What sizes are male organs? What is the normal penis size for men: the norm and possible deviations

Scientists have long come to the conclusion that the average penis size of men from different countries is very different. This feature must be taken into account when measuring your own genital organ and comparing it with statistical indicators. Information about average penis sizes allows members of the stronger sex to understand whether they should worry about the size of their manhood or not.

The size of the reproductive organ varies among people of different nationalities

Average statistical data allows you to calculate the statistical size of a man's penis using several parameters. Measurements taken at a time when the member is in a calm and excited state are taken into account. In the course of such studies, indicators were derived, which can be found in the table.

There is a direct relationship between the size of a man’s penis and his body weight and other important factors that influence the development of the penis.

According to the table that shows the average penis size, if an ordinary man has a penis that reaches 20 cm, then he is classified as a giant. An abnormally small reproductive organ is usually called one that reaches up to 2 cm in length.

Average length in Russia

Young guys don’t need to worry, the penis will still grow

At different ages (in a teenager and an adult man), the size of the penis differs significantly. In teenagers it is just developing, so during this period there is no point in focusing too much on the size of the penis, as it can change.

The average penis size of more than half of the men who live in Russia reaches 12-14 cm. We are talking about the size of the penis in an erect state.

About 15% of Russian men are worried that their penis size is small. They begin to sound the alarm at the age of 16 and later, when the growth of the penis gradually stops. The same percentage of representatives of the stronger sex have fairly large reproductive organs, which can exceed 18 cm in length.

The research revealed that the average size of the reproductive organ in men in the Russian Federation is in the range of 14.2-17 cm.

You should not always focus on average indicators of penis parameters. Many men who took part in the studies simply told them their penis size, but did not allow them to verify the veracity of this information. Therefore, actual numbers may be different. What reason pushes representatives of the stronger sex to lie is not difficult to guess. But whatever the circumstance, it is on the basis of their words that it is calculated what the average size of the male genital organ should be.

Average diameter: thickness, girth, width

Statistics have several indicators by which guys are asked to check their penis size and its compliance with the norm. For men, it is mandatory to measure the thickness of the penis, its girth and width. The final figures differ significantly between young people aged 14 and older people.

Statistics show the average parameters of the male genital organ, namely its length and diameter, as well as the percentage of representatives of the stronger sex who can boast of such figures. The data is entered into the table. They allow you to understand what the average size is in diameter.

Percentage of men Penis length Penis diameter
32% 13.5-15 cm 2-3 cm
23% 15.1-16.2 cm 2.5-3.5 cm
15% 16.3-17.5 cm 3-4.5 cm
15% 12.5-14.4 cm 2-3 cm
6% 17.6-18.7 cm 4-5 cm
4% 11.5-12.5 cm 1.8-2.7 cm
3% 8.6-11.4 cm 1.5-2.4 cm
2% Up to 8 cm Up to 1.7 cm

From this table it is easy to understand the average diameter of a man's penis.

Research results

In obese people, the reproductive organ appears smaller due to the layer of fat on the abdomen

The average size of the male penis in the world is helped to calculate numerous studies in which representatives of the stronger sex of different ages and nationalities take part. During the experiments, the following features and facts were revealed:

  • It is men who worry most about the size of their penis. Women have a different opinion. The parameter is not always important to them. A partner’s ability to express himself differently in bed is of great value. This is evidenced by the results of research in almost every country. Experts who are interested in the genital organ take into account the presence of various factors that influence the size of the penis. These and other research methods are used in different countries.
  • The penis can have different shapes. There are members that resemble a cylinder or a mushroom with their voluminous head. It is possible that a man may have a thick base of the organ and a small tip.
  • About 43% of men surveyed were confident that their penis size at 15 years old is still much smaller than normal.
  • Overweight men have a larger penis circumference than those who do not have this problem.
  • About 20% of young people used advertised means to increase the size of the reproductive organ.
  • Obese men have smaller penis sizes than thin men. This phenomenon is explained by the fact that part of their genital organ is hidden under fatty folds.

The size of a guy's penis at 13 years of age and older is different, since this organ grows in boys. Reduction of the penis and testicles begins to be observed when a man reaches 50 years of age.

in the world

The size of the penis in men who live in Russia and European countries can vary greatly. This is confirmed by statistical data that confirms the correctness of this theory.

The average male penis in the world is within the size range of 14-16 cm. Its diameter is 2.5-3.5 cm.

Residents of some countries will have significantly larger penis sizes than others. That is why it is important when taking measurements to focus on normal indicators that correspond to a specific region and nationality.


Europeans are “satisfied” with the average length

It was believed that the body parameters of European residents could be attributed to the statistical average throughout the world. What is considered the average penis size is shown by multiple studies. Scientists have found that it is within 13.3 cm. The size can vary significantly depending on the region of residence of the man.

In southern Europe, the size of the penis is slightly larger than normal. It reaches 14 cm at the time of erection. We can highlight the following statistics regarding the nationality of the stronger sex and the parameters of their manhood:

  1. The British - 13 cm.
  2. Germans - 13 cm.
  3. French - 13.3 cm.
  4. Swiss - 13.3 cm.
  5. Ukrainians – 13.7 cm.
  6. Russians - 13.4 cm.
  7. Belarusians - 13.4 cm.

Scandinavians go a little beyond the generally accepted norms. The length of their genitals significantly exceeds the average size of residents of European countries.

Residents of northern countries also have a slightly larger penis than the average statistics for Europe show. It was found that their penis reaches 17 cm. And an 18 cm penis is not uncommon for representatives of the people of Iceland.

The Chinese

Residents of China cannot boast of a large penis size. Although there are exceptions, if a man has a mixture of several races in his family.

The Chinese have set a kind of anti-record for penis size. The average penis of a man of this nationality does not exceed 11 cm.

Chinese people do not attach much importance to the size of their penis. This position is associated with the fact that the majority of local women remain satisfied with these parameters of their partner’s penis. It is worth noting that Chinese women will be extremely uncomfortable having sex with a man of a different nationality, since the size of his penis will be too large for them.

African Americans

Black guys, in most cases, are ahead in terms of performance

There is an opinion that blacks have the biggest penises. But it has been refuted many times. And all this is thanks to careful research by scientists who are collecting statistical data to determine the average penis size of men in different countries.

According to observations, in dark-skinned men the penis appears larger only when it is at rest. When excited, its size does not increase significantly. This is the difference between the genitals of African Americans and representatives of other nationalities.

At rest, the average penis size of African Americans is about 12-14 cm. When aroused, its length can increase to 16-17 cm.

The Americans

Statistics indicate that Americans have an average reproductive organ size of no more than 14.3 cm when it is in a state of arousal. As for the moments at which an erection is absent, this indicator is purely individual. It can range from 6 cm to 10 cm.

Research has revealed that the smallest penis among American residents reaches only 4 cm. The record holder is a man whose penis is 25.8 cm long.

How to measure length and thickness correctly

To assign the correct penis size, you first need to worry about taking the measurements correctly. Only in this case will the reliable average male penis size be revealed.

Important! It is necessary to measure the length of the penis and its width in an erect state. In this case, the indicators will be correct.

A man will have to take measurements several times to accurately know his actual penis size. These manipulations are performed on different days and hours. Measurements taken under different conditions are also taken into account. Afterwards, all the results obtained must be averaged.

It is necessary to take measurements of the reproductive organ while the man is standing. The body should be slightly relaxed and the penis should be parallel to the floor. A scale with measurements should be placed on the surface of the penis. This is done from the base of the organ, that is, the pubis, to the very end of the head.

To calculate the average width of the penis, it is necessary to determine three values ​​at once, namely the size at the bottom of the organ, at its base and in the middle.

A man can carry out all measuring manipulations himself. To do this, you can use thread or strip. A meter ruler or tape in this situation can distort the values. In addition, at the time of application they can be cold, which is why the actual size of the penis decreases.

The size of the penis is determined by its length and width both at rest and during arousal. These indicators are important during sexual intercourse and for a man’s sense of his own worth. Penis size is not responsible for functions such as urination and reproduction.

Parameter measurement technique

It is worth determining the length and width of the phallus at room temperature, in a state of psychological comfort, since when the ambient temperature drops, stress or anxiety, the size of the penis decreases. The average value is measured using a ruler from the pubic area (the ruler should not be pressed into it too much) to the tip of the head of the phallus. If a man weighs a lot, which means there is excessive subcutaneous fat, the functional dimensions decrease.

To determine the length of the penis, you need to tilt it parallel to the floor and apply a ruler. The width of the penis is measured using a centimeter ruler, which is placed around the man's erect organ exactly in the middle.

Average parameters

What is considered normal penis length in a non-erect state? The average size of the male genital organ in a calm state varies from 7 to 10 cm. You should not judge the state of the phallus at the time of erection by these values. It is believed that a modest penis length can show a significantly greater increase when aroused than that of a penis that is determined to be larger or normal at rest.

How many centimeters should the length of a man's erect organ be?

The normal length in the erect state ranges from 12–18 cm. The optimal length is 15 cm.

In a newborn, the penis has an average size of 2.5 to 3.5 cm; when stretched, it is about 3.5 cm.
The size of the penis of European men without erection is about 8.5–10.5 cm, and in the erect state 12–18 cm (average value 15 cm).

Normal Width Boundaries

Width plays a more important role than the length and thickness of the penis, because it ensures close contact with the walls of the vagina, significantly enhancing the sensations of men. Therefore, it is the average of this size that should be measured first.

How wide should the male organ be? The average value is 8–18 cm. The optimal diameter is 14 cm.

Thickness Standards

This value varies from 3 to 4.5 cm. However, how many centimeters the normal thickness of the penis has is not precisely determined.

Deviations and what affects them

An erect penis less than 10 cm is called a micropenis, from 10 to 12 cm is called small, and more than 18 cm is called large.
In men under 12 years of age, due to the fact that the period of hormonal maturation continues, measuring the parameters of the penis does not make sense, since this organ is in the stage of active growth. How long does this process take? It continues until the age of 15. The average size can increase up to 25 years.

Figures characterizing the largest penis size in history: 30 cm length and 15 cm diameter.

Factors influencing normal penis size

  • Endocrine changes.

They are manifested by a decrease in the production of testosterone, which determines the development of both primary and secondary sexual characteristics. The cause of this pathology is most often hypogonadism, characterized by a decrease in testicular parameters. Its most severe manifestation is micropenis (size less than 10 cm), requiring medical attention. In addition, if a man weighs a lot, this also negatively affects testosterone production.

  • Hereditary predisposition.

An example is the dependence of values ​​on race. The smallest dimensions of the genital organ are observed in Asian men (average size: length less than 15 cm, width less than 14 cm), and the largest in African Americans.

  • Congenital diseases:
  1. Anorchism - absence of testicles, prostate gland, seminiferous tubules, underdevelopment of the phallus.
  2. Cryptorchidism is the absence of testicles in the scrotum due to undescended testicles.
  3. Del Castillo syndrome is a decrease in testicular volume due to disruption of the seminiferous tubules.
  4. Pasculani syndrome - decreased testosterone secretion.
  • Acquired diseases:
  1. Injuries to the testicles, pituitary gland, hypothalamus.
  2. Diabetes mellitus.
  3. Adrenal tumors. This disease leads to the development of a giant penis, the average size of which is significantly more than 14 cm.
  4. Arterial hypertension. Refers to a pathology that causes not only a reduction in the male organ, but also its curvature. This disease usually occurs in men over 40 years of age.
  5. Tumor of testicular interstitial cells.
  6. Injuries and pathological erection of the phallus itself, leading to an increase in its length by more than 15 cm and thickness by more than 14 cm.
  7. Lymphostasis (elephantiasis). This pathology is also manifested by an increase in the parameters of the penis.
  8. Age. It has been proven that after about 30 years from the onset of maturation, the genital organ decreases by 2–3 cm from the average value of 15 cm.
  9. Excessively developed subcutaneous fat in the pubic area. Due to the large fat layer, the functional part of the phallus may decrease. Losing weight easily solves this problem.

Contrary to popular opinion, height cannot be an indicator of the size of the phallus. Despite the importance of penis parameters, a man, no matter how old he is, should not forget about the importance of sexual abilities and the nature of intersexual relations.

The normal length of the penis makes its representative self-confident. The penis and scrotum are the external genital organs in the male body. The basis of the penis (penis) includes erectile and cavernous tissues, consisting of a group of smooth muscle fibers. The latter tissue consists of three sections: two cavernous corpuscles (they are responsible for the rigidity of the penis during an erection) and one spongy corpuscle (it forms the urethra).

All these three groups are one whole system of the male body. Men have a very serious complex about the size of their dignity, this is especially evident in their youth. It happens that boys, being in the locker room with older people and seeing their penis, ask questions: “Isn’t mine small?” “Will mine be the same or more?” Moreover, doubts about size sometimes arise throughout life, but there is one belief: “The bigger, the better!”

Even in the age of advanced technology, doubts regarding sufficient length greatly worry the male part of the population. Despite the fact that most of them are of impressive size and are good sexual partners. The thing is that a man sees his organ from above and at an angle, which is why it visually appears shorter, while for others we see it straight and it seems to us that their organ is longer. When the organ is at rest, its size is determined only by the degree of blood filling of the corresponding cavernous bodies.

Each such body is a spongy formation, consisting of several cavities and vessels that react to active substances contained in the blood. Temperature plays a major role in filling the corpora cavernosa with blood. For example, a decrease in air temperature contributes to the narrowing of blood vessels, and, consequently, a decrease in blood flow through the cavernous bodies. The same condition is observed when adrenaline is released into the blood as a response to stress. That is why the penis, which a man is accustomed to seeing as large, can shrink many times over.

An increase in temperature promotes the opposite effect, that is, an increase in the size and dilation of blood vessels. The length of the penis of a newborn boy does not exceed 5 cm, and its active growth will begin only at 13 years of age. Male growth usually ends by age 18, but significant changes may still occur before age 25. The average genital organ has a length of 12-18 cm, with a circumference of 10-16 cm. A list of deviations and classification of the phallus from this norm is given below.

There are 3 sizes:

  • Micromember (micropenis) - its size in an erect state does not exceed 2-3 cm.
  • Small penis - erect length less than 9 cm.
  • Normal penis - its normal penis length in an excited state exceeds 9 cm.

The normal length of the penis is 10 cm, and if someone has it less, then this is a micropenis, which was mentioned above. Penises of 10-12 cm are small, but with skillful handling, a woman can be satisfied with them. A length exceeding 18 cm indicates a large genital organ.

The second important point in the size of the penis is its width. Experts say that this particular indicator is much more important than the previous one. A woman, due to the girth of her dignity, is able to experience a feeling of pleasure, and the width fluctuates in the range of 8-15 cm, the average value of which is 12 cm.

A man is able to take a sexual dignity measurement on his own. To do this, you need to stand on your feet and achieve an erection, bend the phallus to take it into a horizontal position (parallel to the floor). Next, a centimeter or ruler is applied to the organ. The measuring instrument does not need to be pressed directly into the pubis or penis.

Measuring the penis of teenagers is not recommended! Why? Their body is just developing and continues to actively grow. Correct and competent measurement of length: from the pubis to the tip of the head. The thickness of the phallus is determined in the same way, but here you will need a measuring tape, thread or even a strip of paper. In a state of full erection, you need to grab the middle section of the penis with a measuring device and find out its girth.

What is the normal penis size, can it be enlarged or reduced?

Not everyone knows what the normal penis size is, since men often underestimate their dignity. Representatives of the fair sex pay too much attention to the classification developed by them, by which the length of the male genital organs can be determined. They believe that the length of their legs, fingers, feet or even nose is relevant, but in reality this is not the case.

The only thing that plays a role in determining the length of the penis is the person’s build, and not the size of the shoes he wears. As for the height of men, experts have not come to a consensus. Some believe that height affects the size of the penis, while others believe quite the opposite and share the opinion that young people of average height have large penises. The penis is fully formed before the age of 25 and, provided there is a normal level of testosterone, it will reach the genetically prescribed size by this time. In the future, the penis will not change in any way, regardless of changes in overall body weight. However, there is another one hundred percent factor that influences the length of the organ: weightlifting at a young age, since these physical activities affect the development of the genitals.

Factors that directly determine the normal penis size:

  1. Genetics (predisposition) - each race is different, has characteristic average values ​​of dignity that differ from others.
  2. Growth and development - male puberty begins at 13 years of age and ends at approximately 18-20 years of age. The process can drag on only if the body experiences a lack of hormones, but otherwise by the age of 20 the organ reaches its proper size.
  3. Obesity is the most terrible factor causing mirror disease. Most people believe that fat men's genitals become thinner and dry out, but this is actually not the case. The reduction of the penis is just a visual effect, which is influenced by the fat layer in the pubic area. Experts have calculated that every extra 6 kg of fat contributes to a visual reduction in dignity by 1 centimeter.
  4. Sociological factors are a psychological problem or barrier that cannot be overcome.
  5. Poor ecology - heavily polluted atmosphere (aggressive chemical compounds).
  6. Unhealthy diet - high content of herbicides and pesticides in food.

In medical practice, there are several ineffective ways to increase dignity. There are a lot of super-mega-effective gadgets on the Internet, such as patches and lubricants, all sorts of sexual gymnastics exercises or vacuum pumps, which are actually absolutely useless. Vacuum pumps, of course, can give an extra centimeter, but will that really be enough?

More recently, extenders have migrated from Europe, giving more or less desirable results. Urologists use a special frame that helps stretch the penis. It must be worn for several hours every day without a break, thereby lengthening the penis. Most experts claim that extenders are invisible under clothing, and the results are quite good. When wearing the device for a period of 4-6 months, you can achieve a physiological increase of 2-4 centimeters. Quite a large number of private clinics are increasingly offering surgical operations that will help enlarge the penis.

It involves making a small incision in the ligament that supports the penis. After this and the rehabilitation course, the phallus hangs a little more, which provides a slight increase in length, both in an excited and normal state. Quite often, men who have a large phallus want to make it somewhat smaller. It can be uncomfortable for them, especially in the case of “unforeseen” excitement and there is no other way out but to reduce it.

The only option is surgery, but there is a high probability of failure. It is not recommended to resort to intervention if the urologist does not consider this measure necessary. Penis size is purely digital data that simply makes up a couple of marks on the rulers. Sexual performance has nothing to do with the size of the phallus, nor does it have anything to do with a man’s ability to satisfy women.

An effective way, without surgery or physical exercise, is to use proven creams and medications. No surgery, pumps or extenders. List of drugs recommended by doctors:

Natural gel containing succinic acid, promoting tissue stretching and growth of the penis. Painless and effective option.

Cream - 5 essential oils, active pectins and microelements have a beneficial effect on penile tissue. which affects its size. No surgeries or stretching.

It is important to overcome the psychological barrier and stop focusing on this problem. As for the “normal” size of male pride, this is a relatively vague indicator. Some men cope well with a 15-centimeter organ and satisfy a woman with it, while for others even 20 centimeters may not be enough. Therefore, size doesn’t really matter, because the average phallus can send your partner to seventh heaven.

Interested , average penis size? Want to know if you meet generally accepted standards? In this case, you can simply study special tables and statistical data on the male genital organs in centimeters. Quite often, men console themselves with the generally accepted phrase “size doesn’t matter,” but in reality they continue to worry about their manhood. However, not everyone knows what the average optimal size of the phallus is, and how the most common size of the sexual organ is calculated.

Average penis size for Russian men

The most common data shows the size of the penis in an erect state, but there is also information about the average parameters of the penis in a calm state. The trick is that measurements are made in several stages, because the size depends on various factors (for example, the number of years a man has lived, the ambient temperature, the degree of physical activity during the day, and so on).

In order to eliminate various errors, do not be lazy to measure the genital organ several times a day:

  • in the morning after performing hygiene procedures;
  • upon returning from work, that is, in the evening;
  • after waking up in the morning;
  • after physical activity.
  • at lunch;

Measurements must be taken along the upper part of the genital organ; it is best to use a centimeter tape for these purposes. After that, add up all the numbers you got for the day and divide them by the number of measurements. The resulting result will be the most accurate length of the penis. To determine the size of the penis in an excited state, it is better to use a flexible ruler. Place the base of such a device on the pubic bone, measurements are taken to the last point of the head. The average size in this case is considered to be 10-16 cm.

After this, you can compare the standard adopted in Russia and your own size. The data was obtained based on statistical surveys, so they are quite approximate (if you have concluded that the generally accepted standards are larger than your size, do not rush to resort to surgical enlargement of the penis, first weigh all the pros and cons of such a decision).

The normal male size in Russia is 13 cm (plus or minus 1 centimeter). Survey data show that 60 percent of the stronger sex have exactly these parameters. Of course, such information was not obtained as a result of measurements, so we can only rely on the honesty of the male representatives. As for the remaining respondents, they were divided between large and small parameters (for example, several percent of men indicated a size greater than 18 centimeters).

For comparison, the owners of the largest genital organs are the inhabitants of Congo and Ecuador (where the length of the penis in men reaches 18 cm). As for the smallest world standards, Korea can be singled out in this regard: in this country, the average size of the genital organ reaches 9.5 centimeters.

Thus, we have given the average size of male genital organs in Russia. It should be remembered that these data are very approximate, because it is unlikely that the measurements were carried out according to all the rules. If you still decide to increase the size of your manhood, you can think about surgery and other, less radical methods (for example, using special creams).

If you are interested in the topic of the optimal size of the average penis, then you will like this article. From it, men will gain information about whether the most common size of their manhood meets generally accepted standards. Often guys console themselves with the wording that is common and somewhat reassures them - “size, they say, doesn’t matter at all.” But even after this, they are certainly interested in how many centimeters of length and girth of the penis are considered to belong to the normal size of the human reproductive organ. Not everyone knows the norm of average length and standard size of the phallus, what it should be for men.

Average penis length

Another thorough study, the purpose of which is to calculate the standard length of the penis, confirmed the results of all previous studies on a similar topic. The average size of the penis on the planet is 14.2 cm. This figure was obtained by scientists seeking to identify the optimal length of manhood. They performed measurements on almost two thousand participants, representatives of different countries and continents.

Many studies aimed at determining the normal length and other sizes of the penis are caused by the desire to put an end to the countless fables, myths and legends regarding the normal size of the reproductive organ. They are designed to find out whether in practice the size of the phallus is of such great importance for women choosing a sexual partner.

It has been proven that women who experience a vaginal orgasm during coitus are guaranteed to receive it, provided that the penis volume is sufficient for them. But some surveys have determined that large dimensions are not at all a prerequisite for this. Most scientists agree with the statement that the scope of the male dignity, regardless of its length, has a greater influence on achieving orgasm.

Recently, specialists from the American University of Indiana asked men to measure their own genitals to help developers create a condom that is ideal for most and provides comfort during sexual intercourse. He must not squeeze the penis and not fall off it during frictions. The result was amazing - from “tiny” sizes of 4 cm to a gigantic length of 26 cm.

Although these parameters are influenced by the fact that men have different erectile strength. The maximum length is achieved during oral intercourse, but sexual fantasies do not allow the phallus to reach its maximum size.

What penis length can be considered normal?

A study by the Journal of Urology staff found the following parameters for the average size of a man's penis:

  • 8.8 cm in a non-excited state;
  • 12.9 cm at maximum erection.

At the same time, during measurements, scientists discovered that the size of an erect penis was not affected by its size in a non-excited state. Even the smallest flaccid penis can reach impressive lengths when aroused and vice versa. It was also revealed that there are no differences in these parameters for different age categories of men.

What is the normal penis size

Do women care about length?

It is noteworthy that women are less concerned about the size of the reproductive organ than those who own it. Therefore, male concerns related to the size of the penis are inappropriate. It is noteworthy that guys are not able to objectively determine the length of their own penis, since they see it only from above. From this angle it looks smaller than when viewed from below or from the side. That is why men are haunted by complexes after visiting a bathhouse, where they observe the genitals of other guys.

One study, published in the British Journal of Urology International, found that while the majority of women, about 85 percent, were satisfied with the size and thickness of their partner's penis, men were less confident. Nearly half of the men in the study (45%) believed they had a small penis.

A survey of sexually active women determined that the more important parameter for them is the width of their manhood, rather than its length. Therefore, many men do not need to worry about the “insufficient” size of their phallus. The results of studies that determined its average length can confirm that almost every guy has a “normal” reproductive organ.

Average penis diameter

The most important parameter

To get rid of unnecessary complexes, it is advisable for men to have information about the normal width of their penis:

  • the optimal thickness of the penis is 3–4 cm;
  • this diameter is normally measured in an erect state, for which you need to determine the size of the girth of the reproductive organ;
  • Almost 90% of men, after calculation, receive an indicator that fits within the standard thickness of the phallus.

Answering the question why the thickness of the penis is a more significant parameter, as opposed to length, scientists reasonably answered that a thick phallus can create a feeling of complete “filling” for a woman, but sexual relations with a man who has a long organ more often cause discomfort. You have to limit yourself in every possible way, choosing a comfortable position during coitus.

Important! It has long been established that in order for a woman to achieve orgasm, it is not the length of her partner’s genitals that is important, but the tightness of compression of the penis by the vaginal muscles. In the absence of other indications, when a woman has a permanent partner, this sufficient density can be easily achieved using simple means that help narrow the vagina. These include lubricants, suppositories and small anal plugs.

Average penis size in Russia

The normal average size of the penis of Russians is 13 cm. According to numerous studies, almost 60% of Russian men have this exact penis length. Naturally, the information received is not the result of direct measurements, which is why we can only count on the fact that the guys from the Russian Federation honestly answered the question asked of them. The diameter of the reproductive organ of Russians fits entirely within the average statistical size.

To simply compare the results obtained, let us note that the largest genital organs in terms of dimensions were found in men from Ecuador and Congo. In these countries, the length of the phallus on average approaches 18 cm. Regarding the smallest male members, Korean guys stand out: the average size of their genitals reaches only 9.5 cm.

Average penis size by nationality

The article is based on data published by a group of scientists at the University of Ulster in the UK. Richard Lynn, a professor who spent several years in a row, together with a group of like-minded people, researching this sensitive topic, at the end of his research, published the results that they were able to prove. The publication was published in the publication Personality and individual differences. The length of the penis of men was taken into account in 113 countries. Based on the data obtained, it was possible to build a clear rating. As you understand from the title of the article, the length of the penis varies significantly in different countries of the world.

Penis length varies greatly in different countries. Asians, Europeans, and representatives of Jewish nationality have strikingly different length indicators, so we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the data for each nationality separately.

  • The average penis size of Tatars is 15.3 cm.
  • Jewish penis size is 14.9 cm.

Representatives of Arab countries also often find themselves in various ratings.

  • The penis size of Turks is 14.1 cm.
  • The penis size of Uzbeks is 14.9 cm.
  • If you are interested in the size of the penis of Kalmyks, it is 14.2 cm.
  • The average penis size among Kazakhs is 15.5 cm.
  • The penis size of Armenians is slightly larger than in other countries and is 16 cm.

According to geographical indicators, the average penis size among Caucasians decreases in the direction from the Caucasus to the north and decreases considerably in the direction to the south and east (Kazakhstan - 15.5 cm, Uzbekistan - 14.7 cm, Kyrgyzstan - 14.4 cm).

Kazakh penis size ranges from 13.5 to 15 cm on average. Statistics in this region are the most ambiguous.

Average Penis Size for Asians

  • The average penis size in Japan is 10.9 cm.
  • The average penis size in Korea is the saddest. Research results have shown that citizens of South and North Korea can boast an average penis length of 9.6 cm. By the way, domestic urologists do not agree with their colleagues and increase the length of the Korean penis to 9.8 cm.
  • The average penis size in China is slightly larger at 11 cm.

Average penis size by continent


The record holders are undoubtedly the inhabitants of the African continent. It’s a proven fact on their planet. The average penis length of blacks is 17 cm and this is a huge gap from all other inhabitants of the planet.

  • In particular, the size of the black man from the Congo is the largest. Residents of this country have penises that are as much as 18.3 centimeters when erect (these data are indicated on average).
  • The second place in the ranking of residents of African countries is occupied by Ecuadorians. They have penises whose length reaches 17.9 cm.
  • The honorable third step was taken by the residents of Ghana, with a registered length of 17.4 cm.


Europeans are not known for their gigantic penis sizes, but they are far from the last in the ranking. Icelanders are considered giants among Europeans. Their male length is 16.6 cm, but the smallest penises among Romanians are only 12.8 cm.

Residents of the CIS countries are also not the leaders of the list, but their indicators are quite impressive in comparison with many other nationalities. Worth noting:

  • The average penis size in Belarus is 14.6 cm.
  • The average penis size in Ukraine is 13.97 cm.
  • The average penis size in Russia is 13.2 cm.


Americans have rather modest masculine assets. According to studies, their average penis length is 12.8-13 cm. In this case, errors in calculations are also possible, because there are too many nationalities living in the country, so it is simply impossible to clearly determine the size.

Manhood size has always been a special topic for women and an Achilles heel for men. The stereotype “the more the merrier” is no longer as relevant as previously thought. For many years, humanity has been racking its brains trying to find an answer to the question of whether the size of a man’s penis has a certain meaning, and whether size affects the quality of sex and the relationship of partners. People who took part in the survey were asked to indicate the average length of their manhood and the length that is ideal for them. As you can see, the results were very varied.

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