The name Zhanna origin and meaning for a girl. Name meaning: Zhanna

The fate of each person directly depends on his name. Therefore, before naming the child, parents need to think carefully.

For those who are about to have a girl, experts recommend paying attention to the meaning of the name Zhanna. Zhanna is the French version of the name Ivan, John, common in Slavic countries. From the Hebrew language it is translated as “the mercy of God.” In France, it is derived from the male name Jean (in our opinion,).

Analogues of the name and its abbreviated variants: Zhannochka, Zhanka, Zhannusya, Zhannulya, Zhanette, Zhanel. Full – Zhanna.

Character traits

The character of the girl for whom the name Zhanna was chosen is passionate and hot-tempered. This is often noticeable in relationships with friends. Usually it is Zhannochka who is the instigator of quarrels and conflicts in the company.

Already at an early age she begins to show interest in boys. Zhanna likes it when they pay attention to her, praise her, and invite her to play with them. The girl simply loves to surprise her friends with beautiful bows, hairpins, and frills on her dress.

The girl Zhanna has a rather strong character. She knows her worth and knows how to behave with dignity in public. She likes noisy parties, holidays, discos. At every such event, Zhannochka feels like a princess.

Guys like her. However, having become close to her, not everyone can withstand her character. The meaning of the beautiful name Zhanna includes the following traits: authority, rejection of other people's opinions and slight selfishness. Therefore, it is difficult for young people to find a common language with her.

The character of the adult Zhanna is somewhat softer. Life experience “hewn” him, brought Zhannochka down from heaven to earth. She began to listen to those around her, follow the advice of more experienced people, and became a wise and sensible woman.

A representative of the fair sex, bearing the name Zhanna, is a faithful, reliable friend. At the same time, she can be friends with both women and men. She is often trusted with the most intimate secrets, and she faithfully keeps them.

A man who seeks to win Jeanne’s passionate heart must have a number of positive qualities. She will definitely pay attention to someone who has a strong character, attractive appearance and the makings of a good family man. For her part, the woman guarantees her chosen one attention, care and affection.

When it comes to sex, Jeannette is a big dreamer. She knows how to surprise her partner and also demands “something interesting” from him. If a man stops satisfying Zhanna, she begins to think about a new gentleman.

Positive features:

  • Frankness.
  • Reliability.
  • Having a sense of humor.
  • Responsibility for your actions.
  • Responsiveness.

But the most important virtues of a woman named Zhanna are selflessness and generosity. She will not hesitate to sacrifice material goods even if a stranger gets into trouble.


Zhanna's persistent character promises her a good financial situation in the future. Sometimes these women themselves earn a lot of money. But most often they become an inspiration for their partners, who try with all their might to satisfy all the needs of their beautiful beloved.

Zhanna is rarely limited to one marriage. The reason for this is some frivolity in young years. Mistaking falling in love for love, the girl plunges headlong into a romantic relationship and creates a family that lasts no more than a few years.

The meaning of the female name Zhanna implies a happy marriage in adulthood. This happens when a woman’s character becomes softer and she begins to perceive reality more objectively.

Such a union will be strong, in which both spouses will support each other. They will not even think of creating conflict situations over trifles. On the contrary, the husband and wife will try to understand each other’s feelings and accept their partner for who he is. Advantages of marriage:

  • Trust.
  • Lack of jealousy.
  • Understanding.

Most often, Zhannochka gives birth to one, sometimes two, children. The boys will face a strict upbringing (after all, Zhanna wants to raise real men). But if a girl is born, she will most likely turn out to be a spoiled doll, demanding attention from others and recognition as a queen.

The beautiful name Zhanna suggests working in the field of beauty and health or in the restaurant business. Jeannette will make an excellent director of a beauty salon or a fashionable restaurant. Such a business will not only bring great profits, but will also bring out the best qualities in its owner.

A happy old age awaits Zhannochka. Her children will respect her and her grandchildren will adore her. Considering that Zhanna’s character will become ideal over the years, she will have the opportunity to make many friends with whom she will be interested in spending time.

The name Zhanna often belongs to women who are spoiled by fate. Its French origins are associated with chic, fashion and sophistication. So it is in reality. A beautiful life with a lot of pleasant surprises awaits Zhannochka. Vladislav. Such unions will bring disappointment to the man and woman in their partner.

Zhanna celebrates her name day on July 10, the day of St. John the Myrrh-Bearer. This is one of the disciples of Jesus Christ. It is recommended to visit the church on this day and honor your patroness.

  • Zhannochka's zodiac sign: .
  • Colors to match the look: blue, green.
  • Talisman: chrysoprase, turquoise, agate.
  • Planet: Mars.
  • Name energy: impulsiveness.
  • Recreation place: sea.
  • Purpose: people management.

The main advice for the girl Zhanna: be alone from time to time. Your nervous system gets tired of the constant presence of people. You may not notice it, but solitude relaxes you and gives you strength.

Having learned the origin and meaning of the name Zhanna, many will wonder whether they should call their daughter that, because in childhood she will be a restless and stubborn child. However, in adulthood, Zhannochka will have a happy life in almost ideal conditions. Author: Vera Drobnaya

If you looked here, it means you want to learn more about the meaning of the name Zhanna.

What does the name Zhanna mean?

The name Zhanna means mercy of God (Heb.)

The meaning of the name Zhanna is character and fate

A woman named Zhanna is cheerful, energetic, witty, and won’t mince words. However, she is proud and stubborn. Don't mind having fun in company and drinking. She doesn’t want to get married - she’s too independent and freedom-loving. He tries to get a good education, take a worthy place in life, and only then start a family. If one gets married early, the first marriage most often breaks up. The second one is happier. A woman named Zhanna marries someone she has known for a long time and well, sometimes it is an old friend from school. In the family, Zhanna is the leader; her husband must obey her unquestioningly. She is an excellent housekeeper, skillfully manages the family budget, knows how to do everything, is neat, clean, an excellent cook and very thrifty. A woman named Zhanna always has a lot of pickles and preserves in her bins. And yet, a husband who is too calm and overly compliant risks becoming dependent on her. Zhanna does not value her husband’s good attitude too much, at least until she encounters his resistance. Only the risk of losing her husband can put her in her place. She becomes softer, more careful in her statements, and understands that she was wrong. Living with a woman named Zhanna under the same roof is not easy; a husband should constantly remind his wife that he, too, has character. Zhanna often gives birth to a girl, whom she spoils excessively. She does not always manage to raise a good daughter; her worries know no bounds. Zhanna is hot-tempered, and her mood greatly affects the upbringing of her daughter.

Meaning of the name Zhanna for sex

Zhanna is a woman of high temperament; she strives to dominate in sex and control her partner’s behavior. True, she knows how to achieve this without humiliating his manhood. Playing the role of a follower, her man is always sure that he is the leader. “Summer” Zhanna is subject to sudden mood swings, her attraction is sensitive to the slightest troubles, any little thing can deprive her of mental balance, and with it sexual desire. “Winter” is proud and straightforward, demanding of men, sometimes expecting the impossible from them. Because of this, she often remains unmarried, which does not mean “lonely” at all, because Zhanna attaches great importance to sex, considering it necessary to maintain health and mental comfort. A woman named Zhanna is impulsive and sensual, capable of recklessness in love.

The character and fate of the name Zhanna, taking into account the patronymic

First name Zhanna and patronymic....

Zhanna Alekseevna, Andreevna, Artemovna, Valentinovna, Vasilievna, Viktorovna, Vitalievna, Vladimirovna, Evgenievna, Ivanovna, Ilyinichna, Mikhailovna, Petrovna, Sergeevna, Fedorovna, Yuryevna sociable, but proud and independent. She gets married late and is in no hurry to burden herself with family concerns. Restrained in her feelings, violent passions are not for her. A woman named Zhanna chooses a flexible, serious man as her husband from among those whom she has known almost since school. The husband completely relies on her and does not seek to lead. She gives birth to children of different sexes. Zhanna raises them in a Spartan style - everyone knows their duties around the house. It is useless to argue or resist the will of the mother, and it is better not to fall under the hot hand at all. In intimate relationships, Zhanna is highly dependent on her mood. This woman needs a special approach. She is quite sensitive, sexy, but somewhat uptight. Only an experienced partner can bring her out of this state.

First name Zhanna and patronymic....

Zhanna Alexandrovna, Arkadyevna, Borisovna, Vadimovna, Grigorievna, Kirillovna, Maksimovna, Matveevna, Nikitichna, Romanovna, Tarasovna, Timofeevna, Timurovna, Eduardovna, Yakovlevna has a difficult character, is quick-tempered, impulsive, although energetic and cheerful. She can do everything, she succeeds everywhere. A woman named Zhanna is physically strong and passionate, but in her intimate life she cannot afford to relax with every man. Having experienced a feeling of complete satisfaction with one of them, she tries not to miss it, she can be intrusive, annoying, which pushes her lover away. Zhanna does not marry for a long time. The men she likes avoid her, they are afraid of her assertiveness and temper. And those who are drawn to her do not like her. This kind of Zhanna is attracted to strong-willed, temperamental men who can tame her. However, she marries a balanced, serious man, convinced that her family life would not work out otherwise.

First name Zhanna and patronymic....

Zhanna Bogdanovna, Vladislavovna, Vyacheslavovna, Gennadievna, Georgievna, Danilovna, Egorovna, Konstantinovna, Makarovna, Robertovna, Svyatoslavovna, Yanovna, Yaroslavovna Although she has a strong, domineering character, she is kind and sympathetic. She has a flexible mind and a sharp tongue. He communicates more easily with men, does not tolerate weak-willed people, whiners, bores, and cannot stand stupid women. Such Zhanna is a person of mood, which is most clearly expressed in intimate relationships: today she can be affectionate and tender, burning with desire, and tomorrow she can be harsh, irritable, and not restrained in her tongue. This woman is in dire need of a gentle and sensitive companion. More often than not, girls born to a woman named Zhanna are more attached to a good-natured and compliant father. Often the first marriage is unsuccessful.

First name Zhanna and patronymic....

Zhanna Antonovna, Arturovna, Valerievna, Germanovna, Glebovna, Denisovna, Igorevna, Iosifovna, Leonidovna, Lvovna, Mironovna, Olegovna, Ruslanovna, Semyonovna, Filippovna, Emmanuilovna- a woman with a strong character, knows how to control herself. She is calculating, smart, tactful. Tries not to offend anyone. She is non-conflict, puts up with other people’s shortcomings, but her patience should not be tested. Zhanna is sociable, sociable, prefers male company. He finds women boring and primitive; he does not tolerate gossip, intrigue, or empty talk. In intimate relationships, he strives to lead his partner, but will never humiliate his dignity. Only with a man capable of acting as a leader can a woman named Zhanna relax and feel like a real woman. She chooses a strong, strong-willed man as her husband. But the first marriage may be unsuccessful. In her youth, Zhanna still does not know how to be condescending and compliant; she cannot understand that a real man will not tolerate her power over him. In her second marriage she behaves differently, and her life is happier.

First name Zhanna and patronymic....

Zhanna Alanovna, Albertovna, Anatolyevna, Veniaminovna, Vladlenovna, Dmitrievna, Markovna, Nikolaevna, Rostislavovna, Stanislavovna, Stepanovna, Feliksovna stubborn, persistent, quick-tempered over trifles, but very kind, cools down quickly and does not remember evil. He quickly finds a common language with men; relations with women are more strained. She is proud, direct and categorical, somewhat careless, does not tolerate monotony in life, and strives for constant change. Such Zhanna is very demanding in choosing a life partner, sometimes she expects the impossible from him and therefore may remain unmarried. But a woman named Zhanna is never lonely. Zhanna attaches great importance to sex, she is impulsive and sensual, capable of recklessness in love. If she meets the man of her dreams, she is ready to do anything for the sake of happiness to be with him. Knows how to become flexible, compliant, passionate. Such a man will be very lucky, because you couldn’t ask for a better wife.

Meaning of the name Zhanna: means “Lord have mercy,” “may Yahweh be merciful.”

Origin of the name Zhanna: Hebrew.

Diminutive form of name: Zhanka, Zhanochka, Zhanusya.

What does the name Zhanna mean? A sweet, sociable girl, she does not use beauty to win men’s hearts. Women do not see her as a rival and trust her with their most intimate secrets. The girl chooses a simple profession related to physical activity. The woman Zhanna is not interested in marriage, but agrees to become the wife of a persistent, positive man.

Angel Day and patron saints named: Zhanna celebrates her name day once a year: It is not listed in the Orthodox calendar, but Zhanna usually celebrates her name day on Midsummer Day, July 7th.

Meaning of a girl's name

What character traits does the meaning of the name Zhanna determine?

Early childhood: As a child, Zhanna is a very peculiar child. She is a “daddy’s girl,” so she takes on many of her father’s character traits, such as persistence, stubbornness, and selfishness, from him. Among her childhood friends there are more boys, with whom she takes an active part in their fun. But at the same time, Zhanna prefers quiet games, such as board games. Little Zhanna tries to find a common language with all the children, but she does not forgive insults, so she can fight.

Teenager: The girl is very sociable, for her the whole world is friends, girlfriends, at worst, buddies. Zhanna loves simple manners and, although she knows how to be irresistible, she rarely tries for this. Zhanochka is hardworking, stubborn, even persistent. She has a cheerful, "groovy" disposition. She's smart and doesn't mince words. For her, manifestations of female weakness are of particular importance: tears, chatter, gossip. Among her hobbies, sports occupy a large place; she enjoys swimming, skiing, and volleyball. And among school subjects, she can achieve success in studying the exact sciences.

Adult: When choosing a profession, the masculine traits in Zhanna’s character play a big role, so girls with that name often choose male professions. Even in her clothes, she prefers jeans and trousers rather than dresses, in which she can only be seen at a special occasion. Zhanna is a very “groovy” person, she can get out of any situation with dignity. Zhanna can also be irresistible, although she uses this quality very rarely. Among her many male acquaintances, Zhanna has many admirers. Nevertheless, she is in no hurry to get married. As a rule, before this she manages to gain education and work experience.

Character of the name Zhanna

Positive features: The name is dominated by independence and impulsiveness. Zhanochka is exceptionally kind and responsive. Zhanna gives justice. She is not afraid to face difficulties; they cannot break her, but only strengthen her character. The girl never enters into conflict, but in a dispute she does not give in and will not miss her goal.

Negative features: As a rule, Jeannes are distinguished by very sensitive pride and restrained sensitivity to external influences and harshness, which should not be confused with ordinary emotionality. Behind this is the desire to prove to everyone, and above all to oneself, one’s importance. The slightest insult hurts Zhanochka’s pride, creates internal tension, and this, in turn, further increases sensitivity to insults.

Name Zhanna in love and marriage

Does the meaning of the name Zhanna promise happiness in love? Very often, Zhanna connects her fate with a person whom she has known for a long time and well. That’s why most often it’s her classmate, whom she’s known since school. In family life, Zhanna becomes a leader. She is a reliable and faithful wife. The husband can rely on her intuition and energy in everything. He will also have to do the housework himself, since Zhanna takes on it only when she’s in the mood. In raising children, Zhanna is guided by the principle of rigor and a clear distribution of responsibilities.

Compatibility with male names

Ideal name compatibility:

  • Zhanna and Artem
  • Zhanna and Dmitry
  • Zhanna and Vadim
  • Zhanna and Maxim

Failed name compatibility:

  • Zhanna and Semyon
  • Zhanna and Boris
  • Zhanna and Oleg
  • Zhanna and Afanasy

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: The young owner of this name combines creative abilities, increased emotionality and a certain firmness in achieving goals. The girl Zhanna prefers collective work to individual work and is successful in leadership positions. As a rule, she realizes her abilities in the social sphere, in professions that require hard work.

Business and career: The woman Zhanna has to save money slowly, and due to unlucky relatives and friends, she often experiences a “leakage” of it. Zhanna attaches great importance to caution in business; financial losses are possible, especially in the decline of life.

Health and energy named after

Health and talents named Zhanna: From early childhood, Zhanochka grows up to be an active girl; she begins to walk early. Teeth cut as the temperature rises. She is susceptible to various diseases. Many diseases are transmitted to her by genotype from her parents. As a child, she suffered from diathesis, dermatitis, and chickenpox. In kindergarten, the girl Zhanna always wants to be a leader.

“February” Zhanochka gets sick more often in the summer than in the winter. The main diseases are sore throat and whooping cough. As a child, the girl often suffers from tonsillitis, which makes her capricious and nervous. She loves to always be close to adults, she goes to bed late - don't let her do this.

Zhanna needs long sleep, otherwise her weakened nervous system will make itself felt. She is sensitive to raised voices and should be spoken to calmly. Zhanna suffers from poor appetite, but she should not be force-fed. First of all, this concerns the “March” Jeanne. She has pneumonia. Zhanochka is allergic to citrus fruits.

This girl needs vitamins, give her more fruits and vegetables. She is mobile and unbalanced. If Zhannochka is treated roughly, she will grow up nervous, angry, and irritable. In high school, he may start smoking, especially for “November” and “December” Jeanne. Smoking is contraindicated for her; her bronchi and lungs are weakened. At the age of sixteen, her character develops: she has a strong, masculine type. But despite this, she has a weak nervous system.

Pay special attention to Zhanna, who was born in December - in adulthood, the “December” has gynecological diseases, inflammation of the ovaries, and gastric ulcers. The first birth can be difficult, large gaps. The woman Zhanna, in her old age, has low stomach acidity, cholecystitis appears, and her vision weakens. There is salt deposits and gout, which makes it difficult for her to walk.

Horoscope named Zhanna

Zhanna-Aries: sincere, stubborn, impulsive nature. She sets the highest goals for herself and strives headlong towards their implementation. If you are in the way of this woman, you will simply be carried away by an unstoppable flow. And if you try to get into the affairs of Jeanne-Aries with your advice, then the stubborn and harsh rebuff will leave you in amazement. This woman is always in sight, not excluding male attention. Only she will always manage the relationship with her partner.

Jeanne-Taurus: diligent, economical, persistent woman. She is used to acting independently and will not allow anyone to interfere in her affairs. Even after listening to the opinions of others, Zhanna-Taurus will act in her own way. It cannot be said that she has many fans, because Zhanna-Taurus is not a supporter of all kinds of parties. She falls in love only once, is devoted to her chosen one with all her soul, but can be overly suspicious and jealous.

Jeanne-Gemini: a representative, vain personality. She tries to get into a society where she would be noticed, appreciated, where she would arouse admiration and even envy. I must admit, Jeanne-Gemini knows how to do this. She is not afraid of gossip, because this woman is able to repel enemies, and what kind of ones! Always spectacular, sleek, she makes a bewitching impression on men. Jeanne-Gemini willingly starts light romances, but not stable, strong relationships.

Zhanna-Cancer: grumbling, arrogant nature. She wants to be noticed, but does not know how to do this, so she always criticizes everyone and is not averse to gossip. She thinks too highly of herself. If a fan does not please Jeanne-Cancer in some way, she will pester him with ridicule and mockery. But in front of a strong-willed man, Zhanna-Cancer gives in, feels insecure, but this is exactly the kind of person she will most likely fall in love with.

Jeanne-Virgo: an arrogant, businesslike, abstinent woman. She considers it unworthy to flaunt her skills and waits for her deeds to be appreciated. If her abilities went unnoticed, Jeanne-Virgo will not show her dissatisfaction in any way, but in the depths of her soul she will harbor a grudge and will never forgive. Her expressionless gaze scares off men. Zhanna-Virgo does not strive for a romantic relationship. She is looking for a partner herself.

Zhanna-Libra: charming, sociable, energetic woman. She loves entertainment, parties, hiking, traveling and various cultural events. Finding Zhanna-Libra at home is almost impossible. At this pace, her life is filled with fans, novels, and random hobbies. Zhanna-Libra dreams of a luxurious, carefree life, so it is possible that she will marry for convenience.

Jeanne-Scorpio: an active, graceful woman, endowed with a unique charm. She tends to go to extremes; She does first and thinks later. Jeanne-Scorpio needs to find a direction in which she could direct her activity. Often love adventures become such a “channel” for her. Her passion has no boundaries, she changes partners like gloves. Jeanne-Scorpio wants to find stability in life, but she simply cannot stop.

Zhanna-Sagittarius: enthusiastic, extravagant personality. She is keenly interested in everything that happens around her and tries to take a direct part in everything. There are, as a rule, more men surrounded by Jeanne-Sagittarius than women. She values ​​true friendship extremely. Zhanna-Sagittarius chooses a partner for a long time, and builds relationships with him on trust and equality.

Jeanne-Capricorn: noble, honest, selfless nature. She will never betray or resort to meanness for the sake of her own interests. Human baseness disgusts this woman. It can be difficult for her in a world where everything is built on money and power. But Jeanne-Capricorn does not give in to despondency and does not give up hope of meeting a worthy person.

Jeanne-Aquarius: a good-natured, simple-minded, reliable person. She expresses her feelings openly, is unusually attentive to people, but try not to become emotionally dependent on anyone. This woman is unusually attractive to the stronger sex. However, Jeanne-Aquarius is in no hurry to start a love relationship; she studies her partner for a long time. Being restrained, Jeanne-Aquarius will periodically begin to sneer at the excessive passion of her chosen one.

Jeanne-Pisces: a charming personality, full of inspiration and fantasy. She perfectly captures the moods of others and knows how to select the right moment for action. She has a rich inner world, attracting a large number of fans. Jeanne-Pisces is flirtatious, but does not go too far in her games. She needs constant, deep, romantic feelings.

Jeanne's talismans

  • Zodiac – Leo
  • Planet – Sun
  • Jeanne's color is white
  • Auspicious tree - maple
  • Treasured plant - lily
  • Patron - eagle
  • Talisman stone – diamond

The fate of the name Zhanna

  1. Zhanna Antonovna or Joanna Lovich - princess, nee Countess Grudzinskaya - morganatic wife of Tsarevich Konstantin Pavlovich.
  2. Jeanne Duval was an actress, ballerina and for twenty years the muse of the French poet Charles Baudelaire.
  3. Jeanne Anais Castel - also known under the name Chastel and as Anaida Castellan; French opera singer (soprano).
  4. Zhanna Aster is a Russian and French poet and writer, writing in the traditions of the Silver Age, author-composer and performer of her songs in Russian, French and English, French singer, composer and actress, working in Russian in an alternative style of music.
  5. Zhanna Balashova is a Russian actress.
  6. Zhanna Agalakova is a Russian TV presenter and TV journalist.
  7. Zhanna Glebova - Soviet singer (soprano), operetta, theater and film actress, Honored Artist of the Latvian SSR (1976).
  8. Jeanne Clémence Weil is the mother of Marcel Proust, the prototype of the mother from his series of books “In Search of Lost Time”.
  9. Zhanna Vorobyova is a Russian theater and film actress.
  10. Zhanna Gromova - nee Krivtsun; Russian figure skating coach, Honored Coach of Russia.
  11. Zhanna Bolotova - Soviet and Russian theater and film actress, People's Artist of the RSFSR (1985).
  12. Jeanne de Tourbet - married Countess de Loing (French courtesan, star of the Second Empire and the early decades of the Third Republic.
  13. Marie Jeanne Becu is the official favorite of the French king Louis XV, the illegitimate daughter of the tax collector Gomar de Vaubernier. In addition to the surnames of her mother (Becu) and father (Gomar), she also used the pseudonym LanZhanna
  14. Zhanna Kadyrova is a Ukrainian artist.
  15. Zhanna Kerimtaeva is a Soviet and Kazakh film actress.

Name translation

The translation of the name in different languages ​​has a slightly different meaning and sounds slightly different. In English it is translated as Johanna, in Czech: Johana, in Polish: Joanna, in French: Jeanne.

How the name is declined according to cases

  • Nominative case: Zhanna
  • Genitive case: Jeanne
  • Dative case: Zhanne
  • Accusative case: Jeanne
  • Instrumental case: Zhanna
  • Prepositional case: Zhanne

That is why the meaning of the name Zhanna is interpreted in a religious vein: “God’s grace, God’s mercy, God’s gift and simply grace.” Although the name has taken root in the village. Soviet space, it is not included in the Christian calendar of Christmastide. Since the name Zhanna comes from John, which is close to our Ivan, she sometimes celebrates her unofficial birthday on Midsummer.

The meaning of the name Zhanna in childhood has its own distinctive features. The girl is very stubborn and persistent, which causes a lot of trouble for her family. If she has thought of something, then this should not be discussed, Zhanna will do everything in her own way.

What makes our heroine stand out among her peers is great love for life and extraordinary behavior. The girl is quite inquisitive and curious, but this only applies to topics that interest her. The named Zhanna does not perceive the school curriculum as such; it is difficult to sit her down with textbooks. Therefore, she does not shine with success in her studies.

An ordinary whip will not help here, Zhannochka should be interested, then she will move mountains.

Even mathematical analysis and foreign languages ​​will submit to her if she herself wants it. As for interest groups, here, called Zhanna, is in the forefront. Endowed with talents by nature, she will strive to develop them. Parents, in turn, should encourage and support this in every possible way.

Full description of the name

The name Zhanna has a strong energy component. Hidden here is assertiveness, power, the desire to act and move forward, despite any obstacles. Hard work and abilities allow our heroine to move mountains. Whatever task she undertakes, she will definitely see it through to the end.

The girl has so much vital energy that it is quite enough for two.

A negative aspect in the character of the name Zhanna is manifested in the reluctance to listen to the opinions of others and use their advice. This often stalls a situation in which our heroine tries to cope with everything on her own. Jeanne’s arrogance is also involved here; it also becomes a stumbling block.

There is resourcefulness and wit in the characteristics of the name Zhanna; she can even be irresistible, but she does not always use these qualities. Our heroine extols herself, although this is not always justified. Weaving intrigues and gossip is alien to her; Zhanna also does not tolerate empty talk.

When receiving information, the girl quickly reacts to it and immediately makes a decision.

A woman named Zhanna is always noticeable, her brightness and eccentricity immediately catch the eye. She will not waste her money on small things, she needs to hit the full jackpot. But our heroine lacks patience and tact; her straightforwardness does not suit many, which is why our heroine has few true friends.

Among the positive character traits of the name Zhanna, one should highlight her independence, love of freedom and impulsiveness. Although the latter brings a lot of trouble to the woman, thanks to her Zhanna overcomes all obstacles.

Our heroine has a keen sense of justice, she is kind-hearted and sympathetic. He will always come to the rescue if the situation demands it.

The difficulties encountered on the path of our heroine do not confuse or break her at all, but only strengthen her. It’s difficult to call Zhanna a conflict person; she herself never starts clashes, but if by chance they happen, the woman will not miss hers. For Zhanna The main thing in life is to prove that she is a significant person. At the same time, inside our heroine is vulnerable and touchy, although she doesn’t show it.


The name Zhanna can reveal itself in different ways in love. Sometimes she is sensitive and voluptuous, ready to do anything for her lover. Zhanna can also be restrained and cautious, observing all existing social principles. To a greater extent, her behavior is determined based on the state of mind in which our heroine is currently located.

The strong temperament of a woman named Zhanna does not go away in love relationships, so she always tries to take a dominant position.

A woman’s priority is getting an education and a successful job, so before she completes these points, she will not get married. And having received the desired position, our heroine does not strive to start a family, she first tries to gain a foothold in the professional sphere.


Most often, the bearer of the name Zhanna has an attractive appearance, which attracts men. A sweet smiling face hides a volcano of passions. At the same time, our heroine is in no hurry to have affairs; she plays with men like kittens, first attracts them, and then rejects them.

It is not easy to gain favor with Zhanna, since she herself cannot decide exactly what kind of man she needs. Often a woman spends a long time searching and may end up choosing the wrong candidate.

In the family, named after Zhanna, she occupies the role the first violin, makes all decisions independently, the husband only has to rely on their correctness. Raises children in strictness, although and loves them, does not show any special feelings. He takes care of the housework through force, devotes more time to work and hobbies than to his family.

Professional orientation and career

Ever since school, the bearer of the name Zhanna understands that in order to achieve success she should get a good education.

Zhanna Vladimirovna Friske (Russian pop singer, TV presenter, film actress)

  • Although her studies were not going well in elementary school, in high school Zhanna begins to pull up her tail.
  • Most often, a girl chooses male professions; she can even become a pilot or stuntwoman.
  • The exact sciences are not ignored either, so professions related to mathematics will also be subject to it.
  • For a girl named Zhanna, who is endowed with talents and develops them from childhood, her professional orientation may be related to theater or modeling.

It turns out that the name Zhanna has many spellings and pronunciations. In France it sounds like Joanna, its derivative is Yana. In Latin America, girls are called Yohana, Yohani. This name is very popular everywhere. In Russia and foreign countries, many great women of the era wore it.

Name Zhanna, meanings and origin

Zhanna is of Jewish origin. Women with such names were both Catholics and Orthodox. The French name "John" was modified in Russia in accordance with the pronunciation and turned into Zhanna. If we translate from Hebrew, then its meaning is “The Grace of God,” “Grace,” “Given by God.”

Here are some of its other synonyms: Yana, Joanna, Zheanne, Janet.

They also became independent - Jean, Jane.

A more affectionate and diminutive of the name Zhanna is Jenna, Zhannochka, Zhinulya, Zhann.

Personality characteristics. Everything good and bad about the name Zhanna

Since childhood, he has exhibited masculine behavioral traits. In actions, way of thinking and mentality, he resembles his father. She has a stubborn, persistent, proud and selfish character. The girl is sociable with her friends, but she is more friends with boys and loves men's games. Zhanna is a faithful comrade and friend, she does not let her friends down. Decisiveness is her main trait.

She is sensitive, but does not want to get married. Having many fans, he prefers to devote the best time for himself. The style and demeanor are a bit harsh. Hence her love for men's clothing and jeans. Zhanna attaches little importance to weakness.

In marriage and family relationships, she is energetic, active, sexy, and puts pressure on her husband. The meaning of the name is firmness, heroism, determination, courage and passion. This is what has been inherent in her since childhood and determines her fate in the future. By giving a name to a girl, parents seem to predetermine her an active and selfless life, the life of a leader, and prepare her.

The name Zhanna and the meaning of the name represent this woman as a bearer of a strong and strong-willed character, a firm, unshakable person.

Health and life. Secrets and attractiveness of a woman

Growing up, Zhanna does not become softer or kinder. On the contrary, she becomes more straightforward and categorical. Among men, few can withstand her pressure and energy. But she is not busy looking for men, they find her themselves, submitting to her strength, charm, determination, and vitality. Signs of weakness that others show mean nothing to her. She knows how to work and can be a leader.

Possessing external toughness, for a person who means a lot to her, she is ready to sacrifice a lot. This reveals the secret of her name.

In terms of profession, she is guaranteed a career in a male team, a senior manager, a respected woman in the team, a lawyer, a chief accountant, a politician. Fate gives her gifts in the form of a wonderful husband and well-educated children. In her family life she has order, which means a lot to her, and mutual understanding.

In terms of health, she has weak lungs and kidneys, and all her emotional experiences are reflected in her heart. It is necessary to pay attention to diseases of the joints and liver.

She will only decide to enter into a marriage with a trusted partner whom she completely trusts.

Compatibility with other signs

Fully compatible with men:

  • Alexander and Andrey, Arthur;
  • Vadim and Vyacheslav;
  • Dmitry;
  • Ilya and Igor;
  • Paul;
  • Felix;

She does not find a common language with people named Semyon and Oleg, Boris, they are not compatible with her.

Stones and talismans

The talisman stone is a diamond, meaning hardness, wisdom, and versatility of nature.

Zodiac sign - Leo, Color - white. The tree is maple. Flower - lily.

Zhanna, female name. Hebrew - "God's mercy."

She is growing up to be a peculiar girl. She is moderately sociable, loves board games as a child, and willingly participates in boyish activities. His character reminds him of his father and often inherits from him such traits as stubbornness, perseverance, and selfishness. He devotes a lot of time to sports, loves skiing, basketball, and swimming. In the children's group she is friendly with everyone, but she does not forgive insults and can even beat up the offender. Exact sciences are more successful.

Zhanna's hard work allows her to earn good money, she can successfully realize herself in business.

Many Zhannes smoke, they don’t mind having fun in company and drinking. They often marry twice.

Doesn't strive for early marriage. Before marriage, he usually manages to finish college and work. She marries someone whom she has known for a long time and well, often this is a long-standing friendship, almost from school. In marriage, she is the leader; the husband relies on her energy and intuition in almost everything. Zhanna's children receive a Spartan upbringing and clearly know their responsibilities around the house. Zhanna cooks according to her mood; her husband often does it.

He chooses a male profession, for example, he can be an excellent auto mechanic. There is also a “masculine” taste in clothing - a tracksuit, a jacket, jeans. She knows how to be irresistible, but rarely uses it. Jeanne can only be seen in a woman's elegant dress on special occasions. He doesn't like to talk, he doesn't like to gossip. This girl has a "groovy" personality.