Duck breeds for home breeding. She has many advantages

There is an opinion among poultry farmers that ducks are very voracious, but thanks to this quality they grow faster. So let's figure out how long a duck grows. As experts say, the growth rate of the bird in question will depend on the breed and diet. So, if ducks are fed with factory-made compound feed, which includes those necessary for development and growth useful material, then a duck can grow in two months.

At home, few farmers feed their poultry with compound feed, so the period of its development increases slightly. In the first days of life, ducklings are given boiled eggs, cottage cheese and ground grain, these ingredients are then mixed with finely chopped grass. Two or three weeks after birth, the ducklings are released to pasture, and after a month they can be allowed to swim in the nearest body of water. In the latter case, the birds will get half of their food from the water, and the other half (from different types grains) are installed on a pasture or near a pond. When fattening at home, the duck will grow for three, maximum four months, after which it will reach the required slaughter weight.

According to some farmers, waterfowl reach a weight of two kilograms at 65-70 days of age, but if you ignore the weight of feathers and offal, then you are unlikely to get enough of such a bird. It should be noted that the growth rate of ducks is much higher than that of other types of poultry.

How long to keep ducks

The answer to the question of how long to keep ducks will depend on the purpose of keeping this bird. If ducks are kept for meat, then they can begin to be slaughtered after reaching a live weight of 2-2.5 kilograms. As we said, such a gain can be achieved at two or three months of age, but slaughtering pets at this time is unprofitable from an economic point of view, because they have not yet acquired meat. According to experts, it is better to slaughter some breeds of ducks at 6 months of age, when their weight reaches 5-6 kilograms. In such birds, the weight of the useful part, meaning meat, reaches 70%, and the amount of fat is 8% of the indicated weight.

If ducks are kept to produce offspring, they can live for more than one year since the first egg in birds usually appears 5-6 months after birth. Farmers note that the Peking breed (180-200 eggs per year) and musky ducks or mute ducks have good egg production. The latter species of ducks can lay eggs twice during the warm period of the year.

Among those who love to produce all kinds of domestic animals, namely poultry farmers, there are legends that ducks are terribly voracious creatures. But to refute them, we can say that these poultry do not eat as much as they grow quickly.

This begs the question: how long do ducks grow? No one dares to say how many days ducks grow, but they say that the period reaches up to two months, but this, as a rule, is if the owners have the opportunity to release them into the pond.

It should be emphasized that ducks grow much faster than any other bird, and it is not so important whether it is purebred or ordinary - domestic. In any case, the benefits from breeding it will be quite significant compared to keeping other birds.

There are sources that can give an exact answer to the question that interests us, how many days do ducks grow, they answer - 68, of course with good feeding and being kept for 60-70 days, your duckling will weigh about two, two and a half kilograms, but is this enough to eat enough of one duck? Of course, it all depends on the breed; this is the average statistical norm for the Peking duck; it should be noted that, in addition to everything else, this breed of duck is very prolific, so this duck lays 1800-200 eggs per year, each weighing 60-70 grams. But scientists claim that with intensive feeding and care, the so-called “Savages” are capable of producing an equal number of offspring, if not more.

It is also necessary to remember the Musk breed. It is not known exactly how long ducks of this breed grow, but many farmers claim that it is just not much more, but the yield of edible meat from the carcass is noticeable. It is also not uncommon to hear positive reviews about this breed, that they are tasty and quiet, they can live calmly even without a lake, and they also sit on eggs twice a summer.

The question of how long ducks grow is mainly related to the benefits of keeping them. Statistically, the time to kill turkey poults is when they reach five to six months of age. At this time, their weight reaches 5-6 kg. In such young animals, the percentage of mass that can be eaten reaches 70%, and of the muscle mass, fat makes up 8%, if the ducks, of course, are of high quality.

If we touch on such a topic as the quality of meat, then the Mulard breed will receive an amateur award. There are even rumors that when someone cooks mularda, the neighbors “gnaw at the walls.” So this breed is credited with a very calm and trouble-free development, even on regular food, which is an undeniable advantage for the breeder.

Having achieved such results, you can safely go to the market to sell. In addition, with proper care, you can replenish the population of living creatures several times a year.

Armed with knowledge and hard work, you can make a very successful business. By raising ducks in the environment most suitable for them, you can achieve maximum results in terms of weight and growth rate. The amazing quality of the meat will delight the taste of everyone who decides to try it.

There were times when villages kept a lot of waterfowl: geese and domestic ducks. Duck breeds were not taken into account, and there was not such a variety of them as today. Now many people believe that raising domestic ducks is not economical, that they cost a lot of money to maintain, they eat a lot, are noisy, and make a lot of noise in the yard. But if you think about it, they quickly gain weight up to 3-4 kg and provide dietary tasty meat. Productivity and benefits from breeding depend largely on the choice of breed. Types of domestic ducks have their own characteristics of breeding and raising for meat.

Now many people believe that raising domestic ducks is not economical, that they cost a lot of money to maintain, they eat a lot, are noisy, and make a lot of noise in the yard.

Poultry farms and factories, private farmsteads and farmers raise 3 types of ducks: meat, meat and egg. But there are also poultry farmers who breed ornamental breeds for aesthetic pleasure. Meat breeds of ducks must meet the requirements of precocity, fertility of birds and have good taste and nutritional properties of meat.

How to choose ducks (video)

Breeds of meat ducks

There are duck breeds for home breeding. One of the representatives related to has long been the Peking duck, bred by the Chinese in the west of the capital of China. Among meat breeds, this is considered the most productive. They are characterized by increased excitability; they respond to even the presence of slight noise in the yard with a loud quack. Peking ducklings are distinguished by a wide orange beak and dense white plumage; they move on thick reddish legs. With a long, slightly raised body, wide back and chest, these ducks look quite massive.

Adult females reach a weight of 3.5 kg, and drakes - approximately 4 kg. The birds lay eggs well, egg production reaches 125 eggs per year, the average egg weight is 90 g. Peking ducklings have a fairly fast metabolism. They are distinguished by their early maturity and omnivorous nature, and lend themselves well to fattening. The ducklings are viable and tolerate winter time years, do not succumb to disease. Their meat is tasty and nutritious. Typically, these cute birds begin molting 2.5 months after hatching. For meat, they must be fed until the molting period and slaughtered.

During formation internal organs the growth of ducklings slows down, stumps (new feathers) appear, which interfere and reduce the quality of the carcass during processing. Therefore, you need to hammer them in on time; you cannot overdo it. Raising Peking ducks for meat is very profitable.

Moscow white

This variety of mallard is popular and in demand among poultry farmers. It is the result of the work of breeders of a state farm near Moscow.

An excellent result was obtained from crossing a representative of the Peking duck with a Khaki Campbell drake - a breed with delicious meat and excellent egg production. They were then crossed with Peking drakes to obtain an early maturing breed with increased weight.

What features does a white duck have? Moscow white ducks are similar in appearance to their Chinese counterparts. But there is distinctive features. This variety of ducks has a larger body, with a roundish, wide chest that stands out especially.

The bird's large head is elongated and rests on a medium-thick, long and flexible neck. Ducklings move on short, widely spaced legs. Pink colour paws. They only have feathers white(without impurities). The Muscovite drake's tail is curled upward. Adult males, when well maintained, increase their weight to 4.4 kg, and females - about a kilogram less.

Females show a high ability to lay eggs, which lasts for several years. Over the course of a year, they produce an average of 150 eggs, each weighing 90 g. Ducklings perfectly adapt to climatic conditions and are not susceptible to infections.

Ducks of meat breeds are reproductive, unpretentious, and do not require special care. The hatchability and survival rate of ducklings reaches 90%. An important advantage of this variety is meat without excess fat reserves, which is valued for its high quality and excellent taste. Their skeleton is thin-boned, which is important for consumers.

Black white breasted

The next representative of the meat breed is the black white-breasted duck. It was obtained as a result of crossing parent pairs of Peking ducks with Khaki Campbell by Ukrainian breeders in the middle of the last century. Representatives of this species of ducks are distinguished by very beautiful black plumage; the breast and part of the belly contrast with the dazzling whiteness of the main color. The upper part of the neck of the white-breasted males has a beautiful lilac-blue tint. The body of white-breasted ducks is slightly elevated. They have a wide and long, slightly concave back. The legs, located close to the raised tail, are dense and short. These birds boast the span of luxurious duck wings, tightly pressed to the body. The white-breasted beak is black, short and slightly concave.

Their meat is of high quality, it is very healthy and tasty. Females can produce about 140 eggs (white only) during the year, each weighing on average 85 g. The fertilization percentage of eggs is high (90-95%). White-breasted females are excellent laying hens; they hatch chicks well, which are distinguished by their viability and resistance to disease.

They gain weight quickly. Black white-breasted ducklings are early maturing, they can gain weight up to 2 kg in two months, they are unpretentious, they eat everything. Fish in ponds, algae, bloodworms are their favorite food. If you provide access to a reservoir, you can significantly reduce feed consumption. Young ducks are slaughtered when they reach the age of 2.5 months. Over the course of a year, the weight of females reaches 3.5 kg of live weight, and drakes - up to 4 kg. According to the observations of poultry farmers, ducks of the Black White-breasted breed develop faster than Peking ducks and gain more weight, as they lend themselves well to fattening. White-breasted ducklings are distinguished by their unpretentiousness and unpretentiousness, and they adapt well to any climate and maintenance conditions. By 6 months, the ducklings are fully mature.

Mulard duck

- the largest duck, which can produce an average of up to 7 kg of lean meat for quite a while short period fattening It is unpretentious, peaceful, and easy to fatten.

Meat breeds

A popular meat-eating breed is the Khaki Campbell, bred by the English poultry keeper Adele Campbell in late XIX centuries by crossing the Rouen bird with the Indian runner drake. The result was an excellent breed with a large body weight and good egg production.

The feather color of birds was first fawn, which was especially popular among poultry farmers. Campbell again crossed them with representatives of the Indian runners and the result was a khaki color, similar to the color of the uniform of British soldiers. That's why the breed is called Khaki Campbell.

IN given time The color of these ducks can be different: white and fawn, darkish and khaki. Ducks are very beautiful, especially white ones, so exhibitions are organized to display them. They don't increase heavy weight: females weigh on average 2.5 kg, males - in the range of 2.5-3.3 kg.

Puberty of ducklings occurs at 6-7 months. The birds have good egg production and can lay eggs without stopping. Over the course of a year, one duck produces more than 300 eggs with white shells and weighing about 85 g. The bird’s head, neck and lower back are elongated and not very large. Brown, and the plumage of the remaining parts is a pleasant khaki color. Their body is elongated and their chest is wide. The beak is black-green, the legs are brown. Khaki Campbell produces very high-quality, tasty meat without excess fat. Ducklings are distinguished by their liveliness and energy. They can adapt well to different climatic conditions, find food in ponds and pastures, where there are a lot of herbs, bloodworms, and insects. Compound feed, boiled root vegetables, and grain are used as feed. Females are considered not very diligent hens.

Indian runners

Indian runners are an egg breed native to Southeast Asia. They look very exotic. The body is bottle-shaped - this feature manifests itself when running, and they do not waddle from side to side, but stay straight. The originality of the form attracts people, so representatives of the breed are put on display. Indian runners are timid and agile. The color of the plumage can be different: white and black, brown and blue, and also similar to the color of their wild counterparts.

Runners have long legs, on which they run quickly in search of food, and they also have long necks. Female runners can increase their small live weight - on average up to 1.75 kg, and males - up to about 2 kg. Indian runners lay eggs throughout the year and can produce more than 300 eggs. Although birds of this breed are no different high productivity, but their meat is preferred by gourmets for its tenderness and juiciness. Running birds are characterized by mobility; they graze well on paddocks. Ducklings are distinguished by their cleanliness and adaptability to any climatic conditions. Poultry farmers keep them for their high egg production.

Saxon ducks

One of the representatives belonging to the meat-egg direction are Saxon ducks, bred in Saxony at the beginning of the last century. Peking ducks were crossed with Rouen and Pomeranian breeds. The bird is medium-heavy, well-fed, it is unpretentious, and can survive perfectly in any conditions.

Their body is compact, not very large and slightly raised upward. The bones are not heavy, well developed muscular system. Saxon ducklings can be distinguished by their very beautiful unusual plumage. In males, the head and neck have feathers of a dark blue hue, which have a metallic sheen, and the rest of the plumage is reddish-red or orange. There is a white stripe in the neck area. And Saxon females have yellow-green plumage. This breed is considered quite productive; the live weight of females is about 3 kg.

Cayuga ducks

Withdrawn domestic duck Cayuga on the American continent near Lake Cayuga in the 19th century. It is otherwise called coral for its unusual beautiful shade of feathers - its black-greenish plumage has a metallic sheen. Mallards are distinguished by their endurance. The bird's legs and beak are black. They move on short, wide-set legs. The live weight of male ducks reaches an average of 3.5 kg, and females increase their weight to 3 kg. They have an average egg production rate and produce about 150 eggs per year.

An interesting fact is that the eggs in the first ten are black, then the shell gradually begins to lighten and acquires a gray or greenish-white color. Females are excellent brood hens. Cayuga ducks are calm and can adapt well to any environment. climatic conditions. They love walking, where they can feed themselves by eating various insects and worms. Young animals of this breed have excellent survival rate.

Which breed of duck is the most unpretentious (video)

Mirror breed

These representatives of ducks were bred through long-term crossing in the middle of the last century. It was necessary to achieve an early maturing breed with high quality meat. The result paid off. Birds of the mirror breed are distinguished by good productivity and early maturity; they are valued for the delicate taste of their meat. One female increases weight up to 3 kg, and males - up to 3.8 kg. The mallard produces up to 200 eggs; they come with white or yellowish shells. The body of this type of duck is long, and from the front it looks slightly raised. The head is oval in shape and yellowish in color, supported by a strong neck of medium thickness and moderate length. The beak is yellowish-green, long and wide, its tip is black. Short legs come with feathering.

The wings are white, they do not have a large span, the tail is slightly raised, short and narrow. The plumage of the birds is usually light brown; some individuals are grayish, silvery or creamy in color. The drake's head is black-brown with speckles. It has a beautiful green tint and is bordered by a white collar. Ducks of this breed are characterized by mobility and good egg production. Mallard eggs provide an excellent hatchability and survival rate, reaching up to 95%. Birds can be kept in different climatic conditions. Poultry farmers breed mirror ducks for excellent taste qualities meat.

Blue favorite

Duck blue favorite - interesting variety domestic mallard. It was bred by breeders of the Bashkir breeding farm "Blagovarsky". The blue-gray or steel-colored plumage makes the ducks easily recognizable. The live weight of favorites can reach up to 5 kg. The quality of the meat is high. Favorite ducklings are hardy and resilient and grow well. At proper care they will produce up to 3.6 kg of meat by 3 months.

There are also agidel, which are meat-oriented. These are the descendants of crossing Indian runners with the Blagovarian breed. They have a large long body and white dense feathers. Laying hens produce more than 200 large eggs per year. They can increase weight up to 3 kg in a couple of months. They are unpretentious and can feed themselves on pastures, eating green grass, insects, and worms. The quality of the meat is not inferior to that of foreign-bred poultry.

Decorative types

The Dutch duck is bred for sporting and decorative purposes. This bird with white plumage and a round crest produces 100-120 eggs, its weight ranges from 2 to 2.5 kg.

The best type of decorative breed is the mandarin duck. It is a decorative small breed, bred for its unique beauty. The male develops beautiful feathers, representing the drake’s “wedding attire”. In spring or early summer, tangerines lay small 10-12 eggs and hatch them for 32 days. The ducklings develop well and quickly become independent. After 4.5 months, feathers and a beautiful multi-colored outfit appear.

The mottled Carolina duck is often bred with the mandarin duck for its beautiful multi-colored plumage. Demanding about feeding.

Aylesburn duck was imported from England and is considered quite heavy and meaty. Thanks to their snow-white plumage and beautiful wild rose-colored beak, Eilsburns look very exotic. Despite the fact that such ducks have a massive large body, their bones are delicate. They are bred for exhibitions; they are not fertile and are poor brood hens.

Poultry farmers know what is best to breed meat variety ducks Domestic ducks gain weight quite well and quickly and produce nutritious and healthy meat.

Based on their ability to increase body weight, egg production, and plumage quality, domestic ducks are divided into meat ducks, egg ducks, and those raised for feathers and down. Popular breeds of ducks for home breeding most often have a meat or meat-egg orientation. There are also intermediate varieties with good egg production and meat production. IN Lately Poultry farmers pay maximum attention in the morning to broilers - early ripening, with excellent lean meat and decent weight.

All existing breeds, breed lines and crosses are descendants of the common mallard, domesticated and refined in Europe and Asia, and musk ducks, whose homeland is the American continent. Despite the difference in location and conditions natural habitat these types of ducks the best way have proven themselves when kept in conditions of large and very small farms.

A description of duck breeds, their wild and domesticated varieties, as well as promising crosses will help the poultry farmer navigate the diversity on offer and create a highly productive flock in his own backyard.

Muscovy ducks are the original inhabitants of Central and South America. Unlike European mallards, who cannot imagine life without water, “American mallards” are calm about the absence of a pond, river or lake nearby. They are calm, and when kept in a common poultry yard, their voice is heard extremely rarely. Because of this feature, the birds were nicknamed mute ducks. Since the birds imported from distant countries were not at all similar to the usual domestic ducks, Europeans began to look for features of other species in them. Obviously, the red growths on the heads of birds, especially noticeable in males, gave rise to another nickname for ducks - turkey ducks, by analogy with turkeys, to which waterfowl have no related relationship.

Muscovy ducks come in a variety of colors. Unlike ordinary poultry, they do not gain weight so quickly, but their meat is low in fat, has a delicate texture and excellent taste.

Purebred American males can grow up to 5 kg in weight, and females, which are almost twice as light, are well known as excellent brood hens.

Meat qualities attracted the attention of breeders to them. Today, interspecific hybrids of musky and meat European ducks are very popular among poultry farmers.

Among duck breeds for home breeding, birds originally from the Middle Kingdom can be considered one of the most ancient. Peking duck became famous more than three centuries ago and has not lost its relevance to this day. Early maturing, with excellent meat quality, hardy and unpretentious birds are happily raised both on large farms and in private farmsteads, and are also the progenitors of many modern breed lines and hybrids of meat ducks. One of them is the today famous mulard, which not only holds the record for gaining live weight, but also produces a fatty, delicious liver.

Purebred representatives of the Peking breed are white ducks with a strong physique, indicating a meat orientation, a yellow-orange beak, and widely spaced legs. The birds have a long back, convex chest, raised tail, strong wings and dark bluish eyes.

Peking ducks are extremely precocious. By one and a half or two months, young individuals gain up to 2.5 kg of weight. By the time of slaughter, with proper feeding, drakes weigh about 4 kg, and females are only 500 grams less.

The meat yield per carcass reaches 66%, however, these meat ducks easily build up not only muscle mass, but also fat, which must be taken into account when preparing a diet.

Crossing Peking ducks with representatives of other breeds and species gives excellent results, which has been repeatedly confirmed by domestic and foreign breeders. A worthy example is the Moscow White ducks, obtained from parent pairs of Pekin birds and individuals of the Khaki Campbell breed.

Meat ducks of domestic selection are in many ways reminiscent of their Beijing ancestors, and at the same time they exhibit better egg production, which is maintained in laying hens for several years. This quality is very useful for the duck breed. The bird adapts well to different climatic conditions, is unpretentious to feed and gains weight no less than its famous ancestors.

The French have long favored meat breeds of ducks. An ancient variety, bred in the vicinity of Rouen on the basis of local stock and wild mallards, was named after the city and still enjoys the attention of poultry farmers. The French duck has retained the natural color of its plumage, but at the same time it is strikingly different from wild birds in its fatness and the most delicate taste meat. Adults grow up to 5 kg and compete equally with Peking and other meat ducks. Therefore, birds of the Rouen breed are still involved in breeding work and are used to produce highly productive meat and meat-egg crosses.

In addition to Peking ducks, the most common in the territory former USSR, white Moscow birds and Indian ducks imported in the late 80s, Ukrainian ducks of various varieties are still popular in Russia. Most often they talk about the gray meat-oriented duck with a well-developed muscle mass, thin bones and good meat and egg characteristics.

In birds of this breed, differences in the color of males and females are clearly visible. Drakes reach a weight of 3.5 kilograms, and ducks can weigh up to 3 kg. The average number of eggs laid is 120; record hens can produce up to 250 eggs annually.

Another domestic waterfowl of Ukrainian selection is the white-breasted black duck, obtained on the basis of local livestock, the Peking breed and birds of the Khaki Campbell meat-egg variety.

The title speaks volumes about appearance this duck breed is worthy of home breeding. Ducks have black plumage, and a spot of white feathers is located in the chest area and the base of a wide, strong neck. The beak of these Ukrainian ducks, like their eyes and legs, is also black. Males and females have strong wings that lie close to the body and short, strong legs.

Compared to Peking white ducks, this bird matures longer, reaching maximum weight 4 kg only by six months. Most often, meat ducks are slaughtered at the age of 2.5–3 months, when the carcass weighs about 2.5 kg and the meat is most delicious.

Birds of this breed can become fat, which must be taken into account when organizing housing and feeding. Over the course of a year, a laying hen produces up to 130 large 80-gram eggs.

The leaders in obtaining new breeds of ducks and crosses for domestic and industrial breeding in Russia today are the breeders of the Blagovarsky breeding plant in Bashkiria. Thanks to their work, the “Bashkir duck” has become a recognizable brand not only in our country, but also abroad.

Based on Peking ducks with a manifested “wild” plumage gene, the breed of Colored Bashkir ducks was created here. This is a highly productive, early-ripening meat bird, which has two color options: khaki or brown and black with a white breast.

A characteristic feature of Bashkir ducks is the low fat content of meat compared to the Peking or Blagovarian breeds.

Another well-known cross of Blagovarsky ducks was also obtained at the Bashkir breeding farm “Blagovarsky”. This is a universal meat-egg bird, growing up to 3.4 kg by seven weeks and at the same time capable of producing up to 240 high-grade eggs per year.

The ducklings of this cross are distinguished by excellent vitality and unpretentiousness. They grow well both in industrial-type farms and in personal backyards.

An interesting breed for home growing is the Blue Favorite duck. This variety was obtained by breeders of the same Bashkir enterprise. The ancestors of the beautiful bird with unusual plumage were individuals of the local Colored Bashkir duck. The gray-blue color of the steel shade is not the only one characteristic birds. Large meat ducks easily grow up to 5 kg of live weight, and their meat quality is better than that of their ancestors and the famous Peking ducks.

Young Favorit ducks are distinguished by excellent endurance and vitality. The bird grows magnificently and, with a well-chosen diet, reaches 3.6 kg of weight by two months. In a private farmstead, poultry farmers can receive 140 eggs per year from laying hens. According to the description of the duck breed and existing reviews, the bird is promising for both industrial and private farming.

The Agidel ducks bred in Bashkiria are descendants of the Blagovarsky meat cross, birds of the Super M variety and the egg breed of Indian Runner ducks. With an appearance that speaks of the meat orientation of the cross, the birds are distinguished not only by excellent fattening characteristics, but also by surprisingly high egg indicators.

Agidel ducks have a long, massive body, dense white plumage and a wonderful, accommodating character. This breed of duck already at 7 weeks of age shows a weight of about 3 kilograms, while in a year the laying hen is capable of laying up to 240 large eggs weighing at least 90 grams.

The meat of this duck breed is different highest quality, not inferior to mulards or other meat birds of foreign selection.

Unlike broiler ducks, whose meat productivity largely depends on the receipt of protein feed, the Bashkir duck grows on a diet available on any, even modest, personal farm. Birds are excellent eaters of any green plants, grains, hay and grain processing waste.

Mulards, thanks to their lean meat, early maturity and record meat productivity among waterfowl poultry, are becoming increasingly popular both among amateur poultry farmers and in huge industrial feeding complexes. Meanwhile, the domestic dog cannot rightfully be called a breed. This interspecific hybrid, obtained from crossing Peking or other Eurasian ducks and American Indo ducks.

A pair for a Muscovy duck when obtaining hybrid offspring can be either Peking birds or Rouen ducks, as well as individuals of other meat breeds. Mulards are called broiler ducks because of their excellent fattening qualities, similar to chickens of meat breeds. At the same time, the bird behaves ideally both when raised on large farms and on private farmsteads. Domestic Mulard ducks are peaceful, calm and unpretentious.

Over four months of maintenance, the bird’s weight can reach up to 7 kilograms. Females in industrial complexes are often raised for meat, and drakes produce excellent liver for making foie gras.

Since such a hybrid generation does not produce offspring, the parent flock is not formed from the bird, and eggs are not obtained from the mulards.

Hybridization has helped poultry farmers solve two major problems of Muscovy and Pekin ducks. The former, having lean meat, cleanliness and a quiet disposition, fatten up relatively slowly and do not weigh too much. Peking birds are larger, but quickly gaining weight, they can become fat and lose the quality of meat.

Domestic mulard ducks are ideal for growing because they are both early maturing and produce amazing-tasting meat.

Heavy broiler duck for meat production was obtained by breeders from the French company Grimaud freres selection. This is a highly productive cross intended for feeding for meat and for producing foie gras liver.

Duck star 53 is different high speed growth and active weight gain. The bird has dense white plumage, a strong build and a wide, massive chest. Already by 50 days of age, the live weight of ducklings is 3.7 kg. The meat breast, the most valuable part of the carcass, makes up one third of the total weight of the bird. At the same time, the quality of dietary, low-fat French duck meat is much better than that of most related varieties. In breeding, this breed of ducks has shown itself to be resistant to disease, not capricious and very viable.

Duck breeds for breeding at home - video

The duck family is considered the largest on the planet. Among its representatives there are ducks that stand out sharply from the general background. For example, such a bird is a swan - biggest duck in the world.

Duck taxonomy has always been the subject of heated debate among ornithologists. Today there are several genera in the duck family. Ducks are called shelducks, dabbling and diving ducks, mergansers, musky ducks, etc. There are over a hundred species in total. Ducks have a wide distribution throughout the world. At least 30 species live on the territory of our country.

Characteristics of ducks

Ducks are small in size, have a streamlined body shape, a wide beak and a short neck. Their plumage can have different colors. The feet of these birds have swimming membranes. The male duck is called "drake".

On land, ducks are rather clumsy, but in water they behave like tireless divers and experienced swimmers. Their diving depth exceeds 6 m. They fly well and are able to rise to a height of about 6 km. Representatives of the duck family are waterfowl migratory birds. During migrations they cover considerable distances. The birds fly away at the same time, but different flocks heading in different directions.

Modern ornithologists classify swans, geese, diving and dabbling ducks in the Anatidae or Anatidae family. According to the new taxonomy, the whooper swan is the largest duck in the world. Its weight can exceed 17 kg. The whooper lives in northern regions Eurasia. It is very similar to a mute swan. They differ only in the shape of their beak and the way they hold their neck. The whooper has a straight neck, while the mute has an S-shaped neck.

Habits of a large swan

The screaming swan prefers remote places where there are no people. A swan couple stays together all their lives. Even during the winter, the birds do not leave each other. Swans carefully protect their nesting area from other birds.

The largest among ordinary ducks

If we consider an ordinary river duck, then the mallard stands out among such birds. This biggest duck in the world and a very numerous species. It is the most common and famous among ducks. The length of the drake is 62 cm, and the female is 57 cm. The weight of the individual is 1-1.5 kg. But on the eve of the flight, the birds feed intensively, then their weight reaches 2 kg.

Mallards can be seen in wildlife and in cities. Birds living close to people have formed unusual urban populations. These mallards live in populated areas year-round, having chosen partially salty and fresh water bodies. They are indifferent to human presence. Some ducks become almost tame. The mallard can be recognized by its green neck and head (on the male). The breast, back, crop and ventral side of the bird are colored grey colour. The female is distinguished by a brown color with dark spots. The wings of such ducks are decorated with a blue-violet spot.

Many experts call the eider the largest duck in the world. Its weight is sometimes 3 kg. The down of this bird is famous for its excellent thermal insulation qualities. It is still collected in the wild. Drakes of this species are distinguished by black and white plumage, and females are rather modestly colored.

Interesting facts about ducks:

1. The feathers of these birds do not get wet, remaining dry even after diving. This is due to the fact that almost all waterfowl have a coccygeal gland. It produces a special fatty substance that birds regularly distribute throughout the body. This way they create a special cover that prevents the feathers from getting wet.
2. During the molting period, representatives of ducks lose their flight feathers and have difficulty flying.
3. Ducks have complex structure genitals. In males, the penis has a spiral shape, and its length can be equal to the size of the drake's body. In females unusual shape the ovaries are different. The more complex it is, the more unusual the male’s phallus.
4. When choosing a partner in the wild, a duck is guided by the color of its beak. Rich yellow pigment indicates sexual health drake.
5. The duck's neck has a huge number of vertebrae - more than that of a giraffe.
6. Only females can quack. Duck quacks have no echo.

As a conclusion, it can be noted that it is possible to single out the very best duck only relatively, since in each species there are large individuals. The habitat of birds is of great importance. For example, a mute swan living on a city pond can gain up to 22 kg if it is fed by people.

As for the artificially created duck, its height is 16.5 m. This is a giant bird made of rubber, created by an artist from Holland - Florentijn Hofman. The duckling is an unusual sculpture or art object that floated in coastal waters cities such as Hong Kong, Sao Paulo, Osaka, Sydney. This is the largest man-made duck in the world.