Hanged Man tarot meaning. Thoth Tarot

One version of the origin of Tarot cards is associated with the legendary first prophet Moses, who allegedly brought these cards to Palestine from Ancient Egypt.

What awaits you in the near future:

Find out what awaits you in the near future with the help of Thoth tarot cards.

The Hanged Man card is negative. She points to a situation that is at a dead end; any attempts to resolve it will be unsuccessful. A person may feel powerless in the face of external circumstances. The card is a direct indication that the business you are doing now cannot end in success. The best solution- refuse it. Success is still possible, but it will be achieved at such a cost that the question will arise about the feasibility of the effort expended. The optimal solution there will be a search for an alternative option.

Work and finance

In work and business, the Hanged Man card promises nothing but problems. And they can be very serious, including business destruction or dismissal. Serious things may await you financial losses, it will be extremely difficult to stay afloat. What was once very easy will now be difficult for a number of reasons.


Deep problems in relationships, quarrels and showdowns. Disappointment in your partner, the realization that the choice was wrong. Usually this will lead to a break in the relationship, which can be considered a positive outcome, given that there is nothing but negative from such an alliance.


The man has lost hope better times. He doesn’t believe and knows that nothing good will happen, all this gives rise to self-doubt, because no matter what he does, it will still end badly. And it will all end in chronic pessimism, which in itself will prevent you from achieving success.


The state of health will deteriorate, the disease will become severe. Treatment will not give a positive result. Sometimes the Hanged Man card can indicate death.


This is a card of lack of success. She is strongly negative regarding all topics of fortune telling. It reflects that we have not succeeded, are not succeeding, or will not succeed. This map is very difficult to overcome. It is worth trying to go through it in the future only in a situation where there is no alternative to our choice (see the “Choice” layout) or in the case when the next card in the development of the situation is really positive, and we really realize and understand all the difficulties that we have to clearly see ways to overcome them.


“This is a disaster. Everything is collapsing, and I have absolutely no idea what to do about it. It seems that I am completely powerless, and any of my actions cannot in any way affect the development of the situation.”


Breakup of relationships; complete disappointment and dissatisfaction with the partner; vision complete absence the meaning of continuing the relationship; constant quarrels and mutual nagging; sexual dissatisfaction; severe crisis in relationships.


Strong depressive state; deep self-doubt; pessimism and lack of hope for the best; passivity and inability to make independent decisions.


Lack of successful flow or development of business; serious losses; complete failure; bankruptcy; inability to cope with one's work responsibilities; dismissal from work.


Extremely negative dynamics of the disease; severe crisis or severe deterioration in health; lethal outcome.

This is really very difficult for you, and it is very likely that you are simply not capable of it now. Look at the situation carefully, soberly weigh your resources, and if you don’t see any way to resolve it, smile and don’t lose heart. Accept yourself and the situation for what they really are, and move on to finding a business or activity that you really can handle. Not every one of us is Julius Caesar, and, of course, we should always try to “jump over our heads,” but there is absolutely no need for us to “break our heads against the wall.”

  • Tarot Hanged Man - meaning
  • Hanged Man Reversed Tarot
  • Work and money
  • Health status
  • Hanged Man Tarot Thoth

Tarot Hanged Man - the meaning of this card should be known if you use the Rider Waite Tarot for fortune telling. traditional Tarot or decks that are made in the Waite tradition. Another name for the card is The Hangman.

Tarot Hanged Man - meaning

Arcana Hanged Tarot has not the most positive value. In fact, in a deck of cards, this is perhaps one of the most unfavorable. It says that now a person has the opportunity to gain actual experience, and almost always it is not good.

Most modern tarot readers are confident of this. But in essence, the map can be interpreted in two ways. For a pessimist, such changes will be a bad sign, because he will fall into the state of a victim and begin to feel sorry for himself. At this time, the optimist will try to extract as much as possible from the current situation and feel unity with the world.

It should be noted that the meaning of the card is essentially very closely intertwined with the question the person is asking. If you want to find out from the cards whether your dream will come true, whether your wishes will come true Napoleonic plans, whether you can improve your qualifications, get a job, etc., then the answer will be positive. The card answers “Yes” to all questions that imply devotion to duty and development.

In this case, if the question concerns travel, borrowing funds, meeting with a certain person, then the answer will be negative. Your path will be thorny; there are many barriers that are impossible to overcome. In some cases, the appearance of the 12th Arcana indicates that you are now at a dead end, you need to find a different approach in order for the situation to be resolved.

Maybe something needs to be sacrificed. The Hanged Man insists that the end justifies the means, and at this point everything can be done to achieve it. In old interpretations it is indicated that in some cases the Hanged Man indicates a lack of external activity, confinement in a cell. A person cannot act intensively; he is shackled hand and foot.

Arkan recommends being patient and very measured. The current situation must be accepted with optimism, because if an individual begins to drive himself into depression, he will not be able to understand how to act in this situation. The 12th lasso strongly recommends waiting for events to develop and not rushing.

Learn to be an observer, regain elasticity of thinking and peace of mind. Now you need to learn something new. This may concern increasing qualifications, gaining new experience, and entering higher education. educational institution. The Hanged Man convinces that if you are dedicated to your own work, go to any lengths for the sake of a higher goal, then everything will work out.

Hanged Man Reversed Tarot

The Hanged Tarot Arcana in reverse does not have a completely positive meaning. The card says that a person does not want to work on himself and gain new knowledge. The individual is very passionate about himself, so he wastes a lot of time chasing illusory dreams, he does not study and does not discover new things.

The card can also have another interpretation - a worthless victim, ineffective actions. From time to time this may mean that a person tries to look great using diet pills, expensive creams, but all this brings the least effect than if he simply went in for sports, adhered to proper diet and slept well.

Now a person is an individualist, he does not fully understand what he needs to do in order to achieve his goals. Unfortunately, often such a person may also lack an exact goal. The 12th lasso from time to time says that a person is struggling with fate, but this does not bear any fruit.

Most likely, a person is engaged in showing off, having fun and having fun, but in fact does not experience happiness from existence. A person renounces his responsibilities, tries to insist on his own, but all his attempts to change something are doomed to failure.

Work and money

It’s hard to say that now the individual is happy and enjoys his work. It is entirely possible that he is now a scapegoat, he is blamed for all his mistakes and is not even allowed to say anything in his own defense.

If you stay in your own workplace, you will continue to be disappointed within yourself, because similar employment will not bring success for you. From time to time, The Hanged Man talks about the sacrifices that were made in the name of work. Maybe it’s poor health, working for an idea, and not for a decent pay.

The Hanged Man symbolizes travelers, mystics, psychics, shamans, programmers, cryptographers, and ballet dancers.

If we talk about the financial or housing situation, then today you need to save as much as possible and reduce expenses. Severe losses of funds cannot be ruled out; you may have to sell some valuables in order to get out of debt. A change of residence or sale of an apartment is not excluded. If the card is surrounded by negative arcana, this indicates loss of home.

Hanged Man Tarot - meaning in relationships

In personal relationships with friends, relatives and employees, the Hanged Man does not show his positive aspects. Now you are stuck in a sad situation, even if there are many people around you, you feel lonely. From time to time, the card may indicate that a person is trying to maintain unreliable affairs, or, on the contrary, to get rid of an alliance that is ruining his life.

Regardless of the situation, the Hanged Man warns that at the moment It’s important to learn to adapt to the situation and realize what mistakes you made earlier and not make them in the future. If we talk about the relationship between a man and a lady, the Hanged Man card speaks of sacrifice and weakness.

An individual is often dependent on his other half, but in some cases he is able to begin to manipulate her. Manipulation consists in the fact that a person puts pressure on pity, awakens in the partner a feeling of guilt, a desire to save the individual. A common example from life is when a lady devotes her life to helping her husband get rid of alcoholism or other addiction.

From time to time, the Tarot lasso The Hanged Man can be associated with internal searches and mental decline. Almost always in business scenarios, the lasso is an emblem of expectation and lack of initiative of both partners. The combination of the Tarot Moon and the Hanged Man in a reading for affairs says that a person wants to receive more than to give.

Health status

The Hanged Man Tarot card in a health reading means a sick person. Perhaps he has various psychological disorders, bad habits. It is possible that he suffers from alcoholism. IN mature age there may be the development of various acquired diseases. The person’s health is undermined, he is exhausted.

In the not-too-distant future, injury to the extremities, most likely the legs, is likely. If the card is surrounded by negative ones, this indicates a very languid state, coma, being in intensive care, the presence of a negative magical influence.

Tarot The Hanged Man in combination with other cards

In order to find out the correct interpretation of the layout, you need to pay attention not only to the meaning of each separate card, and their combinations with others. The meaning of the lasso The Hanged Man in combination with other Tarot cards:

  • Jester - rupture of the membrane, getting rid of the disease;
  • Sorcerer - you are a doll in someone's hands;
  • High Priestess - expect something new;
  • Empress - try to benefit from the most disgusting thing;
  • Ruler - being in a stupor;
  • Hierophant - changing the value system;
  • Lovers - sacrifice for love;
  • Chariot - the desire to assert oneself;
  • Strength is an attempt to gain time;
  • Hermit - it’s time to repent of your own sins;
  • Wheel of Fortune - you'll have to wait;
  • Justice - sentencing;
  • Moderation - your misfortunes will end;
  • Demon - retribution for misdeeds;
  • Tower - punishment;
  • Star - an attempt to get out of a difficult situation;
  • Moon - heresy;
  • The sun is merit;
  • Tribunal - struggle;
  • Peace - changing the value system.

Arcana paired with wands:

  • Ace - loss of hope;
  • Two - you drive more quietly, you will continue;
  • Three - the result will not live up to expectations;
  • Four - difficulties;
  • Five - an attempt to get out of the current situation;
  • Six are vain sacrifices;
  • Seven - an attempt to get rid of the load;
  • Eight - sacrifice;
  • Nine - worthless turmoil;
  • 10 - get stuck in dilemmas;
  • Page - evaluate what is happening to you;
  • Knight - get out of troubles;
  • Queen - creative energy;
  • The ruler is conservatism.

Hanged Man - combination with Tarot cups:

  • Ace - making a profit;
  • Two - receiving an inheritance;
  • Three - recognition;
  • Four - passion, obsession;
  • Five - the desire to get rid of loneliness;
  • Six - rebirth;
  • Seven - losses, collapse;
  • Eight - chastity;
  • Nine - gaining experience;
  • 10 - wedding;
  • Page - spiritual development;
  • Knight - selfishness;
  • Queen - power, love;
  • The Lord is a passion for esotericism and the occult.

The meaning of the arcana if there is a card of the suit of blades nearby:

  • Ace - help from a mentor;
  • Two - compliance with the rules;
  • Troika - a wealthy lonely man;
  • Four is news;
  • Five - meeting with enemies;
  • Six - lust;
  • Seven - collapse;
  • Eight - change in the value system;
  • Nine - sacrifice;
  • 10 - danger, collapse, poverty;
  • Page - religiosity, fanaticism;
  • The knight is a callous favorite;
  • The queen is an ancient rich widow;
  • Lord - your conscience will torment you.

Combination with pentacles:

  • Ace - false prophets;
  • Two - listen to your feelings;
  • Troika - patronage;
  • Four - dedication;
  • Five - lack of will;
  • Six is ​​a test;
  • Seven - loss;
  • Eight - the presence of an imperative fan;
  • Nine - suicide;
  • 10 - gaining wealth;
  • Page - disgust;
  • Knight - severe configurations;
  • Queen - fertility;
  • The Lord is the gift of foresight of the future.

Hanged Man Tarot Thoth

In Aleister Crowley's Tarot, the main meaning of the Hanged Man lasso is the absence of success. The magical attribute warns that even if a person tries with all his might to resist bad changes in life, he is unlikely to succeed.

Now everything is collapsing, connections are being cut off, the individual is in the deepest depression, cannot work and develop normally. The card is very negative and predicts obstacles in virtually all areas.

The Hanged Man Tarot has negative value, because it outlines very difficult situation, which a person cannot cope with now. The best thing you can do is to sensibly assess your strengths, find out what mistakes you have made in the past and not lose heart. Try to accept the situation as it is and remember that in the future everything will change for the better.

Lon Milo Duquette.

Spirit of Mighty Waters
Elemental Arcana of Water
Initial composition: the figure of a hanged or crucified man. On a gallows shaped like the letter Dalet, a handsome young man is suspended by one leg. His second leg is crossed with the one on which he hangs. Hands clasped behind the head form a triangle, pointing upward, and this triangle radiates with light.
The young man's lips are firmly compressed.
Hebrew letter: Mem (water).
Path of the Tree of Life: 23rd, connecting Geburah (Severity) with Hod (Splendor)
Colors: rich blue; color sea ​​wave; rich olive green; white, speckled with purple.

“Let the water on which you travel not touch you!
Going down onto dry land, plant a Vineyard and rejoice without shame!”

“In the end, this whole deck will fall on our heads, like Alice through the looking glass. Good night» . - From a letter from Frieda Harris to Aleister Crowley, autumn 1939.

“I have long predicted that our labors will end like “Alice in Wonderland,” but there, if you remember, this is what helped her awaken and see the beauty of life.”. - From Aleister Crowley's letter to Frieda Harris, December 19, 1939.

To paraphrase what I said about the Hierophant, Atu XII is not the Hanged Man of the eon of Osiris. Neither is the Hanged Man of the eon of Isis. In The Book of Thoth, Crowley goes out of his way to explain why this is so. Don't get me wrong: the expression "trying to explain" does not mean disrespect for his efforts, and I certainly don't mean to say that I could have explained better myself. It’s just obvious to me that before he sat down to comment on this map, Crowley swallowed a good handful of pills codenamed “now-I’ll-try-to-explain-the-most-important-mystery-of-life-and-all-mysteries- Higher-Magic-and-at the same time-the-Universe-as-a-whole.”

And, I must admit, the attempt was not bad. Several paragraphs even give important indications of the deepest mysteries of sexual alchemy and magic, certainly worthy of further study and understanding for those interested in this topic. Crowley must have risked going so far because of his conviction that the Hanged Man in his historical and traditional understanding is outdated and in this sense he has nothing to do in the Tarot deck of the new eon. In fact, he encourages us to regard this card as a painful legacy of the eon of Osiris and even goes so far as to unflatteringly compare it to the appendix:

“This map is beautiful with a kind of strange, ancient and already fading beauty. This is the card of the Dying God, and in a modern deck it is nothing more than a cenotaph."

A cenotaph is a tombstone or monument erected in honor of a person whose body is actually buried somewhere else. But one way or another, Crowley then gives an excellent interpretation of the Hanged Aeon of Horus, the main points of which I will try to reproduce here (although I do not have the magic pills AVSYAPRSGTZHIVMVMAZIVVTs).

First, notice that the arms and legs of our crucified hero form a triangle, topped by a cross. Crowley explains that this figure is “a symbol of light descending into darkness and bringing redemption to it.” This is nothing more than a cosmic sacrifice that creates, preserves and destroys the universe. Our understanding of our part in this grand sacrifice has evolved and transformed over the eons. In the eon of Isis, sacrifice meant one thing, in the eon of Osiris it meant something else; now, in the coming eon of Horus, it means, as we will soon see, something third.

Crowley correlates the Aeon of Isis with the element of Water. In that era there was a general belief that woman is the only source human life. The woman sacrificed on the altar of her own body, and the Hanged Man was the unborn child in the waters of her womb, turned upside down to emerge into the light.

The Aeon of Osiris corresponds to the element of Air, which is friendly to both Water and Fire. Therefore, in the eon of Osiris, sacrifice was understood as self-sacrifice. It was the era of the dying god, when the only person who could become a savior was the one who first went through water (baptism, etc.), and then sacrificed his own body, allowing him to be tortured, killed, and then hung or nailed to a tree as a ransom for the life of his people. A couple of thousand years ago, such an act of selflessness was a great step forward in the field of spiritual education of humanity. In fact, in the eon of Osiris it evolved into the highest formula of the adept - the INRI/IAO formula.

The Aeon of Horus corresponds to the element of Fire (symbols of which are the Hebrew letter Shin and Atu XX, Aeon). The water of the Hanged Man and the fire of the new eon are completely at odds with each other. In this aeon, Crowley warns, “the idea of ​​self-sacrifice is fundamentally wrong.” The act of sacrificial suicide is not only outdated - it is now downright harmful:

“...now, under the leadership of the Fiery Lord of the current Aeon, the element of Water - in its manifestations below the Abyss - is most definitely hostile to the dominant element of the era, unless we are talking about true opposites - about those that are reconciled in marriage" .

The marriage we're talking about here we're talking about, is “dissolution of oneself in the Beloved.” On the map its symbol is the ankh - the union of the Rose and Cross, male and feminine. It is the ecstasy of love that dissolves all sense of separateness. This “marriage” is the highest sacrifice, which is what mystics and saints of all times and peoples tried to explain to us.

In the Tarot of Thoth, the Hanged Man still symbolizes the descent of light into darkness for the sake of the latter's redemption, but the word "redemption" no longer implies the idea of ​​​​a debt that must be paid. In the eon of Horus, redemption is the noble duty of the enlightened to bring enlightenment to the unenlightened.

Notice how skillfully Lady Harris combines this card with other “water” cards using projective geometry. Try combining the top sides of the Hanged Man and the High Priestess, as well as the Hanged Man and the Queen of Cups. In addition, of interest are the stylized Enochian tablets against the background of the map, as well as the fine work with green, bringing the influence of Venus.

This card, corresponding to the letter Mem, symbolizes the element of Water. It might be better to say that it symbolizes the spiritual function of water in the structure of the initiation ceremony: it is baptism, which is identical with death. In the Aeon of Osiris, this card denoted the highest formula of the adept - in view of this special significance, which is contained in the pose of the hanged or drowned man himself. His legs are crossed so that the right one intersects the left one at a right angle, and his arms are extended at an angle of 60° to the body, forming two sides of an equilateral triangle. Thus, the figure as a whole is a triangle topped with a cross - a symbol of light descending into darkness and bringing redemption to it. For this reason, the arms, legs and head of the Hanged Man rest on green discs (green, the color of Venus, means Grace). The air above the water is also green, permeated with rays of white light from Kether. The entire figure is suspended from the Ankh (another symbolic image of the Rose and Cross formula), and the Serpent, the creator and destroyer, the arbiter of all changes, is wrapped around the left leg of the Hanged Man. (This will be discussed in detail in the description of the next card.)

It is remarkable that as the redemptive power manifests itself, the darkness and density successively increase; but green is the color of Venus, the color of hope that love gives. The condition for advancement here is the fulfillment of the formula of the Rose and Cross, the dissolution of oneself in the Beloved. In the deep darkness of death, the serpent of new life begins to awaken.

The past Aeon of Osiris had the nature of Air, and this element was not antipathetic to either Water or Fire; The norm of that era was self-sacrifice. But now, under the leadership of the Fiery Lord of the current Aeon, the element of Water - in its manifestations below the Abyss - is most definitely hostile to the dominant element of the era, unless we are talking about true opposites - about those that are reconciled in marriage. But for now we are only talking about the “redemption” of all that has fallen, and in this regard, the meaning of the card is reversed. Ultimately, the idea of ​​self-sacrifice turns out to be false.

“I give unimaginable joys on earth: confidence, not faith, during life and after death; unspeakable peace, relaxation and bliss; and I do not demand any sacrifices in return" ( "Book of the Law", I:58).

"Every man is a star" ( "The Book of the Law", I:3).

The idea of ​​self-sacrifice is fundamentally wrong, as these passages from the Book of the Law confirm.

However, Water is the element of Illusion; and this symbol can be interpreted as a painful legacy of the past Aeon: if we draw an anatomical parallel, this is the spiritual appendix.

It was the water and the Dwellers of the Waters that destroyed Osiris; and Gor-Pa-Krat are threatened by crocodiles.

This map is beautiful with a kind of strange, ancient and already fading beauty. This is the Dying God card, and in a modern deck it is nothing more than a cenotaph. She says, “If things ever get really bad again, if the Dark Ages come again, here is the way to make things right.” But if the need for such intervention arises, then everything is really very bad. The wise must see their most important task in saving humanity from the indecency of self-sacrifice and from the scourge of chastity: faith must be killed by confidence, and chastity by ecstasy.

The Book of the Law says: “Have no pity on the fallen! I didn't know them. I'm not for them. I am not consoling; both the consoled and the comforter are hateful to me" ( "Book of the Law", II:48).

Atonement is a bad word: it implies a duty. Every star is rich infinitely; and the only true way to deal with ignorant people is to bring them knowledge of their stellar inheritance. And for this you need to behave in such a way as to get along with animals and children: treat them with unconditional respect and even, in a certain sense, reverence.

A note on the Anticipation of the Aeons. “The Hanged Man” was invented by the adherents of the I.N.R.I formula. - I.A.O.; in the Aeon preceding the era of Osiris, i.e. in the Aeon of Isis (Water) he was the “Drowned Man.” The two gallows supports depicted in medieval decks were the seabed and the keel of the Ark in the parthenogenic picture of the world and the system of interaction with Nature. In that Aeon every new life was considered the offspring of the Mother (or the Star Goddess, Nut), brought into the world without the participation of a man, and every death was a return to Her. This explains the initial correlation of this Atu with Water and the sound M - the sound of the return to Eternal Silence, as in the word AUM. Therefore, this card is especially sacred to mystics, and the pose of the figure depicted on it is a ritual pose in the exercise called “The Dream of Siloam” ( The "Sleep of Siloam" is a term used in some occult brotherhoods to denote a controlled trance. One of the official documents A.A., never published and probably lost. In addition, one Crowley ritual has been preserved, which mentions the “Dream of Siloam” and in one of the points of which the operator must lie in the “Hanged Man” position. Siloam was the name of the lake near Jerusalem, mentioned in the Bible; The Gospel of John 9 contains a story about how a certain blind man, having washed himself in this lake on the advice of Jesus, received his sight. E.P. Blavatsky traces the word "Siloam" to Hebrew root ShLM, meaning “wholeness, perfection, peace, tranquility, health,” defines the term as follows: “The Dream of Siloam<…>- the name of one of the processes during initiation, used by one of highest schools initiated in Asia Minor, Syria and Upper Egypt. The applicant fell into a deep sleep, during which his spiritual “I” received the opportunity to talk with the gods, descend to Hades, or perform acts of a divine-spiritual nature. Plunging into the sacred sleep of Siloam, the neophyte left his body, and his consciousness plunged into the waters of Lethe, into the pool of silence, where he acquired spiritual understanding in all its fullness. After this, he was considered to have achieved integrity, perfect and saved, having found peace and quiet of inner unity. This sacred event has been known at all times and among all peoples under different names"(Theosophical Dictionary)).

The alchemical meaning of this card is so alien to any dogmatic premises that it is worth considering separately. From a technical point of view, it does not depend on any doctrines: this is a purely scientific property. In this regard, it would be wise to read Chapter 12 of “Magic [in Theory and Practice].”

This Atu symbolizes the sacrifice of “a male child, marked by impeccable innocence and developed intelligence,” the words for this formulation were selected extremely carefully. The meaning of his pose and the fact that he is suspended from the Ankh, the analogue of the Rose and Cross, is discussed above; in some early decks the gallows is depicted as a post with a crossbar or a branch of the Tree and resembles in shape the letter Daleth (ד) - Venus, Love ( Dalet - letter of the Empress).

The background for the figure is a grid consisting of small squares and not limited by the frames of the card; these are the Tablets of the Elements ( Tablets of the Elements - in Enochian magic there are four tables corresponding to the four elements and four cardinal directions. Each Tablet contains 12 rows and 13 columns and is divided into four equal parts - the so-called Small Angles, which in turn correspond to the four elements. The squares of the Tablets are filled with letters of the Enochian alphabet, of which certain rules various names of divine, angelic and other spiritual entities are compiled.), on which the names and seals of all natural energies are inscribed. The work that the Hanged Man performs leads to the conception of a Child, as indicated by the Serpent awakening in the Darkness of the Abyss at the bottom.

However, the card as a whole is primarily a symbol of Water; Mem is one of the three great Mother Letters, and its numeric value- 40, that is, the power of the Tetragrammaton, fully developed into Malkuth, the symbol of the Universe under the rule of the Demiurge ( 40 = 4 x 10. 4 is the number of letters of the Tetragrammaton, as well as the number of the Hesed sephira, symbolizing the power of the Demiurge; 10 is the number of the Sephira Malkuth, the manifested universe. 40 — total quantity all numerical cards of the Tarot deck: in each of the four suits - 10 cards, corresponding to the ten sephiroth - from Ace (Kether) to Ten (Malkuth).). Moreover, Water is the most maternal of the three Mother Letters, since the other two, Shin and Aleph, express masculine ideas; and Homo Sapiens by its origin - marine mammal, and its intrauterine development takes place in the amniotic fluid. The legend of Noah, the Ark and Flood- this is just a priestly interpretation of the true facts of reality. That is why, in search of continuation (in one sense or another), prolongation and, perhaps, even renewal of life, the Adepts always turned their gaze to the Waters.

In the Gospel tradition, in this story about the Great Mysteries of the Spear and Chalice (mysteries of the god Iacchus, IAO) ( Iacchus is a deity associated with the Eleusinian Mysteries, who later merged with Bacchus-Dionysus. According to some versions, he is the son, pet or husband of Demeter, bearing the traits of an agricultural deity; according to others, he is the son of Persephone and Zeus, identical to Dionysus-Zagreus. His name comes from the ecstatic exclamation “iakh!” that sounded in the Eleusinian Mysteries. IAO - name supreme god Gnostics, personifying the magical formula of life, death and rebirth. For more information on what is here called the “Great Mysteries”, see Atu 0 (Fool)), superior to the Lesser Mysteries (the god Jonah = Noah and other gods associated with the letter N), in which the god dies from the sword so that his head could be presented on a Dish or Disk, it is said: “... but one of the soldiers pierced His ribs with a spear, and immediately blood and water flowed out” (John 19:34). His Beloved Disciple and the Virgin Mother, who were waiting at the foot of the Cross or Tree, collect this Wine into a Cup or Cup, which Cup is the Holy Grail (Sangraal) of Montsalvat, the Mountain of Salvation ( Grail (gréal) really just means “dish”: Old French. graal, greal, grasal, probably a distorted Latin gradale, in turn derived from [Ancient Greek] crater - “cup”.). This Sacrament reaches its zenith in Cancer; see Atu VII.

The student needs to rotate in this Wheel of symbolism, circle after circle, until all the figures merge with each other until they are indistinguishable in a rapturous dance of ecstasy; and only then will he be able to partake of this Sacrament and complete it for himself - and for all humanity! - Great Work.

However, let him not forget that in these galleries of music, open to all winds, there is also a secret of a practical nature, namely: the authentic production of the Stone of the Sages, the Medicine of Metals and the Elixir of Life!

"Book of Thoth" Aleister Crowley