What does the dream book say if you dream of a brown horse? Brown horse according to the dream book

Most often, night dreams in which a horse takes place are associative in nature. If, for example, you dreamed of a brown horse pulling a voluminous load, then this may mean that you will be “crowded” by work. But a bay Arabian horse, dashingly galloping or elegantly prancing in a dream, promises honor and high position. The details of the dream will help you understand why this stately animal is dreaming, dream books assure.

Miller's Dream Book

If you dreamed that you were standing next to a brown horse rearing up, then you can be sure of the success of your plan. This vision means protection, that is, no matter what troubles get in your way, there will be someone nearby who will help you cope with them, the interpreter says.

And if in a dream you are riding a dark bay mare, then this means your complete understanding with your friend. You have no secrets, you are extremely sincere with each other.

Workhorse - a sign of physical labor

The one who in a dream saw a bay mare plowing virgin soil will work tirelessly, says Pastor Loff’s dream book. If a woman had such a vision, it means that she will be torn between work and family.

Did the woman dream of a brown horse tied not in a stall, but in a house? Household chores will bring her fatigue instead of satisfaction. But if the mare was not just in the house, but in the marital bedroom, then this is a sign that intimate life for the dreamer, this is not a pleasure, but a duty, says Freud’s dream book.

Show jumping participant as a symbol of fateful meetings and events

The interpretation of a dream in which a girl sees herself stroking a beautiful bay horse predicts that she will meet an interesting person. And if a girl in a dream not only strokes a horse, but also saddles it, then the guy she meets may soon become her betrothed, Vanga’s dream book assures.

The White Magician's dream book explains somewhat differently why a girl dreams of a plot in which she participates in horse racing or show jumping on a beautiful stallion as a jockey. Such dreams foreshadow the establishment of connections with those with whom you were separated by an invisible barrier of misunderstanding.

Stroking a brown horse that is wet after a race is a sign of sharing hardships with a friend, the interpreter suggests.

Horse herd: From deception to a new position

Why do you dream of a herd of horses running past you, raising clouds of dust? Eastern dream book: someone is trying to mislead you by “fogging.”

Was the herd of brown horses that runs past you in your dream with foals? Look forward to bright moments associated with children. But for a man, to see in a dream a herd running after him, galloping ahead on a horse, is a symbol of changes in his career.

Miller's Dream Book

Dream horse indicates the presence of strong friendships, useful connections, about finding like-minded people. Riding surrounded by women means the dreamer's dependence on someone else's opinion, financial insolvency. Riding surrounded by men speaks of many admirers and romantic proposals.

Riding a bay horse promises the dreamer material benefits, making a profit, as well as the opportunity to get rid of an annoying fan. Watching a horse being shoed foreshadows the appearance of a faithful, reliable friend, communication with whom will last a lifetime.

Ride a black dashing horse talks about an incident that will help a woman achieve her desires, as well as meeting a wise person. If a girl sees her loved one galloping after her on a horse, this portends success with the opposite sex and the interest of an influential person.

If in a dream an animal threw off its rider, then in reality she will face the jealousy and mistrust of her loved one. Seeing a horse fall from heaven, which then turns into a man, warns of serious failure.

Riding a white horse in a dream speaks of various events in life, that troubles and joys replace each other. Seeing a not very beautiful, but hardy horse speaks of great luck and unexpected enrichment.

Gypsy dream book

Riding a horse marks success in all matters, a manifestation of firmness and strength of character. Catching a horse or trying to pacify it speaks of a false confession, an attempt to deceive the dreamer.

See a horse galloping in the wild portends the realization of all and the beginning of a white streak in life. Buying a horse means receiving good news.

Erotic dream book

A girl's dream of a horse means exhausting romantic relationships, physical and mental fatigue from the partner. Petting or washing a horse indicates that the dreamer is not happy with her relationship with a man; she wants him to see her as more than just an object of his sexual desire.

For an unmarried girl to see a horse predicts betrayal or deception of her lover.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Seeing a horse in a dream predicts a quick wedding or the beginning of a romantic relationship. A white horse portends complaints about the dreamer’s behavior and slander against her. Flying or getting off a horse indicates the loss of a job, one’s position in society. Riding a horse indicates the implementation of plans, the realization of dreams.

Dream book of the 21st century

A horse in a dream speaks of deception, a lie that will have to be listened to. Riding a horse in a dream portends imminent joy, receiving good news. Riding a horse yourself means an unexpected trip or journey.

A woman dreams of riding a horse-drawn troika different colors, means that because of her coquetry and frivolity, she may lose her beloved man.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

Seeing a horse in a dream foretells separation from your lover in the near future. Harnessing a horse in a dream means problems in the social or professional sphere. Seeing a sick horse portends the passage of difficulties and difficult trials. In some cases, the dream prophesies the death of a father or other male relative.

Vanga's Dream Book

Seeing a beautiful, well-groomed, white horse means love and prosperity in the family; for a girl - getting married soon and having your own family. Seeing an aggressive, kicking horse means problems in your personal and social life, deterioration of health. Buying a horse in a dream speaks of the dreamer’s desire to become stronger and more independent, to have courage and a strong character.

Seeing a pony or other small horse in a dream suggests that achieving material wealth will require a lot of effort and work.

Loff's Dream Book

Seeing a horse in a dream for an unmarried girl means meeting your other half. For a married woman to see a brown horse in a dream means fear of loneliness, fear of losing her husband.

A white horse warns of a serious conversation with any male representative. And losing a harness or riding a horse without a saddle means separation from your loved one.

Why does a man dream?

If a man dreams of a horse, then this speaks of his inner freedom, that the dreamer is in complete control of his life and is moving towards his goal. Seeing a herd of horses galloping freely across a clearing means a man’s absolute freedom, his independence from anyone’s opinion, leading a bachelor life, free from obligations.

Seeing a tied horse indicates that some person surrounded by the dreamer is trying to deprive him of his independence, destroying his dreams and any endeavors. Such a dream also indicates fear of failure and lack of self-confidence.

Seeing a horse nibbling grass in a meadow indicates an opportunity to show one’s abilities, talents, realize one’s plans, and also speaks of overcoming all obstacles. Catching a horse or trying to keep up with a herd portends a loss of material independence. This could be the loss of a job or social status, problems in the professional field, or becoming a victim of robbery or theft.

Seeing a snow-white mare foreshadows the appearance of a faithful, reliable friend, a devoted like-minded person. Seeing a thoroughbred horse indicates that the dreamer’s ideal woman is his mother or sister. Such a dream indicates that the dreamer’s demands on women are too high, and problems in communicating with the opposite sex.

Seeing a sick, thin horse means that the dreamer is worried about his family and friends. A bay horse indicates difficulties of the material plane, various obstacles on the dreamer’s path.

What color is it?

The interpretation of dreams is largely determined by the color of the horse.


The black horse is considered the personification of the spiritual quest of the sleeper, a harbinger of joyful events. For a young person, such a dream promises a speedy marriage, and also indicates her external attractiveness and sexuality. The girl's groom will be, although not rich, a wonderful person.

If you dream about black horses running, this means obstacles on the path to happiness, difficult choice between two options. Seeing a black horse rearing up predicts success in the professional field, a promotion at work or receiving a bonus.

Seeing a horse peacefully grazing in a clearing, portends a useful, interesting find. Washing and stroking a black horse indicates the interest of a person in the dreamer.

Seeing a sick or dying black horse denotes losses and financial losses.


A chestnut or red horse is a harbinger of vanity and empty troubles, vain hopes and expectations. The dream book says that a person attaches too much importance to insignificant things. Seeing two red horses in a dream speaks of well-being in your personal life, loyalty of your partner and mutual love.

Riding a red horse speaks of the charm of a dream come true, as well as success with the opposite sex.


A white horse is a favorable sign, foreshadowing the fulfillment of desires and the implementation of plans. Such a dream also promises a fateful, fatal meeting and the dreamer’s rise up the social ladder.

White horse for men portends a pleasant time with old friends, presence at someone else’s wedding or other festive event. Riding a horse portends a meeting with a beautiful lady who will be devoted to a man.

Women's white horse promises consequences from unfinished business and minor troubles. A white horse predicts the future for a young girl.


A brown horse indicates difficulties and some trials in life, overcoming which the dreamer will get what he wants. Such a dream also promises a meeting with a person who will change the dreamer’s life forever.

Saddle a brown horse in a dream prophesies financial success and material well-being. Stroking a brown horse's fur or washing it indicates the dreamer's desire to start a family and children with a certain person.

Dead or wounded

Seeing a dead or dying horse in a dream is a sign of the dreamer’s absent-mindedness, inattention, and his ability to lose basic things. Such “talents” will soon greatly harm a person, putting him in a disadvantageous, uncomfortable position. For a woman, such a dream promises disappointment in her partner.

A wounded horse portends sad news, sorrows and hard, exhausting work. A sick horse speaks of deterioration of affairs, the emergence of unexpected difficulties. The dream also foreshadows disappointment in your friends and health problems. Riding a sick, thin horse indicates that the dreamer is able to overcome all difficulties in his path.

A killed horse portends dramatic changes in life - moving to another locality, change of activity, marriage, divorce and so on. Killing a horse with one’s own hand signifies an imminent feast or feast. A drowned, dead horse prophesies troubles in your personal, even intimate life.

Seeing a horse's dead head in a dream means the fatal consequences of some mistake by the dreamer, catastrophic losses, including material ones. Watching a horse’s talking head, separated from its body, indicates a person’s internal experiences - he considers himself guilty of the misfortunes of his relatives, feels groundless fear and pangs of conscience.

Petting and hugging a horse

Feeding a horse from your hand in a dream indicates that the dreamer lives in harmony with his heart and can control his passions and emotions. The dream also predicts the favor of a person of the opposite sex, for whom the dreamer has romantic feelings.

Petting a horse in a dream speaks of healthy sexual preferences and the beginning of a romantic relationship. Petting a sick or dead horse means trying to resist temptation.

Kissing a horse means experiencing a strong attraction to a specific person. Also, such a dream indicates that the dreamer is too close to his family.

Hugging a horse in a dream indicates caring for someone in reality, about reconciling your feelings with your mind, accepting your nature.

A rabid or aggressive animal

Running away from a horse indicates the dreamer's unrequited, forbidden love, as well as a desire to get rid of overwhelming emotions. Seeing an aggressive horse in a dream prophesies a series of minor troubles and material losses, but the appearance of a mad horse in a dream indicates more important issues in the personal and family life of the sleeper.

If a horse attacks, it is indicates the unrealizability of the dreams and plans of the sleeper, the fact that the person he loves cannot reciprocate. The vision also foreshadows passionate love that will swallow the dreamer whole.

Horse bite - speaks of his subconscious fear of being rejected and not loved, and also warns about negative consequences actions committed on emotions.

A flying horse in a dream indicates the dreamer's creative abilities, on his high intellectual and moral level . Seeing a white, shining pegasus in a dream means that you will soon have the opportunity to realize yourself, to show the world your talents.

Pregnant horse

A pregnant horse is often a harbinger of the birth of children and women. In some cases, the dream means that the dreamer spends too little time with his loved ones and does not take proper care of them.

Seeing a horse giving birth speaks of the emergence of some hidden talent of the dreamer, as well as about a new, hitherto unrecognized feeling.

Three horses in a dream foreshadow changes in a person’s life, his ability to maintain harmony between personal, social and inner life. Seeing three horses harnessed means that the dreamer is at the beginning of the journey.

Losing control of a harnessed troika means in reality the person experiences discomfort from communicating with others.

A horse, both in reality and in a dream, symbolizes physical strength and energy, intelligence and beauty. Such a dream will be especially favorable for girls and women. If you dream of a brown horse, the dream becomes a harbinger of the appearance in life of a faithful and reliable comrade who will come to the rescue in difficult times. In addition to the color of the animal, it is important to pay attention to its behavior, in relation to you in particular.

Just seeing a horse

In many dreams, a person remains a passive observer and does not participate in the plot in any way. If in a dream the animal had no contact with the dreamer, then you need to pay attention to her behavior. Seeing a free mare running across an open field with a flowing mane indicates that it is high time for a woman to free herself from the framework and boundaries that she has built for herself. It's time to move forward and do things uncharacteristic of yourself. Such a dream plot should become an incentive that will allow you to safely realize your wildest dreams and ideas.

A dream where an animal is tied to a pole has a completely opposite prediction. But this does not mean that you need to remain calm now. Such a dream shows that a woman has a lot internal energy to accomplish her plan, but for now she is restraining herself within the limits of what is permitted.

A peaceful and calm horse becomes a harbinger of a favorable period in life. But a saddled mare or with a cart demonstrates that now a woman is vulnerable, there is a certain burden that does not allow her to develop. This can be both mental and physical problems, illness.

Being at a circus performance and seeing a horse is a sign that the dreamer largely relies on the opinions of others. For such a person, what others say is much more important than what she feels herself. Such dreams make it clear that appearance does not always play the main role; sometimes you need to think about inner sensations.

A dead mare, which the dreamer did not kill and was in no way involved in her death, means a time of peace and respite. The time has come for calm, you need to pause and gain strength before the next big project.

Appearance Features

The main difference between horses in a dream is their coloring. Therefore, the interpretation of dreams will be different in each case:

  • I dreamed of a white mare - a fairy-tale image, a beautiful animal that is associated with serious changes that will have an extremely positive result;
  • if a brown horse dreams, then such a dream promises a woman a new admirer, but he will be too persistent, such behavior will only cause negative emotions from her side;
  • a black horse in a dream becomes a warning, betrayal from loved ones is expected soon, lies and even betrayal await the dreamer;
  • red horse - internal conflicts and long-term mental anguish in resolving some important issue;
  • A brown horse promises to receive untold wealth, a harbinger of monetary profit: from an increase in salary to a big win.

ride on horseback

If a woman happened to dream that she was saddling a horse, then this can have different meanings. The decoding largely depends on the behavior of the horse at that moment and how the person felt. Riding a white horse becomes a harbinger of a pleasant pastime with friends and acquaintances.

If the horse behaves restlessly, bucks, or kicks, you should expect difficulties on the way to achieving your plans. The absence of a saddle symbolizes future material well-being, but to achieve it, you will have to work hard.

A harnessed large mare warns of the loss of a loved one. Such a dream will become prophetic if the woman does not stop shifting all responsibilities to a loved one. You need to show more care and affection towards your loved one in order to avoid such a turn of events.

Riding a horse that throws its rider off after a while is a quick illness. Do not worry, because timely treatment will allow you to quickly cope with the disease.

Miller's Dream Book

There are quite a few explanations that Miller’s dream book gives; it is worth considering the most popular ones. If a horse runs after a herd and soon joins it, this is news of someone’s illness.

Just a herd of horses promises exceptional success and prosperity. The dream will have a positive interpretation if the animal is well-trained. Buying a horse from a dishonest trader means losses are expected in the near future. If you yourself managed to sell a not very good horse, but keep a thoroughbred one, you will be very lucky in the near future.

Other dream books

If you dream of a horse with a foal, such a dream becomes a harbinger of a new addition to the family; the woman will have a son. If the foals frolic and graze on their own, you can expect your wishes to come true.

There is an erotic connotation in a dream where you have to stroke, wash and clean an animal. For a young woman, such a dream foreshadows her lover’s betrayal. In addition, such a dream demonstrates her desire to sexual partner I saw in her not only an object of sexual desires, but also just a person.

A dream where a horse constantly kicks and even bites a woman has a negative meaning; her husband has secrets. And if in a dream she constantly urges the horse, a loved one will let you down at the most unexpected moment.

The most favorable dream for a woman is when she sees a beautiful, well-saddled, stately horse in the house. This plot speaks of a quick, successful and happy marriage.

Grace, strength, irresistible natural power - such associations usually arise when we see a horse in reality. Perhaps in a dream a stallion will evoke exactly the same emotions in us, or maybe it will scare us or bite us. Why do you dream about this beautiful animal? The dream book will tell you about this depending on the details of the dream.

Interpretations of dream books

Basically, seeing a horse in a dream is a very auspicious sign, especially if it has a thick, shiny tail and mane. Such a beautiful and well-groomed animal in the arms of Morpheus promises support from friends in any event; immediately start moving towards your goal - very influential and authoritative people, and not just friends, will definitely help you.

According to Miller’s dream book, an unkempt, dirty, shabby horse signals the possibility of deception on the part of those you trust. Look around you, perhaps one of your recent friends has simply wormed his way into your confidence, while he himself is plotting against you and spreading terrible gossip.

Small Velesov's dream book gives a negative interpretation of what a horse means in a dream. According to his predictions, what the mare means is a hidden enemy, with whom conflicts, disputes and disagreements are possible in the future.

If a horse was bitten in a dream, then Zhui-Gong’s dream book interprets such an unpleasant event as an omen of a promotion, and if at the same time the person also saw blood, then the help of relatives will not be secondary in career growth

According to Dream Book XXI, why you dream of feeding a horse in a dream foreshadows a small opportunity for profit. And if you feed the foals, then this is a signal to make a truce with the enemies, who themselves will go to war, as well as to receive a lot of money.

The female dream book does not interpret very well if a stallion kicks in a dream. Hitting the back with a hoof - predicting obstacles life path in the form of enemies or a serious but curable disease. And if the mare not only kicks, but also bites the dreamer, then this means the wife’s betrayal, or simply the wife’s undisclosed secrets that can shock.

How to explain a dream if you had to run away from a horse in a dream? Very soon in your life you will meet a person who will meet all your requirements for an ideal lover or beloved. Although, such a fairy-tale relationship will not always lead to marriage; perhaps you will break up due to ordinary jealousy.

The erotic dream book clearly interprets what it means to dream of stroking a horse in a dream. This is the realization of a person’s inner experiences: in the dreamer’s life there is a very lack of tactile sensations, affection, tenderness; one can even call him lonely, despite the presence of a permanent partner.

Taflisi's dream book interprets the plot of a horse biting in a dream as a warning about the betrayal of the closest person - a spouse. Your significant other is hiding something from you, be on your guard. But no matter what happens, remember that this dream is not an incentive for hasty actions and conclusions

According to the modern dream book, a horse in the water is a dream that predicts two completely different things, it all depends on the cleanliness of the reservoir. If it stands in a clean, transparent mountain stream, then good luck and success in business await you, but dark, muddy, polluted water promises frustration and disappointment.

If in a dream you saw a horse stumbling, then the interpretation of the dream according to the folklore dream book is disappointing. Failure awaits you in your business, but don’t be upset, the next business will definitely be successful.

When a horse attacks in a dream, the dream book interprets this depending on the emotional coloring of the dream. If you are experiencing terrible fear, confusion, then real life enemies will plot against you, and you will fall into their trap due to your own helplessness. If you are not afraid, you are indifferent, then the dream does not foretell anything bad - everything will work out.

The meaning of the horse dream according to the Italian dream book has an erotic context, especially if this animal came to a woman in a dream. The stallion symbolizes the desire for close relationships, increased sexuality and readiness for sexual intimacy. It can also mean a cooling of relations between spouses.

According to the interpretation of the French dream book, hugging a horse in a dream marks a meeting with an old good friend whom you really haven’t seen. Expect pleasant and fun friendly gatherings, where you may learn a lot of new things, and also come to the decision to start a common business.

Vanga's dream book interprets a horse in a dream as a quick resolution of problematic situations at home or in a quarry, especially if the stallion from the dream is a thoroughbred, restive, lean. And if he is also white, then this predicts wealth, fame, happiness, and an improvement in the situation in the family

Losing and then looking for a stallion in a dream is an unfavorable dream. Your family is in danger of falling apart, there is no need to aggravate the situation with unnecessary conflicts and nit-picking - the plot with a lost horse predicts a divorce, especially if in the end you did not find the loss.

According to the Islamic dream book, a horse that the dreamer has saddled and bridled means gaining power, gaining authority and respect. Symbolizing victory over the enemy, a horse that came in a dream promises only favorable news and good luck in business.

What you dream about buying a horse in a dream means receiving news, news that will give hope for the future. This news will be from a person whom you have not seen for a very long time, but he remembers you and cares.

If you had to kiss a horse in a dream, then Tsvetkov’s dream book gives a clear answer to this entertaining and mysterious picture. The dreamer will have a romantic, long date with a passionately beloved person, during which all the nuances of the relationship will become clear, and the relationship will be complete harmony and consent.

If in your dream a horse gives birth, then the dream book interprets such a plot as an omen of the appearance of good things in life, kind person, who will help and support in everything. And if in the fall you also saw a foal that was born, and it is healthy and vigorous, then expect the appearance of the patron any day now.

Various horses

In a dream involving horses, the interpretation largely depends on the color of the animal. Why do you dream of a brown or bay horse? This is a symbol of the appearance in the life of a person who has seen such a plot, a good and reliable friend on whom you can rely.

But according to women's dream book what a bay horse dreams of has a slightly different meaning. If you saddled a bay horse in a dream, then you will have a rapid rise up the career ladder. But if the stallion kicks under you, then serious difficulties await you on the path to victory.

What a red horse means in a dream foreshadows a lot of worries and troubles that will unsettle you for a while, but in the end all the effort and money spent will be justified: at the end of the journey you will receive a well-deserved reward.

Sometimes the color of a horse can change from red to fiery red. Why do you dream about a red horse? This is a symbol of the dreamer’s intuition, and it very rarely fails him. But still, sometimes it’s worth listening to the voice of reason, following not your sixth sense, contrary to the opinions of others, but your reason. Otherwise, you may make enemies.

Why do you dream about a gray horse? Such an animal in captivity of dreams predicts an acquaintance with a believer, a very strict, religious woman who will have a direct impact on your life, and perhaps influence your destiny.

Why do you dream of running horses? The dream book gives an unambiguous interpretation: these animals, as a symbol of victory and noble aspirations, predict the fulfillment of all cherished desires in the near future, the achievement of a long-awaited goal.

According to the interpretation of the dream book, a horse with a foal in a dream means that the dreamer will greatly miss his loved one, from whom, by the will of fate, he will be separated for a long time.

Why do you dream about beautiful horses? Such a dream symbolizes the dreamer’s unabating vital energy, which will help him in implementing his plans. And according to the interpretation of the dream book, a large horse that also rears up is a sign of protection and patronage from a very influential person.

When you saw a wounded horse in a dream, expect sad news from afar. There are similar interpretations about why a sick horse dreams. This dream can also mean your loss of vital energy, and as a result, failure in business.

According to the interpretation of the dream book, a pregnant horse in a dream is a symbol of the troubles that your friends will cause you. Soon they will need your help, and you will have to make great efforts not to leave your friend in trouble.

Why do you dream about a mad horse? According to Zhou Gong’s dream book, this is a favorable sign that foretells a quick resolution of problems. According to the same dream book, a talking horse is a sign of the richly developed imagination of the person who saw this fairy-tale picture.

Why do you dream of a flying horse? Such a fantastic plot promises success in business thanks to the unimaginable creative power of the dreamer. Good luck will be presented by fate in the very near future.

Riding a horse

If in your dream you found yourself in the saddle and you had to ride a horse in a dream, then this picture is interpreted depending on the behavior, interaction, character and color of the horse. In a dream, riding a white horse - good sign, the dream promises a pleasant pastime in the company of friends, a lot of new impressions, and spiritual self-development.

Riding a horse in a dream can also mean small obstacles, pitfalls on the way to the desired goal, if the stallion kicks and bucks while riding. When you had to ride a horse without a saddle in a dream, you can expect material well-being and achieving your goal, but for this you will have to make a lot of effort.

A harnessed horse carries a negative interpretation of the dream book. This dream often symbolizes the loss of a loved one, and this may well come true if you do not stop dumping all responsibilities on the shoulders of your significant other. Show affection and care, and then the predictions will become irrelevant.

By family dream book riding a horse that eventually throws the dreamer off is not a very good omen, but not fatal. Soon you will be overtaken by a disease with which you will have to fight for a long time, but the fight will end in victory.

The dream book gives different interpretations to a cart with a horse in a dream. If the dreamer controls an animal while sitting on a cart, then this portends a promotion on his own, and with considerable strength. If he sees a loaded cart from the side, then this promises difficult responsibilities in the family.

Horses and death

According to the dream book, a dead horse in a dream can mean sad news in reality. Therefore, such a picture in a dream may be a reflection of your work responsibilities, which you consider too complex and difficult.

The dream of killing a horse is psychoanalytic in nature. In your heart, you understand that your actions can cause grief to your loved ones, and that’s why you have such sad dreams.

Why do you dream of a dead horse? If it has already begun to decompose, worms are crawling in it, then expect shame, losses, ruin - such a plot does not bode well for the dreamer. The dream book interprets in approximately the same way what a dying horse means in a dream. Your business will stagnate and you will need a means of subsistence.

Why do you dream about a dead horse? Soon you will receive unpleasant, very sad news that can unsettle you. If you had to kill a horse in a dream, then you will be the catalyst for the sad news.

According to the interpretation of the dream book, the head of a horse, which the dreamer holds in his hands, foreshadows a successive series of failures, or serious illness, which will have to be fought long and hard.

Lots of horses

The interpretation of the dream book about a herd of running horses in a dream is most often positive. Such a dynamic and bewitching plot promises rapid progress in career ladder. In general, seeing a lot of horses in a dream means stability and success in business, the patronage of reliable and educated people.

According to the interpretation of the dream book, horses and horses grazing on dry pasture symbolize the dreamer’s devoted friends, who, although not rich, are honest and will always come to the rescue. Also, according to the predictions of the dream book, a herd of horses in a dream for a lonely girl means a quick, rather successful marriage.

According to the dream book, a symbol of wealth, glory, and honor is a carriage with horses. Moreover, the more horses you carry, the more influential you will become. Although, according to the interpretation of the dream book, three horses harnessed to a carriage, which carry the dreamer, and at the same time he enjoys a relaxed walk, reflect his laziness and slowness.

Why do you dream of two horses according to Tsvetkov’s dream book? This symbolizes the multidirectional interests of the dreamer, his versatile nature, striving for perfection and ideal. This plot is especially favorable if the horses are of different colors and well-groomed..

Why do you have a dream when a horse gives birth to a foal? This is a harbinger of good beginnings in business, all new business will bear good fruit, and business will go uphill. It is especially good if the foal, after giving birth, frolics around its mother - this portends high material well-being.

Why does a girl or woman dream about a horse: interpretation of the image

In many dream books, a horse is a symbol of strength, freedom, and destiny. But in order to find out exactly why a girl or woman dreams of a horse, you need to remember the details of the dream. It is the details of the dream that help to accurately interpret its meaning and draw the right conclusions.

Before you begin to interpret the meaning of dreams with a horse, you need to know that this symbol has different meanings for women and girls.

If a lonely girl saw a horse in a dream, it means she will soon have a reliable and strong protector who will take care of her in every possible way. Sitting on the back of a horse in a dream means asking for help from a patron. If the animal behaves quietly and the dreamer rides it with pleasure, then the patron will not refuse help. If a horse rears up and tries to throw off its rider, you should not wait for help; you will have to rely on your own strength.

If young and unmarried girl they bring you to a white horse and the dreamer likes the horse, which means you need to wait for a marriage proposal from a reliable person. The white color of the animal signals that the marriage will be successful and strong and the girl can completely rely on her chosen one.

If a young girl sees a mare with a foal in her dream, she should not miss the chance that fate will soon give her. If the dreamer makes an effort and hard work, she will improve her financial situation and can climb the career ladder.

Falling from a horse in a dream without injury or injury means a quick resolution of minor problems. If the dreamer was injured in a dream or saw a wound with blood after falling from an animal, you should expect trouble. The dreamer's problems will be caused by close people from whom she does not expect betrayal.

Dreams with this noble animal are interpreted completely differently for married representatives of the fair sex. The horse is a symbol of family and marriage. If a lady sees in her dream a beautiful and well-groomed horse with shiny skin, it means that everything is wonderful in the dreamer’s family life. This good sleep, which promises prosperity, tranquility and well-being. There is no need to be afraid of adversity.

If the animal from a woman’s dream is sick, wounded or very emaciated, you need to be wary. Fate warns the dreamer about negative changes and troubles that will soon befall the family.

If a woman sits on a spotted horse in her dream, it means that in the near future she will have an annoying admirer who will be interested in the dreamer’s life in every possible way. To hit a spotted horse in a dream means to ward off an unwanted suitor and categorically refuse his attention.

If a woman with a spouse sits astride a large bay stallion, then this dream warns of her husband’s infidelity and the appearance of a rival. The woman who appears at the husband's place marks the place of the dreamer.

If a woman loses her horse in a dream or an animal runs away from her, you should expect illness in one of your loved ones. It is also interesting to know why a pregnant woman dreams of a horse. A dream with this animal promises an easy pregnancy and a safe birth for mother and child.

If a married woman is kicked by a horse in a dream, then you need to pay attention to your relationship with your husband. Such a dream may warn that the spouse has somewhat cooled towards his other half.

Seeing an animal peacefully eating green grass in a dream means pleasant troubles and long-awaited purchases. Such a dream signals that the dreamer can please herself with useful gifts.

Seeing a horse kick in a dream stranger- to the emergence of gossip that can harm the dreamer, causing quarrels and scandals in the family.

If a woman saw a dead horse in her dream, then she should expect unpleasant or sad news. This dream can also warn of tragic events that may happen to loved ones. In some dream books, such a dream warns of a spouse leaving the family.

If a black and aggressive horse bites an unmarried girl, then she should take a closer look at her partner. This dream promises problems in a relationship and warns that the guy is deceiving his significant other with another girl.

Do not panic if a dream promises negative changes or misfortunes. Most often, such dreams are not prophetic and cannot be taken seriously. But it is better to find out the meaning of a dream if it is repeated several nights in a row and is remembered in detail.

Interpretation of sleep: horse

Our grandmothers believed that seeing a horse in a dream meant getting married soon.

But is it possible to interpret dreams based on only one sign?

The modern dream book explains such dreams in much more detail. And you can find out specifically what the horse is dreaming of only by taking into account the many details of the vision.

White horse

To see a white horse grazing in a green meadow in a dream means constantly striving for perfection. A galloping animal means that you are admired in your environment.

A white horse rearing up is a harbinger of significant changes in your personal life. And if you saw him kicking, then expect good news in the near future.

  • If you saw him at the hippodrome, this means an argument with your boss.
  • Photographing a white horse means an unexpected meeting.
  • A white horse with dark spots means visiting interesting places.
  • Admiring animals in the circus means restoring old connections.
  • A huge white horse - for an important event in life.

As the dream book explains, a white horse harnessed to a plow is dreamed of before a joyful holiday. And an animal that neighs loudly appears in a dream when you have to make an important decision.

If you dream of white horses drinking water from a reservoir, it means that deep down in your soul you regret your action. And those who cross to the other side are a sign that a pleasant young man is interested in you.

  • A white animal hits with its hoof - to agreement in a relationship.
  • Three white horses - to victory over your complexes.
  • A white horse in a muddy puddle is a sign of envy on the part of your rival.
  • Dreaming about animals in an apartment means moving up the career ladder.
  • He looks out your window - a pleasant evening in good company.

To see a horse pulling a cart in a dream means to be afraid of an upcoming conversation with your boss. And a horse standing near a large haystack speaks of your confidence in your charm.

A white horse with a foal is a sign that you will soon be promoted wages. An animal with a long, beautiful mane means wealth and prosperity.

Brown color

Now let's look at why a horse dreams brown. If you see him in the meadow, be prepared for the vile act of a work colleague. And a brown horse against a background of snow means that your efforts will definitely be appreciated.

A brown horse chewing hay means your autonomy and independence. A drinking water- this is a sign that you will soon meet an attractive young man.

  • Harnessed into a harness - to the successful completion of the work begun.
  • A dead horse means a speedy recovery.
  • A horseshoe on the hoof of a brown animal means a bold, decisive action.
  • Sleeping horse - to noisy party with friends.
  • Brown foal - for productive cooperation.

Combing your mane means thinking about an old friend. And braiding a brown horse’s hair means hoping for a positive result in the upcoming interview.

A white mane on a brown animal is a sign that you deserve more than what you have. A dirty, unkempt mane speaks of your emotional experiences regarding your personal life.

Gray gelding

You dream of a beautiful gray horse in nature when you need friendly advice. And if you saw him indoors, then you yourself will be able to cope with a difficult situation.

A gray gelding with white spots appears in a dream before receiving a monetary reward. And if there are a lot of black spots on it, then you should pay attention to the quality of the work you do.

  • He is chasing you - to prosperity in the family.
  • Touching a horse's tail means respect from colleagues.
  • Trying to sit on a gray gelding means a great, mutual feeling.
  • He pulls your car - to a valuable gift.
  • Feeding an animal is a sign of brilliant ideas.

If in a dream you were afraid of a gray horse, then in reality you lack the attention of loved ones. And if you stroke and hug him, then your best friend needs your help.

A gray horse caught in a trap promises big money and constant profit. A horse lost in the forest speaks of your modesty and shyness.

Black as night

The question most often arises is why a black horse dreams. Basically, it is a harbinger of good, joyful events.

For example, a black horse with a luxurious, thick mane is a sign that you will find a more profitable place of work. And the black horse long tail promises a beautiful, easy life.

When you dream of black horses at a watering hole, you can safely start a new business. And animals with light spots mean success in the love sphere.

A black gelding rearing up speaks of your wisdom and prudence. And if he jumps around you, then soon you will be able to show your talents in a profitable business.

  • A black horse in your home means a quiet, measured life.
  • Seeing it under your window means rejoicing in the success of your loved ones.
  • A dream in which a black horse participates in a race means a large monetary reward.
  • A wounded black horse means getting rid of your rival.
  • A horse with a light mane means pleasant chores around the house.

If in your dream a black horse hit you with its hoof, then in reality several men like you. And trying to catch up with him is to achieve reciprocity in love.

Putting a saddle on a black horse means standing on the threshold of a new life. And buying a horse means making the right choice. According to the dream book, the horse you are selling is a sign of creating a strong relationship. And the gift of an animal means your serious attitude to the events taking place.

A black gelding in a gypsy camp indicates that you have loyal and reliable friends. And a horse in the village is a sign that significant changes will soon occur at your work.

If a horse talks in a dream human language, which means that in reality you dream of going on vacation as soon as possible. And the horse, dancing on its hind legs, promises great love for a long time.

If you saw a horse or horse in a dream, be sure to consult the dream book for an interpretation. This will help you better navigate your feelings and act depending on what awaits you next.

Why do you dream about a horse? Brown, black, gray...

Seeing a beautiful horse is an excellent omen! But the imagination sometimes throws up such stories that you can only figure them out by looking in a dream book. Let's do it!

Miller's dream book explains: why do you dream about a horse?

Brown - to well-being; black - to victory; white - to triumph. If you are riding a fast horse, it means you are rapidly rushing towards success. Nothing can stop you on this path! Set goals - they are all realistic! If the horse stumbles, expect plans to be disrupted. You haven't thought through your action plan carefully enough. There remains an “Achilles heel” for enemies, which they will definitely take advantage of! You definitely need to analyze your tactics again; there’s no point in dawdling! If you dream of a black horse, it means your success will be long and lasting. But you will not enjoy it if you understand the vanity of your life. In fact, you were created for a more modest materially, but spiritually rich existence. If you see gray horses, then you will understand that favorable circumstances only seem so to you. Alas, there are many obstacles on your way!

Medea's dream book will tell you why a horse is dreaming

Brown is an indicator of relationships in the service. If she is energetic and healthy, then there are open people around you who sincerely demonstrate their thoughts. If she’s sick, misunderstandings are brewing in the team. Colleagues should be called for a frank conversation to clear up any misunderstandings. You shouldn’t take a wait-and-see attitude, nothing will be resolved on its own, and you don’t need conflict. Why do you dream about a gray horse? This means you are striving for self-expression in some area of ​​life. Most likely, you are excited about a project whose implementation is significant to you. But you don’t dare offer it. Don’t be shy, your proposal will be at the right place and time. Feel free to give a presentation! Why do you dream about a black horse? It can be an indicator of insincerity in a relationship. This image will tell a young girl that she shouldn’t look at married men. Her youth will certainly amaze him! But soon she will have to shed tears, regretting her mistake.

The dream book of lovers will tell you: why do you dream of a horse?

Brown - for determination. The dream tells the girl not to be delicate, but to resolutely rebuff the unpleasant boyfriend. A man needs to be more assertive in solving business issues. The reputation of a “mattress” is not very pleasant! Riding a white mare is good luck. Perhaps the dream means that you will have a very promising acquaintance, which will undoubtedly cause a change in your life. Looking at the horseshoes of a horse means your chosen one is a faithful person. If you are racing on a black horse, you will begin to listen to wise advice, which will help you make the right decisions.

Dream book for a bitch: why do you dream about a horse?

Brown - you will find yourself in “high” society. Jumping on it means success is built on the ability to present yourself correctly. White mare - friends are faithful to you. Ride it - you will lead people. Riding a bareback horse means success will come at a high price: you will have to give up your faithful friend. A bay horse means a lie. Be careful!

A horse in a dream foreshadows a meeting with a noble person, the need to do grueling work. Seeing a man on a horse - a dream promises successful completion of affairs, victory in current endeavors.

What color was the horse in your dream? What were you doing in your dream? What did the horse look like in your dream? What was the horse doing in your dream? Who was in your dream besides the horse?

What color was the horse in your dream?

Brown horse Red horse Black horse White horse

What were you doing in your dream?

Ride a horse Ride a horse

Riding a horse in a dream

Riding a horse in a dream foreshadows a long journey and unforeseen obligations. Keep an eye on your belongings - there is a danger of losing valuables during the trip. Sometimes a dream promises betrayal or deception.

What did the horse look like in your dream?

Black horse

Dreaming of a beautiful horse

A dream about a beautiful horse is a symbol of success in love front and in creativity. The dream also promises a harmonious environment in the family. It is possible that at work everything will also go swimmingly.

Bay horse

What was the horse doing in your dream?

I dreamed that the horse ran away

A horse ran away in a dream - in reality you will have to show a lot of effort. First of all, this will concern work - profitable projects will require significant investments, both material and physical.

I dream that a horse is attacking

If you dreamed of a horse attack - you should be careful. Soon an ill-wisher will appear on your way. Show cunning and resourcefulness to defeat him.

Seeing a running horse in a dream

Dreaming of a running horse is a good sign. Soon you can expect the fulfillment of your innermost desire. This will undoubtedly bring joy, delight and satisfaction.

According to Felomena’s dream book, a dream in which you stroked a horse reflects your desire to be loved for your rich inner world, and not to act only as an object of carnal pleasure.

For a girl, such a dream can promise betrayal on the part of her boyfriend. The plot is also interpreted as a desire to meet a decent person and a good lover.

Brown horse

Dream Interpretation Brown horse dreamed of why you dream about a Brown horse? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Brown horse in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Horse

Seeing horses is an increase in wealth, the joy of life in all its manifestations;
riding or seeing a white horse is a wonderful sign; the strength of friendships, the joy of meeting spiritual comrades, the loyalty of women;
Your horse is dirty and skinny - deception and envy on the part of those you trust;
ride a black horse - you will succeed in business for a long time and unexpectedly discover the vanity and futility of your activities;
for a woman - riding a black horse - her husband’s infidelity;
watching brown horses running means favorable circumstances that will unexpectedly change for the worse or fleeting and superficial hobbies;
to see horses in apples (spotted) - future benefits in business;
riding a beautiful bay horse - exaltation, satisfaction of desires;
for a woman - riding a beautiful bay horse - determination to refuse an annoying admirer, material gain in the near future;
Your horse runs away, joining a wild herd - news of someone’s illness;
You are sitting on a horse and it hurts you - troubles from a friend or employer;
a herd of mares - closeness and lack of jealousy towards your beloved;
seeing beautiful horses means success and prosperity;
riding on horseback across a clear stream or river is good luck and pleasure, but if at the same time
the water is dark or restless - joy will be overshadowed by something;
swimming across clean water on a horse - the fulfillment of many dreams and gaining benefits in business;
a wounded horse means trouble for friends;
dead horse - disappointments, sad news;
riding a bucking horse - various difficulties on the path to success; the horse throws you off - opponents or illness;
kicks you - to be rejected by your beloved;
to grab a horse by the bridle and subordinate it to your will - drastic favorable changes in life;
failed to subjugate the horse to your will - fate will turn its back on you;
admiring a well-shod horse - your success in the near future will amaze even your own imagination; For a woman, such a dream promises a reliable friend for life;
participate in races - a prosperous life;
shoeing your horse - to acquiring property through dubious means;
deftly ride a bareback horse - you will be able to acquire prosperity and comfort in a difficult struggle, reliable help from friends is also possible;
riding horseback in a female environment - uncertainty in future desires, dependence; your object of passion is a woman of free behavior;
watching a horse being groomed, or brushing it yourself with a groomer is a great test, hard work on the way to honors and a firm position in life;
for business people, peasants, writers - decorating the mane and tail of a horse is a very favorable dream;
harnessed to a cart or carriage - well-being limited by obligations, love and happiness with obstacles;
to climb a high mountain on horseback along a narrow path - achieving a very strong position in life;
with such a rise, the horse cannot stand it and you climb the rest of the way on foot - a strong position will be won at the cost of great effort;
for a girl - seeing herself as a rider on a black horse is an unexpected incident that will help fulfill her desires, communication with wise, respectful interlocutors;
riding down a hill - to failure;
for a woman - to see her lover riding a horse behind her - success with interesting, successful admirers;
being a scared rider means anxiety and jealousy of a loved one;
for a girl - jumping off a horse and it instantly turns into a pig - a reckless rejection of lucrative offers of marriage, after which the freedom she prefers will soon seem hateful to her;
a girl dreams that she is riding on a white horse along a hilly area and, looking around, constantly sees a rider on a black horse behind her - alternating successes and failures and constant anxiety in her soul for the fate of a matter that is important to her;
a horse that has fallen from heaven and turned into a stranger who throws something at you - a serious failure, unfulfilled hopes and for some time - the failure of your attempts to master the situation;
horses grazing in a meadow - a well-established business and coordinated actions of your partners;
barren pasture, dry land - poor but devoted friends. For a young lady, this is a harbinger of a happy marriage;
horse dealer - material gain, but risky enterprise;
buying a horse and realizing in a dream that the merchant is deceiving you means losses;
selling a not very good horse, keeping a thoroughbred for yourself - to great luck;
kill a horse - injure one of your friends with your selfishness;
climbing on a horse is a successful completion of a difficult struggle;
ride bareback in the company of men - honest people will come to your aid;
Also see Stable, Grape, Ride, Stallion, Jockey, River, Stream, Horseshoe, Woman, Embankment, Wound, Ride.

Dream Interpretation - Horse

(See interpretation: foal)

The symbol of a horse (steed) in a dream represents honor, courage and hard work. Sometimes a horse in a dream can mean an enemy. A beautiful and stately horse in a dream portends success and victory. Having a beautiful and thoroughbred horse in a dream is a sign of a quick improvement in your well-being; such a dream predicts that your enterprise will generate income. Such a dream also portends receiving a high rank and universal approval. A hobbled horse in a dream means that your enterprise will generate income and your personal life will be happy. A galloping horse that you admired in a dream is a sign of fulfillment of a wish. Running headlong on a horse yourself means that you are prone to all sorts of adventures and gambling. Such a dream warns you that you should be more careful not to get into trouble. Buying a horse is a sign of good hopes for the fulfillment of a wish or receiving good and pleasant news. Seeing others selling horses means that you will enter into a risky business that promises to be profitable. A white horse, an Arabian horse or a horse covered in apples in a dream means that your affairs will be settled and success and respect will await you. For women, such a dream predicts imminent marriage. A black horse in a dream is a sign of a profitable business, the results of which, through no fault of yours, will be nullified. Such a dream sometimes suggests that to achieve a positive result you need outside support, and sometimes just useful advice. A bay stallion in a dream is a sign of satisfaction with oneself, the progress of affairs, and success in one’s personal life. This dream is especially favorable for women. He promises them that they will get what they want. Riding your own beautiful horse in a dream is a sign of a profitable marriage. For a man, riding someone else’s horse in a dream means that he will take advantage of the location of the woman who fell in love with him to achieve selfish goals. If you dream that someone took advantage of your horse in a dream against your will, then your friend will try to win the favor of your beloved. Riding along a bad road on a naughty stallion or a stubborn mare and being surprised that the horse walks well and does not stumble means honor, respect and the achievement of the desired goal.

If you dream that your horse is rearing, then expect quarrels and scandals.

A dream in which you saw your horse fall predicts ruin.

Successfully handling a restless, hot horse in a dream means all kinds of honors and respect. If you dream that a horse trampled you, then you are in danger of death from an accident, somehow connected with the road, car or other vehicles. Seeing or controlling a pacer in a dream means that you have to make a choice.

To quickly ride a horse through crowded streets and see people greeting you in a dream - sure sign that you can become the leader of a group of attackers, whom people will curse.

Being present at a race in a dream is a sign that you often embark on risky ventures. Remember what will happen to your horse at the races. This will tell you how your dubious business in life will end.

The same thing means a dream about horse racing. Seeing a horse cavalcade with smartly dressed ladies and men or being among them in a dream is a sign of the futility of your efforts due to lack of funds and connections. Such a dream indicates to you that you cannot achieve anything without outside help. A sick, dirty or dead horse in a dream predicts shame, losses, poverty, defeat. Riding in a dream on a beautiful horse with rich harness is a sign of victories in love and in the fight against the enemy. Riding a horse into the city means that others will appreciate you for your deeds. Riding out of the city on a horse predicts death for the patient, and dishonor and failure in business for the rest. Entering into battle on a horse in a dream foreshadows danger or a family quarrel. See how the fight ends.

If you dream of a calm horse and you calmly ride it, then this is a sign of a quick improvement in your well-being. Being scared of a horse in a dream is a sign of an unexpected obstacle or receiving bad news. Keeping a horse on a leash or skillfully driving it in a dream is a sign of your extraordinary ability to captivate people with your ideas and direct their actions. Try to use your abilities in life. Watching horses vault in a dream means that you may fall into a cunningly placed trap. A dream in which you saw that your horse carried you safely through a dangerous place means that in life you will encounter difficulties that you will be able to overcome only by titanic efforts of will. If you dream that you climbed a high mountain on horseback and admired the picture that spreads out. your feet, then the dream predicts a great future for you, honor and respect from others, whose success will largely depend on you. Getting off a horse or riding a horse down from a high place in a dream is a sign that someone will retire, get out of your way, and will no longer bother you.

A dream about a stable foretells good results from your activities, unless it burned down in a dream or fell apart. Eating horse meat in a dream is a sign of firmness of position. A groom in a dream means an assistant. Seeing him brushing a horse in a dream is a sign that you will be able to improve your unenviable situation if you put maximum effort into it and show an unbending will. Horse manure in a dream is a symbol of health and prosperity, unless you get dirty in it or ruin your clothes. A dream in which you saw horse cavalry and a festive atmosphere promises you honors, respect from others and success in business. If you dream that some important person was riding a horse and fell, and you sat on his horse, then it is possible that fate is warning you that if something happens to this important person, you have everything chances to take his place and position. A dream in which you saw that a frisky and well-saddled mare entered your house, then soon you will marry a beautiful girl from a rich family. If the mare is without a saddle, then the wife will be one of the poor. If you dream that a herd of black horses breaks out of the corral and rushes, sweeping away everything in its path, then expect popular unrest, accompanied by bloodshed. After such a dream, the danger of seizing power in the country should not be ruled out. Seeing a herd of horses in a dream is a symbol of a crowd. How the herd behaves in a dream is how you expect such events in real life. A herd of horses grazing in a meadow in a dream means that everything in your life is going as usual, everything is in order and there is no point in you destroying this idyll with some rash act. A horse's trimmed mane in a dream means that someone is in control of a situation in which you will also find yourself drawn into. Long beautiful tail horses in a dream are a symbol of the help that will be provided to you in difficult times. A lame horse in a dream is a harbinger of obstacles in business. A well-shod horse in a dream is a sign of a successful marriage for women. For men, such a dream foretells a reliable business partner. Shoeing a horse in a dream is a sign of great luck and easy money. If you dream that a horse kicked you, then expect dirty tricks from your enemies. Dreams in which you will see fairy tale characters- such as a humpbacked horse or a pegasus - foreshadow you with unusual adventures or a completely unexpected turn in some matter that will surprise you just like the appearance of a fairy-tale horse in a dream. In general, such a dream foreshadows unusual success, winning or receiving money from where you did not expect. Seeing horse equipment (harness) in a dream - a collar, a bridle, a girth, etc. - foretells you that you will successfully make new useful acquaintances or friendships with whomever you wish. Sometimes such a dream predicts an imminent marriage. If you dream that you are being reined in, then you will soon find yourself in an unenviable position and your future will depend on another person. For lovers, such a dream predicts an imminent marriage with your beloved. If in a dream you find yourself in the same harness with a person who has already died, then the dream foreshadows your imminent death.

Damaged, torn, unusable equipment in a dream is a sign of a break in relationships and the loss of loved ones. If you dream that you have unsaddled a horse or that it is standing unsaddled, then the dream indicates to you that delay can ruin your business. A saddle in a dream symbolizes encouragement to take actions that can help achieve your plans. The richer the saddle in your dream, the greater the benefit the business you have begun will bring you, unless you ruin it with your slowness. Sitting in the saddle in a dream is a sign of success in business. But falling out of the saddle means great failure and loss. See interpretation: horseshoes, run, ride, rider, hunting, carriage, reins, vaulting, jockey, horse racing.

Dream Interpretation - Horse

White horses in a dream foretell that you will arrange your affairs in the best possible way, you will find joy and happiness in the circle of like-minded friends.

Black horses (that is, black) are a sign of troubles and sadness; despite external well-being and apparent prosperity, you will experience internal dissatisfaction with yourself, those around you, and your business.

Brown (light chestnut, reddish) horses portend a sharp transition from favorable circumstances to the worst consequences and vice versa.

Reddish-red horses with a black tail and mane, that is, bay color, are a harbinger of fulfilled desires and material gain, as well as a good career.

Seeing a strange two-legged horse in a dream foretells that you will be shown great honor and trust. A shod horse means success will exceed all imaginable expectations. Short horses or ponies mean that unfavorable circumstances will be used by your enemies against you.

Stately, beautiful, thoroughbred horses - a change in better side at work and at home. Seeing a pacer means that you will choose the wrong path, from which it will be difficult to get off. A kicking horse portends many difficulties and opposition from enemies on the way to realizing your plans.

A kicking horse means that fate will send you a serious test, which will be aggravated by illness. A horse that has fallen while in full gallop is a threat of final ruin and hopeless need. Seeing dead horses means hard work and living away from home. Thin, emaciated horses - living together with a person who is directly opposite to you in character.

A saddled horse promises a good husband and a happy family life. Galloping horses mean an accident; grazing horses mean a serene life in the lap of nature.

A large herd of horses means that you will cause a sensation by appearing at a party in a new outfit.

A dream in which you see an enraged stallion warns that the surrounding luxury will ruin your character, making you arrogant and arrogant, which will push your friends away from you.

Horses standing in a stall indicate that you will have serious health problems if you do not pay attention to the deterioration of your condition in time. Taking care of horses in a dream promises you great tests of endurance and performance. Taming wild horses - show unexpected courage in an extreme situation. Breaking horses - master a related specialty, which over time will become your main one.

Riding a horse means that gradually and steadily you will gain high authority and strengthen your position. Crossing a water obstacle on a horse portends good luck if you can ford it; if you have to swim across, annoying breakdowns and inconsistencies are possible.

Riding a horse in the mountains means that in reality you will achieve a high position at the cost of great effort and sacrifice. Jumping a horse over barriers means you are risking your health or career by making a rash decision.

Riding in any horse-drawn carriage means you will be lucky in small things. If in a dream you are racing on a sleigh carried by three horses along a snow-covered road, you will soon have the opportunity to fully demonstrate your talent and professional abilities, achieving great success.

Harnessing horses in a dream threatens in reality the loss of a loved one; unharnessing them - an uncertain situation will oppress you for quite a long time, but will be resolved safely. A horse harness or harness portends the fulfillment of desires, if it is in good condition, if it is tattered, you will suffer from hasty actions and hasty conclusions.

A dream in which a horse's mane and tail are decorated is a favorable sign for those engaged in intellectual and creative work. Seeing a horse with its mane reaching to the ground means that you will be offended by a loved one. The same long tail on a horse means that you yourself will unwittingly cause grief to your loved ones. A very short, cropped horse tail indicates that the best in life is already behind you.

Having your own horse in a dream or breeding them is a harbinger of a successful outcome to an unpleasant matter. Taking part in horse racing means you will be overwhelmed by household chores and troubles. Watching horses race from the stands of a hippodrome means you will be lucky in a game of chance, where you can hit a big jackpot.

If you buy a horse in a dream, you will receive good news in reality. Bargaining in a dream with a horse breeder about the price of a horse promises you material gain in a risky undertaking. If you made a profit by purchasing a thoroughbred horse for a relatively low price, – in real life you will suffer losses; if they paid dearly, and they gave you a horse with a defect, this means a valuable find or an unexpected bonus at work.

Dream Interpretation - Horse

if the horse's tail is long, then the one who saw the dream will have many followers, and if the horse's tail is short, then the one who saw the dream will have fewer followers. If he sees himself praying while sitting on a horse or sees that the horse has wings, this means that he will receive dignity and honor in this world and in the next. Whoever sees in a dream that he has acquired a horse will acquire goodness and blessings and defeat his enemies. And if he sees that he is sitting on a horse and is one of those who is suitable to ride a horse, then he will achieve greatness, high position and wealth. If you dream that a herd of horses burst into a village or city, then spring rains will pour on this city. If the horses are all saddled, then this place will experience many joys. The neighing of a horse heard in a dream is a symbol of authority and a prototype of the speech of a noble person. If the sleeper hears a conversation in the voice of this animal, then his words must be understood in the most literal sense, since animals never deceive. Seeing a piebald or mottled mare in a dream means meeting a very beautiful and rich woman.

A black or gray horse means meeting a very religious and pious woman. White horse - to joy and vitality. If you see a horse unfamiliar to you entering your domain, expect a visit from a stranger.

A mare lying in the dust is a symbol of wealth and good luck. Being bitten by a horse in a dream means your wife will betray you. The death of a horse is a harbinger of the death of a wife. Riding a riding horse means a long journey. To sit on a naked, uncleaned horse means to commit great sins in reality. Flying above the ground while sitting on a horse in a dream portends a move with your family to a more convenient place of residence. It is believed that the one who could not hold a running horse in a dream is the “henpecked” wife.

Dream Interpretation - Horses

Strong friendships and success in business. Being in the saddle means you are in control of a difficult situation. A beautiful horse means success in love and creativity. Riding a horse - you will be a winner in all circumstances. A herd of horses - your future will bring you only cloudless days and impressions. A horseman is chasing you - receiving the long-awaited news. White horse - a dream foreshadows a happy ending to an important event for you. A black horse promises a quick marriage. Pinto - listen to your intuition. A horse covered in apples means the strength of friendships and the joy of meeting like-minded people. Meet a rider on a horse - you will find a protector and patron. A dressed up horse means that you will soon receive a new position. Dead horse - a big win awaits you. A hobbled horse - you will be able to expose a slanderer in your environment. A horse is grazing in a meadow with lush grass - soon you will be offered to participate in a business that will bring profit. Feeding a horse from your hands means someone close to you will soon need your help. Flying on a winged horse means glory. Untamed - to victory over enemies. Listen to a horse neigh - listen to the advice of an authoritative person. The horse threw its rider - foreshadows the onset of a happy time and the fulfillment of all our desires. Buy - to receive the long-awaited news. Selling means getting rid of burdensome debt. Crossing a stream on horseback - your brilliant plans for the future will become a reality. You tame a horse - an improvement in commercial affairs awaits you.

Imagine that you are prancing on a beautiful, healthy horse; the rest of the horses are ridden by your friends.

Dream Interpretation - Horse

You will hear lies addressed to you.

A rearing horse means a quarrel.

Seeing a white horse fall means success in business.

A bay horse means meeting a good friend.

A black horse means trouble.

Buying a horse in a dream means news, news.

Riding a quiet horse in a dream - you have a chance to gain family happiness.

Riding a horse in a dream means joy.

Catching a horse means loss.

Seeing a horse is a harbinger of visiting a very hospitable home, where you will be shown touching care.

Rushing along in a sleigh or racing droshky on an excellent trotter - you will soon have to do a difficult, but completely useless task.

Riding a horse is a sign of failure.

Horse riding - for change.

A man dreams of a horse - a good dream.

For a woman, a horse promises weakness.

Find yourself under a horse in a dream - a tragic blow is possible.

Riding a horse is a sign of family happiness.

A saddled horse in a dream means a long trip.

A horse prancing in front of the house means trouble.

A horse in the house means he sleeps fortunately.

A horse carries valuables, goods - to loss of place.

A horse bit you in a dream - expect advancement through the ranks.

Ride a horse back and forth - soon things related to literature or art will await you.

A herd of horses - troubles will go away and your condition will return to normal.

A beautiful, playful and well-saddled mare came into the house - foretelling a quick marriage.

Milking a horse in a dream means changes in business.

A herd of horses is a very favorable sign, especially for a woman who dreams of marriage.

Feeding foals in a dream is a sign of profit and reconciliation with enemies.

A frolicking foal is a sign of pleasure and fulfillment of desire.

Seeing a foal means longing for the woman you love.

A stable is a harbinger of happiness, good luck, and a pleasant surprise.

A stable full of racehorses is a very favorable sign, which means success in business and a new acquaintance that is useful for you.

An old neglected stable with workhorses is a harbinger of hard work and need.

Riding a dashing troika in a dream means paying for a long time for a moment of pleasure.

They ride a woman on a three-piece - for a woman, because of her coquetry and frivolity, to lose a dear person, to pass by true happiness.

Dream Interpretation - Horse

A herd of horses in a pasture means good luck in business and marriage.

White horse - success, lasting friendship (for men), wedding (for women).

A black horse means disappointment.

Kauraya - to changes in fate.

Bay - to fulfillment of desires.

A horse covered in apples means profit and prosperity.

Taking part in races and winning means prosperity.

A disobedient or lame horse, falling from a horse - to troubles and obstacles in the implementation of your plans.

Wounded or dead - bad news.

However, in the old days it was believed that those who would live in the village dreamed of a dead horse.

Holding a horse by the bridle is a sign of danger; cleaning or watching a horse being cleaned with a comb is a sign of difficulties in life.

Harnessed horses mean obstacles.

Trading horses means losses.

Buying means business involving risk.

Riding on horseback means your wishes come true.

Getting off a horse means losing your existing position in society.

Riding a horse with a long tail means getting help from friends.

Admiring a shod horse means suddenly achieving great success in life, and for a woman - a faithful

companion until the end of days.

Riding a horse without a saddle means achieving material wealth through hard struggle and with the help of friends.

Crossing a stream on a horse or swimming across a river, if the water is clean, promises great benefits in business in the future and the fulfillment of a cherished dream.

A running horse is news of someone's illness.

Dream Interpretation - Horse

A noble man leaves on a horse - clarity in official matters.

War horses enter the city - portends wealth and a good career, career success.

A live horse appears in the house - great happiness.

Seeing a live horse in the house means a letter from your son.

If you are stupidly happy that you are riding a horse, it is a misfortune.

A carriage drawn by white horses is riding - portends great happiness and good luck.

If you go on a long journey on a horse, you will have great joy.

Riding a white horse means illness.

Riding a horse back and forth - things related to literature, writing.

Riding a white horse is a disease.

Riding a horse on a long journey will be a great joy.

The horse carries valuables, goods - loss of a place in the service.

A horse enters the room - indicates a situation related to adultery.

A horse prances in front of the house - the trouble will be resolved.

The horse bit - promotion through the ranks.

A saddled horse - foreshadows a matter related to a long trip.

A cart harnessed to four horses - happiness will turn into trouble, disaster.

The criminal disappears on a horse - the danger has passed.

Having tidied up and cleaned the horse, you release it into the wild - a joyful event.

A herd of horses rushes by - resolution of all troubles, normalization of the condition.

If you kill a donkey, camel or horse - alcohol and snacks.

Killing a horse is a drink and a snack.

Dream Interpretation - Horse

The horse in both women's and men's dreams also reflects sexual impulses.

However, the image of the horse combines biological attraction and romantic sensuality.

The horse shows a person’s desire to interact with the opposite sex.

If you dream of a good, beautiful horse, then success and reciprocity in feelings will probably await you.

A skinny, starved mare portends disappointment and broken hopes.

However, a horse can also have a more prosaic meaning.

If rural residents or older people dream about it, it can reflect the satisfaction of non-sexual needs, but simply success and well-being in life.

Beautiful horses or failure.

The horses are ugly.

For workers in creative professions, the horse portends a surge of inspiration.

The Horse means Sensual aspirations, the desire for sexual interaction.

A horse in a dream means creativity, inspiration, and a surge of vitality.

Being in the saddle is a sign that you are in control of a risky situation.

A beautiful horse means success in love and creativity.

A tired nag means failure in business.

Riding a horse means you will be a winner in all circumstances.

Dream Interpretation - Horse

For the most part, the meaning is favorable.

Riding a horse signifies perfect success in business.

Catching a horse means a false acquisition.

A black horse means a rich but evil wife, also loss and harm to the estate.

A white horse signifies a wife beautiful face and virtuous, also increasing wealth.

Seeing a horse with a temper means confusion and obstacle.

To shoe a horse means labor and hard work.

Seeing a horse running free portends the onset of a happy time and the fulfillment of all our desires.

Riding a horse in the company of other riders means happiness and profit, and in the company of ladies it portends misfortune and betrayal.

Seeing a stranger riding on your horse portends the discovery of adultery.

Seeing a horse with a long and thick tail portends the assistance of friends in any enterprise, happiness and success in intentions and a profitable marriage.

Seeing a calm horse and riding it means fun and prosperity.

A horse to buy portends new news.

Seeing horses in harness means a good state of affairs.



Two days ago I saw a white horse with a long mane and tail, I looked at it, it stood near the forest, beautiful dense vegetation, green grass. The sun was shining brightly, nature was beautiful! I knew that this was my horse, it showed off in front of the black horse, waved its mane, stood on its hind hooves, and I knew in a dream that the black horse belonged to my beloved and we should gallop off on them together. A day later I saw the horse again, but now it was brown and I washed it. What is this dream for, tell me, considering that my beloved and I are far from each other.


I was crossing the road with my child and saw a friend of mine leading a black horse, and behind him I saw several more good brown horses everywhere


I dreamed of a beautiful brown horse standing in the apartment and drinking water in the kitchen. I only saw the horse’s hindquarters and heard him loudly drinking water. I wanted to get him out of the apartment. I tell my husband: wait, I’ll bring the horse out now... I don’t remember how it all ended. Thank you.


It’s cloudy outside, a young horse is running and rushing around the market without a head, the head accompanies the horse’s body nearby in weightlessness.


brown, saddled, beautiful, stately in my store, Gortsian then reared up as if he was playing and ran away. it seems like he was taken to another nearby store.


I dreamed of a brown horse that was sitting under an iron bed and spinning around its axis, and this horse was scared


Hello)) I dreamed: there was a frozen puddle on the ground, under the cover of ice there was the head of a brown horse)))) It seemed to be dead, but I felt sorry for it and tried to revive it with magic)))))))))))


I pick up my brown horse and take her home to the apartment. On the way I stroke and hug her. I come to the apartment and start taking things apart, and the horse seems to be minding its own business. I have a dream for the second time in a week.


a warm spring day, a small brown horse stood, ate grass, and then had sex with a dog...


Hello, in a dream I saw a bay horse standing tied on my way, I wanted to pass by him, and he said to me in a human voice, very quietly, as if no one could hear except me: “Get out of here, get out of here.” here". And he snorted to drive me away. I obeyed and began to go around him, but I had to go down the stairs. I went down two steps and decided to go back and walk past the horse. Although he snorted, he did not rush and I walked past him calmly. I woke up in surprise that at first glance the calm horse turned out to be very friendly.


In the dream, I rode a horse and galloped, I felt very comfortable and sat confidently, I was not afraid of anything, the color of the horse was brown.

damask steel:

I stood. A bay, over-the-top horse was trotting. I've seen this shit before in real life. This loss was before ours.


I dreamed of a brown horse, I took her to the meadow to fast, and suddenly I heard her voice, he was calling me, he was offended by a neighbor, he untied her rope and kicked him out, and in a dream I swore at the neighbor, he has no right to touch someone else’s property


I'm in a cart, the horse pulls the cart, not fast at first, but then faster and faster autumn time there are a lot of leaves on the ground and there is a forest all around and a sidewalk road in the middle


a horse became sleepy, in my apartment, a brown horse, hugged it and gave it water, led it between rooms, there was a wolf in the kitchen, but it was tame, could be petted, calmly towards the horse, did not react at all. but a slight excitement, a thought to myself that it’s still a wolf, and you never know, be on the alert.


My grandmother had a dream that they were giving me a picture of a brown horse, and my deceased grandfather was giving me this picture.


Hello! in a dream I see my husband and his friends, supposedly they are going to ride horses. I see brown horses with a black mane without a saddle and without a bridle, i.e. The groom did not saddle them, but they are not wild either. Then I suddenly see in a dream a large barrel of beer, as if they will drink it later! The dream was colorful!


I was standing in the corridor of a building I was unfamiliar with, next to the window, and an unfamiliar woman was standing with me, we were waiting for the elevator. Suddenly I saw that right under the window there was a brown young horse standing, approaching us. It turned out that there was no glass at the window, and my hand easily reached it. Together with this woman, I began to pet the horse and then woke up with a feeling of warmth in my soul.


I dreamed that I was riding a horse, then as if I was swimming in the river in my clothes. Afterwards, it was as if I was hiding the horse from someone.


I calmly rode a brown horse with a white spot on its face. The horse was for hire. Sometimes my sisters also rode with me on other horses. The horse was washed in the dream, but not me, and I didn’t see it, I just knew.


In a dream, I saw my grandfather who had already died and we were riding a horse and then we watered the horse by the river and I asked my grandfather if he needed hay for the horse and he said that he would bring it himself


the fact that at first I was walking with a kitten in my hands, I met my ex, we chatted, there was so much joy, and then suddenly it seemed like a forest, the water was such a dark color, and I was swimming across it on a brown horse, it was hard.


They gave me a beautiful horse. But I don’t know how to care for it, what to feed it and how to brush it. I also fed it from my hands.


Hello, my name is Olga, I dreamed that there was a brown horse standing by the river bank, so clean, well-groomed, with a beautiful mane, his fur even shone, at first I was afraid to approach him, but someone from those around me told me to come, don’t be afraid, and I She came up and stroked her mane. I stroked my back, and then a young man stood next to me in a black suit and gave me some kind of white gold jewelry.


I saw myself in a dream. Actually, I was walking up the road and a whole herd of brown horses came at me. We stopped and one of the horses wanted to defecate


I dreamed of a horse as if it was a pet and we went for a walk with her and my friend to the shops. I left my horse near the store, a few minutes later I went out and she wasn’t there. I went home and asked my mother where my horse was. My mother looked at me with sternness and said “I thought you were you walk with her” then my horse was found


Hello, I had a dream last night that there was a brown horse under my window and a man was beating it with a stick, and I was yelling at him why are you doing this.


I had a dream about my ex-boyfriend and we were on two horses, the horses were so beautiful, I would like to know what this is about


The brown horse jumped up to the 5th floor, reached my balcony, stuck its muzzle between the bars and allowed itself to be stroked on the muzzle. At the same time, I was a little afraid of her, but I stroked her. The horse was “smiling” and its big teeth were visible. then she jumped off again and hurt her hoof a little, but that didn’t stop her from being cheerful. the horse could talk!!! someone tried to ride her, but she threw the rider off. and 2 more brown foals stood on the 4th floor balcony. what does it mean?


I got a horse - either someone gave it for safekeeping, or someone gave it as a gift. I placed her in the basement under the apartment and took her out for walks at night so that the neighbors wouldn’t see her. The horse was brown with a white tail, beautiful and obedient, on horseshoes and with a bridle. She and I walked along the alley along the house.


I was at the skating rink. Everything is white and clean. A horse appeared. I decided that it was a mare and even called me by her name, which I don’t remember (the name began with the letter D). There was a man standing in the distance, but he immediately disappeared from the dream. Suddenly, she supposedly went berserk and, in the process of struggling, knocked me down and stood on my back. At the same time, I did not feel pain or heaviness, only a little fear during the struggle. After that, I realized that it was not she, but he, and I woke up with the thought that he had taken possession of me, and I had taken possession of him.


I dreamed of a brown horse, I talked to it, called it by name, and rode it. At some moments she ran away from me and I tried to catch up with her, caught up with her and again rode somewhere on horseback. People were walking by, and I was worried that the horse wouldn’t hit someone.


I dreamed of a village today. There was heavy rain, a black cloud and lightning flashed. My deceased brother and I were harvesting hay and putting it on a cart with a horse.


I dreamed of a brown horse, on which I rode all night and did not fall, he was very submissive and turned sharply in the directions in which I showed him, ran quickly, took me to the mountains, and then home, and this happened several times.


Big Kaas all brown horse. She didn't obey anyone. But when I approached her, she didn’t want to listen either, but I started talking to her and telling her some of my stories, she listened and sometimes seemed to nod and understand what I was saying. And in the end she became affectionate with me.


I dreamed that in the summer my relatives gathered on the lake and gave me a horse, well, I saw them, and someone was holding a young brown horse with a bow... I was holding something in my hands, but when I saw the horse, this thing fell out of my hands, and I ran to the horse, then he was without a saddle... well, I hugged him and then woke up.(


At first in a dream I just saw a brown horse eating grass, then I rode it, but then it threw me off and pressed me from behind with the weight of its body. Then I broke free and woke up


A brown horse appeared in my yard, I stroked it and sat on it, we galloped around our dacha




I rode on a brown horse. The horse was muscular, with shiny fur, a beautiful mane, and I saw his clear breath. In reality, I am very afraid of horses, but in a dream I did not feel fear, but on the contrary, I really enjoyed the ride on horseback


From Saturday to Sunday I dreamed that a horse (stallion) was in my parents’ house. He was handsome, well-groomed with a black mane and tail, I stroked him, fed him. Then I went outside and my parents forced me to plant potatoes. I planted about 8- 10 potatoes and returned to the house. By that time the horse had become bigger, as if he had grown up and began to rest his head on the ceiling. I took him outside, the horse was docile, he listened to me. Why is this??


The brown horse followed me very persistently. And I was afraid of her and hid in some kind of pen-rooms, closed the doors with some kind of latches, but there were still wolves and puppies in them, and I just couldn’t find an empty room, I was scared too, but there was no aggression to my surprise. And when in the next room I hid there, too, in the depths there were wolf cubs, I think, with their mother. I was afraid to go into the depths and kept closing the latch on the door, but it was so fragile that the horse still opened the door. I jumped out of the room but didn’t have time to run away, and the horse somehow kindly pressed its muzzle to me, I smelled it and woke up. My email [email protected]


I dreamed of a brown horse, small in stature but plump. I run after him and it’s dark all around, he just runs away from me.


A brown horse stood outside the window and knocked its hooves on the window!!! then it came into the house, looked at the child and calmly left. Sleep from Sunday to Monday


I dreamed of a brown horse in a meadow tied to a chain with a stake, and when I wanted to pass, she ran and it turned out that she tied one of my legs with a chain and a guy passing by quickly untangled my leg.


Hello, Tatyana! I dreamed that I was sitting on a brown horse. My ex-husband was also on a horse of this color, but he decided to shorten the journey and rode through the forest (the trees were without leaves), and I decided to take a good road. Then I saw myself standing with this horse and she was kissing me on the neck. I felt funny... but then suddenly, instead of a horse, I see a man. But I wasn't surprised. (I have never seen this man in my life).


I dreamed of a small horse with a beautifully trimmed mane. Its owner said it was a French dog. I was very surprised in the dream, but I believed it. then this is such a dog.


A beautiful brown horse with a black mane gallops towards me, I jump on him, we jump over barriers and gallop into the depths of a beautiful green forest. Gorgeous nature all around.


The horse was brown, I was not sitting on the horse, she came up and leaned her head on my shoulder and I stroked her face and she was calm.


I saw a horse on which I was saddling and the dog was holding on with all its strength. I ended up on the second horse and this dog and I galloped away from visible enemies. Then we dismounted and hid behind some hillock and saw how whole squad horses rushed towards us. I was very scared and realized that we were now being trampled underfoot. But the horses galloped over my head, I saw their hooves. But not a single horse ever stepped on me. I didn’t see the enemies in person, only their hooves. When they galloped by, I felt relief that we were not noticed and we were saved. I don't remember anything else.


A brown mare and a stallion try to flirt with me, poke their muzzle into my hands, follow me like dogs rejoice at their owner


My ex-boyfriend gave me a white horse, but not himself, but his brother, the horse followed me.


I’m walking on the ice, some brown horse is walking ahead of me and suddenly it suddenly falls through the ice into a hole, I stop and see in the hole only the face of a horse that is scared and wants to get back out. In a panic, I figure out how to help her, and then the dream ends and I wake up.


Hello, I dreamed that I was walking and a brown horse was coming towards me, I walked up to it and led it by the bridle, then I stroked it and hugged it and the horse also clung to me


In my dream there was a horse that kept running towards me, as if it wanted to attack. I hid in the house, locking all the locks, but she still ran to the door and stood there, waiting.


I dreamed that a huge dog, like a giant, rushed at our house and I, a horse and a dog and a goat, drove it away because the dog didn’t bite us, it just rushed at me, why is this?


I was being chased by a brown horse. run away and hide from her indoors. made of glass. some woman helped


I’m riding a horse, even though I understand that I’ve never ridden before. I really enjoyed the ride, I snuggled up to the horse, kissed him and called him by name. But I didn’t jump fast. And the events took place in the fall in a field with a harvest, I definitely remember yellow corn.


I dreamed of a beautiful brown horse, for some reason I dreamed of it in a building, but it was not my home. Then I remember I lay down on the bed to sleep and the horse came up and lay down next to me, right partially on the bed. I stroked her, her face, her neck and she really liked it)


I dreamed that my uncle caught a cow and a bull with horns, they were very big, they wanted to drag the bull and the cow into the garden on a chain, but they broke loose and started running along the ravine, and began to destroy houses, and yes, we bought a house not far from my parents on the hill, and I was feeling sad from the hill watching everything, and then it was as if a bull looked at me and started running in my direction, I ran home but he started tearing down the walls in my house, he ran back and forth, then an angry horse appeared there, so not ordinary with a big muzzle, she also began to attack people and destroy houses, I woke up because a bull was running towards me


I was in the village, fed the horse, looked after him, he only listened to me


It was hot summer day. I was not alone (two more girls) In the distance, two horses were running towards us (one slightly smaller than the other) I was scared at first... but then this feeling passed. Ahead of us there was a huge puddle... and a thin passage. For the horses to pass, one they put a horse on my shoulders, another horse on another girl. And then the horse slips off my shoulders and falls into this puddle... and doesn’t emerge... the second girl deliberately throws off her horse and drowns it on purpose... so that no one would find out.


Why do you dream about a horse and at the same time it bites your arms and legs... And a man has this dream...


Good evening. I dreamed of a brown horse galloping right at me, I tried to pet him, but he seemed to be dodging but stood next to me, and there was also a brown horse with him, but she passed by, and he remained standing next to me.


I dreamed that I walked into the yard and there were two very aggressive horses there, I was very scared!


Hello! I dreamed that my boyfriend, with whom we actually live together, invited me on a date, I came in a long red dress (it looked very nice on me and felt very good). I walked towards him along the path and there was nature all around, like a forest, everything was green yellow color(yellow like the color of the field), there is grass around and not many trees. When I started to approach him and was practically next to the guy, he began to be indignant that I was crazy for wearing a dress, we were going to ride horses, and these clothes are not very suitable for horse riding, I was upset. Then I looked around and next to us there was an area enclosed by a fence and there were several horses, almost all brown and it seems one was black, they were galloping around and we just stood and looked at them.


I rode a dark horse. There were many obstacles along the way, but I was not afraid. she galloped off/I held on to her mane and we raced. then I found myself driving a car. Not yours. big dark car. I came to the sea. turned around and drove through the mud onto the road. I don’t remember further.


Hello! Just today I dreamed that I don’t know where I got a brown horse from, I walked him across the field, then I gave him water from my hands and realized that he didn’t get drunk from my hands, we came to some place, there were a lot of pots and I took one and poured it for he drank water and then I looked for hay for him. I felt that I was attached to him, I stroked him and kissed him! Then I wanted to bring him home, but I didn’t know how or for what. And I left the horse. Then I really missed him and tried to find him! That's basically it! I've never seen anything like this. I wonder why I dreamed all this.


I was a horse and ran with the other horses, but I understood that I was running after one horse. And when I caught up with her, I kissed her and hugged her tightly.


I dreamed that I was standing at an open window in the evening (it was already dark). And then there are many animals below that are too loud. There were dogs, horses, maybe someone else. I looked down, and a strong, shiny, chocolate-colored horse looked up at me, and suddenly she jumped out of my window - I leaned over, she jumped over my back without hitting me. She rushed into the room with a balcony where her daughter was playing and jumped back out. She ran past the child without touching her.


a herd of horses runs along the well, they jump over it, but one horse breaks loose and drowns, I call for help, but alas

The symbol of a horse is interpreted by many as speed, the desire to be in motion all the time, so such a dream is very favorable. But in order to interpret it correctly, one must pay attention to many nuances. Since there are also not very favorable interpretations of such a dream.

When a person sees a brown horse in a dream, this indicates that the sleeper will soon meet a person who will play a significant role in his destiny. To understand what area of ​​life a person will affect, it is important to pay attention to whether the person sleeping in the dream was riding a horse, whether he was stroking the horse, and similar moments in the dream.

For example, if a man dreams that he is riding a brown, bay horse, then he will have good luck in financial sector, and for a woman such a dream foretells great popularity among people of the opposite sex.

Petting a horse in a dream means that a person dreams of tying the knot and having a child, but a dream in which the sleeper, after petting a brown horse, gives it an apple or carrot, indicates that all his dreams will come true in the near future. Great value The way a brown horse looks in it also affects your sleep.

If in a dream, a sleeping person sees a healthy, well-groomed horse, with a long mane and a fluffy tail, then such a dream indicates that a person should not worry about his health, since his health is excellent.

But a sick, thin horse with a tangled mane and a large number of scratches and abrasions indicates that it is necessary to take more careful care of its health.

Why dream of a brown horse if it is not the main object of the dream? When a person sees a dream in which he catches a glimpse of a brown horse, then such a dream promises him pleasant surprises and good news that will greatly please the sleeper.

If in a dream a person buys a brown horse, then in reality he will have a rather large purchase, which the sleeper has long dreamed of. When in a dream a person sees that he is the owner of a large stable, it is new and clean and there are horses in every stall - this dream says that you should not be afraid of your ideas and plans, but give them free rein and then the person will take off in career and financial terms.

If in a dream a horse bites a sleeping person, then such a dream promises a rise up the career ladder with an increase in salary. But if in a dream a brown horse gallops at a person and rears up right in front of him, thereby frightening the sleeping person, then in this case you should be attentive to your work colleagues, since one of them is trying to take the position of the sleeping person.

When a person sees in a dream how he feeds a brown foal, then such a dream indicates that his children will be healthy and happy. But if in a dream a brown horse gives birth in front of a sleeping person, then you should expect a quick addition to the family.

If a person dreams that in a dream he is trying to catch and saddle a brown horse, then in reality he is trying with all his might to achieve something, and if in a dream he catches a horse, then in reality everything will work out well for him.

But a dream in which the sleeper did not catch the horse that he had been catching for a long time, or she threw him off when he saddled it, warns the person that it is worthwhile to give up implementing his plans for a while and wait a little.

Washing a brown horse in a dream indicates that the sleeping person is thinking about some idea or plan for a very long time. Moreover, if the horse is very dirty, then his plans will be quite insidious and could cause harm to someone.

It is worth paying attention to whether a person in a dream is riding a horse or riding in a cart. If you dream that the sleeper is in a sleigh or cart drawn by brown horses, then such a dream indicates that, due to his uncertainty, the sleeper is constantly missing out on very good opportunities.

In most cases, a dream in which a person sees a healthy, beautiful horse promises something good for the sleeper. Therefore, you should not be afraid of such a dream, no matter what ominous events occur in it. In addition, if the horse has any decorations, such as bells or bells, then you definitely need to pay attention to their interpretation.


Horse according to the dream book

As you know, the horse symbolizes loyalty and friendliness. It is quite natural that horses seen in a dream foreshadow fruitful cooperation, partnership and simply pleasant communication. The positive meaning of the plot is enhanced if the horses are of light colors. The dream book warns that night dreams in which “ dark horses", warn about the possibility of a catch. A number of explanations of what else these animals mean in dreams are given below.

Skin color

If you dreamed of a black horse, such a dream warns of impending danger: a serious illness or major troubles. The modern dream book suggests a simple solution to avoid problems: take only those steps that are beyond doubt. Also, what you see in a dream means that you are protected by the element of earth.

Grishina gives an explanation of why an animal with a white mane dreams. The forecast is quite optimistic. An unmarried lady will find family happiness, and the marriage will be extremely successful. Another white horse can dream of good news, wealth and a reason for great joy.

If you dreamed of a brown horse, the plot should be interpreted based on external factors. Universal dream book warns - you cannot avoid changes. If you are now at the pinnacle of success, they are of no use to you, but if things are going from bad to worse, the prediction will certainly please you.

If you dreamed of a bay horse, it means that your cherished wish will come true unexpectedly and absolutely free of charge. This dream can mean a career take-off, a financial breakthrough, meeting a person who will later become a good friend and other pleasant surprises.

The red horse symbolizes the element of fire. It is not surprising that such a violent element is incompatible with a measured life. You will find yourself in the very epicenter of events, there will be a lot of anxiety, bustle and noise. Nevertheless, everything will end happily and even profitably.

When you dream of a black horse, the interpreter advises not to make impulsive decisions, since what you see reflects the depth of your despair. The Dream Book of Wanderers indicates that the source of confusion is one’s own fussiness and insatiability. Before you even have time to taste the cake, you are already reaching for the next piece.

ride on horseback

If you happen to gallop on a horse, impatience can harm you. Anyone who risks taking high barriers in a dream can exaggerate his capabilities in reality. Riding a lame horse portends grief.

A dream in which you had to ride a horse suggests that you have worked hard on your reputation, and now it’s her turn to work for you. Aesop's Dream Book has no doubt that your position is secure and your authority is high. So this plot can be interpreted literally: you are on a horse.

Night dreams in which you ride on a horse through the mountains and hills do not promise easy victories. Vlasov’s dream book warns that you will have to work hard to achieve your goal. However, you can rightfully be proud of your achievements.

A description of why a similar plot occurs in dreams can also be found in Shereminskaya. Riding a horse in a dream means feeling at your best in real life. Prediction applies primarily to the business sphere. Shereminskaya's dream book claims that you will receive a promotion, good luck in trading, a bonus and other well-deserved awards.

Death of a horse

If you dreamed of a dead horse, this means that a radical change of residence is coming. You will find yourself in completely different, unprecedented conditions, and you will have to adapt to them. The Dream Book of the Seasons warns that the news that is soon to be learned will greatly sadden you.

Several horses

If in a dream a herd of horses ran across a field, then in reality happiness rushes into your hands, all that remains is to catch it and not let it go. The modern dream book recalls the impermanence and fleeting nature of fortune and advises using a favorable combination of circumstances as effectively as possible.

The rider is a man

If you dream that a man is riding a horse, this means the successful completion of an important matter. True, if he suddenly decides to dismount, the dream will take on the opposite meaning: the matter will not be decided in your favor. If you manage to notice how a man gets into the saddle, you will be lucky in love.

Appearance, thoroughbred

Why do you dream of horses, it’s best to tell them appearance. A dream in which you saw thoroughbred horses promises positive changes in your family and business. Horses grazing in lush, thick grass portend profit.

The Eastern dream book is convinced that dreamed ponies reflect your feeling of helplessness.

A thin, emaciated mare portends difficulties. A horse in a beautiful harness symbolizes a successful marriage.

Miller's explanation of the dream

Miller's dream book believes that a horse seen in your night dreams reflects your positive or not very positive attitude, confidence and readiness to win. The plot should be interpreted based on the color of the animal (the lighter the better) and the direction of movement.

If you ride a horse in a dream, it means success. The downhill path may be a harbinger of disappointment.

If you happened to see a horse rearing up, this foreshadows the protection and patronage of a high-ranking official. If you dreamed of horses shoeing their hooves, this means a high position.

Various interpretations

When you dream of a horseman, pay attention to which direction he is moving. If it jumps at full speed towards you, it can bring bad news. The retreating horseman promises changes for the better. If you are the rider, such a dream symbolizes fatigue from a hopeless relationship.

If you dreamed of a restive horse, this dream is a harbinger of unforeseen, but nevertheless surmountable difficulties in business. If you see a calm horse, it means that everything planned will go smoothly. A dream in which a heavy horse drags luggage with difficulty should be regarded as advice to delegate some of your responsibilities.

Did you dream about a horse ride? This is a good sign. If in a dream you happened to ride on the back of a horse, such a plot assures that friends will come to the rescue. Grishina’s dream book states that together you will easily and cheerfully overcome all obstacles, and a complex problem and its resolution will seem like an exciting adventure.


Dream Interpretation Horse, why do you dream about seeing a Horse in a dream?

Small Velesov dream book Why does a Horse dream in a dream:

Horse - Son to be born (to a pregnant woman), independence, for good (husband), courage, victory, success, strength // serious illness, death, enemy, unexpected guest, there will be wind, fire, deception (one’s own horse - from one’s own, in the family ), a lot of work, slander, illness (to his wife); thin - illness; fat – health; black - bad, death, to the dead, rain, illness, deception; white – wedding, good, news (letter) // snow, illness, death; gray - good, to lead // death; yellow – illness, weakness; red – good; red - friend, news, good, good weather, fun, arrival of guests // illness, fever, for worse, for fire, frost (in winter); the horse kicks - guests with bad thoughts; riding a horse - good, glory, self-interest from a fool, family happiness; riding on a black one means death, illness; on Bulanom - illness; on white - happiness // illness; on red - fever; in all likelihood - happiness will be good; looking for a lost horse - grief after the death of a husband; laughs loudly - the guy is trying to get the girl; bites you - illness; to beat a horse - to the fast road; bathe - lead; feed - prosperity; reared up - quarrel; holding the reins is dangerous.

Russian folk dream book In a dream, why does a Horse dream:

Interpretation of the dream by the dream book: Horse Seeing a horse in a dream is a symbol of nobility, grace and speed. The image of a horse in a dream suggests that in life you have encountered a person who personifies all these wonderful qualities. It can also indicate hard work. May indicate a sexually anxious man, a stallion.

Dream Interpretation of the Writer Aesop Dream Interpretation: What does a horse mean?

Horse – The horse symbolizes courage, nobility, speed and grace. So the image of a horse evoked by your subconscious in a dream indicates that in real life you are faced with a person who personifies all these wonderful qualities. The horse has long been a helper, warrior, and protection for people; they wrote songs and poems about it. We have come down to folk expressions that briefly and accurately characterize this magnificent noble animal: “A horse gives wings to a man. He carries water, he also carries the governor”, ​​“Ushmi spins, digs the earth, lets steam out of his nostrils”, “The horse will not betray him, and the enemy will not eat him.” Riding a horse in a dream is a sign that you will meet a very interesting, influential and noble person who will not only change your views on the world and make you believe in yourself, but will also help you achieve great heights in life. Feeding a horse in a dream means that one of your friends needs your help. He may be embarrassed to tell you about it. If you dreamed that you were combing the mane of a horse, then such a dream foreshadows an acquaintance with a noble, courageous man who will later become your best friend. Fighting on a horse in a dream is evidence that in real life you need to show all your caution and courage in order to get out of dangerous situation. If the horse under you was wounded, then such a dream suggests that in reality you may, due to your frivolity and craving for gambling, lose best friend. If the horse saved you by carrying the wounded man away from the battlefield, then in real life you are a very happy person, because you have a faithful and devoted friend who will always help you in difficult times. Saddled a horse in a dream is a sign that you will very much hope for the help of a person close to you in a difficult matter. If in a dream a horse stumbled under you, then in reality you will face a risky event that may end badly for you. To see a dead horse in a dream - a dream foreshadows an unpleasant event that will happen due to your carelessness. If you are burying a horse, then such a dream is a bad omen. You will receive unpleasant news from one of your friends. Perhaps such a dream speaks of a serious illness or death of your close friend. If you dreamed of a herd of horses, then in real life you will have a profitable acquaintance with very influential people. They will make you a lucrative offer, with the help of which you will not only be able to improve your material affairs, but also earn the respect of the people around you, as the dream book says about this dream.

Dream book for the whole family Why do you dream about a Horse?

Dream Interpretation: seeing a Horse in a dream - If you dream of a herd of horses that do not show aggression and graze peacefully, you will spend time surrounded by close friends. If the horses try to kill you with their hooves, beware of an accident. You should not travel in the next few days. But if you have such a dream on the night from Monday to Tuesday, you will get a promotion or a long profitable business trip. A dream in which you watch or take part in horse races means victory over your competitors. A stone horse that comes to life before your eyes, perhaps you can bring half-forgotten plans to life. If a revived horse attacks you, beware; an enemy you have long forgotten about may appear again in your life. A revived stone horse is reaching out to you - beware, a close friend may betray you. Riding a stone horse - you have illusions about your surroundings, which will lead to problems.

Polish dream book by V. Kopalinsky Horse according to the dream book:

Seeing a Horse in a dream - a Black Horse - a warning of mortal danger; falling horse - bad news; white - to wealth; motley - to a small income.

Dream Interpretation Tarot If you dream about a Horse:

Horse - Long Journey

Esoteric dream book If you dream about a Horse:

Horse - Seeing a quick resolution of affairs. Sit astride a reliable friend, help from friends. The herd will break free. Squadron to be drawn into politics or public intrigue. The color of a horse can be interpreted in two ways; It draws the attention of those interested in the occult to the forces of nature. White water element. Pale air element. Red fire element. Black element of earth. Other colors also indicate your inclusion in subtle world. It's time to get acquainted with magic and consciously use it. For an ordinary person, the suit of a horse means the sphere of events being interpreted. Rotten public. Coral sphere of affections. Dapple gray business. White sphere of feelings. Piebald sphere of territorial movements. Heavy duty domestic truck.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite Seeing a Horse in a Dream

In a dream, what does a Horse mean in a dream - Success, victory

Bay horse - Hateful husband.

Seeing a Horse in a dream

Black horse - Sadness - riding it is a risky undertaking

Autumn dream book Why do you dream about a Horse according to the dream book:

Bay horse - Dreaming of a bay horse brings unexpected things into your life.

Summer dream book Why do you dream about a Horse according to the dream book:

Bay horse - Dreams of a bay horse for moving.

Black horse - Sadness; riding it is a risky endeavor.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Horse, stallion - A sign of help, strength, energy, sexual urges. For a woman - love impulses; lover, marriage; fate. See R. Movement (riding).

Ukrainian dream book What does it mean when you dream of a Horse:

Why do you dream about Horses? Horses are the wind. They say that when you dream about horses, it will be some kind of lie. If a man dreams of a horse, it means good, but if a woman dreams, it means weakness. If you dream that a horse will bite, then this will be some kind of weakness for this person. As you dream about horses, then illness, you are under a horse - a tragic blow. Horses are definitely a lie. Like beautiful horses, the lies will quickly pass, but bad horses - you will be messing around with those lies for a long time. Riding a white horse is happiness, but riding a dun horse is weakness. White horses are death, thin horses are illness, fat horses are health. A bay, black horse is a disease. If you dream of a white mare, you will die or receive a letter. Buying a horse is news, riding a horse is family happiness. A rearing horse means a quarrel. Holding a horse by the bridle is a danger. If you dream of a stallion - you will feel courage; if you dream of strength, you will feel a foal - joy, independence; feed - welfare.


Dream Interpretation Brown Horse

Why do you dream of a brown Horse in a dream according to the dream book?

I dreamed of a brown horse - career growth, getting a good position. The demonstrated hard work and diligence will be noticed by management.

The brown color of the animal means order, obedience, hard work, following rules and decrees.


Dream Interpretation White Horse

Why do you dream of a white Horse in a dream according to the dream book?

Seeing a white horse in a dream is a good sign. Positive changes will begin in life. The dream is also very favorable before important events and promises their successful completion.

With your help, important matters that are put off for later will be resolved promptly, with a high degree of efficiency.

Who dreamed of a white horse?

A woman dreamed of a white horse

A woman dreams of a white horse for her wedding. If your lover does not want to get married, very soon you will find a way to make him change his mind. Be persistent in your desires.

A girl dreams of a white horse

I dreamed of a white horse - for a girl, the dream promises a quick marriage. Your chosen one reciprocates the feelings, marriage with him will bring a happy, strong relationship.


Dream interpretation of feeding a horse

Why do you dream of feeding a Horse in a dream according to the dream book?

Feeding a horse - such a dream indicates the need to help someone you know. Show your participation, your kindness will not go unnoticed.

You may need support in a matter that you have already encountered. Act according to circumstances, relying on your own experience.

What did you feed the horse in your dream?

Feeding a horse bread in a dream

If you dream that you are feeding a horse with bread, then in reality your aspirations are aimed at achieving a decent standard of living; in business you show considerable diligence, which cannot go unnoticed.


Brown horse

Dream Interpretation Brown horse dreamed of why you dream about a Brown horse? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Brown horse in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Horse

Seeing horses is an increase in wealth, the joy of life in all its manifestations;
riding or seeing a white horse is a wonderful sign; the strength of friendships, the joy of meeting spiritual comrades, the loyalty of women;
Your horse is dirty and skinny - deception and envy on the part of those you trust;
ride a black horse - you will succeed in business for a long time and unexpectedly discover the vanity and futility of your activities;
for a woman - riding a black horse - her husband’s infidelity;
watching brown horses running means favorable circumstances that will unexpectedly change for the worse or fleeting and superficial hobbies;
to see horses in apples (spotted) - future benefits in business;
riding a beautiful bay horse - exaltation, satisfaction of desires;
for a woman - riding a beautiful bay horse - determination to refuse an annoying admirer, material gain in the near future;
Your horse runs away, joining a wild herd - news of someone’s illness;
You are sitting on a horse and it hurts you - troubles from a friend or employer;
a herd of mares - closeness and lack of jealousy towards your beloved;
seeing beautiful horses means success and prosperity;
riding on horseback across a clear stream or river is good luck and pleasure, but if at the same time
the water is dark or restless - joy will be overshadowed by something;
swimming across clean water on a horse - the fulfillment of many dreams and gaining benefits in business;
a wounded horse means trouble for friends;
dead horse - disappointments, sad news;
riding a bucking horse - various difficulties on the path to success; the horse throws you off - opponents or illness;
kicks you - to be rejected by your beloved;
to grab a horse by the bridle and subordinate it to your will - drastic favorable changes in life;
failed to subjugate the horse to your will - fate will turn its back on you;
admiring a well-shod horse - your success in the near future will amaze even your own imagination; For a woman, such a dream promises a reliable friend for life;
participate in races - a prosperous life;
shoeing your horse - to acquiring property through dubious means;
deftly ride a bareback horse - you will be able to acquire prosperity and comfort in a difficult struggle, reliable help from friends is also possible;
riding horseback in a female environment - uncertainty in future desires, dependence; your object of passion is a woman of free behavior;
watching a horse being groomed, or cleaning it yourself with a comb - great trials, hard work on the path to honors and a firm position in life;
for business people, peasants, writers - decorating the mane and tail of a horse is a very favorable dream;
harnessed to a cart or carriage - well-being limited by obligations, love and happiness with obstacles;
to climb a high mountain on horseback along a narrow path - achieving a very strong position in life;
with such a rise, the horse cannot stand it and you climb the rest of the way on foot - a strong position will be won at the cost of great effort;
for a girl - seeing herself as a rider on a black horse is an unexpected incident that will help fulfill her desires, communication with wise, respectful interlocutors;
riding down a hill - to failure;
for a woman - to see her lover riding a horse behind her - success with interesting, successful admirers;
being a scared rider means anxiety and jealousy of a loved one;
for a girl - jumping off a horse and it instantly turns into a pig - a reckless rejection of lucrative offers of marriage, after which the freedom she prefers will soon seem hateful to her;
a girl dreams that she is riding on a white horse through a hilly area and, looking around, constantly sees a rider on a black horse behind her - alternating successes and failures and constant anxiety in her soul about the fate of a matter that is important to her;
a horse that has fallen from heaven and turned into a stranger who throws something at you - a serious failure, unfulfilled hopes and for some time - the failure of your attempts to master the situation;
horses grazing in a meadow - a well-established business and coordinated actions of your partners;
barren pasture, dry land - poor but devoted friends. For a young lady, this is a harbinger of a happy marriage;
horse dealer - material gain, but risky enterprise;
buying a horse and realizing in a dream that the merchant is deceiving you means losses;
selling a not very good horse, keeping a thoroughbred for yourself - to great luck;
kill a horse - injure one of your friends with your selfishness;
climbing on a horse is a successful completion of a difficult struggle;
ride bareback in the company of men - honest people will come to your aid;
Also see Stable, Grape, Ride, Stallion, Jockey, River, Stream, Horseshoe, Woman, Embankment, Wound, Ride.

Dream Interpretation - Horse

(See interpretation: foal)

The symbol of a horse (steed) in a dream represents honor, courage and hard work. Sometimes a horse in a dream can mean an enemy. A beautiful and stately horse in a dream portends success and victory. Having a beautiful and thoroughbred horse in a dream is a sign of a quick improvement in your well-being; such a dream predicts that your enterprise will generate income. Such a dream also portends receiving a high rank and universal approval. A hobbled horse in a dream means that your enterprise will generate income and your personal life will be happy. A galloping horse that you admired in a dream is a sign of fulfillment of a wish. Running headlong on a horse yourself means that you are prone to all sorts of adventures and gambling. Such a dream warns you that you should be more careful not to get into trouble. Buying a horse is a sign of good hopes for the fulfillment of a wish or receiving good and pleasant news. Seeing others selling horses means that you will enter into a risky business that promises to be profitable. A white horse, an Arabian horse or a horse covered in apples in a dream means that your affairs will be settled and success and respect will await you. For women, such a dream predicts imminent marriage. A black horse in a dream is a sign of a profitable business, the results of which, through no fault of yours, will be nullified. Such a dream sometimes suggests that to achieve a positive result you need outside support, and sometimes just useful advice. A bay stallion in a dream is a sign of satisfaction with oneself, the progress of affairs, and success in one’s personal life. This dream is especially favorable for women. He promises them that they will get what they want. Riding your own beautiful horse in a dream is a sign of a profitable marriage. For a man, riding someone else’s horse in a dream means that he will take advantage of the location of the woman who fell in love with him to achieve selfish goals. If you dream that someone took advantage of your horse in a dream against your will, then your friend will try to win the favor of your beloved. Riding along a bad road on a naughty stallion or a stubborn mare and being surprised that the horse walks well and does not stumble means honor, respect and the achievement of the desired goal.

If you dream that your horse is rearing, then expect quarrels and scandals.

A dream in which you saw your horse fall predicts ruin.

Successfully handling a restless, hot horse in a dream means all kinds of honors and respect. If you dream that a horse trampled you, then you are in danger of death from an accident, somehow connected with the road, car or other vehicles. Seeing or controlling a pacer in a dream means that you have to make a choice.

Riding a horse quickly through crowded streets and seeing people greeting you in a dream is a sure sign that you may become the leader of a group of criminals, whom people will curse.

Being present at a race in a dream is a sign that you often embark on risky ventures. Remember what will happen to your horse at the races. This will tell you how your dubious business in life will end.

The same thing means a dream about horse racing. Seeing a horse cavalcade with smartly dressed ladies and men or being among them in a dream is a sign of the futility of your efforts due to lack of funds and connections. Such a dream indicates to you that you cannot achieve anything without outside help. A sick, dirty or dead horse in a dream predicts shame, losses, poverty, defeat. Riding in a dream on a beautiful horse with rich harness is a sign of victories in love and in the fight against the enemy. Riding a horse into the city means that others will appreciate you for your deeds. Riding out of the city on a horse predicts death for the patient, and dishonor and failure in business for the rest. Entering into battle on a horse in a dream foreshadows danger or a family quarrel. See how the fight ends.

If you dream of a calm horse and you calmly ride it, then this is a sign of a quick improvement in your well-being. Being scared of a horse in a dream is a sign of an unexpected obstacle or receiving bad news. Keeping a horse on a leash or skillfully driving it in a dream is a sign of your extraordinary ability to captivate people with your ideas and direct their actions. Try to use your abilities in life. Watching horses vault in a dream means that you may fall into a cunningly placed trap. A dream in which you saw that your horse carried you safely through a dangerous place means that in life you will encounter difficulties that you will be able to overcome only by titanic efforts of will. If you dream that you climbed a high mountain on horseback and admired the picture that spreads out. your feet, then the dream predicts a great future for you, honor and respect from others, whose success will largely depend on you. Getting off a horse or riding a horse down from a high place in a dream is a sign that someone will retire, get out of your way, and will no longer bother you.

A dream about a stable foretells good results from your activities, unless it burned down in a dream or fell apart. Eating horse meat in a dream is a sign of firmness of position. A groom in a dream means an assistant. Seeing him brushing a horse in a dream is a sign that you will be able to improve your unenviable situation if you put maximum effort into it and show an unbending will. Horse manure in a dream is a symbol of health and prosperity, unless you get dirty in it or ruin your clothes. A dream in which you saw horse cavalry and a festive atmosphere promises you honors, respect from others and success in business. If you dream that some important person was riding a horse and fell, and you sat on his horse, then it is possible that fate is warning you that if something happens to this important person, you have everything chances to take his place and position. A dream in which you saw that a frisky and well-saddled mare entered your house, then soon you will marry a beautiful girl from a rich family. If the mare is without a saddle, then the wife will be one of the poor. If you dream that a herd of black horses breaks out of the corral and rushes, sweeping away everything in its path, then expect popular unrest, accompanied by bloodshed. After such a dream, the danger of seizing power in the country should not be ruled out. Seeing a herd of horses in a dream is a symbol of a crowd. How the herd behaves in a dream is how you expect such events in real life. A herd of horses grazing in a meadow in a dream means that everything in your life is going as usual, everything is in order and there is no point in you destroying this idyll with some rash act. A horse's trimmed mane in a dream means that someone is in control of a situation in which you will also find yourself drawn into. A long beautiful tail of a horse in a dream is a symbol of the help that will be provided to you in difficult times. A lame horse in a dream is a harbinger of obstacles in business. A well-shod horse in a dream is a sign of a successful marriage for women. For men, such a dream foretells a reliable business partner. Shoeing a horse in a dream is a sign of great luck and easy money. If you dream that a horse kicked you, then expect dirty tricks from your enemies. Dreams in which you see fairy-tale characters - such as a hunchbacked horse or a pegasus - foreshadow you with unusual adventures or a completely unexpected turn in some matter that will surprise you just as much as the appearance of a fairy-tale horse in a dream. In general, such a dream foreshadows unusual success, winning or receiving money from where you did not expect. Seeing horse equipment (harness) in a dream - a collar, a bridle, a girth, etc. - foretells you that you will successfully make new useful acquaintances or friendships with whomever you wish. Sometimes such a dream predicts an imminent marriage. If you dream that you are being reined in, then you will soon find yourself in an unenviable position and your future will depend on another person. For lovers, such a dream predicts an imminent marriage with your beloved. If in a dream you find yourself in the same harness with a person who has already died, then the dream foreshadows your imminent death.

Damaged, torn, unusable equipment in a dream is a sign of a break in relationships and the loss of loved ones. If you dream that you have unsaddled a horse or that it is standing unsaddled, then the dream indicates to you that delay can ruin your business. A saddle in a dream symbolizes encouragement to take actions that can help achieve your plans. The richer the saddle in your dream, the greater the benefit the business you have begun will bring you, unless you ruin it with your slowness. Sitting in the saddle in a dream is a sign of success in business. But falling out of the saddle means great failure and loss. See interpretation: horseshoes, run, ride, rider, hunting, carriage, reins, vaulting, jockey, horse racing.

Dream Interpretation - Horse

White horses in a dream foretell that you will arrange your affairs in the best possible way, find joy and happiness in the circle of friends close to you in spirit.

Black horses (that is, black) are a sign of troubles and sadness; despite external well-being and apparent prosperity, you will experience internal dissatisfaction with yourself, those around you, and your business.

Brown (light chestnut, reddish) horses portend a sharp transition from favorable circumstances to the worst consequences and vice versa.

Reddish-red horses with a black tail and mane, that is, bay color, are a harbinger of fulfilled desires and material gain, as well as a good career.

Seeing a strange two-legged horse in a dream foretells that you will be shown great honor and trust. A shod horse means success will exceed all imaginable expectations. Short horses or ponies mean that unfavorable circumstances will be used by your enemies against you.

Stately, beautiful, thoroughbred horses mean a change for the better at work and at home. Seeing a pacer means that you will choose the wrong path, from which it will be difficult to get off. A kicking horse portends many difficulties and opposition from enemies on the way to realizing your plans.

A kicking horse means that fate will send you a serious test, which will be aggravated by illness. A horse that has fallen while in full gallop is a threat of final ruin and hopeless need. Seeing dead horses means hard work and living away from home. Thin, emaciated horses - living together with a person who is directly opposite to you in character.

A saddled horse promises a good husband and a happy family life. Galloping horses mean an accident; grazing horses mean a serene life in the lap of nature.

A large herd of horses means that you will cause a sensation by appearing at a party in a new outfit.

A dream in which you see an enraged stallion warns that the surrounding luxury will ruin your character, making you arrogant and arrogant, which will push your friends away from you.

Horses standing in a stall indicate that you will have serious health problems if you do not pay attention to the deterioration of your condition in time. Taking care of horses in a dream promises you great tests of endurance and performance. Taming wild horses - show unexpected courage in an extreme situation. Breaking horses - master a related specialty, which over time will become your main one.

Riding a horse means that gradually and steadily you will gain high authority and strengthen your position. Crossing a water obstacle on a horse portends good luck if you can ford it; if you have to swim across, annoying breakdowns and inconsistencies are possible.

Riding a horse in the mountains means that in reality you will achieve a high position at the cost of great effort and sacrifice. Jumping a horse over barriers means you are risking your health or career by making a rash decision.

Riding in any horse-drawn carriage means you will be lucky in small things. If in a dream you are racing on a sleigh carried by three horses along a snow-covered road, you will soon have the opportunity to fully demonstrate your talent and professional abilities, achieving great success.

Harnessing horses in a dream threatens in reality the loss of a loved one; unharnessing them - an uncertain situation will oppress you for quite a long time, but will be resolved safely. A horse harness or harness portends the fulfillment of desires, if it is in good condition, if it is tattered, you will suffer from hasty actions and hasty conclusions.

A dream in which a horse's mane and tail are decorated is a favorable sign for those engaged in intellectual and creative work. Seeing a horse with its mane reaching to the ground means that you will be offended by a loved one. The same long tail on a horse means that you yourself will unwittingly cause grief to your loved ones. A very short, cropped horse tail indicates that the best in life is already behind you.

Having your own horse in a dream or breeding them is a harbinger of a successful outcome to an unpleasant matter. Taking part in horse racing means you will be overwhelmed by household chores and troubles. Watching horses race from the stands of a hippodrome means you will be lucky in a game of chance, where you can hit a big jackpot.

If you buy a horse in a dream, you will receive good news in reality. Bargaining in a dream with a horse breeder about the price of a horse promises you material gain in a risky undertaking. If you made a profit by purchasing a thoroughbred horse at a relatively low price, you will suffer losses in real life; if they paid dearly, and they gave you a horse with a defect, this means a valuable find or an unexpected bonus at work.

Dream Interpretation - Horse

if the horse's tail is long, then the one who saw the dream will have many followers, and if the horse's tail is short, then the one who saw the dream will have fewer followers. If he sees himself praying while sitting on a horse or sees that the horse has wings, this means that he will receive dignity and honor in this world and in the next. Whoever sees in a dream that he has acquired a horse will acquire goodness and blessings and defeat his enemies. And if he sees that he is sitting on a horse and is one of those who is suitable to ride a horse, then he will achieve greatness, high position and wealth. If you dream that a herd of horses burst into a village or city, then spring rains will pour on this city. If the horses are all saddled, then this place will experience many joys. The neighing of a horse heard in a dream is a symbol of authority and a prototype of the speech of a noble person. If the sleeper hears a conversation in the voice of this animal, then his words must be understood in the most literal sense, since animals never deceive. Seeing a piebald or mottled mare in a dream means meeting a very beautiful and rich woman.

A black or gray horse means meeting a very religious and pious woman. White horse - to joy and vitality. If you see a horse unfamiliar to you entering your domain, expect a visit from a stranger.

A mare lying in the dust is a symbol of wealth and good luck. Being bitten by a horse in a dream means your wife will betray you. The death of a horse is a harbinger of the death of a wife. Riding a riding horse means a long journey. To sit on a naked, uncleaned horse means to commit great sins in reality. Flying above the ground while sitting on a horse in a dream portends a move with your family to a more convenient place of residence. It is believed that the one who could not hold a running horse in a dream is the “henpecked” wife.

Dream Interpretation - Horses

Strong friendships and success in business. Being in the saddle means you are in control of a difficult situation. A beautiful horse means success in love and creativity. Riding a horse - you will be a winner in all circumstances. A herd of horses - your future will bring you only cloudless days and impressions. A horseman is chasing you - receiving the long-awaited news. White horse - a dream foreshadows a happy ending to an important event for you. A black horse promises a quick marriage. Pinto - listen to your intuition. A horse covered in apples means the strength of friendships and the joy of meeting like-minded people. Meet a rider on a horse - you will find a protector and patron. A dressed up horse means that you will soon receive a new position. Dead horse - a big win awaits you. A hobbled horse - you will be able to expose a slanderer in your environment. A horse is grazing in a meadow with lush grass - soon you will be offered to participate in a business that will bring profit. Feeding a horse from your hands means someone close to you will soon need your help. Flying on a winged horse means glory. Untamed - to victory over enemies. Listen to a horse neigh - listen to the advice of an authoritative person. The horse threw its rider - foreshadows the onset of a happy time and the fulfillment of all our desires. Buy - to receive the long-awaited news. Selling means getting rid of burdensome debt. Crossing a stream on horseback - your brilliant plans for the future will become a reality. You tame a horse - an improvement in commercial affairs awaits you.

Imagine that you are prancing on a beautiful, healthy horse; the rest of the horses are ridden by your friends.

Dream Interpretation - Horse

You will hear lies addressed to you.

A rearing horse means a quarrel.

Seeing a white horse fall means success in business.

A bay horse means meeting a good friend.

A black horse means trouble.

Buying a horse in a dream means news, news.

Riding a quiet horse in a dream means you have a chance to find family happiness.

Riding a horse in a dream means joy.

Catching a horse means loss.

Seeing a horse is a harbinger of visiting a very hospitable home, where you will be shown touching care.

Rushing along in a sleigh or racing droshky on an excellent trotter - you will soon have to do a difficult, but completely useless task.

Riding a horse is a sign of failure.

Horse riding - for change.

A man dreams of a horse - a good dream.

For a woman, a horse promises weakness.

Find yourself under a horse in a dream - a tragic blow is possible.

Riding a horse is a sign of family happiness.

A saddled horse in a dream means a long trip.

A horse prancing in front of the house means trouble.

A horse in the house means he sleeps fortunately.

A horse carries valuables, goods - to loss of place.

A horse bit you in a dream - expect advancement through the ranks.

Ride a horse back and forth - soon things related to literature or art will await you.

A herd of horses - troubles will go away and your condition will return to normal.

A beautiful, playful and well-saddled mare came into the house - foretelling a quick marriage.

Milking a horse in a dream means changes in business.

A herd of horses is a very favorable sign, especially for a woman who dreams of marriage.

Feeding foals in a dream is a sign of profit and reconciliation with enemies.

A frolicking foal is a sign of pleasure and fulfillment of desire.

Seeing a foal means longing for the woman you love.

A stable is a harbinger of happiness, good luck, and a pleasant surprise.

A stable full of racehorses is a very favorable sign, which means success in business and a new acquaintance that is useful for you.

An old neglected stable with workhorses is a harbinger of hard work and need.

Riding a dashing troika in a dream means paying for a long time for a moment of pleasure.

They ride a woman on a three-piece - for a woman, because of her coquetry and frivolity, to lose a dear person, to pass by true happiness.

Dream Interpretation - Horse

A herd of horses in a pasture means good luck in business and marriage.

White horse - success, lasting friendship (for men), wedding (for women).

A black horse means disappointment.

Kauraya - to changes in fate.

Bay - to fulfillment of desires.

A horse covered in apples means profit and prosperity.

Taking part in races and winning means prosperity.

A disobedient or lame horse, falling from a horse - to troubles and obstacles in the implementation of your plans.

Wounded or dead - bad news.

However, in the old days it was believed that those who would live in the village dreamed of a dead horse.

Holding a horse by the bridle is a sign of danger; cleaning or watching a horse being cleaned with a comb is a sign of difficulties in life.

Harnessed horses mean obstacles.

Trading horses means losses.

Buying means business involving risk.

Riding on horseback means your wishes come true.

Getting off a horse means losing your existing position in society.

Riding a horse with a long tail means getting help from friends.

Admiring a shod horse means suddenly achieving great success in life, and for a woman - a faithful

Satellite until the end of days.

Riding a horse without a saddle means achieving material wealth through hard struggle and with the help of friends.

Crossing a stream on a horse or swimming across a river, if the water is clean, promises great benefits in business in the future and the fulfillment of a cherished dream.

A running horse is news of someone's illness.

Dream Interpretation - Horse

A noble man leaves on a horse - clarity in official matters.

War horses enter the city - portends wealth and a good career, career success.

A live horse appears in the house - great happiness.

Seeing a live horse in the house means a letter from your son.

If you are stupidly happy that you are riding a horse, it is a misfortune.

A carriage drawn by white horses is riding - portends great happiness and good luck.

If you go on a long journey on a horse, you will have great joy.

Riding a white horse means illness.

Riding a horse back and forth - things related to literature, writing.

Riding a white horse is a disease.

Riding a horse on a long journey will be a great joy.

The horse carries valuables, goods - loss of a place in the service.

A horse enters the room - indicates a situation related to adultery.

A horse prances in front of the house - the trouble will be resolved.

The horse bit - promotion through the ranks.

A saddled horse - foreshadows a matter related to a long trip.

A cart harnessed to four horses - happiness will turn into trouble, disaster.

The criminal disappears on a horse - the danger has passed.

Having tidied up and cleaned the horse, you release it into the wild - a joyful event.

A herd of horses rushes by - resolution of all troubles, normalization of the condition.

If you kill a donkey, camel or horse - alcohol and snacks.

Killing a horse is a drink and a snack.

Dream Interpretation - Horse

The horse in both women's and men's dreams also reflects sexual impulses.

However, the image of the horse combines biological attraction and romantic sensuality.

The horse shows a person’s desire to interact with the opposite sex.

If you dream of a good, beautiful horse, then success and reciprocity in feelings will probably await you.

A skinny, starved mare portends disappointment and broken hopes.

However, a horse can also have a more prosaic meaning.

If rural residents or older people dream about it, it can reflect the satisfaction of non-sexual needs, but simply success and well-being in life.

Beautiful horses or failure.

The horses are ugly.

For workers in creative professions, the horse portends a surge of inspiration.

The Horse means Sensual aspirations, the desire for sexual interaction.

A horse in a dream means creativity, inspiration, and a surge of vitality.

Being in the saddle is a sign that you are in control of a risky situation.

A beautiful horse means success in love and creativity.

A tired nag means failure in business.

Riding a horse means you will be a winner in all circumstances.

Dream Interpretation - Horse

For the most part, the meaning is favorable.

Riding a horse signifies perfect success in business.

Catching a horse means a false acquisition.

A black horse means a rich but evil wife, also loss and harm to the estate.

A white horse signifies a beautiful-faced and virtuous wife, as well as an increase in wealth.

Seeing a horse with a temper means confusion and obstacle.

To shoe a horse means labor and hard work.

Seeing a horse running free portends the onset of a happy time and the fulfillment of all our desires.

Riding a horse in the company of other riders means happiness and profit, and in the company of ladies it portends misfortune and betrayal.

Seeing a stranger riding on your horse portends the discovery of adultery.

Seeing a horse with a long and thick tail portends the assistance of friends in any enterprise, happiness and success in intentions and a profitable marriage.

Seeing a calm horse and riding it means fun and prosperity.

A horse to buy portends new news.

Seeing horses in harness means a good state of affairs.


why do you dream about a horse, beautiful, brown, shiny, smooth, sleek


The navel of the Earth, our mother.

to excellent health good luck in business


Watching brown horses running in a dream is a sign of favorable circumstances that will unexpectedly change for the worse. This dream can also portend fleeting and superficial hobbies.


Watching brown horses run promises you favorable circumstances that will suddenly change for the worse. This dream can also portend fleeting and superficial hobbies. Riding a beautiful bay horse portends exaltation and satisfaction of desires. For a woman who sees this dream, it promises determination to refuse an annoying admirer and material gain in the near future. Seeing your horse running away to join a wild herd means that news of someone's illness awaits you. In general, seeing beautiful horses in a dream promises you success and prosperity. If you cross a clear stream on horseback in a dream, good luck awaits you, but your joy will be overshadowed by something if you look down into the dark water. The fulfillment of many dreams and obtaining benefits in business promises you a dream that you are swimming across on the back of a horse clean river . But seeing a wounded or dead horse in a dream is a sign of sad news. Riding a bucking horse means various difficulties on the path to success. If a horse throws you off or kicks you hard on the back, then fate will send you a test in the form of your opponents, or illness awaits you. Grabbing a horse by the bridle and subordinating it to your will promises you drastic, favorable changes in life. If in a dream you admire a well-shod horse, your success in the near future will amaze even your own imagination. For a woman, such a dream promises a reliable friend for life. Participating in horse races is a harbinger of a prosperous life. Shoeing your horse yourself means acquiring property through dubious means. If you dream that you are deftly galloping on a bareback horse, it means that you will be able to acquire prosperity and comfort in a difficult struggle, and in this dream reliable help from friends is also possible. Riding a horse in a female environment promises you uncertainty about your future desires. Your addiction. If you watch a horse being groomed, or clean it yourself with a hairdresser, such a dream promises you great trials, hard work on the path to honors and a firm position in life. For business people, peasants, and writers, a dream in which they decorate the mane and tail of a horse is very favorable. If you dream of horses harnessed to a carriage, then this promises obstacles on the path to happiness. If you dream that you are climbing a high mountain along a narrow path on horseback, in reality you will achieve a very strong position in life. If, with such a climb, the horse cannot stand it and you climb the rest of the way on foot, then your strong position will be won at the cost of great efforts. If a girl sees herself in a dream as a rider on a black horse, this means an unexpected event that will help fulfill her desires, as well as her communication with wise, respectful interlocutors. Riding down a hill means failure. Seeing her lover riding a horse behind her promises a woman success with interesting, successful admirers. If the rider is frightened, then this foretells her in reality the anxiety and jealousy of a loved one. If a girl dreams that she jumps off a horse and it instantly turns into a pig, then this foreshadows her reckless rejection of lucrative marriage proposals, after which the freedom she prefers will soon seem hateful to her. If a girl dreams that she is riding on a white horse through a hilly area and, looking around, constantly sees a rider on a black horse behind her, this promises her an alternation of successes and failures and constant anxiety in her soul about the fate of a matter that is important to her. If you dream of a horse falling from the sky and turning into a stranger who throws something at you, this means a serious failure, unfulfilled hopes and, for some time, the failure of your attempts to master the situation. If in a dream you see horses grazing in a meadow, this means a well-established business and coordinated actions of your partners. A barren pasture and dry land promise you poor but devoted friends. For a young lady, this is a harbinger of a happy marriage. Seeing a horse dealer in a dream promises you material benefits, but risky undertakings. I'm sorry