Seeing a bird in your hands in a dream. Miller's dream book tells

The bird is a symbol of news and guests. And although modern dream books offer many interpretations of what a bird dreams about, all sources consider such a dream as an exclusively positive sign.

What birds did you dream about?

Feathered creatures seen in night dreams represent creativity and flights of fancy. Sometimes they serve as a warning that the dreamer is too detached from reality and has his head in the clouds. The interpretation of the dream will largely depend on which bird you dreamed about:

  • Bird in a cage - limited senses;
  • Birds flying in the sky - success in love affairs and creativity;
  • Sparrows are a symbol of anxiety, doubt and care;
  • The jackdaw is a sign of the stupidity of a useless existence;
  • Dove – innocence and reciprocity of feelings. A dove seen in a dream portends happiness, fun, success in love and business;
  • Woodpecker - a warning that it is necessary to be vigilant and careful, perhaps persistent in some matters;
  • Cranes are a symbol of loneliness;
  • A cuckoo crows in a dream - a foreshadowing unhappy life in marriage and loneliness;
  • Goose - stupid actions;
  • A swallow in a dream means receiving news from your home.

This list can be continued endlessly, but, first of all, it is worth paying attention to the appearance and coloring of the bird. Since feathered creatures most often foreshadow news or guests, you can determine by their appearance and color what they will be like: if the bird is white, the news and guests will be pleasant, and if it is black, then vice versa.

What does a bird in the house portend?

Most dream books explain why a bird is dreamed of as receiving news in the near future from a person whom they have not seen for a long time. This is the interpretation that is often attributed to dreams in which a feathered creature flies into the house.

  • A duck, chicken or other poultry flew into the room - imminent death a loved one;
  • A bird knocks on the window - sudden news that will turn your usual life upside down; if the window breaks, the news will not be happy;
  • A bird flew into the window - the appearance of a new person in your life who will accompany you on your life’s path for a long time;
  • A bird hitting the window in a woman’s dream is a desired pregnancy, which will turn out to be very successful.

Why do you dream of a bird in your hand?

Few people manage to hold a bird in their hands in real life, but in a dream this happens very often to some people. The dream book will tell you why you dream of a bird in your hands:

  • Catching a bird with your hands means grabbing luck by the tail. Perhaps in the near future you will win the lottery or receive some valuable prize;
  • A young unmarried girl feeds a bird from her palm - a meeting with her betrothed, which will develop into a serious relationship, and then into a happy marriage;
  • Holding a bird in your hands for business people means advancement in business, career take-off, or simply rapid promotion;
  • A bird perched on your hand is a pleasant surprise that will be embodied in good news or a meeting with new love.

Bird in Miller's dream book

Feathered creatures with beautiful plumage, according to Miller's dream book, are an auspicious sign. If a woman had such a dream, then soon she will experience happy marriage or meeting with your betrothed. This source offers several more interpretations of dreams about birds:

  • Seeing a wounded bird is a deep sadness caused by the reckless behavior of a child;
  • Killing a bird with a gun is a disaster or natural disaster;
  • Tame poultry - your wasteful habits will lead to financial problems;
  • Chasing poultry is a waste of time on empty entertainment;
  • Flying birds are a symbol of prosperity. In the flow of luck, all unwanted circumstances will dissolve.

Bird according to Freud's dream book

Freud believed that the flight of birds or watching them personified the sexual fantasies of the sleeper. If in a dream one of your friends or loved ones turned into a feathered creature, then this may mean that in reality you wish this person to die. If you yourself have turned into a bird, it means that in reality you are tormented by the fear of your own death. Bird hunting, according to Freud’s dream book, speaks of the dreamer’s aggressiveness, which he most often directs against children. Killing a lot of birds in a dream is a symbol of a pronounced inferiority complex.

A bird in hand in the idioms of most peoples is usually considered a small bird, titmouse or sparrow, a creature in usefulness and nutritional value somewhere between a pea and a poppy seed. But in a dream it happens differently. Not all proverbs and sayings take into account possible size birds.

The bird in your hands can be a fighting rooster, an ordinary chicken, a goose, a swan, a fabulous firebird or a hunting falcon. General meaning remains the same - a bird in your hands in a dream reflects what you definitely have, what you value, what you received thanks to great luck and prefer not to let go of it. Let's find out why you dream of a bird in your hands from the leading dream books.

General values

  • The main meaning of birds in general in the fabric of dreams is dreams, desires. Holding a bird in your hands, touching it, stroking it, feeding it - touching your dream, having your desires come true. For this reason, a bird in hands means the fulfillment of a dream, good luck. One general meaning there is no such thing as a dream come true, because some people dream of family and children, some of them dream of a wild vacation in Ibiza, others want to start their own successful business. Based on what kind of bird you happened to see in your hands in a dream, you yourself can partly understand own desires. Sometimes this is useful. But if you stroke a bird sitting trustingly in your palm, and then unexpectedly wring its neck, this shows your own inconsistency, willingness to give up your own dreams, cruelty, first of all, towards yourself. You should wait to build a family and especially to have children. If you are ready to break your own happiness, then what about those around you? Don't condemn yourself to an unhappy marriage.
  • The fairy-tale firebird in the hands usually turns out to be a bright deception. You strived for a dream, walked towards it, overcoming obstacles and admiring the bright light of the beauty’s plumage from afar, but when you got it in your hands, you usually became convinced that you were chasing a fool, a hologram or a skillfully made toy.
  • A carrier pigeon in your hands means receiving important news. It is likely that the news is of particular significance to you. If in a dream you do not let go of the bird, it is better to keep the news secret.
  • Seabird, seagull, cormorant - bitter news from afar. Second meaning seabirds– long-distance flights, complete freedom, work related to the sea and aviation.
  • Migratory birds in season are an invitation to travel. Even if you can’t afford to go to Malibu, try to at least get out to the suburbs or the nearest city. Choose unfamiliar places that you have never been to.
  • Hummingbird, a small bright bird - for an expensive gift.
  • Parrot - you'll be lucky to find it interesting interlocutors and perhaps fellow travelers. Don’t click your beak and don’t put too much faith in the stories your new friends tell you. If you seem like a good-natured idiot, you will undoubtedly be duped.
  • Titmouse - you have been sold too cheap and are very upset, dreaming of reversing the situation. Unfortunately, you cannot replay, be content with what you have at the moment.
  • A poultry in your hands most often means that your thoughts are focused on family and home comfort. You are not at all against a colossal fortune, but would prefer to get rich by selling pork, baking bread or selling rugs. Don't stop yourself from doing what you love.
  • If a bird tries to harm you in a dream, pecking is not good. But a bird that shits right in your palm denotes serious success in terms of finances.
  • If a bird does not refuse a treat and eats with pleasure, this is one of the best signs of good luck. Feeding birds in a dream always means making oneself happy.
  • Holding chicks in your hands - your self-confidence can be very expensive and bring trouble to those around you and loved ones - immediately and to you - later.
  • Eggs in hands - stupidity, haste. The interpretation is based on the fact that it is more convenient to use a container, basket, or bag to carry eggs. Carrying fragile round objects in your hands is extremely inconvenient and risky.
  • Holding a penguin in your hands means you have a great sense of humor. If you're talking respectfully to the penguin, chances are you're spending a lot of time in the company of Linus Torvald fans.
  • A fictional or absurd bird, an ostrich, a pelican, a flamingo - you are in a strange situation, but you experience some pleasure from unusual circumstances, like Alice in Wonderland.

Interpretation of authoritative dream books

  • The English dream book assures that seeing a bird that itself has landed on your hand or finger is a sign of great luck. Sparrows, tits, small birds - to financial success. Falcons, gyrfalcons, birds of prey - to feats of arms and career growth. If the bird exchanges glances with you and is not against communication, this is a sign of help from a friend, establishing good friendly relations based on mutual sympathy and curiosity.
  • Miller's dream book believes that stroking a bird is a sign of great luck. But killing a bird in a dream means serious and large-scale disasters - famine, hurricane, violence of the elements.
  • Freud's dream book considers a person who throws a bird up from his hands as getting rid of worries and old obligations. Release the birds - free yourself. Catching a wild bird and putting it in a cage means looking for new thoughts, trends, trying to settle in with maximum comfort.


Most birds in dreams have positive meanings. Carefully holding a bird in your hands is an extremely positive sign. To have a living dream that has practical application and makes you happy in real life is a rare happiness. Don't miss it. The bird in your hands will become your talisman for some time and will ensure continued good luck, a series of successes. The only thing that can ruin a bright streak is boasting, a long, chatty tongue that attracts envious people, or unjustified cruelty. Take care and carefully guard your happiness.

Sometimes some people dream of holding a bird in their hands. The dream book interprets this vision in different ways. And in order to understand how this picture is reflected in real life, you need to take into account a lot of different details. Starting with the breed of bird, ending with your own feelings during sleep.

Ancient dream book

This book can tell you a lot of interesting things. In general, it has long been believed that seeing a bird flying into a window in a dream is not good. Usually this promised a serious illness of one of the household or close people. After all, it is believed that the feathered creature symbolizes the souls of the dead. But often a vision of this kind foreshadows receiving news from a person whom the dreamer has not seen for a very long time. This is what a bird in your hands can mean.

The dream book also explains that if in a dream a domestic duck or chicken came into a person’s house and he picked it up, then this means an imminent death close relative. But! At the same time, if one of the listed feathered creatures flew into an apartment building, then it is likely that the resident of the house, and not the dreamer’s apartment, will go to the next world. Unpleasant predictions. They say there is a way to avoid them. To do this, you need to remember what kind of bird was in the dream, and then, in real life, start feeding the birds. Did you dream about a dove? It’s worth starting to take a couple of pieces of bread before leaving home and feeding them along the way. Sparrows? The same. In general, you need to pay attention to birds. The belief says that this way you will be able to ward off the prediction.

Modern book of interpretations

This dream book can tell you a lot of interesting things. Bird in hands modern book interpretations is a good sign. In the literal sense of the word. If a person dreamed that he caught a bird, it means that in real life he will soon grab luck by the tail. Don't be afraid to buy soon lottery tickets or participate in some competitions. Maybe you'll get lucky.

What else can the dream book tell? A bird in the hands of a young and unmarried girl means a meeting with her beloved. And if she's dating someone now, it's probably going to be a forever relationship. And you can be sure: they will lead to a happy life together. This is why you dream of a bird in your hands.

The dream book also explains what such a vision means for married people. Holding a feathered miracle in the palm of your hand and feeding it or stroking it means a pleasant time with friends.

English dream book

Did a bird sit on your hand? Great sign! Especially for business people who are passionate about their business or career. A bird landing on a hand (finger, shoulder) symbolizes the arrival of success. You can expect anything - a salary increase, getting a new position, sponsors appearing on the horizon. In general, the changes will be positive. This interpretation is given by this dream book.

Does a bird sit on your hand and look at the dreamer? Nothing bad can be expected either. Most likely, a new good friend will appear in a person’s life or a romantic relationship will begin with a worthy person.

About interaction

A modern dream book can tell you a lot more interesting things. Catching a bird with your hands is a sign of career growth and even opening your own business. If the dreamer has been dreaming about this for a long time, now is the time to start. Luck will be on his side. But often such a vision symbolizes news that will come from afar, or an invitation somewhere (to a wedding, party, holiday, anniversary).

If a person is lonely, longs for communication, and in a dream he held a feathered miracle in his hand and fed it, this good sign. Soon reliable people will appear in his life, who will become excellent friends and support in life. Small birds are also a good sign. Perhaps the person feeding these babies in a dream will be invited to some positive meeting or gathering with friends.

But if birds attack a person, this is not good. Soon the dreamer will be subject to squabbles, gossip, rumors, and will get involved in bickering and disagreements. There will be many conflicts. And the outcome is guessed at the end of the vision. If the birds flew away or the dreamer drove them away himself, it means that in real life victory will be his.


So, a lot has been said about what a bird in the hands means. In addition to this, the dream book can also tell about other, no less important and interesting moments. For example, people often have visions in which they see a feather. If it is white, then everything will be fine in life. Blacks, on the other hand, carry not entirely positive emotions. And if a person sees dark colored feathers flying, this is news.

Seeing a bird jump from your hand and go somewhere, and then begin to peck food (crumbs, grains, etc.) is a sign of well-being and prosperity. This is how the dream book explains this vision. Does a bird peck your hand? This is a sign of gossip and intrigues from competitors. You need to be careful in real life and trust others less.

What if a person saw a bird dumping its droppings on him in a dream? Two positive symbols are combined here. Litter means money, everyone knows this fact. And the bird is success, because of which financial well-being will fall on the dreamer’s head.

According to Miller

If a feathered creature in a dream lands not on your hand, but on your head, this is not good. You should be as careful as possible in all plans. We must take care of both ourselves and our loved ones. And here we are not talking about trust in people, but about real dangers. It is important to be careful on the roads; if you are planning any flights or trips, it is better to postpone it if possible.

When the dreamer kills a bird in a vision, it means a natural disaster, drought and bad, barren weather. But if he strokes her, that’s good. This sign promises success and good luck. And we are not even talking about a one-time, seemingly random luck. It is likely that a real streak of fortune will come. By the way, the more beautiful the bird, the more stunning the success will be. This is what the dream book says.

Holding a bird in your hands is a good sign. But! If she's predatory, that's not entirely good. Since such a vision usually warns a person that there are sycophants in his environment.

According to Freud

When a person lets go of a feathered creature, it is good. This means that soon the dreamer will voluntarily relieve himself of the responsibilities that have been weighing him down for a very long time.

If the dreamer hears birds singing, then the dream is definitely positive. Such a vision promises prosperity, happiness and pleasure. And seeing yourself flying among the birds means achieving complete freedom of spirit. And perhaps all the ambitions that a person had will finally be satisfied.

If the dreamer sees a flock of birds, this means unexpected news or an important event.

Dream Interpretation of Meridian

I would like to talk finally about the interpretations this dream book gives. Many small birds flying towards and landing on a person are a sign of profit. Throwing food at them means boredom and a search for new acquaintances and friends. Hearing the chirping of birds means conversations with friends. But too loud and even restless singing leads to quarrels.

Seeing birds fighting means participating in disagreements. The noisier and louder they swarm, the harsher the conflict will be. If the birds fought directly on the dreamer or in his hands, it means that he will be drawn into a quarrel against his will.

Chatting with birds is a sign of fun and entertainment. And catching a bird in flight means receiving letters from afar. If she gets into her bosom, it’s fortunate. But to see a chick that decided to try its wings, but fell, is a sign of an unsuccessfully thought-out decision or business. Seeing a bird of prey (eagle, hawk, falcon) is a sign of deception. If the dreamer manages to shoot her, this means he will successfully overcome all obstacles. And if a woman sees how in a dream she drives away eagles, hawks and ravens from their chicks, any, even her wildest plans and dreams will come true. But for this you still have to work tirelessly. Nothing will happen just like that.

In general, as can already be understood, there are a lot of interpretations regarding visions where birds appear. But what the dream will mean depends solely on the details and nuances. It is very important to take them into account in order to understand the interpretation.


Miller's Dream Book

Birds- a favorable dream if you see birds with beautiful plumage. If a woman sees this dream- she should expect a quick and happy marriage or new love.

Seeing a wounded bird- deep sadness caused by the behavior of a reckless offspring.

Seeing birds flying- this is a sign of prosperity for the one who sees this dream. All undesirable circumstances will disappear in the flow of the coming good.

Catch a bird- this is a good dream.

Hear the birds "talk"- a harbinger of your inability to solve a problem that requires enormous clarity of perception.

Kill a bird with a gun

Seeing a tame poultry in a dream- a sign that wasteful habits will significantly reduce your financial security.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

Birds- symbolize creativity, flight of fancy. Sometimes a warning that the dreamer is too detached from reality.

Seeing a bird in a cage- have limitations in feelings.

Birds fly- success in love, creativity.

Feed the birds- new happy opportunities will open up for you.

Freud's Dream Book

Birds flying- symbolizes sexual fantasies, as well as bird watching.

If one of your loved ones or acquaintances turned into a bird- this symbolizes your fears about his life, but it can also symbolize your wish for his death.

If you yourself turned into a bird- this symbolizes your fear of death.

Bird hunting- symbolizes your aggressiveness, most often directed against children.

If you have killed many birds- this symbolizes the presence of a pronounced inferiority complex.

Dream book of lovers

If a woman has a dream in which she sees a beautiful bird with rich plumage- this foreshadows her marriage with a good person.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Birds in a dream- these are your emotions, beyond the control of reason.

Seeing birds nearby or hearing their voices- portends unexpected events that may take you by surprise.

Small, nimble birds- foreshadow troubles and fuss.

Big birds- they talk about significant events that can absorb your attention and confuse your plans.

Big bird flying high in the sky- speaks of your ambitious plans, foretelling success for them.

At the same time, if many birds are soaring high in the sky at the same time- such a dream indicates that you lack integrity and concentration to bring your ambitious plans to reality.

Killing birds in a dream or catching them with a net- portends difficult events that can lead you into confusion.

Solomon's Dream Book

White birds- good news.

Women's dream book

If in a dream you notice a bird soaring in the sky or see it not far from you- very soon you will be lucky and you will meet a wonderful person who will lead you to the crown. At the very least, you will be extremely happy when you become attracted to a worthy person.

D. Loff's Dream Book

If you have ever watched Alfred Hitchcock's film The Birds, you will immediately understand that the symbolism associated with them is interpreted differently by people. Since time immemorial, birds have had a reputation as troublemakers and harbingers of trouble. At one time, among the peoples of the Middle East, it was even considered a bad sign if a bird pecked a person. Crows and vultures have had a bad reputation since ancient times, but the ability to fly, inaccessible to humans, contributed to the creation of an aura of majesty around birds as a species (and some subspecies, in particular). Here it is worth giving as an example catchphrase“soar like an eagle”, which has been a metaphor for hope and self-confidence for 25 centuries.

The vigilance of birds (just remember famous expression"hawk's eye")- another example of their positive perception. Crows and owls in the mythology and literature of many cultures are certainly associated with wisdom, and the ability of some birds to reproduce human speech generally distinguishes them into a special category of representatives of the animal world. Some people in your dreams may look like birds.

If you talk to them in your sleep- perhaps this indicates communication problems, and this is true even if the birds do not answer you. As with other ANIMALS, to interpret a dream it is important to consider what kind of bird it is and what it means to you.

People whom you subconsciously endow with properties similar to certain birds (for example, wise, like an owl, predatory, like a hawk, or keen-sighted, like an eagle) - may appear to you in dreams in the form of these very birds, and not necessarily in the form of a bird with a face or the head of a specific person, but as a metaphorical image.

Dream book for a bitch

Birds- prosperity and success in business.

Tweet- in order to solve the difficult task facing you, you will have to think carefully about your actions.

Catch a bird in a dream- favorable dream.

New family dream book

Dream about birds with beautiful plumage- very favorable. If a woman dreams of something like this- a quick and happy marriage awaits her.

Wounded bird- dreams of deep sadness caused by the behavior of children.

flying bird- a sign of prosperity. All unpleasant circumstances will fade into the background compared to the future good.

If in a dream you heard birds singing- you yourself are unlikely to cope with the task facing you.

Kill a bird with a gun- a bad sign.

We saw a poultry in a dream- stop wasting money.

If a girl chases poultry in a dream- so as not to waste her precious time on empty entertainment.

A dream in which any bird of prey, such as a falcon or hawk- predicts that you may be deceived.

If you shot her- you will probably overcome all obstacles on the path to happiness in real life.

The young woman who drove a bird of prey away from her babies in a dream- will certainly achieve the fulfillment of his wildest desires, if, of course, he shows a certain amount of hard work.

In general, a dream about an attack by birds of prey- may portend you a real danger from your opponents. The fight will end in your favor if in a dream you manage to scare away the birds before they attack and injure you.

Dead bird of prey- symbolizes victory and good luck.

A dream in which you shoot a bird- means that you do not give in to your enemies at all and, most likely, will win.

Modern combined dream book

Seeing birds in beautiful plumage- this is a favorable dream. A woman has such a dream- promises a rich and worthy friend.

Seeing a wounded bird in a dream- a prediction of the sadness that lost offspring will bring.

flying birds- a symbol of prosperity. Everything that bothered you will disappear under the waves of active goodness.

Catch a bird- quite a favorable dream.

Hear the birds singing and chirping- a sign of inability to complete a task that requires great clarity of mind and precision.

Kill birds with a gun- portends disaster due to crop failure.

Seeing domestic birds in a dream- to temporary anxiety or illness. If a woman has such a dream- she will experience a short illness or disagreements with friends.

Eastern women's dream book

Birds flying in the clear sky- dream of news from afar; bird feather- to the letter.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

Birds- a symbol of swiftness, prophecy, impermanence.

If you dreamed of a very big bird- this means that in the future the earth is threatened by a very large meteorite, as a result of which several cities will be wiped off the face of the earth.

If in a dream a large bird approaches the dreamer- the city in which this person lives will suffer from the meteorite.

Seeing a little bird in a dream- a sign that peace and tranquility will come on earth; there will be no wars, hunger and poverty. All people will be happy. The dreamer has such a dream- prophesies happiness.

Seeing a bird without wings in a dream- the dream foreshadows a real threat to the population of Australia, because the emu bird, which has no wings, is depicted on the coat of arms of this country.

If you dreamed that a bird was screaming in a ‘wild’ voice- in the future, any country is threatened by an invasion of barbarians. The dreamer has such a dream- predicts difficult work under a cruel boss.

Black double headed eagle - is a symbol of the power of Russia.

Seeing a black double-headed eagle fighting with some animal- the threat of war and external conflicts.

Seeing a headless bird in a dream- to sad events in Russia.

Seeing an iron bird in a dream- a sign that a unique aircraft will be invented very soon.

If the iron bird sits on the ground- This is an omen of a major plane crash.

Seeing birds of rare beauty in a dream- a sign that you live and are interested only in your past.

If you see a rare bird in a dream- you will have to focus all your energy on the present, and not look back at the past or look to the future. This is the only way you can avoid the disaster that is approaching you.

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

If a woman sees birds- to pregnancy; in all other cases- unexpected news.

Wonderful birds- change your destiny in an unpredictable direction.

Catch the firebird- to great luck; see- start some enterprise that is important to you.

Children's dream book

Phoenix bird- failures will never break you; no matter what happens, no matter how you are beaten by fate, you will still be reborn.

Complete dream book of the New Era

Bird with white plumage- reflection of the World and/or embodiment of the plan.

With black plumage (except for crows)- a reflection of deceitfulness, cunning and/or a tendency to deceive.

Birds of prey (except owls)- reflection of the Force. The need for an outside perspective. The need to give free rein to the imagination.

In a cage- a reflection of the feeling of loss of freedom.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

To see in a dream how you chase birds, and they fly from place to place- to a commotion.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

chase the birds- to noise.

wingless bird- to suffering and loss of all hope.

Pluck the bird- to unpleasant troubles.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Birds in a cage- outsmart others; in beautiful plumage- you will be energetic; kill- loss; feed- invite funny friends; sitting- sadness; flying- receive news; flying into the air- losses; clip their wings- destroy happiness; grab- winning; poultry- your income will increase; feed- noise and arguments in the house; buy- well-being increases; slaughter- get rid of annoying people;
water bird- You are in danger.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Dreaming loon- a sign of a risky but profitable enterprise, capercaillie- you are suspected of something, pigeons- to illness and loss.

Thrush in a dream- happy changes, new friends, bustard- gossip, duplicity, lies. Finch- a sign of a calm life without worries and worries, oriole- difficulties will be resolved by themselves.

Birds of Prey- mean that a successful turn of affairs will help you avoid many troubles. Waterfowl- put your interests above the health and peace of mind of your loved ones. Poultry in a dream- to increase income, increase well-being.

White birds- portend heartfelt joy.

Seeing a bird's nest in a dream- means that you will be interested in the successful outcome of the enterprise started by your friends.

Seeing broken eggs in a nest- portends disappointment, whole- to good luck, empty nest- failure in business, with chicks- make strong connections with influential people, chicks falling out of the nest- to sadness.

Seeing birds in a cage- means that in reality you will achieve your goal with cunning, flirtatiousness and guile. Feed the birds- to meet unexpected but pleasant guests, catch- to a big win, catch- you will find a worthy groom.

Hear the birds chirping- portends a rise in spirit, energy and vigor; sitting sadly on a perch or branch- to unpleasant news, pecking birds- a sign of prosperity and prosperity, flying away from you- to losses.

Birds fluttering around and landing on you- to good news.

Shoot the birds- a sign of severe trouble.

Seeing a wounded man dragging a damaged wing- destroy your happiness.

Dead bird- to an accident.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Bird's nest with eggs- great joy; destroy the nest- anxiety in the house; empty- quickly build your house.

Women's dream book

Favorable sleep- in which birds with beautiful plumage appear. To a woman he- portends a quick and happy marriage or new love.

Seeing birds flying- a sign of prosperity and good luck, the dissolution of all negative circumstances in the flow of impending prosperity.

Catch a bird- also a good sign.

Hear the birds calling to each other- a harbinger of your inability to solve a problem that requires enormous clarity of perception.

Wounded, downed bird- dreams of deep sadness caused by the reckless behavior of your own child.

Kill a bird with a gun- a dream foreshadowing a catastrophe, crop failure, natural disaster.

Tame poultry in a dream- a sign that wasteful habits will significantly undermine your financial capabilities.

If a girl chases poultry in a dream- this means that she will waste her precious time on empty entertainment.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

Bird- can symbolize a flight to unknown heights, the ability to rise above everyday problems. This may be a symbol of flight into the spiritual realms.

Birds- a symbol of freedom. Do you want to gain wings? All over the world, birds are considered messengers of the spirit. The shaman turns into a bird when he wants to reunite with the spirit and the Creator. Do you feel that you should establish a stronger connection with the divine source of everything around you?

Birds have the ability- see things from afar. Do you feel the need to step away from many things in order to look at them from a new perspective?

The bird may be- a symbol of the flight of imagination. Give wings to your dream!

Birds have always been considered- the embodiment of simplicity and unpretentiousness. Do you want to return to natural simplicity?

Singing bird- a harbinger of happiness.

Bird in a cage- can symbolize a feeling of loss of freedom.

Dream book of the 21st century

Seeing birds in a dream- to everything good, success, profit, sometimes - to gossip.

Lots of little birds to see- a sign that a small profit awaits you.

Throwing food to the birds- to longing, searches for new acquaintances, a new society.

Hearing birds singing in a dream- to conversations with friends, very loud singing - to a quarrel.

Bird fight in a dream- means your upcoming participation in a quarrel between women.

Talk to the birds- to fun.

Catch a bird on the fly- a sign that you will receive a letter from afar; the bird crawls into its bosom- fortunately.

A chick starting to try its wings and falling- means failure in a poorly thought-out business.

Seeing a bird of prey (falcon, hawk) in a dream- predicts that you will be deceived; shoot her- means that after struggle you will overcome all obstacles on the path to happiness.

If a young woman in a dream scares birds of prey away from her babies- this means that she will achieve the fulfillment of her wildest desires, but only when she is hardworking. The dream foretells you- real danger from your opponents.

If you manage to scare away birds in a dream before they attack and hurt you- your affairs will be successful.

English dream book

For rich and wealthy people, a dream in which they see fluttering birds- will be very unhappy. It means sad changes in their affairs. For the poor, this dream, on the contrary, means changes for the better, especially when birdsong is heard in the dream

If the birds in a dream have beautiful plumage and they are not afraid of you- this means that a promotion awaits you.

A dream in which the sleeper hears the cheerful singing or chirping of birds- promises prosperity for everyone: someone will go to a distant country, someone will achieve success in a matter that is important to them.

Dead bird- does not foretell anything particularly bad, since all failures will ultimately end in a clear period in your life.

Medieval dream book of Daniel

Seeing bees or birds in a dream and fighting with them- portends a fire or strife.

Seeing bees or birds and catching them- to wealth.

See drinking birds- this communicates the hostile intentions of enemies.

Kill birds- to losses.

Seeing birds flying towards you- to losses.

See birds without feathers- to joy.

See a lot of birds- to losses.

See fighting birds- to fights over wealth

Italian dream book

Flying in a dream of birds unknown by name- means that it is not birds that are flying, but angels. Seeing it in a dream somewhere- means retribution against the oppressors and assistance to the oppressed.

Mythological dream book

Wonderful birds- embody significant news, a meeting; a fateful turn in life; a form of clairvoyance.

Chinese dream book

Birds sing in the void- foreshadows the death of his wife.

A flying bird gets into your bosom- portends happiness.

Catch a bird on the fly- foreshadows a letter from afar.

A swallow arrives- a guest will come from afar.

Bird chasing snake- you will receive a recommendation from someone.

Vedic dream book from Sri Swami Sivananda

Dream in which birds fly- is unlucky. It means that circumstances will set you back in some actions. However, for poor people- this may be a harbinger of improvement financial condition, especially if birds sing in a dream.

Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

Birds- joy.

Birds of Prey- mockery.

Dream Interpretation Veles

Pink bird flies in the sky- hope for the best, joy, good news.

Psychoanalytic dream book

Birds- imagination: “flights of fancy” or thoughts, ideas.

Birds in a cage- imagination distorted by circumstances, hard work. Clipped wings.

Dream Interpretation Interpretation of Dreams

catch birds- means pleasure and profit; kill them- marks harm and loss; shoot them- means a futile attack from enemies; see many birds together- means empty chatter or litigation; see birds fighting- portends a quarrel or an imminent peace; see birds flying straight towards us- portends loss; hear them sing- marks great joy and pleasure; hear them talking- portends happy success in business; see yourself turned into a bird- means increasing wealth; see night birds, such as: eagle owl, owl, bat and others- has a very bad omen and foretells a stop in all our affairs; see birds of prey such as: falcon, hawk, eagle, kite and others rich- portends an increase in wealth, and the poor- even greater poverty.

Symbolic dream book

With all the diversity of the world of birds on earth, a bird in a dream- usually acts as a message (in ancient times, pigeon or falcon mail worked).

Or a bird- symbolizes a new person (guest) surrounded by the dreamer.

Unusual, original, exotic birds- can be loaded with additional or their own private meanings: "rare foreign bird"- a foreign guest or news that is original, unusual or from afar, from abroad; "parrot"- ridicule, deception, disappointment; "turkey", "peacock"- importance, pride, arrogance; "phoenix", "firebird", "blue bird"- famous symbols of happiness, resurrection, spiritual rebirth.

In addition, some other birds- too definitely emphasize this or that feature, the peculiarity of the ongoing event or the character of the sleeper himself, a friend of the sleeper: "rooster"- irritability, time; "martin"- good news; "sparrow"- means to be on time everywhere; "white dove"- peace, spiritual revelation; "stork"- birth of a child, family happiness, "crow"- trouble; "swan"- fidelity, etc.

However, all birds of prey, especially large birds of prey- may appear in the future for the dreamer as a real serious danger or serious illness (if they are carried away and pecked).

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Birds talking- a revelation about the future in a dream, an element of clairvoyance: it is very important what kind of birds they are, in what plot and what they say.

Birds are black, nocturnal, predatory- bad news; misfortunes, negative, demonic influences on fate from other people; a cunning, insidious person from the sleeper’s environment.

Birds are white- good news and good energetic influences.

Bird- a multi-valued symbol of the sleeping soul, various emotional states, human desires, aspirations and achievements, longing for the impossible, creative ideas and deeds, spiritual growth, marital status, happiness, intuition, images of other people and other people's influences; marriage proposal from a man (for a woman).

Flocks, many birds- human, collective energies, influences, processes.

Modern universal dream book

We call the birds- our feathered friends. I suppose because watching and listening to them gives us great pleasure. Maybe birds bring us messages from heaven?

In ancient times, people believed that birds lived in the heavens, with the gods, and flew to earth to bring messages. What message did the bird bring you in your dream? To understand this, determine what kind of bird it was and what you associate it with.

Dream book of a gypsy

Usually birds- symbolize success.

flying birds- future journey.

A bird that lands on your hand or head- means love that unexpectedly appeared in your life.

Kill a bird or find a dead bird- a bad sign.

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

See birds- Fine; good success, profit/gossip.

Chicks of any birds- to pregnancy. if it’s a bird: it goes to the girl; he goes to the boy.

Lots of little ones- small profit.

Throw them food- longing / search for new acquaintances / new society.

Hear singing- conversations with friends.

Very loud singing- argument.

Bird fight- quarrel between women, gossip.

Talk to the birds- fun.

Slaughter a bird- change / act of love.

Seeing many different birds sitting on the ground or in a tree, loudly screaming or silent- an image of mysteries and spiritual problems overwhelming the consciousness.

Flock of white birds- joy, good news/ your good thoughts or another person’s good thoughts about you / the future in general and its impact on your life.

See a black flock in the sky- your evil thoughts or evil thoughts about you / the past and its influence on your life.

See the black flock scattering- the image of all yours obsessive fears and their influence on you.

A black flock circling over an object- indicates its fatal, ominous significance in your life.

Talking birds- pay attention to your premonitions, they are justified.

Blue, light blue- good reputation and benefits from it / something associated with night, sleep, rebirth.

Rainbow, colorful, exotic- your romantic longing, desire for the unattainable / deceptive, seductive chimeras born of consciousness / the fruitful work of your imagination.

Black bird of unknown breed- something black in yourself.

Bird in a cage- profit / faithful friend / trouble.

See a lot of different songbirds- vague clairvoyance awakens in you / this dream most often occurs in difficult moments of life.

Maly Velesov Dream Interpretation

Bird- happiness, lead; fly in t - letter; feed- spread gossip; sits on your head- death; wild birds- present; catch them- to joy, winning, getting pregnant (for a woman), marriage, profit; catch- a girl will be born; hold in hands- success in business; hitting the window- the child will be born; white - good news, a date with a friend; hear bird songs- good news, love, joy; small- daughter to be born (pregnant); many birds- empty chatter, litigation, war.

Esoteric dream book

High flying- thoughts about lofty things, but you should not tear yourself away from the ground for long.

Sick, ugly, wounded- you are a pessimist, and this ruins life.

Waterfowl- think too much about life's problems.

In a cage- the flight of your thoughts is limited by generally accepted patterns and stereotypes. Kissing, couple, the theme of love relationships prevails in your thoughts, you can miss everything else.

Dreams about birds- show that you are too carried away by something in your thoughts.

Ukrainian dream book

Bird- news.

How a bird sits on its head- dead man.

If you dream about birds- separation of man and woman.

Bird in hands- success in business.

The birds are singing- to curiosity.

A bird was hitting the window- good news, give birth to a child.

Seeing or eating bird eggs- a big nuisance.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Bird- guest or message (depending on the type and behavior of the bird); kill or injure a bird- to great failure; bird's tail- consequences; bright plumage- good luck in love; flying- to wealth.

Collection of dream books

Bird- soaring to new heights; flying over problems.

Singing bird- foretells good news.

Nest with bird eggs- means money. New beginnings.

If a person sees a bird in a dream- what was once lost to him will return to him.

See a young bird- have a child; catch- to profit; are returning- to anxiety; see a bird in the sky- to delusion.

Dead bird- joy; white- hopeless love or receiving disappointing news; poultry- to guests; fat bird- bad acquaintance; - get something.

Bird- profit; just see- to empty talk; hear them singing- to profit.

Bird flying alone in the sky- soon you will feel the delights of solitude and abandon your worries.

To see in a dream how you are trying to drive away birds, but they fly from place to place- to military action in any region.

Bird- to meet the person you are talking about lately thought.

Bird- for the birth of a girl.

Bird- prophecy, fate.

Talking bird- a clear sign prophetic dream, requiring special thought and understanding. A good sign is a dream in which there are birds with bright plumage. Such a dream for a woman can mean a happy marriage.

flying birds- a sign of prosperity. To catch a bird is to catch good luck in reality.

Wounded bird- anxiety about children.

Kill a bird- a harbinger of misfortune, fatal consequences due to rash actions.

Pair of birds in a cage- successful love; empty birdcage- betrayal, surprise, breakup.

For a man: someone opened your cage- Your beloved will be taken away from you.

A bird knocks or hits the window- to big trouble.

Why do you dream of catching a bird?

Dreams are different, both in meaning and in content. Of course, every dream has some kind of message. If you dream, for example, of a house being renovated, it means wealth, if a broken mirror means trouble, a train leaving into the distance means a breakup. The interpretation of dreams does not give an unambiguous answer to what this or that dream meant, but in any case it pushes towards it.

Why do you dream of catching a bird? Dream books give essentially different, but in general terms, identical answers. The bird symbolizes the rise to new heights, the discovery of new, previously unseen horizons. Most dream books define the image of a bird in a dream as positive and bright. In some dream books, for example, talking bird- a sign of a prophetic dream.

According to the Russian classic dream book, seeing a dead bird in a dream is a sign of joy; an unfamiliar bird means the arrival of guests. A white bird means hopeless, unrequited love; catching a bird in a dream means receiving something.

It is important to know that none of the existing dream books gives a definite answer or fully explains the meaning of the dream. Sources of dream interpretation can only describe the meaning of a particular image in a dream. The meaning of sleep may also depend on minor details, surroundings, and so on.

According to the Russian noble dream book, a bird in a cage dreams of profit, finding a close friend, or misfortune. A black bird of an unknown breed is something black in the person himself; seeing rainbow-colored, bright birds is something unknown, a romantic or creative impulse; seeing loudly screaming birds means a quarrel, most likely, between women.

If a person sees many different songbirds in a dream, this means the awakening of special abilities for clairvoyance, or it means that the dream is prophetic. Seeing any chicks, no matter what type of bird, is a sign of imminent pregnancy. Catching a bird in a dream is a big profit, most likely an unexpected gain.

As mentioned above, all dream books are practically unanimous regarding the meaning of birds in a dream. If we turn to esotericism, we can conclude that a bird is almost always a symbol of something new, even to some extent unattainable. Accordingly, catching a bird in a dream means achieving something high.

In terms of personal life - success for a person who previously thought that he could not achieve this, in family terms - the birth of a child, a new purchase, in career terms - a raise, promotion career ladder, salary increase.

It is interesting to know that some dream books resort to describing rather piquant situations involving birds. A striking example is the Egyptian dream book, which explains the meaning of copulation with a bird of prey in a dream. This means that something can be snatched right out from under a person’s hands.

Any dream has some meaning and gives a certain sign.

Dreams are a very subtle matter, an area of ​​human consciousness practically unstudied by science. That is why it is often not recommended to interpret any dream unambiguously.

Dream Interpretation Bird pecking

Why do you dream about a bird pecking in a dream according to the dream book?

A dream where a bird pecked you warns of a possible disruption to the usual rhythm of life due to an unpleasant event.

You have to go through a lot of stress, grief and worry. The stability of your emotional state may be at risk.

Where did the bird peck you in your dream?

A bird pecks on your head in a dream

In a dream, a bird pecked on your head - there may be hidden enemies among your loved ones. Trust your friends with caution. Identify the enemy and get rid of many problems.

A bird pecked in the eye in a dream

Why do you dream about a bird pecking you in the eye? The dream indicates excessive gullibility. You shouldn’t believe everything they say and ask you to do. You may soon find yourself deceived.

Find out exactly why you dream of holding a parrot in your hands!

You always want to know what the dream is for? Does a parrot in hands indicate profit or loss? It is very important to remember, when deciphering a dream, whether the bird is silent or screams, breaks out or sits silently.

Maybe it’s good for a parrot to be held in your hands?

A parrot is a wonderful, beautiful bird. But for most, the parrot personifies empty pathos, nothing to talk about, unjustified arrogance. People who are called parrots are not taken seriously. Scientists say that parrots may be talkative, but this chatter is justified. Thanks to this quality, the parrot has practically no enemies in nature. Bird sentinels, when they see an enemy, notify others of his appearance. However, dreams about parrots are in most cases associated with lies.

So why do you dream about a parrot? A woman who was planning to soon legalize her relationship with a man has a bird in her hand - an unfavorable dream for her. We need to wait for him to announce the end of the relationship. And the consolation that it was not her fault in what happened is unlikely to help her not cry. The dream suggests that the man is unsure of himself, and therefore leaves.

A parrot flutters around a woman. There is a man, but do you need a man who has a bad character and is talkative like a parrot? The dream warns about certain qualities of a man.

Parrot large sizes. It's a shame, but close friend will soon betray.

Why dream of a parrot in your hands if you don’t associate parrots with anything serious in life? The brighter the parrot, the more carefully you should pay attention to the dream. The brighter the color of the bird, the more lies and betrayal you will encounter in life.

Why do you dream of a parrot in the hands of a man? He chose the flighty girl as his beloved. Even if she is caught cheating, she will deny the obvious to the last. The parrot breaks out of your hands - you will have to come to terms not only with lies, but also with betrayals. And you won’t be able to keep or re-educate your friend: if you love, accept it.

The parrot is chatting - you shouldn’t trust your friend with secrets. Looking at a beautiful bird with interest means it’s time to live with your own mind and not rely on others.

The parrot is free and screams loudly - in bird language. Colleagues are jealous and plotting behind their back. The parrot speaks loudly in human language - to avoid discussion, you need to think about what you are doing.

Feeding a parrot - it’s worth thinking about whether the person walking next to you in life is the right one, maybe he’s not worthy of attention? A dream about buying and choosing a parrot means that you won’t be able to achieve anything in business in the near future. All attempts to establish business relations will come down to non-binding chatter, which is conducted only out of basic politeness. Buying several birds - maybe it's time to pay attention to completely opposite things? Cargo has been transported - is it time to organize a kindergarten?

Why do you dream of a parrot in your hands and in a cage? The dream is wonderful. Soon there will be a patron who will want to help in business and will even take responsibility.

A dead bird is evidence that a long time ago you had to rely only on yourself. And soon we will have to be convinced of this. the business partner who took on the bulk of the transaction will avoid contact. It will be impossible to contact him. And the answering machine will repeat annoying phrases about the absence of a subscriber, like a parrot.

A parrot is taught to pronounce in a dream individual words. There will be troubles in life. If you remember the plot of the dream, and what words the bird was taught to say, you can understand in what area these troubles will be associated. A bird's cage is being cleaned in a dream - promises made close person, will be empty. You can forget about them and not be offended.

In a dream you walk along tropical forest, you admire the beautiful pitchforks and flying parrots, which call to each other about something. The mood after such a dream is wonderful, but it tells you: those around you have not taken you seriously for a long time and do not take your opinions into account. And the only reason for this is my own frivolity.

Parrots attack. There is a possibility in real life that you will find yourself an outcast in the team; only one of the pack attacks - it’s time to sort things out with a close friend.

Why do you dream of a parrot in your hands in a calm state, apathetic and looking like a toy? In real life, such a bird would definitely be taken to the veterinarian.

Wonderful dream - family life Finally, the long-awaited understanding will come and the quarrels will stop.

There is an unflattering opinion about parrots. But why you dream of a parrot in your hands depends not so much on public opinion about this bird, but also from the plot of the dream. If you want to decipher the dream in more detail, you need to try to remember it as reliably as possible.

Why do you dream of a blue bird in your hands, which you need to hold tightly and take care of?


☜♡☞ Mikhailovna ☜ღ☞

A bird can symbolize flight to unknown heights, the ability to rise above everyday problems. This may be a symbol of flight into the spiritual realms. Birds are a symbol of freedom. Do you want to gain wings? All over the world, birds are considered messengers of the spirit. The shaman turns into a bird when he wants to reunite with the spirit and the Creator. Do you feel that you should establish a stronger connection with the divine source of everything around you? Birds have the ability to see things from afar. Do you feel the need to step away from many things in order to look at them from a new perspective? The bird can be a symbol of the flight of the imagination. Give wings to your dream! Birds have always been considered the embodiment of simplicity and unpretentiousness. Do you want to return to natural simplicity? A singing bird is a harbinger of happiness. A bird in a cage can symbolize a feeling of loss of freedom. (see also interpretations dedicated to certain birds)


Favorable dream. For a woman - to marriage.
All the best!

Smart girl

Dreaming about birds with beautiful plumage is very auspicious. If a woman dreams of something like this, she will have a quick and happy marriage.
A wounded bird dreams of deep sadness caused by the behavior of children.
A flying bird is a sign of prosperity. All unpleasant circumstances will fade into the background compared to the future good.
If in a dream you heard birds singing, then you yourself are unlikely to cope with the task facing you.
Killing a bird with a gun is a bad sign.



Hello Tatyana! In a dream, I was walking my dog ​​with my dog ​​and she started chasing a bird, the bird was interesting, big, like a duck but somehow interesting, the dog bit it, and then we caught it together, brought it home, then I fried it in pieces but I didn’t eat it. I usually don’t remember dreams, but for some reason I remembered this one.


I caught a bird like a sparrow, a titmouse, and I hold it in my hand, and it is so warm and pleasant, I open my hand, but it doesn’t fly away right away, it sat and flew, but not far, but sat on my head…..


I caught several birds in my hands, fed one with bread, gave one to my mother, and gave one to my mother. The others flew away and landed in my hands again.


My husband saw birds in a dream. The big one grabbed the little one. He separated them, threw the big one away, and the little one grabbed his hand.


There were two snigirs or titmice flying in the house, I don’t remember, and one of them grabbed a fish from the aquarium and ate it. And then we kicked them both out through the balcony door


I was standing at a bus stop with my boyfriend. Suddenly the bird flew away and somehow ended up in my hands. I was holding it. And it didn’t even try to free itself. Why is that?)


were on the river, two swans or ducks swam to the shore. and the husband caught one of them with his hands. then we let him go


There are a lot of people, we are going somewhere, as if there is a goal. I have friends, but I can’t remember who. Then we pass by a 2-3 storey building. A very beautiful little bird sits on a bush, is not afraid, does not fly away. The guy approached her and took her. It's like I know the guy. And on the 2nd floor, two yellow-green parrots are sitting in an open window, and one flew right to my feet. I took it to return it to the owners. For some reason I found myself without shoes, in socks. I walked around the house to find an apartment, but behind the house the situation was completely different, there was a high-rise building. I decided to go around it, but I understand that I am going far. I came across a man and a woman who were sitting near a large stained glass window, from where the house where the parrots live seemed to be visible, but they did not let me go out. I went around again, the parrot was with me. But I still don’t remember finding the owners and giving the bird back. But when I first took it, I asked the guy if we could keep it, the guy categorically said “no.” Something tells me that this guy could be my daughter's husband, but I'm not sure.


The dream was like this, I was sitting in a car with the window open. Suddenly a bird flew in, so plump, it sat on the roof of the car, then I stuck my hand out of the car, and it sat on my hand, and wasn’t even scared... such a strange dream


I dreamed that two yellow parrots flew in and sat in my arms. They weren’t afraid of me, they behaved very friendly.


In my kitchen there was a wagtail walking on the table. For some reason I thought so, although she looked larger. I caught her and carried her to the balcony to let her go. The cat was hovering around me the whole way. My wife was sitting on the sofa in the room (she is now in the hospital with a suspected stroke). I showed the bird to my wife and released it from the balcony window.


I dreamed that in the courtyard of a residential building, apparently ours, there was growing big tree, we leave, and the dog remains in the yard. I look around, and she jumps high and tries to grab some bird on a branch by the tail, but she doesn’t reach it. Then, when we returned, I looked into the yard from around the corner of the house and saw that she had caught a large blue-green bird (similar to a huge parrot), and then I saw another bird, and another, and another... there were only five, maybe nine. The dog guarded them and there was also a ferret sitting next to them. Why???


I stood on the street and looked at the sky. Suddenly a bird starts flying in front of me and I catch it. The bird tries to get out, but then calms down and sits on my hand and firmly digs its claws into my fingers (it landed on my fingers), but at the same time I, it turns out, are wearing gloves. I am frightened by this behavior of the bird (the fact that it digs its claws into me) and begins to throw it off, but it clung to it so tightly that it cannot be removed. She begins to peck my hand and my sleep is interrupted.


I dreamed that a bird flew into a bag and I caught it in the bag... the bird was bright yellow, I caught it carefully and held it in my hands and went to show it to my wife and daughter... and so until the end of the dream I did not let it out


caught a pigeon by the tail because... it flew low, fluttering its wings when I grabbed it, but I picked it up, it couldn’t fly away. I put it in a large iron cage, then I opened it and took something in the cage, but the dove didn’t fly out. (light colored bird and he didn't coo).


I dreamed that a bird, like a sparrow, wanted to fly into the window, but I caught it and wouldn’t let it! I hope nothing bad


I had a small bird in my hands - a siskin. I was walking through the city and saw different birds sitting in the courtyard at the entrance of someone else’s house. I went up to them and showed them my siskin. (In reality, I have a siskin bird at home.) They let me in. I chose the largest and most beautiful bird from them and put it in my bag and went home. For some reason in the dream I had the feeling that I had stolen the bird , although no one made any claims to me. The birds were green with brown (more natural)


Good afternoon.
I dreamed that they gave me a bright green bird. The cage was in the room, the window was open, and it flew out into the street. I went outside and managed to catch her by the tail.


I dreamed that in the dark I saw something small flying. I thought it was a bat, I was afraid it would bite, but I caught it. When I came out into the light, I found out that in my hands was an unusual yellow bird, the size of a sparrow, but not a tit and not an oriole. I wanted to put her in a cage and I myself regret that I’m depriving her of her will. Then I woke up. Thank you!


I entered the room and saw different birds flying into it. I remember well the owl that I caught and carried in my hands to show my husband. At first there was some fear where so many birds came from, but then I was even happy about it.


Good afternoon,
Suddenly I had a dream about how I was catching a small wild bird.
She was sitting in a cage, or she was caught earlier and she was sitting there, and I don’t know who caught her.
I accidentally released her from there and then spent the whole night catching her.
I caught it, but she broke free and flew away.
I ran after her for a long time, along some fields, the infrastructure of the city, and in the end she was lost from sight, I was catching a bird with a little girl (my 12-year-old daughter).
But it’s not clear; I was alone almost the entire dream.
When I lost sight of the bird, a friend came up to meet me, in whose cage the bird was sitting when I carelessly released it and gave it to me, saying that he had caught it.
I put the bird in my breast pocket and walked back happy and happy.
Then I woke up and immediately went to the computer to see what it was for.
Because I rarely have dreams.
There is a nuance in my personal life, the relationship with my wife began to fall apart, as a result of the 4th month I have been living with my daughter and my wife has gone and lives with her father.
Perhaps this is a sign of her return; for some reason this dream is interpreted this way to me.
You may ask, why lose a wedding ring?
I was playing sports and lost wedding ring, I was very scared, then I literally dug through the entire sports area (sand) with my nose and finally found him!!!
This happened in May of this year, it was the beginning of my problems in my relationship with my wife.


it was in the circus... my family and I came there with a cage in which a bright yellow bird was sitting, and at the same time I felt a feeling of discomfort, realizing that it did not belong here... suddenly it flew out of the cage, I was scared, it began to fly very much in the circus fast and high, then I somehow managed to catch her by the tail and with all my strength I could barely hold her, but managed to put her back in the cage and close it. I especially remember how hard it was for me to hold her by the tail when she tried to break free, it wasn’t easy for me, but I did it.

Marina Protopopova:

Hello, Tatyana! I saw in a dream that a small bird, colorful, flew into my house, but I don’t know which one. I caught it with my hands, it turned out that it was a chick that could not fly yet, but was just learning to fly and flew into my house. But I don’t remember whether I released it.


I dreamed that I caught a black bird with red tips of its wings and held it and looked at it because it was very beautiful. Why is that?


I caught a small parrot with my hands, he was talking in my hands, then he turned into a child, and then again into a parrot. And at the end of the dream, I put him in a beautiful cage, but it was very small for him and hung the cage on nails on wall.


A large flock of birds was flying. There were a lot of them, out of all of them I caught one on the fly. It’s so cute and soft. What’s this for?


Mom (deceased) opened the window wide and a titmouse flew into the apartment. I began to drive the bird out and caught it, and at the same time I saw that our budgie was not sitting in a cage. She ran with the bird in her hands to the window, released the bird with one hand, and closed the window with the other. And at that moment two more birds landed on the window, but not titmouses, I don’t even know which ones (larger than a titmouse, but smaller than a pigeon) And the dream was interrupted.


I dreamed that I gave birth to a child, a boy, and washed him in the bathtub, and there were birds sitting on a rope. There was a cage nearby and there were tiles in it too. And I put the birds, those that were sitting on the rope, in a cage.


I was fishing with a fishing rod in the river; the river was filled with ice mixed with water, then it started to bite. I took a spoon and put it on top of the hook, and a sparrow was caught. He is alive and vigorous, only wet, I dried him, warmed him up and released him into the wild.


He caught a running wild chicken by the leg, held it in his hands and then released it. She shit on my hand while running away. What could this mean?


I dreamed of a cage with a bird (the bird was yellow), it escaped from the cage, and I caught it


Hello. I dreamed that I caught a small beautiful blue bird with such tassels on its head as they paint firebirds. I show it to a person I don’t know in real life. He wants to kill this bird, but I release it.


I dreamed that it was not just a bird, but a bird of happiness. She sat down next to me on a branch, and my husband took it out and gave it to me. And I held it in my hands like a child. It was yellow-orange-red in color. And the crest was like a parrot’s blue-blue color. It turns out that she was flying towards our light, since it turned off everywhere. I woke up with the thoughts that she was in my hands.


I’m walking around the room and a small bird flies towards me right into my hands, I caught it and went and released it out the window and it flew again and sat down next to me


Good morning, I dreamed that I caught two small, but incredibly bright and beautiful birds. I hold them in both hands and admire their beauty. Thanks a lot.


I pressed the little yellow bird to my chest and wanted to put it in a cage, but it pressed against me again and I hugged it.


I dreamed that I caught a small bird with my hands, it flew to me and sat on my chest, I took it in my hands. the bird sat quietly. calmly and as if she didn’t mind. that I took it in my hands. I stroked her.


I dreamed that birds were flying, I extended my hand, a titmouse sat on my hand, I held it in my hand. It was a small titmouse chick. I showed it to my daughter and let her go.
[email protected]


I and my companions climbed onto the roof of the house through a hatch... when I was the first to lift the lid of this hatch, a bird flew from it... I quickly caught it...


My husband and I were driving a car, he was driving, he opened the window, pulled out his hand, threw a net and caught a small bird with it, tore off its head, handed it to me and asked: “is it okay?” and I thought - cool.


Hello! I dreamed that I caught a bird in flight with my hands... It was unusual, different from others! I have never seen anything like it before


Good afternoon Tatyana. I had a dream where I caught a small fish and wanted to give it to my mother. Then this fish turned into a bird and wanted to fly away from me, but I caught it. Why is this??? Can I have such a dream during pregnancy, I really want to ZB


I dreamed that a bird, similar to a sparrow, but with very bright plumage, flew into an open window. She flew around the apartment, I caught her, holding her in my hands, I felt her heartbeat. Turning around I saw a cage on the balcony, put it there, watched and heard its chirping


I dreamed that a bird, similar to a sparrow, but with very bright plumage, flew into an open window. She flew around the apartment, I caught her, holding her in my hands, I felt her heartbeat. Turning around I saw a medium-sized cage on the balcony, I put it there, looked and heard chirping.


In a dream, I saw a rather large green budgerigar on a branch of a bush. I caught him when he was trying to take off. But it seemed to me that it was winter outside and he was cold, so he was a little slower. Behind the bush there was a snow-white pleasant background, as if everything covered with a blanket of snow, The parrot had very beautiful plumage and warmth emanated from it, The dream was very positive, I woke up in a good mood,


I was walking with someone through the park. This (or this) someone was familiar to me in a dream, and when I woke up, I could not remember who was walking with me. On a large, lush bush I saw many unusually beautiful birds. They were the size of a large crow. The color was very bright. The birds themselves were white, the tails were bright yellow with very small red specks, and the wings were red with very small white specks. For some reason I said to the person walking with me: “Look, the raspberries have arrived!” In the dream it seemed to me that these birds were called “raspberries”. There were a lot of them, they sat on the bush from the top to the lowest branches. I reached out and grabbed one bird. At first she struggled and even pecked me on the hand a couple of times, but it didn’t hurt me. I began to stroke her and she calmed down and stopped struggling. I brought the bird home. All the neighbors groaned and were amazed at the beauty of this bird. I asked my son to take a photo of me with the bird so that I could later release it into the wild. But at first the photos didn’t work out. We went out into the yard. I stood with my back to the park and suddenly heard stomping. I turned around and saw red horses galloping along the path along the park. Their manes fluttered, the sight was mesmerizing. I shouted to my son: “take it off quickly.” I wanted to take a photo with a bird in my hands against the backdrop of galloping horses. ...and then I woke up.


First, my friend and I walked along an old wooden bridge, passing by a building with books on the window sills. There was also a man in this house, he didn’t notice us, we hid. After crossing the bridge, we went down a marble staircase overgrown with grass. This place looked like an arboretum in Sochi and there were 2-3 people there. When we went down, I noticed a starling resting in the sun. I wanted to pet him. At first he flew away, but then I managed to catch him in flight with my right hand. At first I was afraid that I had damaged his wing, but making sure that everything was in order, we moved on. Suddenly I suddenly found myself in shopping center already with my mother. The bird was sitting on my shoulder, but I still held it with my hand. It seemed to me that about an hour had passed. Remembering the time, I thought that the bird needed to be released back. Then the dream ended.


I had a dream where her grandmother was chasing me and my friend, after we went out into the yard and went behind the bathhouse and there were a lot of birds there, a starling and some kind of toberuise one with a tuft, I also dreamed of white balls with different numbers and they multiplied, they were brought by a flying saucer


a bird of bright light green color flew indoors, my cat tried to catch it and younger brother, me I caught her by the tail with two fingers and she pooped on both my hands


I ran through the forest and tried to catch a white dog and a stork, they tried to run away from me, but I caught them at the same time.


Two birds flew towards me together. I put my hand out and it turned out that the birds were tied with a thick thread. They had no intention of leaving at all. We tried to cut the bonds. The birds were talking and the one in my hands turned out to be small and very beautiful girl. And it’s like both a bird and a child.


There are a lot of people in the room, everyone is driving away the birds, one flies into the doorway, I grab her by the paws, she bites, little brown, I let her go, then I take the second one with my hands, she is almost yellow, affectionate, I tell her a fairy tale about how they buried my grandmother, and for some reason they burned her in the stove and kept her at home for a long time, and so on... the bird likes it, while I carry this bird to the window, On the way, I take another one from a branch, it looks like a bear cub with a red berry, I almost bring it to the window - my husband’s sister pours water on me from the roof (she washed her). The water is clean, not cold. I'm still waking up.


Hello, yesterday I dreamed about this bird, it was grey-black, it was just sitting on a branch, and today I dreamed that I (I live in my house) was doing something in the yard and a plane fell into the neighboring yard, and an ax flew to us from this plane , and I hid it, and then I saw this bird sitting again, it looked like a sparrow only its beak was like a parrot’s, I caught it and since I didn’t have a cage, I just let it into the house.


Beautiful blue birds, big and small, flew to the balcony. But as soon as I went out to look, they flew out of the open window. I remember exactly that I wanted to catch at least one. and then a bird flew in and could not fly out. The window was covered by the wind and I caught her. I was very happy. I knew that this beauty would live with me.


I caught 3 with a fishing rod large fish and a pink bag in which sat a live cartoon crow, all wet and looking more like a puppy, I caught all this at the same time, and before that I just caught a small fish, next to me were my parents and sister with children


I was on a high stone staircase and different materials, she was leaning on the wall. The stairs were dilapidated and it was scary to go down them to get a forgotten bag. Down in green grass I noticed a bird with a warm gray hue and a slightly pockmarked coloration, obviously for visual camouflage. Its feathers looked like wool or fluff. The beak was long, 8 centimeters, although the bird itself was the size of 2 fists. The eyes were large, gray and expressive. I took the bird in my hands, and she wrapped her open mouth around my index finger on right hand. I wasn’t in pain, I was curious, I laughed quietly in my sleep..


I dreamed that I was the guy with whom we broke up and he ex-girlfriend We’re sitting in the living room at my house, he says something about how he’s all with her now and I go to the kitchen. A bird resembling a dove, gray and white with a bright pink ribbon, flies into the window. I shout to the guy and we start catching the bird around the apartment. he caught him and he shit himself, we wanted to let him out and I woke up


I had a dream that there was a bird living in my bag


My daughter caught a huge green-blue parrot by the tail; it struggled, I caught it. the bird fluttered a little, but then sat calmly in his arms.


Write your dream here for interpretation...was heavy rain, I I saw that the bird was walking and not flying away, then I decided to catch it. I ran after it, but it didn’t fly away, but only ran away, but I still caught it, but it didn’t even escape


I dreamed that I was in the forest and several small birds, white and blue, green and yellow, sat on my hand. I caressed them, stroked their bellies and they did not fly away from me / And in the same dream I fried fish and laid it out on plates along with bread


I see a bird flying between the trees (either a forest or similar to a forest), the size of a rook (or twice the size of a sparrow), with a slightly long beak, dark purple (close to black). I catch this bird with my hands. Then I see myself at a relative’s house (my wife’s old brother) and give the bird to him. Moreover, I see the first part twice. I don’t remember how many times I’ve seen the second part.


Hello! I dreamed that I was fishing in a river, but in place of the fish I pulled out a bird (an eagle), and then field mice crawled out of the water, sat down near the eagle and began to multiply! What is this for?


I had a dream where my husband and I were walking along a river or sea, it was cool outside, the wind was blowing, there were a lot of small fish in the water, gobies were also swimming. The water is clear. Many birds also appeared - either ducks or cormorants. My husband caught one, ripped open her stomach, and there were a lot of transparent capsules in there. Some capsules contain a lot of coins... That's all) Solve my dream, please.


I caught a yellow parrot with my hand and put it in a cage, then a blue one with a net, and only five more and began to think why I needed so many, who to give it to, it was cramped in the cage, but I couldn’t decide what color to give, I liked them all


in one hand she held a pigeon, and with the other she caught it and caught it by the tail? the color of the pigeons was like wild ones, gray


I dreamed of 3 young people budgie yellow-green color. I caught them in flight with my hands, 1 seemed to escape and fly away. It was in some kind of large room, like a barn. She held 2 birds tightly in her hand, so that several feathers even flew off from one. But there were also the same parrots in the room; I heard them chirping.


In a dream, I caught a bird, it flew out the window, and I asked her if I was pregnant, to which the bird answered yes, I asked when, she said soon. And several more birds flew in the apartment, they were all beautiful and colorful. Thank you in advance for answer.


I caught a beautiful white and beige owl.. And I wanted to show it to the children, and then take a photo for a colleague and release it. I remember the feeling of it - soft, not very strong, but very beautiful


I was throwing a fishing rod into the river and then I got a bite! The fish seemed so big to me that I couldn’t pull it out and I had to get into the water and swim along the line, it resisted and dragged me to the center of the river along the current, and by the time I felt that it was already nearby, a white silhouette appeared under the water trying to jump out. but instead of the fish jumping out, a white dove emerged and flew to the top, the fishing line broke and it flew away and I immediately felt good in my soul.


Hello!!! I dreamed that my husband let our bird out of the cage and it accidentally flew out into the street, at that moment I was standing at the exit on the street, began to drive it back into the house and with great difficulty I managed to get it back


I caught a chick on the balcony, it was very sad. Rescued. There were a lot of birds nearby


I had a dream about this: there were fish swimming in a small puddle, I wanted to catch one, in the end I caught a bright red bird, the day was very sunny, it shimmered in the sun, I took a photo with it and released it to a flock of the same birds. why such a dream?


in my dream, I caught a blue bird in the house, it escaped from my hands, but I managed to take it outside and release it.


a bird flew onto the balcony and said that it wanted to take my husband and me together and said that we would blink


I caught with my hands a very beautiful, colored bird, similar to a peacock, but small


I dreamed of two big birds that looked like a peacock, but they weren’t very colorful; my mother caught them and I fed them.


I had a dream that I caught a beautiful big bird. And she held her close.


I caught the bird of happiness by the tail. She struggled, but I held her tightly, she was afraid and I told her that we would just look at her and let her go. Next to me stood my husband, daughter-in-law, son and 2-3 other people (I don’t remember who exactly). She calmed down and allowed herself to be examined. It was a very beautiful bird, its golden plumage shone fabulously in the sun, the dream was colorful. IT WAS THE FEELING OF A FAIRY TALE. I didn’t want to let her go, she looked at me reproachfully and then I let her go. She looked like the Firebird.


I just caught a small bird, very cute, a yellow beak, and she herself is in green tones, but not grassy, ​​not bright, but a warm color, very soft to the touch, showed her to her friend in a dream, and then let her go, she was hot in my hands, I I thought so)


hello, I dreamed that two birds flew into the window, one a titmouse and the other, I think a sparrow, one I caught with my hands and released out the window and the other flew away, and I also dreamed that my grandmother died and we buried her in the cemetery, I see two graves of my grandfather and supposedly my grandmother, I’m bitter I’m crying profusely, then I dream about the hospital and supposedly my grandmother is lying on the bed but is already alive and then my grandfather comes, who died a year ago and tells me that he came for my grandmother, I’m very worried and constantly think about this dream, I had a dream from Friday to Saturday, help me explain in advance Thank you

If a bird flies into a window in a dream, then the dream book predicts a serious illness of one of your loved ones, since birds symbolize the souls of deceased relatives. Perhaps this predicts that you will soon receive news from a person whom you have not seen for a long time; these are the main interpretations of what you dream about if a bird flies into the house.

Bird in the house

If in a dream you saw domestic duck, chicken or others, and this bird flies into the room, then the dream book marks the imminent death of a close relative, but if it flies into an apartment building, then someone from this house will die.

According to the interpretation of the dream book, if a bird knocks on the window, then sudden news awaits you, which will most likely turn your usual life upside down. If at the same time the window also breaks, then the news will be far from joyful.

A dream in which a bird flew into a window can also predict the appearance of a new person in life who long time will accompany you on the path of life, will firmly enter into life, change established foundations and change the value system.

A very favorable dream for women who want to get pregnant - a bird hits the window. Let future mothers have no doubt about why such a vision is dreamed - the dream book symbolizes a desired pregnancy, and there is no doubt that it will be very successful.

Bird in hands

Few people have managed to hold a living, fluttering bird in their hands at least once in their life, but in a dream such a phenomenon happens quite often, and in a dream you can not only hold it, but also feed it, stroke it, or simply catch it. So why do you dream of a bird in your hands? Our dream book will tell you about this.

For people who were lucky enough to catch a bird in a dream with their hands, the dream book foretells that in the near future they will grab luck by the tail - they can win the lottery, or receive some kind of prize or gift.

A young, unmarried girl who had to feed a bird from her hand in a dream will meet her betrothed, and, according to the dream book, it will most likely develop into a long-term relationship that will lead to a wedding and a happy family life. Why dream about this if you are already a family man? The answer is simple, you will have a fun time in a warm company of friends.

For business people who run their own business, holding a bird in their hands in a dream means quick advancement in business, a career takeoff, or simply rapid advancement up the career ladder.

If a bird lands on your hand, then the dream book gives ambiguous predictions as to why such a plot is dreamed of, but in any case it is good sign, a pleasant surprise that will be embodied either in good news, or in the meeting of a new and long-term love, or in unexpected success in business.


To understand why a bird is dreaming, you need to interpret the vision in all its details, in interaction with other dreamed objects.

If you managed to catch a bird in a dream with your hands on the fly, then the dream book predicts career growth, or a discovery own business. It can also mean news from afar, a win, dizzying success, or an invitation from friends to a holiday or party.

If you are lonely, or you simply lack communication, and you happened to feed birds in a dream, you can be sure what this plot is about: the opportunity to meet reliable people who will become good friends and support in life is just around the corner. If the birds you fed are small, then the dream book foretells gatherings in the company of good friends.

Why do you dream that birds attack in a dream? The dream book does not predict anything good; it means gossip, squabbles, disagreements, bickering with enemies, business competitors. The outcome of a conflict situation can be predicted by the end of the dream: if the birds retreated on their own, or you managed to drive them away, then the disputes will end in your favor.

In general, any dream book interprets the appearance of a safe bird as a very good sign, and what one dreams of catching a bird in a dream means is a long-awaited career success, receiving good news, an unexpected gain. But if at the same time you kill the captured animal, then most likely, things that will go well will never develop.

The dream book interprets the dream in which you saw a bird’s feather from two sides: with the help of color and by the movement of the feathers. If the feathers are white, then the vision promises joy and happiness, while black feathers carry negative emotions. If feathers are still flying, then the dream book promises news that will not have a significant impact on life.

If a bird pecks grains in a dream, then the dream book promises well-being and prosperity, and if it pecks you in a dream, then you need to be wary of gossip and intrigues from your opponents.

Why do you dream that a bird pooped on your head? In this dream, a combination of two favorable signs: the dream book means droppings as receiving a large sum of money, and birds are a success, because of which this money will literally fall on your head.

If a bird lands on your head in a dream, then this is a bad sign. The dream book warns that you should be very careful, take care of yourself and those around you, be careful on the roads, and not enter into various conflict situations. When you happen to kill a bird in a dream, this is most often a vision that concerns not you personally, but more the people around you, or even the city or country in which you live. The dream book interprets the killing of a bird as a natural disaster, bad, bad weather, or drought.

Why dream of stroking a bird in a dream? This is literally a touch of success and luck; the dream book promises not just one-time luck, but the complete subordination of fortune to you, and if the birds are also very beautiful, expect simply stunning success.

When a bird lands on your shoulder in a dream, the dream book explains this vision from both sides: if it is predatory, then you need to beware of sycophants, and if it is harmless, and even white, then your luck is already at your doorstep.

The dream book gives different interpretations of why one dreams of letting a bird go. This may be a voluntary relinquishment of responsibilities that burden you - if the birds escape from your hands. And it can mean significant losses if you voluntarily let go of the quiet bird.

Hearing birds singing in a dream is a very good sign. The trills of birds are a symbol of pleasure, happiness and prosperity. And if you also had to fly in a dream like a bird, then the dream book interprets this as freedom of spirit, ambition, and the desire for perfection.

Lots of birds

Sometimes, single birds in a dream turn into a huge flock that can either remain inactive or attack. And depending on the color and behavior of the birds, the dream book interprets such a dream differently. Seeing many birds in a dream means little profit if the birds are small.

An important event connected with the people around you, unexpected news that will be something unusual for you, a flight of fancy, dreams and desires - this is how the dream book interprets what a flock of birds means in a dream.

Various birds

The dream book of Nostradamus interprets a dream about a large black bird approaching you as a great danger for your city: a meteorite falling. Also, a black bird in a dream warns that you need to get to know yourself better, most likely you are under a lot of stress, and you need to go to a psychologist.

What you dream about white bird in a dream, promises a lot of joy in reality. Well, if you dreamed of a mythical blue bird, you can expect a colossal development of intuition, which in the future will bring happiness and good luck, as well as unprecedented success in your career.

If you simultaneously dream of a red, green, yellow bird, then the dream book predicts a creative breakthrough, the emergence of new ideas, a new vision of beauty - such dreams usually come to creative people. But be careful - such an aggravation of perception can bring confusion to thoughts; you need to try to remain calm and appropriate in your actions.

A dead bird in a dream is interpreted ambiguously by the dream book. If the killed bird is small, then a series of small problems await you that can be easily resolved with simple actions. If you killed her, then the action you are about to take is not well thought out, try to understand yourself and your thoughts and do not take actions that could bring trouble.

If a dead bird in a dream is a hawk, an eagle, or another predatory bird, then good luck awaits you - victory over ill-wishers, competitors, and all this will happen by itself, you don’t even have to make any effort - that’s what such a vision means in a dream.

A woman who dreamed of a beautiful bird can expect a new love relationship, which will most likely lead to marriage. If a man dreams of such birds, then the dream book interprets this as quick success.

It also happens that the most unimaginable characters come to us in a dream, for example, a firebird, whose appearance in a dream promises the fulfillment of the most unimaginable desires.

Why do you dream about poultry? Usually it is seen by wasteful people who like to throw money away left and right - this is a kind of warning that warns against unwise spending of money.

If you dreamed of a bird of prey, the dream book warns: you should be wary of competitors or enemies - they are plotting against you. But if a bird of prey is killed, you can breathe easy, your enemies have no chance against you.

Parrots are a comic character in many films and books, an eternal jester who repeats everything after their owner. Parrots in a dream indicate the presence of frivolous, dishonest people in your environment. Feeding parrots in a dream - the risk of communication with an insidious and unpleasant person, and a talking parrot symbolizes a frivolous attitude towards responsibilities.

A wounded bird in a dream represents yourself if your children misbehave. This is a hidden, deep sadness that prevents you from living a normal life. The dream book gives the same interpretation when you dream of a dying bird, but this still promises to feel shame and despondency due to a reckless act.

If you dreamed about birds of paradise, then the dream book interprets this as a harbinger of good luck and dreams come true. If you dreamed of a huge bird with beautiful plumage, then this also means good changes in life.

A phoenix bird in a dream symbolizes your strength, resistance to stress, perseverance, the ability to endure troubles with your head held high, and, like a phoenix, to constantly be reborn from the ashes. You will definitely succeed, all your undertakings will be justified. Exotic birds in a dream represent excessive ambition in reality. Be a little more reserved and you will succeed.

A single bird in a cage signifies a successful marriage soon, and if there are many birds in the cage, then you can guess why this is a dream: expect a new addition to the newly-made family. Birds in the sky are another favorable sign, which the dream book also interprets as a sign of the formation of a new family.



  • I dreamed that at the job (in a restaurant) I quit, I brought two birds (that looked like a parrot) and they were half bright blue and half bright purple. I myself am surprised at the unusualness of their colors. And she also brought two cats of the same color there. I continue to work, and they revive me, but only I have their unusualness.

  • Anastasia:

    I dreamed that I was in a big house and a bird, small, gray, similar to a sparrow, sat on my hand. I try to shake it off, but it doesn't fly away. Then I pet her, she likes it, and I feed her. According to the dream book, one of the meanings is career success, catching luck by the tail. At this time I was just planning to look for a job. About a couple of weeks after the dream, I went for an interview. After several stages, my candidacy was approved. Moreover, the salary is almost twice as much as at the previous place of work :)

  • I dreamed that a bird tried to fly into our kitchen window. The mother, in a dream, said that it was a goose, but it looked more like a duck or something, since its back part was somehow colored (in yellow-brown tones) and seemed to be made of tree bark. He kept rushing into our house, and then finally climbed through the window. I grabbed him and it seemed (from the sounds) that I broke something for him. Then he threw him out of the window, and he began to break through again.

  • And today I dreamed that I caught a poultry, I don’t remember what kind, but it was white. I caught the bird in the yard of my lover’s relatives...his aunt showed me how to catch it, and I caught was so snow-white that the sun blinded my eyes.

  • I dreamed of a loggia. Many large white birds fly and land on the frames, at that moment I think they are ducks. They want to hide from someone with me. I take them with my hands and tear off their heads, after which they seem to shrink and become yellowish. So I killed about 4 of them. And in my thoughts, the meat in the refrigerator is over, it will come in handy. Birds sit tightly on the frames and try to climb behind the thick dark curtains. They continue to fear that something outside will catch up with them. My husband comes and is surprised. I'm waking up.

A bird, especially a wild bird, is a symbol of freedom, rare luck, career growth, because it’s not for nothing that even success in work is said to “climb the career ladder.” Since white- this is an image of purity and innocence, what you dream of a white bird in your hands should be considered rare luck.

What if you dream of a white bird in your hands?

A white bird in hands, caught in flight, means a rare dizzying success or long-awaited good news. It is possible that the dreamer will be able to get a big win. The color of the feathers is important in the interpretation of the dream, because if the bird is black, it is a bad sign.

When you managed to hold the white bird in your hands for only a moment, after which it flew away, leaving feathers swirling in the wind, then there may be joyful news, but it will not have a serious impact on the real situation.

It’s a completely different matter if you manage to hold a snow-white bird in your hands, stroke it, and feed it. This means that fortune is completely on the dreamer’s side and you can safely act, relying on luck.

If the white bird is wild and flutters out of your hands, but does not fly away, but moves to your shoulder, then you should beware of flattery. An ordinary white tame individual means that happiness and success are on the doorstep and can be obtained easily, without much stress.

As mentioned above, if the bird is white, it is very good. However, in order to correctly interpret such a dream, it is important to pay attention to small nuances: the circumstances that brought the bird into the dreamer’s hands, its further behavior. It's bad if the prey lands on the head.

A bird landing on its head is a warning about a series of difficult situations in which care should be taken to avoid injuries and illnesses. Allowing the death of a caught bird in a dream is more a sign of natural disasters than of grief in the environment of human relationships.

The situation when a white bird was given into one’s hands should be understood as the beginning of a new romantic relationship with the opposite sex. Such a dream may foretell an unexpected big win in the lottery.

Flying surrounded by white birds and feeling part of them is a sign of spiritual improvement, manifestation of ambition and career growth. Seeing yourself in the form of a white bird in a dream means creative inspiration, a flight of fancy.

Such a dream does not bode well for anything bad, but you need to think about whether the dreamer is too far from real life. Locking a white bird in a cage means, on the contrary, limiting your creative potential.

What does it portend?

Birds also symbolize otherworldly forces with which they communicate. They can also mean news or the arrival of guests. Easily letting go of a bird that has fallen into your hands in a dream can mean a voluntary renunciation of future success or an unwillingness to take responsibility for vital changes.

The size of the bird indicates the amount of wealth it symbolizes. A clumsy white chick that tries to fly and falls out of your hands means possible profit. However, to get it, you need to think carefully about your strategy.

Some sources interpret the image of birds in a dream as human emotions that a person hides from strangers in reality. But in a dream they are no longer subject to consciousness. If the white bird in your hands is small and behaves fussily, pecking your hands, then this behavior leads to quarrels, squabbles, and minor troubles.

An aggressive white bird that tries to break out and attack means that on the path to prosperity you will have to face the machinations of competitors.

You should not understand a dream about a bird, even if it is white, as a specific event in life. After all, a feathered creature in a dream is often the dreamer’s internal state. To understand how to act further after such a dream, you need to analyze your emotional content and streamline your plans for the future.