How much does a boiled chicken egg weigh without shell? How many grams are in one chicken egg?

Weight chicken eggs clearly reflects the health of the hen and the nutritional value of the product itself. The weight of the product depends on the age of the chicken, its breed and health status. This indicator is very important for farmers who sell eggs.

According to the marking table average weight 1 chicken egg – 60 g. This is the CO/DO category.

Useful weight

Useful mass is the weight of chicken eggs without shells. An egg consists of a shell, white and yolk. The volume of the yolk is approximately 34% of the total, the white - 55%, the shell - 11%.

Weight of an average chicken egg in grams in parts:

  • General – 60;
  • Yolk – 20.4;
  • Protein – 33;
  • Shell – 6.6.

If you need to determine the useful mass, but there are no scales at hand, it can be calculated.

It is different for each individual category:

  • DM - 71.2 g;
  • CO – 62.3 g;
  • C1 – 53.4 g;
  • C2 – 44.5 g;
  • C3 – 35.6 g.

Weight of cooked product

At heat treatment products lose weight. But a hard-boiled or soft-boiled egg will remain the same as a raw one.

Marking and weight

The marking consists of a letter and a number, where the letter is the category and the number is the grade. Apply directly to the shell or container. Size affects the grade, and grade affects the price.

Category Variety Sign Weight, g
Dining room Higher NE 75–80
Selected CO 65–75
First C1 55–65
Second C2 45–55
Third C3 35–45
Dietary Higher Far East 75–80
Selected TO 65–75
First C1 55–65
Second C2 45–55
Third C3 35–45

Dietary food is stored for up to 7 days. If it is not sold within its expiration date, it goes into the canteen category.

At room temperature and air humidity of 85%, dietary eggs are stored for up to 25 days; in the refrigerator - up to 90 days. The countdown is from the date of sorting, not production.

Imported products

The designation of foreign products differs from that adopted in the CIS countries. European weight standards have been shifted downwards.

Table of designations for imported eggs.

The stamp contains the manufacturer's country code. Germany – 2, for Holland – 6.

This is indicated when marking:

  • 0 – agricultural production;
  • 1 – free content;
  • 2 – the bird is kept on a perch;
  • 3 – the chicken lives in a cage.

If the eco-friendly icon is present, then the laying hen's diet did not contain genetically modified grains. She was kept on open pasture and fed chlorophyll-rich feed.

Strict restrictions are imposed on the use of various veterinary drugs: fertilizers, antibiotics, growth stimulants.


Some useful facts:

  1. Recipes usually indicate the C3 grade.
  2. The color of the yolk depends on the chicken's diet. Unscrupulous manufacturers add dyes to food to increase saturation.
  3. The older and larger the chicken, the larger the product. There is also a dependence on the breed. A meat or ornamental breed will not live up to expectations.
  4. The shell is impervious to bacteria and pathogenic microorganisms. It has a porous structure and allows air, moisture and ultraviolet rays. Its color does not affect nutritional value and a set of microelements.

Piece sales

One careless move and instead of a neat egg you get an unappetizing mixture. Therefore, the fewer manipulations are carried out, the fewer losses the manufacturer will incur.

Selling in kilograms is not economically profitable, since the price will have to include defects and weight loss during long-term storage. This will lead to a decrease in demand.

Important information

What you should pay attention to:

  • Cracked testicles should not be eaten. Through damage to the protective cover, the causative agent of salmonellosis, the salmonella bacterium, can enter there;
  • Dirt, droppings, and a stuck feather indicate not “organicity”, but non-compliance. sanitary standards poultry farm workers;
  • Storage: in a cool, damp place, away from foods with strong odors, raw meat, fish;
  • The manufacturer may put the wrong stamp, so you need to open the opaque container.


Why is it important to know the weight of a chicken egg? Their weight categories. Differences between Russian and European categories. Why do they differ in weight?

Not all buyers think about the size and weight of the eggs they purchase. If we need a couple for a recipe, we just grab them from the refrigerator. In some cases, to successfully prepare a dish, for example, for baking, it is necessary to take into account how many grams are in one egg. For culinary purposes, special tables have been developed for converting the number of eggs of one size into the number of another size.

Also, when preparing dishes, it is important to pay attention not only to the weight of the chicken egg, but also to the number of yolks in it. After all, sometimes you come across options with two yolks. Manufacturers have learned to manage the reproductive cycles of chickens so that they lay just such eggs. Replacing regular product on one with two yolks, you risk getting a non-standard result.

Weight categories

For the sake of objectivity and convenience, eggs are divided into categories not by size, but by weight. When you purchase a package, do not think that all of them are the same. They are formed not according to the individual weight of 1 egg, but according to their average weight in the package. This is due to limitations in the technology for automatically sorting eggs by size. In one package they may look different in size, but their weight usually fluctuates within a certain range, regulated by documentation.

  • C3 - third, weight less than 45 grams;
  • C2 - second, 45-55 grams;
  • C1 - first, 55-65 grams;
  • O - selected, 65-75 grams;
  • B - highest category, more than 75 grams.

If we take the average weight of an egg to be 50 grams, then its weight without the shell will be 5 less. The average weight of an egg white is 27 grams, and the yolk is about 18. During cooking, the weight does not change significantly, as does the ratio between yolk and white.

You can see the imported product in the store. As an approximate analogue, you can use the following correspondences between Russian and European markings:

  • S (Small) correspond to Russian C3 and C2;
  • M - C1;
  • L - O;
  • XL - B.

If you use this product to prepare basic dishes (omelet, scrambled eggs), then the weight of one chicken egg will not matter much.

In most baking recipes, the ratio between the weight of dry and liquid ingredients and the volume of yolks and whites added is important. Most of them also use large eggs (that is, the first category).

Volume characteristics of one large egg:

  • 3 tablespoons ( 45 ml);
  • 1 egg white = 2 tablespoons ( 30 ml);
  • 1 egg yolk= 1 tablespoon ( 15 ml).

Reason for weight difference

As chickens grow older, they begin to lay larger and larger eggs. Weight: 1 pc. Chicken eggs are influenced by the breed of laying hen, seasonality, feed composition, lighting conditions and a number of other factors. Agricultural producers use these methods to produce larger specimens.

Among those on sale, the smallest eggs are quail eggs, weighing only 10-12 grams, and the largest - ostrich ( about 1.5 kilograms).

The exact parameters of a chicken egg are not specified anywhere. We will figure out how much one egg weighs and what the weight criteria are for each category.

Many people read the calorie content of foods, but don’t think about the parameters. We will calculate the exact weight of this product according to the categories, and also indicate how many grams of protein and yolk are contained. Such information may be useful to cooks or people leading healthy image lives that count the number of calories eaten and the weight of food consumed.


In law Russian Federation All eggs must be labeled according to category. Enrollment in one of the groups occurs during sorting right at the poultry farm - there they are inspected, weighed and packaged.

There are five categories in total:

  • third;
  • second;
  • first;
  • selected;
  • highest.

The letters “C” and “D” are also used for numbering. The first designation implies a table egg - such a product can remain fresh longer than others, the letter “D” is applied to dietary ones, they must be consumed in the first week after laying. Otherwise, such an egg will become an ordinary table egg, losing all the dietary properties of the yolk and white.

There is a marking with a combination of letters and numbers, for example, c1 or c0. This means the category awarded and belonging to the table or dietary species.


The second in the shell - from 45 to 55 grams, without the shell no more than 36 grams, yolk - from 14 to 16, white - 25-30.

In the first, the weight of a chicken egg ranges from 55 to 65 grams, and without a protective shell - from 50 to 58 g. The yolk weighs 18-24, the white - 30-33.

At the highest level, a chicken egg weighs 75 g or more. These testicles are considered the largest. The weight of an egg of the highest category without shell is 67 grams, of which 26-28 are yolk and 39-42 are white.

On average, the weight of one ordinary testicle is equal to 40-50 grams - they are assigned to the third or second category.

Such eggs are in great demand among buyers, so they are mainly presented in supermarkets. Also, the third category is most common in culinary affairs- it is used for baking, salads, cocktails, as an ingredient in hot and cold dishes, as an ingredient for an independent dish (scrambled eggs).

Package weight

Manufacturers mainly make packages of 10 or 15 pieces; occasionally there are extended versions with 25 or 40 units of goods. Therefore, the average package weight is 350-450 g, if we consider the third category and minimum quantity eggs in a package. For the second category, 450 to 550 g is considered normal, for the first - 550-670, for selected and highest - at least 650.

However, the weight of the package may vary based on the expiration date, so if you come across a dozen eggs in a hypermarket that weigh less than 350 grams, then most likely they have been on the shelf for more than one week. It is not recommended to take such a product; it may be unsafe for health.

When choosing a product, also look at appearance product: if they are in the package different sizes, then it is possible to mix several categories into one. Thus, poultry farms are trying to sell a product from the third category under the guise of the highest or selected.

The parameters of this product also depend on the hen itself - its living conditions, feed, and health of the bird. Some birds lay significantly larger eggs than others: for example, the largest egg weighs more than 140 grams. And there are birds that produce small testicles: for example, the weight of the smallest is equal to 10 g.

Nowadays it is very common healthy eating. A person can adhere to it for various purposes: someone needs to get rid of excess weight, someone is simply trying to keep themselves in shape, and some, on the contrary, strive to increase muscle mass. Chicken eggs are needed to achieve any of these goals. Special attention deserves protein. Everyone has heard that it is not recommended to overuse the yolk, due to its content large quantity cholesterol. With protein, the situation is different: you can eat as much of it as you like, but you still need to know the amount. To do this, it is worth taking into account the calorie content of egg whites and at least roughly guessing how many grams of protein are in one egg.

Egg white is a muscle builder

Those people who are actively involved in bodybuilding and fitness pay great attention to muscle mass. To do this, the body must receive protein in the required amount, which is calculated individually.

Products high in these nutrients quite a lot, but eggs occupy one of the leading places. To calculate how many grams of protein are in one egg, you need to know approximate weight the egg itself. It’s good if it’s available then you can make the most accurate calculations. But if they are not there, then it is worth remembering that on average one egg weighs about 60 grams, of which 20 grams belong to the yolk. But don't assume that by consuming the remaining 20 or 30 grams you can get the same amount of pure protein. It also contains water, so to find out how many grams of protein are in one egg, we need to take into account the nutritional value per hundred grams of the product. So, one hundred grams of egg white contains 11 grams of protein; based on 20-30 grams, you can get only 3-4 grams of pure protein in one egg.

Athletes know that the body absorbs about 30 grams of protein in one meal. Therefore, in order to get the norm necessary for stable muscle growth, you should eat 8 eggs - and only 1 yolk, and the rest is white.

For low calorie diets

In addition to bodybuilders who closely monitor egg whites, many girls eat egg whites. It is not so important for them to know how many grams of protein are in one egg, since they focus on the low content of fats, calories and carbohydrates.

They are perfect for this type of nutrition because they are natural and useful product, and also contain few calories.

The calorie content of egg white per 100 grams is no more than 48 kcal, and the white of one egg contains about 14 kcal.

This is very little, but eggs are a filling food, so including them in a low-calorie diet can help you get rid of constant feeling hunger without damaging your figure.

To remember how many grams of protein are in one egg, as well as calculate its calorie content, you can use a special table.

It will help avoid confusion and clearly calculate the individual daily requirement of protein obtained from eggs and the number of calories required for each individual.

Eggs are eaten not only as an independent product, but also as a component of many dishes in our cooking and cuisine. different countries peace. But not many people know about this, and this is important in order to choose the right amount of products for one or another dietary dish, count calories when eating on a diet.

In the Russian Federation, the weight of eggs is divided according to established legislation. After all, this issue is important not only in the personal households of citizens, but also when selling this product in stores. Depending on the established category of the chicken egg, the weight will depend.

As for the averages, if you don’t buy the product in the store, but simply collect what the chicken has laid, it will weigh about 40-65 grams. More often we're talking about exactly about 60 grams. So, this particular weight can be considered average for a standard chicken egg.

Interesting! It turns out that in one kilogram of eggs, depending on what category of product you weigh, there can be from 15 to 25 medium-sized eggs. A dozen chicken eggs, respectively, are about 400-650 grams.

The weight chart shown is for eggs in the shell. But it can also highlight the weight of an egg without a shell, as well as the weight of the white or yolk separately. Let's take a closer look at this data.

Selected chicken egg: 65-74.9 weight in shell, 59-68 grams weight without shell, 36-41 grams white weight and 23-26 grams white weight.

Marking features

It turns out that if you buy the product in a store, you can determine the weight of the egg simply by looking at the labeling. It must be applied to poultry farms after sorting. Most often, eggs of the third category are used in cooking, which weigh on average 40 grams.

Each egg must be marked; this is clearly stated in the legislation. By the way, the price also depends on the category. The third category of eggs is, of course, the cheapest. After all, such a product will be the smallest in weight.

Large eggs can only be obtained from elite hens. They differ not only in their size, but also in their conditions of detention and even in the variety of food they eat. But this fact does not mean that large eggs are always tastier than small products. The same can be said about benefits.

Here, rather, the difference is only in the profitability of sales. So, what size eggs to buy depends only on the desire of the housewife and financial capabilities: they will all be tasty and healthy.

Interesting! The world's largest egg was recorded in Cuba. It weighed 148 grams. The smallest egg was laid by a chicken in Papua New Guinea, its weight was only 9.7 grams.

Now you can easily navigate what chicken eggs are by weight, depending on the labeling, the presence or absence of a shell. This knowledge is extremely useful if followed correctly dietary nutrition and preparing a variety of dishes.