Lily for the house 2. Lilia Cetraru: dark horse from Moldova

Who: Lilia Cetraru Date of Birth: August 7, 1996 Place of Birth: Moldova, Chisinau Resides: Russia, Moscow Zodiac sign: Leo Occupation: House 2, former participant Height: 159 cm

One of the features of the Dom-2 project is that all participants are under close surveillance of cameras, so they must always look impeccable. Girls especially treat this very strictly. Someone puts layers on themselves decorative cosmetics, someone decides on more radical methods of plastic surgery. Many fans of the show enjoyed watching the transformation of one participant. This is Lilia Cetraru. She changed every time during the project, deciding to make more and more changes in her appearance.

Little is known about this beauty. Lily comes from Moldova, the city of Chisinau.

Several years ago she worked on television, and at the same time studied correspondence department. She mastered the profession of mastery of administrative business. This characterizes her as purposeful and courageous. Her hobby is magic. She can easily bewitch any guy she is interested in. As Lilia herself says, she likes the provision of men, whom she met before getting on the television project. The reason for the last separation was insufficient sparkling of feelings in her chosen one.
It’s no secret to anyone what kind of atmosphere reigns on the television project. Every day there are either new scandals or continuations of yesterday’s ones. In a word, not everyone can withstand the heated atmosphere. As Lilia herself put it, she has a hard time restraining herself and not giving rise to gossip.

The Moldavian beauty appeared on the project relatively recently in 2017, but she quickly gained fans and fans. Some girls tried to imitate her in order to at least look as beautiful as her. She immediately started an affair with Zakhar, who at that time was already dating another girl. But, serious attitude didn’t work out, and she switched to Sergei Zakharyash.
Everything started to spin in them very quickly, and after a while Lilia told everyone that she was pregnant. It all turned out to be just a lie. Everything had to be smoothed out quickly. On at the moment the young people continue to officially meet. As for the couple, they often quarrel and behave very emotionally. Depending on the beauty’s mood, her beloved’s belongings may fly out of the window in a fit of scandal, or she may pounce like a tigress, striking Sergei. Despite her capricious and impulsive character, Lilia attracts the attention of female fans and admirers.

Amazingly, from the outside she looks like a defenseless, gentle girl. She has a perfect figure, weight 45 kilograms, body beautiful shape.

And the long, burning black hair is simply mesmerizing. She loves to wear bright makeup, which makes her look even more impressive. As for her unnaturally fluffy lips, they have more than once caused a storm of emotions, both in the form of comments and heated discussions among the show participants themselves.

Lilia recently posted a before and after photo on the Internet. plastic surgery.

I can't even believe that this is the same person. How much big difference, even just in a glance. Naturally, the discussion of Lilia Cetraru's appearance became more heated. Comments are divided into two sides: some consider it an ideal appearance and praise it, others express the opinion that it is all artificial, not alive. The girl herself, regarding this whole disagreement, says that this is what I want to do with my body.
Despite the heated battles, Lilia Cetraru is not deprived of male attention. What is done to her body is a matter of pride for the girl. Although experts say that performing this kind of plastic surgery on very young girls is risky.

Now Lilya Chetraru and Sergei Zakharyash have left the House 2 project. The couple seems very happy outside the perimeter.

Liliya Chetraru appeared on the television project “House 2” at the beginning of 2017. All participants in the show are under 24/7 camera attention, so they have to carefully monitor their appearance. Girls emphasize their beauty with cosmetics, highlight their advantages with clothes, and some even decide to undergo plastic surgery.

Lilia Cetraru

This fate did not spare the notorious participant of the show, Lilia Chetrara. On the Internet you can find many photographs upon request of Lilya Chetraru before and after plastic surgery, more details about all surgical interventions and their consequences.

Lilya is a bright brunette, short, seemingly petite, slender girl weighing approximately 45 kg. She has a good figure, a thin waist and large, beautiful breasts. The TV project participant prefers bright makeup; even during the daytime, she likes to apply smokey eyes to her eyes.

Photos of a TV show participant before plastic surgery were recently discovered. The pictures shocked everyone, because Lilya Chetrara before and after plastic surgery are absolutely two different people!

The difference is immediately visible - the nose was wider, the lips were narrower, and the bust was less magnificent. Plastic surgeons are sure that the girl has repeatedly performed such operations as mammoplasty, rhinoplasty, and lip augmentation with fillers.

Lilya prefers not to disclose the reasons why the girl went under the knife. But, given her relationships only with rich, wealthy men, it can be assumed that she wants to live up to her own and other people’s expectations. And fans willingly pay for her expensive whims.

First plastic surgery

At first, Lilya decided to have rhinoplasty - the girl was always not happy with it big nose. She quickly found a surgeon who would perform the plastic surgery, but clearly made the wrong choice. The operation was unsuccessful; the anesthesia did not affect Lilya.

As Cetraru herself says, she could not move her arms and legs, it was hard for her to breathe, but at the same time she understood everything. The doctors put on the oxygen mask only after some time.

This led to negative consequences, the girl developed a plaque on her tonsils, which made it impossible to eat and drink.

Also, after an unsuccessful rhinoplasty, breathing problems appeared. All this prompted the project participant to search for a more experienced and competent specialist and undergo a repeat nose job.

Revision rhinoplasty

Arriving at the project in January 2017, Lilia immediately began looking for a new relationship. Quite quickly she began dating Sergei Zakharyash. The relationship was accompanied by constant scandals, quarrels and frequent hints of pregnancy.

Lilya Certraru

Plastic surgeries also increase ratings, so the girl decided to undergo revision rhinoplasty in the spring of 2017. She was actively dissuaded by other project participants, a young man and television viewers, but breathing problems and an unsuccessful first operation forced her to visit the plastic surgeon again.

Having found a specialist, Lilia decided to undergo 2 operations at once - breast augmentation and nose modification.

The second rhinoplasty operation was successful. True, the recovery period from repeated surgical intervention was six months. Cetrara had to spend several weeks in a cast, but she was ready for it.

After the swelling and bruising subsided, Lilya Cetraru posted photos on social networks after the operation and spoke enthusiastically about the specialist’s work. According to the girl, her nose was made almost perfect. The nose job had a positive effect on her ratings - discussions about the girl’s nose did not stop for several months.

Increased lip volume

Lip augmentation surgeries are not uncommon now, which is why the participant in the scandalous show went for it. Initially, Cetraru had thin, neat lips, but after the operation they began to look large and unnatural.

Lilya Certraru enlarged her lips

Lily's fans left mostly negative comments, which led to a row with the star. Her Instagram followers believe that the TV star disfigured her face by making huge lips that look like dumplings. In response to all the accusations, the girl states that she can do whatever she wants with her body, and advised critics to take care of themselves.

Mammoplasty. Breast augmentation

Of course, the small bust of Cetraru also underwent changes. She decided to enlarge her breasts by 2 sizes. Although her boyfriend did not approve of this decision, the TV personality still went for the operation, as she is sure that her man likes a large bust.

I entrusted the installation of implants to the same specialist who performed the nose correction. At the same time, the girl underwent rhinoplasty surgery. The mammoplasty was successful, Lilia was pleased with the results and immediately began posting her photos after the transformation.

Lilia Cetraru

She still did not talk to her boyfriend about the operation at first and decided to present it as a gift. Breast augmentation also led to enthusiastic responses from the male audience.

How else did Lilia Cetraru improve her appearance?

Comparing photographs of Lili Cetraru before and after operations, it becomes clear that she went under the surgical knife more than once. TV viewers are sure that scandalous star I had breast augmentation surgery before the TV show.

It is also clear that there were other repeated operations on the face, in addition to rhinoplasty.

Participant of the project “House 2” Liliya Chetraru

Obviously, the girl had surgery to correct her cheekbones. Lilia admits that she is ready to undergo a number of plastic surgeries - buttock enlargement, liposuction and other manipulations in order to achieve her ideal.

Lilya Chetraru: photos before and after plastic surgery

Photos of Lily Cetraru before and after plastic surgery surprised everyone. The first photos show a young pretty girl, with neat lips, natural makeup and a feminine figure with small breasts.

Before the operations, the girl looked simple but beautiful; in photographs now Lilya appears as a wealthy artificial lady. The pictures afterwards frighten many fans - the huge lips, which followers called “dumplings”, look terrifying on the star’s sweet face.

Lilia Cetraru before and after plastic surgery

On the contrary, many people liked nose surgery. The miniature nose emphasized the natural beauty of the girl.

Regarding bust plastic surgery, opinions are very divided - half of the fans believe that the star of the show began to look like a doll, unnatural and greatly ruined her entire appearance, while the other half, mostly male, liked such changes.

It’s hard to deny that all the changes that the girl made to herself added to her age. In the new photos, Lilya looks much older than her age. Perhaps Cetraru will want to correct this shortcoming in the near future with new operations.

How much do the actress's surgeries cost?

Of course, all operations are not free and cost big money. Beauty requires sacrifice, so Cetraru, without much thought, takes on the task of transforming her body. Approximately, the first rhinoplasty costs approximately 120 thousand rubles. But, given that the first operation was unsuccessful, the cost was most likely lower.

She said more than once that the first rhinoplasty was not performed by an experienced doctor, which could have affected the final amount. Repeated surgery to change the nose requires you to shell out about 250 thousand rubles.

Lilia Cetraru

The cost of breast augmentation is even higher - it starts from 250 thousand and reaches 400 thousand rubles, including the cost of implants.

To enlarge her lips with fillers, the girl shelled out at least 17 thousand rubles. Other cosmetic services like tattooing cost up to about 20 thousand, depending on the area and technique.

Future operations that Chetraru is going to carry out will require no less sums - she must be ready to pay 250 thousand for the buttock surgery procedure, and from 30 thousand rubles for liposuction (for one zone). The girl is not afraid of such costs, because she is ready to do anything to achieve perfect body.

Lilia's personal life

ABOUT past life little is known about the TV star. Lilia Cetraru was born in the Moldovan city of Chisinau on August 7, 1996. She is studying at a university by correspondence at the Faculty of Economics in her hometown, majoring in business management.

In January 2017 I came to the Dom-2 project. The girl perceives participation in the program as something new and interesting in life, treats it as an adventure. At the same time, she does not lose hope of finding her prince on a white horse.

Lilya quickly started a relationship with one of the participants in the show, but it ended quite quickly. Then I started dating Sergei. Spectators watch this union with pleasure and often discuss whether Lilya is pregnant or not.

Sergei Zakharyash and Lilia Chetraru

Before the project, the girl dated wealthy men, managed to live with one of them long time together, but decided to break up due to uncertainty about the sincerity of feelings. Understanding that she needs to live up to her ambitions led her to repeated plastic surgery.

She tried to build her career in various fields. Several years ago she worked as a TV presenter, was a model, and a dancer in a strip club. Lilya is also trying to become an actress. On the show, in addition to plastic surgery, she became famous for her explosive temper, constant hysterics and emotional quarrels with her partner.

Throwing things away, giving up - this is her style, and such antics arouse genuine interest among TV viewers.

Currently lives in the center of Moscow. The girl is active on her social networks. She has about 480 thousand followers on Instagram. Cetraru posts pictures of her purchases, shots from the show and photos after operations.

The latter receive a huge number of comments, some followers criticize her, others admire her, and the girl herself often answers them.

What Lilya Chetraru says about the changes that have taken place

Obvious changes in appearance cause a storm of emotions among TV viewers and fans of the show. Basically, fans believe that the operations ruined the girl’s appearance. Many are horrified when comparing photographs of Lily Cetraru before and after plastic surgery.

Lilya Certraru

Some believe that the star began to look much older than her 21 years of age. Large quantity negativity pours towards the girl, but she knows how to stand up for herself. Advice to lose weight, dye your regrown hair roots and take care of your body is often left by Lilia to her critics.

The girl says that she is not interested in other people's opinions. She is convinced that every person can do whatever they want with their body, and advises others to monitor their appearance rather than discuss its transformation. Cetraru also does not deny that he will continue to turn to plastic surgeons.

In addition to critical reviews, she receives a considerable number of messages from men; men admire her appearance.

Chasing for high ratings and success in her personal life led the participant in the scandalous TV show to undergo frequent surgical operations. Breast augmentation, nose modification, liposuction and other surgeries always generate great interest and a lot of discussion.

Cetraru has already undergone many different plastic surgeries and is not going to stop there. So fans of the TV personality should expect further changes in the beauty’s appearance in the near future and get ready to discuss them.

Video about Lilia Certraru before and after plastic surgery:

Video about Lilya Chetraru after plastic surgery at Dom-2:

This burning beauty from Moldova fits perfectly into the scandalous TV project Dom-2. The assertive and brave girl came on the show in January 2017 and immediately attracted the attention of viewers with her emotional quarrels and scandalous antics.

Well, Lilia Cetraru decided to reinforce her success with the help of plastic surgery. At the age of 20, the girl had already consulted a surgeon several times. the site was able to find out what exactly the TV star changed in her appearance and who helped her with this:

The path to success and the first upgrades

Little is known about what Lilia did and how she lived before the television project. The girl was born in Chisinau, then went to conquer Moscow. She studied in absentia at the Faculty of Economics, Administration and Business, and at the same time built relationships with wealthy men. Realizing that her appearance should correspond to her own ambitions, Cetraru decided to make a number of changes to her exterior. Graceful and petite from birth, she was completely satisfied with her own figure, but she had to work on her face: enlarge her lips with fillers and change the shape of her nose.

Unfortunately, the beauty’s first plastic surgery was unsuccessful, the anesthesia did not work:

  • “I open my eyes, I understand everything, but I can’t move my arms and legs - they are tied, I can’t even take a breath,- recalls Cetraru. — They put the oxygen mask on me only a few minutes later. Then a plaque formed on the tonsils, I couldn’t eat or drink for a whole week, I lost 5 kilos.”

The problems did not end there: a month after rhinoplasty, problems arose with nasal breathing. The girl realized that she needed to correct the situation and began to look for a truly experienced and professional plastic surgeon.

Revision rhinoplasty: time for change

In January 2017, Lilia appeared on the Dom-2 project and actively began looking for new relationships. After some hesitation, her choice fell on Sergei Zakharyash. The couple became quite typical inhabitants of the “House” and regularly fueled interest in themselves with emotional quarrels and hints at a non-existent pregnancy.

It's no secret that plastic surgery always has a positive effect on the ratings of TV show participants - that's why in the spring of 2017, Lilia again decided to visit the surgeon. It was necessary to correct existing problems with the nose, and at the same time correct its shape. She did not hide her intentions, although the audience, the presenters of the project, and Sergei actively dissuaded her.

Remembering the first failure, the beauty was attentive to the choice of a specialist and turned to Igor Anatolyevich Bely from, who specializes in difficult cases rhinoplasty:

  • “The work was done as a piece of jewelry, since Lilia had a displacement along the bone and back of her nose.”- says Dr. Bely. According to him, they had a long discussion with the star patient about what kind of result was needed. In particular, the girl herself wanted to make the tip more upturned, and in the opinion of Igor Anatolyevich, the main thing with repeated correction is to restore the lost harmony.

The operation was successful, although due to the large volume of intervention rehabilitation period was extremely difficult: the girl spent several weeks in a cast. The specificity of repeated nose surgery is that it takes about six months for a complete recovery, but Chetrara was mentally prepared for this, and as soon as things started to improve, she posted a “report” photo on Instagram. All the swelling and bruising had gone away and now only the stitches reminded me of correction. Lilia spoke enthusiastically about the work of the plastic surgeon:

Despite the long rehabilitation, she definitely achieved her goal - discussions about Cetrara’s new nose did not subside for several months, and her ratings on the project soared.

How Lilia Cetraru made her breasts

Having gained a taste for it, the star decided to continue her experiments with plastic surgery. Next step She decided to increase her bust by 2 sizes. Sergey Zakharyash in once again did not approve of her desire for change:

  • “Seryozha assures me that everything is fine with me, sometimes he only asks me to shave off the mustache above my lip. But I know that he likes big breasts...”

Chetrara again entrusted Igor Bely to carry out the operation. The installation of the implants was successful, the beauty herself was also pleased with the results and immediately began bombarding fans with photographs of her new “dignity”:

But the girl decided not to tell her beloved the whole truth and cheated:

  • “I told him that I just changed the shape of my breasts so that he would calm down. The other day I bought beautiful lace lingerie and when I take off the bandage, I’ll give my beloved a new me.”

The professionalism and results of Dr. Bely’s work impressed Lilia Chetrara so much that she planned several more operations for herself: the girl intends to enlarge her buttocks and have liposuction to emphasize her thin waist. And, of course, she will come to Dr. Bely for new upgrades.

Liliya Chetraru came to the reality show “Dom-2” in January 2017 and has already managed to acquire numerous fans. The extraordinary participant turned her attention to Zakhar, who was already in a relationship with Maya.

Cetrar failed to win his heart young man, and she switched to Sergei Zakharyash.

For some time, viewers and project participants actively discussed complicated story Lilia's pregnancy: is it true or a well-thought-out lie? The topic was quickly hushed up, and now Lilia and Sergey have officially declared themselves a couple.

The popular participant was born in 1996 in the capital of Moldova, Chisinau. According to some reports, in Moscow, Lilia Chetraru lived with a wealthy man before the project, but left six months later due to uncertainty in love.

The brunette worked as a TV presenter, and then entered the Faculty of Economics, Administration and Business by correspondence. Lilia is interested in magic and, according to her statement, can easily bewitch the young man she likes.

Lilia behaves quite unusually on the project: she has an emotional quarrel with Sergei, throwing things out of the window and throwing her arms around.

I do what I want with my body!

Lilia Cetraru before and after plastic surgery

Externally, Lilia is a very petite and slender girl weighing about 45 kilograms. Many people celebrate her perfect figure with ample breasts and a thin waist, as well as long black hair.

The girl loves bright makeup and wears smokey eyes even during the day.

However, Lilia Cetraru’s lips caused a mixed reaction: fans of the show left negative comments, and participants discussed the lips on the forehead.

And immediately, TV viewers and Internet users were divided into two camps: those pleased with the beauty’s transformation and those indignant at her artificial appearance. Lilia does not deny plastic surgery, but reacts impulsively to discussions of appearance: “I do what I want with my body!”

When comparing photos of Lilia Cetraru before and after plastic surgery, experts noticed a difference: the girl had a less impressive bust, narrow lips and a wider nose.

Experts believe that the girl had mammoplasty, rhinoplasty and, without a doubt, enlarged her lips with fillers.

Lilya herself is silent about the reasons for surgical intervention in such at a young age: Perhaps she decided to make herself even more attractive.

Photos of Lilia Chetrarudo and after plastic surgery are actively discussed in social networks and compared with those who have gone through plastic surgery. Fans criticize the girl, but their opinion does not affect her popularity with men: Lilia’s unnatural beauty attracts and fascinates the project participants.

Photo sources: Yandex.Pictures,,

Participant in the scandalous television series Lilia Cetraru attracted the attention of viewers to her person not with her wit and clear position, but by the fact that at the age of 21 she had already undergone 6 operations. The reality show star was born on August 7, 1996 in the capital of sunny Moldova - the city of Chisinau.

Liliya Chetraru before the project "Dom-2"

Chetraru did not talk about her childhood and parents in any of the interviews. In fact, the biography of a participant in a television project is one continuous blank spot. What is known for certain is that the brunette graduated from 11th grade, and before she left to conquer Moscow, she entered the local university at the Faculty of Economics (major - business management) and managed to work as a news anchor.

Show "Dom-2"

Lilia Cetraru's arrival on the reality show took place on January 14, 2017. A petite brunette with a height of 167 cm and a weight of 48 kg, who arrived at the perimeter of “House-2” in a premium car, instantly became a reason for gossip. Initially, the girl showed sympathy for the cutest guy on the TV set - . It is noteworthy that at that moment the young man was already in a relationship with. The presence of a rival did not frighten Lilia.

Liliya Chetraru in the show "Dom-2"

Lilia took advantage of the situation, and intimacy occurred between her and Sergei. Cetraru naively believed that after intimacy the young man would declare them a couple, but this did not happen. Zakharyash openly stated that he slept with Lilia under the influence alcoholic drinks and the desire to fly to the island did not disappear. True, the organizers considered that it would be more promising for the show to leave the popular guy in the clearing.

Without thinking twice, Sergei began to look after. At this moment Lilya also became active. The girl announced to Zakharyash about her possible pregnancy. For a couple of days, the participants and presenters tried to understand the situation. In the end, it turned out that the pregnancy was fictitious. This information randomly surfaced during a live Internet broadcast on the Periscope application.

A real war broke out between Cetraru and Frost for the heart of a man. In order to escalate the situation to the limit, the producers of “House-2” sent Lilia, Lera, and Sergei to Love Island. There Zakharyash, feeling his impunity, went on dates with one during the day, and spent the night with the second. Frost was not happy that her boyfriend was paying attention to a girl who was trying to destroy their couple.

Liliya Chetraru in the show "Dom-2"

The young people argued all day long. After another quarrel, Sergei, taking her to his chest, slept with Lilia. This incident put an end to their relationship with Lera. The victorious Chetraru, in order to consolidate her position, arranged dates for Zakharyash every evening. At one of them, a lively lady made a marriage proposal to the chosen one, to which Sergei agreed.

Personal life

Upon returning to the clearing, the idyll that had reigned in the relationship evaporated. True, this time Lilia was the culprit of the constantly arising scandals. The girl kept making claims to Sergei. It is worth noting that Chetrara’s dissatisfaction was not caused by Zakharyash’s correspondence with other women and not by his impartial statements towards her, but by the fact that he did not accept and did not understand Lilia’s dependence on plastic surgery. According to the man, after Cetraru had her breasts enlarged and had rhinoplasty, it was as if she had been replaced.

More and more often, the topic of lack of intimacy in a couple was discussed. The participants did not understand why Lilia, who had won Zakharyash with the help of carnal pleasures, suddenly became frigid. The young lady was not interested in anything except her appearance. Tired of knocking on closed door the man increasingly disappeared on social networks. In communicating with the ladies, Zakharyash found the ease that he lacked in his relationship with Lilya.

In May 2017, twin sisters Aida and Saida Babayev came to the project. Aida expressed sympathy, and Saida expressed sympathy for Sergei Zakharyash. It is worth noting that this arrival was not spontaneous. The girl provided correspondence in which Seryozha called her to “Dom-2” and said that he had the usual relationship with Chetraru project history.

The brunette decided to repay the young man with small change. In June 2017, news spread across the Internet that former member TV set fell in love with Lilya Chetrara. For a couple of months, Strawberry attacked the charming brunette’s social networks: he commented on her photos on "Instagram", left entries under microblogs and periodically wrote to the young lady in Direct. The musician also published a post on his VKontakte page in which he called Lilya a “bomb woman.”

The producers invited the unfortunate gentleman to the talk show “Dom-2 - Debriefing” to find out what really connects the girl in a relationship with the divorced 29-year-old rapper. As it turned out, Gleb and Lilya corresponded for a long time. According to both, there was nothing reprehensible about it. After this incident, a serious conversation took place between Seryozha and Lilia. The young man said that he would no longer communicate on social networks with the opposite sex, and Chetrara, in turn, was blocked by Zhemchugova.

It seemed that the young people had resolved all the issues, but in August of this year, something happened that the brunette was so afraid of. Her longtime friend Arina Ramazanova came to the studio of the show “Dom-2 - Debriefing”. Arina stated that she came to the program to tell the country who Lilia Cetraru is. The young lady began the story with the fact that her ex-girlfriend does not and has never had a car or living space. Until Lilia left for the project, they rented an apartment together on Paveletskaya and worked as strippers in a club.

Arina also mentioned that ex-boyfriend Cetraru was married and, in addition to her, was in a relationship with a couple of other people. This circumstance became the reason for their breakup. Moreover, according to Ramzanova, Lilia could not part beautifully: she literally tracked down the passion of her young man and repeatedly started fights with them in public places. As a result, Lily had a nervous breakdown, and she was admitted to a psychiatric hospital. Upon returning from the medical school, they together came up with a legend, with which Chetraru went to the television production.

Returning to the clearing, Lily fainted and seriously frightened the participants, who thought that the girl was having an epileptic attack. The next day, Zakharyash, to the surprise of many, announced that he was ready to give Lilia another chance and start over from scratch. However, they failed to do this. The organizers decided to test the relationship between Sergei and Lilia through distance and sent Chetrara to Love Island, and left Zakharyash in Moscow.

Lilia Cetraru now

As soon as the girl flew to the Seychelles, Seryozha went all out and, under the influence of alcohol, slept with Maria Filippova. Chetrara found out about the betrayal on her birthday. At the moment, Lilia is on Love Island and willingly accepts advances from Phil Kostrubov, and Zakharyash publishes posts on social networks in which he begs Lilia to forgive him.