Sources of protein during fasting. Sports nutrition during fasting

A common mistake made by fasting people is that they continue to eat the same way as before, simply excluding meat and other animal products. What remains is bread, pasta, potatoes, 1-2 types of cereals and vegetables. Eating like this even for one week is sad, and all 7 weeks of Lent are sad and far from good for your health and figure.

Templar Diet

Compliance with the diet was mandatory for the knights of the High Middle Ages. Some of them lived to be 70 years old. The diet was based on seafood and legumes. Meat - no more than three times a week.

During the High Middle Ages, when average duration life ranged between 25 and 40 years, members of the Knights Templar often reached double higher number and often surpassed the 70-year mark. One example of such longevity is Jacques de Molay, the last Master of the Order, who passed away at the venerable age of 71, and not by natural death, but by being burned at the stake.

From data historical documents XI-XIV centuries This is exactly the image of long-lived Templars that emerges. “It is obvious that their way of life had peculiarities, which determined their longer lifespan, and first of all we're talking about about nutrition,” emphasizes Francesco Franceschi, Director of the Emergency Department medical care Rome's Policlinico Gemeli Hospital, who led a study entitled "The diet of the Knights Templar - the secret of their longevity?", the results of which were recently published in the international scientific publication Digestive and Liver Disease.

“Members of the Templar Order,” explains Franceschi, “led their lives according to the “Latin Temple Rule,” which included chapters on food and hygiene at the table. As for nutrition, the professor continues, the charter forbade them to eat meat more than three times a week. Meat was replaced by fish, vegetables and especially legumes, which are the most powerful natural prebiotics and create an optimal environment for the “good” bacteria that make up the intestinal flora.”

Compared to the classic meat-based diet of the era (especially for the wealthy classes), the Templars preferred low-fat foods that reduced the risk of cancer diseases Gastrointestinal tract and metabolic syndrome, which creates fertile ground for the development of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and cancer.

How can you replace meat during Lent?

For fasting to truly become a cleanser and prolong our life, it is better to change our usual diet, because proteins and fats are found not only in meat, fish and milk, but also in many plant foods. We have selected for you delicious and healthy additions to the table that can diversify your diet with health benefits.


IN flora The champions for protein content are legumes. The legume family is huge. In addition to the usual yellow peas and white beans, there are dozens of varieties of lentils, chickpeas, mung beans, dolichos, adzuki, green and black Eyed Peas. By the way, peanuts are also from the legume family. Lentils provide the widest field for experimentation (especially since some varieties contain up to 35% protein). Small red lentils cook quickly and can become the basis for puree soup; large green ones retain their shape when cooked and look great in soups and salads; small black has a nutty flavor and goes perfectly with vegetables. Most varieties of lentils do not require pre-soaking, but take quite a long time to cook. To cook soft lentil “porridge” for a side dish, boil 3 parts of water and add 1 part of washed lentils. Cook over low heat for 30-40 minutes until the water has completely evaporated. Salt at the end of cooking.


You can use regular yellow peas to make a spicy Indian style soup. To do this, soak a glass of whole peas in cold water for 3-5 hours (split peas do not need to be soaked), boil water in a saucepan, throw the peas in and leave on low heat for half an hour. Don't add salt - this is important! At this time, finely chop the carrots and onions, a piece of ginger and chili pepper to taste. Heat sunflower oil in a frying pan, fry it all over high heat with other spices: ground black pepper, cumin, cardamom, coriander. When the peas in the pan begin to boil, pour the contents of the pan into them and adjust the taste with salt. Cook the soup for another 3-5 minutes and serve hot. Increased strength and satiety for several hours are guaranteed!

Porridge and bread

It should be remembered that the proteins in legumes are incomplete; they lack several essential amino acids. Therefore, legume dishes must be alternated with porridges, where in addition to carbohydrates, proteins are also present. The variety of porridges is even greater: buckwheat, oatmeal, pearl barley, barley, wheat, millet, corn, rice. Let's add exotic grains to them: bulgur, couscous, quinoa, brown, black, wild and all kinds of other rice - and you can never repeat the same dishes for a long time. three weeks! By the way, about pasta and bread. During Lent, give preference to bran or rye bread and pasta from whole grain flour. Bran contains proteins that are very valuable for our body: albumins and globulins. Avoid baked goods made with refined flours that are high in sugar. Although these products are not formally prohibited, they have very little benefit, the so-called “empty calories”.

Mushrooms and vegetables

Mushrooms are also rich in proteins, but you shouldn’t get carried away with them, since in the spring they are available mainly in pickled or dried form, and we don’t need extra vinegar and preservatives. However, dried white soup is such a delicious dish that even the thought of meat does not arise. Vegetables will also help you avoid being left without proteins. Yes, they also contain proteins, but in very small quantities. The main value of vegetables is still in vitamins, microelements and fiber. A common mistake made by fasting people is eating large quantities of fresh vegetables. Such food is hard on the stomach. Certainly, cooking does not increase the content of nutrients in vegetables, but makes them more digestible for humans. In addition, fat-soluble vitamins (A, E) are called fat-soluble because fats are needed for their absorption, no matter whether they are animal or vegetable. That's why during Lent vegetable salads you just need to season with oil, and for soups and side dishes, it doesn’t hurt to fry the vegetables a little. Do you know the method of cooking onions that makes this vegetable so tasty that a family of two can eat a whole kilogram of it in a day? The secret is simple: cut the peeled onions into thick rings, trying not to disturb their shape, bread them tightly in flour and fry on both sides, like pancakes. All. The dish is ready! The onion bitterness is gone, but sweet juice, and with it all the useful substances remained. This method is suitable for many hard vegetables: carrots, pumpkins, turnips, even potatoes. And if you experiment with breading and try wheat, rye, pea, rice flour, then each time new nuances will appear.

And a little more beauty

On strict fasting days it is not at all necessary to suffer without fat. Fats are found in huge quantities in olives, avocados, coconuts and any nuts and seeds. Naturally, the olives must be real: large and oily, the avocados must be soft, and the coconuts must be fresh. Olives are ideal for adding flavor and extra fat to green salads.

Fasting is believed to be beneficial in all respects. If it is followed according to all the rules, then not only the soul, but also the body is cleansed. At the same time, many note severe weakness, dizziness, and complain of decreased performance. All this happens due to the fact that the body does not receive enough protein. For a long time, the fasting person must completely abstain from any meat dishes, chicken eggs. If the fasting person is in good health, then he should refrain from consuming dairy products, as well as fish dishes, which also contain a lot of protein.

Therefore, during Lent, supplying the body with protein becomes a big problem from a medical point of view. The block for muscle tissue and body cells is the main building material, and its lack can lead to serious pathologies and destructive consequences. Therefore, all that remains is to find a complete replacement for animal proteins.

Protein-rich plant foods

The main suppliers of high-quality, easily digestible protein during Lent are nuts, legumes, forest mushrooms, champignons and raw seeds.

Legumes occupy a leading position among plant foods containing protein. The fasting person should include lentils, beans, and peas in the menu. True, you need to remember that vegetable protein from these products is not completely absorbed, but you can help the body process this vegetable protein. To do this, you need to eat legume dishes in combination with a large number fresh greens. Additionally, it is recommended to eat cereal foods in small quantities. This can be lean bread with cereals or sprouted wheat (oats).

To fully provide your body with protein during fasting, it is advisable to consume soy foods, for example, tofu, milk, soy “meat”. It is useful to include lean mayonnaise in the menu, which also contains soy. The protein that soy is rich in is completely absorbed. However, soy consumed in large quantities may cause allergic reactions and other problems in the body, so dishes made from this product should be consumed in limited quantities.

Another legume product is peanuts. For some reason, many people consider it a nut, but this is not so, it is a real representative of legumes. It contains slightly less protein than soy. In addition, peanuts contain polyunsaturated fatty acids, fats and other substances that are found only in products of animal origin. Peanuts will provide the fasting body with high-quality protein and other substances that will help improve performance, increase strength and improve mood.

Peanuts are a very high-calorie product, so it is better not to eat them separately. In order not to dial overweight When consuming this product, it should be combined with fresh vegetables. So, peanuts can be added to vegetable stew or salads. True, it is not raw, but lightly roasted peanuts that are healthier - this must be taken into account when consuming them. In addition, we must remember that peanuts are one of the most highly allergenic foods.

Quinoa. This product is also mistaken by many for a grain, but in fact, quinoa belongs to the category of vegetables. Quinoa contains proteins that are completely absorbed by the body. In addition to protein, this product contains B vitamins, copper, magnesium, calcium, and selenium. Quinoa also contains folic acid, complex carbohydrates, fiber and riboflavin.

By consuming all of the above healthy foods, no one fasting will experience hunger, loss of strength or loss of energy during Lent. Moreover, I would like to note that this list is not complete, it can be supplemented with others healthy products containing large number useful substances.

Recommended daily norm The protein intake (RDA) for an adult consuming 2,000 calories per day is 50 grams, although some people need to consume much more than this amount. Your individual calorie and protein needs depend on your age, weight, height, gender and activity level ().

Here is a list of 12 lean protein foods you can include in your diet.

1. White fish (fish with white meat)

Most white fish are excellent sources of lean protein, containing less than 3 grams of fat, about 20-25 grams of protein, and 85-130 calories per 100 gram serving (,).

Very lean white fish include: pollock, tilapia and Atlantic roughy ().

The meat of these fish contains 4-10 times less than that found in higher-calorie fish with darker meat, such as coho salmon or sockeye salmon. Therefore, it is beneficial to eat both types of fish (lean and fatty) (,).


White fish, such as cod and halibut, are an excellent source of lean protein with a small amount fat and relatively few calories, making them suitable for various types diets

2. Natural Greek yogurt

A 170-gram serving of Greek yogurt contains 15-20 grams of protein, compared to 9 grams in the same serving of regular yogurt.

This has to do with how Greek yogurt is made. During its preparation, it is necessary to remove the liquid whey, leaving a more concentrated product with more protein, which is also thicker and fattier ().

If you're aiming for foods with the fewest calories and fat, opt for low-fat Greek yogurt, which contains 100 calories per 170 gram serving ().

Good choice is a low-fat Greek yogurt that contains 3 grams of fat and 125 calories per 170 grams. By choosing plain Greek yogurt, you'll avoid unnecessary sweeteners and can add your own fruit ().


Natural fat-free or low-fat Greek yogurt contains about twice as much protein per serving as regular yogurt.

3. Beans, peas and lentils

The high levels of fiber and protein in legumes help make them more filling. Moreover, fiber can if you regularly eat legumes ().

In a review of 26 studies involving 1037 patients, daily use On average, 130 grams of cooked legumes for at least three weeks resulted in a 7 mg/dL reduction in LDL “bad” cholesterol levels compared to control diets—equating to a 5% reduction in LDL cholesterol over time ().

Notably, legumes are low in several essential amino acids, the building blocks of protein in your body. However, by consuming other plant protein sources, such as nuts, throughout the day, you will compensate for the lack of these amino acids (, ,).


Beans, peas and lentils are good sources of lean protein. They are also high in fiber and can lower your cholesterol levels if you eat them regularly.

4. White poultry without skin

A 100-gram serving of cooked chicken or turkey breast contains approximately 30 grams of protein (,).

If you want to eat meat that contains only lean protein, avoid dark meats such as drumsticks and thighs. White meat includes brisket and wings.

Also, don't eat the skin - 100 gram serving of fried chicken breast with skin has 200 calories and 8 grams of fat, while the same amount of roasted skinless chicken breast has 165 calories and 3.5 grams of fat (,).

You can remove the skin before or after cooking, which will remove any fat particles in both cases. Note that poultry cooked without the skin contains more moisture, less fat and less cholesterol than meat cooked with the skin present ().


In addition to protein, from the same serving of cottage cheese you get about 10-15% of the RDA for calcium. Some food scientists have recently suggested that manufacturers add calcium to cottage cheese to aid calcium absorption, although this is not currently common practice (,).

There is one drawback to cottage cheese - 113 grams contains about 15-20% of the daily sodium (salt) limit. If you're limiting your salt intake, one study suggests that rinsing cottage cheese for three minutes can reduce its sodium levels by about 60% ().


Low-fat cottage cheese is an excellent source of lean protein and calcium.

6. Low-fat tofu

Tofu is especially good option protein if you avoid animal products. An 85-gram serving of low-fat tofu contains 45 calories, 1.5 grams of fat and 7 grams of protein, including adequate amounts of all essential amino acids ().

Note that about 95% of soybeans produced in the United States are genetically modified (GM). If you prefer to avoid GM foods, you can buy organic tofu as organic products cannot be genetically modified ( , , ).


Low-fat tofu is a good source of plant-based protein that provides adequate amounts of all essential amino acids and is very versatile in recipes.

7. Lean beef

Lean beef cuts are those that have less than 10 grams of total fat and 4.5 grams or less per cooked 100-gram serving ().

If you buy fresh beef and want lean meat, you need to buy beef tenderloin and round steaks. For example, sirloin steak and tenderloin, as well as round steak, are foods that contain lean protein ().

Flank steak and brisket are lean meats (,).

When it comes to beef, stick to 95% lean meat. A 100-gram patty made with lean beef contains 171 calories, 6.5 grams of total fat (including 3 grams of saturated fat), and 26 grams of protein ().


Lean beef is an excellent source of protein and also contains B vitamins, zinc and selenium.

8. Ground low-fat peanuts

The low-fat version is unsweetened, ground peanuts. Most of the fat is squeezed out during processing. 2 tablespoons of low-fat ground peanuts contain only 50 calories and 1.5 grams of fat, but 5 grams of protein ().

To use ground peanuts, mix them with a little water until they reach the consistency of regular peanut butter. Keep in mind that it won't be as rich.

Peanut butter reconstituted from ground peanuts is especially suitable for use with apples, or even with. Alternatively, add dry powder to shakes, smoothies, oatmeal or pancake and muffin batter.


Ground defatted peanuts are good product containing lean protein. This product contains only a fraction of the calories and fat that are typically found in peanut butter.

9. Low-fat milk

Drinking low-fat milk is an easy way to get protein.

One 240 ml glass of low-fat 1% milk contains 8 g of protein, 2.5 g of fat and 100 calories. By comparison, a serving of whole milk with 3.25% butterfat has the same amount of protein but 150 calories and 8 grams of fat (,).

Clearly, drinking low-fat milk will reduce your calorie and fat intake. However, some recent studies suggest that consumption does not increase the risk of developing cardiovascular disease, as was once thought ().

However, not all studies on whole milk indicate its beneficial effects on the body. For example, observational studies have linked frequent consumption of whole milk (but not low-fat or skim milk) with more high risk development of prostate cancer (,).

While scientists continue to research in this area, most experts still advise consuming low-fat or skim milk rather than whole milk ().


Low-fat milk is a good source of protein and can help significantly reduce the amount of fat and calories you consume compared to whole milk, especially if you consume it frequently.

10. Pork tenderloin

According to USDA, Pork tenderloin is a lean protein food—every 100 grams of cooked pork tenderloin contains less than 10 grams of fat and 4.5 grams or less of saturated fat ().

Key words, which indicate lean pork are "tenderloin" and "chop". Pork tenderloin is the leanest meat, containing 143 calories, 26 grams of protein and 3.5 grams of fat per 100 gram serving ().

Before cooking pork, trim the fat around the edges and use low-fat cooking methods such as grilling or searing to further reduce the amount of fat and calories ().

Like lean beef, lean pork also provides both selenium and a good source of zinc ().


Pork tenderloin is a lean protein product. Regardless, be sure to cut excess fat on meat to avoid unnecessary fat and calories. In addition, pork contains B vitamins and selenium.

11. Frozen shrimp

If you're looking for plenty of protein with low calories, frozen unbreaded shrimp is a convenient option. A 100 gram serving of shrimp contains 99 calories, 21 grams of protein and 1 gram of fat ().

Although this serving also contains 195 mg of cholesterol, scientists found that cholesterol intake in healthy eating usually has little effect on heart health ().

Most of this sodium comes from additives, including sodium tripolyphosphate, which helps retain moisture, and a preservative called sodium bisulfite.

Some frozen shrimp contain only naturally occurring sodium at about 120-220 mg per 100 gram serving (

Approaching Lent, which helps to cleanse the human body and soul. During it, believers eat only lean foods. Before you start fasting, consider the following tips.

What not to eat during fasting

The main condition that fasting people must observe is to refuse meat products(pork, chicken, beef, fish, lamb). You should also not include the following components in your diet:


Dairy cheeses, butter, fermented milk and, strictly speaking, milk).

So, what should your diet be like and what lean foods are best to use in your diet during Lent?

Product List

As you know, you cannot consume products of animal origin during Lent, but only on the shelves of supermarkets and markets you can find a large assortment of such products. Before you go shopping, take with you a list of lean foods:

Cereals (oatmeal, buckwheat, rice, bulgur, pearl barley, corn, wheat, barley);

Vegetables (beets, spinach, potatoes, asparagus, carrots, peppers, cabbage, garlic, onions);

Mushrooms (porcini, champignons, honey mushrooms, oyster mushrooms, chanterelles) can be consumed in any form - fresh, dried, or frozen.

Legumes (peas, asparagus and green beans, lentils, mung beans, chickpeas);

Vegetable fats: olive, flaxseed, sunflower, pumpkin);

Pickles (cucumbers, apples, cabbage, tomatoes);

Greens (basil, dill, mint, leek, parsley) are used dried and fresh or as a spice;

Dried fruits (raisins, candied fruits, dried apricots, figs, prunes);

Nuts (cashews, walnuts, hazelnuts, hazelnuts);

You can use any fruit, even exotic ones;

Sweets (jams, kozinaki, preserves, halva, honey);

Black and green olives;

From durum wheat;

Malt and bran bread;

Drinks ( green tea, fruit drinks, cocoa, compote, juices, jelly);

Soy products (milk, cottage cheese, mayonnaise, sour cream).

These are the types of lean foods you can eat. The list is quite wide. We advise you to adhere to it during fasting.

Soy meatless products

Stores also sell prepared meat and dairy products made from soy. They are enriched with vitamins, Omega-3 acids, microelements, and isoflavones. These lean foods have many advantages:

1. They do not need to be stored in the refrigerator.

2. They cook quickly.

3. Soy can be considered a complete source of protein.

4. Reduce the risk of breast tumors and cardiovascular diseases.

5. Regulate cholesterol in the blood.

6. Improve brain activity.

But doctors still advise caution when using these products. After all, most soybeans are grown using transgenic technologies. When choosing soy products, consider whether these simulants are really necessary.

Example of a Lenten menu

Before you start cooking, purchase provisions. As mentioned above, lean products for fasting can be bought in supermarkets and markets. So, here are a couple of menu options that exclude components that are prohibited in Lent.

For breakfast: wheat porridge cooked exclusively in water. Add finely chopped pumpkin to it. The drink is green tea.

Lunch: vegetarian borscht, light salad of fresh cabbage with finely grated carrots.

Afternoon snack: cook potato rolls with mushrooms in the oven. The drink is apple compote.

Dinner: stew turnips with carrots. As a dessert - cranberries, which are mixed with honey.

Here's another option.

Breakfast: potato pancakes, radish salad. The drink is green tea.

Lunch: broccoli soup, salad of celery root, apples, rutabaga.

Afternoon snack: vegetable stew. The drink is apple-cranberry mousse.

Dinner: stewed cabbage rolls with rice and carrots. Drink - tea with jam. Dessert - candied fruits.

Now you are convinced that it can be varied and, most importantly, useful. All dishes are balanced and include a sufficient amount of vitamins, proteins, and microelements.

Benefits and contraindications

For some people, dietary restrictions are extremely contraindicated. The following categories of persons are exempt from office:

Anyone who has recently suffered complex operation or serious illness;

Elderly people;

Pregnant women, nursing mothers;

Patients with diabetes;

Those suffering from elevated blood pressure, renal failure, serious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, stomach ulcers, gastritis;

People who are engaged in heavy physical labor.

As for the rest, doctors welcome their desire to fast. After all, at least once a week you need to have a fasting day.

Fasting is also beneficial for the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. When eating lean food, harmful toxins and waste are removed from the body. The intestinal microflora is restored. Cholesterol and sugar levels are reduced, and excess fluid is removed. During fasting, many people lose weight. Many people dream about this. After all, excess weight puts a strain on the musculoskeletal and cardiovascular system. The Lenten menu is rich in fruits and vegetables, which saturate the body with vitamins.

Mistakes of fasting people

Under no circumstances should you eat once or twice a day. The body ceases to receive sufficient energy sources. In this regard, the functioning of the immune system may deteriorate and the hormonal background. Be sure to include not only carbohydrate foods in your diet, but also protein foods. Otherwise, it will lead to the accumulation of fatty tissue. Excessive consumption of raw fruits and vegetables, nuts can cause colic, bloating and even exacerbation of intestinal disease. Required in Lenten menu include a first course every day.

The main thing in fasting is not limiting yourself in food, but completely cleansing the soul. And you shouldn’t go to extremes and make your menu only from water and bread.

Doctors do not advise entering into a multi-week fast without preparation. This may lead to nervous breakdowns and health disorder. All this arises due to the feeling of hunger. It's best to prepare yourself throughout the year. Have a deload once a week. Meals should be frequent and small. Eat five times a day. Avoid fried foods. Steam, boil, stew and bake.

After reading the article, we hope you understand that lean foods are nutritious, healthy and appetizing, and not at all tasteless.

(in 2017 it falls on April 16). During fasting, believers should exclude all animal products from their diet, including milk, cheese, and cottage cheese. During Lent, fish can be consumed only twice, in the last two weeks before Easter. Eliminating meat and dairy products from your diet can be a problem, since they are the main source of protein for the human body. Proteins participate in metabolic processes and in the construction of all cells of the body and provide it with energy. Protein deficiency can have a detrimental effect on health, which is why fasting people are advised to add as much plant-based protein as possible to their daily menu. Which products contain the most of it - read the ELLE review.


The legume family is the leader in protein content in the plant world. Experts clarify that the most protein-rich legume is soybean: it replaces meat, and it is used to make milk and tofu cheese. Soy protein has a number of positive functions: it lowers cholesterol, improves kidney function and removes dioxin from the body, which leads to cancer.

"Plant meat" is also called beans. Other popular legumes include lentils, peas and chickpeas. The most famous dish using chickpeas is hummus: a mixture of chickpea spread, sesame seeds, garlic, spices and olive oil.

Cereals and porridges

Experts remind that the proteins in legumes do not contain several amino acids important for the body, so doctors advise including cereals and porridges in your diet during fasting. Many people mistakenly believe that they do not contain protein, but this is not true. For example, 100 grams of buckwheat contain 12.5 grams of protein. You should pay attention not only to oatmeal, pearl barley, barley, rice and millet porridges that are classic for Russian and European cuisines, but also to such wheat cereals as bulgur and couscous.

Nuts, seeds, bran and grains

Protein-rich plant foods also include nuts. However, it should be remembered that at the same time they have a fairly high fat content. Nutritionists recommend consuming no more than 30 grams of nuts per day, and the most protein-packed of them is peanuts.

An alternative to animal protein can also be seeds, corn, quinoa, as well as bran, so many people replace wheat bread bran and rye, and regular pasta - whole grain.