign of trouble.

The dream book writes that you may not even notice how someone is acting against you. If the situation is the opposite, and you are playing a game with black pieces, and the white knight is trying to attack, expect open danger.

It is possible that a friend whom you consider to be a sincere and honest person is not such at all and may harm you unexpectedly. Taking this piece for yourself and neutralizing someone else’s horse in the game means that you can clearly see the deception and will be able to expose the enemy. However, dreams about chess pieces are extremely rare.


In ancient books they write that horses in a dream mean the arrival of guests or a road, as well as the absence of a clear place of refuge in real life. This is not surprising, since before the invention of cars, a chariot or carriage with horses was the only means of transportation. So it's best to watch modern interpretations dreams, because in reality the role of horses has completely changed and become different.

Today, horses have become exotic, and the only meaning associated with them is unbridled strength and willfulness. However, many today associate horses with labor and hard physical labor. To understand what it means to see horses in a dream, pay attention to their place, action and condition.

Strong and healthy horses are dreamed of as a sign of health. But full meaning dreams depends on what exactly they did in the dream. Stunted nags, sick or dead animals predict illness, grief, exhaustion physical work and deterioration of health. This dream can almost always foreshadow the death of a person in the prime of life from exhaustion or illness.

Seeing horses rushing straight at you in a dream predicts an unpleasant surprise or shocking news. The dream book writes that a horse in such a situation symbolizes temper, scandalousness and trouble. Sometimes books warn about the aggressiveness of one person or group of people against you or trouble that may have to do with means of transportation. One horse usually dreams of news.

White predicts good news, sincere feelings, reciprocity in love, and sometimes a marriage proposal. Seeing chocolate-colored stallions means friendly relations, sincere and kind, to tenderness and love. Black horses in a dream are not good. They bring with them news of death and disaster. But red-haired individuals predict happiness and creative success for you.

What did the horses do in their dreams?

Riding a horse means good luck in creative work. If you are involved in equestrian sports, then dreaming of horses predicts a competitive relationship and an element of struggle in life.

Pay attention to whether you reached the finish line and what you remember in such a dream.

Just riding a horse along the road means a hasty decision. Sometimes the dream book interprets the vision as referring to the road. If you are just sitting somewhere and see a galloping horse flying towards you, beware of danger. But often such a dream means trouble and that some news will be simply shocking.

Sometimes a dream in which a horse flies towards you, but does not knock you down, means that disaster will pass you by. Its color shows how strong the anger of a person will be. The worst omens are dreams in which you see black or brown stallions. Riding such a horse and knocking over a person means trouble. Perhaps you will get angry with someone or they will receive unpleasant news through you.

Seeing a friend on a horse means his victory or the fact that he has aggressiveness and power. Setting out on a horse - you will make some crazy decision or business. Possible success in a risky business. Betting on a horse at a race and winning is good luck. But sometimes this dream turns into disappointment in reality. Losing means losing in reality.

  • Riding a white horse in a dream is a wonderful sign. First of all, it promises you the strength of friendships and the joy of meeting with like-minded people. If you see that your horse is dirty, then deception and envy on the part of those you trust are possible.
  • If you dream that you are riding a black horse, this means that you will succeed in business for a long time and unexpectedly discover the vanity and futility of your activities.
  • Watching brown horses run promises you favorable circumstances, which suddenly change for the worse. This dream can also portend fleeting and superficial hobbies.
  • Seeing horses in apples (spotted) is a sign of future benefits in business.
  • Riding a beautiful bay horse portends exaltation and satisfaction of desires. For a woman who sees this dream, it promises determination to refuse an annoying admirer and material gain in the near future.
  • Seeing your horse running away to join a wild herd means that news of someone's illness awaits you.
  • In general, seeing beautiful horses in a dream promises you success and prosperity.
  • If you cross a clear stream on horseback in a dream, good luck awaits you, but your joy will be overshadowed by something if you look down into the dark water.
  • The fulfillment of many dreams and obtaining benefits in business promises you a dream that you are crossing a clear river on the back of a horse.
  • But seeing a wounded or dead horse in a dream is a sign of sad news.
  • Riding a bucking horse means various difficulties on the path to success. If a horse throws you off or kicks you hard on the back, then fate will send you a test in the form of your opponents, or illness awaits you.
  • Grabbing a horse by the bridle and subordinating it to your will promises you drastic, favorable changes in life.
  • If in a dream you admire a well-shod horse, your success in the near future will amaze even your own imagination.
  • For a woman, such a dream promises a reliable friend for life.
  • Participating in horse races is a harbinger of a prosperous life. Shoeing your horse yourself means acquiring property through dubious means.
  • If you dream that you are deftly galloping on a bareback horse, it means that you will be able to acquire prosperity and comfort in a difficult struggle, and in this dream reliable help from friends is also possible.
  • Riding a horse in a female environment promises you uncertainty about your future desires. Your addiction.
  • If you watch a horse being groomed, or clean it yourself with a hair comb - such a dream promises you great trials, hard work on the way to honors and a firm position in life.
  • For business people, peasants, writers, a very favorable dream is in which they decorate the mane and tail of a horse.
  • If you dream of horses harnessed to a carriage, then this promises obstacles on the path to happiness. If you dream that you are climbing a narrow path on horseback. high mountain- In reality you will achieve a very strong position in life. If, with such a climb, the horse cannot stand it and you climb the rest of the way on foot, then your strong position will be won at the cost of great efforts.
  • If a girl sees herself in a dream as a rider on a black horse, this means an unexpected event that will help fulfill her desires, as well as her communication with wise, respectful interlocutors.
  • Riding down a hill means failure. Seeing her lover riding a horse behind her promises a woman success with interesting, successful admirers.
  • If the rider is frightened, then this foretells her in reality the anxiety and jealousy of a loved one.
  • If a girl dreams that she jumps off a horse and it instantly turns into a pig, then this foreshadows her reckless rejection of lucrative marriage proposals, after which the freedom she prefers will soon seem hateful to her.
  • If a girl dreams that she is riding a white horse across a hilly area and, looking around, constantly sees a rider on a black horse behind her, this promises her an alternation of successes and failures and constant anxiety in her heart for the fate of a matter that is important to her.
  • If you dream of a horse falling from the sky and turning into a stranger who throws something at you, this means a serious failure, unfulfilled hopes and, for some time, the failure of your attempts to master the situation.
  • If in a dream you see horses grazing in a meadow, this means a well-established business and coordinated actions of your partners. A barren pasture and dry land promise you poor but devoted friends. For a young lady, this is a harbinger of a happy marriage.
  • Seeing a horse dealer in a dream promises you material benefits, but risky undertakings.
  • Buying a horse yourself and realizing in a dream that the merchant is deceiving you means losses. Selling a not very good horse while keeping a thoroughbred one for yourself is a sign of great luck.

The crew flies past you at great speed - in reality you may be left out of work, since all your ideas go against generally accepted judgments and principles, so they will try to tactfully take you out of the game. Perhaps it will be a sudden business trip or you will be asked to visit a friend. Under no circumstances leave the city on the 4th and 22nd.

Aesop's Dream Book

Horse- symbolizes courage, nobility, speed and grace. So the image of a horse evoked by your subconscious in a dream indicates that in real life you are faced with a person who personifies all these wonderful qualities.

The horse has long been for people- was an assistant, a warrior, a protector, songs were written about him, poems were written. We have come down to folk expressions that briefly and accurately characterize this magnificent noble animal: “A horse gives wings to a man. He carries water, he also carries the governor”, ​​“Ushmi spins, digs the earth, lets steam out of his nostrils”, “The horse will not betray you, and the enemy will not eat you.”

Ride a horse in a dream- a sign that you will meet a very interesting, influential and noble person who will not only change your views on the world and make you believe in yourself, but will also help you achieve great heights in life.

Feeding a horse in a dream- means that one of your friends needs your help. He may be embarrassed to tell you about it.

If you dreamed that you were combing a horse's mane- then such a dream foreshadows an acquaintance with a noble, courageous man who will later become your best friend.

If the horse under you is wounded- then such a dream suggests that in reality you may lose your best friend because of your frivolity and desire for gambling.

If the horse saved you by carrying the wounded man from the battlefield- then in real life you are very happy man, because you have a faithful and devoted friend who will always help you in difficult times.

Saddle a horse in a dream- a sign that you will very much hope for the help of a person close to you in a difficult matter.

If in a dream a horse stumbled under you- then in reality you will face a risky event that may end badly for you.

See in dead person's sleep horse- the dream foreshadows an unpleasant event that will happen due to your carelessness.

If you bury a horse- then such a dream is a bad omen. You will receive unpleasant news from one of your friends. Perhaps such a dream speaks of a serious illness or death of your close friend.

Red or chestnut horse- a sign of uncontrollable, expansive emotions. Most likely, you live by inspiration, obeying more feelings than reason.

Silver horse- speaks of your dreaminess and rich imagination.

Ride it- a very good sign: you have every chance of achieving your goal, no matter how fantastic it may seem.

If you dreamed of a draft horse or a tired, driven horse- such a dream suggests that someone is shamelessly taking advantage of your nobility, or that you yourself have overly burdened someone with your requests or urgings.

Dream book for the whole family

If you dream of a herd of horses that do not show aggression and graze peacefully- you will spend time surrounded by close friends.

A dream in which you watch or take part in horse racing- to victory over competitors. A stone horse that comes to life before your eyes, perhaps you can bring half-forgotten plans to life.

If a revived horse attacks you- beware, an enemy you have long forgotten about may appear again in your life.

An animated stone horse reaches out to you- beware, a close friend may betray you.

Riding a stone horse- you have illusions about your surroundings, which will lead to problems.

Dream book for a bitch

Seeing a horse rearing up with a rider on its back- promises a woman the devotion of a loved one.

If you dream that you are driving a troika- You will have disagreements with your loved ones.

Harness the horse- speaks of your lack of self-confidence and the fact that you need the support of others.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

See a shaggy horse running along the road- to a difficult day.

Bay horse- dreams of moving.

Seeing in a dream how a lathered horse gallops- to loss of strength.

Bridle the horse- you want to give work to someone else, shift your work to others.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, December

Hairy horse I dream of surprise.

Bay horse- dreams of a surprise in your life.

Stall the horse- you will come to some decision.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Drive the horse- to severe fatigue.

Bridle the horse- to trouble through lies.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Black horse- sadness; ride it- a risky enterprise; saddle a horse- profit and luck.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Dream Interpretation of Dashka

Horse- a symbol of nobility, grace and speed.

The image of a horse in a dream- indicates that in life you have encountered a person who personifies all these wonderful qualities. It can also indicate hard work. May indicate a sexually anxious man, a stallion.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Horse, stallion- a sign of help, strength, energy, sexual urges.

For a woman- love impulses; lover, marriage; fate .

Dream book of a gypsy

White or gray horse- promise success and prosperity.

Black or brown horse - means power and high position in society.

If you are riding a horse- this means that you will be well rewarded for the work done.

If you are shoeing a horse- in old age you will be guaranteed peace.

Stallion- symbolizes sexual power. Mare – sexual satisfaction.

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

Being chased by a wild horse- misfortune / for girls - engagement.

Hold a horse skull in your hands- misfortune/illness.

see the old horse- great harm.

Horse tail see- dispute, strife.

Maly Velesov Dream Interpretation

Esoteric dream book

See the horse- to a speedy resolution of cases.

sit astride- a reliable friend, help from friends.

Herd- you will break free.

Squadron- be drawn into politics or public intrigue.

How to dream that a horse will bite- then this will be some kind of weakness for this person.

As horses dream, then illness, you are under a horse- a tragic blow.

Horses- definitely a lie.

How beautiful the horses are- then the lies will quickly pass, and the horses are bad- You will be messing around with those lies for a long time.

Riding a white horse- happiness, and on the dun- weakness.

White horses- death, thin- disease, fatty- health.

Horse bay, black- this is a disease.

If you dream of a white mare- O mortal danger;

If you had a bad dream:

Don't be upset - it's just a dream. Thanks to him for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Say out the open window: “Where night goes, sleep comes.” All the good things stay, all the bad things go.”

Open the tap and dream about flowing running water.

Wash your face three times with the words “Where water flows, sleep goes.”

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: “As this salt melts, my sleep will go away and will not bring harm.”

Turn it inside out bed sheets inside out.

Don't tell anyone bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

The dream in which you saw a horse most often carries positive information. Riding a white horse in a dream is a symbol of the fact that you are surrounded by people close to you in spirit, true friends, but if you rode a raven horse, serious trouble awaits you. Racing on a brown or red horse represents unfavorable changes in your life. Have you tried to ride a horse that kicked and kicked and tried to throw you off? Such a dream foretells that it will be very difficult for you to achieve your goal - there will be many failures and difficulties. If the animal under you was bareback, in reality your life is difficult and full of obstacles.

To dream of a horse's skull is a sign of illness. A horse's tail promises conflict and disputes. Burying him is a bad sign; trouble will happen to your friend. The herd dreams that a successful acquaintance will improve your well-being. You were holding a horse by the bridle; such a dream predicts danger. You stroked him, patted him on the withers, but did not want to sit in the saddle - your successes will soon cease to please you and bring you moral satisfaction

Horses covered in apples, brave horses...

A horse covered in apples portends profit. White- a sign of joy, happiness, gray - dreams of news, a light, yellow horse portends a joyful event, red - a visit from friends, black - an unkind dream, illness or death. A dirty horse comes to deception in your dreams; an envious person can harm you. A wounded horse dreams of sad news. Dead - to an unfortunate coincidence of circumstances. A nag in dreams symbolizes lies and slander. wild horse dreams of an emotional outburst.

Three tells the dreamer that in order to keep up with the rhythm of life, he needs to be more active, otherwise he may be left out of work. A well-fed horse speaks of your good health; a thin horse with sunken sides is a harbinger of illness. Gelding dreams of meanness, be attentive to new acquaintances. An aggressive horse trying to trample you warns of the possibility. Stone horse dreams of a person who is deceived by loved ones. A developed imagination and excessive daydreaming is symbolized by a silver-colored animal. A horse that is tired and has been driven in means that you are being shamelessly taken advantage of. To symbolize amazing events, you dream of a horse with furry legs. Lathered - warns you against fatigue, otherwise there is a high risk of getting sick if you do not start to rest.

What happened to the horse in your dream

A horse that throws you or kicks you hard is a harbinger of illness. You shoed him in your dream; such a dream foreshadows success, but obtained through dishonest means. Dreaming about buying a horse means news. A rearing horse portends a quarrel. In your dream it fell, which means serious financial problems await you. If you dreamed that you were feeding a horse, look around, maybe someone needs your help. Give him something to drink, take him to a watering hole - good sleep, for the sick - to recovery. To meet a decent person, you have a dream in which you were brushing a horse. A horse that stumbled under you predicts danger. Bitten - dreams of trouble. You harnessed the horse - it means you are too dependent on the opinions of others. A horse standing in a stall portends you a quick solution to the issues that have been weighing on you lately.

Wash, bathe a horse in a dream - to unexpected news. Did a horse gallop past you with a beautiful flowing mane? Similar dream indicates that you need to more realistically assess your strengths - you dream too much. Chewing and nibbling grass dreams of material well-being.

Specific interpretations

Why does a woman or girl dream about a horse?

Seeing a well-shod horse in a dream and admiring its beauty- symbolizes dizzying success. Moreover, the result of actions in real life will exceed all expectations. It is also possible that a new acquaintance will appear who will become kind and true friend for life.

If a woman rides a horse in a dream, in reality - all her desires will be satisfied, and there will also be material reward. Ladies who suffer from the increased attention of annoying gentlemen will find the strength to give them a decisive rebuff.

A dream in which a loved one is riding a horse behind a woman suggests that she is a success with wealthy fans, but her friend is much behind them financially.

Clean or wash a horse- the dream speaks of the lady’s need for spiritual contact with your loved one. It is important for her that a man values ​​not only physical intimacy, but also sees her as a person with his own feelings and dreams.

And such a dream advises young girls to be more attentive to their lover - betrayal on his part is possible.

White horse

Snow-white horse in a dream- is a harbinger of pleasant, joyful and very emotional events. In real life, fateful meetings with good people, which will play an important role in the dreamer’s life.

In addition, such a vision promises material well-being. A woman who sees a well-groomed snow-white stallion in a dream will in reality have a meeting with a handsome, intelligent, decent, and most importantly, rich admirer.

If you dream that you have to shoe white horse - this means that old age will be comfortable and filled with pleasant events.

The horse was red

The red color is a symbol of the fire element. Therefore, the appearance of a red horse in a dream means the end of a quiet and measured life. Dream books say that the dreamer will soon plunge into a whirlpool of events associated with troubles and vanity. Strong and vivid emotions are coming, so a person must be prepared for anything. Events will unfold so quickly that it will be difficult to keep up with them.

And yet the vision carries positive meaning. The dreamer needs to try a little, and this turmoil will end favorably and with great benefit for him.


If a person happened to see a gray horse in a dream - you can expect success in the business environment. This vision is especially favorable for entrepreneurs.

For people who start their own business, the image of a gray horse will bring good luck and prosperity. Contacts with new partners, signing of important contracts and a new round in business development are possible.

Horse with wings

Dream books agree that a winged horse is symbolizes inspiration and creativity.

A dream in which I managed to ride a Pegasus– speaks of the need for a creative approach to solving problems. If a person uses this idea, many issues will be resolved much faster than it seemed.

Hiding under the wings of a horse- means an unpleasant incident that poses a threat to the health and even life of the dreamer. Therefore, it is better to refrain from rash actions and postpone long trips.

Petting Pegasus- for a romantic date and fulfillment of desires. In addition, a person who sees a winged horse in a dream will feel an extraordinary creative surge. People of creative professions should pay attention to this.

If a winged horse disappears over the horizon in a dream, it means the time for the dream to come true has not yet come and you should wait a little.

Horse in the house

The image of a horse entering a house has a favorable interpretation - wedding coming up soon. However, nuances are important here too.

If this is a clean, well-groomed animal with beautiful harness and an easy-going disposition, it means marriage with a worthy person. If the horse is dirty, frail and without a saddle- this speaks of a love affair with an “empty”, unworthy person. This union will bring nothing to the dreamer except universal condemnation.

The horse is a symbol of nobility, grace and speed. The image of a horse in a dream suggests that in life you have encountered a person who personifies all these wonderful qualities. It can also indicate hard work. May indicate a sexually anxious man, a stallion.

Interpretation of dreams from the Russian dream book

Dream about Horse

A son will be born (to a pregnant woman), independence, for good (to her husband), courage, victory, success, strength // serious illness, death, enemy, unexpected guest, there will be wind, fire, deception (one’s own horse - from one’s own, in the family), a lot of work, slander, illness (to wife); thin - illness; fat – health; black - bad, death, to the dead, rain, illness, deception; white – wedding, good, news (letter) // snow, illness, death; gray - good, to lead // death; yellow – illness, weakness; red – good; red - buddy, lead, good, good weather, fun, arrival of guests // illness, fever, for worse, for fire, frost (in winter); the horse kicks - guests with bad thoughts; riding a horse is good, glory, self-interest from a fool, family happiness; riding on a black one means death, illness; on Bulanom - illness; on white - happiness // illness; on red - fever; in all likelihood - happiness will be good; looking for a lost horse - grief after the death of a husband; laughs loudly - the guy is trying to get the girl; bites you - illness; to beat a horse - to the fast road; bathe - lead; feed - prosperity; reared up - quarrel; holding the reins is dangerous.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation Veles

What does Horse mean in a dream?

If you dream of a herd of horses that do not show aggression and graze peacefully, you will spend time surrounded by close friends. If horses try to kill you with their hooves, beware of an accident. You should not travel in the next few days. But if you have such a dream on the night from Monday to Tuesday, a promotion or a long profitable business trip awaits you. A dream in which you watch horse races or take part in them means victory over your competitors.

A stone horse that comes to life before your eyes, perhaps you can bring half-forgotten plans to life. If a revived horse attacks you, beware; an enemy you have long forgotten about may appear again in your life. A revived stone horse is reaching out to you - beware, it may betray you close friend. Riding a stone horse - You have illusions about your surroundings, which will lead to problems.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of men

The meaning of dreams Horse

The horse symbolizes courage, nobility, speed and grace. So the image of a horse evoked by your subconscious in a dream indicates that in real life you have encountered a person who personifies all these wonderful qualities. The horse has long been a helper, warrior, and protection for people; they wrote songs and poems about it. We have come down to folk expressions that briefly and accurately characterize this magnificent noble animal: “A horse gives wings to a man. He carries water, he also carries the governor”, ​​“Ushmi spins, digs the earth, lets steam out of his nostrils”, “The horse will not betray you, and the enemy will not eat you.”

Riding a horse in a dream is a sign that you will meet a very interesting, influential and noble person who will not only change your views on the world and make you believe in yourself, but will also help you achieve great heights in life.

Feeding a horse in a dream means that one of your friends needs your help. Perhaps he is embarrassed to tell you about it.

If you dreamed that you were combing the mane of a horse, then such a dream foreshadows an acquaintance with a noble, courageous man who will later become your best friend.

Fighting on a horse in a dream is evidence that in real life you need to show all your caution and courage in order to get out of a dangerous situation.

If the horse under you was wounded, then such a dream suggests that in reality you may lose your best friend due to your frivolity and desire for gambling.

If the horse saved you by carrying the wounded man away from the battlefield, then in real life you are a very happy person, because you have a faithful and devoted friend who will always help you in difficult times.

Saddling a horse in a dream is a sign that you will very much hope for the help of a person close to you in a difficult matter.

If in a dream a horse stumbled under you, then in reality you will face a risky event that may end badly for you.

To see a dead horse in a dream - a dream foreshadows an unpleasant event that will happen due to your carelessness.

If you are burying a horse, then such a dream is a bad omen. You will receive unpleasant news from one of your friends. Perhaps such a dream speaks of a serious illness or death of your close friend.

If you dreamed of a herd of horses, then in real life you will have a profitable acquaintance with very influential people. They will do it for you advantageous offer, with the help of which you will not only be able to improve your material affairs, but also earn the respect of the people around you.

Interpretation of dreams from the Ancient Dream Book

Meaning of sleep Horse

The dream foretells a quick resolution of problems.

Imagine that you are caring for a horse - washing it, combing it, stroking it, feeding it treats.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Simeon Prozorov

Interpretation of sleep Horse

Black horse: a harbinger of risky adventures.

If he breaks his leg or trips: such a dream warns against unnecessary risks that threaten to result in major troubles.

White horse: a symbol of nobility, as well as honor or wealth.

Horse in apples: can mean a varied, eventful life.

Red or chestnut horse: a sign of uncontrollable, expansive emotions. Most likely, you live by inspiration, obeying more feelings than reason.

Silver horse: speaks of your dreaminess and rich imagination.

Riding on it: a very good sign: you have every chance of achieving your goal, no matter how fantastic it may seem.

If you dreamed of a heavy horse or a tired, driven horse: such a dream suggests that someone is shamelessly taking advantage of your nobility, or that you yourself have overly burdened someone with your requests or urgings.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of the 20th century

What does a Horse predict in a dream?

A white or gray horse promises success and prosperity.

A black or brown horse means power and a high position in society.

If you sit astride a horse, this means that you will be well rewarded for the work done.

If you shoe a horse, you will be guaranteed peace in old age.

Stallion - symbolizes sexual power.

Mare – sexual satisfaction.

Interpretation of dreams from