Karol Elena bio series read in full. Books by Elena Karol by series

An ordinary gray mouse. Common name. The usual profession of a human resources employee. Ordinary... Yes, everything is ordinary! But no luck, even if you crack it. Not at home, not at work, not in personal life. But one morning I received an email with a job offer... In a branch of hell. Refuse? Perhaps... no.

Urban fantasy, romance novel, a little detective, seasoned with erotic pepper and drenched in sweet syrup. If this doesn’t bother you, then welcome to our astral plane, where you will be met by obstinate and sexy witches, impudent and enterprising witchers, envious and insidious ill-wishers and, of course, cute cats!

Once you believe that the past has been let go, the villainous fate once again makes adjustments to your plans. Just yesterday, Aya, the immortal witch - servant of Hecate, thought that she had finally become the mistress of her own life, but today it is clear that this is not so: teenagers mysteriously disappear, a necromancer looks at the light, a real Valkyrie takes part in underground battles, yes and the owner of the club where these fights are held is not a person at all...

Dad is a necromancer, mom is a dryad, elves are enemies, you... are just a little bit undead. Wrong undead. Don’t eat alive, I haven’t lost my conscience, and even more so my reason.
What to do, what to do? That's the question!
Although... no, not a question. Of course, to take revenge, with the global perspective of not only punishing all those responsible, but also finding your happiness and getting married. Although no matter how you get married, first let him court you and confess your love, after all, even if you’re a little dead... but when did that stop the necromancers?

A purchase made by a friend to Ksenia’s address becomes not a cute present, but a prison the size of an antique vessel. Ancient fairy tales come to life, but she has no time for laughter and admiration. Now she is a genie - a slave of the lamp and for a whole year she will obey the one who first says the right words.

How to live if you are already a little over thirty, have a sweet daughter, but your personal life is not working out? Maybe you should go to Egypt and go to the seer’s shop to find out that you are entitled to great and pure love? Posted? Exactly? So give it! Oooh... given? Hmm, is it really clean? The fact that it’s big can be seen with the naked eye... Wash it yourself, you say? Is it worth it? What do you mean, “decide for yourself”?!

A mistake in her youth almost cost Zarya her life, and now she is in debt to the gods. Five years of resigned service are behind her, and she faces her last task. But fate is insidious, and the past comes back just when it seems that the cherished goal is just a stone's throw away. It would seem like a standard task, but from the very first days doubts begin to overcome, only becoming deeper with each passing hour.
Who is friend and who is enemy? Who is a colleague and who is a murderer?

It's good to have a dad. It's bad when dad is a demon. It's good to have a bodyguard. It's bad when he doesn't listen to you. It's good to be a well-read and enterprising girl. It's bad when you're being hunted. By whom and for what? Are you really bothering someone? But with what? You are the most ordinary... Well, almost.

It's good to have a dad. It's bad when dad is a demon. It's good to have a bodyguard. It's bad when he doesn't listen to you. It's good to be a well-read and enterprising girl. It's bad when you're being hunted.
By whom and for what? Are you really bothering someone? But with what? You're the most ordinary...
Well, almost.

One day she decided to go against it. One day she said, “I’m already an adult and I decide for myself who I should be with and what I should do.” One day she ran away to start a new, different life.
Independent. No pointer from above.
But who said that he agrees with this?
He gave her time to grow, he gave her time to learn, he gave her time to understand.
He did not give her one thing - other men.
Because incubi, like dragons... are such owners, my word!

Elf of cherry blood

She was born by mistake. And this is probably why her childhood can hardly be called happy. Her youth and naivety were stolen by a mad scientist, and now Vishery's future is in question.

But she has a goal - to become free and happy. And that’s why everything doesn’t matter anymore.

Love is at stake, which means that all means are good. And even though the beloved has not yet realized his own happiness, Vishery knows what to do: this small misunderstanding can be easily resolved.

Zarya at the Blood Academy

Dawn is indebted to the gods who saved her life. Five years of service - uncomplaining, silent, selfless - are coming to an end and there is only one last thing left to deal with. But the insidiousness of fate is limitless, and the past again overtakes Zarya. At first glance, a standard task, but there are so many worries and doubts!

Who is the killer and who is the colleague? Who is the enemy and who is the friend?

A handsome orc, an incubus rector, a fighter healer and a first love... There are too many unknowns in this matter. The slightest mistake can be fatal.

Library arctic fox, bloodthirsty subspecies

Escape from a hated groom penniless, taking only his faithful raven familiar? Easily!
Change gender to throw everyone off the scent? It's difficult, but possible.

Hide within the walls of the Blood Academy? Pure madness, but worth a try.

Bewitch an incubus rector with the darkest past to protect yourself? Good question, but why not... yes!


Contender number nine

She remained calm and composed when she saw someone else's reflection in the mirror.
She did not fall into hysterics when she learned that in another world she would have to fight for the place of the ninth wife of one of the demons.

And she had enough determination to go against the will of the strongest. Farewell palaces and carefree life! Hello, change and unlimited freedom!

And he still has to prove that he is worthy to take a place next to her...

Contender. The one and only

She is beautiful, smart and a very promising magician. Ulyana alarmed half the world so as not to become the concubine of the demon lord. The hitchhiker who interested the legendary Dean... She is already a legend.

But is it really that simple?

Fate sometimes bills for its patronage and therefore has prepared a new test for Ulyana. The young sorceress has already attracted the interest of priests from a special unit, and ahead is a war between the worlds...

No series

Silence? Expensive!

If a strange old lady tries to give you a gift, run away!
If the investigator asks you stupid questions, don’t make him angry!
If unknown cyber hunters make you dubious offers, don’t agree!
If mad scientists are talking heresy, shut up!

But no.

Accept gifts, agree, anger everyone, say what you think, because true love is very close. But to meet your betrothed, you have to break a lot of wood!

Popadanka. If you were killed

Sweet and serene sleep gave way to the pain of falling. The familiar world dissolved, melted, disappeared like smoke. There are only monsters, demons and Dark Lords around.

But the girls from Earth don't give up! We take ourselves into ghostly hands, turn on our heads and force another world to revolve around us. The main thing is to use a backup option...

Holy. Game by dark rules

A witch's fate is determined by two things: her place of birth and her name.
Varvara from the Ural hinterland will certainly become a herbalist and healer.
Angela, born in Moscow, is destined to shine among the difficult capital's elite.
Nyurbina from Transbaikalia will be a shaman.

But the one who was named Svyatoslava, what fate is in store for her? Will she become a blessed saint or play the dark card?

My mortal happiness

She broke the law more than once. He always stood guard over it.
She is the most desirable and profitable bride on the entire continent. He is cursed and alone.

There is nothing in common between them. But sometimes the most ordinary rain blurs the boundaries and the impossible becomes possible.

Thief and Marshal...

Her Majesty's Owl

That's lucky... Where was my head when I - a girl without a family, without a tribe, who grew up in an orphanage - agreed to go on a picnic with a friend? The company is completely unfamiliar, and one of the guys is completely bad: he convinces everyone that he is a vampire. Oh no. He really is a real vampire! Who will I become after a vampire bite and genetic experiments?

And then there were also relatives: dad is a dragon, mom is a vampire queen, grandma is a dragon, and a totem bird in addition is a very responsible and prudent owl. Oh yes! I completely forgot! There is also a half-blood demon groom.

From now on I won’t see an easy and carefree life...

Violetta. Once upon a time there lived... a lich

Mom is a dryad, dad is a necromancer, and therefore you are... just a little bit undead. But the undead are somehow wrong, unsuccessful. You can’t eat the living, you have a conscience, and even more so reason. But the questions are “what to do?” and “what should I do?” — still worry.

But why worry and is it worth looking for answers? First, take revenge on everyone, and then you can get married.

But not right away. Let them first move mountains for you and confess their love, because even the few dead have feelings and desires...

Part-time genie

The gift from a friend turned out to be not a cute present, but a real prison the size of an ancient vessel. Old fairy tales have come to life, but Ksenia is not laughing. From now on she became a genie, a slave to the old lamp. For a whole year she will fulfill the wishes of the one who says the cherished words.

But the words were not spoken, the lamp was destroyed, and now Ksenia is tied to the first person she meets.

But she won’t panic and she won’t be sad either. He’ll just try to deal with this guard from another world.

Through the Looking Glass for Eva

You’re a little over thirty, you have a sweet daughter, but your personal life still hasn’t worked out.

Do you like humorous fantasy? One of the best in this genre is Elena Karol. All books are in series. List of her works in order.

World of Dark and Light

Elf of cherry blood

Her birth is an experiment by a crazy vampire. Her childhood was unenviable. A mad scientist has stolen hope for the future. Her goal is freedom and happiness, nothing can stop her. When love is at stake, the end justifies the means, and even the fact that the man of your dreams does not reciprocate her feelings is just a small misunderstanding. Vishery will overcome anything! Further

Zarina survived. But it's not that simple. Now she is a debtor to the gods and serves obediently for five years. There is one last thing left, which turns out to be fatal! Who is a friend and who is a murderer? Or maybe this incubus rector was a professional killer in the past? Or a cheerful healer-fighter? Or even an orc shaman? On a mission, she meets her first love - an academy teacher? In order not to make a mistake, you need to understand everything. Who to trust and who to fear? And what will tip the balance...? Freedom and life or... true love? Further

Mindlessly running away from home from your unloved fiancé with only your faithful raven familiar on your shoulder? Easily! Conceal your tracks by changing gender? It’s more difficult, but quite doable. Take refuge from enemies within the safe walls of the Blood Academy? Crazy, but doable. Find reliable protection in the person of a mysterious incubus rector with a dark past? Why not... yes! Further


Not everyone gets a second chance at life. And only a few people can remain calm when they see someone else’s reflection in the mirror. And instead of the prepared fate of the ninth wife of a demon of another world, not everyone will decide to go against the will of the strongest and realize their own dreams and goals. A select few can choose to escape on a ship across the ocean to the unknown. Further

Only a clever and beautiful woman who has magical powers can excite half the world, save herself from the fate of the demon lord’s bed toy and charm the legendary Dean... Fate’s favorite, maheshi Ulyana... But is everything as simple as it seems? Will Fate be favorable to Ulyana? When a new test is at stake, and priests from a special unit are pursuing her in a new interworld war. Further

No series

Silence? Expensive!

Don't accept gifts from strangers. Don't run away from investigators. Don't volunteer. Don't argue with mad scientists. Do not accept offers from suspicious cyber hunters. Never do this! Although no... Go for it! And only then will you know that true love is always there. Further

Popadanka. If you were killed

When the dream ends, and the familiar world is replaced by a foreign and hostile one with its Dark Lords, monsters and demons, do not despair! Even in a foreign world, you can prove to everyone that you should be taken into account! Earthly girls don’t give up so easily, because they are used to doing things their own way. Further

My mortal happiness

She is the heir to the throne and a thief rolled into one. He is a damn marshal who feeds on the emotions of criminals. It would seem, what could they have in common? At first glance, absolutely nothing, as well as at the second... But sometimes inviolable boundaries are erased, uniting completely different people... Continue

Her Majesty's Owl

It all started when a simple girl from an orphanage went on a picnic with a friend in a completely unfamiliar company. She was destined to be bitten by a vampire and subjected to genetic experiments, ceasing to be human. But at the same time she recognized her ancestors, who were completely unusual... Continue

Holy. Game by dark rules

Can the blessed saint defy her fate or remain true to her destiny? If Varvara, Angela and Nyurbina trusted their destiny inherent in their name, then can Svyatoslava do the same? Or will she still play a dangerous game according to dark rules? Further

Violetta. Once upon a time there lived... a lich

When your parents are a necromancer and a dryad, and there are a lot of enemies around in the form of elves, then what to do? Take revenge on enemies and punish the guilty? Of course, seek your own happiness, like everyone else! And don’t let the fact that you’re a little dead stop you at all. And these are the ones who get married! Further

Part-time genie

Ksenia, having received a nice gift from a friend, suddenly realizes that this ancient vessel will become her prison. Now she has become a genie, a slave of the lamp, forced to fulfill other people's wishes. But even here the girl’s misadventures did not end. The lamp is destroyed, and Ksenia is tied to the first person she meets... Continue

Through the Looking Glass for Eva

And after thirty, with their daughter in their arms, they find happiness. For this, someone has to go to distant Egypt to visit the shop of a real seer. But for the sake of love, you can accomplish a greater feat. You just have to want it - and big and pure love will find you! Further

It was Elena Karol - all books in series. Bookmark the list of her works to read all the novels by this author. 😉

(estimates: 1 , average: 5,00 out of 5)

Name: Elena Karol
Date of birth: April 6, 1983
Place of birth: Russia, p. Krivosheino, Tomsk region

Elena Karol - biography

Elena Karol is a popular Russian writer who has chosen the genres of humorous and romantic fantasy for her work. Elena Karol is a pseudonym (the author took this surname in honor of her long-lived great-grandmother, but left her first name). At first, the writer wanted to leave the pseudonym “El Sanna” - her “electronic name” with which she is registered on the networks, but the publisher rejected it, advising her to come up with something more serious.

Elena was born on April 6, 1983 in the village of Krivosheino, Tomsk region. At the age of three, the girl moved with her parents to a new place of residence - in the Irkutsk region, the city of Angarsk. There she spent her childhood and school years and currently lives with her family. After graduating from school, the future writer entered an economics university and is now working in her specialty. Elena Karol tries to devote her free time to her family, including her pets; Her hobbies include outdoor activities and literature.

Elena came to writing thanks to her great love of reading. After reading all the interesting books, the future science fiction writer was faced with the fact that there was nothing left to read, and decided to create fascinating stories herself. This is how her creative journey began in the spring of 2012. Since then, the Russian writer has been enthusiastically creating fantasy novels, inspired by her restless muse and listening to her irrepressible imagination.

Elena Karol’s first printed book was published in 2014 - the Alpha Book publishing house published her novel “Through the Looking Glass for Eva.” Full of humor, the fantastic story of a single mother about the search for true love in different dimensions immediately sank into the soul of many readers. Soon the next work of the young author will come out of print - a fantasy about necromancers, elves, dryads and other amazing creatures called “Violetta. Once upon a time there lived... a lich.” After her first works, Elena Karol became incredibly popular - a circle of fans of her work immediately formed, eagerly awaiting the release of her next books. Another off-cycle novel, “Her Majesty’s Owl,” written in 2014, was published only two years later. 2016 turned out to be a surprisingly fruitful year - as many as six works by Elena were published. Three novels formed a real epic “The World of Dark and Light” (the sequence of books in the trilogy - “Dawn at the Academy of Blood”, “Library Arctic Fox, a bloodthirsty subspecies”, “Elf of Cherry Bloods”). Among the most recent novelties published in 2017 is the non-series fantasy novel “Popadanka. If you were killed” and the series “The Contender”. By mid-2017, thirteen books by the talented writer had been published with a total circulation of about 50 thousand copies.

In addition to published works, Elena’s writing collection contains works that did not manage to get to the publishing house. These include novels from the science fiction writer’s early work and her most recent works - the “KISA for Daughter” series, the “BIO” and “In the Labyrinth of Unrealities” dilogies, and the off-cycle novels “Raccoon. Life is a game”, “Called. Ghost on Call”, “Ribbons for the Elements”, “Part-Time Genie”, “Madam Viceroy”, “Alex-Sandra”, “Chimera-plus”, “Cave Retro”, a collection of fantasy stories “City Stories” and others. Some of the works were written under the “network” pseudonym El Sanna. At the moment, Elena is not only developing new stories, but also preparing the most successful, in her opinion, early novels for publication.

All books by Elena Karol are distinguished by lightness and atmosphere, dynamic and original plot, love twists and turns, gracefully woven into the plot outline. The main characters of her works are strong-willed and brave girls who decided to challenge their fate and try their luck in spite of all difficulties. They fight evil spirits, learn the intricacies of magic, reveal family secrets and unravel intrigues of various scales, learn to survive in a parallel reality and, of course, fall in love and fight for their feelings. The novels of the modern writer are replete with colorful characters from fairy tales and unique fantastic artifacts; they organically combine drama and philosophizing, action and humor. The reader rating shows that the best science fiction books include the novels “Through the Looking Glass for Eve”, “Violetta. Once upon a time there lived... a lich”, “My mortal happiness”, “Saint. Playing by dark rules”, “Part-Time Genie”.

The main genres in which the author works are scientific fantasy and heroic fantasy, coupled with a romance novel. However, Elena loves to experiment, diluting fantasy stories with an unusual stylistic combination. Often in her books you can find elements of detective, mysticism, thriller, action, and even erotica (her work “Astro Setup” can be classified as erotic fiction).