How beautiful it is to wish you peace. How to wish a girl good night? How to wish good night to a girl in Tatar

By wishing good night to your friend, you can show yourself as an expert in foreign languages. To do this, you just need to search the Internet for the necessary dictionary of foreign words and translate the phrase “good night” into the language of interest. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of this language. It is not always possible to make it verbatim. Often different languages ​​use stable phrases.

Thus, you can wish good night in language by saying good night, in German - gute nach, in Spanish - buenas noches, in French - bonne nuit or fais de beaux reves, in Czech - dobrou noc, etc.

You can also, without going into the wilds, say good night in some local dialect or in a national language that is well known to you. For example, in the Bashkir language it will sound “khaerle yoko” or “tynys yoko”.


If you decide to simply replace the phrase “good night” with another that is close in meaning, you can wish, for example, pleasant dreams or good night. You can also wish that fluffy clouds will take you to the mysterious world of dreams and sweet dreams.

Poetic wishes for good night

It will be much more interesting if you wish good night in poetry or in a song. Moreover, the content of such a wish depends on the personality of the person to whom you are addressing it.

So, if a girl you know or a single woman came to visit you and stayed overnight, then you can wish her before going to bed: “In a new place / Dream about the bridegroom.” In Rus' it was believed that if you say this, you will have a prophetic dream in which a sleeping girl will appear.

When putting your child to bed, you can sometimes do without the phrase “good night”, replacing it with lullabies known to small Russian TV viewers: “Sleep, my joy, fall asleep...” or “Tired toys are sleeping, books are sleeping...”. In children's literature and folk art, you will find many other lullabies that contain wishes for good night.

Before going to bed, you can send your beloved girl a beautiful postcard with a poetic wish. An example is the following quatrain: “I wish you sweet dreams! / And I secretly hope / That I will meet you in this land / Of blessed and heavenly flowers!” You can also quote individual lines on relevant topics from the poetic works of great poets.

Yuri Okunev School

Hello, friends! I don’t want to part with the lady of my heart even for a second. And if you have to spend some time without your beloved, then you already try to make this parting as romantic and pleasant as possible.

So you have to give your best every time, saying goodbye to the young lady in the evening. How to wish a girl good night so that the first thing in the morning she wants to write to you? Do you need to compose “poems in stone” for this, or can you come up with something simpler?

Every man in love has his own ideas about what exactly a beautiful farewell to a young lady should be like.

Some people consider it necessary to come up with some insanely long and breathtakingly romantic confessions every time. Well, you know, in the spirit of loud Caucasian toasts with a subtle philosophical note. Like “Once upon a time there was a very lonely man. He was so unhappy that nothing could please him. Blah blah blah.

And then he met a beautiful beauty. And his life was filled with meaning and happiness. Blah blah blah. I look forward to a new day to see you. Blah blah blah. Until tomorrow, the light of my eyes!” Some people, on the contrary, limit themselves to the unassuming “Sleep your feet, smack your nose!”

I think both the first and the second are too much. In the first case, it is too long, boring and pretentious. In the second - too stingy with emotions. Well, let's try to find a middle ground then. I offer several, in my opinion, adequate options.

Option 1. Simple, but with all my heart.

You know, it seems to me that good night wishes to a girl you like should, first of all, be sincere and kind. Everything else is not so important.

Therefore, it is not necessary to bother with something mega-genius, extraordinary. It’s enough just to wish something good and talk about your feelings. So, we start with “Good night!”, and then, for example:

  • May the morning be sunny and joyful! May many good people meet tomorrow and many useful things be done. I love you, kiss you and hug you tightly!
  • May your health improve in the morning and you will get better! I'm with you! Don't worry, my girl!
  • May all difficulties and sorrows remain in today, and may tomorrow be bright, joyful and successful! Bye, Katya!
  • Good dreams! Sweet dreams! May the new day delight you with pleasant meetings and positive emotions!
  • I suggest we dream about each other so as not to be separated for a moment!) I kiss you, hug you tenderly, see you tomorrow!
  • Let's run to bed so that Saturday comes quickly and we meet!
  • Another day has passed without you. I miss you very much and look forward to meeting you, my only and most beloved Nastyusha!
  • All day I thought only about you, remembering your gentle smile, shining green eyes and blond curls. It's a shame that it's not possible to be there yet. I hope I can hug you soon, dear!

In my opinion, this is the most normal and still quite masculine way to say goodbye to the lady of your heart before going to bed. Nothing superfluous, no excessive cuteness. Everything is quite laconic, but at the same time sincere and with feeling.

Plus, you can show that you know how she lives, what she worries about, what she wants. And such attention is always very pleasant. Well, at the same time, tell us about your emotions; women also value this very, very highly.

Of course, I gave the wording as an example. If you are not yet at that stage of the relationship to talk about hugs and call her “dear,” then, of course, there is no need to write this. Make allowances, so to speak, for the client.

If this option of farewell is not enough for you, and you want something more intricate, then you can, in principle, use the universal “weapon” of any man. Which one? Yes, with your sense of humor, of course!

Option 2. As a joke.

If you are okay with irony and imagination, then you can wish her pleasant dreams in some unusual way. Something like that:

  • May you dream of pink fluffy bunnies playing football on a green lawn. In the morning, tell me about the bill.
  • Let that little Danish gnome with an umbrella come to you and show you bright, positive dreams. Otherwise, your Kolya will come to this Ole for a showdown!
  • They say there was one guy named Peter who flew to some cool, distant country without any tickets, and even took his friends with him. Can you imagine, they cooked up all the cases right in their sleep. So go to bed, I’ll pick you up around 2-3 am - let’s go to Paris!
  • I announce boarding for a night flight to the intergalactic Kingdom of Dreams! You have a round trip ticket. Before departure, be sure to put on cozy pajamas and bring a pillow and blanket. A fairyland awaits you, where the impossible is possible. So feel free to dream about anything. Have a nice trip, and see you on Earth in the morning!

I think you understand the general principle. Take some well-known fact or come up with something yourself and connect it with the topic of going to bed. It should turn out quite well and interesting. You can come up with something new every evening, if your imagination allows it.

And it will be even more fun if she tries to surprise you with similar wishes. You can even make this your little tradition. It’s a small thing, but, as they say, it’s nice.

It may be easier to understand how to write good night wishes to a girl you like and know what exactly she wants to hear from you after reading. You will find many valuable considerations on the topic of psychological differences between representatives of the different sexes, as well as examples from the lives of real people .

Well, as always, you can ask me any questions you are interested in. To do this, use the function of commenting on posts. I will answer everyone. Well, with the newsletter subscription function you will always be aware of the latest articles. I highly recommend it.

With this, let me say goodbye. See you again! Have a wonderful relationship with your loved ones and good dreams. Yours, Yuri Okunev.

What to wish and write to a girl for the night? Do you think that the dark time of the day is sleep and rest? No! Night is the most mysterious time. This is the time when our secret thoughts and feelings emerge from the farthest corners of our souls and begin to disturb us. Therefore, you should not let the girl think about anything other than you and your relationship! You can easily do this by writing and sending a short SMS at night that will remind her of your love!

Beautiful SMS wishes are one of the many keys to a strong and lasting relationship! A girl will be very pleased if you say something nice to her before going to bed. Even if you are quite far from her, you can send one or two messages in your own words and not be suspected of indifference and inattention!

Do you want her heart to always belong to you? Love, care and attention are your best helpers in this difficult task! All girls are very pleased when guys take care of them.

This article contains the best examples of SMS messages for your friend to wish her good night. Use the most beautiful good night wishes that will definitely make her smile!

SMS wishes for your girlfriend for the night

I get so excited thinking about you that I have trouble sleeping.

I want to be the cool night breeze that gives you goosebumps when you sleep. Good night, darling.

This message has the following attachments - the sweetest kiss and the coziest hug. Good night.

The twinkling of stars is a temporary beauty that disappears every morning when the sun rises. In this world, the only constant is my heart, which constantly beats for you.

As the clock quickly counts down the seconds until midnight, I wanted to take a moment to let you know what you mean to me. You are the most beautiful and magnificent woman. Since I met you, you have become my universe. Love you. Good night.

Even if you're tired after a hard day and don't look 100 percent, I always love you 1000 percent! Good night.

Tomorrow you will have a hard day, go to bed to have a good rest. I am always with you, even if I am not with you physically, but in my soul - forever. Sweet dreams.

Good night to the most beautiful girl on this planet. You are so beautiful that even the stars are jealous of such radiance. You are my light and my guide and it is time for you to rest, so close your eyes and get a good night's sleep. I love you very much.

I told Luna that you are not the one who lights up my nights. She angrily asked who? I said that only my favorite girl can light up my nights. Sweet dreams.

Every day with you is a time filled with joy and laughter. Every day with you gives me a reason to smile. Thank you for being a part of my day. I would like you to be a part of my nights, and not just my dreams. Good night.

Will you think of me before you fall asleep tonight? I hope so…

Today was a very difficult, crazy day. I'm sorry I didn't get to see you... that's why I think about you before I fall asleep. Good night.

Goodnight My Love. Even if you sleep alone today, remember that I am always by your side, my dear.

Every night I look at the stars and I think about their infinity. I believe that our love is also endless.

I would travel a million miles to be with you if I could. But since I can’t, I’ll just say goodnight.

I know we should be together because without you by my side at night I feel like a part of me is missing. I hope I see you in my dreams.

The stars are shining, nature is silent. Everything seems still and perfect, waiting for the earthly angel to lay his head on the pillow and close his eyes. Good night!

The only thing I hate about when I have to go to bed is that I can't talk to you or even see you.

Don't be afraid, today the monsters will not visit you as I will protect your sleep. I kiss you and wish you sweet dreams.

Now you know what to write to your girlfriend for the night. You can also come up with your own SMS. Good luck!

May sleep restore your strength and you will wake up even more beautiful... Good night, tired baby.

I want to be in your sweet dreams, more than any cruise! Go to sleep quickly, I’m already looking for you in the world of dreams.

There is no sweeter girl
You when you sleep...
I am your beauty
I love you, my baby...

Good night
I wish... without me...
Dream what you want
But I wish I was there!

Night envelops the city
A dark blue bedspread.
To the person that is dear to me
I want to wish you a lot:

Let your sleep not be disturbed
Until dawn, nothing, no one...
The stars dance in the sky,
As if someone had scattered them...

Go to sleep, good night,
I tell the best girl.
Tomorrow morning, by the way,
I'll wake you up myself...

To protect your beauty,
You need to sleep a lot.
Try to go to bed earlier
Today in a soft bed.

Don't let the moonlight interfere
You can rest easy...
You are the most beautiful of all, no doubt
Good night, bye-bye.

A wonderful dream is creeping towards you
On soft paws, like a cat.
And the clear starlight is lovely
Already decorated the sky...

I wish you good night
You can barely hear, in a whisper,
So that dreams are like paradise
And they were bright...

It's time to go to bed
On your cozy bed...
May you sleep peacefully
And nothing will disturb...

Morpheus himself will welcome you
You in the world of dreams.
You are the most beautiful in the world
God created creations...

Beautiful good night wishes for a girl

It's time to sleep, but you're not sleeping... Correct yourself, otherwise in the morning you'll be a sleepyhead and a mischief-maker.

You're the one I sleep for. Because I see you in my dreams every night.

Good night, sweet dreams,
To remember in the morning with a smile.
Sleep in your soft bed...
Forget problems and mistakes.

There is nothing - just you and the stars,
And until tomorrow...
Go to bed, it's already so late
Let the night lull you...

I want to wish you good night
To see your wonderful dreams...
So that nothing dares to interfere
And the angels carried on their wings into the distance

Lie down more comfortably, close your eyes
And follow your dreams.
I’ll sing to you like “bye-bye” in childhood
And I’ll tuck the warm blanket closer in...

I wish you a good night,
The best on this vast earth!
To a girl who is as good as the dawn
There are no words suitable for beauty.

I really want you to get some sleep,
To soften the native features...
Greet the morning of a new day cheerfully,
I promise to wake you up...

I will kiss you tenderly on the cheeks,
I'll close the curtains on the big window,
And I wish you good night,
So that you smile sweetly in your sleep.

Silk beautiful eyelashes
Didn't get wet from sad tears,
Let luck have no boundaries,
The road will not be built under the cliff.

I sent you a wish
On the tail of the crazy wind,
So that we dream about our date
Under the stars of the night sky.

So that you smile, happy,
Disturbing the dew on the leaves.
You girl are too beautiful
For sadness on rosy cheeks.

Get some sleep. Obedient girls have the best dreams first.

Like puzzles, my wishes
She put the night into a constellation,
So that the angel, caressing with attention,
On the way, I tried to help.

Fate, only prosperous,
I kept peace in my heart,
You are the best girl
I've never seen one like this in my life.

Beloved, I wish you a night in which you, as the ruler of the Moon, will draw happiness for yourself with stars, which will shine for you not only in your dreams! And my love for you will frame this happiness for eternity!

The most beautiful good night wishes for a girl

I wish you good night and the most pleasant dreams. Let the night give you good rest and a meeting with your dream, and let the morning begin with great luck and a great mood.

Let the blanket be light, let the bed be soft, let the sheet be soft! I wish you, my beloved girl, to sleep so sweetly all night until the morning. Good night!

Sun! Thank you for having me! And even if I’m not with you today, but I know that we still love each other, and our dreams are one dream, our thoughts are one thought, tomorrow we will be together in the same bed, how I’m looking forward to it... and Good night bye, little bunny!

Sunny, I want your sleep to be as gentle and sweet as you are. Let my baby have the brightest and kindest dreams, so that you have a good rest before tomorrow and wake up cheerful, energetic and rested. And may your dreams be as fairy-tale-like as my life when I am next to you.

Beloved, I want you, falling asleep, to remember once again that I love you, let the soft light of the moon and the quiet song of the stars that patronize lovers remind you of this. Good night.

Princess, I can’t stand a single minute without you and now I’m writing again how much I miss you. I want to kiss your soft lips, your voice sounds in my head, I absolutely can’t sleep. You have taken over my thoughts, heart and soul. It feels so strange. You are like an angel who saved me from a worthless existence. Sweet dreams, my precious.

Even though the lights on the streets have gone out, no one can extinguish the light in my heart. It contains an eternal flame of love for you. I cannot express all the tenderness that appears in me, as soon as I look at you. My affection will last for many, many years, and my love will last for eternity. Sweet dreams, my queen.

My beloved, the most wonderful on the entire planet, I wish you good night. May this night give you a wonderful dream and take you to the land of bright dreams and fantasies. I wish you, dear, a wonderful rest, gain vigor and strength, and in the morning be ready for the magic of the coming day and great victories.

My dear (name of beloved), I am immensely happy that you are with me. I am very grateful to life for giving me you, such a beautiful and attractive girl. I feel very good next to you. You give me the best moments of my entire life. I can't live a day without you. Now I'm going to sleep, but I want to tell you that I won't be able to sleep until I look at your photo and kiss it. Darling, you are always incredibly beautiful, wonderful. I wish you good night and sweet dreams. Tomorrow morning I will wake you up with my bell. I love you madly, my dear!

My girl, sweet dreams to you. Today you had a hard day. Sleep soundly so that tomorrow you wake up with new strength. I'll call you in the morning, my love. Good night!

If you want, I will come to you unnoticed at night, I will sit quietly by your bed, I will tenderly look at you sleeping, I will guard your sleep, I will protect you my beloved, stroke your hair, look at your graceful shoulders, chest... and in the morning I will I will melt imperceptibly into the ringing dew, leaving behind only light memories of night touches... Goodnight, my Love!

Beautiful good night wishes to a girl in your own words

Sun! Thank you for having me!
And even if I’m not with you today, but I know that we still love each other, and our dreams are one dream, our thoughts are one thought, tomorrow we will be together in the same bed, how I’m looking forward to it...
In the meantime, good night, little bunny

I will not hide or deny that you are everything to me in the whole world. You're like a guest star in the show of my life. And with all my heart I scream about how important you are to me and how I want to start every day with your smile. I believe that soon all this will come true, but for now, my dear, I wish you the most beautiful night and the sweetest dreams.

When you smile, my soul becomes warmer, and I don’t understand why I breathe you and the flame burns brighter in my chest. With these words I want to express all my love for you. I make a date with you in my dream, and I expect you to come to me. Good night my Love.

Darling, I’m so tired of falling asleep and waking up without you. I can't wait until we can finally be together all the time. Let's run away to the land of dreams, where no one will stop us from enjoying each other. Go to bed, my gentle and adored girl, have the darkest and most peaceful night.

My beloved, good night to you and the most pleasant dreams. I wish you to dream about the beautiful and wonderful island of our love, the Cote d'Azur of our happiness, our kind and bright dream.

My beloved, my angel and my soul, good night to you. I wish you to have the kindest and most cheerful dreams, I wish you to have a cozy and comfortable night’s rest, I wish you to start your morning with a smile and good mood, and continue with a busy and happy day.

My beloved, how beautiful you are when you fall asleep and the airy fairy of the night lands on your eyelashes. Take with you into your dreams a piece of a bright morning, a warm day and the chill of a sunset, my smile and great love for you!

My little favorite girl. I wish you the most pleasant dreams. Plunge into the world of beauty and mystery, into the kingdom of Morpheus. Let you meet only kind and pleasant characters in the fairy-tale universe who will help you relax and wake up in a great mood.

Darling, close your eyes and enjoy the minutes of peace and silence. Let the moonlight streaming through your window remind you of the best memories that connect us. Then you will fall asleep with a smile on your face and joyfully greet a new day, where I will already be waiting for you. Sleep while I dream about you and protect your peace.