Khodchenkova's husbands. Three handsome men of Svetlana Khodchenkova

More recently famous actress Russian cinema Svetlana Khodchenkova got married. Although this event took place secretly and in a close circle of family and friends, journalists could not help but notice the luxurious engagement ring with diamonds on the ring finger right hand actresses. Her chosen one was Georgy Petrishin, who is a famous businessman.

Svetlana and Georgy met exactly three years ago in a cafe where everyone gathered after the Golden Gramophone ceremony. This was facilitated by a friend and colleague in the three-part film “Love in big city“Anastasia Zadorozhnaya. Before this relationship, the guy communicated closely with Victoria Daineko, and also did not breathe coldly towards Anfisa Chekhova. But it was clearly destined to meet the businessman and actress. Ardent feelings immediately flared up between them, and there was love at first sight.

Former relationships of Svetlana Khodchenkova

Khodchenkova was not bored at all in her time. She had already been married once for about 5 years. Her ex-husband was Vladimir Yaglych. The young people met at the Shchukin School when they were still students. Vladimir studied one course higher. Despite the fact that Svetlana really liked the guy with his charm, the relationship between them did not start right away.

The year 2003 was marked for the actors by filming in the film “Quiet Moscow Courtyard”. In it, Vladimir was supposed to become the actress’s husband. The young couple at that moment already had feelings for each other, so they did not have to pretend to be in love. Apparently, from then on, close friendships began. love relationship between Vladimir and Khodchenkova. In 2005, she married him.

But apparently it didn’t work out, and they divorced in 2010. The reason for this divorce was Vladimir’s quality of falling in love. Naturally, Svetlana could no longer tolerate this. They probably played a significant role common signs By Chinese horoscope, ex-spouses- Roosters, and, as everyone knows, it’s simply impossible for roosters to get along in the same cage.

But despite all this, the couple was truly happy. Their love was also sincere, namely the kind that only happens for the first time. Yaglych considered his wife good and faithful companion, and Svetlana, in turn, thought that her husband was a reliable companion and protector. What else could they think at such a young and naive age? But fate decreed otherwise. Since then, the actress has been trying to keep her personal life tightly locked and not comment on any changes in it.

After the breakup, Vladimir Yaglych did not grieve for a long time and started short affairs one after another. Later, he began a relationship with Oksana Dominina after filming the show together.” Ice age”, in which she was his partner. The couple didn't look too bad. After some time in his relationship with Oksana, Yaglych even stated that he wanted to go with her to the registry office and give birth to many children. But, unfortunately, this relationship also did not last long. Probably, the reason was still Vladimir.

New relationships of Svetlana Khodchenkova

For some time, Svetlana was single, until in 2011 she met her future husband. The actress never ceases to note the fact that she feels behind Petrishin as if behind a stone wall and is completely confident in her future together. It is impossible to note the complete idyll that reigns in their family.

She does not confirm that the movie star Khodchenkova got married, but she does not deny this fact. Together with their husband, they, like two secret spies, remain silent and have no desire for anyone to disturb their peace in their personal lives. In addition, Svetlana strictly forbade all her friends to comment on her new status.

Undoubtedly, Svetlana was attracted to her future chosen one by such positive qualities like: slimness, a wonderful sense of humor, seriousness, erudition and much more. Khodchenkova is very strong woman, and in order for her to be able to fully open up, the same person must walk next to her through life. strong man, just like her.

It was a huge dream for Svetlana to have the opportunity to act in a Hollywood movie. Fortunately, her dream came true, and she became Hugh Jackman's partner in one of the parts science fiction film"Wolverine. Immortal".

After filming ended, the actress decided not to big break in her work, and together with her lover Gregory went to the island of Bali, where the star celebrated her anniversary - her 30th birthday. Soon, eligible bachelor presented the most famous and noticed by everyone wedding ring with diamonds - it took place on Catholic Christmas. Naturally, Svetlana Khodchenkova answered “Yes” without any hesitation!

Having married Grigory Petrishin, the actress only shared how they understood her ideal relationship between husband and wife. For her it is love and friendship, mutual understanding and support. She never fully reveals herself to the man who is next to her. Thus, she is afraid of losing herself and becoming a read book for her beloved.

Svetlana Viktorovna Khodchenkova - famous Russian actress theater and cinema. Her debut in the film “Bless the Woman” brought her popularity. Now she is widely known not only in Russia, but also abroad: she has starred in three Hollywood films. She has dozens of TV series, full-length films, and also a lot of theatrical productions behind her. She often becomes a participant various shows, as well as film projects.

Svetlana Khodchenkova is very beautiful woman. It's always nice to look at her. Many men are crazy about her. She also captivates the audience with her talent. She plays her roles simply superbly. Svetlana Khodchenkova has incredible charisma and charm. She grabs the viewer at first sight and doesn’t let go until the end. She has thousands of fans and admirers of her work.

Biography and creative path Svetlana Khodchenkova is quite difficult. They are full of surprises and full of interesting facts.

Svetlana Khodchenkova is very beautiful and has a wonderful figure. She has big army fans who would like to know everything about their favorite actress, including her height, weight, age. Perhaps every fan of the actress knows how old Svetlana Khodchenkova is. This year the actress celebrated her 35th birthday. The query “Svetlana Khodchenkova – photos in her youth and now” often appears on the Internet.

Svetlana Khodchenkova can boast of her modeling skills. Her height is almost 180 centimeters. She is very slim and weighs about 53 kilograms. She carefully monitors her appearance. I haven’t eaten flour, fatty, spicy or smoked foods for a long time. Sometimes he allows himself a certain indulgence in the form of dark chocolate, and then only of a certain brand. At the same time, the actress works out in the gym.

According to the zodiac sign, Svetlana Khodchenkova is Aquarius, according to eastern calendar- Boar. The actress is quite a talented and versatile person.

Biography of Svetlana Khodchenkova

The biography of Svetlana Khodchenkova began in Moscow, where she was born on January 21, 1983. I spent my childhood in the village of Zheleznodorozhny near Moscow. Childhood was not easy. The father, Viktor Khodchenkov, was not at all interested in the girl’s fate until she came of age. Mother, Tatyana Vladimirovna Khodchenkova, raised her daughter herself. The woman worked as a painter, janitor and cleaner. There was not enough money for living, and the future actress had to help her mother earn money: she washed stairs.

Due to lack of support in the family, Svetlana became an increasingly insecure, complex girl. To overcome all this, at the age of 16 she enrolled in Slava Zaitsev’s modeling school. The future actress was already tall and slender, so she was accepted for training without any problems. After passing it, Svetlana Khodchenkova was invited to a modeling agency. And after filming in Japan, she received her first big salary of a thousand dollars, which she spent on installing a home telephone. After some time, the actress began to receive unambiguous offers, after which she decided to leave the modeling business.

As a child, Svetlana Khodchenkova did not dream of acting career. She wanted more to become a surgeon. But since biology and chemistry were not given to her, plus the actress felt sick at the sight of blood, in 2000, by her mother’s decision, she entered the Institute of World Economics. In my first year I transferred to the Faculty of Advertising.

The desire to become an actress came unexpectedly. Before entering the Shchukin Theater School, Svetlana Khodchenkova took preparatory courses.

Already in her first year, she was noticed by the famous and talented director Stanislav Govorukhin. He invited her to audition for the film “Bless the Woman.” Svetlana Khodchenkova played the main role there.

Debut and main role It was hard at first. But soon Svetlana Khodchenkova joined in, she quickly got used to the rhythm acting. She played her role successfully, thanks to which she won popular recognition. This is how her acting career began.

Filmography: films starring Svetlana Khodchenkova

Svetlana Khodchenkova’s filmography is quite extensive: “Love in the Big City,” “Real Dad,” “8 First Dates” and other films with the actress’s participation were an incredible success. Her popularity grew from film to film.

Svetlana Khodchenkova became one of the few actresses who managed to get into Hollywood. Thus, in 2013, the blockbuster “Wolverine” was released on television screens. Immortal" where the actress played the main role of Dr. Victoria Green. Svetlana Khodchenkova is in great demand by many directors, and now she has many offers. Admirers of her work are looking forward to new works by Svetlana Khodchenkova.

Now Svetlana Khodchenkova continues to act, she completely devotes herself to acting, constantly improving her professional skills. The actress is very talented. Her roles are played simply perfectly.

Personal life of Svetlana Khodchenkova

Svetlana Khodchenkova is a very beautiful and charming actress. Many men like her. However, Svetlana Khodchenkova’s personal life is not full of variety. The actress pays attention only to the most worthy.

This was her first husband, actor Vladimir Yaglych. They met as students at the Shchukin School. A couple of years later, news appeared in the media that Svetlana Khodchenkova was getting married. The couple lived together for about four years and broke up.

The second chosen one of Svetlana Khodchenkova was Georgy Petrishin. After the man proposed to the actress in 2013, frequent requests for “Svetlana Khodchenkova and Georgy Petrishin, wedding, photo” began to appear on the network. Fans of the actress were immediately interested in this news. But the wedding of Svetlana Khodchenkova and Georgy Petrishin never happened. The couple lived in civil marriage and separated in 2016.

It is known that Svetlana Khodchenkova was never pregnant. And the news that the actress gave birth to a child is just a rumor.

Svetlana Khodchenkova has extraordinary beauty, so her man must be the best of the best. Many men want to take the position of the actress’s groom. She won many men's hearts. Admirers of Svetlana Khodchenkova’s work hope that the actress will soon meet her man and find true feminine happiness.

Family of Svetlana Khodchenkova

Now Svetlana Khodchenkova’s family consists of herself and her beloved mother. By the way, the actress’s mother never gave up her profession as a painter, but now she has her own construction team.

Until the actress found family happiness. Yes, she was married, the marriage lasted only four years. Later, Svetlana Khodchenkova lived in a civil marriage, but even here the relationship did not work out and, relatively recently, the couple broke up. Now Svetlana Khodchenkova has completely devoted herself to her professional activities.

The actress is not only very beautiful and talented, but also very good man. Therefore, many wish her great human happiness.

Children of Svetlana Khodchenkova

Actress Svetlana Khodchenkova does not have children yet. As she herself states, there has not yet been a man from whom and for whom the actress would give birth to children. But everything must be on time. And the actress herself must be ready for this.

Svetlana Khodchenkova’s children are not her goal yet. She has a busy, busy schedule. She is quite a sought-after actress. She devotes all her time to work. The actress is developing more and more creatively, training her professional abilities.

Fans hope that Svetlana Khodchenkova will soon find family happiness and give birth to loving children.

Svetlana Khodchenkova's ex-husband - Vladimir Yaglych

Svetlana Khodchenkova’s ex-husband is Vladimir Yaglych, a famous and popular actor. The young people studied together at the Shchukin Theater School. Svetlana Khodchenkova was a year younger. But the relationship did not start right away. At that time, Vladimir Yaglych was always in the company of some beauty. And Svetlana Khodchenkova also had no time for novels; she completely devoted herself to her studies.

Their romance began some time later. This happened during the filming of the series “Carousel”. As fate would have it, the characters of Svetlana Khodchenkova and Vladimir Yaglych were married in the story. In real life, they still remained friends.

On the day of the premiere, Vladimir Yaglych invited Svetlana Khodchenkova to celebrate this event in a restaurant. This, in fact, became their first date and the beginning of a romantic relationship.

The proposal to get married was unexpected for Svetlana Khodchenkova, but she agreed. On December 13, 2005, the couple officially registered their relationship. Later they bought an apartment in Moscow and continued their successful careers. It seemed that the newlyweds were very happy together, so it came as a surprise to many that their family broke up. In April 2011, she officially divorced. The reason for the divorce is considered to be frequent quarrels, jealousy and even assault on the part of Vladimir Yaglych.

Svetlana Khodchenkova's common-law husband - Georgy Petrishin

Svetlana Khodchenkova’s common-law husband, Georgy Petrishin, is a young businessman who has built a good career in the advertising business. Their romance began in 2011. Four years later, in May 2015, Georgy Petrishin proposed marriage in an unconventional way: in front of the audience after the end of the play “Love Story”. Svetlana Khodchenkova agreed.

The actress and businessman began preparing for the wedding celebration: it was decided to hold it in an unconventional and grand scale. But the wedding never took place. The couple had a big quarrel and in February 2016, Svetlana Khodchenkova and Georgy Petrishin ended their relationship.

Svetlana Khodchenkova has beautiful figure, which she is not shy about showing. In 2008, the actress made her dream come true: she undressed and posed naked for the men's magazine PlayBoy. They were pretty candid photos. The actress’s mother was shocked, but male fans quickly bought up the magazines.

In 2010, photos of Svetlana Khodchenkova appeared in Maxim magazine. Vera Brezhneva and Nastya Zadorozhnaya also starred with the actress. The photos turned out simply amazing.

There are many shots where the actress is in a swimsuit. Photos with Svetlana Khodchenkova always turn out just great.

Instagram and Wikipedia Svetlana Khodchenkova

Like many of them famous personalities, the actress is active user social networks.

Instagram and Wikpedia of Svetlana Khodchenkova provide extensive information about the life and work of the young and talented actress. Svetlana Khodchenkova's Instagram account contains large number her photos and videos.

Wikipedia presents the biography and career of the popular actress. Here you can find out about her filmography, personal life, awards and honors. The information is publicly available.

Svetlana Khodchenkova approached her thirtieth birthday with excellent results: a successful film career and a beloved man!
Today, the wonderful Russian actress, dearly loved by the Ukrainian public and readers of Donbass in particular (especially for her joint film work with Vladimir Zelensky, who regularly sells out the miners’ capital), is celebrating her 30th birthday. But how was Svetlana able to become so popular at such an age, not very respectable for a woman, that in lately Every now and then she gets called to act in Hollywood?! It turns out that the slender blonde could not do without the active support of men.

Govorukhin opened the section

In fact, Khodchenkova’s success story is in many ways reminiscent of Cinderella’s fate. Svetlana also worked hard: at the age of 15, although she did not consider herself a beauty, but, having a height of the coveted 176 centimeters, she went to Vyacheslav Zaitsev’s modeling school. Which I traveled to by train from the town of Zheleznodorozhny near Moscow. After all, she was raised by her grandmother and mother, a painter by profession, and every time the class raised funds for school needs, the girl had a complex: there was no money in the family. But when Svetlana was offered to earn extra money as an escort, she immediately left modeling business.

By that time, she was already studying at the theater institute, leaving behind a double attempt to get an economic education, and accidentally caught the eye of the assistants famous director Stanislav Govorukhin, who approved a pretty and at that time plump girl for the main role in the film “Bless the Woman.” Where did Khodchenkova get her forms?

In the first year I gained weight nervous soil by 20 kg, because I was terribly afraid that I would be expelled,” explains the actress. - But then I pulled myself together and simply followed Maya Plisetskaya’s advice “not to eat.” I ate small portions and spent time in the gym. And since then I like fruits instead of sweets. True, when I started losing weight right during the filming process, the costume designers began to worry: the dresses were hanging on me like on a hanger. Govorukhin ordered to “choke, but eat.” Because he wanted to show me as a woman with a figure. In general, it was assumed that in the scene where Baluev’s character sees Vera splashing in the sea, she (that is, me) would be wearing a swimsuit. But looking through the footage, Govorukhin winced: “That’s not it...” And so I walked along the shore, dressed in a chintz robe - the swimsuit was drying on the stones in anticipation of the next take. And suddenly the director commands: “Take this rag off her! Let’s try it in the nude.” The assistant and costume designer immediately flew up and began to unbutton the buttons. Protest and resistance had not yet been born in me. And even if they had time, how could I contradict Govorukhin himself! Then, seeing the film on the screen, I realized: Stanislav Sergeevich was right. The swimsuit destroyed the image of this girl - natural, like nature itself. It was supposed to be perceived by the viewer as part of the sky, the sea, the sun-bleached coastal cliffs, and I looked like a tourist who came to the south on vacation. They covered my chest with loose hair, the water splashed just below my waist. On the screen everything looked absolutely chaste. However my ex-husband Volodya Yaglych, when “Bless the Woman” was shown on TV, left the room every time so as not to see this scene... Most likely, he was jealous because of publications in the “yellow” press about our relationship with Govorukhin, although he knew that this is not true.

Zelensky taught me to love comedies

After their first joint film, “Love in the City,” Vladimir Zelensky and Svetlana Khodchenkova became true friends. And the favorites of the Ukrainian audience.
After Govorukhin’s bright start, the next “shot”, which made the public look at Khodchenkova with increased interest, came thanks to Vladimir Zelensky. The comedian is not the director of light romantic comedies - two parts of “Love in the City” and a remake of “Office Romance”, but constantly acts as the lover of the heroine Svetlana. As a result, a huge portion of the Ukrainian viewer’s love for the head of the “95th Quarter” also touched Khodchenkov.

Even when exactly a year ago another joint project of theirs came out: the eccentric comedy “Rzhevsky against Napoleon,” for participation in which only the lazy did not scold Govorukhin’s “discovery,” the actress did not repent. Explaining my desire to star in this film simply: I liked the company!

This is our fourth film together with Vladimir Zelensky, so he has become my permanent film partner. Not every actress can boast of this! In general, I always liked playing with different people... But Zelensky suits me very much as a partner! I think it was Volodya who taught me to love comedies in which you can relax yourself and give the viewer the same mood. When we meet with him, have dinner together, for example, we certainly discuss some projects, remember something, exchange remarks that have surfaced, and laugh. By the way, despite our friendship, I was not the only contender for the role of Natasha Rostova and was casting on a general basis. True, I didn’t feel much excitement: when you work with people you know, you don’t have to make any special efforts: everything goes like clockwork. We laughed, joked and were incredibly happy to see each other.

To show Natasha Rostova in the interpretation of Marius Weisberg, Khodchenkova had to take striptease lessons on a pole!

That's when I realized how hard these girls earn their money! In the first five minutes of class, my palms were bleeding, and my teacher and I went to buy special gloves. True, I slid along the pole in them, but I had to think not about that, but about moving smoothly and easily, beautifully, sexy. As a result, I had to give up pole dancing: my palms didn’t have time to heal, and yet I had to train very intensively... But, of course, elements of striptease remained in the film: I lit up full program! - Zelensky’s fan laughs.

Hugh Jackman turned into a bad girl

While Sveta was seducing Napoleon, the first film of her “Hollywood series” was released - the detective story “Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy!”, in which the Russian beauty starred along with superstar Gary Oldman. Chance also helped her with her “trip” overseas.

There was a big casting among Russian actresses. They were looking for a very specific type of heroine: a Slavic girl with delicate facial features. I had to record a scene from the film on video and send it to director Tomas Alfredson. And I was just about to start filming “Five Brides,” and decided that this idea was not for me at all. And she went to Minsk to play in the “brides”. But I learned the text. And a month later there was filming in Belarus: summer, six in the morning, fields, I returned to my trailer after night shift, took off my makeup - and suddenly my assistant knocks on the door: “Sveta, I agreed with my cameraman friend, he’ll film you now.” You need to speak a huge text in English and smoke, but I fall asleep on the go and don’t smoke. But I didn’t care anymore: in English means in English, with a cigarette means with a cigarette. They filmed it in one take, and when the operator sent me the video, I was surprised that it turned out so beautifully. I sent it to England, and a month later the producers came to meet me. That's it. Just lucky.

Having proven herself on the set of “Spy,” Khodchenkova received another tempting offer: to star in the Hollywood blockbuster “Wolverine” in the company of Hugh Jackman. It was in his company that the actress spent the last two and a half months, portraying the negative heroine - the mercenary Viper. According to the actress, Hugh left her with the most pleasant impressions:

He came to the site just to help me! Including transforming into a “bad girl”. Jackman is an amazing person! It's hard not to fall in love with him, but I resisted! Well, in general, I like filming in America. This interesting experience! But I don’t agree to be an extra who plays either bad Russians or prostitutes in English-language films. I don’t have such a goal - to become a Hollywood star at any cost. But if it works out, I don't mind at all. Yes, and I would like to receive an Oscar! - Svetlana laughs.

The premiere of “The Wolverine” is scheduled for the summer. But already at the end of February we will be able to evaluate another fresh work of the actress - the first Russian disaster film “Metro”, which, according to the birthday girl, is not at all scary.

Before the wedding I became addicted to meat

It would seem: if a beautiful actress is lucky enough to get into Hollywood, an affair with one of the handsome men there cannot be avoided! However, for two years now Khodchenkova has been happy next to her beloved man, whose name is Georgy Petrishin. Svetlana admitted that she is absolutely confident in the man who is now next to her. And this is the primary determining factor for her.

The actress also really likes that her lover cooks well. It’s so tasty that Svetlana removed all food restrictions (for example, she didn’t eat meat for many years).

“I now have my own, feminine, concept: feeding means loving,” laughs Khodchenkova, who recently accepted Georgy’s marriage proposal. “I was also captivated by my sense of humor and ability to take responsibility.” It often happens that if a woman is famous, then men are afraid to approach her. And my beloved immediately communicated with me as if we had known him for a long time and he had the right to do so.

Svetlana Viktorovna Khodchenkova is a Russian actress, whose popularity was brought by her debut in the film “Bless the Woman”, the star of numerous TV series, feature films, theatrical productions and international film projects.

The childhood of Svetlana Khodchenkova

Svetlana Khodchenkova was born in Moscow on January 21, 1983. The future actress spent her childhood in the village of Zheleznodorozhny near Moscow. The mother raised the baby alone - the father did not make any attempts to get to know his daughter until she came of age.

The family was sorely short of money; From the age of twelve, Svetlana helped her mother, who worked as a painter, janitor and cleaner, wash stairs for a tiny fee. In high school, the girl studied at a lyceum, where her classmates were children from wealthy families. Every day, self-doubt grew in Svetlana’s soul, and in order to overcome it, Khodchenkova filled out an application for Slava Zaitsev’s modeling school.

The tall, slender blonde was gladly accepted into the course, and upon completion, she was invited to a successful modeling agency. The 16-year-old girl spent her first salary - a thousand dollars received after six months of filming in Japan - on installing a home telephone; as the actress recalled, her mother was infinitely happy and almost kissed the buttons of the device. However, very soon the young model began to receive unambiguous offers, and Svetlana left the modeling business, completely disappointed in its underside.

As a child, Svetlana dreamed of a career as a surgeon, but closer to her final exams she realized that medical work was not so sweet to her: biology and chemistry were not easy for her, and the sight of blood made her feel completely ill. So after receiving her certificate in 2000, Khodchenkova entered the Institute of World Economy - that’s what her mother wanted. However, the girl did not even make it to the first session. Economics seemed extremely boring to her, and Svetlana transferred to the Faculty of Advertising, where, in her opinion, there should have been a lot of room for creativity, but even here only dry numbers awaited her.

The decision to become an actress came to Svetlana quite unexpectedly - the girl simply decided to try herself in this path. A couple of years ago, while filling out a form for a modeling agency, in the “Place of study” column, she wrote “Shchukin Theater School” - just like that. And it was the legendary “Pike” that she chose.

Before the exams, Sveta attended courses at the school for two months and in the end she finally entered, and from all preparatory group Only Khodchenkova passed the competition.

The beginning of Svetlana Khodchenkova's career. Successful debut

Already in her first year, Svetlana Khodchenkova was noticed by the famous director Stanislav Govorukhin, who invited her to audition for the film “Bless the Woman.” The aspiring actress was offered to play main character paintings - a girl named Vera, in love with the hero Alexander Baluev. The casting was successful - Govorukhin could not help but approve a beauty with a traditional Slavic appearance for the role.

On film set Svetlana had a difficult time: the age range of her heroine varied from 18 to 45 years. Make-up took at least an hour every day, and Svetlana had to “grow” from a carefree girl to a woman wise with life experience. In addition, the actress had to star in a “nude” scene - the moment when Svetlana’s heroine comes out of the sea. At first it was planned that the actress would swim in a swimsuit, but at the last moment Stanislav Govorukhin made adjustments to the episode. Svetlana did not argue with her patron, but in the future she immediately rejected such proposals.

Svetlana Khodchenkova in the film “Bless the Woman”, bathing scene

The flourishing career of Svetlana Khodchenkova

Fate worked out in such a way that Svetlana became rising star Russian cinema while still studying at Shchuka. It is clear that teachers with clear conscience They gave the girl “machine guns,” but her classmates whispered sarcastically behind her back, which really upset Sveta. So when Khodchenkova finally received her diploma in 2005, she breathed a sigh of relief and got to work hard, especially since she received more than enough offers.

In 2005, Svetlana Khodchenkova took part in several projects. First there was the role of an Old Believer girl in “Picture Hunters”, then participation in the 12-episode project “Realtor” directed by Alexander Khvan, the film “Not by Bread Alone” by Stanislav Govorukhin and the series “Talisman of Love” with Tatyana Arntgolts and Lyubov Tolkalina.

In 2006, an accident happened to Svetlana - during a training session for the “Dancing on Ice” project, she slipped and hit her head. The actress woke up already on hospital bed, in complete bewilderment - she completely forgot everything connected with the performance on the ice. Doctors diagnosed a concussion and promised that his memory would return soon. And so it happened, but Khodchenkova had to forget about participating in the project.

Svetlana Khodchenkova’s next major project was Pavel Sanaev’s film “Kilometer Zero”, where her filming partners were Konstantin Kryukov and Alexander Lymarev. The work on the film was not without incidents, for example, in one of the scenes the actress had to appear naked. Mindful of the jealous nature of her husband (Vladimir Yaglych), she set a condition for the director: only her back should appear in the frame, otherwise she would refuse the role. Reluctantly, Sanaev agreed. Before filming the scene, Khodchenkova asked the make-up artist to cover her chest with a plaster - just in case. And at the premiere of the film, Svetlana, her husband and the entire audience saw her breasts covered with a snow-white piece of fabric.

In 2009, the film “Love in the City” was released, where the name of Svetlana Khodchenkova appeared in the credits next to Vera Brezhneva and Nastya Zadorozhnaya. The comedy film differed from Sveta’s usual genre of “new Russian melodrama,” but most viewers noted that Khodchenkova’s performance “looked very advantageous against the backdrop of the singers’ acting efforts.”

However, the actress soon returned to her favorite role in Roman Prosvirnin’s melodrama “When We Were Happy,” where Svetlana formed a harmonious creative union with Alexei Zubkov.

Svetlana Khodchenkova visiting Ivan Urgant

The remake of “Office Romance”, released in 2011, which brought together the best of Russian comedy cinema in its cast, could not do without Svetlana - she was cast in the role of the modern version of the heroine Alisa Freundlich. Ukrainian actor Vladimir Zelensky played the klutz Novoseltsev, Marat Basharov reincarnated as Samokhvalov, Pavel Volya unexpectedly took the place of Liya Akhedzhakova, and the supporting performers were impressive: Ivan Okhlobystin, Nastya Zavorotnyuk, Alika Smekhova.

But - alas, despite big names, the remake of the Soviet classic was met very coldly. Svetlana did not manage to turn into the “callous mymra” Kalugin; her image was more reminiscent of modern business sharks in skirts, tenacious, tough, not without bitchiness and sexuality.

In the same year, foreign producers drew attention to Svetlana. Together with Konstantin Khabensky, she went to the British Isles, where they were preparing for the filming of the thriller “Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy!” Khodchenkova in the image of intelligence officer Irina played superbly with legendary Hollywood actors - Gary Oldman, Benedict Cumberbatch and Tom Hardy. Konstantin played the role of the Soviet diplomat Polyakov.

The spy picture was followed by two good domestic comedies: “Five Brides” by Karen Oganesyan and dedicated to International Women’s Day “Moms”, where Svetlana played with Dmitry Dyuzhev and Liya Akhedzhakova.

In 2012, Svetlana’s “track record” included the first disaster film – “Metro” with Sergei Puskepalis. Khodchenkova had to play a woman who finds out that her entire family was trapped in a flooded metro tunnel.

In 2013, Svetlana flew to Japan for the second time in her life, this time to film the Hollywood blockbuster “Wolverine: The Immortal.” All the people involved in the film, except Khodchenkova, Famke Janssen and Hugh Jackman, were Japanese. Thanks to her youthful experience, Svetlana easily overcame the language barrier and gave it her all.

In 2015, Stanislav Govorukhin contacted the actress again and invited her to a new project - a film adaptation of Dovlatov’s stories “The End of a Beautiful Era” about the adventures of journalist Lentulov in Soviet Estonia. According to the script, the hero Ivan Kolesnikov, headlong, gives himself over to an affair with the editor Marina, Khodchenkova’s character. The film, according to critics, was “intelligent and for intellectuals,” and many viewers recognized it as almost best job Govorukhina.

By 2016, Svetlana Khodchenkova had become one of the most sought-after domestic actresses. As many as 10 premieres with her participation were planned for this year. Among them are the comedy “Classmates” by Dmitry Suvorov, the historical drama “Viking” with the participation of Danila Kozlovsky and Maxim Sukhanov, as well as the parable film “Shadow” with Mikhail Porechenkov.

And the beginning of 2017 gave fans of Svetlana Khodchenkova new series with her participation - “You all piss me off.” This time the actress brought to life the image of the refined journalist Sonya Bagryantseva, who suffers from social phobia. But as soon as she drinks even a drop of alcohol, she turns into a diametrically opposite person. Together with the actress, the star of the “Exhibit” video, Yulia Topolnitskaya, Pyotr Fedorov, Alexander Pal and Alexander Petrov, were involved in the series.

Personal life of Svetlana Khodchenkova

The actress met her husband Vladimir Yaglych at the Shchukin School. A young man, studying a year older, quickly made acquaintance with a pretty freshman, but romance was out of the question - the charming student was always in the company of some beauty from among his classmates, and Sveta could not think about anything other than studying, rehearsing for days.

The young people met again on the set of the series “My Prechistenka”, and a couple of months later - on the set of the series “Carousel”. Despite the fact that the characters of Khodchenkova and Yaglych were married in the plot, real life they remained exclusively colleagues. Although, as Svetlana later admitted, Vladimir made an attempt to charm the girl while working on Carousel, but she simply did not understand his hints.

On the day of the premiere of Carousel, he called Svetlana and offered to celebrate in a restaurant. The quiet dinner was essentially their first real date; Soon the actors began dating.

The marriage proposal sounded like a bolt from the blue: in one of the conversations Yaglych suddenly declared: “That’s it! We need to start a family. Let's get married." Svetlana was in a state of slight shock for ten minutes, then said: “I agree!”

Vladimir's parents received their daughter-in-law cordially; when we met, Yaglych’s mother told funny story about how I first saw Svetlana in the film “Bless the Woman,” and at one of the final moments Vladimir came into the room with the phrase: “I’m dating this girl.” “But she’s old!” Mom was amazed, not immediately realizing that Sveta was wearing makeup.

The wedding of Khodchenkova and Yagylch took place in 2005. At first, the newlyweds' lives were busy bright colors and sincere feelings, but Svetlana’s growing popularity and Vladimir’s jealous disposition became an obstacle to a long-term relationship - in April 2011 they officially broke off the relationship.

Soon a new contender for the actress’s hand and heart was found - young businessman Georgy Petrishin. They dated for four years, and there were no signs of trouble, so the man decided to propose to his beloved beautifully. The curtain after the play “Love Story” with the participation of Khodchenkova had not yet had time to fall, and he had already burst onto the stage and dropped to one knee in front of Svetlana. The stunned and touched actress answered “Yes!” to thunderous applause from the audience. But at the beginning of 2016, shortly before the wedding, they quarreled to smithereens, and the ceremony was never destined to take place.

In the fall of 2016, information appeared in the media that doctor Kirill Masliev had won the actress’s heart. But they were not destined to celebrate even the anniversary of their relationship. Already in March 2017, she began to be credited with an affair with a certain oligarch, whose name and appearance Svetlana traditionally decided not to advertise. However, she left fans a small hint that her heart was occupied again: a black and white photo on Instagram - the actress buried her face in a man’s shoulder.

At the beginning of 2018, Svetlana spent a vacation in Bali with Georgy Petrishin, after which they went skiing together in Switzerland. The actress also celebrated her 35th birthday in the company of a businessman. Apparently, the old feelings did not have time to cool down, and the lovers gave their relationship another chance.

Svetlana Khodchenkova now

In 2018, at least 5 projects with the participation of Svetlana Khodchenkova will be released. Thus, the actress will play the main role in the romantic comedy “Moscow in Love”, where Vyacheslav Chepurchenko and Rinal Mukhametov will also appear, in the biographical drama “Dovlatov” (the writer himself will be played by the Yugoslav actor Milan Maric), the film “Another Comedy about a Loser”, as well as together with Sergei Garmash, in the 16-episode detective story “On the Other Side”. Svetlana was also approved for the main role in the mystical parable film “The Guardian of the Path,” based on the novel by Karina Sarsenova.

All people are born talented. And the secret of success has long been known: find your talent and develop it. But achieving this is not at all easy.

Svetlana Khodchenkova managed to make herself herself by implementing this formula. There were many trials in her life, but now she is one of the most popular and sought-after actresses in Russia.

Biographical facts


Sveta was born in 1983 in Moscow. But very soon she began to live with her mother in Zheleznodorozhny near Moscow, which has now been absorbed by Balashikha.

The father became interested in his daughter around the age of majority, so the girl was raised only by her mother.

It is always difficult for a woman to raise a child alone, and even more so on the salary of a painter/plasterer. Therefore, my mother worked part-time as a janitor and cleaner, and Sveta helped her from the age of 12. So her work history began early.

They made money at the lyceum in high school, but not for outfits, and the girl felt inferior among her well-dressed classmates.

So they are right about her strong character - not everyone can stand the test of poverty in a wealthy society.

The beginning of a creative journey

Svetlana Khodchenkova nobly withstood the difficulties of adolescence, and in order to prove to herself and everyone that she was better than many, she submitted an application to Zaitsev’s modeling school. When asked about her place of study, the schoolgirl gave a more solid answer: theater school named after. Shchukin.

Tall, slender and pretty, she was accepted into the course. At the age of 16, the girl signed a contract with a successful agency and went to Japan for six months to work on the catwalk at a fashion show. But the model’s work is not at all what it seems from the glossy photographs, and after hints about “gratitude” to sponsors, it completely lost all attractiveness for Svetlana.

She decided to go study. But where - that was the question. At first, medicine warmed her heart, but given her intolerance to chemistry, biology and the type of blood, she rejected this idea. I no longer had my own dreams, so I agreed with my mother’s and in 2000 I entered the Institute of World Economy.

Thinking about where to study, she remembered “Pike” and decided to give it a try. Secretly from my mother, I completed courses at the school and... entered - one of the entire preparatory group.

There was no miracle or luck here - Svetlana guessed her talent. And she received a reward from fate: already in her first year she caught the eye of Stanislav Govorukhin.

A real Russian beauty - this is exactly the type he was looking for for his film “Bless the Woman” and invited her to “audition” for the main role.

As the actress herself recalls, the chief cameraman just looked at her and said: “Yes, it’s her!” As it turned out, there was also a surprising external resemblance to real prototype heroine Vera Laricheva.


Svetlana Khodchenkova was made a real artist from the very beginning of her student days.

To be more precise, she became one as filming progressed - she got the role of a woman whose life was shown from her youth (18 years old) to maturity - an incredible 45.

In addition to acting, makeup was necessary, and to top it all off, the director introduced a nude scene. He decided that Vera should swim without a swimsuit...

Svetlana endured everything and was rewarded: an award for the main female role of the Window to Europe festival, a Golden Sword prize, a victory at the Stozhary festival and a nomination for Nika. Directors began vying with each other to offer her participation in projects.

The teachers treated the talented student, who overnight became a rising star, with understanding, lowering her requirements and inflating her grades.

So the girl again had a conflict with society, but now he felt inferior and envied...This is also why graduating from college in 2005 was long-awaited and joyful for the artist.

Afterwards, she threw herself into work, deciding to focus on filming a movie.

  • In 2005, Svetlana already starred in 3 TV series and 2 films, incl. - “Not by bread alone” by Govorukhin. And again - a prize for the best actress in this film at the festival “Vivat Cinema of Russia!”
  • 2006 brought Khodchenkova 3 projects, 2007 - 2, and 2008 and 2009 - 4 each. In the drama “Zero Kilometer”, the comedy “Real Dad”, melodramas “When We Were Happy”, “Trap”, actress - starring.
  • The film “Love in the City” brought great fame to the artist and was so in demand by the audience that they had to film 2 more parts. Here she first played with the future President of Ukraine, and then just an actor-comedian, Vladimir Zelensky. Subsequently they will meet again: films “ Office romance…”, “8 new brides”, “Rzhevsky against Napoleon”, and others.

In total, from 2010 to 2012, Khodchenkova was involved in 17 projects. In particular, I was proud of my participation in the series “ Short course happy life” - “the most daring film about the life of 30-year-old women in a big city” paired with Kirill Safonov.

But because of her participation in the series “Talisman of Love,” the director was so angry with the actress that he said in his hearts: “Svetka is a good girl, but she has no brains... Everything went into talent.” But everyone has their own truth: to achieve financial well-being, which Svetlana and her mother deserved, such early roles were also suitable...

At the peak of glory

The actress confidently advanced to leadership positions in Russian cinema, and foreign directors noticed her.

In 2011, she starred with legendary Hollywood actors in the thriller “Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy!” The role was small, but together with foreign colleagues she presented the film at the Venice festival. She was noticed and appreciated. And already in 2013, the girl went to Japan to film a blockbuster about the Marvel character from the X-Men series: “Wolverine: Immortal.”

Thanks to her long-time work on the Japanese catwalk, Khodchenkova did not have language barrier, which helped her to open up to the fullest - she played 2 roles at once, Doctor Victoria and Viper.

Before that, her heroines were “white and fluffy,” but the first villain turned out to be a magnificent vile bitch. In addition, the actress lost weight, and with an almost ideal figure, covered with emerald latex, she reminded (or eclipsed?) the legendary Catwomen. She received a collaboration with Hugh Jackman and... her own fan club.

Foreign projects continued in 2015 with Schneider’s film “Bloody Lady Bathory,” where Khodchenkova played the monster countess, one of the cruelest women in history.

At the same time, Svetlana begins to collect a collection of “Georges” - people's awards. In 2012, from 2014 to 2016, she was the best Russian actress, and in 2014 she was also the best Russian actress of the decade.

In addition, in 2014, for her role as the peasant leader Vasilisa in the film of the same name about the War of 1812, she received the prize for best actress at the international festival in Pyongyang.

Awards inspire and motivate original work:

  • in 2015 - Govorukhin’s new film “The End of a Beautiful Era”;
  • in 2016 - a contemporary in “Odnoklassniki”, a former nun from Byzantium in “Viking” and a spy in “Mata Hari”;
  • in 2017, the actress appeared without makeup in the role of a social phobic in the comedy series “You're All Infuriating Me.” Her partner was the former “Shukinite”, actor Pyotr Fedorov, who had long dreamed of their working together. She also starred in “Walking Through Torment,” the sequel to “Odnoklassniki,” and even a video for the Leningrad group. By the way, the name “Ecstasy” turned out to be significant: the clip received about 2 million views in the first 24 hours.
  • 2018 was just as busy and, in a way, a final year: Svetlana Khodchenkova turned 35 years old and received the title of Honored Artist of the RSFSR.


The list of the actress’s film works is approaching a hundred positions, so we will limit ourselves to a selective filmography:

2001 Bless the womanLaricheva
2004 Icon huntersNezhdana
2005 Not by bread aloneDrozdova
Loneliness of loveIrina
Talisman of loveCassandra
2006 Nickname “Albanian”Ermolaeva
Stalin's wifeZhenya
2007 Zero kilometerAlina
2008 Real dadLyudmila
Quiet family lifeMaria
Little MoscowSvetlova
2009 When we were happySintsova
Love in the big cityNastya
2010 Love in the City 2Nastya
2011 Office romance. Our timeKalugina
A short course on a happy lifeUsova
Lavrova methodLavrova
Spy, get out!Irina
5 bridesNastya
2012 MomsKozyreva
Surprise meIrina
Lavrova method 2Lavrova
2013 Wolverine: ImmortalVictoria/Viper
Love in the City 3Nastya
2014 Diary of a first grader's motherMasha
Kuprin. PitZhenya
Likes or dislikesIrina
All this jamYana
2015 WarriorKate
The end of a wonderful eraMarina
Horoscope for luckElena
Bloody Lady BathoryBathory
2016 Mata HariDzhenich
House for rent with all the inconveniencesIrina
2017 On the other side of deathDemina
You all piss me offBagretsova
Odnoklassniki: a new twistVetch
Life aheadLyudmila
In the access zone of loveAnna
Walking through tormentRastorgueva
2018 Dovlatovactress
House arrestIlona
Mom foreverAnna
Guardian of the WayVeronica
Blood on the dance floordancer

Popular performances

Khodchenkova pays her main attention to filming in films and on television, so she has never been included in the troupe of any theater, but she appears on stage in enterprises.

For example, the most famous performance with which the actress tours around Russia is “Love Story. Comedy of Errors." About eternal truths, wise and light at the same time, it was staged as part of the “Independent Theater Project”. There she was also involved in the plays “Moulin Rouge Hospital”, “Santa Claus is a scoundrel!”, “Theater with and without rules”.

At the Theater Center “On Strastnom” she played in the play “These Free Butterflies”.

What are your hobbies in life?

Svetlana Khodchenkova is so busy with work that there should be no time left for hobbies. But what if work is her passion?

The actress, in an interview with women's magazine Marie Claire, talked about her clothing style and demonstrated jewelry the Bulgari brand, of which he is the face. In addition, she recently became the face of another brand - L’Oreal cosmetics, Paris.

She also paid attention to a men's magazine - she starred in photo shoots for Maxim. And, of course, she visited Ivan Urgant.

She also goes to gym, swimming pool, and even relaxes actively on the beach: he loves water skiing, but is also good at downhill skiing.

Personal life

Svetlana is young, successful, beautiful girl and, of course, she has a personal life. But! "How fewer people know about my personal life, the more they trust my characters on the screen,” says the actress and does not like to discuss it in detail.

She married actor Vladimir Yaglych back in 2005.

Having studied together at school, they only became close while filming together in the TV series “My Prechistenka” and “Carousel”. On the day of the premiere of the latter, the young man invited Svetlana on a first date, and the relationship gradually developed. Non-romantic proposal - “That’s it! We need to start a family. Let's get married" was quite unexpected. However, the girl agreed.

For 4 years they did not succeed in becoming parents: not everything went well in the young family. Perhaps more successful career the wife caused irritation and jealousy of her husband. It was rumored that in order to assert himself, he committed adultery and assault - this was no time for children...

In 2010, the couple officially divorced, but did not state the reasons for their divorce.

A year later, the actress met a businessman in the PR field, Georgy Petrishin. They became a civil couple, and in 2015, Georgy proposed to her very romantically: on stage, after the end of the play “Love Story,” he got down on his knee.

The audience applauded her “yes,” and it seemed that a second wedding was inevitable. We discussed the style wedding dress and a media report that Svetlana was pregnant, but in 2016 the couple broke up without disclosing the reasons.

Obviously, the relationship was truly sincere and serious, since they received the right to a second chance: in 2018, Khodchenkova celebrated her 35th birthday with ex-boyfriend. First they vacationed in Bali, and then skied in Switzerland. Unfortunately, this story was not continued.

All other novels of the actress existed at the level of rumors.

Rumors and gossip

Her men diligently recorded many of those whom she talentedly loved on the set or stage.

Maxim Matveev became her boyfriend after the film novel “Loves or Loves,” but the actress hastened to disappoint her fans - at that time she was dating Petrishin.

After the break in relations with Georgy, the media started talking about the doctor Kirill Masliev, but in the spring of 2017 these rumors were replaced by others, about a mysterious oligarch.

Then a new candidate for favorites appeared: Dmitry Malashenko, stage partner. They say he consoled the actress after her failed marriage.

Alexander Ustyugov was her partner in “Love Story”. He commented disrespectfully on rumors about his romance: “They’ll come up with something.”

In the spring of 2019, rumors were provoked by Svetlana herself with “big good stupidity,” which can be called the project of Alexander Molochnikov. He persuaded her to hitchhike around Arizona. Filming everything on mobile phones, they created an unusual short film about an American adventure for Kinotavr. The couple puzzled everyone with their rather passionate kisses and declaration of love. And after that Khodchenkova wrote: “Friends! Decide to turn your life around, at least for a week! Break out of your comfort zone! Thank you, Molochnikov, for dragging me into this madness!”

And the latest October rumors are about Svetlana’s affair with producer Semyon Slepakov. The ubiquitous paparazzi saw them kissing in the Hermitage, and earlier the media noted their joint appearance at the GQ Person of the Year award ceremony. Express Newspaper claims that their relationship began during the filming of the series House Arrest.

What is he doing now?

Svetlana Khodchenkova currently still lives in Moscow. 2019 is full of creativity.

She has leading roles in the mystical “Sect”, the romantic “Moscow in Love” and the very “fresh” spy “Hero”. There she was accompanied by the venerable Vladimir Mashkov and the young star Alexander Petrov. By the way, she was also suspected of having an affair with Petrov.

One of the most anticipated premieres is “She Has a Different Name.” Khodchenkova not only plays a role that is completely atypical for herself (the main one, of course), but also produces the film.

In 2020, the sports drama “On the Edge” will also be released, where she will be one of the 2 saber rivals. Also in the works is the detective story “On the Other Side”; On November 19, filming began for the film “Tea Rose”; plans include the main role in the comedy “I Killed My Husband.”

In an extraordinary creative personality all life - interesting fact, which we are telling. It’s difficult to single out just one thing, except perhaps the topic of finance.

My first money - 1000 dollars earned in the modeling business,

the girl put it on the altar of the family: she paid for the installation of a home telephone. This was probably a small price to pay for my mother’s happiness...

Svetlana Khodchenkova on the importance of taking care of yourself