If you join the Liberal Party, what does it give you? candidates for deputies from the Liberal Party of Russia. Zhirinovsky Vladimir Volfovich

On February 23, on Pushkin Square in Moscow, the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia held a traditional rally-concert on the occasion of Defender of the Fatherland Day. The 2018 Russian presidential candidate, chairman of the LDPR and head of the faction in the State Duma spoke to the audience. Photo report follows.

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LDPR- one of two (together with the Communist Party of the Russian Federation) political parties, presented in all compositions State Duma Russia. Now its faction in the lower house of parliament consists of 40 deputies out of 450, that is, slightly less than 9%. The LDPR appeared at the end of 1989, back in the days of the USSR. Throughout its existence, the main ideas of the party have been nationalism and the protection of Russians. First of all, on the territory of the former Soviet Union.

Despite the fact that the permanent leader of the party is Vladimir Zhirinovsky and much is tied to him, the LDPR has a large structure throughout the country. Regional branches exist in all 85 regions of Russia and some of them create some movement - rallies, actions and targeted attacks on the authorities. Plus it’s worth mentioning advertising. As a rule, party banners hang in those places where life is completely bad, and they act as a kind of metric of the standard of living. Also, more than 200 deputies represent the LDPR in regional parliaments. The head of the Smolensk region, Alexei Ostrovsky, is also a member of the party.

02. LDPR activists in tents formed packages with various propaganda materials - newspapers, brochures, etc.

The Liberal Democratic Party of Russia has a unique thing - a propaganda train traveling through the regions of the country. In addition to speeches, party members give out souvenirs and gifts. In general, the LDPR is the absolute leader in distributing printed newspapers and various trinkets to the population. Badges, pens and especially baseball caps are popular.

03. Distribution of badges.

04. What is Defender of the Fatherland Day without socks? A young girl gives socks to those who come with a mention of the party and Zhirinovsky.

05. A very diverse audience came, although there were almost no people aged 25-45.

On the most significant Russian holidays, the LDPR holds rallies across the country. On February 23, Defender of the Fatherland Day, a traditional rally-concert in Moscow was held on Pushkinskaya Square. First, those gathered listened to recordings of Vladimir Zhirinovsky's songs, and then drummers and a Cossack ensemble performed in front of them. The youngest State Duma deputy, the chairman of the State Duma Committee on Physical Culture, Sports, Tourism and Youth Affairs, the coordinator of the Moscow branch of the LDPR and the chairman of the LDPR gave speeches. The main topics of the rally were the Olympic Games in Pyeongchang, where “Russians are being insulted,” the greatness of the Russian army, the poverty of the Russian population and social injustice.

06. The youngest deputy of the State Duma, 22-year-old metropolitan activist Vasily Vlasov. His speech, apparently due to his age, contained many factual errors and inconsistencies.

07. Cossack ensemble. They performed traditional hits “When we were at war”, “Unharness your horses, boys” (in Ukrainian) and several others.

08. About two to three hundred people came to Pushkin Square.

09. Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Physical Culture, Sports, Tourism and Youth Affairs, candidate for mayor of Moscow 2013. talked a lot about Olympic Games and a conspiracy against Russian athletes. It is curious that his predecessor as Chairman of the Committee was also a deputy from the LDPR, President of the Russian Curling Federation Dmitry Svishchev. It was in curling that the main doping scandal of the current Games in Korea erupted.

14. Coordinator of the Moscow branch of the LDPR Sergei Dobrynin.

15. People were waiting for Zhirinovsky’s speech.

16. Someone came with children and sang along with the artists “May Moscow”.

17. Russian presidential candidate 2018, leader of the LDPR Vladimir Zhirinovsky.

The 71-year-old did not engage in politics until the age of 42 and worked as a lawyer. Everything has changed since the creation of the Liberal Democratic Party, whose face and inspiration he became. There is hardly a single adult in Russia who is not familiar with Zhirinovsky and his statements. The election slogans “Zhirinovsky or it will be worse” and “We are for the Russians” gained great popularity and meme. We are for the poor." For Zhirinovsky, the current presidential elections in Russia, which will be held on March 18, are already the sixth in a row. He ran for head of state in 1991, 1996, 2000, 2008 and 2012, missing only one campaign. Twice VVZh took third place. He received the greatest support from the population in 2008, gaining 9.35%. Then nearly seven million Russians voted for him.

18. Zhirinovsky performed on stage with fellow party members.

In his speech, Zhirinovsky spoke no longer about the upcoming presidential elections, but about the army and the defense of the country from external aggressions. It was also said about respect for Russia on the world stage, so that no one would feel inclined to shoot down Russian planes and denigrate the country, that the whole world needs to be forced to learn Russian so that everyone is afraid of Russia.

24. So beautiful and in the LDPR.

25. Thank you everyone! Write reviews, invite us to filming!

photo ldpr.ru

MOSCOW, APRIL 2/2017, LDPR-TV. On May 1 of this year, on Spring and Labor Day, festive events organized by representatives of the LDPR political party were held throughout the country. Instead of a traditional rally, LDPR activists decided to hold a mass dance flash mob.

The main venue for the all-Russian dance flash mob was Novopushkinsky Square in Moscow. Modern and rhythmic music was played here. With the help of dance, the LDPR youth energized the guests good mood. The host of the event, State Duma deputy of the LDPR faction Boris Chernyshov, supported positive attitude and public activity.

Traditionally, the culmination of the holiday was the speech of the leader of the Liberal Democrats, Vladimir Volfovich Zhirinovsky.

Speaking to the audience, Vladimir Zhirinovsky emphasized that the main thing for a person is normal, happy life, and everyone agrees on this.

“You cannot divide people into classes or groups. Everyone should have civil solidarity. In many foreign countries This day passes as a day of solidarity, a day of spring. Although the beginning of this holiday was associated with the tragedy in Chicago - two workers died there defending their rights. The people demanded an eight-hour working day, which they eventually got. And the authorities listened to the voice of the people.

Today we sometimes forget to talk about this. In those distant years they could not figure it out and give correct analysis those events and those lessons of history, but we can do it now and understand what real solidarity is,” the LDPR press service quotes Vladimir Zhirinovsky as saying.

The parliamentarian also raised the issue of the political situation in the United States, telling voters about the reasons for Donald Trump’s victory in the presidential election.

“Millions of people are living on unemployment benefits and food stamps. People got fed up with this and elected Trump. And we, the LDPR deputies, agreed with this position, because the solidarity of the people is the common will and voice of the nation, and we respect this,” explained the LDPR leader.

According to the LDPR press service, during his speech, Vladimir Zhirinovsky spoke about the US State Department, which, according to the politician, is still trying to flex its muscles by threatening small countries, although this is a deliberately losing position.

“Today it is useless to rattle weapons and scare the world with an armada of our ships. North Korea has shown what it thinks about the vaunted American democracy. All the people North Korea showed solidarity by uniting against the Western aggressor,” added the Chairman of the LDPR.

At the end of his speech, Vladimir Zhirinovsky congratulated voters on the holiday, told flash mob participants about the history of May Day and announced the start of public festivities.

At the end of the dance program, guests of the event were treated to the best Russian traditions. The porridge, pancakes and tea sold out with a bang. All participants of the dance flash mob were presented with gifts from the Liberal Democratic Party. The guests got a charge positive emotions. This was noticeable by the smiles that did not leave their faces throughout the entire event.

If you join the LDPR party, what does it give you? A person who is impressed by the statements of the permanent extraordinary leader of this party, Vladimir Volfovich Zhirinovsky, often has to think about such a question.

Before answering this question, we should turn to the history of the formation of this centrist political party.

What kind of party is this

The predecessor of the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia (LDPR), which was formed in the Soviet Union on December 13, 1989 on the initiative of Zhirinovsky.

All six convocations of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly Russian Federation The LDPR took part in the elections of its deputies, necessarily eventually receiving representation in the lower parliamentary house.

Many political scientists believe that this party, despite its name, in the social sphere is oriented towards nationalist and patriotic ideas, and in the economic sphere it preaches the theory of a mixed economic model.

This political structure was formed as such, but various political scientists do not agree with this point of view.

History of the creation and formation of the party

For the first time, the initiative group that decided to create the Liberal Democratic Party of the Soviet Union met on December 13, 1989 and approved a resolution on the preparation and convening of the founding congress of the party.

The initiative group consisted of the following participants: Bogacheva V., Bogacheva L., Dunts M., Zherebovsky S., Zhirinovsky V., Kovalev A., Prozorov V., Ubozhko L. and Khalitov A.

The USSR Ministry of Justice registered the Liberal Democratic Party of the Soviet Union on April 12, 1991, at that time it was the only party that pursued an opposition line towards the CPSU.

At the first founding congress on March 31, 1990, 215 delegates approved the Party Program and Charter. In total, 41 regions from 8 republics of the USSR were represented at the congress. Zhirinovsky V.V. was elected to the post of chairman.

On April 18, 1992, at the third party congress, represented by 627 delegates (43 regions), the party was renamed LDPR. Zhirinovsky Vladimir Volfovich was again re-elected chairman of the party. Akhmet Khalilov, who works as an operator at a water pumping station on a collective farm near Moscow, was chosen as his deputy.

On August 10, 1992, parties in the newly emerged CIS countries were formed from a single party.

Activity of the party and its leader

In August 2003, party activists led by Zhirinovsky traveled through railway from Moscow to Vladivostok and back. They held meetings with their electorate in 168 populated areas from 29 regions and territories of our Motherland.

Who can become a member of the LDPR

Any Russian citizen who has reached the age of eighteen has the opportunity to become a member of the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia. For this purpose, you just need to fill out a special form and take a couple of photographs measuring 3 by 4 centimeters, submitting all this to functionaries at the nearest local LDPR branch.

Previously, a party card was issued after the candidate completed a three-month probation from the moment of submitting the application; currently, the issuance of a party card is carried out immediately from the moment the written application is submitted.

Payment of party dues is not mandatory.

Join the LDPR party, what does it give?

It is worth becoming a member of the LDPR if you fully share the ideas set out in the party program. The latter can be viewed on the party's official website. There you can also find the address of the LDPR in your region, where you will need to apply for membership.

It should be understood that membership in the LDPR does not provide any opportunities to receive financial resources or material goods.

Party members are invited to events organized by party functionaries. They participate in rallies, pickets, conferences, promotions, and distribution of printed products.

Those party members who constantly take part in party life are transferred to activists. From this moment on, they can already take part in party events throughout the region and the whole country. Delegates are elected from them to the LDPR congresses held in the capital.

Party schools are periodically organized for activists, and the forms of education are rather non-standard. Classes can be held at a summer camp at seashore or during a ship cruise.

Activists become coordinators of district branches and candidates for deputies from the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia to local authorities. In the future, only the personal qualities and abilities of a LDPR activist are driving force or, conversely, a brake on his political career.

Work in the Duma faction of the party

Often, Russian citizens who have been members of one of the political parties for several years decide to join the LDPR party. What does this give? First of all, the opportunity to get into the composition on the list from this party.

Representatives of this Liberal Democratic Party in all convocations of the Duma had their own faction. Often, in terms of quantitative composition, this was enough to have a certain influence on the adoption of certain laws.

One of the first plans of the members of the faction of this party is the task of maximizing the standard of living of Russians.

In particular, at Duma meetings they raised questions about increasing the minimum size wages, suspending the payment of contributions for major repairs, canceling the deadlines for free privatization, providing for disabled people and families with disabled children a fifty percent discount when paying for housing and communal services.

LDPR during election campaigns

Even at the stage of election promises, candidates for deputies from the LDPR often raise questions about the possibility of expanding the scope of application cash, highlighted as " maternity capital"; encouraging women to refuse abortions; introducing fines in case of refusal to provide a place for a baby in a nursery preschool institution at his place of residence.

In the field of health and education, the LDPR firmly takes the position that in these areas, as in culture, market relations must be eradicated. Citizens of Russia should have the opportunity to enjoy free healthcare, and the practice of “blind” reorganization of hospitals should be stopped.

About the chairman of the LDPR

The founder and permanent chairman of the LDPR is V.V. Zhirinovsky. He is a member of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe and took part in five election races for the post of President of the Russian Federation.

He is a graduate of the Institute of Oriental Languages ​​and the Faculty of Law of Moscow State University.

Despite his seventy years of age, he is actively involved in parliamentary and public life states. He can often be seen on TV screens, where he takes part in interesting discussions, and is distinguished by his excitement and emotionality.

Quite often he appeals to the country's youth to join the LDPR party. What this gives, he shows by his personal example, as well as the active work of his fellow party members in the Duma.

On December 17, 2017, on the square of the city park near the Yauza Palace of Culture, public events under common name“Road train LDPR”, organized by the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia, which is headed by a well-known politician, State Duma deputy Vladimir Zhirinovsky. The public action includes the distribution of gifts and books from party representatives, the collection of appeals from Russian citizens, which will be sent to LDPR lawyers and the State Duma.

A sufficient number of citizens gathered at the event; proxies from Vladimir Zhirinovsky performed on stage, held various competitions for the assembled citizens, and gave gifts to the winners. In addition, a concert of the popular pop group "Na-Na" was planned for the evening at the Yauza cultural center; invitation cards were distributed right on the street.

Songs from the concert of the group "Na-Na" are on the channel "Stanislav Iskhakov"

https://www. youtube. com/

As is known from the words of proxies of presidential candidate Vladimir Zhirinovsky, the main goal of this action is to study the problems of Russian citizens in different regions of our country. Also, it is quite logical that in this way the Chairman of the LDPR is conducting hidden election campaigning among the population. Representatives from the LDPR party called on those gathered to be sure to come to the Russian presidential elections in March 2018 and use their ballot to avoid vote theft and other falsifications of voting results.

On May 15, 2015, a meeting took place with Markina Valentina Petrovna, a wonderful and cheerful person who survived the horrors of the Great Patriotic War. A long conversation took place in which Valentina Petrovna talked about the hardships of wartime. She was born in Leningrad region, and at the age of 6 I learned what war was.The Dno station, which was located not far from their home, was occupied by German troops and was therefore systematically bombed Soviet aviation. During the day, the Germans came to their wooden house and took away their food. However, they didn’t take everything; they saw that the children had nothing to eat. And at night the partisans came. Moreover, they fed and supported their own as best they could. There was only one cow left from the farm, the grass for which was brought from a nearby field in the winter. In general, the story of Valentina Petrovna is amazing, and deserves separate story, which is what we will be doing in the near future. The feat of this man's Will, and the fact that she managed to survive hunger, bombing and, in general, very hard times clearly showed the young LDPR members, and indeed everyone, that they should not despair and give up. Despite her advanced age, she is full of positivity, vitality and a sense of optimism.
“Russian people can survive everything: hunger, cold, and crisis. The main thing is not to lose heart!” Valentina Petrovna goes through life with this motto. Agree, there is a lot to learn. Fedor Samarov and Sergei Zolya accepted an appeal for Vladimir Zhirinovsky, presented a small gift from the party, and agreed to call and organize a meeting.

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Photo materials

    Annual cleanup day in Khimki

  • Annual cleanup day in Khimki

    A cleanup day, which has already become traditional, took place in Khimki.

  • Annual cleanup day in Khimki

    A cleanup day, which has already become traditional, took place in Khimki.

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    LDPR activists from all regions of the Russian Federation gathered at the congress. Activists of the Khimki branch took an active part

  • Annual cleanup day in Khimki

    A cleanup day, which has already become traditional, took place in Khimki.

  • We did it!

    On May 8, activists of the LDPR party in the Moscow region decided to salute the great Victory Day in their own way! The Kubinka – Odintsovo motor rally was initiated by the coordinator of the Odintsovo RO LDPR, deputy of the Moscow Regional Duma Vladimir Fedorovich Sidorov.

  • Annual cleanup day in Khimki

    A cleanup day, which has already become traditional, took place in Khimki.