Weather in Mallorca in October - few tourists and low prices. What to expect from Mallorca in October Where to go and what to see

October. With family

Spain, Mallorca island

It took us a long time to decide whether or not to go to Mallorca. Our friends scared us that October cold month for this resort. But my wife’s great desire to go to Mallorca left no choice. Having arrived at the place, we realized that warm sweaters would serve us well here. When we arrived at the airport, it was raining with gusts of wind. The only thing that was warming me was the thought that we had saved on vouchers.

So, Mallorca! The hope of wearing swimming trunks and a swimsuit disappeared on its own. All that remains is to devote your vacation to excursions. We went to the beach just to get our feet wet. I’m not a freezing person, but the water in the sea was clearly for walruses. There were few tourists, all the beaches were empty. The bulk of the tourists we saw were people of retirement age. The hotel was practically empty. No one bothered us with noise while we slept. A good half of the entertainment clubs and cafes were already closed, but excursions helped the situation and gave us wonderful impressions of Mallorca.

October. With family

Spain, Mallorca island

We went to Mallorca in October with my wife and child. Tourism agents tried to dissuade us for a long time, saying that the weather at this time did not bode well, but this did not bother us at all, taking into account the one and a half times lower price.

So we arrived in Mallorca. October made itself felt from the first minutes of our stay; it was not in vain that we took warm clothes with us. It seemed about beach holiday You can forget, but on the third day of our vacation, the sun was pleasing warm weather, took a dip in the ocean once. Entering, by the way, already makes you feel like an extreme sports enthusiast, but at least you got plenty of sunbathing. Once we forgot to take sunscreen to the beach, the consequences in the evening forced us to buy sunscreen. And most of the time we went on excursions. The guide carefully thought out all the routes for visiting the sights. We had a great time, we are planning to return to Mallorca next year, but in the summer.

Mallorca, like the rest Balearic Islands, refers to the type of tourist sites that can and should be visited all year round. Of course, this does not mean at all that weather conditions in this case, month to month will not differ. Today we will describe the weather situation in October on the island of Mallorca. You will also find out why it is beautiful in mid-autumn.

Weather changes in October in Mallorca

Air temperature can vary within significant limits. On average, during the day it is 24 °C, at night – around 20 °C. In general, there is a trend towards a decrease in temperature values. But there are days that fall out of direct dependence. For example, it happens that during the day the air warms up only to 17-20 °C or, on the contrary, exceeds 30 °C. The sea temperature gradually decreases during the month from 24-25 °C to 21-22 °C. The wind during the day is predominantly southwest at a speed of 4-6 m/s; several days a month it can change to northeast at a speed of 3-8 m/s. Precipitation is rare, 1-2 times a month. At the same time, most of October is partly cloudy or cloudy ( clear days few).

October rest and entertainment

The velvet season in Mallorca continues, which means that you still have the opportunity to swim in the sea, lie on the beach and see the sights of the island. At the same time, somewhere out there looms low season, which means that most of the young people are leaving this place, entertainment venues are losing their audience and closing up shop until the best time of the year.

Mallorca is transforming and calming down: in October you can find many married couples and pensioners from Europe. On October 12, the national holiday Spanish Nation Day is celebrated throughout the country. The celebration is accompanied by musical events, songs and dances, street processions, all kinds of competitions, etc. – everything is as the Spaniards like it, atmospheric and on a grand scale. Also this month you can catch a tapas and beer festival. For lovers of food and drink, these small celebrations will add new features to your holiday.

In conclusion

Do you appreciate a relaxing holiday and don't like the heat? Then the weather in Mallorca in October will be more than suitable for you. But to avoid any unpleasant surprises, we recommend that you additionally familiarize yourself with the summary table below. It presents the range of temperature values ​​(min-max) for several years.

Temperature range in October in Mallorca
Weather/dateAir during the dayAir at nightSea
1 24÷3021÷2624÷25
2 25÷2922÷2624÷25
3 24÷2921÷2524÷25
4 26÷2722÷2524÷25
5 22÷2921÷2524÷25
6 25÷2618÷2423÷24
7 23÷2719÷2423÷24
8 21÷2618÷2423÷24
9 23÷2720÷2423÷24
10 24÷2821÷2423÷24
11 20÷2718÷2423÷24
12 18÷2619÷2423÷24
13 22÷2618÷2323÷24
14 20÷2618÷2223÷24
15 20÷2615÷2323÷24
16 22÷2917÷2422÷23
17 22÷2720÷2322÷23
18 23÷3120÷2422÷23
19 24÷3120÷2422÷23
20 19÷2816÷2222÷23
21 21÷3219÷2422÷23
22 22÷2519÷2322÷23
23 23÷2517÷2222÷23
24 23÷2620÷2222÷23
25 21÷2918÷2322÷23
26 22÷2818÷2422÷23
27 23÷2721÷2222÷23
28 15÷2514÷2321÷22
29 17÷2413÷2021÷22
30 17÷2415÷2021÷22
31 18÷2416÷2021÷22

The decoration of the Balearic archipelago, the Spanish island of Mallorca is popular among Russian tourists thanks to the affectionate Mediterranean Sea and convenient beaches. Holidays in Mallorca in October are a blissful experience on the beach comfortable temperatures air +24-28, water +23-25.

The main purpose of the tour is usually “beaching”, with riding on all kinds of catamarans, water skiing, banana boats and other active entertainment. Sea and coastal fishing is popular among men. Well, the evening is a celebration of partying at beach parties, which are held with chic and splendor by literally every hotel on the island.

Lovers have a relaxing holiday go to the golf courses. Even if you are not into this sport, you can simply ride through the emerald meadows on your own or with a driver. Fans of historical adventures are recommended to visit Palma de Mallorca, walk around the Old Town, take photos at Bellver Castle, and go to the Valldemos Monastery, where part of the premises is dedicated to a rather interesting museum.

Active tourists prefer trekking to the Serra de Tramuntana mountains, where there are specially laid paths for bicycles, and an experienced guide will select a route in accordance with your physical condition.

The island's main October events are the Harvest Festival and autumn fairs, where stalls are bursting with goat cheeses, fruits, olives and new wine. And in the evening of the Harvest Festival, “Estol del Rei En Jaume” takes place - a costumed performance by young Spanish artists acting out scenes from the history of Mallorca.

It's still October continues holiday season in the Mediterranean, including Spanish Mallorca. The weather is pleasantly high, but already more moderate temperatures, on sunny days and a well-warmed sea.

Mallorca experiences the following average temperatures in October: +22 °C during the day, +13 °C at night. At the same time, throughout the month the air slowly cools, so that closer to November there is a natural decrease in degrees. Mediterranean Sea It also cools down, but a little slower. On average it is warmed up up to +23 °C, however, at the beginning of the month it still reaches +25 °C, and at last days October water temperature can be +20 °C.

The weather in Mallorca in October is mostly clear, while the number of cloudy hours increases slightly compared to September. Longitude daylight hours continues to decrease naturally, and now it averages 11 hours.

October on the island - the rainiest month. At the same time, the precipitation rate is not so high - only 74 mm in seven days on which it rains. Relative humidity air is equal 77% .

Winds intensify in mid-autumn, but their speed does not yet reach maximum limits and averages 4 m/s. As in summer, it prevails southwest direction, however, the likelihood of winds from the east, south and northwest increases.