Maria Pogrebnyak, biography, news, photos. Maria Pogrebnyak - photographs of a clothing designer before and after plastic surgery Who looks just like Maria Pogrebnyak

Even devoted fans are increasingly calling Maria “rubber Zina” and “mukla”, trying in every possible way to persuade her to stop and not change anything else in her appearance. We decided to find out from a professional what the star of the show “Meet The Russians” does with himself and how much it costs.

Marina Kolesnichenko, dentist-therapist, chief physician of MVK Beauty Line

Increased lip volume

Maria once admitted that about 12 years ago she injected biogel into her lips. “Don’t ever do that,” the girl warned her fans, admitting the mistake. Today at Western countries Biogel injections are prohibited. On the one hand, it “overgrows” with vessels, and scar tissue forms around it; on the other hand, some time after injection it can “migrate” unpredictably. Removal of the biopolymer requires a surgeon high level skills is difficult and expensive. Hyaluronic acid is a compound native to the body and is absorbed over time. Removing it from the lips is quite simple: just introduce enzymes that will quickly process it.


Upper lip correction

In addition to the biogel, Maria probably had bullhorn plastic surgery. This procedure consists of cutting the skin under the nose, due to this upper lip looks plumper and lifted up. For greater volume, lips are filled with fillers.

Eyebrow tattoo

Once Maria shared her “mother’s” everyday life with fans and told how she baked cakes according to school assignment sons. Cakes as a result of a long night shift the ones at the stove turned out beautiful, and Maria was so tired that she decided to take a selfie just like that, without makeup. Fans noticed unnatural, clearly defined eyebrows that could not possibly be “their own.” Most likely, a couple of years ago the girl got her eyebrows tattooed.

Cheekbones and cheeks

Maria Pogrebnyak's cheekbones are quite high and pronounced. However, it is clear that at some point the girl’s cheeks seemed to “deflate”, and the lower third of her face acquired a sharper outline. This can be achieved by removing Bisha's lumps - fatty layers in the cheek area that usually help the chewing muscles move more smoothly and protect the jaw from injury. As a result of their removal, the face appears more refined and sharpened. Well, Maria’s chiseled cheekbones are most likely the result of fillers based on hyaluronic acid.

Correction of teeth shape

Maria Pogrebnyak’s snow-white matte teeth are most likely the result of the work of dentists. Installing ceramic veneers is not cheap, but it provides that “Hollywood smile.” Modern materials can be used to make veneers that will not differ from “their” teeth - translucent and with natural color transitions. But Maria, like many other glamorous beauties, chose bright white ones, which look beautiful, but, unfortunately, unnatural.

But Maria Pogrebnyak owes her neat nose to her mother. So, no rhinoplasty, just genes!

Well, now let's move on to the fun part! How much did Maria Pogrebnyak spend on all this beauty?!

In 2013, Maria Pogrebnyak was one of the participants in the British show “Meet the Russians” about the lives of rich Russians in London. This means that she can afford to spend a tidy sum on procedures to rejuvenate her face and bring it to the standard accepted in her social circles.

Eyebrow tattoo a good master costs an average of 40,000 rubles. The effect of the procedure lasts from several months to two years, depending on the pigments used.

Operation by bullhorn plastic will cost at least 80,000 rubles. Plus injections of hyaluronic acid to increase lip volume - that’s about another 30,000 rubles.

Price for Tocheekbone contouring starts from 60,000 rubles. It all depends on what procedures were performed.

To get rid of chubby cheeks and make the oval of the face more “sharp”, you will have to remove lumps of Bisha. This “pleasure” will cost approximately 65,000 rubles.

Veneers are placed in the smile zone - Maria’s teeth could have been quite enough: the price for one veneer starts from 48,000 rubles.

Well, don’t forget about regular visits to cosmetologists, “injections of youth” and other procedures that Maria Pogrebnyak never skimps on.

The goal of any woman is to be attractive. This is especially true for those ladies who are constantly in sight of a large public. Viewers are especially interested in the personal life and appearance of stars. Maria Pogrebnyak, the wife of the titled football player, who is popularly called the Russian Victoria Beckham, also came under surveillance. Fans discuss appearance Maria Pogrebnyak before and after plastic surgery.

Biography facts

Maria Pogrebnyak, nee Shatalova, was born into an intelligent Moscow family. Because her parents were busy, she was raised by her grandmother, whom Masha remembers with love and respect. It was she who taught the now beautiful woman to be a real lady.

The girl met her husband at school. Pavel Pogrebnyak was then in 10th grade, and his chosen one was in 7th grade. From her youth, Masha’s life was subordinated to the interests of her husband. She even had to quit her studies at the Moscow Financial Academy and move to Tomsk, where Pavel signed a contract with the Tom team.

Photos from family archives

However, over time she received higher education, having mastered the profession of accountant. The girl also took up clothing design. Today she is known not only as the wife of a sought-after football player, but also as a businesswoman, talented designer, model and blogger. In addition, she is an exemplary mother and raises with husband of three sons.

Now the girl, with a height of 169 cm, weighs no more than 43 kg.

Masha's attitude towards plastic surgery

The ideal figure of a three-time mother leaves no doubt that surgeons worked on her beauty

The wife of a famous football player had her first plastic surgery after the birth of her child. Then she gained 25 kg and decided to pay attention to her appearance. Maria began to actively get rid of excess weight, and at the same time corrected the shape of the lips. This step was also inspired by fashion. Many famous personalities plastic surgeons improved their appearance and did not hide it.

Masha admitted that she enlarged her lips using biogel. However, she would not have been able to hide this fact. Maria Pogrebnyak's appearance before and after plastic surgery has changed a lot. The celebrity in her interviews says that over time she regretted that she lay on the surgeon’s table. Almost 11 years later, she reduced her lips, but they could not return to their original shape.

The wife of a famous football player also talks about how she has improved the shape of her breasts. She had to take such measures, because after the birth of three children, the bust lost its original attractiveness.

The star claims that her lips and breasts are the only things she has corrected in her appearance. Everything else is a consequence of quality self-care and the ability to apply makeup. According to Maria, after bad experience she no longer wants to go under the surgeon’s knife and is only ready for circular lift in a couple of decades.

Opinion of ordinary people and experts

Impressive forms could not have happened without the intervention of surgeons

After the first plastic surgery, those around her criticized Pogrebnyak’s transformation and said that with her natural characteristics, the celebrity looked younger and more attractive. They approved of Maria's decision to return her lips to their previous appearance.

Experts and ordinary people who observe Pogrebnyak’s life claim that the celebrity does not say much. Judging by the photos posted online, the wife of the famous football player also corrected her cheekbones. They became more prominent and the cheeks less plump.

After one of the photos that appeared online in 2016, fans decided that Maria had rhinoplasty. This was evidenced by the star's nose becoming more even and miniature. On youth photos it looks wider.

It is impossible to reliably answer the question of how many plastic surgeries Maria underwent. Perhaps the star really isn’t hiding anything: the oval of her face could have changed due to weight loss, and it’s quite possible to visually change the shape of her nose with the help of skillful contouring.

Photo of Maria Pogrebnyak before and after plastic surgery

Maria Pogrebnyak is one of many stars who have had a sad experience with a plastic surgeon. Nevertheless, she managed to regain her beauty and look even more attractive. Maria is not offended by the public's suspicions about multiple surgical interventions. She continues to take care of herself and teach this to her millions of fans and subscribers.

Maria Pogrebnyak (née Shatalova). Born on November 17, 1988 in Moscow. Russian media personality, designer, wife of football player Pavel Pogrebnyak.

Maria Shatalova, who became widely known under the name of her husband Pogrebnyak, was born on November 17, 1988 in Moscow into an intelligent family.

Her mother graduated from the Moscow Aviation Institute; Maria often published her photos on social networks. But she doesn’t talk about her father.

Has an older brother, he is a microbiologist, between them big difference aged - Maria is a late child.

Since her parents were very busy with work, her grandmother raised her. “From my grandmother I learned kindness and tenderness, affection and love! She gave me advice on how to grow up to be a real girl, not a tomboy, she taught me the rules of good manners and manners,” said Maria.

From the age of seven she attended an icon painting club, to which her grandmother took her. According to Maria, she “sat painting icons for five hours a day, it was impossible to tear me away from the easel and take me home.” She painted icons until she was 13 years old.

In fact, from the 7th grade, when she began dating her future husband, football player Pavel Pogrebnyak, her life was subordinated to the interests of an athlete’s career.

In 2006, Maria entered the Moscow Financial Academy, but since Pavel moved to play in Tomsk for the Tom team, she postponed her studies and followed him. Later, she nevertheless graduated from the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation and received a diploma in accounting.

In 2012, Maria and her husband moved to England, where Pavel played for the Fulham and then Reading teams. It was there that she became widely known. In England she began to engage in design - first evening dresses, then economy class clothes and parallel to the line of VIP models, presenting their collections. At the same time, Maria acted both as a designer and as a model.

Glorified Maria and her participation in the show "Meet the Russians"(“The Russians are responding”). Maria herself was indignant that the interview filmed with her was edited and only footage was left that created the image of a poorly educated socialite, mired in luxury.

After returning to Moscow, he continues to produce clothes under the brand Maria Shatalova. Maria has several sewing workshops in Moscow. She takes care of them herself: “I spend the whole day traveling to warehouses, shops, and clothing factories.” “I always check the quality of purchased fabrics and accessories myself,” she said.

Maria Pogrebnyak - "London is ours!"

Maria Pogrebnyak's height: 168 centimeters.

Personal life of Maria Pogrebnyak:

Married. Spouse: Pavel Pogrebnyak, famous Russian football player.

Pavel and Maria Pogrebnyak met at school - then Maria was in the seventh grade, and the future football player was in the tenth. She said: “We studied in the same sports school not far from here, in Sokolniki. Although he is four years older than me, we often met in the dining room when we were running for buns. I remember we met by chance in the subway, then we saw each other more than once in the park, where Pasha walked with his boys, and I walked with the girls. They began to communicate, but in a friendly way,” she recalled.

Serious relationship started when she was 17 years old. Pavel then played in Yaroslavl. And Maria began to go to him instead of lessons, skipping school. “Fs started pouring in, and I learned to gloss over the grades in my diary - in my senior year... I barely received a certificate. But I still continued to wander to Pasha. It’s not surprising that at some point love flared up,” she said she.

We got married on October 23, 2006. But they got married only many years after the marriage was registered - on May 20, 2014 in Moscow, when three children had already been born into the family.

The first son, Artem (born in 2007), appeared in Tomsk. The second - Pavel (born 2009) - was born in St. Petersburg. The third - Alexey (born 2011) - in Stuttgart (Germany).

After giving birth to her first son, Maria gained 25 kilograms, after which she began to carefully monitor her figure. And she achieved significant results - she became so slim that some even accused the girl of being anorexic.

Every day from nine to ten in the morning she trains in the fitness center. With a height of 168 centimeters, she keeps her weight at 44-45 kg.

Maria underwent several plastic surgeries, almost completely changing her face - shape, nose, lips.

With her lips, as she herself admitted, she overdid it. She didn't like the way she looked with big lips, so Maria decided to have surgery and try to restore them natural shape. “The beauty that nature provides must be appreciated and protected. It’s a pity that I didn’t understand this 11 years ago,” she said.

Maria is famous not only for being a wife famous football player, but also with his courage. In 2011, she became famous when she was able to protect her house from burglars. In the middle of the night she heard a noise and was not afraid to check what was the matter. Maria scared off the attackers, saved herself, her little son and home.

The school love of Maria Shatalova and Pavel Pogrebnyak culminated in a wedding in 2014. Since then, football fans have been closely watching not only famous athlete, but also for his popular wife. Maria follows Pavel hand in hand everywhere, and just as their place of residence often changes, so does Maria Pogrebnyak’s appearance.

Fans never tire of comparing her public photos before and after plastic surgery.


Maria is a native Muscovite. Born in 1988 into a family of economists.

The parents wanted their daughter to follow in their footsteps. The girl studied at a prestigious school in Sokolniki, at the same time attended classes at a modeling school, and additionally studied painting. After school, she entered the Moscow Financial Academy, but left her studies in 2006 and, as the wife of a Decembrist, went to Pavel, who was transferred to the Tomsk football team.

Maria and plastic

+25 kg before birth

Changes in Maria's appearance began after her first birth at age 19. Masha, who is always prone to being overweight by nature, gained 25 kg during pregnancy. The girl set a goal to bring her figure to ideal and she succeeded with the help of training and diets.

Note: The ideal of female beauty, according to Maria, is a slender body, big breasts, plump lips and a snow-white smile.

It is precisely this kind of beauty that Maria herself strives for. Having acquired a slender body, the girl decides to. In the photo after the procedure, fans note that not everything went smoothly. Maria herself admits that she became a hostage side effects biogel, which is at the moment no one uses it for injection. After 10 years, Maria gets rid of this drug, but her lips keep their shape, although the girl denies repeated interventions.


To make her smile even more attractive, Maria installed veneers - special overlays on her teeth that create the effect of a Hollywood smile.


Pogrebnyak’s cheekbones and cheeks in early photographs are round, his face is wide with smooth lines. In the latest photographs, Masha shows a narrow oval face with accents on the cheekbones and sunken cheeks. Such changes can only be explained by application in the cheekbone area, removing “Bishat’s lumps” from the inside of the cheeks.


The football player’s wife does not comment on mammoplasty, but fans notice that against the backdrop of general weight loss, the breasts have not changed at all and introduce some dissonance into Maria’s figure.

Interesting: Pogrebnyak’s current weight is 43-45 kg, with a height of 169 cm.


Observers are critical of such slimness and suspect Maria of eating disorders. What Maria shares about her diet: a categorical refusal of fast food, fatty and sweet food; The diet includes only porridge with water, steamed fish, low-fat cottage cheese, and all this is supported by regular physical activity. Saved this recipe slim figure Mary after her second and third births.


Discussion is caused not only by the transformation of Maria’s appearance, but also by her publicity. In 2012, Pavel Pogrebnyak signed a contract with the English team Fulham and the whole family moved to London. This is where Maria becomes a celebrity.

In 2013, the reality show “Meet the Russians” was released, where Maria takes part. The show shows Russian life abroad - countless shopping trips, parties and spending money by star wives. Pogrebnyak spoke negatively about the general direction of the show. According to Maria, all scenes of household chores about her family and husband were cut out and the image as a whole was conveyed to the audience in the wrong way.

Then in 2013, Maria released her own clothing line “Maria Shatalova”. Her drawing and modeling skills help her develop collection designs and take part in shows herself. The model appearance that Maria has been striving for for so long is finding its way.


After success in a reality show about Russians in London, Maria Pogrebnyak becomes truly popular. Socialite visits numerous public events, her collection of dresses is in great demand, Maria is compared to Victoria Beckham.

And the girl does not keep herself waiting long, in 2017 Maria Pogrebnyak releases the video “Majorki”, and later, at the celebration of her 30th birthday, she performs the song “Anesthesia”.

Maria Pogrebnyak never tires of surprising her fans, personifying a wonderful housewife, clothing designer, caring wife and loving mother three children. She does household chores herself, takes her husband and sons to training, their family has never had a nanny. At the same time, she manages to run a business, maintain her own blog about beauty, and shares new photos with fans on her Instagram page.

Date of birth: 11/17/1988
Place of birth: Moscow
Maiden name: Shatalova

Biography of Maria Pogrebnyak

Maria Pogrebnyak was born on November 17, 1988 in Moscow into an exemplary family. Maria and her younger brother raised by mother, father and grandmother. The girl's maiden name is Shatalova. Maria Pogrebnyak very often talks about her parents on Instagram. She posts photos of them together and writes posts about family values.
In one of her interviews, Pogrebnyak said that her parents were very busy with their work. Therefore, the grandmother was involved in raising the girl. IN elementary school Maria was sent to an icon painting circle. Maria really enjoyed being creative. The girl could sit and draw icons almost all day. She did this until she was 14 years old.

Marriage to Pavel Pogrebnyak

While still at school, Maria began a relationship with Pavel. Their romance began in 8th grade. It can be said that Mary's life was subordinated to the interests of Paul. For the sake of his career, Maria sacrificed a lot. In 2006, Maria Pogrebnyak entered one of the prestigious Moscow universities, but then dropped out. Due to the fact that Pavel was offered a job in the city of Tomsk, the couple moved. Of course, a few years later, Maria finally graduated from the university and received a degree in accounting.

In 2012, Maria and Pavel Pogrebnyak moved to England due to a football contract. There Pavel played for the Fulham team. It was there that Maria began to build her career as a designer and model. At first, Maria Pogrebnyak created collections of evening dresses; at various shows she was not only a designer, but also a model. After a couple of months of work, Maria became known as a talented fashion designer.


In England, Maria achieved great popularity. But the girl didn’t stop there. The main goal Maria Pogrebnyak wanted to create her own brand in Russia. This is what she did. Now Maria is engaged in creating clothing design. The girl has several of her own stores in Moscow. Maria controls all production herself. Almost everything free time The beauty spends on trips to warehouses and shops, she herself checks the quality of things, monitors the condition and quality of fabrics and accessories.

Maria Pogrebnyak's fashion business is selling well. Thanks to the girl’s popularity, many girls want to buy something from her collection. It is worth noting that pricing policy Maria’s is not very tall, so almost every girl can buy something from her brand.

Family and children of Maria Pogrebnyak

Pavel and Maria got married and were married on October 23, 2006. The couple had three sons in their marriage. Maria's first son, Artem, was born in 2007 in the city of Tomsk. The second son was born in 2009 - Pavel, the third - Alexey was born in 2011 in Germany.

Maria Pogrebnyak – perfect example modern woman. She is a great mother and wife. On Maria Pogrebnyak’s Instagram you can often see photos of her with her family. Also on Instagram, Maria shares advice with other girls, she talks about simple and delicious recipes, about raising children and many other interesting things.
It is also worth noting that in addition to the role of a housewife, Maria copes with the role of a businesswoman. She successfully leads own business and earns good money. In addition to her clothing brand, Maria maintains an Instagram account, through which Pogrebnyak also earns money.

Plastic surgery of Maria Pogrebnyak

Maria Pogrebnyak looked completely different before plastic surgery. The girl completely changed her appearance. Thanks to plastic surgery, Maria changed the shape of her face, nose and lips. After several lip surgeries, Maria decided to stop because she realized that she did not want to look like a duck. The girl even had lip reduction surgery.
It is worth noting that after plastic surgery, Maria Pogrebnyak looks much more charming. Pogrebnyak admits that she owes her appearance to her talented surgeons. Maria also made two plastic surgery for breast augmentation, but according to Maria, she did it after giving birth, since the shape and size were very deformed.

Instagram of Maria Pogrebnyak

In 2017, Maria Pogrebnyak’s Instagram is gaining great momentum, people began to subscribe to the girl large number Human. Now more than 700 thousand people follow Pogrebnyak’s life on Instagram, and this is not just a side-story - the number of subscribers is growing every day. Maria Pogrebnyak's husband is very often present in her videos. Together with him and the children, Maria makes very emotional and family videos. After looking at Maria’s profile, you are charged with positivity for the whole day.

Project “Team of Footballers’ Wives”

In 2018, Maria Pogrebnyak took part in the TV show “Team of Footballers’ Wives.” The essence of the project was that the wives of famous Russian football players talk about their lives. Maria Pogrebnyak’s colleagues on the project were:, and.
As Maria Pogrebnyak herself admits, filming the project “Team Footballers’ Wives” brought her a lot of positive emotions. In addition to Pavel Pogrebnyak himself, Maria’s sons also starred in the TV show.

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